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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. L. A. Marzulli - Nephilim in Antartica, September 23rd & Fatima Connections L. A. Marzulli - Nephilim in Antartica, September 23rd & Fatima Connections *Excerpt from https://lamarzulli.wordpress.com / Fatima, Miracle of the Sun, or Harbinger of Deception - This “message” was sent to me by Bob Barber. We must ask ourselves some questions. What is the source of this so-called prophecy? Does it jibe with the Biblical narrative? While I have no idea whether anything will happen on September 23, I do find it interesting. I’ve posted it below. * * * What’s different with this Message to me, is the end of the 100 Year Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima on October 13th. You might remember me relating to you many years ago the conversation Pope Leo XIII heard after saying Mass on October 13, 1884. Here it is: In 1884, after saying morning Mass on October 13th, 33 years to the day before the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Pope Leo XIII fell into some sort of trance during which he experienced a vision while kneeling in thanksgiving. During it he heard two voices, one of which he took to be that of Christ, gentle and kind, and the other that of Satan, Guttural and harsh. Satan said, “I could destroy Your Church if I had the time, and more power over those who give themselves over to the service.” And then Pope Leo heard Christ to answer, “You have the power, you have the time: 100 years.” I really feel, as I have also read, that the 100 years began in 1917. That is why Our Blessed Mother appeared so urgently at Fatima to warn the world. If you have time, click on the following link. http://www.tfsih.com/PDF/OpeningRemar...
  2. Human-Alien Bloodlines, Antarctica Mysteries & the Missing Missing Link with Brad Olsen Human-alien bloodlines, and the mysterious truth about the roots of humanity are explored with Brad Olsen, who illuminates the ancient alien connection that may have been buried in Antarctica. From the inhabitants of Atlantis, to the Paracas skulls, and the Rh blood type markers that trace extraterrestrial DNA among people, Olsen lifts the lid on the Illuminati cover-up of alien contact, in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone. GUEST BIO: Brad Olsen gained the distinction of an "award-winning travel writer" title in February, 2010 when his travel guide Sacred Places North America: 108 Destinations (2nd ed.) won the Bay Area Travel Writers top gold prize award (First Place winner) for the "2010 Best Travel Book for the Planet Earth" category, and again in 2013 when his latest book Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms won the top prize in the category of "New Age" "The Nazis found a way to get to the Schumacher ponds, a geo-thermal hotspot" / 2 / More recent: Nazis Have a Secret Antarctic Fortress? Secret Government Controls D.C.- Brad Olsen Truth Be Told TV Published on Jun 17, 2017 Brad Olsen - Award-Winning Author, Public Speaker, Book Publisher explains how the true government is not Washington but a secret government ran by corporate elite, we discussed what happened to the Third Reich after World War II and did Hitler have a base in the Antartica, theorists claim to have found evidence of an alien base on Smyley Island, off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
  3. (From 2016, but still interesting) Human-Alien Bloodlines, Antarctica Mysteries & the Missing Missing Link with Brad Olsen Human-alien bloodlines, and the mysterious truth about the roots of humanity are explored with Brad Olsen, who illuminates the ancient alien connection that may have been buried in Antarctica. From the inhabitants of Atlantis, to the Paracas skulls, and the Rh blood type markers that trace extraterrestrial DNA among people, Olsen lifts the lid on the Illuminati cover-up of alien contact, in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone. GUEST BIO: Brad Olsen gained the distinction of an "award-winning travel writer" title in February, 2010 when his travel guide Sacred Places North America: 108 Destinations (2nd ed.) won the Bay Area Travel Writers top gold prize award (First Place winner) for the "2010 Best Travel Book for the Planet Earth" category, and again in 2013 when his latest book Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms won the top prize in the category of "New Age" "The Nazis found a way to get to the Schumacher ponds, a geo-thermal hotspot" / 2 / More recent: Nazis Have a Secret Antarctic Fortress? Secret Government Controls D.C.- Brad Olsen Truth Be Told TV Published on Jun 17, 2017 Brad Olsen - Award-Winning Author, Public Speaker, Book Publisher explains how the true government is not Washington but a secret government ran by corporate elite, we discussed what happened to the Third Reich after World War II and did Hitler have a base in the Antartica, theorists claim to have found evidence of an alien base on Smyley Island, off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
  4. EXAMPLE: Choosing colors, and putting them in context "Best" of above, replacing some colors on the middle flat ... Larger image (similar) : Alt.#1 : X : Y : Z : Illustrating how a change of Color, of the Exterior paint color can brighten the look of a street
  5. COLORS of Pine Street in West Philly 4404 Pine St. Lots of ladders needed to get this detailing right on this 3-story building 4047 Pine St. Keeping up with (the colors of) the Jones, on Pine St What to do with THIS property? Example A : Full-size : A examples : lime & light green from above, #4404 Example B : Full-size : B, examples: Any comments? MORE Nearby 45th Street, near Osage St. Osage Street colors, #1 Osage Street colors, #2 Example C : Full-size :
  6. "John's" mysterious phone calls... There are far too many holes in the official story. Is this incident all about Chertoff making billions ? What’s New & Mysterious In Las Vegas Massacre?, 1817
  7. Yes. But can it be fixed? Two Canadians discuss the broken-ness, as if they were Americans Broken America | Gavin McInnes and Stefan Molyneux
  8. Does RDS get it wrong here? Robert Steele - Las Vegas Was A Zio-Con Operation , MSM Is Complicit & How Trump Should Respond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAysq0SDHv8 No bodies. No blood pools. The official narrative makes no sense insimplebeing 9 hours ago (edited) Did they preserve the crime scene? Did they collect bullets for ballistics? Did they do forensics on trajectory? Who gave the figures on the dead? Who collected the bodies? Who did the autopsies? Where's footage from cell phones? Who interviewed the injured? Where is the list of the people that died? Bodycam footage from the shooter take down? Michelle Johnson 11 hours ago (edited) Well sir, you just discredited yourself on the 'no bodies' thing. I live in Vegas. I know people who were shot, trampled, and had to jump over bodies to try to escape with their lives. I have been researching this constantly since it happened and there WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE. Just because the press isn't showing it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I have a dear friend who works at UMC trauma center, and she has worked a non-stop shift trying to support the people who have been injured. They have shipped people to other hospitals after being triaged at UMC, because there were too many to help. A client of mine's sister was grazed by a bullet, had to have 3 staples put in her head and she showed me the picture. So, I might buy the rest of the story about Adelsen/Chertoff as I find that somewhat credible, but you blew it by making the no bodies, no blood assertion. This EVENT did happen. It is not a fabricated media false flag, though I agree they are completely complicit in confusing the story line. I will say, based on my extensive research, that this most CERTAINLY was a combination of DHS drill, crisis actors, and real events. All used to confuse the story, which has been successful. TerribleTim 6 hours ago Steele was a highly placed CIA covert action influence operation insider. His words should carry some weight. There is no mistake that the dual citizen Israeli DHS head Chertoff whose mother was a founding member of the MOSSAD orchestrated this phony fake operation. Chertoff was instrumental in releasing the dancing Israeli's of 9/11 who stated they were only there to document the event with their video equipment. CurtisG 10 hours ago Trump is 100% controlled by the Zionists Bankstas.... don't be fooled. Look at EVERYONE he surrounded himself with they are all Ashkenazi Zionists. Don't believe me research yourself!
  9. My agent friend at Shang says this about The Rise: "I am sending you our latest availability for The Rise Makati. As projected, we will still be having a 30% price increase until the turnover. There are (just) 4% remaining for the foreigner buyers. For the construction update we are at the 50th floor and we are about to top off by the end of 2016. " (he/she means End of 2017, I believe) Note: Up to 40% of the Units in a Condo can be sold to foreign buyers. Hence, they must now be at 36%
  10. I hope so, since I might want to sell one of my condos (an Avida unit) within a few months. So I may soon be able to see how real these prices rises are. Meantime, my agent friend at Shang says this about The Rise: " I am sending you our latest availability for The Rise Makati. As projected, we will still be having a 30% price increase until the turnover. There are 4% remaining for the foreigner buyers. For the construction update we are at the 50th floor and we are about to top off by the end of 2016. "
  11. 60th Street Station on the MFL / Market Frankford Line - Area upgrading? Photos taken at dust, 3 October 2017 Looking South down 60th St. from the MFL platform... Left side only... Close-up... Looking North up 60th St. from the MFL platform 60th Street, looking West - at the street level, from the station walkover The 6000 block is upgrading 6000 block, Lower numbers 6000 block, Higher numbers
  12. Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson Dr. Camille Paglia is a well-known American intellectual and social critic. She has been a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (where this discussion took place) since 1984. She is the author of seven books focusing on literature, visual art, music, and film history, among other topics. The most well-known of these is Sexual Personae (http://amzn.to/2xVGEEV), an expansion of her highly original doctoral thesis at Yale. The newest, Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism, was published by Pantheon Books in March 2017 (http://amzn.to/2hGycTG). Dr. Paglia has been warning about the decline and corruption of the modern humanities for decades, and she is a serious critic of the postmodern ethos that currently dominates much of academia. Although she is a committed equity feminist, she firmly opposes the victim/oppressor narrative that dominates much of modern American and British feminism. In this wide-ranging discussion, we cover (among other topics) the pernicious influence of the French intellectuals of the 1970's on the American academy, the symbolic utility of religious tradition, the tendency toward intellectual conformity and linguistic camouflage among university careerists, the under-utilization of Carl Jung and his student, Erich Neumann, in literary criticism and the study of the humanities, and the demolition of the traditional roles and identity of men and women in the West. RESENTMENT & jealousy have driven academics for decades The ignore the beauty of religion, and instead aim to destroy it (The conversation about gender, maybe 1/4 in, was among the most interesting parts): Camille: "Men need to stand up, and defend themselves." Jordan: "Men know how defend themselves from men, but not from crazy women." Camille: "When society collapses, it will be brought back by men, as women cower in the houses" Camille: "Seeing men always as oppressors, and women always as victims, will assure the permanent infantilization of women."
  13. "Facebook makes everything look depressing" so many people "always virtue-signaling" Getting Zuck'd & Why Facebook is in Terminal Decline "I think facebook as a platform is dying"
  14. TRUTH comes out Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016 October 1, 2017 by Jim Hoft 652 Comments Just four days ago San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto praised FEMA for the work on the island. Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Maria a categaory 5 monster hurricane two weeks later. But Caren Yuliz Cruz Soto is a Democrat so she expects everything to be given to her for free. On Friday she went out on all of the liberal mainstream news outlets and trashed President Trump. The San Juan mayor accused FEMA and President Trump of offering her no help. She said this in front of a pallet of US aid. For the record… Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has refused to visit the FEMA headquarters after several invitations and is not participating in ANY FEMA meetings. Wow! On Saturday FOX News contributor Geraldo Rivera interviewed Mayor Cruz and then tweeted this. Ouch! Geraldo Rivera ✔ @GeraldoRivera #SanJuanMayor says residents are "dying," & somehow @realDonaldTrump is to blame. I'm here. Who is dying? Why? Where? Let me help save them. == > http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/figures-anti-trump-san-juan-mayor-top-hillary-clinton-supporter-2016/
  15. Articles - Links sent to me by email Recent articles on Baltimore say city pop shrinking based on US Census ending 12 months from july 2016. Baltimore population falls, nearing a 100-year low, U.S. Census says Baltimore's population fell by more than 6,700 people in the 12 months that ended July 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday, as the number of people leaving the city for other parts of the United States doubled. The decline wiped out the city's meager gains under Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who sought to draw 10,000 families to the city. And the loss came as the city grapples with rising crime, a homicide spike, a school budget gap and the fallout from the death of Freddie Gray. / 2 / This article which came out 2 days ago on Baltimore property. Baltimore home sellers see low return on investment, Zillow finds Baltimore homeowners who sold their property last year didn’t get much of a return on their investment — just $5,000 more than they paid, according to a new report from Zillow. The return on investment for a home sold in Baltimore in 2016 was 5.4 percent — the lowest among 33 cities studied by Zillow, a real estate database company. Sellers last year in some West Coast cities saw percentage gains more than 10 times higher than in Baltimore, as high growth in technology jobs continues to drive up their home values, sales and the general cost of living. Oakland, Calif., topped the list with a 78 percent gain, followed by Portland, Ore., at 64.7 percent and San Jose, Calif., at 56.5 percent. The highest East Coast cities were No. 8 Philadelphia at 51.7 percent and No. 10 Boston at 49.6 percent.
  16. 9 prime places in Philly for Amazon’s HQ2, mapped uCity Square Filbert Street, , PA 19104 Visit Website The Navy Yard 4747 South Broad Street, , PA 19112 Visit Website Tons of cities have gone to great lengths to convince Amazon that they’re the best pick: A Georgia town said it will change its name to Amazon if the e-commerce giant sets up shop there. Birmingham, Alabama set up a bunch of ginormous Amazon boxes around its city. Philly, which could actually be a top contender, took to the actual internet, launching a three-day video campaign that touted three main reasons why #PhillyDelivers for Amazon HQ2: Its logistics, workforce talent, and livability. The videos were created by Leveler Media: Philly Delivers : Main pitch Philadelphia Delivers: Logistics Livability PHILLY in Third (says Moody's) - Could move higher... The latest report questioning where Amazon’s next headquarters should be ranks Philly as the third best choice, with the potential to move into first place. That’s according to Moody’s Analytics, which just published its report on Economy.com. It deemed Austin, Texas as the best metro for Amazon HQ2, with Atlanta and Philadelphia rounding out the top three spots, respectively. Moody’s took a data-driven approach to its findings, focusing on five main criteria: 1) business environment, 2) human capital (i.e. skilled workforce), 3) cost, 4) quality of life, and 5) transportation. (related): Choices: Amazon says it got 238 entries for 2nd headquarters ABC News Proposals were due last week, and Amazon made clear that tax breaks and grants would be a big factor in deciding what entry prevails. Amazon.com Inc. did not specify which cities or metro areas applied, but many of the location have made their interest public. The company said Monday the proposals came from 43 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, as well as three Mexican states and six Canadian provinces. In a tweet, the company said it was "excited to review each of them." Besides looking for financial incentives, Amazon had stipulated that it wanted to be near a metropolitan area with more than a million people; be able to attract top technical talent; be within 45 minutes of an international airport; have direct access to mass transit; and be able to expand that headquarters to as much as 8 million square feet in the next decade. Illinois, Chicago pack more than $2 billion in incentives into Amazon HQ2 bid Chicago Tribune The mixed blessing of Amazon
  17. Dangerous: Antifa premediated violence exposed These guys are organized and dangerous. But the Lie-stream media will not report it - since it does not fit "the narrative" We-the-people are being manipulated by "news" media. Please wake up! UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media Support Exposed! "The organizer is seemingly a tranny, or a pan-sexual" This fits the pattern where gay activist and alleged Pedo David Brock, who runs Media Matters, as a team of LBGT -etc people running his truth-disruption machine == > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21696
  18. Star Trek Discovery: The writers are obsessed with Racism & identity politics - Is it still watchable?? Star Trek: Discovery is Truly God Awful (Spoilers) "The first officer is one dimensional... Joyless" (just like H3llary Clinton.)
  19. THE LEFT, "they're coming for everything that gives you Joy and Satisfaction" Trump's words worked...
  20. NIGHTMARE of Angry Immigrants Do we really want more people like Eve M. in America?? Tucker Carlson Tonight 9/29/17 - Tucker Carlson Fox News September 29, 2017 NFL VS TRUMP, TOM PRICE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpDCZXASz0A Anyone who disagrees with her is a genocidal racist, right? Why stay, Eve. If it is so bad, please go back to where you and your forebearers came from ! We need to standup for free speech and traditional values, or monsters like Eve will ruin the country
  21. Gran Colombia Gold Files ... 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment for Its Segovia Project September 28, 2017 The updated life-of-mine (“LOM”) plan included in the Technical Report foresees a total of 4.1 million tonnes of material with an average head grade of 8.8 g/t being processed over an extended mine life through the end of 2026, four years longer than the previous LOM plans for the Segovia Project. Over this mine life, the updated LOM plan expects a total of 1.0 million ounces of gold to be produced at an average LOM total cash cost1 of $697 per ounce and an AISC1 (excluding corporate G&A) of $896 per ounce. At an expected long-term gold price of $1,250 per ounce, total LOM undiscounted after-tax free cash flow from mining operations amounts to $210 million and the net present value at a 5% discount rate amounts to $178 million. The Technical Report bearing an effective date of August 7, 2017 was prepared by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (“SRK”) == "Four more years" > 2026
  22. "Elevator Issue" Could apply at SM's Air Residences too At SM's Jazz: the wait for the elevator is 10-15 minutes =
  23. Amazon's Plans : are a big Talking point in Philly right now A growing Philly reaches for the Sky & for a new Employer Here are all the Cities near Philly vying for Amazon's new HQ With Amazon on the hunt to build a second headquarters, cities like Philly are hoping to win the e-commerce giant over. But Philly already has some stiff local competition. It’s been a few weeks since Amazon broke the internet when it announced that it was looking for the next place to put down roots for its second headquarters. Seemingly every major U.S. city except Seattle has thrown its hat into the ring, vying for the chance to bring thousands of jobs to town. Philly is no different. Word on the street is that the city sent a representative to Amazon’s Seattle headquarters earlier this month. It also polled Philly residents, asking anyone and everyone for help on how to bring Amazon here, launching a social media campaign called #PhillyDelivers along with it. Philly touts its affordability, increasing millennial population, and location as reasons why it would make the perfect place for Amazon to set up shop. But it faces stiff competition from cities all around the country—including some of its own neighbors. . . . Philly’s pitch, per the mayor’s office: Obviously, this is going to be a very competitive process. Philadelphia will be submitting a proposal and given their preference for a city with over 1,000,000 people, Philadelphia would provide them with a perfectly located East Coast hub where they have access to a rapidly growing millennial talent pool. We’re also much more affordable than other nearby east coast cities with similar population sizes. OTHER nearby cities: + Campden : has direct access to mass transportation, including major highways + Atlantic City : an aggressive package, including possibly millions of dollars in tax breaks + Bensalem PA : 675 acres of mostly undeveloped land along its riverfront + Wilmington DE : centrally located, home to a lot of corporate headquarters, incl. Bank of America, ING Proposals to Amazon are due by October 19. Stay tuned. Philly wants your help to bring Amazon HQ2 here Philly wants to bring Amazon’s HQ here. But where? 9 prime places in Philly for Amazon’s HQ2, mapped Dear Amazon: Here Are 25+ Really Good ... - Philadelphia Magazine. Sep 7, 2017 - We think Philadelphia would be a PRIME location for Amazon that would make ... The Philly tech and business community is already standing strong with .... We're perfectly located in the northeast corridor which is the most ...
  24. "THE MOVEMENT is bigger than Trump" Mike Cernovich: Roy Moore wins! What this means for GOP and Trump? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNaZXl-syoE "We don't care about the dumb tax cuts... Get the Wall built!" Ben Shapiro: Roy Moore wins Senate Republican primary race against Luther Strange in Alabama "Roy Moore was better known than his opponent" "He pulls out a gun, and everyone goes crazy... If you live in 'Bama & don't own a gun, you're weirdo" (Moore's election) "was more about defeating Mitch McConnell"
  25. These should fit here. / 1 / Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Time Travel|Timothy Leary|June 2017|Coast To Coast AM|EOD 45 ( I will comment once I have a chance to listen to it.) (the following one should be good too): / 2 / The Secrets of Merkaba Magic & Artificial Intelligence - Richard Alan Miller Beyond The Veil Published on Sep 25, 2016 If we’re not already living in an artificial, simulated reality, will we be by the year 2050, as NASA suggests? Dr. Richard Alan Miller joined us to not only address the potential problems of Artificial Intelligence, but also unveil the wonders of Merkaba Mysticism. For the entire broadcast:
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