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Everything posted by Errol

  1. Stunning performance from gold/silver so far today. After the opening plunge, gold came back strong - very bullish action.
  2. Not sure what your point is? I can give you projected ones (it says 'projection') but they may or may not be the right ones.
  3. Am I right in saying that a lot of people here use GoldMoney?
  4. I presume Tom does not sell his core physical holding? If he does, he is clearly insane.
  5. I refer to Jim Sinclair as "Big Jim" because he held 22,000 COMEX gold longs in the last bull market. In today's world, that is the equivalent of a position of 200,000 contracts. Stewart Thomson - http://www.321gold.com/editorials/thomson_...n_s_081710.html.
  6. If Deflation Wins, What Will Gold Stocks Do? But of course we’ve got the biggie we can look at, and the seriousness of the Great Depression can give us a big clue as to how gold stocks behave in a true deflationary environment. From 1929 until January 1933, the stock of Homestake Mining, the largest gold producer in the U.S., rose 474%. Dome Mines, the largest Canadian producer, advanced 558%. In spite of the gold price being fixed at the time, gold stocks rose dramatically. At the same time, the DJIA lost 73% of its value. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-pos...-gold-stocks-do
  7. There's never a bad time to buy gold. Judge wealth by ounces not the fiat units.
  8. Chart from the excellent Jesse's Café Américain .
  9. You're talking about physical metal or some kind of electronic/paper gold? I would maintain that one should always keep a physical position. Measure wealth in ounces not fiat units.
  10. Baird and Chard have both confirmed to me that copper spotting is not unheard of on Maples. There can be trace amounts of copper etc. Certain types of acid/chemical will also leave a mark.
  11. Unlikely to be rust. It's called copper spotting and is not that unusual on 999 pure gold coins. I have a gold maple with several (quite obvious) copper spots on it. Either that or they are marks where some form of chemical (acid) has splashed onto the coin during manufacture/transport.
  12. Bit of a hassle buying and selling physical ounces, surely? (bearing in mind that Jim Sinclair advises to hold physical in your own hands).
  13. Same as ever, presumably? Today's action is nothing new. This fall is excellent news. I still hope for lower prices and will seek to buy on further weakness. - Gold is a currency with no liabilities attached. - Gold is competition to paper currency. - Gold is not a commodity. - Gold is a barometer of fear. - Gold is a barometer of confidence in Government. - Gold is insurance. - Insurance is not something to trade. - Gold is money when money fails. - Hyperinflation is a currency event, not an economic event. - Hyperinflation is a currency event described as a loss of confidence in the currency. - Gold in your hand eliminates counter-party risk. - Gold is the high ground when the global tsunami hits. - Gold removes financial agents between you and your assets. jsmineset.com
  14. I think it's fair to say that Stewart Thompson knows what he is talking about: Stewart Thomson is a retired Merrill Lynch broker
  15. Is gold in a bubble? - http://www.caseyresearch.com/editorial/347...f=GLD178ED0610D (no).
  16. The bullish set up in silver (and gold) has turned insanely bullish - http://truthingold.blogspot.com/2010/06/si...ay-feeling.html
  17. I wouldn't use a gold ETF to judge anything, frankly. All that matters is physical ounces.
  18. In one of the more remarkable displays of gritty determination and tenacity that the gold market has seen since it first began its decade long bull market, the longs have completely negated the bearish downside reversal day pattern that emerged on the charts after Monday’s significant sell off from a new record high price. This simply does not happen very often, in any market for that matter, and has never occurred in gold since 2001. If you are a short, you have to be reeling in stunned disbelief. There are serious buyers at work in gold. This performance is not merely impressive (that is too mild of a word), it is stupendously rare! Again, at the risk of beating a dead horse, the technical action in gold is telling us that the character of the market has completely changed from the pattern that we have grown accustomed to seeing the past 9 years and has now taken on a life of its own. This is acting like a market that wants to go higher, considerably higher. - Trader Dan Norcini on jsmineset.com http://jsmineset.com/2010/06/25/hourly-act...trader-dan-293/
  19. Another good performance from gold today.
  20. Depends how many people are involved.
  21. From Dan Norcini on jsmineset.com: In one of the more marvelous market displays I have seen in many years, gold was able to shrug off a major technical reversal sign and actually attract enough buying to not only minimize downside movement but actually bounce higher I still cannot get over the amazing resiliency being displayed by gold today. This is definitely not the same gold market as back in 2008. http://jsmineset.com/
  22. Russian Central Bank Gold Purchases Soar In May - China Too? Russia's Central Bank reported purchasing 1.1 million ounces of gold in May. This is a staggering 31.21 tonnes. The chart below is from Richard Nachbar at http://www.coinexpert.com/: The fact of the matter is that what is occurring in Greece, Spain et al is a mere prelude to the kind of financial tsunami that will hit the United States. Perhaps this is why Russia and China are hastening their Central Bank diversification into gold... http://truthingold.blogspot.com/2010/06/ru...-purchases.html
  23. http://truthingold.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for gold/silver fans.
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