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  1. US Millennials are now trying to force older homeowners to Sell to them - presumably "at a price we can afford" The article doesn't mention that the home may be the main asset of the older person, or if an investment, like their pension - at a time when bank deposit rates are still near zero
  2. Baby Boomers Who Won't Sell Dominating Housing Market... Older Americans own half of houses, squeezing out youngsters Why a 23-year-old is cruising city streets, knocking on doors Jake Yanoviak is hunting for houses. On a weekday afternoon in North Philadelphia, the 23-year-old painter cruises along on his bike, its black paint obscured under stickers from breweries and rock bands. He turns onto a side street, where he spots a few elderly neighbors, standing on adjoining porches. He parks, leans on one handlebar and makes his pitch. “Anybody on the block considering selling?” Yanoviak asks gently. “I’m not a developer, I’m not interested in renting to students. I’m just a kid trying to buy a house, fix it up and live in it.” Jake Yanoviak / Photographer: Prashant Gopal/Bloomberg “We’re not going no place,” replies a 70-something woman, relaxing in fuzzy white pig slippers in the row house where she’s lived twice as long as Yanoviak has been alive. “All these houses are taken.” Like much of his generation, Yanoviak is desperate to get a piece of an increasingly scarce commodity: prime American real estate. Millennials are finding themselves out in the cold because building has slowed, and longer-living baby boomers are staying put, setting up a simmering conflict between the two biggest generations in U.S. history.
  3. How to JOIN the Discussion on threads here - It's Free To join the chats & the community at PhilaPrime, ... and also participate in the various GEI forums PLEASE JUST SAY HELLO if you want to make this site more useful And let us know what brought you here, and what you like Why don't some of the (new) readers try joining GEI, and give me some comments on what you like, Here's how to join GEI : see post #2 on the following thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19143 Go Read the instructions in post #2 of the GEI Landing page. (However to get past security, you will need to be able to answer a question concerning Dr B's favorite animal. Hint: the answer is not an animal at all it is THIS GUY, "Admiral Byrd", spelling the name with a "Y", and not an "I") You might also consider joining one of the Meet-up groups that GEI, MakatiPrime, and PhilaPrime members participate in. (( Meet-up suggestions may be added here later )) Meet-ups in the Philippines have attracted as many as 22 people - there are over 50 people on the Philiippines Viber chat Membership to the PhilaPrime forums on GEI is free, and once you have joined, you can post on the Forums here. You may want to make your first post on the special Forum (to introduce yourself, & talk freely): + PRIVATE CHAT for Philadelphia : Introduce yourself, & Free-form discussion (( The thread is Not yet available )) * ( the Chat thread was moved to a private area, that the public / non-members cannot see )
  4. Cycles suggest next major High, maybe 2025-6 The 18-year Long Cycle in pictures - it is also reflected in the timing of new construction. A short 1-2 year dip could be due soon - "the mid-Cycle correction" can start this year. A Vintage postcard, showing the 1930's skyline. Note the prominence of City Hall. Philly's skyline in 1989 at an 18-year Cycle Peak. The construction of new skyscrapers had begun - after a long pause. Philadelphia's night time Skyline, circa 2017. New skycraper growth is evident everywhere. Philadelphia City Hall. Philly still has many classic buildings, reflecting its rich history. The William Penn statue had a special significance. Designed to be the world's tallest building, it was surpassed during construction by the Washington Monument and the Eiffel Tower, though it was at completion the world's tallest habitable building. It was the first modern building (excluding the Eiffel Tower) to be the world's tallest and also was the first secular habitable building to have this record: all previous world's tallest buildings were religious structures... One Liberty Place towers over City Hall City Hall was the tallest in Philadelphia from 1901 until 1987, when it was surpassed by One Liberty Place ending an unspoken, gentlemen's agreement that limited the height of buildings in the city to be no higher than William Penn's hat atop City Hall. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_City_Hall CYCLES ?? assuming fixed 18 year cycle (theoretical) 1901 : Phil City Hall completed 1919 1937 1955 1973 1991 / 1989 : see chart above, One Liberty Place was completed in 1987, two years prior to the cycle peal 2007 : US Property cycle peaks ==== > For more cycle charts, see the Condo? thread.
  5. : PHILAPRIME.Com : ...... : Gateway page to PhilaPrime's threads ... DATA : MAPS : Case : N'hoods : WestPh : WayneJ : NPhila : Skysc : Oppty : Equities : Condo? : ssc #2: PP : Other: SSC #2 : 30thSt : CcTwr : / GoWeb : priv : old logo 2 3 : > view Data CHAT with others about the possible slowdown of the Condominium market / on the CONDO? thread, (To become a member and Join the discussion here, scroll down to post #3, below) ========================================== Why Philadelphia is a Prime target for investors + One of America's most walkable cities, with a good public transport system. + Key strategic location on the East Coast, and good universities and strong healthcare expertise. + Property is far more affordable than NYC, Boston, Washington; Yields are much better, like 2x, on average. Now with steady job growth and a rising population and more office space, Rents and Property prices are rising again, hitting new highs. Gentrification is occurring along many of the transport links. Summary GUIDE to the principal Threads in the PHILA Prime section of the larger GEI Forum This is the Landing page - the jumping-off point to many PP threads Threads : those with restored images are marked with an asterisk below ALL are in GEI's PHILAdelphia Property sub-forum : how to Join, see post #3, below PHILAPRIME.Com (Gateway page & Links)* =============== : views : PP Landing Page- : 00,013 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21632 DATA, Charts, etc. : 00,607 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21331 MAPS, Transport- : 00,513 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21332 Case: Ph.Property: 07,896 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19729 Neighborhoods---- : 17,727 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20036 Phila opportunities : 17,074 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19682 ==== W-Philly, Balt. Ave : 00,488 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21427 Wayne Junction--- : 05,249 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20655 Key Phila Equities : 00,236 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21415 Phila Skyscrapers : 00,200 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21546 Condos still good?: 00,112 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21547 =============== SADLY, I recently lost many hundreds of images - the restored threads are marked by an *asterisk.http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21686
  6. Construction Underway at 40th Street Trolley Portal Gardens July 26, 2017 Will represent massive improvement for this busy station Mr. Fox 2 Comments When you consider that the trolley portal at 40th & Baltimore is the busiest at-grade rail station in town, its awful condition in recent memory becomes especially egregious. But the fact that it's historically been a concrete wasteland will make its transformation into the 40th Street Trolley Portal Gardens all the more sweet EXCERPT Rendering of the Trolley Car Station According to West Philly Local, the project will take about ten months (& $2 million) to complete. For the 5,000 people that embark or disembark at this station, and the 60K people that pass through on a daily basis, the station will continue to be open to pedestrians and the trains should operate on a normal schedule. We do have a funny feeling that once the portal renovation is done, ridership numbers will rise by a tick or two. This certainly sounds like a win for UCD, Septa, the neighborhood, and the environment. == > http://www.ocfrealty.com/naked-philly/west-philly/construction-underway-at-40th-street-trolley-portal I like the fact that they have given some thought to needs of those who bike. And that may help to enhance the connectivity at the station
  7. Philadelphia Housing Prices Are Up 22% in the Last 12 Months Good Summary Analysis! An average Philadelphia house sold for $112K in April (these numbers are seasonally-adjusted, smoothed over time, and adjusted for housing traits), compared to $92K in April 2016. This means that prices are up 6.1% over the last quarter and a whopping 22.2% over the last year. This increase mostly represents skyrocketing demand, though it also includes changes in housing quality, as houses are being built new or rehabbed. This continues the dramatic boom in prices since November 2015. In the 17 months since, prices are up 44% (after years of modest growth, if any). Is This Sustainable? Clearly 22% annual growth in prices can’t continue indefinitely. But a less clear question is whether this will settle into steady, strong growth for years, or is this a sign of a Philadelphia Housing bubble? Frankly, I’m of the opinion that trying to guess the market is a loser’s game. Anyone who is too certain of one side is probably over-selling their hand. One argument is that this will all come crashing back down. We saw it in 2008, after all. People are over-leveraging themselves to buy houses, thinking of their houses not as places to live but as investments. They are rushing to buy in Fishtown, in South Philly, in University City before the prices rise too much higher. Nationally, household debt has returned to 2008 levels, (though the share of housing debt is significantly lower this time around). Philadelphia’s recent construction boom could accelerate that if developers are over-predicting demand. But what is the argument that maybe this is the beginning of long, sustained growth? The core is that this boom in prices represents the continued trend of Americans revaluing urban lifestyles. Philadelphia is actually relatively late to the game, as prices have already boomed similarly in New York, Boston, and San Francisco, however, with its walkable streets and distinct neighborhoods, Philadelphia is perfectly suited to attracting new urbanists. Meanwhile, job growth in the Greater Philadelphia Region, which has long lagged other large cities, has finally outpaced the country and a majority of other large U.S. cities. As preferences shift, the pool of people who moved to the suburbs in past generations will start bidding for houses and apartments in the city, adding to the competition among buyers and renters, and driving up values. Even relatively small shifts in preferences can lead to system-wide changes when multiplied by the entire population of our metropolitan region. These new in-movers are probably going to move just to the edge of already-gentrified neighborhoods, causing the gentrified regions in Kensington, West Philly, and South Philly to spread. This is, on net, a good story. These shifts in preferences are likely due to (1) our city becoming a better place to live, with lower crime and better amenities and (2) a decrease in overt racism, as new-comers are willing, or at least less likely to outright reject, moving to the “inner city”. If it continues, however, it does mean that Philadelphia will need to shift its paradigm, from a city desperate to attract residents and investment, to one trying to manage it for the good of all. If we become a city that sees 1% annual population growth, we are going to need more units to house people. The easiest way to keep housing affordable is to have enough housing supply for everyone to live in... == > MORE: http://www.econsultsolutions.com/may-2017-philadelphia-housing-index-update/ Econsult Solutions, Inc. provides the Philadelphia Housing Index (PHI) free of charge to the public. ESI also has a Blog at: ESI Blog Post .
  8. Brewerytown again - after a whole block, a new development by Westrum (OCF Excerpts) A decade ago: Westrum did an entire square block of homes on the 3100 blocks of Thompson and Master Streets Now, they are back Another Apartment Building Under Construction in Brewerytown August 2, 2017 Comments The rendering is above, and the current state-of-development, is below: 31 Brewerytown Westrum Development Company was way ahead of the curve in Brewerytown, building an entire square block of homes on the 3100 blocks of Thompson and Master Streets over a decade ago, seemingly planning for a neighborhood on the rise. Change didn't come as quickly as expected, and the economic downturn of 2008 didn't help, so Westrum's plans for additional development was put on hold, indefinitely. It wasn't until 2014 that Westrum started up again in the neighborhood, building 31 Brewerytown, a pair of large rental apartment buildings on the south sides of the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Thompson Street. Earlier this year, we told you about a plan for 200 more units from Westrum on the large vacant lot to the south of the Red Bell Brewery, though that project hasn't gotten started yet. / 2 / Twenty Units Coming Soon Near 26th & Girard Monday, July 31, 2017 Comments The Brewerytown boom continues, with 26th Street now getting in on the act. A reader tipped us off about some zoning notices posted at 1214 N. 26th St., a large property that's hit a bit of a rough patch in recent memory. If we turn back the clock just a few years, this property was home to a two story warehouse on its southern side and a one story former industrial building on its northern side, with a vacant space in between. We won't claim that the property was the Garden of Eden or anything, but it was a step up from the present. The two story building collapsed somewhere along the line, and has been hastily repaired. And the one story building is gone. / 3 / Will New Homes Plant a Brewerytown Flag in Strawberry Mansion? Friday, July 28, 2017 Comments Developers completed a renovation of the Eastern building last year, and it's been a revelation. Previously, this building, located at the intersection of 30th Street, Cecil B. Moore Avenue, and Glenwood Avenue, was sitting vacant and looking awful for many years. Thankfully, developers were able to preserve the building's bones and create 37 apartments, office space, and a day care. It definitely catches the eye as you pass by, and it has definitely extended the market rate footprint of Brewerytown up to Cecil B. Moore Avenue. Eastern building Speaking of the extension of the market rate footprint of Brewerytown, now we think there's some collateral "damage," thanks to the Eastern building's renovation. A reader reached out to us to tip us off to some zoning notices a block to the west, beyond the sunken rail tracks, on a parcel that's been sitting vacant and overgrown for who knows how long. 3118 Cecil B. Moore Ave. is a large parcel, with about 12K sqft of space, and according to the Stormwater Map it's now owned by Fin Development.
  9. The Real Alex Jones This was a revealing and interesting interview Totally different than Megyn's attempt at gotchas MILO Meets Alex Jones Above HALF of the interview was the "last question(s)"
  10. Changes Coming on Ludlow, Samson and Chestnut Streets (near MFL, 40th St. station) After Decades in Hiding, Frank Furness Sends His RegardsOld facade being slowly revealed on 40th Street View in 1927, after some alterations This building was amazing in its original form. And it was still pretty awesome after the Philadelphia Electric Company made all sorts of changes. You'd agree, it's a shame that the building has been sitting in its current condition for all these years. But wait! If you visit this corner today (as we did), you'll notice that there's major change afoot. Current view You can see in the first image, the building was listed for sale at the the end of last year, and predictably, new owners stepped in at the beginning of this year. They paid a whopping $2.5M for the property, and now it appears they're taking steps to restore it to its former glory. They're slowly peeling off the awful cladding, revealing what's left of the building. So far, we see part of a cornice and a Philadelphia Electric Company sign on the side of the building. According to a thread on the Urban PHL Facebook group, the new owners are going to work to bring the building back to the best possible facsimile of its former appearance and have plans to convert the first floor into retail space. We can't wait to see the progress they make in the short term, and we're especially excited to admire the finished product when they're done doing their thing. Demolition Underway at 41st & Sansom July 28, 2017 New building won't come close to the old one Mr. Fox 4 Comments Earlier this month, we told you about a plan from Campus Apartments to demolish an attractive building at 123 S. 41st St. and build a 98 bed student housing building in its place. And we lamented that the new building wouldn't possibly hold a candle, architecturally, to the Italiante mansion that's been here for over a century. There's now a rendering posted at the property and you'd surely agree that, indeed, the plan for the new doesn't compare with the old. From a few weeks ago Project rendering In our previous story, we expressed our frustration that this building was going to be demolished but indicated that we supported the developer's right to do so, given that the property isn't listed on the local historic register. We would also impugn any effort to nominate this building to the register in a last minute attempt to prevent its redevelopment, as we'd consider that to be a violation of property rights. Instead, we argued for 1) increased funding for the Historical Commission so they can more proactively nominate buildings to the local register, and 2) the creation of development standards that would encourage developers to work with their architects to make the strongest effort when building in neighborhoods like Spruce Hill. Unexpected Plans at 40th & Chestnut July 20, 2017 Comments If you look just to the south of the Frank Furness building being slowly uncovered at 40th & Ludlow, just past a coffee shop and a Game of Thrones-themed dessert place, there's a row of vacant two-story buildings that seem entirely out of place. This is incredible- Penn is just a block to the south, how could the northwest corner of 40th & Chestnut be sitting vacant? And this isn't even a new situation- we wrote a story on these buildings way back in 2011, and pretty much nothing has changed since then. we explained that the buildings were sitting vacant because they were previously marked for demolition, with plans to build a student housing tower at the corner. In 2005, the Hub was built on the opposite corner, and the developers of that project had a deal in place with Penn to build a second tower on the northwest corner. But those plans hit a snag when the economy sunk in 2008, and they never moved forward. As you're probably aware, a second Hub tower was built a couple years ago, but it ended up getting built on the property to the east of the first Hub. We don't know why. Amazon Warehouse Coming to West Philly? July 25, 2017 According to a reader, Amazon is opening a warehouse in this building Comments We've been keeping tabs on the building at 4100 Chestnut St. over the years, first bringing it to your attention back in 2011. At that time, we noted that student housing player Campus Apartments had purchased the building, with longtime occupant Graphic Arts Inc. moving their operations to Port Richmond. The property is huge, with about 35K sqft of interior space and about the same amount sitting vacant, historically used for parking. With tremendous bones and a wonderful location to its credit, we wondered what would eventually fill this property. View at 41st & Chestnut We checked in again on the property during the summer of 2013, noting that some of it was looking worse for the wear but other parts of the exterior had clearly undergone renovation. We noted that the owners of the property had a plan to build high rises on the vacant section of the parcel, but as you can see in the photo above that has not happened. As for the inside of the building, we're pretty sure not much has happened either. But a couple readers have reached out lately, letting us know that work has indeed been happening inside. And the expected tenant was quite a surprise. -- > http://www.ocfrealty.com/naked-philly/west-philly/amazon-warehouse-coming-to-west-philly Comments: sdot1980 • 13 days ago It's too small! They may just use it for their bookstore or Amazon fresh dist hub. NateFried • 14 days agoTHey have a GIANT amazon locker store complete with a video game lounge at 38 and spruce, so they've tested the ground there for years and might be expanding something experimental Steve • 14 days agoIf Amazon opens their first warehouse in Philly, then anything subject to sales tax will go up 2% for Philly residents. Currently Philly residents only pay 6% sales tax since Amazon has warehouses in PA, but not in the city. I'm not thinking it has enough square footage either way but just making the tax implications known. === Asdf • 6 years ago Campus Apts practically is Penn. Penny • 6 years ago Penn has sworn on it's mother's grave to every west philly community org it will never expand past 40th in return for carte blanche to the east. Don't continue being surprised as mcpenntrification is now being implemented by the "private sector"
  11. 1600 Callowhill Going Residential: ( 93 apartments ) July 10, 2017 Comments This historic building at 1600 Callowhill St. has probably caught your eye at some point, somewhere along the line, even if you've never set foot inside. The handsome structure was built at the beginning of the 20th century and was once home to the Middishade Clothing Factory. It was added to the National Historic Register and the local register in the 1980s, at the same time it was converted into office space. Currently, it's best known for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office for the region. But perhaps not for long. View from the south We're number one! From the north Developers purchased the building at the end of last year, paying an impressive $11M. According to the zoning application posted to the building, they're intending to radically change the use of the structure. The developers are looking to convert the building into 93 apartments with 36 parking spaces, and a retail space on the first floor. This seems like a very reasonable change to us, and with the CMX-4 zoning it's not much of an ask.
  12. 100 WEST - The renders are looking good From ADEA (architects) 100 West's completion is still 2 years away > SSC: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1683963&page=3
  13. New York Apartment Vacancies Projected to Soar (to 11%) Thousands of new units coming on the market as the rate of job growth already has begun to slow - Residential construction in the Hudson Yards development in New York City last year; thousands of apartments in new buildings are coming on the market in coming months. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images Aug. 1, 2017 20 COMMENTS A new report predicts New York City apartment vacancy rates will soar to more than 11% by the end of next year. The scenario, which some local housing analysts rejected, would mean a grim reckoning for landlords. The forecast, by Ten-X Commercial, an online marketplace for real estate, said rents will slide as thousands of apartments in new buildings come on the market. It noted that the rate of job growth, a driver of the rental market, already has begun to slow. New York’s vacancy rate, typically in the low single digits, is 3.8%, below the national rate of 4.4% according to Reis Inc., a provider of commercial real-estate data. “It seems inevitable that you are going to see some pain in the market,” said Peter Muoio, chief economist at Ten-X, who prepared the forecast. But he said the forecast wasn’t a doomsday scenario because lenders have been much more conservative in their underwriting during the current economic cycle. The report triggered a pushback from some experts who said it didn’t take into account the complex regional housing market, in which renters throughout the region will be drawn to Manhattan and Brooklyn if rents levels falter. Nancy Packes, a rental marketing consultant who works closely with apartment developers, said the forecast “didn’t make any sense.” The report put New York City at the No. 1 position among “top sell markets,” where owners of multifamily properties “might consider selling” because of the prospect of declining owner incomes. Nearly 10,000 new apartments in large buildings—those with at least 40 units—have hit the market since 2016, a total that is due to exceed 40,000 by the end of 2018, according to the report. Rents, after landlord concessions, already are falling, the report noted, and it predicted that rents will suffer average annual declines of 2.7% through 2020. Owner operating income, or income after subtracting operating expenses, will decline by an average of 4.5% through 2020, the report said. == > https://www.wsj.com/article_email/new-york-apartment-vacancies-projected-to-soar-1501598196-lMyQjAxMTA3MjAyODUwNTgwWj/
  14. Will Clif get it right this time? "An intense two months... then, a lull; then five years..." We Are Crashing Now – Clif High Published on 5 Aug 2017 When is the crash coming? Internet data mining expert Clif High says, “We are crashing now. That’s the problem. We may not have a big crash down, but we are crashing now in the form of the crack up boom. . . . When your currency is dying, and we saw this with the greenback (after the Civil War), the currency went into this brief burst of hyperinflation and then no one would touch it. So, we are getting into a period right now where we are seeing the hyperinflation of our dollar. Technically, you could see the Dow go up to 30,000, 40,000 or 50,000, and it will be as meaningless as those numbers might suggest. At the same time, we might see Bitcoin in the neighborhood of $13,800 by February of next year, and that is just the start. That’s when we launch the crypto explosion into the USA population and society, and that’s February of next year. Prior to that, it’s like the orchestra tuning up.”
  15. MASTERFUL TROLLING by "the DNC guy", Frank Spencer !! LOL! It is incredible that this guy got to speak on this platform - and spoke the (trolling) truth that he did Fake DNC Guy Sneaks Into Politicon To EMBARRASS Democratic Party Published on 6 Aug 2017 Frank Spencer is not who the Democrats at Politicon thought he was. "...That's we we realized we couldn't! Our donors would be mortified." "IF we were going to have a better deal... we would have to sever our Donor relationships." Urban Dictionary: spencerwww.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=spencer Top Definition. spencer. a great guy who cares about alot, usually very easy to talk to but can be shy; just someone who cares and is very sweet. he was being ...
  16. NO JUSTICE: Scumocrats & their Donors never pay for Crimes (What can We-the-people do?) The Pattern is clear. Washington is set up so that Democratic crimes are covered up, while GOP crimes are invented, and over-exaggerated by the (controlled) Lie-Stream media DEMS DON'T PAY - Do you care? Scum-ocrats seem to NEVER PAY for their Crimes & Failures "NO ONE in the Clinton Crime family has ever gone to prison" Judge Jeanine’s Open Why Has Hillary Skated?, 1742 Published on 5 Aug 2017 === SUPPORT, contribute posts, to the new thread: >
  17. In Case you are UNAWARE of that Other Section... NO PASSWORD is needed > Thinkiing Caps Section : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showforum=47
  18. In Case you are UNAWARE of that Other Section... > Thinkiing Caps Section : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showforum=47
  19. Madam President Newsweek Issue Exposes Why Hillary Clinton Lost "Don't temp fate... God could not allow THIS to stand" Fight for Us? "Fighting WHAT?... Nobody knows!"
  20. "Wouldn't the world be a better place if: + 90 per cent of the people put their feet up, and let the robots do the work?" SMART people have figured out some Sound & Essential principles == Those wanting to be handed Prosperity, and gain from the redistribution of the Wealth of others, would really do well to THINK about these 12 Principles. They want to be handed something (meaning, wealth & a respectable livelihood) that simply cannot be handed out, the respect & meaning MUST be earned ! The RIGHTS that so many are demanding are someone else's RESPONSIBILITY. (Like double-entry accounting, you need Balance, and cannot have one side without the other. The "victims" demanding their Rights, are in fact trying to ENSLAVE others into delivering those Rights. This simply cannot work in the long term! > thread: Learning to embrace the Meaning of Life: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21615
  21. SMART people have figured out some Sound & Essential principles == Those wanting to be handed Prosperity, and gain from the redistribution of the Wealth of others, would really do well to THINK about these 12 Principles. They want to be handed something (meaning, wealth & a respectable livelihood) that simply cannot be handed out, the respect & meaning MUST be earned ! The RIGHTS that so many are demanding are someone else's RESPONSIBILITY. (Like double-entry accounting, you need Balance, and cannot have one side without the other. The "victims" demanding their Rights, are in fact trying to ENSLAVE others into delivering those Rights. This simply cannot work in the long term! > thread: Learning to embrace the Meaning of Life: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21615 it MUST be earned !
  22. Canada's main Cannabis-related, medical growers " We continue to expect that established producers with solid balance sheets, such as Canopy, Aphria, and Aurora, are likely to emerge as dominant players;" - Canaccord Canada's biggest medical growers include Canopy Growth Corp.(NASDAQOTH:TWMJF), Aphria (NASDAQOTH:APHQF), Aurora Cannabis (NASDAQOTH:ACBFF), and the recently public MedReleaf (NASDAQOTH:MEDFF)(TSX:LEAF). T ================== Canopy Growth Corp. WEED.T (NASDAQOTH:TWMJF) ... all-data : 2yrs : 12mos : Aphria Inc. APH (NASDAQOTH:APHQF), ... all-data : 2yrs : 12mos : Aurora Cannabis ACB (NASDAQOTH:ACBFF), ... all-data : 2yrs : 12mos : and the recently public : MedReleaf (NASDAQOTH:MEDFF)(TSX:LEAF). ... all-data : 2yrs : 12mos :
  23. Bad News for Canadian Marijuana Stocks: Say Hello to Your New Competition Health Canada may be about to open the floodgates for licensed cannabis growers. Sean Williams (TMFUltraLong) Jul 17, 2017 at 9:38AM When it comes to North America's fastest-growing industries, chances are you'd struggle to find any with a higher, more consistent growth rate than legal marijuana. And investors know it, which is a big reason some of the largest marijuana stocks have risen by 100%, 200%, or even more, over the trailing one-year period. According to cannabis research firm ArcView, North American sales of legal pot, both recreational and medical, soared 34% in 2016 to $6.9 billion, and they're expected to grow by an average of 26% through 2021 to nearly $22 billion. This growth is expected to come from legalization of the substance -- Mexico recently legalized medical cannabis throughout the country, and eight states have legalized recreational weed in the U.S. since November 2012 -- and organic growth from states and countries where the drug is already legal. In Canada, for instance, the number of eligible medical patients has been growing at a pace of almost 10% per month, according to Health Canada. image: https://g.foolcdn.com/editorial/images/449572/marijuana-cannabis-grow-farm-legalization-getty_large.jpg IMAGE SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES. Pot stocks face numerous challengesBut the weed landscape isn't perfect. Marijuana stocks also face a plethora of challenges each and every day. As an example, U.S.-based cannabis companies have little or no access to basic banking services. Financial institutions in the U.S. report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which is a federally created entity. Since marijuana is a Schedule I, and ergo illicit, substance at the federal level, banks deny financial services (even checking accounts) to pot businesses for fear of fines or criminal penalties under a strict interpretation of federal law. That means these businesses have to rely solely on cash, which is a big security concern. Weed-based companies also get no love come tax time. Because they sell a Schedule I substance, they're disallowed from taking normal corporate income-tax deductions. Profitable marijuana companies are left to pay tax on their gross profits instead of their net profits, leaving less money to reinvest in the business. Throughout North America, marijuana stocks are also subject to political challenges. In the U.S., industry opponents such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions stand at the ready to trample states' rights and prosecute medical-marijuana businesses. Meanwhile, conservatives in Canada's parliament are doing what they can to halt the progress of a recreational legalization bill that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced earlier this year. Conservatives in Canada argue that a home-grow option in the bill would give minors easy access to cannabis, and that a lack of DUI guidelines for marijuana use make legalizing the drug dangerous. image: https://g.foolcdn.com/editorial/images/449572/marijuana-cannabis-buds-stacked-in-jars-getty_large.jpg IMAGE SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES. Bad news for Canadian marijuana stocksWell, I have news for marijuana stock investors: There's a new threat on the horizon, at least for our neighbors to the north. In May, Health Canada, the regulatory agency that seeks to protect the medical welfare of Canada's citizens, announced that it was making a number of changes to the country's medical marijuana program. Some of these changes included eliminating the red tape associated with gaining licensing approval for production. However, the big change it announced was that it would increase the number of licensed cannabis producers. As of May 24, there were only 44 licensed producers throughout the country, but 187 applications were at the review stage. It seems unlikely that the number of licensed producers is going to quintuple overnight since not every application will be accepted, but there's a real possibility of significant near-term licensed producer growth. Right now, Canada's biggest medical growers include Canopy Growth Corp.(NASDAQOTH:TWMJF), Aphria (NASDAQOTH:APHQF), Aurora Cannabis(NASDAQOTH:ACBFF), and the recently public MedReleaf (NASDAQOTH:MEDFF)(TSX:LEAF). This news suggests that all four will soon face a significant uptick in competition, making their expansionary efforts all the more important, with Canada tinkering with the idea of legalizing recreational weed. Canopy Growth Corp. recently completed the acquisition of Mettrum Health, boosting its medical patient reach throughout Canada, and it also purchased 472,000 square feet of land housing and surrounding its headquarters. This should allow it to further boost its production capacity. image: https://g.foolcdn.com/editorial/images/449572/marijuana-commercial-grow-cannabis-pot-weed-legal-getty_large.jpg IMAGE SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES. Meanwhile, the other three industry juggernauts have stuck to more organic methods of capacity expansion. Aphria's $100 million capital project, known as Phase IV, will boost capacity to 1 million square feet and 75,000 kilograms of cannabis annually when completed. Aurora Cannabis' Aurora Sky project is a mammoth 800,000-square-foot facility that could very well be the most automated and technologically advanced grow facility when finished. And finally, MedReleaf is using its initial public offering proceeds to expand capacity at its Bradford, Ontario facility. A grim realityJust how badly could this increase in competition sting the likes of Canopy Growth, Aurora Cannabis, Aphria, MedReleaf, and its peers? According to a recently released analyst note from Neil Maruoka of Canaccord Genuity, Health Canada's willingness to grant more licenses means it's unlikely that any one company will control more than 20% of cannabis supply. Said Maruoka: "Our projections of respective market sizes remain largely unchanged, and while we remain confident this growth can be achieved, we also believe the significant increase in granted licenses is likely to create stronger competition among LPs [licensed producers]. We continue to expect that established producers with solid balance sheets, such as Canopy, Aphria, and Aurora, are likely to emerge as dominant players; however, we no longer feel it is reasonable to assume that any one LP can capture over 20% share of a likely increasingly crowded market." Maruoka and his firm wound up lowering their respective market share estimates for leader Canopy Growth to 15% of the recreational market (assuming approval) and 12% of the medical market, down from an initial share forecast of 21% and 17.5%, respectively. Canaccord also expects Aurora Cannabis to be second with 10% of recreational and medical market share, and Aphria third with a 9% recreational and 7.5% medical share. image: https://g.foolcdn.com/editorial/images/449572/marijuana-bank-piggy-bank-cannabis-pot-weed-legal-getty_large.jpg IMAGE SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES. Not surprisingly, Maruoka and his firm also lowered their price targets for a half-dozen marijuana stocks and reduced their rating on five of six companies. As a sign of how far Aphria has fallen from its 52-week high, it was actually upgraded even though its share-price target was modestly lowered. All bets are offDespite its consistently strong growth rate, there simply aren't any guarantees at this point that success awaits marijuana stocks. There have been some encouraging early signs of profitability, albeit minimal, from companies such as Canopy Growth, Aphria, and MedReleaf, but at the same time, there aren't any assurances that Trudeau can get his recreational-cannabis legislation signed into law. After all, he's been pushing for legalization for years without any progress, so what's to say with any certainty that it happens now? With competition increasing, the future uncertain, and most marijuana stocks either unprofitable or valued at nosebleed P/E ratios, your best bet for the time being is to steer clear of the industry. Marijuana stocks are overhyped: 10 better buys for you now When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.* David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and marijuana stocks were noticeably absent! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are better buys. Learn more *Stock Advisor returns as of July 6, 2017 Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#1f85FOCu2cJa0grg.99
  24. Experion / EXP: MJ & other Marijuana stocks original: Viridium Pacific Ltd - VIR.v /was MRB.v : Marijuana Labs (here's the future for an almost-dead mining exploration company, whose shares I held) Morro Bay Resources Ltd > Viridium Pacific Ltd ... with reverse split coming... "a reverse take-over of Morro Bay by Experion" Morro Bay Resources Ltd WAS engaged in gold-silver exploration with mineral interests in the Penoles Project in Mexico. The Company has operations in Penoles, Mexico." MJ / Alternative Health index, WEED, FIRE, EXP ... update: at 12/23/19: $17.14, C$26.27, C$0.66, C$0.105 VIR / Viridium Pacific / MRB : Morro Bay. ... all-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 12mo :: 8/4/2017 : lo:$0.05 - hi:C$0.25: $0,902 / x 3,606 = $0,541 @ C$0.15 SPLITS: Morro Bay / VIR – Split 10-1 in May, then 3.603 for one last week (10/12) shs os: 9,180,096 : 100.% x C$ 0.15 = C$ 1.37 million other : 0,482,998 : 5.26% : John Zang Reverse Takeover Transaction coming: 0. starting shares outstanding : 09,180,096 1. issue shares for debts------ : 02,781,094 ========= Shs OS prior consolidation : 11, 961,290 Shs OS after consolidation : 2,903,618 : at a rate of: 1 / 4.119443 :: $0.15 x 4.119= C$ 0.61785 2. issue to Experion ------------ : 41,767,086 - post consolidation shs, to own 93.5% Total shs OS, post-consol. : 44,670,704 : x C$0.618 = C$ 27.6 million. Calgary, Alberta (FSCwire) - Morro Bay Resources Ltd. (“Morro Bay” or the “Company”) (TSXV: MRB, OTCPink: MRRBF) is pleased to provide an update and additional information in regard to the proposed reverse takeover transaction announced by Morro Bay on May 23, 2017 (the “Transaction”). Update on the Transaction As announced on May 23, 2017, Morro Bay has made an offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of a private company located in British Columbia (the “Offer”). The private company’s name is Experion Biotechnologies Inc. (“Experion”). As previously announced, the Offer was made on May 15, 2017, and is open for acceptance by the Experion shareholders within thirty (30) days after delivery (therefore being approximately June 16, 2017) unless otherwise extended by Morro Bay. Pursuant to the Offer, Morro Bay has offered to issue to the Experion shareholders 205,500,000 Morro Bay common shares in exchange for all of the issued and outstanding shares of Experion. The deemed value per share is $0.1217 per Morro Bay Share (the total deemed value is approximately $25 million). The delivery of 205,500,000 Morro Bay common shares will result in the Experion shareholders owning approximately 93% of Morro Bay’s common shares... Additional information concerning the Offer is contained in the News Release dated May 23, 2017. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2017/06/07/morro-bay-resources-ltd-provides-further-details-on-the-proposed-reverse#Ga0lQPEiE7D69wRe.99 / 2 / As was announced on May 23, 2017, Experion is a Canadian biotech company focused on two lines of business: 1. Completion and operation of a controlled substances laboratory through an affiliate company (the “Lab Business”). 2. Obtaining a license to produce and to distribute medical cannabis products from Health Canada (the “Licensed Producer Business”) pursuant to the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (the “ACMPR”). Experion is incorporated pursuant to the British Columbia Business Corporations Act and all of its assets are located in British Columbia. Experion currently has 13,333,333 Class “A” common shares outstanding. Experion has no other securities issued or outstanding. The Lab Business: The Lab Business is expected to be in operation by July 2017. The Lab Business is operated by an affiliate of Experion—Northern Vine Canada Inc. The Lab Business has obtained a Controlled Substance License from Health Canada. Upon commencement of its operations, the Lab Business will become a laboratory service provider for the Canadian medical cannabis industry. As has been recently reported, unauthorized pesticides in some cannabis products have been a cause for increased focus on the safety of the Canadian medical marijuana supply by all levels of governments and end customers. The Lab Business is expected to help fill the current void in testing, and be available to licensed producers to test marijuana products. Testing is expected to include determination of chemical components and potency of products, physical testing, microbial analysis, and chemical contaminants testing. The Licensed Producer Business: Experion is proceeding to obtain all necessary licenses and authorizations permitting it to become a licensed producer of medical marijuana pursuant to the ACMPR (the “ACMPR License”). Experion has applied to Health Canada for an ACMPR License to cultivate medical marijuana and has successfully completed the “review” stage of the Health Canada licensing process. This means that Experion received a “Confirmation of Readiness” letter from Health Canada (also known as a “ready to build” letter) in June 2016. In early June 2017, Experion expects to request its Pre-license Inspection by Health Canada. Experion anticipates completion of construction of its state-of-the-art indoor production, secure storage and processing facility located in Mission, British Columbia (the “Mission Site”) by June 30, 2017. Upon substantial completion of construction at the Mission Site, it will be made available for the Health Canada inspection. Upon completion of a satisfactory Pre-License Inspection by Health Canada, Experion expects to be authorized to commence the cultivation of medical marijuana. Upon receipt of its ACMPR License, Experion plans to commence the cultivation of medical-grade marijuana with a focus of growing whole plant “starter material” for wholesale distribution to licensed growers and the production and processing of dried cannabis flower for wholesale distribution. The Mission Site facility is 8,300 square feet of which approximately 2,000 square feet will be used to grow medical-grade marijuana. Experion also plans to expand its production facilities by constructing 40,000 square feet of greenhouse canopy (the “Greenhouse”), subject to Health Canada approval, for whole plant cultivation. The above description of the Licensed Producer Business is conditional on Experion receiving its license under the ACMPR. Experion is essentially a late-stage license applicant. As of May 31, 2017, Experion had $1,260,685 on deposit with its bank. Experion anticipates that the major expenditures during June and July 2017 will be the costs related to the Transaction and the balance of the costs related to the completion of the Mission Site facility to be used in the Licensed Producer Business. Construction of the Mission Site facility is ahead of schedule and currently below budget. Completion of the Mission Site facility is anticipated to occur by June 30, 2017, with total additional costs to be incurred to complete the facility estimated by Experion management to be approximately $290,141.
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