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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. It sounds fascinating/ I will try to get to it a bit later. Right now, I am trying to cope with the unexpected loss of hundreds of images - thanks to the new terms imposed by Photobucket. This happened before, but this may be the biggest loss so far
  2. Gold's 4-6 months Cycle: The next cycle Low is due any day now /or overdue - and may have come already in early May. GLD: update: end-may: $116.06 +0.44/ UK:GBS: $115.50/ HK-2840: $ 898.5 /7.76= $115.80 : HK-3081: $29.35 r-30.61 : ImgHst.co The longer history of the cycles looked like this: 2013-15 : : Low, Dec.15th,2016: 1129.8 / $103.04 = 10.96 / intraday: 1123/$103= 10.90 Look what happened after that Dec.2015 Low - a Nice Rally ! And then once again after a Dec. 2016 Low: In April'17, I said: The Rally "may be petering out in April, and Gold (gold shares and silver), turned lower with bonds." I anticipated this - and went short, selling Gold positions, and buying puts on TMF, a 3X etf linked to Bond prices. But this anticipated cyclical low (May/June) either came early, or is coming late - It does not look as distinct (yet!) as prior lows. So I am relunctant to bet on the Low and Buy at this stage. TMF - this chart was from mid-April "Rising interest rates, may turnaround the falling dollar, and "put the Kabash" on the rise in Gold..." These prices tend to move together : TMF, GDX, UGLD, SLV : Bonds, Gold stocks, Gold, and Silver. And they have been moving in a shared 4-6 months cycle - but this latest dip in Gold has not been accompanied by TMF until this week TMF... 2-yrs : 5-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d : : TMF HAS finally dropped - & with it Bonds, Gold, Gold shares, silver... TMY is approximately about 9% lower, over just four days TMF-10d ... update : TMF at $20.00 and Looking for a cyclical Low possibly, Since the Gold low is due, or overdue. : ImgHst.co But the other prices have fallen less. And there is some possibility these prices are beginning to decouple.
  3. I AM SPOOKED ! By some charts "a right shoulder in the bond market" ? Example: TLT / Bonds : 2-yrs : (from a viber conversation): This TLT chart may not look like much... But it is one of the things that has me spooked - Looks like a right shoulder in the bond market (MORE) > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21567
  4. Is Bigfoot ... Neanderthal Man? I did an overlay comparison of the face with the famous Neanderthal skull, the Old Man of La Chapelle-Aux-Saints . The fit is unusually close as you can see from the result below. I did only a little retouching around the edges where the outline included some distracting flaws. Notice the very long and thick head hair and beard which visually merges into the rest of the hair at any view from a distance. == > http://frontiers-of-anthropology.blogspot.hk/2014/04/eastern-bigfoot-neanderthal-skull.html
  5. WONDER Woman, Sara Carter, posing as Star reporter Here's the trailer for the film WONDER WOMAN – Rise of the Warrior [Official Final Trailer] "To the War!" Hannity: "Technically the war is that way... But we have to go this way first." Amazingly, she seems to have an alter-identity as a star reporter Must Watch Super Woman Sara Carter With 3 More Criminal Inquiries For Embattled FBI Director The Lie stream media: "They do not deserve you!" - but Hannity does
  6. PPLT / Platinum could be a good buy at about $85 (especially with the USD weakening now) PPLT ,,, update : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 1yr : 6mo :
  7. DEMOCRATS have deep(er) ties with Russia, it is alleged PEDO-sta may find reporters a bit tougher in 2017 John Podesta and Maria Bartiromo Epic Fight Over Russia Ties: ‘Get Your Facts Straight!’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9U5zxVyTqA by Colby Hall | June 29th, 2017 John Podesta is not just the former chairman of the Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but also a central figure in the ongoing narrative of Russian meddling in the US election of 2016. His hacked emails were at the heart of what some have called a coordinated news campaign led by Wikileaks, and so he met with the House Intelligence panel yesterday behind closed doors. This morning he appeared on Fox Business to discuss the Russian interference, allegations of collusion with Trump campaign and more with host Maria Bartiromo in what became a testy debate that perfectly exemplifies the divided positions that so many Americans hold right now. Bartiromo, a long-time New York financial news figure has had something of a close relationship with Donald Trump for years, so it’s not a surprise that she consistently showed skepticism over the Russia claims in a defensive posture. And there may be no other individual (without the Clinton surname) that best embodies the Clinton’s web of influence — for good and bad — than Mr. Podesta. Bartiromo aggressively attacked Podesta and Democrats for what she said were deeper ties with Russia, specifically asking about Podesta’s investment portfolio. “Get your facts straight,” the former Clinton campaign chair shot back, before dismissing the FBN hosts claims as coming from a dubious source “like InfoWars.” It went downhill from there. Podesta gave as good has he got, successfully pivoting to a specific charge that Trump has appeared to follow the foreign policies of Vladimir Putin in a manner that one doesn’t typically see on a Fox News/Business channel. It was a fascinating and fiery debate that will likely serve to reaffirm pre-existing political opinions for viewers going in. If you believe Podesta is full of beans, you will see that here. If you believe that Bartiromo is a shill for the Trump administration, there’s that too! Watch the full segment above, courtesy of FBN. == > http://www.mediaite.com/tv/john-podesta-and-maria-bartiromo-fight-over-deep-russia-ties-get-your-facts-straight/
  8. Nightmare - It's Only just begun, probably, for Mr Zucker & CNN It couldn't happen to a more deserving fake news (((propagandist))) CNN Month-Long Nightmare... Zucker Runs From O'Keefe... "Cowardly" The last 30 days have been nothing short of a public relations nightmare for CNN. The network is reeling after a brutal stretch that has seen two hosts taken off-air, one story retracted and another rewritten, accusations of staged protests, the resignations of three key employees and most recently, an ongoing series of undercover videos meant to portray CNN as misleading the public about the Trump-Russia stories that have dominated media coverage of the president so far. Late on Tuesday, May 30, TMZ published images of CNN’s New Years Eve co-host, Kathy Griffin, taking part in a photoshoot with a mock severed head of President Trump. The story quickly blew up. Influential news aggregator Matt Drudge placed CNN’s ties to Griffin front and center on his site, the Drudge Report. CNN Begs The Public To Stop Using The Term Fake News Why Exposing Fake News Matters | James O’Keefe and Stefan Molyneux
  9. CONFUSION ON PRICING: How much cheaper is secondhand? ==== I saw these posts on SSC : M: How much is a 1 bedroom unit resale vs. from the developer (if still available) vs. pre-selling price? Just curious. S: I think the market value now for this unit are 5M. It was really a good investment especially if you bought it at pre-selling. I have re-sale units on this project. Let me know if you're interested. C: I had someone offering me 3.5M for 27sqm. That works out to roughly 130k per square meter. The developer is quoting 170k per square meter but depending on your payment scheme, you can get approximately 140k per square meter from the developer if you pay cash. Pre-selling is around 90k plus per square meter. G: Then that offer would be a steal. At 170K per sqm, that would amount now to 4.6M.
  10. THE FRIAR's discussion regarding Rachel Maddow ("a gracious lady") is amusing many ========== Friar Newborg - 1 day ago Do others agree that (((Rachael Maddcow))) should be either fired, or fed to dragons? x 111 likes Shy M - 1 day ago Why the fuck are you trying to punish innocent Dragons? x 11 Friar Newborg - 1 day ago (edited) LOL. Some reptilians live on the sour flesh of roasted Liars. (They eat their own.) x 6 May Benoet - 1 day ago Rachel is fool. x 9 Friar Newborg - 1 day ago (edited) "Rachel is fool".... Rachel is fuel (for lies and anti-Trump conspiracies) Arthur Currier - 23 hours ago Dr. Rachel Maddow is a gracious lady who speaks the truth, unlike Slanthead. Friar Newborg - 23 hours ago haha. Are you one of (((them))), or just another Useful Idiot, believing Rachel's lies? yellow puddingpops - 23 hours ago That's not good for the dragon's health. Toxic food like that is not easily digestible, probably full of parasites. GreatAmerican WallBuilder - 17 hours ago Feed to a wood chipper B C - 17 hours ago Arthur,that's just no true. Friar Newborg - 17 hours ago (edited) Dragons will understand what a deliciously decadent delicacy Rachael really is. (For them, like pudding.) A witch with such a reputation is not easy to find - and much younger than Hillary, a dried-out witch to be sure. Starla Kelsey15 hours ago Love the dragon idea! good one Arthur Currier - 15 hours ago So how are all these comments about wishing death on Dr. Maddow any different than Cathy Griffin holding up a fake bloody head? Friar Newborg - 13 hours ago (edited) " how are all these comments about wishing death on Dr. Maddow any different than Cathy Griffin holding up a fake bloody head?" Do you really want an answer? Assuming you do here it is: + Rachel supports the "forces of darkness" - she lies and lies, and undermines the President with misinformation, while Trump has spent a massive fortune, and taken enormous amount of negative press while working to save the country, This difference is obvious to me, and should be to you too. But I will assume you are a typical Useful Idiot, who may not agree with the obvious moral difference, so I will give you other reasons: + Maddow has an obnoxious voice, incredible arrogance, and a circumlocutional way of speaking that I find impossible to listen to, while the President attracts huge and enthusiastic crowds to hear his positive message. I want to spare people the pain of listening to her, + While many who detest Maddow would like to see her suffer, as payback for the damage she has done, I don't actually want that - I simply want her fired. Using the "eaten by dragons" is a rather obvious hyperbole which can not be taken seriously. I make that suggestion instead of showing an image of Rachel being burned at the stake because someone might think I was serious about wanting her dead. The suggestion she be "Eaten by dragons", is unlikely to inspire anyone to cause actual violence upon her. Instead, it may inspire ridicule of "Dr" Maddcow, which is more appropriate than kidnapping her, and tying her to a stake, and then setting her on fire. The FIRING alone is sufficient, in my view Rogue Niki - 12 hours ago Friar Newborg .... the difference is a sitting POTUS is the most powerful man in the world. The very thought of his death or even a false assumption he has died & the time before his VP can take over is our most critical & weakest time in our EVERYTHING. We could be attacked from every direction including Mars. Rachel Is a disposable journalist & her position holds no value to our day to day well being safety & security. You can NOT threaten or make any kind of act to incite violence against a sitting POTUS bc if something did happen to him it could be LETHAL for every single person in this country (plus elsewhere) & your political stance or ignorance won't fucking matter we will all be dead. Do they not even teach how important this position is anymore? Eric Kim - 10 hours ago Fired since I wouldn't subject that horror to a dragon . . . Mark Evans - 33 minutes ago Arthur Currier Because dragons don't exist Friar Newborg - 26 minutes ago (edited) " Because dragons don't exist?" Hmm. Perhaps Ms/Mr Maddcow has a theory about the existence of dragons. I found a photo of one - here: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/79/165579-049-A9FC590B.jpg (looks hungry)
  11. Coast To Coast AM - June 23, 2017 Nazca, Peru Gaia Mummy & Secret ET's with David Wilcock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=462L8QlzPUo Published on Jun 26, 2017 Coast To Coast AM - June 23, 2017 Nazca, Peru Gaia Mummy & Secret ET's with David Wilcock Jay Weidner of Gaia.com appeared in the first half-hour of the program to report on the discovery of a strange mummy in Nazca, Peru Author, lecturer and researcher of ancient civilizations, David Wilcock, is well known for his insights on consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. He joined Jimmy Church to discuss contact with a positive higher intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon. Open Lines Followed
  12. Mind-blowing! The Nazca Mummy : Is is an ET? Some evidence suggests that it may be a hominid REPTILE Ep. 680 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Jay Weidner : The Nazca Mummy : Is is an ET? : LIVE The being is said to be a female. The three-finger claws, and four spheres (eggs?) inside the body suggest that it is a Reptile Is it a hoax? > see thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21558
  13. Nice Revelation on CNN lying from James O'Keefe - has he killed the Russia Narrative AND CNN ? / 1 / American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t" / 2 / CNN IS FAKE NEWS No sympathy : "I view CNN as race-bating, as gender bating." "Their bad news is good news for good people everywhere" / 3 / The Trump-Russia Story Just Fell Apart #2: Veritas: CNN Producer Calls Coverage Fake / 4 / "I think the public deserves something better from our news media" "There are other things the public would like to hear about" Reporter Explodes On Sarah Sanders Over CNN Fake News Story About Trump Collusion With Russia Reporter: "the audience has the right to change the channel" Right - but it you find lying scumbags everywhere on terrestrial TV... and on cable, where do you go? Answer: Youtube and alternative media podcasts
  14. Randy interviews Clif Clif High: Temporal Awareness, Cryptocurrencies, The Yogi vs.The Bluebirds It gets really interesting when they get to Blue Avians / "Blue Chickens" after 1:05 hours
  15. HOT NEWS ✪ Jim Rickards REVEALS - CryptoCurrency Potential Risks! (June - 2017) Bitcoin Buyer Beware by Tyler Durden Jun 25, 2017 Entrepreneurs have a new trick to raise money quickly, and it all takes place online, free from the constraints of banks and regulators. As Axios reports, since the beginning of 2017, 65 startups have raised $522 million using initial coin offerings — trading a digital coin (essentially an investment in their company) for a digital currency, like Bitcoin or Ether. One recent example, as NYT reports, saw Bay Area coders earn $35 million in less than 30 seconds during an online fund-raising event. They sold Basic Attention Tokens (BAT coin) which will grant buyers access to an innovative ad-free web browser the coders are intending to create, but have yet to launch. And that's the catch: these investors are buying promises in the form of coins for a product or service that doesn't exist. Similar to the Bay Area example, a group of entrepreneurs in Switzerland secured $100 million last week by selling a coin that will one day be used on Status, an online chat program that's still being developed. Proponents argue that these initial coin offerings are "a financial innovation that empowers developers and gives early investors a chance to share in the profits of a successful new enterprise," NYT notes. However, many say it potentially violates securities law and that this trading of digital currencies is ripe for hackers, from NYT: "Last year, the first blockbuster coin offering, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, quickly raised more than $150 million. But the project blew up after a hacker manipulated the code and stole more than $50 million worth of digital currency." By selling these coins for Bitcoin or Ether, "conventional banks and financial institutions are essentially shut out, allowing initial coin offerings to take place beyond the control of regulators," and that could lead to a whole host of issues for the entrepreneurs and investors alike. So, it is no wonder that Fred Wilson's advice with regard ICOs is simple "buyer beware, do your homework, don't be greedy." == > More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-25/bitcoin-buyer-beware / 2 / Bitcoin Bloodbath Leads Tech Stock Tumble; Gold Gouged As Credit Curve Crushed To New Lows 81,393 Jun 26, 2017 Then Durable Goods data and The Chicago Fed's National Activity Index both tumbled and massively missed expectations -smashing the Citi Macro Surprise Index to its weakest since August 2011... Then Nasdaq (led by FANGs) tumbled at the cash open after levitating overnight - oddly reactive to the tumble in Bitcoin... Bitcoin was clubbed like a baby seal - down over 15% - the biggest drop since Jan 2015... On the day, only Nasdaq closed red...markets closed weak (NOTE, the European close saw a buying panic reappear in Nasdaq briefly) FANG Stocks fell most since the day after the tech-wreck closing NOT "off the lows"... VIX was smashed back to a 9 handle...But as the chart below shows, it didn't help push stocks back up..
  16. Weakness in Shopping mall related stocks Both stocks are still weak: Stock--------- : Old High : -Low- : -Last- :change: Yield : Divid : OldDiv: P/E: H.x50.0% PEI - : Penn REIT : $25.7 : $10.00: $11.50 - 55.3% : 7.30% : $0.84 : $0.84 : N/A : $12.85 MAC : Macerich-- : $94.0 : $56.06: $58.57 - 37.7% : 4.85% : $2.84 : $2.84 : 63.1 : $47.00 ============== PEI - : Penn REIT ... : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 6-mos Update: 8/1/17: $11.97 MAC : Macerich-- ... All-data : 8/1/17: $57.91 At the $10.00 Low for PEI, the $0.84 dividend would have been 8.4% for PEI Philadelphia, PA, June 1, 2017 – Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE: PEI) announced that its Board of Trustees has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.21 per common share. The dividend is payable on September 15, 2017 to common shareholders of record on September 1, 2017. The September 15th dividend payment will be the Company’s 162nd consecutive distribution since its initial dividend paid in August of 1962. == > https://www.preit.com/news/preit-declares-quarterly-dividend-common-preferred-shares-4/ Investor Call : Q2-2017 : https://investors.preit.com/investors/events-and-presentations/event-details/2017/PREIT-Second-Quarter-2017-Earnings-Call/default.aspx
  17. THE OWNERS of the $1.2 billion CTC, how will their shares fare? Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) ... all data: 10-yr: 5-yr: 2-yr: 6-mo: $39.50, Per:21.0: Y: 1.59%: Mkt.Cap: $187.4 Bn Update: 8/1/17: $40.34 Liberty Property Trust ( NYSE: LPT ) ... all data : 10-yr : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo : Last: $41.72, PER: 17.9, Y: 3.84%: Mkt.Cap: $6.29Bn Update: 8/1/17: $42.41 Philadelphia | Comcast Innovation and Technology Center | 342m | 59s | Comcast | Foster + PartnersDiscussion in 'Buildings' started by jahvon09, Jan 16, 2014. jahvon09 Active Member Joined: Nov 6, 2013 Messages: 147 Comcast to Expand Philadelphia Presence with Comcast Innovation and Technology Center Designed by Lord Norman Foster and developed by Liberty Property Trust to achieve LEED Platinum Certification, the 59-story tower will include a Four Seasons Hotel. Thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of economic activity will be created in Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania commonwealth. PHILADELPHIA, PA Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) and Liberty Property Trust (NYSE: LPT) announced today they will jointly develop the "Comcast Innovation and Technology Center" on the 1800 block of Arch Street in Center City Philadelphia. The proposed $1.2 billion 59-story, 1,121-foot tower will neighbor Comcast Center, Comcast Corporation’s global headquarters, and become a dedicated home for the company’s growing workforce of technologists, engineers, and software architects. The facility will also create a media center in the heart of the City by becoming home to the operations of local broadcast television stations NBC 10/WCAU and Telemundo 62/WWSI and offer space for local technology startups. CITC Fact Sheet Designed by world-renowned architect Lord Norman Foster of Foster + Partners, the glass and stainless steel tower will complement Comcast Center as a new energetic dimension to Center City. The 1.517 million rentable square foot project will include a new Four Seasons hotel and a soaring, block-long lobby with a glass-enclosed indoor plaza accompaniment to Comcast Center’s existing, dynamic outdoor plaza. The lobby will feature a restaurant and a new concourse will provide direct connections with SEPTA’s Suburban Station, enhancing accessibility and providing new options for commuters. The $1.2 billion mixed-use tower is expected to be the tallest building in the United States outside of New York and Chicago and will be the largest private development project in the history of Pennsylvania. == > http://skyrisecities.com/forum/threads/philadelphia-comcast-innovation-and-technology-center-342m-59s-comcast-foster-partners.23529/
  18. HOT NEWS ✪ Jim Rickards REVEALS - CryptoCurrency Potential Risks! (June - 2017) Bitcoin Buyer Beware by Tyler Durden Jun 25, 2017 Entrepreneurs have a new trick to raise money quickly, and it all takes place online, free from the constraints of banks and regulators. As Axios reports, since the beginning of 2017, 65 startups have raised $522 million using initial coin offerings — trading a digital coin (essentially an investment in their company) for a digital currency, like Bitcoin or Ether. One recent example, as NYT reports, saw Bay Area coders earn $35 million in less than 30 seconds during an online fund-raising event. They sold Basic Attention Tokens (BAT coin) which will grant buyers access to an innovative ad-free web browser the coders are intending to create, but have yet to launch. And that's the catch: these investors are buying promises in the form of coins for a product or service that doesn't exist. Similar to the Bay Area example, a group of entrepreneurs in Switzerland secured $100 million last week by selling a coin that will one day be used on Status, an online chat program that's still being developed. Proponents argue that these initial coin offerings are "a financial innovation that empowers developers and gives early investors a chance to share in the profits of a successful new enterprise," NYT notes. However, many say it potentially violates securities law and that this trading of digital currencies is ripe for hackers, from NYT: "Last year, the first blockbuster coin offering, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, quickly raised more than $150 million. But the project blew up after a hacker manipulated the code and stole more than $50 million worth of digital currency." By selling these coins for Bitcoin or Ether, "conventional banks and financial institutions are essentially shut out, allowing initial coin offerings to take place beyond the control of regulators," and that could lead to a whole host of issues for the entrepreneurs and investors alike. So, it is no wonder that Fred Wilson's advice with regard ICOs is simple "buyer beware, do your homework, don't be greedy." == > More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-25/bitcoin-buyer-beware / 2 / Bitcoin Bloodbath Leads Tech Stock Tumble; Gold Gouged As Credit Curve Crushed To New Lows 81,393 Jun 26, 2017 Then Durable Goods data and The Chicago Fed's National Activity Index both tumbled and massively missed expectations -smashing the Citi Macro Surprise Index to its weakest since August 2011... Then Nasdaq (led by FANGs) tumbled at the cash open after levitating overnight - oddly reactive to the tumble in Bitcoin... Bitcoin was clubbed like a baby seal - down over 15% - the biggest drop since Jan 2015... On the day, only Nasdaq closed red...markets closed weak (NOTE, the European close saw a buying panic reappear in Nasdaq briefly) FANG Stocks fell most since the day after the tech-wreck closing NOT "off the lows"... VIX was smashed back to a 9 handle...But as the chart below shows, it didn't help push stocks back up..
  19. Bitcoin Buyer Beware by Tyler Durden Jun 25, 2017 Entrepreneurs have a new trick to raise money quickly, and it all takes place online, free from the constraints of banks and regulators. As Axios reports, since the beginning of 2017, 65 startups have raised $522 million using initial coin offerings — trading a digital coin (essentially an investment in their company) for a digital currency, like Bitcoin or Ether. One recent example, as NYT reports, saw Bay Area coders earn $35 million in less than 30 seconds during an online fund-raising event. They sold Basic Attention Tokens (BAT coin) which will grant buyers access to an innovative ad-free web browser the coders are intending to create, but have yet to launch. And that's the catch: these investors are buying promises in the form of coins for a product or service that doesn't exist. Similar to the Bay Area example, a group of entrepreneurs in Switzerland secured $100 million last week by selling a coin that will one day be used on Status, an online chat program that's still being developed. Proponents argue that these initial coin offerings are "a financial innovation that empowers developers and gives early investors a chance to share in the profits of a successful new enterprise," NYT notes. However, many say it potentially violates securities law and that this trading of digital currencies is ripe for hackers, from NYT: "Last year, the first blockbuster coin offering, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, quickly raised more than $150 million. But the project blew up after a hacker manipulated the code and stole more than $50 million worth of digital currency." By selling these coins for Bitcoin or Ether, "conventional banks and financial institutions are essentially shut out, allowing initial coin offerings to take place beyond the control of regulators," and that could lead to a whole host of issues for the entrepreneurs and investors alike. So, it is no wonder that Fred Wilson's advice with regard ICOs is simple "buyer beware, do your homework, don't be greedy." == > More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-25/bitcoin-buyer-beware
  20. Subject: Crypto News - Coinbase https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/24/coinbase-is-reimbursing-losses-caused-by-the-ethereum-flash-crash/ http://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-appeal-cryptsy-collapse-lawsuit/ http://www.coindesk.com/changing-exchanges-will-coinbase-tomorrow-decentralized/
  21. Rise vs Air, in Late June : Air is now ahead in the building-upwards race Columns - Ayala, in the foreground, has already been exceeded. Tower 3 is 30 stories (114.5 meters) When finished, The Rise will be 210 m., and Air Residences will be 195 m.
  22. "There is absolutely NO evidence, and no debate, except for the Flynn thing and the Tillerson thing and the Sessions thing and the Kushner thing..." - mSparks Go away and spend a week, not posting and educating yourself .That crap is transparently "fake news". Flynn sat next to Putin for a few minutes at a lunch, and hardly spoke to him. Jill Stein had more contact with Putin than Flynn.Max Keiser was there and saw the while thing - it's BS, like your post As Robert David Steel says, the second American Revolution will come if/when Americans can educate themselves against fake news. (that Useful Idiots like you are promoting.) #UNRIG Robert David Steele on Donald Trump & More RDS suggests a Presidential pardon for those politicians that turn in those who are blackmailing them
  23. Very Revealing material on "the Matrix" - from Lee Stranahan, an ex-Breitbart reporter Who is really behind the anti-Trump protests? How are they being deceived, and turned into Useful Idiots SOROS / CLINTON OVERTHROW: Seeing The Matrix OR "Civil Society?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5mNQM6l4u4 He mentions various "loose connections" to Soros, the NY Cosmos soccer club, Saudi Arabia, etc Clinton and Obama are also involved... (Do you understand why Soros & the Saudis were both top donors to the Clinton campaign?) (Remember the Arab spring, and how that worked?) "Open borders" were a big goal of these organizations... === The Matrix thread : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21551
  24. With New Penn’s Landing Plan, A Central Park "seemingly impossible projects are now underway" June 12, 2017 | by Nathaniel Popkin Penn’s Landing, INHP in context. | Image: DRWC Someday, it seems all but certain now, the Broad Street Subway will be extended to the Navy Yard (only a century ago shipbuilding workers demanded it); the rail yard at 30th Street Station will be developed (proposed in the 1950s); next train and bus information will be available to SEPTA riders (as it is for most transit riders around the world); the Phillies will win three games in a row (well…) No, I meant it: persistence is catching up to vision in 2017 Philadelphia. Long-imagined and seemingly impossible projects are underway, from the construction of the Viaduct Rail Park to the restoration of the Metropolitan Opera House. And now, Penn’s Landing. On Friday, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, and Janet Haas, the board chair of the William Penn Foundation, along with officials of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, announced that all but $10 million in funding had been committed for a $225 million plan to reconnect the central waterfront at Penn’s Landing to the street grid of Old City and Society Hill. While the plan falls short of the dream of removing I-95 from the center of Philadelphia, it effectively gives the city an eight-block-long central linear park that will extend from 6th Street to the Delaware River. And it explicitly sets aside the block between Chestnut and Market Streets along the waterfront for a high density neighborhood the new Penn’s Landing park will need to be successful. Advocates of the project estimate, conservatively, an additional $1.6 billion in tax revenue from the private real estate development that should follow the $225 million public investment. Construction seems likely to begin in 2020. The project will include an extension of the South Street pedestrian bridge over Columbus Boulevard; a two-mile long protected bicycle path; and reconstruction of the Delaware River tidal basin and marina at Spruce Street, now the home of the popular Spruce Street Harbor Park. Penn’s Landing at night. | Image: DRWC But the heart of the plan is a four-acre cap over I-95 and Columbus Boulevard between Walnut and Chestnut Streets that will include gardens, a cafe, a spray park/ice skating rink, and the Irish famine and Scottish immigration memorial sculptures and total replacement of the eight-acre, stone terrace Penn’s Landing with a wide waterfront lawn. Hargreaves Associates, a landscape architecture firm, which completed similar projects in Louisville, Chattanooga, and San Diego, has furnished the deceptively simple design. The cap over I-95 and Columbus Boulevard is the key connector between the city and the riverfront. Much has been said over the years about the necessity of this single intervention that will, at least in this one critical spot, stitch the city back to its origin and its historic life-blood, the Delaware River. But I’m equally hopeful that the new park will invigorate and realign (in the urban imagination at least) the experience of Independence National Historical Park. Beyond the long-ago closed path through the arches of Independence Hall, the INHP has never quite fit into the daily rhythms of Philadelphians. Because of that, most of the small gardens and pastoral lawns are empty despite a substantial increase in tourists to the park’s major historical sites and the landscape in key areas is poorly maintained (the jewel of American heritage is obscured by tall weeds). The new Penn’s Landing may correct even this Philadelphia white elephant, but particularly if planners and INHP officials collaborate. With improved crossings at 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd Streets, the everyday Philadelphians might discover the delight of a central park, much of which has been sitting there awaiting them for more than fifty years. Penn’s Landing. | Images: DRWC | News | Delaware River, landscape architecture, Penn's Landing > http://hiddencityphila.org/2017/06/with-new-penns-landing-plan-a-central-park/
  25. Delaware River’s Pier 9 to re-open as creative public space in 2018 Here’s what you can expect to find at ‘Cherry Street Pier’ by Melissa Romero Jun 23, 2017 The long-abandoned Pier 9 on the Delaware River is about to get a makeover.Renderings by Groundswell Don’t call it Pier 9: A long-abandoned pier on the Delaware River Waterfront is set to undergo a major $4 million makeover. It’s new name? Cherry Street Pier. The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) announced yesterday that with a $683,000 grant from the Knight Foundation, it will renovate and re-open Pier 9 as a creative community space space, complete with an open-air garden, food vendors, pop-up retail markets, and shipping containers-turned-offices. Under the new name Cherry Street Pier, the 93-year old warehouse will be renovated and restored under the design leadership of Interface Studio Architects (ISA) and Groundswell, the same firm behind the massively popular Spruce Street Harbor Park and Delaware RiverRink Summer and Winter fests, both located on the river. Pier 9, pictured in the center here, will be turned into a creative community space.Courtesy of Shutterstock The news comes at a key turning point for the Delaware River waterfront. Earlier this month the DRWC also announced that the $225 million Penn’s Landing/I-95 capping project would be moving forward, with the last remaining $10 million committed by the City of Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, and the William Penn Foundation. That massive undertaking is still years away, so Cherry Street Pier will be DWRC’s next project to come to fruition. The pier has sat vacant for decades, although last year it served as the backdrop for fabric artist Ann Hamilton’s ethereal “Habitus” exhibit. It was the first time the pier had been open to the public in years. “Cherry Street Pier is the latest example of the vision of the Master Plan coming to fruition, and will contribute to the ongoing resurgence of the Delaware River Waterfront,” said DWRC’s in-coming president Joe Forkin in a statement. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what to expect at Cherry Street Pier, when it opens it late spring or summer of next year. Shipping containers—lots of them At the entrance of Cherry Street Pier will be a section called the Garage, which will be home to 14 shipping containers stacked on top of one another. These big boxes, ranging from 160 to 480 square feet, will serve as office space for creative entrepreneurs who can sign on for flexible leases. A big market space Also available for lease will be spaces for vendors to set up shop and sell their own goods. Like the offices, leases will be flexible: Market place vendors will be able to rent a space just for the afternoon, multiple days, or longer. A performance space The middle of the pier will be reserved for the Platform, a big space that will be dedicated to art installations, performances, and other public events. A big, open-air ‘garden’ The end of the pier will undoubtedly offer some pretty breathtaking views of the river. The plan is to remove the roofing in this section in order to expose the pier’s trestles and open sky. Dubbed the Garden, this area will be sectioned off from the rest of the space via a glass wall and feature seating, tables, and some foliage. (Hmm. So may black couples, and single fathers - and not one white couple? Looks like one old Jewish couple, maybe. Is this propanda? Do they even realize their bias?)
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