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Everything posted by Errol

  1. My thoughts exactly. I'm really pissed off now. Still think we must have a correction soon (a meaningful one), unless this really IS IT.
  2. A Gold Bull and His Prediction: $10,000 an Ounce There are gold bulls. And then there is Shayne McGuire. The 44-year-old pension-fund manager from Texas, who spoke recently at a gold conference in Berlin, caused a stir among the roomful of gold aficionados. His provocation: A book that predicts the price of the precious metal could soar to $10,000 an ounce, more than seven times its current price. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...2233501196.html
  3. In a note last week from Goldman Sachs, one of its gold traders observed that while the recent London Bullion Market Association gold conference in Berlin enjoyed record attendance, and folks were a bit more bullish than last year, it would appear no one owns very much. To wit: "(W)hen participants were surveyed as to how much gold was owned as part of their own personal wealth, in excess of 90% had less than 5% (the increments were 5%, so this number could have been even lower)." http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...not-enough.aspx
  4. Jim Sinclair on gold - You are witnessing the beginning of a period in the gold price that will be marked by totally outrageous volatility. jsmineset.com
  5. With any luck. could fall as low as $1190 and still be well within trend.
  6. Gold is going to $1650 much faster than most of you anticipate. Jim Sinclair - latest comments on jsmineset.com
  7. Gold hitting $1380 in Asian trading.
  8. There's another group as well - people who have lots of gold but want a large correction!
  9. He said the 'coming' violence i.e. the violence that hasn't started yet.
  10. From high to low you will see multi hundred dollar jumps in both directions before it reaches its fulcrum point. Jim Sinclair - http://jsmineset.com/
  11. I have a copy of this. Well worth it.
  12. Looking for the inevitable correction now. Perhaps from $1400 back to $1100-1200. Either way, I'll continue to add on weakness.
  13. The Shoeshine Boy - from FOFOA http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-shoeshine-boy My bet, when the shoeshine boy tells you to buy gold he'll be talking about small gold coins only. GLD probably won't even exist anymore. And in this unique historical case, the shoeshine boy will not be the bad omen of a bubble top mania phase, but he will instead be the amazing bell-ringer of a new era. One in which even shoeshine boys can save their surplus wealth in gold. One I like to call Freegold. Because a physical-only gold market can actually handle everyone PLUS the shoeshine boy, unlike any other market.
  14. Hopefully we'll get a correction soon. Something large would be nice.
  15. Short term, perhaps. Long term the price could go to $5000 +.
  16. Alan Greenspan spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations earlier today, and what was his advice? Said the former Fed chairman: “If all currencies are moving up or down together, the question is: relative to what? Gold is the canary in the coal mine. It signals problems with respect to currency markets. Central banks should pay attention to it.” http://jsmineset.com/2010/09/17/jims-mailbox-539/
  17. I was much younger then (obviously). It was reading Schiff and Jim Sinclair that got me thinking. Both have proved absolutely correct.
  18. Thanks to http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/
  19. Gold as money - http://www.321gold.com/editorials/saville/saville091410.html Looking ahead, is it possible that gold will, again, be money? The answer is yes. Gold is actually better suited to being money today than it ever has been in the past, thanks to technology that allows gold ownership to simply and instantly be transferred without the need to physically move bullion.
  20. I rather like Stewart Thomson's pieces: http://www.321gold.com/editorials/thomson_...n_s_091410.html - The Gold Controllers Want Price Higher It is also, sadly, time for the paper money fan club to meet the gold punisher, and the question is: Are You Prepared?
  21. Yes, I thought it was quite a funny piece as well. The writer seems to place great faith in securities - which is odd given the continual PPT support, the banks messing around with HFT machines and the entire market seemingly based on fraud piled on fraud. The music will stop one day.
  22. I have to say this individual shows a shocking lack of understanding of the importance of gold within a financial system. He ignores the gold wars that have taken place for decades (see 'Gold Wars') and the efforts central banks have made to keep the price under control (admitted on many occasions). Not sure he understands much, to be honest. Or at least, his understanding seems to be warped.
  23. Thunder Road Report On The Imminent Surge In Silver http://www.zerohedge.com/article/thunder-r...r-and-much-more
  24. Matterhorn Asset Management Sets Three Gold Price Targets: $6,000 – $7,000 – $10,000 http://www.zerohedge.com/article/matterhor...%E2%80%93-10000
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