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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. BLACKMAIL?: Is it happening already (to Congress) ? CONGRESS IS BEING BLACKMAILED? = "we need to UNSEAL the Deals!", suggests Stefan Molyneux. This will LOWER the Risk of blackmail, and may help win back power for the People
  2. Veteran Reporter, Linda Moulton Howe -- puts the pieces together Linda Moulton Howe LIVE The official narrative that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin, is clearly wrong. + Others knew ahead of time, it was coming + There is evidence of multiple shooters + JFK "threatened to reveal 'Our Top secret' to the Russians, so Dulles and his people felt compelled to act + LBJ and J Edgar Hoover seem to have been in on the plan, or at least helped in the cover-up + Where was GHWB, and what was he up to, on the day of JFK's demise?
  3. An SJW is living right inside your phone ! (Kill it!) Amazon’s Alexa is a CRAZY SJW LIBERAL! | Louder With Crowder
  4. Ian Ball of Abitibi Royalties: Leveraging Exploration at a Major Gold Mine Ball, who's president and CEO of Abitibi Royalties, talks about how an extensive drill program at the Canadian Malartic mine is helping his company. Abitibi Royalties Investor Presentation March 2017 Abitibi Royalties (TSXV:RZZ) isn’t a typical gold stock, but President and CEO Ian Ball believes it’s worth a look. Speaking via phone, Ball described his company as “the only royalty company right now where the main driver of value is exploration,” and suggested that Abitibi’s other attributes — such as its declining share count and investment portfolio — only add to its appeal. The company’s key assets are the net smelter return (NSR) royalties it holds on the Canadian Malartic mine. Located in Quebec, it began producing in 2011 and is now one of Canada’s largest gold mines. Originally the mine was owned by Osisko Mining, but major miners Yamana Gold (TSX:YRI,NYSE:AUY) and Agnico Eagle Mines (TSX:AEM,NYSE:AEM) took over the company in 2014, and launched the Canadian Malartic Partnership to operate the mine. Exploration at Canadian Malartic is ongoing, and Abitibi holds NSRs on several parts of the property. Those include a 3-percent NSR on the eastern portion of the mine, where the Jeffrey zone and Barnat extension are located, and a 3-percent NSR on the Odyssey North discovery. Abitibi also has a 2-percent NSR on an area located 300 meters south of the main pit. “Royalty cashflow is expected to begin next year with the commencement of production at the Jeffrey zone,” said Ball. “It got its major approval in the second quarter, and they’ve now started to prepare the area for mining.” Production is set to begin at the Barnat extension in 2019, and Abitibi will receive additional cashflow at that point. An ongoing drill program at Canadian Malartic offers further upside — according to Ball, Yamana and Agnico Eagle have completed about 25,000 meters of drilling each quarter for the last six quarters. “It’s something that is extremely positive [for Abitibi],” he said. “If we were to do that work as an exploration company it would be quite expensive.” He said Abitibi has royalties over “quite a few” of the areas where drilling is now focused. In particular, he’s interested to see new results from the Internal zone, which is located at Odyssey North. “Some of the best drill holes that we’ve seen from the property are coming from the Internal zone, and that seems to be the primary focus for Yamana and Agnico Eagle at Odyssey North,” he explained. Ball is also eager to see how work at the eastern part of Canadian Malartic progresses. Parts of a past-producing mine in the area are covered by one of Abitibi’s NSRs, and he said that Yamana and Agnico Eagle have “started exploration with the view to evaluate it for mining again.” The mine produced around 2.5 million ounces from about the 1930s to the 1980s, and Ball believes it’s “potentially the next catalyst for when results start coming in.” Yamana and Agnico are drilling at targets near the main pit at Canadian Malartic as well. “[They’re] tracking known zones to see if they can expand the mine … basically trying to extend the known mineralization,” Ball explained. An exploration update from the two companies is due soon, and details about the companies’ current work should be included. Aside from Canadian Malartic, Abitibi has a stable of other royalties that Ball has described as “potentially valuable lottery tickets.” Speaking earlier this year, he noted, “we’ve only spent $195,000 to buy 18 of them. If none of them work out it’s not a big deal. But if one of them works out it’s a real positive.” Ball also pointed to the fact that Abitibi has a declining share count and an investment portfolio that includes “large shareholdings in Agnico Eagle and Yamana.” He noted that a lot of work is going at Yamana, saying, “they have two mines that have relatively short mine lives, but they’re making new discoveries that there that I don’t think are being appreciated by the market.” He added that while the company’s third mine has had operational difficulties, “it seems like they’re getting that figured out now.” ====: 11/24/17 update : Sym : Company--- : us$Last: 12mo-L-High: Sh.OS: mktCap: Owned: -Pct.- : $-Value : C$-Cost- : Yield AEM : Agnico Eagle-: $44.69 : $35.05-51.86 : 231.7 : $10.35B: 444.2k : 0.19%: $19.85M : C$16.9m : 0.98% AUY : Yamana Gold-: $02.67 : $02.21-03.65 : 948.5: $2.550B : 3550.k : 0.37%: $09.48M : C$17.5m : 0.75% ==== > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : $29.33M : C$34.4m : ==== > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x1.271 x$29.33M =C$37.3M : YRI / Yamana ... update : 3-yrs : AEM / Agnico Eagle ... update : 3-yrs : “I [also] think people aren’t recognizing that the copper price has improved, and Yamana produces a fair bit of copper from its Chapada mine in Brazil. Yamana I think is one of the companies that has been trading at a discount to its peer group … we’re cautiously optimistic on the Yamana situation and how we see that moving forward,” Ball continued. > https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/precious-metals-investing/gold-investing/abitibi-royalties-exploration-major-gold-mine/?as=1&nameplate_category=Daily
  5. RZZ / Abitibi Royalties Inc ... update : GZZ : Abitibi Royalties Inc. TSX-V: RZZ Abitibi Royalties' objective is to capture the upside potential inherent to the various stages of the mining sector, while limiting the risks related to the difficulties in assessing the rate of success and accurately predicting the costs for exploration, development, and mine operation. Royalties are a right to receive a percentage of the production from a mine. However, royalties may have various structures and they may be created for different reasons and at different stages from exploration to development. Our team has a long history of developing a variety of such structures specifically during the early stages of exploration. This acquired experience makes Abitibi Royalties unique in the universe of royalty companies. Abitibi Royalties was initially spun out of Golden Valley Mines (TSX-V: GZZ) and listed as a public company in 2011. The flagship royalty in this portfolio is 3% net smelter return (NSR) royalty on the eastern portion of the Canadian Malartic mine (owned and operated by Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold), which includes the Barnat Extension and Jeffrey gold deposits. The NSR also includes the exciting new Odyssey North discovery that was announced in 2014. > http://abitibiroyalties.com/corporate/aboutus/ Per share value: The Company generates meaningful cash flow on a per share basis. Despite our royalties at the Canadian Malartic mine being in the development phase and without production until next year, we think it is important that the Company generate cash today (which we will do for a third consecutive year in 2017) while it aims to generate larger amounts in the future. It forces a certain discipline on management, in that they have to make do with current resources and cannot just rely on equity markets for funding. c) Physical gold: The Company takes a portion of its royalty income in gold bullion, which should continue to grow each quarter. This should also defer tax. This is something we have not done for the simple reason that our previous royalty revenue from the Gouldie deposit at the Canadian Malartic mine did not give us this option. The first time we will be able to take our royalty income in gold bullion will be in 2018. Building an ever-larger stockpile of gold would give shareholders more leverage to the metal, which not only doesn’t take a salary or stock options, but has also outperformed the majority of senior gold miners during the past 15 years. d) Share buybacks: The share count goes down, not up. Few, if any, mining companies follow this strategy. We aim to be different. One of the reasons why gold bullion has outperformed the majority of gold companies is that it cannot dilute itself. Only mining companies can do that through the unrestrained issuance of new shares. As you will read in this letter, one reason I think the sector has underperformed most investors’ expectations is that shares have been issued by gold producers in their quest for growth by paying high premiums versus the value they receive and by junior explorers who issue shares on unattractive terms in order to fund their exploration programs. e) Exploration: Provides exposure to exciting discoveries. The good news is that we have a meaningful royalty on a significant discovery at Canada’s largest gold mine that appears to have all the right ingredients to keep getting larger and move towards production. This has been the driving force behind our share price and the reason we have outperformed our peers and gold. The story is no different when you look at the histories of American Barrick, Goldcorp or Franco-Nevada. They were all driven by great discoveries. However, when a mining company touts the “value” of their logistics system to shareholders, you know the days of high returns are probably over. Truly great gold discoveries are rare and becoming increasingly so. Without a great discovery, it becomes hard to separate yourself from the crowd. We should feel lucky knowing Mother Nature has been good to us. f) Growing the business: Continually builds its royalty portfolio through cash flow and other creative means. In mining, “growth” is now a dirty word. Large investors want free cash flow at all costs. Many of these investors were previously beating the drum for more production, more reserves and more leverage! It’s funny how the pendulum can swing from one extreme to the next. The fact is good projects and mines generally deliver excellent returns in both good and bad metals markets. == > LETTER: May 2017 : http://abitibiroyalties.com/investors/letter-to-shareholders/may92017/ 3% NSR Odyssey + Norrie 3% NSR Jeffrey + Barnat 2% NSR Gouldie + Charlie
  6. Golden Valley vs. Abitibi Royalties / GZZ owned 51% of RZZ in 2015 : d#1 : m#2 : (charts) All: GZZ : RZZ : SOI : MZZ : IZZ / 1-yr: GZZ : RZZ : SOI : MZZ : IZZ : Sym.: Company------- : C$price: Low-High-- : ShOS : MktCap : $Cash : BkVal : Pr/BkV : Pr./Ls : Expense : Exp/sh. ====: 11/24/17 update : GZZ : Golden Valley- : $ 0.270 : $0.24-$.495 : 122.7 : $33.1m : $0.00m : $0.172 : 157.% : +$0.00 : $0,000. : $0.000 RZZ : Abitibi Roylaties : $ 8.000 : $7.41- $10.8 : 11.41 : $92.3m : $0.00m : $2.990 : 268.% : +$0.00 : $0,000. : $0.000 ===>: GZZ owns 49.1% of RZZ : $8.00>$92.3m x 49% $45.3m : (5.61/11.4: 49.1%) SOI : Sirios Resources : $ 0.285 : $0.25-$0.56 : 120.1 : $34.2m : $0.00m : ===>: GZZ owns 3.33%: of SOI : $.285>$34.2m x 3.3% $01.1m : (4.00/120.1: 3.33%) MZZ : Val-D'Or Mng. -- : $ 0.115 : $0.07-$0.17 : 18.35 : $2.02m : $0.00m : $.0136 : 845.% : +$0.00 : $0,000. : $0.000 IZZ. : Int'l Pros.Ventures $ 0.350 : $0.16-$0.36 : 22.96 : $8.03m : $0.00m : $0.877 : 977.% : +$0.00 : $0,000. : $0.000 ===> : GZZ owns 44.5%: of MZZ : 18.2% IZZ:$1.46 --- > $2.36m : (8.16/18.4: 44.5%) (4.17/23.0: 18.2%) ===> : Sub-Total RZZ :: + + MZZ : and +++ IZZ : ------- > $47.7m : $0.00m : GZZ website : http://www.goldenvalleymines.com/ : RZZ : MZZ : IZZ : SOI : GZZ Ownership - Per AUG. 2017 Presentation : http://www.goldenvalleymines.com/investors/presentations/GZZ-31-Aug-2017Cdnv2.pdf Sym.: Company ------- : C$price: -Low - High-- : ShOS : %Pct.: xGzzSh: MktCap: Aug.17 Pres. Book Value: 09/30/17: ---------------------------------------------------------- : $40.0m : (Sep.17) === : 08/28/17 Prices : GZZ : Golden Valley-- : $ 0.310 : $0.24- $.495 : 122.7 : 100.%: 122.7 : $38.0m : $39.1M : RZZ : Abitibi Roylaties : $ 9.300 : $7.41- $10.8 : 11.41 : 49.1%: 5.605 : $52.1m : $51.3M : SOI : Sirios Resources: $ 0.380 : $0.25- $0.56 : 120.1 : 03.3%: 4.000 : $1.52m : $1.60M : MZZ : Val d'Or Mining : $ 0.090 : $0.07- $0.17 : 18.35 : 44.5%: 8.164 : $0.73m : $0.70M : IZZ. : Intl Pros. Vents. : $ 0.10E : $0.16- $0.36 : 22.96 : 18.2%: 4.171 : $0.42m : $0.40M : ================== > ------------------------------------------------------ : $54.8m : $54.0M : Cash held, etc-------- : ---------------------------------------------------------- : $7.80m : (Sep.17) OTHER Assets: abt.3% NSR Chechoo: gold royalty: 3% at gold > $1,200- $2,400 -- : $06.8m? (20% SOI) Grassroots Expl. Proj : Active Option Agrmts : GZZ / Golden Valley Resources : GZZ : Ratio: gzz to rzz SIRIOS RESOURCES INC.- Management’s Discussion – Quarterly Highlights – September 30, 2017 Financing activities On August 2, 2017, the Company completed the closing of a flow -through private placement for a total of $5,000,000. It was composed of 11,111,111 flow -through shares at a price of $0.45 each. Budget and upcoming work - Cheechoo Project Diamond drilling 17 560m at $250/m / To come: Oct.17 – April 18 : $4,390,000 CHEECHOO Property The Company owns 100% of the property which consists of 145 claims, covering 75 km2 divided in two non-continuous blocks. It is located 320 km north of Matagami, in Quebec, and 9 km east of the Eleonore gold mine of Goldcorp Inc. The main block of 124 claims, located in the 33B12 NTS sheet, is adjacent to the east of the Eleonore mine. The second block of 21 claims is located in the 33C09 NTS sheet and at around 20 km west of the main block, on which drilling programs are held. Golden Valley Mines Ltd. retains a net smelter return royalty ranging between 2.5% and 4% depending on the gold price and 4% net return for all other minerals extract of the project. Notably, the gold royalty will be 3% for a gold price per ounce between $1,200 and $2,400.
  7. Canadian Lithium companies Nemaska Lithium / TSX NMX / Canada / Lithium : C$672M - Last: C$1.78 ... 5yr : 2yr : Avalon Advanced Materials / CA:AVL Canada / Lithium : C$23.7M - Last: C$0.12 ... 5yr : 2yr : International Lithium Corp / CA:ILC Canada / Lithium : C$16.2M - Last: C$0.18 ... 5yr : 2yr :
  8. IS THIS DISCLOSURE? The section with the interview with Douglas Cady is fascinating Coast To Coast AM - November 21, 2017 UFOs & JFK with Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1xZ4NNakOE November 21, 2017 UFOs & JFK In the first hour, UFO researcher and experiencer Darryl Anka discussed two UFO sightings that he says led to his channeling of the extraterrestrial entity known as ‘’Bashar." Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles discussed the release of JFK records. She described the background of the CIA head Allen Dulles, who was fired by Kennedy in November of 1961. She said that Dulles was also the head of the secretive MJ-12 group, which reportedly had control of all UFO information, including public disinformation as well as back-engineering of captured alien technology. Howard Hunt told Cady, that JFK was killed, because "he was going to reveal to the Russians, our biggest secret" What was it? The Alien presence
  9. Uma Thurman hits out at Harvey Weinstein: 'You don't deserve a bullet' Uma Thurman hits out at Harvey Weinstein and hints at Kill Bill-style ... www.mirror.co.uk › 3am › Celebrity News › Uma Thurman 11 hours ago - Uma Thurman recently admitted that she was too angry to comment publicly about "inappropriate behaviour" in the film industry. ... (Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators – I’m glad it’s going slowly -You don’t deserve a bullet) - stay tuned,” Uma concluded. Sky News 2 hours 49 minutes ago Uma Thurman has broken her silence on the slew of allegations surrounding Harvey Weinstein, telling the disgraced Hollywood producer: "I'm glad it's going slowly - you don't deserve a bullet - stay tuned." The actress, who has worked on several films with Weinstein including Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, had previously said she was too angry to comment on sexual misconduct claims against the producer. But in an emotional Thanksgiving post on Instagram, she suggested she has been a victim of sexual harassment. Her post read: "H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G. I am grateful today, to be alive, for all those I love, and for all those who have the courage to stand up for others. "I said I was angry recently, and I have a few reasons, #metoo, in case you couldn't tell by the look on my face. "I feel it's important to take your time, be fair, be exact, so... Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! (Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators - I'm glad it's going slowly - you don't deserve a bullet) - stay tuned." The post was attached with a photograph of Thurman in Kill Bill: Volume 2, depicting a scene where her character Beatrix Kiddo vows to go on a "rampage of revenge". Last month, when Thurman was previously asked how she felt about women speaking out about their experiences of harassment, she replied: "I think it's commendable. "I have learned, I am not a child and I have learned that... when I've spoken in anger, I usually regret the way I express myself. "So I've been waiting to feel less angry. And when I'm ready, I'll say what I have to say." == > https://uk.yahoo.com/news/thurman-hits-weinstein-dont-deserve-bullet-053300404.html
  10. Gold Is Not The Best Inflation Hedge, This Metal Is - Natixis Neils Christensen Wednesday November 22, 2017 (Kitco News) - With global growth and consumer price pressures expected to tick higher in the next few years, one international bank is trying to debunk the myth that gold is a good inflation hedge. In a report Wednesday, analysts at Naxitis pushed back against the old adage that gold is seen as a traditional inflation hedge. Instead, they prefer a broad basket of commodities, with a focus on base metals and copper in particular. “Within commodities, precious metals are actually one of the weakest vehicles for combating inflation,” the analysts said. The report comes as the U.S. sees a modest rise in inflation after five months of stagnant growth. The analysts said that investors should start taking a more defensive positon to protect against rising price pressures. “Eurozone growth is holding up, the US labor market continues to tighten, and oil has gained pace this year. All of this suggests some heightened potential for inflation to surge,” the analysts said. “By definition, investors cannot predict unexpected inflation that destroys portfolio value. Therefore, it may be prudent to allocate a portion of the portfolio to assets that can protect against this risk and perhaps even offer additional benefits.” Crunching the numbers, Naxitis said that between 1991 and October of this year, a 1% rise in inflation showed that the S&P was the worst inflation hedge with a beta of 2.5; however, gold was only slightly better with a hedge of 5.2. At the top of the list was the energy sector, which had the highest beta at 28.2, and copper came in second at 18. The bank noted that a broad commodity index had a beta of 13.5 to a 1% rise in inflation. “In a hot economy, demand for industrial metals is elevated as they constitute crucial inputs in construction and manufacturing,” the analysts said. Within the gold market only about 14% of demand comes from industrial use mostly as a component in high-end electronics, said the bank. However for copper 65% of demand comes from electrical sector and 25% comes from construction demand. While Natixis likes copper as the global economy heats up, they note that investors would probably do well with a broad-commodity index as this would hedge against sector specific and production risks. However, the bank noted that a broad commodity index weighted with soft commodities and oil will not hedge against core inflation, the Federal Reserve preferred inflation measure, as it strips out volatile energy and food prices. (But GOLD is now the Better Buy!) Ratio: Gold-to-CU Ratio: Gold-to-SPX Ratio: Gold-to-WTI Crude oil Ratio: GDXJ (Junior Gold shares) -toGOLD ==
  11. Penn Building Yet Another New College House Nov, 09, 2017 | 4 Comments | West Philly The University of Pennsylvania wants to increase its dormitory offerings, and a green space at the edge of campus will fall victim to this aspiration. The southeast corner of 40th & Walnut is home to a branch of the Free Library, and a field wraps around the building with frontage on Walnut and Locust Streets. This field definitely gets some use, at least according to some commenters on a Daily Pennsylvanian story, but it seems that [...]
  12. PGO / Primary Gold Ltd. (ASX) ... update Home - Primary GoldPrimary Gold www.primarygold.com.au/ Primary Gold is an Australian-listed emerging gold producer and explorer with multiple near-term production and advanced exploration assets located in the ... Coolgardie Gold Project Overview & Development Strategy Production ready resources Targetting operation start up Q4 2017 ~3,000ha tenement package in the heart of WA Goldfields Tenements include eight established open pits in the north, zero workings in the south (~2m alluvial cover) 200,000oz gold resource base with strong exploration upside Open pit, free milling ore in existing resource base Simple development plan Contract mining operations Processing through local toll treatment facilities Clear Strategy for growth Leverage near term cashflow from Coolgardie operations to develop large scale bulk operations at... Mount Bundy Gold Project 2017 Scoping Study completed for 9 year LOM Flagship asset with +130,000oz/yr potential Targeting large scale bulk operations Significant exploration upside across 1,500km tenement package
  13. FF.t / First Mining Finance ... weekly : 2-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d with more lines =====
  14. Circuit Makati : November 2017 Circuit was once Santa Ana Racetrack Buses & Jeepneys may get this far ... someday (making Circuit more accessible) Looking past Circuit's rising Mall, towards Century City Solstice rises over The Coffee Bean Circuit's watery heart
  15. "We are taking back our country" "Arrest of Podesta... under orders of POTUS" Can this be true? Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstituted Revolution #Oligarchicide After a useful start, he goes on & on without saying anything
  16. AIR Residences - Crazy prices listed My friend went to one of their showrooms a few days ago and he was shocked when they told him the price. For the 26.35sqm unit the price was 6.15M so around 233k per sqm! And the turnover is estimated for the 4Q 2020 so with delays it can easily be 4Q 2021 or even 2022. I really wonder who would pay so much for such a small SMDC condo with turnover in 3 to 4 years. There are much better deals on the secondary market so why would people buy direct from SMDC. I would really be interested to know if they can find buyers for that price. > source, ssc: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1456032&page=21 / 2 / My guess would be the Chinese mainlanders buying everything up that's why prices are now that ridiculously high. Their parking is now more expensive than my studio unit in Jazz (at the time of purchase)
  17. GO OR DIE Resistance Level for Precious Metals SIL vs GLD ... update ==
  18. GO OR DIE Resistance Level for Precious Metals SIL vs GLD ... update ==
  19. Here's a long term chart for First Magestic (FR.t) - going back to even before the days where Mr Neumeyer began building up the company: FR.t / First Magestic ... update ==
  20. SGT Report etc FR.t versus FM.t ... update : vs. FM.t, FF.t Last (11/21/17): FR:c$8.60, FM:c$15.31, FF:c$0.58 GOLD & SILVER BULLS CAPITULATE: BOTTOM IN? Published on 21 Nov 2017 Keith Neumeyer returns to SGT Report to discuss the future of gold, silver, cryptos, mining stocks AND the capitulation of former gold and silver bulls which in my mind signals a BOTTOM in this unloved space. Clif High personally told me his web bot data shows that there will be a present for gold & silver in December. We shall see... Ratio : FF.t to FR.t - buy at 6%? Ratio: FF.t to MNT.t - buy at 3pct ?
  21. RESHAPES TOTALLY - what we know about Uranium One FBI Informant Casts Totally New Light Uranium One Investigation Uranium One - an effort by the Russians to seize control of the Uranium market + Seizing control of Billions of Dollars of Uranium contracts "There is little doubt we had evidence of criminality, before the approval of the Uranium One deal" "Had this been fully revealed, THIS would have killed the Deal."
  22. A-List of Sex Abusers, is also mainly a J-List Isn't it time we started DISCUSSING this Reality ? How can we be SAFE if there is a taboo against discussing it? STATISTICS, let's look at the actual Data! From Sweinstein... to Rose. How many of them are Jewish? 90% of the Victims were abused by Jews - about 2/3rds of the Predators were Jewish The difference is because some Jews (Weinstein, Toback) racked up some big numbers of victims Since Weinstein, here’s a growing list of men accused of sexual misconductby Dan Corey Abuser-------------- : ## : % victim : Cuml count : J ? (where there are "multiple" accusers, I used 10) ====== Harvey Weinstein : 80+: 080 /080 : 01.0 / 01.0 : Y Ben Affleck---------- : 02 : 080 /082 : 01.0 / 02.0 : N Roy Price------------ : 01 : 080 /083 : 01.0 / 03.0 : N Oliver Stone--------- : 01 : 081 /084 : 02.0 / 04.0 : Y Bob Weinstein------ : 01 : 082 /085 : 03.0 / 05.0 : Y John Besh---------- : mult : 082 /095 : 03.0 / 06.0 : N James Toback---- : 238 : 320 /333 : 04.0 / 07.0 : Y Leon Wieseltier--- : mult : 330 /343 : 05.0 / 08.0 : Y Terry Richardson-- : mult : 340 /353 : 06.0 / 09.0 : Y- mother a J., see below, post#2 George H.W.Bush-- : 07 : 340 /360 : 06.0 / 10.0 : N? (crypto J?) Mark Halperin------- : 12 : 352 /372 : 07.0 / 11.0 : Y Kevin Spacey------- : mult: 362 /382 : 07.0 / 12.0 : N - see below: "the great white hope" of Joos Michael Oreskes--- : 08 : 370 /392 : 08.0 / 13.0 : Y Jeremy Piven------- : 03 : 373 /395 : 09.0 / 14.0 : Y Dustin Hoffman----- : 02 : 375 /397 : 10.0 / 15.0 : Y Brett Ratner--------- : 07 : 382 /414 : 11.0 / 16.0 : Y Ed Westwick-------- : 02 : 382 /416 : 11.0 / 17.0 : N Steven Seagal----- : 03 : 383 /419 : 11.3 / 18.0 : 1/4 J: paternal grandparents Louis C.K----------- : 05 : 384 /424 : 11.5 / 19.0 : 1/4 J? Andrew Kreisberg- : 19 : 403 /443 : 12.5 / 20.0 : Y Matt Zimmerman-- : mult : 413 /453 : 13.5 / 21.0 : Y Al Franken---------- : 02 : 415 /455 : 14.5 / 22.0 : Y Jeffrey Tambor----- : 02 : 417 /457 : 15.5 / 23.0 : Y Glenn Thrash------ : 04 : 421 /461 : 16.5 / 24.0 : Y Charlie Rose------- : 08 : 421 /469 : 16.5 / 25.0 : N?, allegedly not J., despite a J-sounding surname ========== Percentages------ : 469 : 90.0% !!! : 66%= about 2/3rd : My guess is ... than close to 100% of these supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Election In early October, reports surfaced that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed or assaulted multiple women over decades. The public condemnation of Weinstein has seemingly emboldened others to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against celebrities — with studios, networks and major companies responding — in what some have dubbed the “Weinstein ripple effect.” Here’s a list of high-profile men who have been accused of sexual harassment, assault or both in the wake of the Weinstein scandal: Harvey WeinsteinNumber of accusers: More than 80 Harvey Weinstein speaks at the "Lion" press junket during the 12th Zurich Film Festival on Sept/ 22, 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland. Alexander Koerner / Getty Images file Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein was fired from the studio he co-founded after a wave of employees and actresses, including Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, alleged sexual harassment and assault in explosive back-to-back reports in The New York Times and The New Yorker. Asia Argento, an Italian actress who told The New Yorker she was sexually assaulted by Weinstein in 1997, tweeted a list of names of more than 80 women who had allegedly been sexually harassed, assaulted, raped or molested by Weinstein dating back to the late 1970s. Argento said she compiled the list with help from other Weinstein accusers. Actress Paz de la Huerta accused the disgraced mogul of raping her in 2010, Vanity Fair reported. Weinstein has denied all allegations that he engaged in non-consensual sex with women, and no criminal charges have been brought against him. “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein,” Weinstein’s spokeswoman, Sallie Hofmeister, said in a statement. . . . Charlie RoseNumber of accusers: 8 Charlie Rose speaks during the 2015 Winter TCA Tour on Jan. 12, 2016 in Pasadena, California. JB Lacroix / WireImage file Television host and journalist Charlie Rose was fired by CBS News, PBS and Bloomberg after eight women accused him of sexual harassment and unwanted advances in a Nov. 20 report in The Washington Post. The allegations against Rose, 75, included groping female colleagues and walking around naked in their presence, The Post reported. All eight women, who alleged incidents that occurred from the late 1990s to 2011, were either employees at the “Charlie Rose” show or hoped to work for it. Three women spoke to The Post on the record and five women chose to remain anonymous. Two women cited in the report, Kyle Godfrey-Ryan and Megan Creydt, confirmed their accounts to NBC News hours after The Post published its report. “It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior,” Rose said in a statement to The Post that he later posted on Twitter. “I am greatly embarrassed. I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.” Rose has long hosted his show, which airs on PBS and is filmed at Bloomberg headquarters, and also had been a co-anchor for “CBS This Morning” and a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.” Bloomberg LP said in a statement to NBC News on Monday: "We are deeply disturbed to learn of these allegations and are immediately suspending the show from airing on Bloomberg TV and radio." "Despite Charlie's important journalistic contribution to our news division, there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a safe, professional workplace," CBS News President David Rhodes said in a statement, in part, announcing Rose's termination Tuesday. "We need to be such a place." Rose has long hosted his show, which airs on PBS and is filmed at Bloomberg headquarters, and also had been a co-anchor for “CBS This Morning” and a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.” Bloomberg LP said in a statement to NBC News on Monday: "We are deeply disturbed to learn of these allegations and are immediately suspending the show from airing on Bloomberg TV and radio." "Despite Charlie's important journalistic contribution to our news division, there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a safe, professional workplace," CBS News President David Rhodes said in a statement, in part, announcing Rose's termination Tuesday. "We need to be such a place." PBS spokeswoman Jennifer Rankin Byrne said in a statement Tuesday: “In light of yesterday’s revelations, PBS has terminated its relationship with Charlie Rose and cancelled distribution of his programs. PBS expects all the producers we work with to provide a workplace where people feel safe and are treated with dignity and respect.” Bloomberg TV confirmed it had severed ties with Rose, but had no further comment as of Tuesday afternoon. == > https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/harvey-weinstein-scandal/weinstein-here-s-growing-list-men-accused-sexual-misconduct-n816546 == > new thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21760
  23. Comparison Meantime on Earth 2, where H3LLary is president... + The US is in recession, and the unemployment rate has pushed above 10% (white male unemployment is 15%) + Nuclear tensions with North Korea, China and Russia are rising + Israel is claiming the permanent right to appoint the head of the US Federal Reserve + Chelsea has been appointed a Senator by governor Brown, replacing Diane Feinstein, Attorney General + White males are leaving the country in droves, as Mexican immigration is at record levels + Kathy Griffin has replaced Colbert as a late night TV host
  24. Comparison: Earth One versus Earth Two Meantime on Earth 2, where H3LLary is president... + The US is in recession, and the unemployment rate has pushed above 10% (white male unemployment is 15%) + Nuclear tensions with North Korea, China and Russia are rising + Israel is claiming the permanent right to appoint the head of the US Federal Reserve + Chelsea has been appointed a Senator by governor Brown, replacing Diane Feinstein, Attorney General + White males are leaving the country in droves, as Mexican immigration is at record levels + Kathy Griffin has replaced Colbert as a late night TV host + Kathy Griffin has replaced Colbert as a late night TV host
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