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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Makes sense, given the leap in LIT. the Lithium etf Global X Lithium ETF / LIT ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo / 10-d / composition: 15 stocks (94.5%) : 8/28: $33.09
  2. Trying to Trap a Truth-teller... but it is not always easy SILICON VALLEY has been thoroughly infiltrated by (((those with an agenda))), like Mr Marty Lasden JD : "there's a huge gap in gender interest in tech" (and programming) Silicon Valley Buzz - James Damore Published on Aug 21, 2017 Controversial figure James Damore, the "Google Manifesto Guy" sits down for a long form interview with Marty Lasden on the latest episode of "Silicon Valley Buzz" at KMVT. Comments: Emily Rose - 5 days ago Damn he is actually not that bad at talking as people claim he is. This guy did try so hard at 19:00 ++ to push him into a corner (if not in the entire interview) and he maneuvered himself out like a pro. DeadLink 404 - 5 days ago Emily Rose he knows the tactics but he can't quite nail them yet. Like he was not jumping off the cliff yes but if he had a bit more rethoric skill he could have strangled the other guy with his own words. Cleiton Abilio - 5 days ago Pathetic interview. The Left is trying to control language. J. Damore nailed it. Frank Duffy - 5 days ago Gotta love the PC authoritarians. Their word traps and witch hunts would be so much funnier if it wasn't so serious.
  3. DEMS = The Virtue-signaling party from hell Alleged pedo, Biden still haunts us... and so does the spin from (((Lie-stream media))) BIDEN'S BACK: 'Battle for Soul of Nation'... Dem's fightin' words: In Charlottesville, that long trail emerged once again into plain view not only for America, but for the whole world to see. The crazed, angry faces illuminated by torches. The chants echoing the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the 1930s. The neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and white supremacists emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the web into the bright light of day on the streets of a historically significant American city. > Spin & Lies from The Atlantic Out on road with Sanders and Warren: Will Dems follow to left? Midterms may provide control -- and chance to impeach... Threats of political violence rise... Compare the UTTER GARBAGE from the Atlantic, above with some sensible things said by Bill O'Reilly who has "almost never" met a white supremacist Bill O'Reilly on The Glenn Beck Show (8/25/2017) The scumbag media calls a "white supremacist" anyone who is white who realizes their rights are being slowly taken away, while immigrants and other "fashionable minorities" are being granted special rights, & job preferences. The Dems support this unfairness with lies and an appeal to minorities. The Media denies the truth of this harsh reality, and slanders anyone who points it out, calling them a "racist", a "sexist", or worse. The JQ needs solving, and the way I want to see it solved is by the many Good joos beginning to expose the Lies of their brethren. I fear that A big battle against lies, spin, and mental enslavement lies in our future
  4. THERE IS GOING TO BE A BATTLE on Planet Earth ... when the Good Guys come back (This is fruly fascinating material and the brilliant Stan Deyo tells his story in such a believable way) Former FBI Informant Stan Deyo Talks about The Next World War Due To Reptilians Takeover Not exactly a perfect fit here - but I found this material very interesting, and the interviewee has a unique and relevant background, having done anti-gravity research =
  5. THERE IS GOING TO BE A BATTLE on Planet Earth ... when the Good Guys come back (This is fruly fascinating material and the brilliant Stan Deyo tells his story in such a believable way) Former FBI Informant Stan Deyo Talks about The Next World War Due To Reptilians Takeover
  6. Michele Obama's "package"? The final proof? includes a video going viral / Chelsea Clinton Attacks Infowars For Asking If Michelle Obama Is A Man Published on Aug 25, 2017 Chelsea Clinton responded on Twitter to Infowar's report posted to Youtube last night, asking: is Michelle Obama actually a man?
  7. "Penguins are demanding fast internet" (apparently) ANTARCTICA News (at last) from Clif High Starts at 16 minutes in Part-2 OUTLINE of what High reveals: (starting at 16 minute in Part-2) ======= + Clif is getting contacts from "new hires" going to work in Antarctica... or returning from there + He has heard that cables have been connected to Antarctica, "the widest fibers in the world" + "Enough food" is being supplied to Antactica, suggesting large year-round populations + Reports of 91 new volcanoes, and that the "climate is changing without global warming" +
  8. Thanks. The above photo was taken from the Tower in the background of this photo (One Central), I believe To the left, we are looking down Salcedo St. to One Central And here's another angle - from the Roof deck of Beacon Tower
  9. This video is about a pedo arrest in Oregon - more coming? LIVE: Pedogate Police Raid & Horrific Discovery
  10. For the 38sq m RFO units, the selling price is 5,560 Million excl VAT, and VAT is 12pct, but they give a 10discount, so the price is close to 5,6 Million incl VAT. That s approximately PHP148,000 per square meter... Same old story, I reckon: -> Crazy primary market prices BEING SOLD HARD, while people ignore secondhand bargains Battling Lies, market, and Spin - is what this website is all about. (some people appreciate it, but not as many as could & should benefit by using the info) ===== Question is: WHY do people continue to buy from Developers when such big discounts are available in 2nd market? Possible answers: ======= 1. People prefer to buy from developers, because the marketing staff is aggressive in pursuing the business 2. People cannot buy unless they can use the developer's financing schemes - ie the don't have cash, or access to bank finance 3. Potential buyers are scared off by "unknown risks" in buying in the secondary market - they don't know how to do it 4. Buyers are simply unaware of the bargains they can get in the secondary market . . . E: Yes M, they thought that buying form the developers are quite easy because of the ready financing scheme.. Second, sometimes, they are thinking that the reseller of the unit in the secondary market is getting big profit . > from Innovation thread, post#2: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21656
  11. Trump's "Brilliant Strategy"? -> trade close insiders for concessions from his political opponents Bill Still concerned Dr Gorka Resigns From White House, 1767 . . . Styx confident that Trump's "brilliant" strategy is working / Sebastian Gorka Resigns: Told You He'd Be Next (Also Joe Arpaio Pardoned) Trump's Pivot . . . Some Trump supporters believe that the troop increase in Afghanistan is part of a negotiation strategy. (I'm not sure of the Styx view on this. But he may quietly agree. We shall see) I am concerned about how the generals are taking over implementation. But maybe that is the main thing keep President Trump alive, & his strength and popularity can grow from here. I am waiting to see if the Pedo mass arrests are announced soon. If that comes, it could be a watershed.
  12. Welcome back - thanks for the post I wonder if Mayweather has been influenced by our old friend Calculus (Frizzers). Who is a crypto-enthusiast, and i believe knows the boxer
  13. ". It's the only place where I know there's someone else on the internet who feels the same way I do without worrying about some SJW flapping their mouth with insanity coming back at me " - softlywinged on the Discernment thread Haha. Not many Liberal snowflakes on this site. Those who are easily offended took flight long ago - maybe when Google pulled Adsense, and the site stopped being self-financing. Take heart - watch some back-to-back episode of Ticker Carlson, and realize how popular he is - with true Discernment A taste of Tucker "I'm VERY Worried" Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson Discuss Google, YouTube Suspension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQmjuptpDsA Let me also share this with you - Mike Rivero, and What Really Happened WRH-Hr3-Thu : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2017-08-24_165947.mp3
  14. The Rise vs Air Race - the "inside story" : White, White and Red Air is now 3-5 floors higher White is alright, for Rise, Air, & Alpha Makati Place (& Lerato too). But don't Turn on Red at the wrong time of day Plans for Inside Air Residences
  15. MVP picking another cherry? (this one in the transport sector) Pangillian: MRT-3 Buyout talks continue "Metro-Pacific Investments sees progress in its plan to buy Metro Rail Transit Corporation from the government" + Progress = Discussions + Undersecretary of DoT Cesar Chavez said that they want MRT-3 to be privatized, then placed under mgmt of LRT-2 + Price? "No hard estimates... its complicated" said MVP + Rogelio Singson has said: the problem with MRT is that it is owned by the government. If the govt needs a spare part, it is constrained by procurement laws. A private co. "can just buy it" + MPIC President Joey Lim has said that they can make MRT-3 profitable, like LRT-2
  16. Creepy Pot /Kettle /Black sequence (I wonder if Hillary realizes how many americans detest every cell in her rotting body) Clinton: I've Had A "Lifetime Of Dealing With Difficult Men Trying To Throw Me Off" Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date August 23, 2017 Hillary Clinton, 2016 Democratic nominee for president, released excerpts from her upcoming book 'What Happened' exclusively on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning. Clinton wrote about how Trump "invaded" her space during the second presidential debate. Clinton wrote, "I kept my cool, aided by a lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off." CLINTON: This was not okay, I thought. It was the second presidential debate and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, "Well, what would you do?" Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, 'Back up, you creep. Get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate me, so back up.' I choose Option A. I kept my cool, aided by a lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off. I did, however, grip the microphone extra hard. I wonder, though, if I should have chosen Option B. It certainly would've been better TV. Maybe I overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while determined to present a composed face to the world. == > https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/08/23/clinton_ive_had_a_lifetime_of_dealing_with_difficult_men_trying_to_throw_me_off.html Comments - over 1,000 - skimming them, I could not find a positive comment - Everyone hates Hillary! dillonmech1 libwithIQ • 19 hours agoI don't know who makes my skin crawl more hillderbeast or pelosi William Svoboda dillonmech1 • 18 hours agoYeah that's a close one. Alice Ramirez dillonmech1 • 18 hours agoMake it a threesome and I'm with you: Hildebeast, Pelosi or Maxine Waters. All evil and ugly enough to turn good folks to stone. Alice Ramirez libwithIQ • 18 hours agoActually, I always thought it would be the other way around, that Hillary would make Bill's skin crawl. Not sure why I find Bill less loathsome, but I do. At least, he seems less nasty and might be fun to have a beer with. Uncle Rufus • a day agoAnd Hillary plays the gender card! What a pathetic corrupt hag. x 233 likes Kassia Uncle Rufus • a day ago America dodged a bullet with Hillary! What a shrieking clown this woman is. The Dems really don’t get it, do they? Listen, we hated paying through the nose for Obamacare. We hate when our tax dollars pay for refugees and illegals. The government destroys EVERYTHING it touches. Just butt out of our lives, please. JapaneseRamenNoodle SWDC • a day ago There were many, MANY things wrong with Hillary Clinton. Her gender was not one of them. It was simply that she was a dishonest, smug and unapologetic left-wing narcissist who made it easy for me to vote for Trump. If the Democratic Party continues to nominate left-wing radicals, corrupt career politicians or smug regional fringe candidates simply because of race/skin color (in the hope of creating a "coalition"), many people will continue to feel the same way. We don't care if you nominate a black, Hispanic or Asian politician if they adhere to the same ideology as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or other left-wing zealots. The Democratic Party has become a regional party of left-wing radicalism and anyone "unaware and compliant" enough to blindly support them. 27 diggferkel JapaneseRamenNoodle • a day agoDuring the debate Trump was about six to eight feet from her and she knows that. The cameras at the debate makes it look like he's right behind her. Why is she still telling lies? ===== Triggers two responses from me: Lock her up! / Stretch her neck! No sympathy for this incredibly selfish & out-of-touch satanic being The cover-up of the many crimes of the Clintons must end, Justice must play out.
  17. Unequal Justice must end The scumbags have grabbed power and must be turned out! This is shocking - the inequalities of American Justice in our time! Look at these headlines from Drudge:: CNN anchor rants about President's sanity... CLAPPER: I QUESTION TRUMP'S FITNESS TO HOLD OFFICE... MAYBE HE'S LOOKING FOR WAY OUT... CNN does nothing but spread lies and undermine the truth, how can any of them (I hope he dies in a very painful accident, & I say that without even reading the name of the reporter - one is as bad as another) Clapper is a traitor, and belongs in prison or on the gallows - what is wrong with our system, which leaves monsters like Soros and this guy walking around and free
  18. LEFT WING TERRORISM - needs exposing & strong Legal action == If Antifa is declared a Terrorist group string police & legal action can be taken, And Soros and his foundation can be taken down (jailed? executed?) for financing Terrorism
  19. I do hope you are wrong, Softly - (but fear you may be right) Meantime, the Scum-ocrats & GOP leadership is FAR less popular than Trump GOP TURTLE "in the soup" The meaning of establishment failure needs to sink in ... among GOP politicians We've got Trump oppose by Scum-ocrats (Dems) & Poli-scums in his own party. These guys are even less popular than our embattled President Time to arrest McConnell for pedophilia, or some other ugly crime? Do it! APPROVAL ratings by GOP voters --------------- : TRUMP-------------- : GOP congress--- : Timing------ : June > Aug.: chg : June > Aug.: chg : Approval---- : 81% > 75%: - 6% : 68% > 54%: - 14%: Disapproval : 19% > 25%: +6% : 32% > 46%: +14%: POLL: REPUBLICANS TURN ON CONGRESS... Republicans lost faith in Congress faster than in Trump A new poll for Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, posted on Twitter by Tony Fabrizio, Trump's pollster during the 2016 presidential campaign, reveals they are losing faith in Congress faster than they are in Trump. One potential factor: the Republican-controlled Senate fell a vote shy in late July of passing a bill that would have repealed elements of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans have promised for years to repeal the ACA if given control. MCCONNELL WHISPERS TRUMP DEMISE Mitch McConnell at Approval 18% -- in Kentucky! === === (More Biased reporting from the NY Slimes?): Articles says that Trump & McConnell are no longer on speaking terms, although McConnell's wife. Elaine Chao, is in Trump's cabinet Of course, the lying & spinning Times would like to see Trump's demise (many would like to see NYT gone too) McConnell : "The man’s as popular in his home state as gonorrhea — if you trust PPP’s polling to be accurate, that is. Remember, they also had Jeff Flake polling in VD range in his own home state of Arizona. It’s unusual for an incumbent from a state dominated by his party to tank quite that badly absent a major scandal. But then, it’s also unusual for a party to tank quite as badly as the GOP has this year." McConnell stopped making sense a long time ago, and is now shivering in his boots about his own future
  20. The Timeline & The Case "The Meeting was Improper from the get-go... Everyone knew, & they DID NOT take pictures" Jay Sekulow was live A deep dive into AG Lynch/Clinton Case Published on Aug 11, 2017
  21. TRAIN Tragedy ... (again, but no one was killed - thank God!) 42 Hurt After Trains Collide Near Philly; 'Blood Everywhere'... A high-speed train barreled into another train at one of SEPTA's busiest terminals overnight, causing what one passenger described as a bloody scene and injuring more than 40 people. SEPTA officials say a Norristown High Speed Line train was arriving at the 69th Street Transportation Center on Market Street in Upper Darby, Delaware County at 12:10 a.m. Tuesday when it crashed into an unoccupied train that was sitting in the terminal. "I stood up to get off to get ready to get to my bus on time and smack, it hit the other trolley, parked," Ronnie, a passenger who did not want to reveal his full name, told NBC10. At least 42 people — including the conductor — were injured in the crash. SEPTA officials say none of the injuries are life-threatening. At least four of the victims are in critical condition however. . . . Micozzie said he's concerned about safety at terminal. He plans to call U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, the Democrat from Philadelphiia, Tuesday and ask for help in getting speed reduction systems installed on the tracks. Called Positive Train Control, the system can automatically slow or stop a train that exceeds a set speed limit. Amtrak activated the system on the Northeast Corridor following the deadly 2015 crash of Amtrak 188 in Northeast Philadelphia. SEPTA has not said whether the system is installed on the line or if there are plans to install it. == Read more: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Upper-Darby-Train-Crash-Trolley-SEPTA-Pennsylvania-Injuries-Norristown-High-Speed-Line-Collision-Accident-441357553.html#ixzz4qU2obsTb
  22. I wonder if Louisa is ready to do an Apology/ Interview disowning the fake Ambassador... and the fake Reverend Here's Professor Fetzer with Ole Dammegarde The Real Deal: Ole and Jim From Virginia to Spain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euJ8UU4a9Zo / 2 / The Charlottesville Psy-Op with Jim Fetzer & Dean Ryan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3De-coZyGc / 3 / based on Astrology, SD Morton is predicting some troubles for Trump "around Feb, Next year" xx x
  23. A bizarre headline in The Manila Times... needs explanation PH Property Yields luring investors (What!? Colliers says Rents are falling on excess supply) "Higher gross yields from the Philippines property market continue to entice foreign investors,a recent study by property consultancy firm Colliers International shows" + Q2-2017 rental yield of 7.7 percent in PH, outshines Asia's average of 3.8 to 5 percent at prime locations + Higher than Shanghai's 5%, Tokyo's 4.5%, Singapore's 4%, and Hong Kong's 3.8%
  24. SUPPLY Concerns : Manila Bay > Excerpt from post on the DATA thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18811&page=17 Summary - increase in Condos units: over 2017-2020 BGC/theFort: +63% Makati CBD : +28% Manila Bay : +212%!!! --- Overall : +54% However that Mak.CBD # does not include The Rise & Air Residences. If you add on the 6,400 units at Rise & Air, you get: Mak+Rise/Air: +57% THAT much may be manageable, but will bring some temporary hiccups, I reckon. The huge jump in Manila Bay may be more problematic IMHO. In one year (2018, with 8,500 units) M-Bay will add as many units as they have now! Can the rise in M-Bay tourism really absorb that? It might really hit the hotels.
  25. Business World headline / & a look at Forecast Supply figures Metro Manila condominium rents fall, selling prices plateau (based on Colliers latest report) + VACANCY RATES will likely pick up further over the next 12 months with new supply + Consequence: Rental prices fell, capital values are plateauting + Vacancy rates at high-end condos were 10.9% at the end of June - Colliers expects rates to "hover between 11.0 & 11.5%" + Metro Manila's total condo stock is 96,000 units, with an addition of 2,300 units in Q2 + For 2017 as a whole, Colliers sees an addition of 16,100 units, and a takeup of 7,500 units - hence the rise in the vacancy rate + Coming supply: 20,000 units in 2018, 8,000 units in 2019 + Take-up rate is projected to be 8,000 more each year Highest vacancy rates were: BGC = 14% (12%); Makati: 12.7% (11%) - prior rates at Q1 shown in (brackets) Prices rises are slowing: + Makati CBD : +3.1% (was + 3.2% in Q1), + BGC / Ft. Bonifacio : + 0.2% (+ 2.7%) Growth of supply in fringe areas, as impacted on rents and selling prices in the CBD's, since home buyers and tenants have other options SUPPLY FORECAST (Revised from end-2016) ================== ========= : End'16 : -2017 : -2018 : -2019 : -2020 : '17-20 : End'20 : % chg. Ft.Bonifacio 24,200 : 4,100 : 8,200 : 3,000 : 0,000 : 15,300 : 37,500 : +63.2% Makati CBD: 22,000 : 3,500 : 1,800 : 0,500 : 0,300 : 06,100 : 28,100 : +27.7% Rise/Air Res: 00,000 : 0,000 : 0,000 : 0,000 : 6,400 : 06,400 : 06,400 : Infin. Ortigas Ctr. : 16,200 : 1,400 ; 0,700 : 0,500 : 0,600 : 03,200 : 19,800 : +19.8% Manila Bay : 08,800 : 5,500 : 8,500 : 2,600 : 2,100 : 18,700 : 27,500 : +212% !! Rockwell Ctr: 04,100 : 0,000 : 0,500 : 0,700 : 0,000 : 01,200 : 05,300 : +29.3% Other Areas : 00,000 : >> TOTAL-- : 91,100: 16100: 21300 : 8,100 : 3,100 : 00,000: 140,100 : +53.8% Mak+Rise/Air: 22,000 : 3,500 : 1,800 : 0,500 : 6,700 : 12,500 : 34,500 : +56.8% After this year, the supply rise in Makati's CBD falls sharply - but are we seeing the whole picture? Collier's seems to ignore the Huge lump of supply (6,400 units) from The Rise and Air Residences, which I think will hit the Rental market in 2019 or 2020 - but Colliers seems to leave it out - Why? If you include Air & Rise with Makati CBD, the combined rise is 57%, which is in line with the rise of 54% for Greater Manila. Still, the big jump from these two in in 2019 or 2020, is bound to generate some sort of hiccup. I hope it is a brief one. Allowing AirBNB in one or both buildings may help absorb the excess supply there faster. The big jump in supply in Manila Bay (+212%) is a bigger concern to me, We see + 8,500 units expected in 2018 - that's 97% of the end 2016 Supply of 8,800 units. Can Manila Bay really attract so many new tenants, soquickly? I truly doubt it. There is bound to be a disruption of Rents and also hotel occupancy. Don't be surprised if Hotels push back by trying to restrict AirBNB activity. SM may be especially keen to demand some retriction because they are said to planning to build a hotel in Manila Bay. Will SMDC wind-up c"cutting off the legs" of their condo-buying customers? I suggest extreme care in investing, and maybe analyzing the Supply situation more deeply that I am doing here. If you do that, and agree or disagree, please share. This site is about truth seeking, not mere promotion.
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