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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. NEW VIDEO!! Giants, Little People & Subterranean Secrets with Steve Quayle & Klaus Dona
  2. NEW VIDEO!! Giants, Little People & Subterranean Secrets with Steve Quayle & Klaus Dona
  3. Sleeping Giants in Stasis Chambers Ready to Awaken Whistleblower Claims By Editor August 6, 2015 7 Comments In the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode on Gaiam TV, Corey Goode makes some startling claims about sleeping giants located in stasis chambers hidden all around the world. He says that during his down-time in secret space program assignments (1987-2007) he would review information on “smart glass pads.” The pads were a Wikipedia-like repository of information that personnel in the Solar Warden and other secret space programs could access about various aspects of ancient Earth history, extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, etc. Goode described seeing information about giants that once lived on Earth, now sleeping in stasis chambers. Goode described stasis chambers as being originally built by an “Ancient Builder Race” who used crystal technologies to create time bubbles in which the flow of time on the inside is much slower than the outside. Thirty minutes can elapse inside the time bubble, while 30,000 years speed by on the outside according to Goode. He said that these stasis chambers with perfectly preserved giants inside them had been found all over the world. According to Goode, the smart glass pads revealed that Abraham Lincoln had seen one of the stasis chamber giants in one of the ancient mounds found across the United States. This is supported by Lincoln himself who said: The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now. In support of his remarkable claims, Goode discussed two youtube videos which he had earlier shared with the host, David Wilcock. Goode said he believed they were examples of sleeping giants that had distinctive red hair and white skin. The videos were released on Youtube and are in the Russian language. In the first video (below) Goode believes the stasis giant has died due to human interference. https://youtu.be/dzbBctr_2Dk In the next video, Goode believes the stasis giant is still alive. The above videos show what appear to be perfectly preserved bodies lying in sarcophagi of some kind. There is no sign of advanced technology other than jewelry placed around the sarcophagi and on the bodies. How credible are Goode’s claims? The two videos cited by Goode have been subjected to much internet discussion. One of the videos dates to a discovery in 2008 following excavations for a building in the Kurdistan region of Iran. A google translation of a Russian article about the discovery follows: == > http://www.theeventchronicle.com/intel/sleeping-giants-in-stasis-chambers-ready-to-awaken-whistleblower-claims/
  4. Many Native American tribes from the Northeast and Southwest still relate the legends of the red-haired giants and how their ancestors fought terrible, protracted wars against the giants when they first encountered them in North America almost 15,000 years ago. Others, like the Aztecs and Mayans recorded their encounters with a race of giants to the north when they ventured out on exploratory expeditions. Who were these red-haired giants that history books have ignored? Their burial sites and remains have been discovered on almost every continent. In the United States they have been unearthed in Virginia and New York state, Michigan, Illinois and Tennessee, Arizona and Nevada. Spanish Encounter - Circa 1768 And it's the state of Nevada that the story of the native Paiute's wars against the giant red-haired men transformed from a local myth to a scientific reality during 1924 when the Lovelock Caves were excavated. At one time the Lovelock Cave was known as Horseshoe cave because of its U-shaped interior. The cavern - located about 20 miles south of modern day Lovelock, Nevada, is approximately 40-feet deep and 60-feet wide. (read "Lovelock, Nevada - An Explanation") It's a very old cave that pre-dates humans on this continent. In prehistoric times it lay underneath a giant inland lake called Lahontan that covered much of western Nevada. Geologists have determined the cavern was formed by the lake's currents and wave action. The legend The Paiutes, a Native-American tribe indigenous to parts of Nevada, Utah and Arizona, told early white settlers about their ancestors' battles with a ferocious race of white, red-haired giants. According to the Paiutes, the giants were already living in the area. The Paiutes named the giants "Si-Te-Cah" that literally means “tule-eaters.” The tule is a fibrous water plant the giants wove into rafts to escape the Paiutes continuous attacks. They used the rafts to navigate across what remained of Lake Lahontan. According to the Paiutes, the red-haired giants stood as tall as 12-feet and were a vicious, unapproachable people that killed and ate captured Paiutes as food. The Paiutes told the early settlers that after many years of warfare, all the tribes in the area finally joined together to rid themselves of the giants. One day as they chased down the few remaining red-haired enemy, the fleeing giants took refuge in a cave. The tribal warriors demanded their enemy come out and fight, but the giants steadfastly refused to leave their sanctuary. Frustrated at not defeating their enemy with honor, the tribal chiefs had warriors fill the entrance to the cavern with brush and then set it on fire in a bid to force the giants out of the cave. The few that did emerge were instantly slain with volleys of arrows. The giants that remained inside the cavern were asphyxiated. Later, an earthquake rocked the region and the cave entrance collapsed leaving only enough room for bats to enter it and make it their home. Stan Nielsen at Lovelock Cave The excavation Thousands of years later the cave was rediscovered and found to be loaded with bat guano almost 6-feet deep. Decaying bat guano becomes saltpeter, the chief ingredient of gunpowder, and was very valuable. Therefore, in 1911 a company was created specifically to mine the guano. As the mining operation progressed, skeletons and fossils were found. The guano was mined for almost 13 years before archaeologists were notified about the findings. Unfortunately, by then many of the artifacts had been accidentally destroyed or simply discarded. Nevertheless, what the scientific researchers did recover was staggering: over 10,000 artifacts were unearthed including the mummified remains of two red-haired giants - one, a female 6.5-feet tall, the other male, over 8-feet tall. Many of the artifacts (but not the giants) can be viewed at the small natural history museum located in Winnemucca, Nevada. Confirmation of the myth As the excavation of the cave progressed, the archaeologists came to the inescapable conclusion that the Paiutes myth was no myth; it was true. What led them to this realization was the discovery of many broken arrows that had been shot into the cave and a dark layer of burned material under sections of the overlaying guano. Among the thousands of artifacts recovered from this site of an unknown people is what some scientists are convinced is a calendar: a donut-shaped stone with exactly 365 notches carved along its outside rim and 52 corresponding notches along the inside. But that was not to be the final chapter of red-haired giants in Nevada. In February and June of 1931, two very large skeletons were found in the Humboldt dry lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada. One of the skeletons measured 8.5-feet tall and was later described as having been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to Egyptian mummies. The other was nearly 10-feet long. [Nevada Review-Miner newspaper, June 19, 1931.]
  5. Red Haired Mummies of China from BurlingtonNews Website A Tocharian man with red-blond hair; his clear European features still visible after nearly 3,500 years in his desert grave in China. Recent excavations in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang province have uncovered more than 100 naturally mummified corpses of people who lived there between 4,000 and 2,400 years ago, indicating that the Aryan race of red and blonde hair with blue eyes lived in this area at one time. Giant Mummies and Pyramids of China Ancient White Mummies of Asia The bodies were amazingly well preserved by the arid climate, and according to the New York Times: "...archaeologists could hardly believe what they saw." The mummies had long noses and skulls, blond or red hair, thin lips, deepest eyes, and other unmistakably Aryan features. Dr. Victor H. Mair of the University of Pennsylvania said, "Because the Tarim Basin Caucasoid corpses are almost certainly representatives of the Indo-European family, and because they date from a time period early enough to have a bearing on the expansion of the Indo-European people from their homeland, it is thought that they will play a crucial role in determining just where that might have been." One such mummy of a teenaged girl with blond hair and blue yes, found in a cave, has become quite a tourist attraction in Beijing. She has been nicknamed "The Lady of Tarim" and she is on display to throngs of museum visitors in the Chinese capital. Apparently she was a princess or a priestess of some kind over 3,000 years ago, for she was buried in fine embroidered garments of wool and leather, along with beautiful jewelry, jars and ornaments of gold, silver, jade and onyx. Her remains are in such a remarkable state of preservation that the dead girl looks as if she were just sleeping. A Tocharian female mummy with long flaxen blond hair, perfectly preserved in ponytails. Items of weaved material, identical to Celtic cloth One of the most famous Tocharian mummies found, the so-called "Beauty of Loulan"; and her face, to the right, as reconstructed by an artist. Close-up of a Tocharian male, and to the right is a swastika decoration found on a clay bowl recovered from the Tocharian grave sites. The swastika was part of the original Indo-European language, meaning "well being". It seems that this symbol was universally accepted as such. > https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_tuathadedanaan04.htm
  6. Possible re-creations, Working with real skulls, and known ahir-color Steve Quayle talks about Red-haired Giants Smithsonian Drops Evidence of “Something Strange” —Something We Never Thought—Steve Quayle Bombshell
  7. BIG Questions were being asked early this year Did Steve Quayle Find What Is In Antarctica? "Giants, Atlantis, UFO? "Why are the leaders going to Antarctica? I don't think they are going to meet penguins" After 5-6 months, there are not many firm answers. Just more questions Lisa Haven says: "The Smithsonian has admitted to 7-foot and taller giants." ((NEW)) ALIENS!! LISA HAVEN WITH TIM ALBERINO Earlier video - describing the evidence ((MUST SEE)) NEW!! STEVE QUAYLE VISITS LISA HAVEN ((PROOF)) OF GIANTS Some giants still live among us. They are born and grow to 7-feet, 8-feet, and taller. But these normal-but-tall humans are not the creatures that Steve Qualye & his colleague are talking about. Igor Vovkovinskiy is America's Tallest Man - at 7 foot 8.33 inches tall Robert Wadlow was the tallest person in history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. Wadlow reached 8 ft 11.1 in ============
  8. BIG Questions were being asked early this year Did Steve Quayle Find What Is In Antarctica? "Giants, Atlantis, UFO? "Why are the leaders going to Antarctica? I don't think they are going to meet penguins" After 5-6 months, there are not many firm answers. Just more questions Lisa Haven says: "The Smithsonian has admitted to 7-foot and taller giants." ((NEW)) ALIENS!! LISA HAVEN WITH TIM ALBERINO Earlier video - describing the evidence ((MUST SEE)) NEW!! STEVE QUAYLE VISITS LISA HAVEN ((PROOF)) OF GIANTS Some giants still live among us. They are born and grow to 7-feet, 8-feet, and taller. But these normal-but-tall humans are not the creatures that Steve Qualye & his colleague are talking about. Igor Vovkovinskiy is America's Tallest Man - at 7 foot 8.33 inches tall Robert Wadlow was the tallest person in history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. Wadlow reached 8 ft 11.1 in ============
  9. PH Peso is weak - Why? Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / DXY : CNY vsPHP : MYRvsPHP : An article in Today's Philippines Star (pg B5) gives some good reasons Peso Weakness - Good or Bad? - by Wilson Sy He gives Six reasons why the PHP is weakening against an already-weak USD + Current account deficit, Weaker trade gap, slower than expected growth in OFW remittances, + War in Marawi, charts - the break of PHP 50 barrier, Narrowing yield differential, as US rates rise Looking closer at the numbers, he observes: + Oil prices have stopped falling, and oil imports have a big impact of PH's trade balance + Auto purchases were front-ende to beat an excise price increase, and capital goods imports rose + Some investors shifted out of PH fixed income holdings Peso weakness has a positive side: + Higher spending power for OFW's, and more competitive BPOs + Exports boosted, along with local manufacturing (enjoy pricing advantage relative imports) + Agriculture and tourism boosted; more jobs, and advantages for PH countryside PSE-Index. / PH:PSEI ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo // All-Data-vs-PSE Philippines Stock Exch. / PH:PSE ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo : The weak peso has not hurt stocks - the index has remained stable. In other countries, such as Japan, the weak yen helped their stock index Since economic growth is the long term goal, short term weakness in the PHP may not be a bad thing, so long as Du30's policies are helping the country's long term growth, They should do so. *(in edit: 7/21/17): PSE to raise more equity - & merge with PDS Group, a fixed income trading platform A much-awaited union of capital market entities Philippine Daily Inquirer / July 21, 2017 It has been a long and winding road for the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) in its bid to acquire PDS Holdings Corp., in turn part of the aspiration to unify the country’s capital market infrastructure. Now on its 25th year since the unification of the old Makati and Manila stock exchanges to create the bourse that we now know as the PSE, will it be successful in merging with the PDS Group this time around? Recently, the PSE obtained commitment from other key shareholders of PDS to sell their shares, which will allow the former to gain majority control of PDS, the holding firm for fixed-income trading platform Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corp. (PDEx), Philippine Depositary and Trust Corp. (PDTC) and Philippine Securities Settlement Corp. (PSSC). Read more: http://business.inquirer.net/233558/much-awaited-union-capital-market-entities#ixzz4nRnyggB3
  10. Rob Potter is back Like Corey Goode, he provides no actual evidence - so just maybe more interesting "campfire stories' But nevertheless, I do find his narrative interesting Ep. 690 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Rob Potter : ET Contact, Valient Thor, Dr. Fred Bell : LIVE Rob's neck is the size of the average young model's waist. How does that happen? Was he born with some off-planet DNA?
  11. ORTIGAS readies P125Bn for Massive redev't plan Ortigas&Co, is now co-owed by Ayala Land and SM Prime, and it has announced plans to spend at east P125billion for the massive redevelopment of its three planned master-estates = + Greenhills (P60B), Frontera Verde (P60B), and Capital Commons (P5B, on phase 1) + Money spent will go towards Residential towers, BPO's, an expansion of shopping facilities
  12. BOOST FOR BULACAN MRT 7 to be completed by Q4-2019 - Tugade The 22 km Metro Rail Transit (MRT 7) that will connect Quezon City and Bulacan is is expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2019 + The project will have 14 stations between North Avenue in Quezon City, and San Jose del monte City in Bulacan + It is about 36 Trainsets or 108 cars that wll service the route; enough to carry 500k passengers a day + With be constructed by a consortium led by San Miguel Holdings ===== Bulacan pushes to revive dead rivers Bulcan Governor Wilhelmino Sy-Alvardo got the support of Sen. Cynthia Villar & Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian to commit assistance to revive the Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS), once considered as 'among the most polluted rivers in the world" Vlllar said she spent "15 years of my life cleaning the river" in Las Pinas
  13. This is, well, weird... because of her name, and Film credits Traitor, and/or Backstabber of his President, and his Nation? The O'Jays - Back Stabbers Karma McCain, Actress: Back Stabber. Karma McCain is an actress, known for Back Stabber (2016), Second Coming (2012) and Our Existence (2017). Karma Mccain Pt. 1
  14. Meanwhile on the Clinton front, the REAL criminals, there's this by SGT Report I don't know why I think this... But I have long thought that Chelsea would be "taken out" before Hillary and infront of her eyes. And that would be the main event that would fell Mrs Clinton. Some of these people deserve painful ends. I would be willing to see them go without pain, so long as they leave soon, and without damaging more people Everyone in the Media Now Pretends John McCain is a Nice Guy: You Sellouts "bomb, bomb Iran" John McCain: "Bomb Iran" (with bonus footage)
  15. None of it? ALL of it... & more? Or something in between?
  16. "Karma is a Bitch", eh John? McCain has 'most malignant of brain tumors' Comment: McCain's BRAIN CANCER is sad news for him and for his family. But if he resigns immediately, as he should, my prayers and the prayers of many others will be answered. I hope he recovers after that, but as a FORMER member of the Senate. We need this corrupt old war monger OFF the political stage, and somewhere that he can do no further damage! Carlyle Bermudez - 2 hours ago Time to pay the piper, Warmonger! 24 MegaTriumph1- 2 hours ago Lets start with a resign right away. Let the rest take care of itself. ============ "I won't lament his death, I will celebrate it... He's been brain-dead for a long time" Warmongering Traitor John McCain Has Brain Cancer- Oh Wow So Sad! "It will be better for this country, when he is gone"
  17. THE PRICE that Truthtellers pay (unfortunately, sometimes they forget the Rewards of living with integrity) Cassie Jaye paid a price for making a film, the Red Pill, which tells some non-PC truths about gender relationships. Cassie Jaye on Laci Green & Media Backlash Meantime, the "human garbage bin" Laci Green seems to coast through life, collecting nice Youtube money on her videos, supporting various SJW causes, while promoting sexual promiscuity, and "sex positive" bi-sexuality Laci Green LIVE: Red Pilling, Sex, and Constructive Dialogue I reckon that Laci is only a step or two ahead of the black cloud of depression that her lifestyle creates around her (I think about John McCain and his brain cancer, and how "karma is a bitch", a worse bitch than Laci Green.)
  18. Gran Columbian Gold is beginning to outperform Gold & other Gold-related shares GCM.t vs. etc ... update GCM bonds and some shares now represent one of my largest positions
  19. Foreign purchases of U.S. residential real estate surged to the highest level ever in terms of number of homes sold and dollar volume. Foreign buyers closed on $153 billion worth of U.S. residential properties between April 2016 and March 2017, a 49 percent jump from the period a year earlier, according to the National Association of Realtors. That surpasses the previous high, set in 2015. > http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/18/foreigners-snap-up-record-number-of-us-homes.html
  20. i missed the recent low. and am now waiting for the retest, or pullback to buy. the cyclical low seems to be in
  21. Foreign purchases of U.S. residential real estate surged to the highest level ever in terms of number of homes sold and dollar volume. . Foreign buyers closed on $153 billion worth of U.S. residential properties between April 2016 and March 2017, a 49 percent jump from the period a year earlier, according to the National Association of Realtors. That surpasses the previous high, set in 2015. . . . Half are in just three states: CA, FL, & TX. Chinese were the biggest foreign buyers == > http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/18/foreigners-snap-up-record-number-of-us-homes.html
  22. Are "ETs" really Extra-dimensional beings? JOHN DESOUZA - X-MAN - FORMER FBI AGENT - UFOS & ETS I don't know why I started off negative - perhaps because he sounded tense, but I warmed to him, the longer I listened Antarctica comment At 56 minutes, he spoke about the importance of revelations concerning Antarctica. "There will be incredible layers of deception.... Many of the stories so far have been very weak." Earlier he had said that Putin has announced that he will visit Antarctica
  23. PRAYERS against The Plot -- and against the Communist News Network (CNN) 1715 – Pastor - There Is A Trump Assassination Plot, 1715 Published on Jul 17, 2017
  24. Ethereum Triggers what event? who pulls? how pulled? An outstanding feature of the Ethereum blockchain, is how it can be used to create "smart contracts" which are triggered in a more efficient (and perhaps cheaper) manner than standard, old-fashioned legal contracts, which may require a more elaborate discovery and settlement process. A new thread will look at some examples, and discuss issues and challenges in using Ether-related triggers == > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21598
  25. RiseMakati.com / pg.#2 . . . NIGHTTIME Views - - - : AXA, The Rise & Air from the (new) walkway over Sen. Gil Puyat ............................ : A bit later from the Columns amenities floor The Rise and Air at night - from the podium near the pool at Columns Ayala Amenities Floor of Columns Ayala provides a good viewing platform for Rise and Air
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