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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. THE WEEK OF GORKA - as "the pit bull" takes on the Lie-Stream Media Sebastian Gorka on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (7/17/2017) Bogus polls look bad for Trump, but Rasmussen, a more credible poll has Trump's approval at 43% - which is not so bad RASMUSSEN: TRUMP APPROVE AT 43%... Hannity is a Trump supporter, let's admit this. But his approach is more even-handed and truth-seeking that the blow-hard, hyper-ventilating LIES of the LSM. They, the Lie-stream, will never admit the huge and glaring holes in their so called arguments. BTW, they partisan pieces are one million miles away from being actual news reports.
  2. I wish those who embrace traditional values could all do another Mandela juxtaposition to a world where good triumphs - and the freaks are just "freaks" and not in charge ever again. Hear! Hear!
  3. The REAL REVAL ...that is coming, will not be the bonanza some are expecting I was puzzled by the "judge's" comment, until I came to this past: " The Paradigm Project and other Secondary Creditors named Bankruptcy Trustees and created a gigantic "public trust" that they named the One People's Public Trust or OPPT, and they proceeded to create the Giant Slush Pile described. They claimed title to all assets presumed to belong to JOHN MICHAEL DOE and JOHN M. DOE and John M. Doe and John Michael Doe and John Doe.... all the land and all the houses, all the businesses, all the oil rigs, all the cows, all the cars and trucks,,,,,,all dumped into the OPPT and parceled out by Secondary Creditors." When I saw the reference to OPPT, I instantly knew it was nonsense. Because everything associated with Heather Touchy-Giraffe and OPPT is nonsense All that talk of several hundred Trillions and Quadrillions (or more) of People's Wealth - is just nonsense, as I have proven by the numbers many times. Most "money" is a mere promise, and unless there is something to back it, it is only as good as the word and credit of the one who wrote the IOU Will the US keep its promises? I reckon it will until the credibility of the US government is destroyed. Then, people will realize that they cannot. AND a gigantic restructuring of outstanding promises will need to be done. If you are then holding something tangible, which is not someone else's promise, you will be in a much more advantageous position. When all the promises are broken or restructured, people will be very angry, that they are not getting what they have expected all their lives. Ironically, Ron and others look forward to "the RV" - but the Revaluation that is coming will not benefit them, I reckon. They will be tragically worse off, since so many promises are now sustaining people who have stopped contributing, and have saved nothing. This is sad - but it is reality IMHO
  4. PH Peso is weak - Why? Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / DXY : CNY vsPHP : MYRvsPHP : updated to 10/20/17: USD= P51.50 An article in Today's Philippines Star (pg B5) gives some good reasons Peso Weakness - Good or Bad? - by Wilson Sy He gives Six reasons why the PHP is weakening against an already-weak USD + Current account deficit, Weaker trade gap, slower than expected growth in OFW remittances, + War in Marawi, charts - the break of PHP 50 barrier, Narrowing yield differential, as US rates rise Looking closer at the numbers, he observes: + Oil prices have stopped falling, and oil imports have a big impact of PH's trade balance + Auto purchases were front-ende to beat an excise price increase, and capital goods imports rose + Some investors shifted out of PH fixed income holdings Peso weakness has a positive side: + Higher spending power for OFW's, and more competitive BPOs + Exports boosted, along with local manufacturing (enjoy pricing advantage relative imports) + Agriculture and tourism boosted; more jobs, and advantages for PH countryside PSE-Index. / PH:PSEI ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo // All-Data-vs-PSE : Last: 10/20/17: 8,420.95: -66.42 Philippines Stock Exch. / PH:PSE ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo : *(in edit: 7/21/17): PSE to raise more equity - & merge with PDS Group, a fixed income trading platform Read more: http://business.inquirer.net/233558/much-awaited-union-capital-market-entities#ixzz4nRnyggB3 The weak peso has not hurt stocks - the index has remained stable. In other countries, such as Japan, the weak yen helped their stock index Since economic growth is the long term goal, short term weakness in the PHP may not be a bad thing, so long as Du30's policies are helping the country's long term growth, They should do so.
  5. PH Peso is weak - Why? Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / DXY : CNY vsPHP : MYRvsPHP : An article in Today's Philippines Star (pg B5) gives some good reasons Peso Weakness - Good or Bad? - by Wilson Sy He gives Six reasons why the PHP is weakening against an already-weak USD + Current account deficit, Weaker trade gap, slower than expected growth in OFW remittances, + War in Marawi, charts - the break of PHP 50 barrier, Narrowing yield differential, as US rates rise Looking closer at the numbers, he observes: + Oil prices have stopped falling, and oil imports have a big impact of PH's trade balance + Auto purchases were front-ende to beat an excise price increase, and capital goods imports rose + Some investors shifted out of PH fixed income holdings Peso weakness has a positive side: + Higher spending power for OFW's, and more competitive BPOs + Exports boosted, along with local manufacturing (enjoy pricing advantage relative imports) + Agriculture and tourism boosted; more jobs, and advantages for PH countryside PSE-Index. / PH:PSEI ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo // All-Data-vs-PSE Philippines Stock Exch. / PH:PSE ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo : The weak peso has not hurt stocks - the index has remained stable. In other countries, such as Japan, the weak yen helped their stock index Since economic growth is the long term goal, short term weakness in the PHP may not be a bad thing, so long as Du30's policies are helping the country's long term growth, They should do so.
  6. SUMMER MADNESS impacting prices at ARCA South? "135k to 156k per sqm" - that's +15.5% in One day*! A friend told me: "Avida has raised the price for at ARCA South from 135k p sqm to 156k and some buyers have backed out". Nevertheless many others are still expected to buy at the (higher) new price. - It seems there are some panicky buyers around - Is Avida trying to SPIKE the market up, into a Peak? That sounds like madness, but it would describe what we are seeing. Since RENTS are not rising, these high prices do not look sustainable *CORRECTION: This was not really a true price rise, No one was able to buy units in the development at P135k per sqm. That was an "expected" Launch prices, which before it was actually offered for sale, The price was amended to a new official Launch price. But nevertheless it suggests a big jump from phase one, Union Square. To the new phase 2 at ARCA South, which is called: V---. (This info comes to from an Avida agent, Christelle, who was well informed about the matter.) =============== How to beat the price rises? + Buying at nearby Veranda is one way - prices there seem slightly cheaper than the new Avida launch. But there's not much stock there - Veranda is said to be 95% sold out + Keeping an eye open for re-opened units at Union Square could be another way
  7. FREAKS, poseurs, and politicians - Are they all the same? Someone who should NOT have run... Which is John McCain? Which is more scary? Freaky at the tat fest... Insane McCain, with his one hand texting technique?? But NOT well now... he's getting a needed head operation McCain Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought... The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday. The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has already announced that votes on a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act will not begin until Mr. McCain’s return. A statement released by Mr. McCain’s office on Saturday had suggested that he would be in Arizona recovering for just this week, but neurosurgeons interviewed said the typical recovery period could be longer. The statement from Mr. McCain’s office said a two-inch blood clot was removed from “above his left eye” during a “minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision” at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, “following a routine annual physical.” (Do we need ANOTHER Freak in national politics?) Caitlyn Jenner weighs run for Senate... I've had it! On this website, it is now open season on Trannies and other freaks. Back to basics - this tranz. nonsense and w3-feminism are not serving our society as well as Traditional values did. The wheels are coming off our society... and I want them back on again. So if you want to abuse Brucey-boy here, don't hold back. I'd like to see the self-deluded freak hit with a wall of reality if he launches a campaign. Let's go back to Normality, heroes, and tested Truths.
  8. Bitcoins have Fallen... below $2000 - Last: 1951 BTS ... update : 6-mos : = ETH is down to $156
  9. " And he doesn't want to go back to Belgium, because there is too much bureacracy and no freedom. So PH is new USA." Yeah, So many Belgians here. I met one recently who travels between PH and Hong Kong, He has a nice flat in Milano. His dream? To open a bakery selling high quality Belgian waffles
  10. A truly dynamic Duo, McKinney and Austin-Fitts - talk about how the Deep State has taken power - and fights Wars An excellent interview! Thanks, Softly She doesn't mention the word "Jew", but Cynthia McKinney talks about the Zio-Cons and how they have grabbed power. She thinks that the Deep State has now split into the Globalist Zio-Cons, and the Pilgrims, who want America to survive. (Presumably, some of the Pilgrims support Trump's idea of pro-American nationalism.) One of the problems that McKinney and RDS have had was in getting their Meet-up groups going using the Meet-up website. Why? Ms McKinney says it is because the (Jewish) anti-defamation league complained, saying the group was Alt-Right (!), and not supporting unity. This is more evidence of how the Zionists undermine people whom they see as potential enemies McKinney recently had a visit from CAF, and here is a conversation they had together - also very interesting! Just A Taste: Enforce the US Constitution with Dr. Cynthia McKinney Published on Jul 5, 2017 This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally. For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world. The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound. Money and violence are the heart of these issues. The United States has spent $14 trillion on global wars over the last 30 years because Congress finances war and because Congress tolerates illegal and unconstitutional financial practices at the US Department of Defense and US Treasury. In 2015, the DOD alone was missing $6.5 trillion in undocumentable adjustments. Even now the US Treasury cannot produce audited financial statements for the US Government, as required by law, and has not produced accurate and understandable place-based financial reporting. Now we have reached a fork in the road. We can continue to become an inhuman society in which the law no longer respects or protects the average person and his or her property, or we can try to remain a human society, in which the rule of law protects one and all – including the people in the developing world who have been the target for much longer of the disaster capitalism and lawlessness attacking US and European communities. No one else knows this system better than former Congresswoman McKinney. She served with distinction for 12 years in the US Congress from the Georgia 4th and 11th districts. Now a professor of political science who teaches organizational change and leadership as well as entrepreneurship in Asia, Congresswoman McKinney has worked through these issues at both practical political and business
  11. . We have, I think heard this plan - and plans like it before : Hong Kong architect wins tender for massive development on artificial island off Manila City of Pearl being touted as one of the biggest ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ projects; the man-made island off the coast of Manila will be the size of 20 Victoria Parks. ===== Does it really make sense? And will people BUY or Finance it? I reckon it will need some great infrastructure to be put in place before it will happen
  12. The pit bull, CRUSHING CNN and the Scum-ocrats ! Dr. Gorka: I'm ready to be the president's pit bull Let's get an Army of Gorkas and pit-bulls Comments: 1/ HEY, WHY even Talk about CNN? Fox should drop them - ignore them. Better to talk about what Alex Jones, or Stefan Molyneux said. Get the word out ! 2/ Yogi Bear reruns are CRUSHING CNN in the Ratings Sebastian Gorka tears apart Anderson Cooper
  13. You are right. Ron is like a broken record - but I somehow feel a duty to look in on him from time to time. But almost everything he touched has now blown up, been fully discredited, So perhaps, I should just let him go - but I do get RVD-related comments here sometimes, and ocacsionally people posting on his channel sound as if they are reading the comments here I have mostly thrown in the towel on Dave Schmidt, the Amba, and the Gold-fishing report. But once in a while, one of those ol sources come up with something that interest me. This recent video is an example, and I think I will actually listen to 5-10 minutes at least: The GoldFish Report No. 110 Guest Rob Potter from "Victory of the Light" Radio (I will plan to post a comment here after I listen.)
  14. SUMMER MADNESS in the Property market? "135k to 156k per sqm" - that's +15.5% in One day*! *CORRECTION: This was not really a true price rise, No one was able to buy units in the development at P135k per sqm. That was an "expected" Launch prices, which before it was actually offered for sale, The price was amended to a new official Launch price. But nevertheless it suggests a big jump from phase one, Union Square. To the new phase 2 at ARCA South, which is called: V---. (This info comes to from an Avida agent, Christelle, who was well informed about the matter.) A friend told me: "Avida has raised the price for at ARCA South from 135k p sqm to 156k and some buyers have backed out". Nevertheless many others are still expected to buy at the (higher) new price. - It seems there are some panicky buyers around - Is Avida trying to SPIKE the market up, into a Peak? That sounds like madness, but it would describe what we are seeing. Since RENTS are not rising, these high prices do not look sustainable When will Buyers WAKE UP, and realize they should be buying in the Secondary market? That's how to beat these insane price rises =============== J. - REPORTING from the Property seminar at Glorietta (on the MM Viber chat) ===== "My key takeaway here the growth of the online gaming industry (Generating strong) demand for real estate on the bay area." SLIDE - shows: 590,960 SQM : Demand for FY 2017 "Pre-commitments & under negotiation" A total of 124K SQM (21%) from Online Gaming Locations: 61% in BGC/Taguig, 23% Alabang, 16% Bay area "And this slide is interesting. This is demand as per q2 2017" DrB: I think you are maybe talking about businesses renting Office space, and bringing jobs to those areas - ??? J: (Yes.) Theyre causing high demand for office space. And since they employ 90% chinese ppl - Those ppl will also need housing Near the area DrB: 1. Will the Jump in Office space rentals, also bring Residential demand - I would say: very probably 2. Are these grabs for Office space by new online businesses sustainable - or will all the new Online gamers compete fiercely and then canabalize each other. The surge may be followed by a bust in gaming business (that is reasonably likely imho) J: I think so too From what i heard ...those online gaming companies are sorta importing chinese workers So theyll need housing DrB: IMPORTING CHINESE WORKERS? Why? The whole idea of this industry was to bring Jobs to PH workers, not to make profits for SM, MEG and FLI - the condo builders. Or am I wrong ? J: Think target market is chinese gamblers... So they need to speak chinese DrB: Sure. But Du30 does not like gambling - and now his govt welcomes n Chinese gamblers, and Chinese workers to man Chinese gambling call centers? Is there real logic in this? Unless maybe they come for 3-6 months, and TEACH LOCALS to speak Chinese Could THAT be it? If so, the landlords may see good rents for 3-6months, and then comes the shakeout J: SLIDE: showing... 1BR Condo at One Central was P4.62M in 2012, an P7.47M now That is a 37.22% price increase - 7.44% every year, for 5 years DrB: 7.44% per annum Rise is not unreasonable - but 15.5% in One Day - per my friend's report on Avida seems outrageous. That's two years worth of rises in just one day! Crazy stuff - which I am calling "summer madness" (In edit - Alveo's Circuit is joining the "summer madness" move, apparently):
  15. RON's theories = a Big Nothing RVD is still going on about "stolen wealth" an phony courts Why? I reckon he never generated much, if any, wealth in his lifetime - he relied on charity from others, as I understand it.. Those who can whine about stolen wealth, are more properly those who pay taxes 7-15-17 – CAN WE NOW ACCESS OUR STOLEN WEALTH? Published on Jul 14, 2017 CAN WE NOW ACCESS OUR STOLEN WEALTH? Two of my friends seem to be on very different pages when it comes to solutions to the criminal theft of our natural wealth. Anna von Reitz and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf disagree. I’ve been following Anna for over a year now; and I greatly respect the work she has been doing. I read her posts pretty much every day. I also worked with Heather in the past, very much appreciating her contribution to our emancipation. Anna contends, if I comprehend it correctly, that Heather’s plan keeps the corporation intact. If that’s true, I oppose it. Corporations are the problem, never the solution. Freedom is the only remedy that will restore human rights and allow us to become more than slaves. With all my heart, I’d like to see us pull together to undo the demonic criminality that has inflicted the human race for millennia. If we can finally access our wealth, we can put it to good use in liberating one another, ending the insane debt slavery system and ushering in a new age of higher consciousness. Heather's crazy and impossible scheme was discredited a long time ago, in my vew ===== (As for the phony Judge, RVD himself posted this): Excerpt: paradoxman316 - 7 hours ago (edited) One of my friends, a former sheriff deputy here in Florida sent me this... "Ron, I utterly implore you to come to your senses concerning this non judge. She was never a judge of any court in any state in the union address states, or in any judicial body appointed/elected or otherwise. There are no common law courts, there is only common law jurisdiction when you actually claim it and establish a court of record nisi prius where you are the tribunal and in possession of a seal and are independent of the magistrate.Let me repeat that. THERE ARE NO COMMON LAW COURTS in any state in the union of states... . . . Sorry, if she was a legitimate judge she'd be willing to provide a citation of any case where she was the presiding justice I'd think. Many people have requested this very thing and I have yet to see the first citation offered by her. If she'd produce/provide just one it would alleviate all the puffery and bravo sierra.
  16. The David Seaman video seems like an outburst from someone who has lost patience. It does not seem too meaningful. I dont think Trump is taking all the abuse he gets everyday to serve some NWO agenda - Why should he? What could be possibly be offered to make him play a charade? But finding his way through the swamp and trying to build power is a very real challenge.
  17. Comments on AT-SanLorenzo and Avida... From another thread here: == > source: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21244&page=2
  18. " But if the price were to drop 20pct from the developers price, -- as some investors here -- wrongly in my opinion - seem to assume then the rental yield would spike to 14,5 - 15pct." We are seeing discounts that large and larger already At Trevi, you can buy a 24 sqm 1 BR unit (that includes the balcony of maybe 2 sqm, and part of the walls) at under P 2million. That's under P100k psm. There's is not loads of supply, just 1-2 units being offered cheap. That's how bargains come, from motivated sellers. I think the developer has sold similar units at P130k -140k not long ago - and is now sold out. At P 2million, the units can be rented at P14-15,000 bare, and maybe P18,000 furnished/ If you budget P200k for furniture, so P2.2 million, you get a 9.8% gross yield at P18,000 monthly
  19. " Breeze residences had a launch price of about 3M for a 27sq meter unit with balcony facing ameneties/Manila bay, and I believe it was raised to3,2Million about 1 year later. Right now, according to manilacondostore.com the official price if rent to own is about PHP5Million and if cash perhaps 4,5M." Yeah, but that is still buying from the developer. Have you checked OLX for genuine secondhand prices? (when the seller is NOT the developer) There are some examples, where early buyers can capture an actual profit by flipping before completion, but not many if you bought two years ago. You could have bought a "double discount property" at The Rise about two years ago for maybe P 3million, and there's a decent chance you could sell today for cash at P4-4.2 million. The developer is offering similar at P5-5.2 million, and that P1million discount might be enough to find a buyer. I expect that "P1 million" discount to narrow as we get closer to completion, since a cash buyer will be easier to find when the building tops out, and is within a few months of turnover. I am aiming to monitor prices for The Rise on a special thread: > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21503 M-Bay Area: "... bay area units always seem to fetch the highest values." I wouldn't buy there now - too much supply coming, and not enough high paying jobs. I still think M-Bay has potential to be a train wreck. But I may be wrong.
  20. Megawide is venturing into railways xx Shares gained eight centavos (+0.44%) to close at P18.26 MW has been active in PPP deals Now they may be acquiring a majority stake in the equity of an SPV that will develop the East-West railway MW has bought an option to buy a 60% share in the East-West Rail Transit Corp (EWRTC) - a consortium The rail link will run along Quezon Avenue and Espana Blvd, and have 11 stations Megawide has expressed an interest in joining the bidding for the P12.55 bn Clark Int'l Airport expansion project (needs more experience perhaps.)
  21. So says Bill Still Russian Lawyer Was Actually Working For Obama Clinton, 1710 Haha ... and it gets worse... TRUMP RUSSIA SCANDAL BACKFIRES AGAINST DEMS | Dick Morris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_-NV8EK1To Lie Stream Media and the Dems are being seen as the scumbags they are. Shut them down!
  22. Yes. That makes sense I am more in the Still Listening to RDS, rather than ENDORSING him mode. Although I have referred people to his work, because it might help Red Pill people, into understanding the Zio takeover of America RDS is raising money, he says, to "put up billboard ads" showing which Congressmen have taken the AIPAC oath. I wonder how much of that money will wind up in his own pocket. These crowdfunding campaigns seem to lack accounting and accountability Here's some billboard spending that really resulted in Billboards being put up - maybe Steele should work with them (?) American taxpayers have given more money to Israel than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is one of the smallest and richest countries on earth. Thanks to special interest lobbying, which, until now, has largely gone unopposed, Israel receives $3.1 billion American tax dollars each year in military aid, plus hundreds of millions more for additional weapons programs. This comes to a whopping $10.2 million per day (see breakdown). But that is not all. Special arrangements that benefit Israel combined with aid paid out to other countries on its behalf cost Americans nearly $7 million more each day and thousands of jobs. We can't afford it – morally, financially, or strategically. We need this money at home. + Surveys indicate most Americans would oppose this use of our tax dollars. + It is misused, causing tragedy in the region and peril to Americans. + It hurts the cause of peace. + Israel does not behave as a friend to the US. + == > http://stoptheblankcheck.org/
  23. Bitcoin - the scaling issue Traditional Investors Will Lose Their Shirts Investing in Cryptos—Here’s Why We Won’t EXCERPT Theme 3: Scaling While in Berlin, I met a group of executives from drug giant Merck. These folks are in charge of Merck’s European innovation group. They’re tasked with identifying innovative technology. One problem these execs have with current blockchain technology is it can’t easily scale. In other words, they just can’t operate at the speed Merck requires. This is a common complaint. I’ve heard it from executives in London, Boston, Silicon Valley, New York City, and now Berlin. The most popular blockchain, Bitcoin, can only handle seven transactions per second*. Like the old 56K telephone modems of the 1990s, that’s awful. But it would be a mistake to think that it will stay that way forever. Just as those modems eventually transformed into the high-speed internet we enjoy today, it’s only a matter of time before bitcoin cracks the scaling problem. Solving scaling will be the one event that will transform cryptocurrencies from a relative small-scale market to a global multitrillion-dollar market. A New Playbook The way you make money in cryptos is different from the way you make money in tech stocks. Many traditional investors will lose their shirts in cryptos because they are looking for the next “killer app.” As I’ve shown you, the money isn’t in owning the applications... but owning protocols with interoperability and the ability to scale. What I’ve shared with you today is how crypto insiders are selecting their ideas. These are the guys who are turning thousands into millions. And by following their game plan, we could join their ranks. Let the Game Come to You! Regards, Teeka “Big T” Tiwari (From an email) * I have been told by an Ap developer friend that Ethereum fails at maybe 50 transactions per second ETH - the sellers are still in charge! =
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