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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Lie Stream has FAILED to report... BAM! BRAZILE BREAKS SILENCE; HILLARY RIGGED RACE... DIRTY DEAL BEFORE BIDEN PUSHED OUT... Network newscasts don't mention revelations... The broadcast evening newscasts on three major networks on Thursday didn't mention bombshell revelations by former Democratic National Committee interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile. Brazile has written in a new book that she discovered evidence that she said showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign "rigged" the Democratic presidential primary. "ABC's World News Tonight," "NBC Nightly News" and "CBS Evening News" all didn't report the allegations by Brazile on Thursday evening despite it receiving considerable coverage on cable news and in print and online media. Brazile was also trending as one of Twitter's top topics on Thursday. . . . Despite the Brazile blackout, the ABC, NBC and CBS evening newscasts all featured reports on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and the recent indictments of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate, Richard Gates. The so-called Big Three evening newscasts draw more than 20 million viewers combined on a nightly basis.
  2. BRAZILE BREAKS SILENCE... HILLARY RIGGED RACE... Individuals who had maxed out their $2,700 contribution limit to the campaign could write an additional check for $353,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund—that figure represented $10,000 to each of the 32 states’ parties who were part of the Victory Fund agreement—$320,000—and $33,400 to the DNC. The money would be deposited in the states first, and transferred to the DNC shortly after that. Money in the battleground states usually stayed in that state, but all the other states funneled that money directly to the DNC, which quickly transferred the money to Brooklyn. “Wait,” I said. “That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the state party races. You’re telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got the nomination?” Gary said the campaign had to do it or the party would collapse. == WOW! The Truth has come out... at last How utterless useless this woman was! Not know what was going on, screaming at people, failing to take responsibility, and handing it off to the criminal Clintons. Affirmation action in operation, I suppose. I hope she spends the rest of her days rotting in prison, as HELLary heads to the gallows. She should have turned Hillary in before the election, and/or resigned at the DNC - No more excuses, Donna B!
  3. Nov. 2nd Update The Rise & Air from a familiar angle. With the street signs,it is easy to pinpoint where I was standing on a cloudy morning SM's construction method for Air Residences utilizes pre-painted white facades, and so the building goes up with the white coloring in place, much more quickly than the Rise. Close-up showing Air, very high Floor , with The Rise at 52nd floor It would be interesting to hear from an architect which method is higher quality, and more enduring
  4. MFL & BSL Maps - Public Transport cuts through Central City & West Philly Looking North, below: Looking West, below: ( replace these blurred & blown up images?)
  5. A Big Miss? Hillary now in trouble? To drain the swamp, starting with the Clintons will be an excellent beginning / 1 / Robert Mueller Comes up EMPTY! --Dick Morris reports / 2 / The Next Hillary-Uranium Bombshell Dick Morris reporting. Dick should know. He was Hillary and Bill Clinton's chief political advisor 20 years. The satanic one financed the Fake dossier, but some of the material may have been fed in by corrupt elites in the FBI and CIA. Why else would Mr Steele have been involved, asks Morris
  6. DEMS CHEW on 10 year old Nothing-burger No meat for anti-Trump appetites No meat for anti-Trump appetites Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is indicted on $75 million money-laundering charge and accused of conspiring against the U.S. as Mueller probe ramps up – but Trump says it all happened 'years ago' The first charges from the probe of possible Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election were unsealed Monday morning Paul Manafort and Rick Gates surrendered to face charges including conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to launder money Other charges are being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, making false and misleading Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) statements and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts Manafort left his home shortly after 8:00 a.m. to turn himself in; he and Gates were processed at FBI HQ and released Indictment says Manafort and Gates controlled $75 million in slush funds, buying tailored suits, cars, rugs and antiques A federal grand jury approved the indictment on Friday and a judge ordered it sealed then Trump has denied the allegations of collusion with the Russians and called the probe 'a witch hunt' He tweeted Monday that Manafort's alleged crimes happened 'years ago' and the special counsel's focus should be on 'Crooked Hillary & the Dems' An Obama-appointed judge who was confirmed unanimously in the U.S. Senate has been assigned the case Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz4x4Q8alc9 2/ https://hongkong.asi...nothing-burger/
  7. Tax issues maybe, but is there any Trump connection? The sovereign connection seems to be Ukraine, not Russia Let's look into the same issues for the Clintons & Podestas EX-TRUMP CAMPAIGN CHAIR, BUSINESS PARTNER CHARGED... 12-COUNT INDICTMENT... CONSPIRACY AGAINST USA... MONEY LAUNDERING... TAX FRAUD... MANAFORT SURRENDERS TO FEDS ALL of these transactions seem to go way back before Manaford had any connection with the TRUMP campaign The idea of working in Ukraine first came to Manafort in 2004 from Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who controls aluminum producer Rusal. Manafort worked on behalf of Deripaska’s businesses to gain access to markets in the European Union and elsewhere, according to a person familiar with the matter. The consulting arrangement ended by 2007. In 2008, Deripaska put $18.9 million into a private equity fund, based in the Cayman Islands, that Manafort created to invest in businesses in Eastern Europe. Money for the transaction moved through a web of companies in tax havens like the Caymans and Cyprus. Deripaska also paid $7.35 million in management fees. == > https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-30/trump-s-ex-campaign-chairman-manafort-told-to-surrender-to-u-s
  8. CONGRESS IS UNWILLING (Yet) to put Hillary where she belongs Trey Gowdy lays out some of the key issues here - very fairly & impartially, I think Trey Gowdy criticizes Robert Mueller for leaking "It wasn't the Republicans that introduced the Reset button" "There are 5-C's ... and where this falls out on the C's is not yet clear. Whether this is.. collusion, coordination, CONSPIRACY, contact, and coincidence ... I do not know yet." (one part, I do not agree with): suzier55 I really like Trey Gowdy but his assertion that Julian Assange and Wiki leaks is NOT our friend is dead wrong. Assange is a f***ing HERO. After years of investigations, Congress doesn't have answers but America should be willing to accept and absorb any BS that comes from the hallowed halls and the MSM. Without Wiki leaks (Julian Assange), we would all be in the dark and singing Hail to the Chief to Hillary. Thank GOD for our FRIEND... Julian Assange!!! (another comment from YouTube): Jim Gallagher 1 hour ago Gowdy reminds me of a chihuahua. Lots of noise, big bark, no bite. The only thing he does well is show off on the talk shows about how neutral he is. === Also, Gowdy said: "It is sometimes hard to see any difference between the Obama Justice Dept, and the GOP-controlled DOJ" Meantime - Jason Chaffetz says Sessions is not willing to go after Hillary for her many crimes "Congress does not have the guts... it is one reason I left" "Should Jeff Sessions go?" "I do not know the reason to keep him... These people are ALL conflicted"
  9. How is HELLary like the Nat'l Fool-Ball League? They are both still virtue-signaling, while they seem oblivious to the death-slide they are in Hillary Clinton: Anyone Who Accepts Roy Moore’s ‘Bigotry and Hatred’ Should Be Held Accountable by Pam Key29 Oct 20171,165 Saturday night in Washington, D.C. at a dinner for the Human Rights Campaign, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said anyone who endorsed or accepted the “bigotry and hatred” of Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore “should be held accountable.” Clinton said, “When the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama supports the idea that homosexuality should be criminalized, and refuses to say whether or not he thinks that LGBT people should be executed, Americans of every party, of any decency—Democrats, Republicans and independent—should line up and condemn him and those views.” She continued, “And that includes the president, the Senate majority leader, the speaker of the House and every single elected official who endorses a candidate with those views should be held accountable.” == > http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/10/29/hillary-clinton-anyone-accepts-roy-moores-bigotry-hatred-held-accountable/ SHE talks about accountability. Let's show her what it means! Indict, arrest, try her... convict, sentence... then STRETCH HER NECK!
  10. laura, laura, laura, ‘Trump before Trump’: Laura Ingraham brings populist fire to Fox News lineup The talk radio star makes her debut on Fox News on Monday – and by hiring her, Rupert Murdoch seems to have picked a side in the Republican civil war At the ‘Breitbart Embassy’ on Capitol Hill last week, Steve Bannon , the ex-Chief Strategist at the White House now back at the alt-right Breitbart news website, threw a book party for Laura Ingraham, the conservative talk radio star who is poised to ascend to one of the premier spots in American cable TV. Battle hymns of the Republicans: Trump civil war is just getting started Read more When she makes her Fox News debut on Monday evening, in primetime, the media and political establishment will be watching. And by hiring her, it seems, Rupert Murdoch’s network has picked a side in the Republican civil war. Ingraham might as easily be considered an activist as an anchor. As the longtime conservative radio host Charlie Sykes put it to the Guardian: “She’s as hardcore a Trumpist as you’re going to find on the air.” During the recent Republican Senate runoff in Alabama, Ingraham threw her support behind Roy Moore, the Bannon-backed insurgent, even as Donald Trump backed the establishment incumbent, Luther Strange. On her radio show before the vote, Ingraham asked Moore if he thought Trump had become disconnected from his core constituency. “I think that he may be,” Moore replied. “And I think that he’s being badly advised out of the White House.” Moore duly won. When she takes over in Fox News’s 10pm hour, Ingraham will lay down a markerfor the direction Fox is heading, and how closely it intends to side with Trump in Bannon’s battle with the Republican “establishment” [[ https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/oct/29/laura-ingraham-fox-news-populist-fire
  11. Rising Rents Are Pushing More Tenants Past the Breaking Point ByPatrick Clark October 26, 2017 Almost 20 percent of those surveyed struggle to pay the rent Cities rocked by foreclosure crisis still see higher evictions Rents have increased rapidly across U.S. housing markets as the share of renting households has risen faster than the number of new units. Now, in a survey published Thursday by an apartment-listing service, nearly one in five respondents reports struggling to make the monthly payments. While big landlords seem to be succeeding at finding tenants who can keep up, the survey, by Apartment List, suggests escalating housing costs may be straining renters’ resources. Eighteen percent of respondents couldn’t pay the full rent due in at least one of the past three months, according to the poll of 40,000 renters. Of those who have registered for the listing site this year, 3.3 percent said they had been evicted in the past, up from 2.8 percent in 2015. The findings were controlled for income distribution across the website’s 8 million users, according to Chris Salviati, an economist at Apartment List. Its listings skew toward higher-end apartments, attracting more-affluent renters, Salviati said, though it also attracts lower-income renters casting a wide net. Among households earning up to $30,000 a year, 27.5 percent failed to pay the rent in full in at least one of the past three months. Among those earning $30,000 to $60,000, it was 14.8 percent. Even of those making more than $60,000 a year, it was 8.8 percent. . . . The share of households considered rent-burdened--meaning they spend more than 30 percent of their income on debt--ticked down in 2015 but is still historically high. Forty-one percent of renters, meanwhile, said it was hard to find affordable housing near their jobs, according to data from an August survey published by Freddie Mac. == > more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-26/rising-rents-are-pushing-more-tenants-past-the-breaking-point
  12. It's Time! The Judge blows the whistle on Hillary Judge Jeanine: Time to shut it down and lock her up She counts the money that flowed to the Clintons, and considers the consequences. "Starting Monday, this has to happen." Mueller and Rosenstein need to be fired immediately. They have been relying on "false evidence." No need to look further than JJ herself, to find the person act as a Special Prosecutor for the Real crimes of the Clintons.
  13. "I don't want... A white people thing" (?) Writer does not get ... the Zen of living inside one's means ‘Tiny House Hunters’ and the shrinking American dream “It is painfully transparent that people with tiny house budgets often have McMansion dreams” HGTV began airing episodes of Tiny House Hunters, where people pretend to look for a new tiny home and act like it is reasonable to live in a space with fewer than 400 square feet. I thought this fixation was primarily a “white people thing,” until I saw an episode featuring a delightful black lesbian couple, newly married, who bought an adorable tiny home in Southern California with a bay window. On Tiny House Hunters it is painfully transparent that people with tiny house budgets often have McMansion dreams. They too yearn for an open floorplan. They want storage. They want privacy. They want sleek kitchen amenities. They want room to entertain. That desire, to entertain, is the most delusional. In a home built for one, that may, with some dieting and sucking in of the gut, accommodate two, there is no entertaining. When you buy a tiny home, you are also making a commitment to socialize with your friends elsewhere if you hope to keep those friends. As the reality of tiny living sets in, the hunters often lament how tiny a tiny home actually is. Or they are in complete denial and exclaim that there is just so much space. In one episode of Tiny House Hunters a man sat in the “bathtub” in the tiny bathroom. He looked ridiculous, his knees practically in his mouth as he contorted himself into the improbable space. He, the realtor, and his friend, who were all viewing the property, were nonplussed, as if the goings on were perfectly normal. And there I was, shouting at the television, “What is wrong with you people?” I regularly yell at the television during Tiny House Hunters. I have a vivid imagination but it is not so vivid as to let me imagine living in a home with a compost toilet, nor is it so vivid as to make me comfortable with using the kitchen sink also as the bathroom sink. I don’t want to stand up and hit my head on the ceiling of my house. I don’t want the kitchen table to transform into a bed. I don’t want a climbing wall on the side of my tiny house. . . . The episode that really pushed me over the edge was one where a single father was looking to move into a tiny home with his tweenage daughter. Frankly, it was a bit repulsive and unseemly, but the father tried to make this bizarre choice palatable by sharing that he and his daughter wanted to use the money they would save traveling around the world. Having traveled a fair amount, I was, as I watched this episode unfold, quite certain there is no wonder, anywhere in the world, that would merit this kind of domestic sacrifice. Alas, the choice was not mine. As is often the case on Tiny House Hunters, the single father had an impossibly small budget and wanted to find a home that was under 400 square feet and looked “rustic.” Jim, the father, and his daughter looked at three different “homes,” which is the script for the show, and settled on an ugly storage shed. You might think I am exaggerating but I am not. He literally chose an ugly storage shed that looked like an abandoned industrial nightmare on the inside. There was, to be fair, a loft, with “dividers” so both Jim and his daughter could have separate sleeping spaces, but the entire affair was absurd. Jim’s friend, who accompanied him and his daughter on their fake house hunting, thought Jim was crazy. The realtor thought Jim was crazy. Even his daughter offered some indication that she thought her dad was crazy. Jim, however, was undeterred. He bought his tiny home and at the end of the episode, seemed emboldened by his choice. == > https://www.curbed.com/2017/10/25/16526872/tiny-house-hunters-roxane-gay I suppose when one is accustomed to living off others, the beauty of self-reliance gets lost (if that is what is going on here)
  14. The latest numbers are in for Philly’s housing market, and the biggest takeaway is that while the city’s real estate is still hot, relief may be on the way. That’s according to economist Kevin Gillen’s latest “Philadelphia Housing Report: Q3 2017,” which found that while every neighborhood experienced an increase in housing price appreciation, housing inventory seem to have stopped dwindling and may have hit bottom. Q3 by the Numbers $159,900 median house price 10.6% annual house appreciation rate 5,585 sales 38 sales of $1M+ houses This is good news for potential homebuyers who have been dealing with a sellers’ market over the past two quarters with the lowest number of homes for sale since 2001. Said Gillen, “When they (finally!) begin to increase from their current lows, it should provide some long-needed relief from the upward pressure they are exerting on local house prices.” Per usual, Gillen pulled data from the city’s recorder of deeds and Trend MLS for his report, and only included single-family home sales. He found that median house price in Philadelphia is currently $159,900, a slight 1.2 percent increase from last quarter. And unlike previous quarters, home values rose in every neighborhood, with University City’s 7.7 percent rise leading the pack. Interestingly, Gillen also found that the sale of $1 million-plus homes (not including condos) is spreading from outside of the notoriously pricey neighborhoods of Center City and Chestnut Hill. == > https://philly.curbed.com/2017/10/25/16542858/philadelphia-housing-market-q3-statistics-kevin-gillen Related: Report: New homes in Philly metro cost 188 percent more than old houses How Amazon’s HQ2 might impact Philly rents How Philly home prices stack up right now, by neighborhood Latest report ranks Philly as third best metro for Amazon HQ2 Philly’s least expensive homes are leading its housing recovery, study says The latest report questioning where Amazon’s next headquarters should be ranks Philly as the third best choice, with the potential to move into first place. That’s according to Moody’s Analytics, which just published its report on Economy.com. It deemed Austin, Texas as the best metro for Amazon HQ2, with Atlanta and Philadelphia rounding out the top three spots, respectively. Moody’s took a data-driven approach to its findings, focusing on five main criteria: 1) business environment, 2) human capital (i.e. skilled workforce), 3) cost, 4) quality of life, and 5) transportation. It number-crunched a bunch of data and provided each metro with a ranking for each category between 1 to 5.
  15. Intriguing Idea Time Traveller Has Seen 2137 What He Saw Will Astound You
  16. What Happened to Hillary's reputation? The Truth came out Hillary paid for the Dirt ! Donald J. Trump‏ tweeted: Verified account @realDonaldTrump 13h13 hours ago “WHAT HAPPENED” “How Team Hillary played the press for fools on Russia” http://nypost.com/2017/10/26/how-team-hillary-played-the-press-for-fools-on-russia/ … Hillary Clinton’s campaign didn’t just pay for the Kremlin-aided smear job on Donald Trump before the election; she continued to use the dirt after the election to frame her humiliating loss as a Russian conspiracy to steal the election. Bitter to the core, she and her campaign aides hatched a scheme, just 24 hours after conceding the race, to spoon-feed the dirty rumors to an eager liberal media and manufacture the narrative that Russia secretly colluded with her neophyte foe to sabotage her coronation. But it was Hillary who was trying to kneecap Trump, even after he licked her, fair and square, in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other blue states. Exhibit A is the book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. In light of this week’s revelation that Hillary’s campaign funded the dirty anti-Trump “Steele” dossier, the book takes on a new significance. It reveals: “Within 24 hours of her concession speech, [campaign chair John Podesta and manager Robby Mook] assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.” The plan, according to the book, was to push journalists to cover how “Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign,” and it succeeded to a fare-thee-well. After the election, coverage of the Russian “collusion” story was relentless, and it helped pressure investigations and hearings on Capitol Hill and even the naming of a special counsel, which in turn has triggered virtually nonstop coverage.
  17. MUELLER's Brinkmanship? 'FIRST CHARGES FILED'... Mueller Probe Leaks to CNN? The Russia investigation into President Trump's alleged collusion with Russia is being conducted by former FBI director Robert Mueller, who today saw the grand jury he impaneled recommend charges. At least one person could face arrest as soon as this Monday. But while the charges remain sealed until Monday, one news organization had the scoop Friday night. CNN exclusively reported the news Friday, citing anonymous sources connected to the probe. . . . Under the regulations governing special counsel investigations, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has oversight over the Russia investigation, would have been made aware of any charges before they were taken before the grand jury for approval, according to people familiar with the matter. GERGEN: 'Damn About to Break'... COOPER: "David, how serious is this for the Trump Administration?" GERGEN: "Well, it certainly looks like the dam is starting to break now, Anderson, after a long while. I think we’re going to be in expense suspense over the next couple of days until we know exactly what charges are. If the charges relate to collusion or conspiracy against the United States, as Carl just pointed out, or if they're about money laundering, that’s going to send a shudder through the warehouse. BERNSTEIN: Trump Officials Facing '20, 30, 40, or 50 years for Whatever These Crimes Are'... 5 Possible Outcomes... Gergen, you damfvk, the dam already broke when it was revealed that the gawd-dammed HELLary paid for the fake Dossier. BernSTINE is another who may be set up for a surprise UPDATE: Mueller facing new pressure to resign... Special Counsel Robert Mueller is facing a fresh round of calls from conservative critics for his resignation from the Russia collusion probe, amid revelations that have called into question the FBI’s own actions and potentially Mueller’s independence. Powered By This week’s bombshell that a controversial anti-Trump dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign has Republicans asking to what extent the FBI – which received some of the findings and briefly agreed to pay the same researcher to gather intelligence on Trump and Russia – used the politically connected material. Hill investigators also are looking into a Russian firm’s uranium deal that was approved by the Obama administration in 2010 despite reports that the FBI – then led by Mueller – had evidence of bribery involving a subsidiary of that firm. If Mueller gets this move wrong, he is finished -- and may be finished anyway. Bottom-fishing scum-ocrats like Gergen and Bernstein may be shocked
  18. LATEST Prices -- from the Rise & Air developers - Over P 200 k The Rise and Air are standing tall now - er... ah, pricewise too. (The following is what I got when I put "Rise Makati Price" in my search engine / Search Results ): The Rise - PRICE LIST UNIT DETAILS Unit Type Final Price Area(sq.m.) Studio Unit ₱ 5,400,000 24.64 sqm - 25.98 sqm :: P 208.1k One Bedroom ₱ 5,500,000 - 9,500,000 26.49 sqm - 41.53 sqm :: P 207.6k : P 228.8k Two Bedroom ₱ 11,900,000 - 12,400,000 72.21 sqm - 73.89 sqm :: P 164.8k : P 167.8k : (4pt.ave: P 203.1k ) Price - The Rise - Shang Properties, Inc Condo For Sale in Makati City ... www.therisemakatishang.com/the-rise-pricelist ("Air Residences Makati Price" / Search Results ): Air Residences - Price List UNIT DETAILS Unit Type Final Price Area(sq.m.) Studio Unit + Balcony ₱ 4,830,000 22.95 sqm :: P 210.5k : One Bedroom ₱ 4,960,000 26.35 sqm :: P 188.2k One Bedroom+ Balcony ₱ 5,940,000 29.99 sqm :: P 198.1k : (P 202.2k ) 2 more rows Air Residences - SMDC Condo For Sale in San Antonio, Makati City ... www.phsmdcairresidences.com/
  19. Apple's Mothership has landed Here's how Apple solved the challenge of needing new space (no second HQ... in a cheaper city) Apple Park: Apple Campus 2 Now Open September 12, 2017 Good for Apple maybe. but not so good for its employees, who still have to bear the high cost of housing nearby. Walk to Steve Jobs Theater in Apple Park With excellent Japanese narration
  20. Here's how Bloomberg sees it: Traffic Is So Bad in Manila Workers Are Moving Into Dorms Ayala Land Inc., which built Manila’s financial district, is expanding into workers’ dormitories as developers target people fed up with battling some of the world’s worst traffic. The company is investing 3 billion pesos ($58 million) building five dormitories on four sites in the Makati and Taguig business districts, comprising 1,500 units that can house as many as 6,000 people, President Bobby Dy said in an interview. The first dormitory will be ready next year, and has received interest from firms wanting to lease entire floors to keep workers close, he said. “It caters to a segment of the market who would want to stay close to their place of work to improve their productivity and their quality of life,” Dy said. “There’s really a need for this kind of product if you look at the commute times in the last couple of years.” Metro Manila was voted the world’s worst city to drive in > https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-26/manila-s-gridlock-spurs-dormitory-demand-to-keep-workers-close
  21. Manhattan Office Bubble Fizzles without Big Chinese Buyers Manhattan, the biggest most expensive trophy market in the US for commercial real estate, used to be particularly appealing to exuberant foreign investors, such as Chinese conglomerates. But in the third quarter, sales volume of large office properties (minimum $5 million and 50,000 sq. ft.) plunged 67% year-over-year to $991 million, the lowest in five years. It was down 90% from the peak in Q1 2015. “Q3 2017 might signal a return to normalcy for the highly sought-after Manhattan market,” the report by Yardi Systems’ Commercial Café commented. This chart shows the dollar sales volume of large office properties. The $991 million in Q3 is rounded up to $1 billion: https://wolfstreet.com/2017/10/23/manhattan-office-market-fizzles-without-big-chinese-buyers/ https://wolfstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/US-Manhattan-office-sales-2017-q3.png https://wolfstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/US-Manhattan-office-sales-2017-q3_number-deals.png
  22. Philly's competition: "Cool"? Yes. But maybe too Expensive. Frisco's Bubble fears... too much hype? No longer affordable Tech & the China factor has driven prices to unaffordable levels. Sales now down from one year ago. Is there a housing bubble and will it burst in San Francisco? The Mercury News-5 Oct 2017 A report about the risk of a housing bubble in 20 global financial markets rates San Francisco real estate as the most overvalued among the ... UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017: San Francisco is the ... Business Wire (press release)-28 Sep 2017 UBS Wealth Management's UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017 report analyzes residential property prices in 20 select urban areas ... Pending home sales plunge across Bay Area and state The Mercury News-24 Oct 2017 They rose a modest 2.8 percent in San Francisco. .... we will see california housing prices drop off a cliff, one the new tax bill gets signed by Home values in Seattle are growing twice as fast as San Francisco ... Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle)-26 Oct 2017 Zillow Group (Nasdaq: Z, ZG) is reporting that home values in the the ... "Seattle and San Jose, California, have left San Francisco's housing .. ==== San Francisco is a “superstar” city buoyed by the growth of high-wealth households. Prices in San Francisco are up nearly 65 percent since 2011, UBS says, but its housing market is protected by “strong economic fundamentals amid the astonishing boom of tech companies.” So where might the housing bubble pop? Toronto tops UBS’s Global Real Estate Bubble Index for 2017. Also at risk of a housing bubble are Stockholm, Munich, Vancouver, Sydney, London and Hong Kong — though London and Hong Kong, also deemed “superstars,” are presumably at less risk than the others in that group. What could push bubbles toward bursting? Interest rates, for one thing. If they climb, investors could pull back. And then there’s the general problem of affordabilty. “The recovery in the U.S. housing market following the bursting of the housing bubble in 2007 has taken national home prices to new heights,” said Jonathan Woloshin, co-head of Americas Fundamental Research at UBS Wealth Management’s chief investment office. A bit ominously, he added: “In our opinion, housing affordability is significantly more challenged than conventional wisdom posits.” UBS Wealth Management's UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017 report analyzes residential property prices in 20 select urban areas around the world. Toronto faces the greatest risk of a housing bubble, followed in descending order by Stockholm, Munich, Vancouver, Sydney, London, Hong Kong, and Amsterdam. For buyers, San Francisco is the most overvalued US city in the study, followed by Los Angeles. Boston and the New York metro area are fair value, while Chicago is the only undervalued city in the study globally. In San Francisco, in the wake of the technology boom and buoyant foreign demand, real house prices have soared 65% since 2012. Price growth has slowed in recent quarters, but remains 6% above the national average. Despite the thriving economy, average incomes have risen only 10% since 2012 and have not kept pace with house prices, worsening housing affordability further. In Los Angeles, since 2012, real housing prices have increased by 45%, while across the US the figure is just 23%. The prospering economy and demand from China are fueling the boom and show no sign of decelerating. Prices, however, are still 20% below their 2006 peak. While income growth has escalated in the last two years, housing affordability is stretched and should slow price growth. In the New York metro area, real prices rose by less than 3% in the past four quarters and are 10% higher than in 2013, when the market bottomed out. The pace of price growth is only half the national average. Manhattan house-price dynamics were much stronger in the last couple of years, propelled by demand from global investors and new luxury developments. But momentum has already slowed in the high-end market. In Boston, house prices increased by 6% last year and are now 20% higher than in 2012. The regional economy and incomes are growing faster than the national average. Housing affordability remains good compared to other cities in the study. A 60 square meter (650 square foot) flat costs only four annual household incomes. As population growth remains vigorous and supply may be slowing, prices should continue to rise. In Chicago, since 2012, prices have risen by 15% in real terms but remain 30% below their 2006 peak. Decreasing population, sluggish employment and lackluster economic and income growth hinder the recovery of broad-based demand in the housing market. UBS Wealth Management expects price growth to lag behind the national average in the coming quarters. With respect to international markets, the outlook in Europe is heating up. Claudio Saputelli, Head of Global Real Estate for UBS Wealth Management's Chief Investment Office (WM CIO), says: "Improving economic sentiment, partly accompanied by robust income growth in the key cities, has conspired with excessively low borrowing rates to spur vigorous demand for urban housing." In the Asia Pacific region, Hong Kong and Sydney's bubble risk have risen since last year. Singapore remains fairly valued, with diminishing risks, while Tokyo has grown more overvalued in 2017. Superstars take all? Expectations of long-term rising prices partly explain demand for housing investment in major global cities. Many market participants expect the best locations to reap most value growth in the long run – the superstar model – buoyed by the growth of high-wealth households. Falling mortgage rates over the last decade have also made buying a home vastly more attractive. As long as supply cannot increase rapidly, many buyers see "superstar city" prices decoupling from rents, incomes and national price levels. The superstar narrative has received additional impetus in the last couple of years from a surge in international demand, especially from China, which has crowded out local buyers. An average price growth of almost 20% in the last three years has confirmed the expectations of even the most optimistic investors. AFFORDABILITY: Bay Area's red-hot housing market may be cooling off the job market CAR also reported that the share of homes selling above asking price across the state fell from 31 percent in September 2016 to 29 percent in September 2017. But among homes that sold above asking price, the premium paid over asking climbed from 8 percent to 13 percent. Pending home sales fell markedly across California in September, with the largest regional drop-off in the Bay Area where an ongoing housing shortage and exorbitant prices appeared to dissuade some potential buyers. Statewide, the number of pending sales fell 6 percent on a year-over-year basis in September, while they fell 10.8 percent across the Bay Area. Locally, pending sales were down even more dramatically, falling 23.5 percent in Santa Clara County compared to September 2016 and 22.4 percent in San Mateo County. They rose a modest 2.8 percent in San Francisco. CAR didn’t include East Bay pending home sales in its survey. “We can’t ignore the role played by the tight supply in the housing market,” said Oscar Wei, senior economist with CAR. Still, he pointed to additional factors behind September’s dramatic year-over-year drop-off in pending sales. For one, they fell from an unusually high level: Pending sales had surged “abnormally” in September 2016, Wei said, after the Federal Reserve hinted that it would begin to raise interest rates later that year. As a result, buyers rushed to lock in deals to capitalize on low rates. Other buyers rushed to close deals in September 2016, he said, because of another complication: New federal rules governing mortgage record-keeping were about to take effect in October. Afraid they would become mired in the new bookkeeping procedures, buyers and agents doubled down in their efforts to secure deals. THE COOLEST FIVE?? San Francisco, which was credited for its local restaurants, alternative transportation and diversity, is followed by Seattle, famous for recreation, coffee shops and beer breweries, and San Diego, commended for its youth, recreation, and propensity for electric cars. New Orleans and Portland round out the top five coolest cities. However, coolness is at best a nebulous concept. (Philadelphia is not listed as one of the Top 20 "coolest" cities, but it could creep onto the list - particularly if it wins the bid from Amazon, as its 2nd HQ. The "city of brotherly love", is between two cool cities, NYC and Washington, and is at least as walkable, and far cheaper.) Amazon Headquarters Tours : http://www.amazonhqtours.com/ Several years ago, we made a conscious choice to invest in downtown Seattle, even though it would've been cheaper for us to move our headquarters to the ... September was "the ninth month in a row that Seattle home values have grown faster than anywhere else in the nation." (No wonder Amazon is now looking for an alternative place, to add new employees.)
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