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Everything posted by Errol

  1. I like the bars as well. Very nice.
  2. According to Jim Willie a a gold bullion bank run is currently in progress - FW: contact with strong ties to info sources huge demands for physical gold are coming from entities holding allocated gold accounts they have deposits at gold bullion banks they are showing up unannounced, with full paperwork, demanding gold to be handed over paperwork consists of lists, bars, dates, serial numbers, weights, and smelter hallmark brands this is a full blown run on the bullion banks it is unclear whether they only doubt their gold remains in possession, or if fake gold is held they are being shown the stacks of shiny pretty gold bars, and urged not to take possession but the entities are not convinced their particular own gold bars are there big clearing houses are owed gold bullion, and the bullion banks do not have it at the same time, the delivery process has been corrupted big cash bribes are being offered in bids to settle in cash without delivery in futures contracts in fact, the cash bribes are patterned in a reduction over consecutive days this gives the impression of the extraordinary period being only a brief segment of time this is a full blown run on the bullion banks we are fast entering the FRAMEWORK of divergence between paper gold and physical gold my source confirmed that the divergence is an end game symptom geez! we might see a $970 gold price before the system just shuts down this is a run on the gold banks did I mention this is a run on the gold banks ?? soon we might not have any prices listed on the gold exchanges soon we might hear of an important default, from a party using courts and legal staffs soon the physical gold price will be some average of five known private party large volume traders this is a run on the gold banks / jim UPDATE Another interesting bit from Jim Willie: "Before leaving the gold and silver front, I have been told by a reliable source, and this has yet to be confirmed that. the Indian gold purchase has turned out to tungsten filled This is now just a rumour. I have emailed Rob Kirby and asked if he can confirm the story. However, Jim Willie has reported to us that all allocated gold everywhere is being audited and proof of quality and weight of the bars are being analyzed as we speak.The bullion banks are resisting owners from taking possession of their bars. We will follow up on this story and on the Indian story as to whether its gold is tungsten or not. Here is his alert to us:"
  3. Still waiting. I'm hoping for the Christmas gift of sub- $1000.
  4. There is life on the Moon? This is stunning news. No wonder they sold so quickly.
  5. This is nothing more than the expected, standard drop in the bull market. Nothing to see here. We've had similar drops all along the way since 2000.
  6. More excited, yes. This correction is what I expected - I'm just wondering how much lower it will go.
  7. http://www.321gold.com/editorials/thomson_...n_s_120809.html - Gold Battlefield: Think Less. Buy More
  8. More bickering on this thread as well, I see. Amazing what volatility and extreme price movements will do to a forum.
  9. Schiff on the gold pull-back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbqzjL0eKg4...feature=channel
  10. Volumes of what though? Paper or real, hard, shiny metal?
  11. Hopefully! If the fools want to surrender physical that's fine by me.
  12. A good fall today. Still hoping it will fall much more.
  13. Indeed. I do think that we must get a correction though. Either that or we go parabolic right here - in which case so be it.
  14. Sadly funds did not permit much stocking up. Now I'm waiting for a correction before I buy again. Quite sanguine though - I've been in since 2000 and have a relaxed attitude to prices.
  15. I think a correction or at least a month or two of consolidation would be healthy here.
  16. http://economicedge.blogspot.com/2009/11/m...ve-to-high.html Martin Armstong – Forced to Move to a High Security Prison to Silence Him?
  17. The debt that is owed simply cannot be repaid This is critical. And it's not just the debt but also the future liabilities - like health care etc etc.
  18. Looks like they've invested more heavily in select gold mining companies. What's the issue?
  19. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/ambro...lization-shift/ China, gold, and the civilization shift So far, China has just 1.7pc of its reserves in gold, or 34m troy ounces. I was told by a top Chinese official that they are buying on the dips so as not to crowd out the market
  20. Indeed. I'm in the infortunate position of being paid in toilet paper. I asked for gold coin but they rejected my request.
  21. Hopefully we'll get a large fall soon. I say a nice move back to $700 would be good.
  22. I want a pullback ffs. Let it fall to $1000. please.
  23. You've seen nothing yet. gold will go to $5000 and stay up there (give or take a little). In the course of the next few years we'll see falls/rises of $100's of dollars in a day (possibly even an hour).
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