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Everything posted by Errol

  1. I think there will be a strong move in dollar price of gold soon.
  2. My favourite silver/gold coin is the American Eagle.
  3. Btw, a great place to get the latest gold/silver articles is - 321gold.com.
  4. Down-pointing wedges tend to resolve to the upside ...
  5. LOL! This is one of the funniest things I've read in ages.
  6. Eh? Nothing has been fixed or solved. All the problems we had in 2007 are still present. Indeed, the situation has been made worse. I see it getting steadily worse from here on in - leading to a swift and total collapse at some point when the music stops completely. It will be sudden and brutal. I give it 5 years max. I don't think I need to use the old Mises quote again ...
  7. We can't even have a chart without bickering now.
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=af8ronprmsBE Russia’s Central Bank Boosts Gold Holdings 4.1% in Month Russia’s central bank addded 800,000 troy ounces of gold to its reserves last month, increasing its holdings of the metal in dollar terms to $22.4 billion as of Jan. 1, Bank Rossii said on its Web site. The bank’s gold reserves climbed to 20.5 million ounces from 19.7 million the previous month.
  9. Thanks. It was gettting very hard to follow the arguments relating to GM and for anyone who just popped into this forum (i.e. a new joiner) it would be nigh on unreadable. Hardly related to February 2010 gold action either.
  10. Can't we have a separate thread for the GM discussions?
  11. Days like today are meaningless. We'll see daily moves in gold of $100+ in the years to come. Just relax.
  12. All this talk of levels and prices. Sod the levels/prices. Gold is money. The ultimate form. Insurance. At the current time there is nothing else better.
  13. Keep the discussions about banning/personal grievances to a seperate thread. Please. They have no place on a GOLD topic.
  14. Good video summarizing different views on gold - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BMPkktHOSw...embedded#at=410 I go with Rogers (though my long term targets are higher) - I buy if it falls or rises.
  15. Basically my view at the moment. I'd love to see a price closer to £600.
  16. Far too much bickering on this thread. Stick to gold related comments, please (I am aware that my own comment is not gold related ).
  17. Yawn, more like. Seen it all before.
  18. Indeed. I don't think those holding physical gold can ever be subjected to violent corrections. You hold regardless of fiat price.
  19. Ditto. Will be buying more of both as and when funds/timing/chart interpretation permits.
  20. I don't understand. What is it you're trying to say?
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