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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. War On! Britain is still battling over Brexit Boris vs Teresa M., the anti-Brexit Witch Boris Makes Move... The Times-31 minutes ago Johnson said May's proposal that Britain and the EU should collect each other's tariffs was “entirely preposterous” ... Boris Johnson sets out his manifesto today for the Tories to win the next election, arguing that the government should stop trying to copy Jeremy Corbyn if it wants to defeat Labour. In an interview with The Sunday Times — his first with a newspaper since resigning from the cabinet — the former foreign secretary questioned whether Theresa May believes in Brexit and branded her Chequers plan “deranged”. Johnson also called for the government to be “proud” to advance Conservative ideas and far bolder in building houses and infrastructure. One witch down... Two still to Go! / "the Three Graces"
  2. Golden Valley Mines: Gold Explorer Trading At Substantial Discount To Working Capital Sep. 5, 2018 About: Golden Valley Mines Ltd. (GLVMF), Includes: ATBYF Matt Geiger Summary Fully-diluted market cap is 40% below value of cash + marketable securities. CEO Glenn Mullan has previously made two world-class discoveries. Recent open-market buying from Osisko Gold Royalties. Drill results expected from 3 different option partners by year-end. Golden Valley Mines (OTCQB:GLVMF) (TSXV: GZZ) has been a partnership holding since April 2016 with an average cost basis of C$0.28. The company is a gold-focused prospect generator active primarily in Quebec and Ontario. CEO Glenn Mullan is the current president of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) and an esteemed prospector who originally staked what is now the world-class Canadian Malartic Mine. GZZ owns a 44.7% stake in Abitibi Royalties (OTC:ATBYF) which has been one of the top performing gold companies over the past half-decade. The company also has multiple active option deals as well as a sizable 100%-owned property portfolio. Despite these attributes, GZZ is valued at a substantial 40% discount to the value of its cash + marketable securities. In this Featured Investment piece, I begin by providing an overview of the company - with a particular emphasis on Glenn Mullan’s background, the GZZ share structure, the company’s lean overhead, the insider ownership positioning, and an overview of the company’s assets. We then dig deeper into Golden Valley’s 44.7% stake in Abitibi Royalties. Any investor looking to purchase GZZ must first get comfortable with the Abitibi story. Next, we discuss how Golden Valley shares offer significant upside on a sum of the parts basis. The share price would have to rise 74% from current levels before the company reaches a positive enterprise value. The bonus is that the company also offers exploration upside that is harder to quantify but is very real. We conclude with Golden Valley’s expected catalysts over the coming months, so readers can keep tabs on the company’s progress alongside me. Most significant is first production at the Malartic Mine's Jeffrey Zone, but upcoming drill results from Golden Valley's three option partners (Bonterra Resources (OTCQX:BONXF), Alexandria Minerals (OTCQB:ALXDF), and Battery Minerals Resources) shouldn't be overlooked.
  3. Bette Midler Loses It over Brett Kavanaugh: ‘Lock Up Your Daughters’ == No, Bette. More likely, Your sons need protection from Crazy Woman. What Crazy Christine has done to Brett (damaging his reputation) is far worse than the Drunken Grope she may have received & if she did, it was very probably from someone else. DO VILE FEMALES have NO Empathy whatsoever to injured Men? (esp. if innocent ones)? "Believe Women" => That's Sexist, says Stefan Brett Kavanaugh Testimony: Final Thoughts "Don't believe Women. Don't believe Men. Believe EVIDENCE!" "Believe the victim? ... Well, in fact, we do not know who the victim is."
  4. Wallbridge hit 35 cents, & now has retraced 2 of the 3 gaps Up WM.t ... 10d : Last: 22 cents, on Friday with 4.03Million shares The Gap Down, on very high volume was 25>23 cents ==
  5. "A NATIONAL DISGRACE... Frenzy on the Left" = Righteous Anger : beautiful, cleansing, necessary Taking on the Insanity of the Scumocrats and the Unsubstantiated accusations of Crazy Women / 1 / Kavanaugh's Emotional Opening Statement, 2394 / 2 / Sen. Lindsey Graham Goes BALLISTIC on Democrats’ Despicable Behavior at Kavanaugh Hearing: ‘The Most Despicable Thing I Have Seen in My Time in Politics’ On Thursday, Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., went ballistic on Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats for their coordinated smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, calling it “the most unethical sham” he has ever seen in politics. “Are you aware that at 9:23 on the night of July the 9th, the day you were nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump, Senator Schumer said 23 minutes after your nomination, ‘I’ll oppose judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have,'” he asked Kavanaugh. “Did you meet with Senator Dianne Feinstein on August 20th?” he later asked. "Boy y'all want power I hope you never get it!” Lindsey Graham roars at Democrats. “This is not a job interview, this is hell!” NBC News ✔ @NBCNews BREAKING: Sen. Graham breaks from letting the woman prosecutor do questioning for Republican senators, and delivers an angered and impassioned defense of Judge Kavanaugh. pic.twitter.com/Ql3aUUM8lQ
  6. Cameco +16% after winning Canada tax dispute - Cameco Corporation (NYSE:CCJ) Seeking Alpha · 2 hours ago
  7. SSP / Sandspring ... update : Sandspring’s Toroparu Project is considered to be one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in South America with 10.4Mozs insitu gold (MI&I) resources. The Guia Antigua vein that is the current focus of the Chicharron Project appears to be similar in geology, structure, vein style and mineralogy to other veins in the Segovia mining district. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#5AwH3wpxQPm3OfYc.99
  8. New presentation... from the Denver Gold Forum... > PRESENTATION : http://s21.q4cdn.com/834539576/files/doc_presentations/GCM-DGF-Corporate-Presentation-September-2018.pdf Cheap valuation: Room for 2X-3X gain, with no rise in Gold prices? posted September 26, 2018 09:19 am by invest234 12 Months Excess cash flow $25M net debt $73M and dropping Maria Dama plant has capacity to handle up to 1,200 tpd at present; expandable to 1,500 tpd El Silencio 163 samples (38% of total...read more / 2 / Maria Dama plant has capacity to handle up to 1,200 tpd at present; expandable to 1,500 tpd. El Silencio 163 samples (38% of total) > 30 g/t. good chance of extending very high grade / 3 / is there any other company that generates $25M excess cash per year selling for $100M? after q3 report 12 month excess cash should be even higher since last year q3 they had disruption in production for a month. / 4 / so at 1200$ gold : - all in cost arround 915 profit per oz 285$us 220000 oz x 285 = $62million us before taxes , interest , administration fee ( more if gcm decide to slow down the capex 31 million us in 1 years is big) so what the problem, market cap 110 million can? (41M x C$2.3= xx = US$ XXM.) gcm need somebody like Eric sprott , or bob moriarty to show to the wold this underdog perhap gcm have to buy some of is share with the cash. GCM is a better invest then just leave the money in the bank. just a few shares, like $500000 just to take the share of the manipulator and show a more beautiful graph for the GCM traders Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#dVKbahC9QztpsBEP.99 MY NOTES LTM / Last 12 months Adj.EBITDA : $ 95 M : Ebitda/NetDebt ($73M) = 1.30 Income Tax : $ 19 M Interest------- : $ 9 M : Ebitda/Int.= 10.55 WorkingCap: $ 11 M =================== Discretion : $ 36 M : 38% of EBITDA Capex------ : $ 11 M Excess CF : $ 25 M Segovia: Over 5 million ounces of gold produced through continuous mining over past 150 years. Recently extended mine life by 4 years to 2026 LTM August 2018 gold production totaled 187,108 ounces, up 26% over 2017 pro
  9. From page-1 Uranium Price ... Monthly : Weekly : Daily : $27.50 / Brent ($80.87) = R-34.0% U.T / CAD ($4.69/1.296)= $3.62 /27.50= 13.2% ... US$3.62/80.87= 4.48% U.t / Uranium Part.Cert. ... all :
  10. Uranium Stocks, the Ideal time to Buy? (when they are cheap, & set to take-off) URA / Global X Uranium ETF ... All-data : 5-years : 2-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d : vs-CCO.t : CCO.t ; U-related ... Weekly : 2-yr : 6mo : Why the Uranium Price Must Go Up Rick Mills of Ahead of the Herd The Trump Administration is at it again. On July 18, the financial press got hold of a story that said the next target of the Trump tariffs is likely to be the uranium/nuclear energy sector. In what looks like a repeat of what happened with steel and aluminum, the White House said it would investigate whether uranium imports threaten national security, given how dependent the United States is on the nuclear fuel. If the sector is threatened—and why wouldn't it be, where 90% of the uranium needed for American nuclear reactors comes from abroad—import tariffs would likely be imposed. If that happens, it would hurt nuclear power plants, who are already struggling with low electricity prices and flat demand, Bloomberg noted in reporting the story. But this isn't really about national security, or in legal terms, section 232 of the 1962 Trade Expansion Act, which allows the U.S. government to impose tariffs without a vote by Congress if imports are deemed a national security threat. Section 232 was used to slap 25% tariffs on steel imports and 10% on imports of aluminum in March. It's about two U.S. uranium producers who are fed up competing with state-owned companies in Russia and Kazakhstan (i.e., Rosatom and Kazatomprom). Energy Fuels Inc. (EFR:TSX; UUUU:NYSE.American) and Ur-Energy Inc. (URG:NYSE.MKT; URE:TSX) petitioned the government in January for the probe. Notably absent from the complaint was Uranium Energy Corp. (UEC:NYSE.MKT), which mines uranium in the United States and Paraguay and processes it in Texas. Since they supply less than 5% of the uranium needed for U.S. nuclear power plants, Energy Fuels and Ur-Energy feel threatened, and want protection. Are they likely to find a sympathetic ear in the U.S. government? You bet. Despite the prices of practically everything made from imported steel and aluminum going up, including of course, cars (GM is already losing money), this government doesn't seem to get the fact that slapping tariffs on strategic metals that are in short local supply will hurt domestic industries that must buy those raw materials from abroad. If the complaint is successful, two things could happen: a "buy American" quota that limits uranium imports and reserves 25% of the market for domestic production, or a requirement that utilities purchasing nuclear power buy U.S. uranium. We'll address the likely impact of section 232 on the uranium market in another section, but the truth is, 232 is a red herring. It's a distraction from what is really going on with uranium, which is the setting up of an extremely bullish scenario for uranium investors due to supply shortages in the face of high demand for the nuclear fuel as a result of the ever-growing need for clean power globally. The supply-demand imbalance will mean higher prices. This article will explain how this will come about, and why now is an excellent time to be investing in junior uranium companies that offer the greatest leverage to a rising commodity price. Demand picture Demand for uranium, of course, is directly tied to the need for nuclear power, which is growing exponentially especially in Asia due to the problems with air pollution from coal-fired power plants. The global demand for electricity is expected to increase by 76% by 2030, and while everyone knows about the electric vehicle "revolution," what is not often talked about is how will all that extra power be generated. Much of it will have to come from nuclear. There are currently 452 operating nuclear reactors and 56 new ones under construction globally. According to the World Nuclear Association, China with its appalling air pollution is the leader with 17 new reactors under construction and 184 planned or proposed. Up until recently Japan was out of the nuclear mix, with all but a handful of nuclear reactors shut down for safety checks following damage to the Fukushima Daiichi plant during the 2011 earthquake/tsunami. But Japan, which has no oil and gas of its own and depends heavily on nuclear, now has nine reactors back in operation—a tripling from 2017—and aims for nuclear to represent just under a quarter of its power mix by 2050. Japan's Abe Administration is pro-nuclear. Russia is building nine new reactors and India is constructing seven. A 2015 chart from Thomas Drolet, head of Drolet & Associates Energy Services, was extremely accurate According to nuclear consultant UxC, this means the global capacity for nuclear power is expected to grow by 27% between 2015 and 2030. And that means a whole lot more uranium. How much? UxC estimates annual uranium demand will spike by nearly 60%, from the current 190 million pounds of U3O8 to 300 million pounds by 2030. September 2017, Uranium Participation Corporation But there's a problem. Uranium supply has been steadily dropping since 2016. That year total mined supply was around 163 million pounds, in 2017 it was 154 million, and this year it's estimated to be under 135 million. With current U3O8 demand at 192 million pounds, that leaves a shortfall of at least 57 million pounds. More on why that is in the next section, but first, it's important to understand uncovered uranium demand. Uncovered demand Nuclear utilities buy uranium on long-term contracts, in order to lock in the price. These contracts usually last four to 10 years. The long-term demand for uranium is calculated by figuring out utilities' requirements for U3O8 that is not covered by contracts. This is known as uncovered demand. According to UxC, uncovered uranium demand is projected to increase by up to 54 million pounds by 2020, or just under a third of total demand that year. Then it just keeps rising: 150 million pounds in 2025, 179 million pounds by 2030. That 179 million pounds of uncovered demand is actually 16 million pounds more U3O8 than total mined production predicted for that year. UxC Uranium Market Outlook Q3 2017 Why is this important? Because it means utilities will have to start negotiating long-term contracts soon, in order to prevent themselves being in a situation where their requirements are uncovered. If not, they will have to buy uranium on the spot market to have enough nuclear fuel. The trend since 2010 has been for utilities to buy a greater percentage of material on the spot market, with lower volumes contracted. This means contracting will have to increase in the very near future. By 2025 almost two-thirds of existing contracts will expire. Supply picture At current prices, about three-quarters of uranium mines are uneconomic. This is why several large uranium mines have shut down recently. In 2017, operations at Cameco Corp.'s (CCO:TSX; CCJ:NYSE) McArthur River/Key River were suspended. Rabbit Lake was shut down in 2016. State-owned producer Kazatomprom announced it will cut 20% of its production over the next three years, all in the hope that decreased supply will lift uranium prices beyond the $20-something range per pound, which is below the cost of production. The effect was to give a short-term boost to the uranium spot price. Recently the Kazakh Energy Minister suggested that there would be another 6% production cut, to 56.2 million pounds. Since 2016, between 30 and 33 million pounds of mined uranium has been curtailed, representing about 23% of global production. Conclusion The uranium price is going to rise and when it does, uranium explorers, producers and investors are going to get taken for a very exciting ride. The uranium market is looking at a perfect storm of factors that are very good for U investors right now. Despite its perceived risks, nuclear is a green form of power generation that is emissions-free. The return to nuclear power for uranium-dependent Japan is already happening. The global demand for U3O8 is very likely to increase not only due to that 76% figure mentioned at the top, but because of the need for more power to run electric vehicles. When EVs are plugged in, where does the power come from to recharge them? A bear market in uranium since 2012 has dropped the price to a point where uranium is no longer profitable to mine for most producers. Hence the shutdowns of major uranium mines like McArthur River, Langer Heinrich, and curtailment of production from Kazatomprom. On top of that, big funds are emerging to buy uranium from the spot market. Top producers like Cameco are also buying from spot in order to keep fulfilling its long-term contracts despite cutting production. In the next seven years three-quarters of uranium contracts will expire. Re-contracting will have to take place before then, or before all the uranium in the spot market disappears. Utilities need to re-sign long-term contracts to ensure their uncovered demands are met, and as shown above, uncovered demand is increasing. The shift in the spot market is key; with so much buying going to come into the spot market, it's only a matter of time before the price responds in kind. I've got restricted uranium supply due to shutdowns and depleted mines, steady demand due to global electrification needs and EVs, heavy buying on the spot market and a select junior uranium explorer (juniors historically offer the most leverage to a rising commodity price) on my radar screen. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com > more: https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2018/08/13/why-the-uranium-price-must-go-up.html
  11. Uranium Price ... Monthly : Weekly : Daily : $27.50 / Brent ($80.87) = R-34.0% U.T / CAD ($4.69/1.296)= $3.62 /27.50= 13.2% ... US$3.62/80.87= 4.48% U.t / Uranium Part.Cert. ... all : Ratio: U.t / Brent - 3-years : Range about 5-6% : Last: 5.9% U-related ... update : Cameco (CCJ) to Brent ... update : Oil jumps, then pares gains as Trump pressures OPEC again Sep 25, 2018 04:07PM
  12. UranOil / Uranium vs USO & CCO.t ... mid2010 : 2015 : 2018 : : 2018 : ==
  13. UPDATE - Apr.2018 / Almost a Double from the Aug.2017 Low gcm ... update : to 12/2018 :
  14. Oil breaks through $81... Brent crude closes at highest level since Nov 2014 after OPEC refuses to boost output Brent crude breaches $81 a barrel — its highest level since November 2014 — on the back of a tightening oil market and OPEC leaders signaling they won't be immediately boosting output. Oil producers led by OPEC refused this weekend to agree to a production hike, despite President Donald Trump calling on them to take action last week. The market is growing concerned about undersupply as U.S. sanctions on Iran threaten to reduce supply by about 1 million barrels a day. Meanwhile, U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude rose $1.30, or 1.8 percent, to $72.08, its best settle since July 10. Brent first hit a new four-year high in early morning trade. Oil prices extended gains at midday, and the contract's settle above $80 a barrel positions Brent for a breakout, said John Kilduff, founding partner at energy hedge fund Again Capital. "From there then you could see a greater push higher, really to $83 or $85," he said. "That should engender follow-through buying." J.P. Morgan wrote in its latest market outlook that "a spike to $90 per barrel is likely" in the coming months thanks to U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil exports, which have fallen dramatically in recent months as importers brace for the impending penalties. The bank forecasts Brent and U.S. benchmark WTI prices to average $85 and $76 per barrel, respectively, in the next six months. UranOil / Uranium vs USO & CCO.t ... mid2010 : 2015 : 2018 : : 2018 : ==
  15. Uranium is threatening to BREAK ABOVE the long downtrend U.t / Uranium Partic. certificate. all-data : 10yr : 5yr : 2yr : 12mo : 6mo / 10d : Last: C$4.69 CCO.t / Cameco Corp. ... all-data : 10yr : 5yr : ==
  16. Western Civilization is being BORKed by the Left Mark Levin on BORKING etc - SCUMocRats have hijacked the nomination process Life, Liberty & Levin 9/23/18 After the failure of his confirmation, Robert Bork saw clearly the nature of the Left Later work Following his failure to be confirmed, Bork resigned his seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and was for several years both a professor at George Mason University School of Law and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, a Washington, D.C., based think tank. Bork also consulted for Netscape in the Microsoft litigation. Bork was a fellow at the Hudson Institute. He later served as a visiting professor at the University of Richmond School of Law and was a professor at Ave Maria School of Law in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[41] In 2011, Bork worked as a legal adviser for the presidential campaign of Republican Mitt Romney.[42] Works and views Bork wrote several books, including the two best-sellers The Tempting of America, about his judicial philosophy and his nomination battle, and Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, in which he argued that the rise of the New Left in the 1960s in the U.S. undermined the moral standards necessary for civil society, and spawned a generation of intellectuals who oppose Western civilization. During the period these books were written, as well as most of his adult life, Bork was an agnostic, a fact used pejoratively behind the scenes by Southern Democrats when speaking to their evangelical constituents during his Supreme Court nomination process. > wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bork
  17. Bank Of America Prediction: “The Peak In Home Sales Has Been Reached; Housing No Longer A Tailwind” e's extremely pessimistic on home prices in most major markets worldwide: We're going to see a collapse. The housing bubble is in the process of popping right now. Everybody’s been behaving like speculators. Housing prices have been just like day trading stocks. What’s happening right now is a lot more suggestive of a bubble bursting much more than it does just a correction or a down cycle. I can’t think of a market in the United States I would buy in right now. There’s plenty of people like me who have a memory of how this is going to play out (from the 2007 housing bubble burst), and they’re actually probably all lining up the same way. If you're looking to purchase housing at better values once this current bubble bursts, you don’t want to buy from Joe Six-Pack. You want to buy from a bank or a lender, that will frequently be Fannie May and Freddie Mac. For instance, in 2010, I helped somebody buy a house for $12,000 through an online auction. That house had been refinanced four years before for over $100,000. That same day, we could’ve bought three more for the same $10,000-$12,000 price. That’s the kind of discount you want to see and it's the lenders who are going to be the ones that give you those big discounts. Wait until the distressed sales. You don’t want to be buying retail in real estate. Sheriff sales, trustee sales -- they have to go through this process where they offer the property to anybody who can buy it, including the current owner. They’ll put a print price on it that’s usually what’s owed on the property. When you see them selling it for less than what’s owed, that’s when there’s blood on the streets. Wait until a foreclosure has been sitting on the market for about 6 months, after they've whacked it down eight or nine times. Then make a lowball offer. You have to realize is that the guys that are selling these are hired professional. Their job is to get rid of the houses -- they’ve got so much to spend on them and so much that they're allowed to lose. That’s where we’re headed again. I would be very patient right now about catching a falling knife in the current market. Wait for the coming distressed discounts.
  18. PLOT of Team Hillary is now unwinding - if Pigs could fly... this one prefers to be a political strategist to a witch, who fails repeatedly Clinton Democrat Operative/Adviser to Kavanaugh’s Accuser Caught on July Audio Predicting Coming Plot to Destroy Nomination A Democratic operative and former Clinton White House official who is now an advisor to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, predicted a “strategy” to defeat the US Supreme Court nominee months ago. Ricki Seidman spoke about a plot to take down Kavanaugh in a conference call with the American Constitution Society in July, suggesting a “strategy will emerge” that would destroy the nomination of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick. (Image: screenshot) “I do think that over the coming days and weeks there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it’s possible that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee,” Seidman said in audio that was recorded by the Republican National Committee’s War Room. “And whether or not it ultimately defeats the nominee it will, I think, help people understand why it’s so important that they vote.” . . . According to her bio at TSD Communications where she is a senior principal, Seidman “took a leave of absence in 2008 to work for President Obama’s general election campaign, serving as Vice President Joe Biden’s communications director. In the spring and summer of 2009, she assisted the White House in the successful confirmation effort for President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor.” . . . Seidman “cut her teeth running attack ads against Robert Bork, a nomination that was eventually derailed. She then moved to Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office, where she was instrumental in convincing Anita Hill to go public with her claim that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her,” The Daily Caller reported. Democrats may deny there is a plot to destroy Kavanaugh’s nomination – and his reputation in the process – but the audio clip reveals the real strategies as Seidman is now advising Ford in the political smear campaign. “This feels more like a Democratic super PAC than a legal effort to get at the truth,” a senior Republican official told Politico. Comments white lightning 2 days ago Wake up people. Democrats mean business. They will try to win by any means necessary. We need to fight fire w fire. Ben 2 days ago Do Grassley and Kavanaugh supporters know about this recording? === Rixki Seidman looks like a hideously ugly Fat pig, who has transformed her own bitterness and self-hatred into hatred of successful men
  19. Dow Jones peaking area? Switch from Stocks to Gold? DJIA / DJ Ind. Aver. ... all-data : 10-yr : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6mo : 10d/ Last: 26,743.5 INDU / DJ Ind. Aver. Dow-toGold Dow /Gold Ratio =
  20. Randgold & Centamin may have bottomed RRS.L / Randgold Res. ... all : CEY.L / Centamin Plc ... all : ==
  21. Cameco versus Uranium U.t vs. CCO.t ... update : w/GDX : fr. 9/22/16 :
  22. Seven percent inflation in the Philippines could be around the corner. Rice loss at 558,441 metric tons as storm came during harvest Central bank has pledged strong action at meeting next week More than half a million metric tons of paddy rice were wiped out by Super Typhoon Mangkhut last weekend, adding pressure to rice prices which are already at a record. Michael Enriquez, chief investment officer at Sun Life of Canada Philippines Inc., forecast inflation of as high as 7 percent in September, from 6.4 percent last month, which was the fastest pace since 2009. “There’s a strong possibility inflation will hit that high,” Enriquez said. “Even before the storm, prices have been moving higher, especially for rice and oil.” The typhoon couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Philippines, with soaring inflation and a currency slump of more than 7 percent against the dollar this year prompting the central bank to hike interest rates by 100 basis points since May. . . . ING Groep NV warned that rice prices, which have risen more than 20 percent this year, will soar even more. Inflation may be higher than 6.5 percent in September, Nicholas Mapa, senior economist said in a note Wednesday. The September data is scheduled to be released Oct. 5. Government officials are rushing to implement measures which include easing importation of rice and sugar, but the impact on prices may only start after October, Sun Life’s Enriquez said. Inflation will peak this quarter and start easing in the next few months, central bank Deputy Governor Diwa Guinigundo said this week. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas has pledged to deliver strong action at its Sept. 27 policy meeting. > https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-20/sun-life-sees-7-inflation-in-the-philippines-in-wake-of-typhoon
  23. THREE YEARS ON... that Trump Meets the REAL BOSS seems MORE REAL than ever! The following Video was added to THE PLAYLIST : Trump versus The Network$ One Unknown Family Rules the World; Two Dueling Branches; w/ Dr. Dave Janda Pt 1 ==
  24. Jinx Expired? > Strong close for GCM on Friday: C$2.30 +0.10 : +4.55%, Vol. 74,297 ... Mkt.Depth : 10.0 ( 2.25 - 2.30 ) 131.5 GCM etc - vs. GDXJ & MNT.t ... update : GCM.t only : 9/21/2018: c$2.30 : c$16.29 : $28.08 : GCM Constrained? Low: MNT.t x12.9% - High: GDXJ x 9.5% - 10.5% Ratio: GCM.t / MNT.t Ratio: GDXJ / MNT.t Date-------: GCM.t : MNT.t : x12.9%L// GDXJ : x10.0%Hxcad: GJcad x7.7% 12/30/2016: $1.40 : $16.48 : $2.13 //: $31.55 : $3.16 x1.350= 42.59: 3.28 12/29/2017: $1.96 : $17.39 : $2.24 //: $34.13 : $3.41 x1.257= 42.90: 3.30 05/28/2018: $3.29 : $17.71 : $2.28 //: $32.89*: $3.29 x1.299= 42.72: 3.29 06/14/2018: $3.16 : $17.95 : $2.32 //: $33.20 : $3.32 x1.311= 43.53: 3.35 06/30/2018: $2.88 : $17.44 : $2.25 //: $32.70 : $3.27 x1.314= 42.97: 3.31 08/17/2018: $2.13 : $16.35 : $2.11 //: $27.49 : $2.75 x1.306= 35.90: 2.76 09/21/2018: $2.30 : $16.29 : $2.10 //: $28.08 : $2.81 x1.292= 36.28: 2.79 *5/25-FRI. mon was US holiday === GJcad
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