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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. GranColumbia Gold versus Gold stocks GCM.t vs GDX vs MNT.t ... update : GCM vs GDX // GDX : same period : 1-yr :
  2. NEW REVELATIONS... or new misinformation? David Wilcock ✔ @david_wilcock Massive new update being prepared. Multiple dreams suggesting some major Cabal defeat / disclosure is imminent. \ Happy Father's Day! 7:41 AM - 18 Jun 2017 > https://truthearth.org/2017/06/19/batch-of-goodies-david-wilcock-update-corey-goode-update-dr-michael-salla-update-john-podesta-investigation-started/ / 2 / Michael Salla’s new article didn’t disappoint:/ 3 / (Expolitics) ‘New Majestic Document Corroborates Historic UFO Best Seller’ “The newly released Majestic-12 briefing document (“Assessment of the Situation”) contains much information about the beginning of diplomatic relations between the US government and human looking extraterrestrial visitors that began after the famed 1948 Aztec flying saucer incident. Part one of this series discussed the document’s content explaining how a surviving adult alien from the Aztec landing began the diplomatic process, and left behind three extraterrestrial infants brought to our world to stay as a goodwill gesture.” Last but not least there was a tweet that was retweeted by David Seaman who is the American journalist who brought more attention to Pizza/Pedogate. It is one from another journalist who mentioned that things may be finally moving forward to arrest John Podesta. We will see of course. All of the Cabal will be arrested anyways but it is nice to see folks bringing this information to the fore: Jack Posobiec ✔ @JackPosobiec Source reached out to me last night with word that "the Podesta case is open" 5:48 AM - 17 Jun 2017 > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21537
  3. HOW CUCKED is Gaiam-TV? (some think it is not, though DJ has a good record): Comment by enderdog on June 19, 2017 @ 11:37 pm Comment by blueskies1750 on June 20, 2017 @ 12:16 am Comment by cocojohn on June 20, 2017 @ 1:06 am Re. the questioning of DW/Corey Goode’s sphere being alliance story. == “right on cue, these cucks have come out..” Cucks like Dark Journalist who has a solid record imo, Catherine Austin Fitts, Bill Ryan, Linda Moulton Howe, a bona fide ex worker of the Corey Goode team, Joseph Farrell & other serious researchers who question the methodology. Then we have Simon Parkes & others with deep state connections including Pattie Brassard & some notable ‘super soldiers’ now getting recall as a result of the abuses heaped on them. It seems to me these are the people who rightly live in fear of losing their lives. I don’t think for a minute Gaia is satanic; that displays an oversimplification. That it can be partially co-opted is much more in keeping with the cabal’s modus operandi. Comment by zanderboy on June 20, 2017 @ 11:45 am == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/06/19/petrodollar-doomed-as-qatar-breaks-ranks-and-sells-its-oil-in-yuan/ / 2 / https://truedisclosure.com/…/iraq-minister-says-in-press-co… Comment by wolfintimber on June 20, 2017 @ 8:48 am This link does not work. From what I understand from different sources including Corey Goode, the Anshar are BAD NEWS! Comment by zanderboy on June 20, 2017 @ 11:55 am I thought it was the Anshar that Karee was from, and the Anshar bus they ( Corey & Karee) went to Antarctica on, when the ones working there ( SSP) were freaked that they did not detect the bus. Then there was the tall , pseudo-sexy blonde ( dark intent ) that cornered Corey in his house, and Karee to the rescue ran off ??. That may be about the last I read of any Corey stuff, been a while, so maybe I am not remembering well.. Comment by nightsinger5 on June 20, 2017 @ 1:05 pm Not the way I remember it! Karee is a High Priestess he had ‘deep emotional’ contact with; she was the one who rescued Corey from the Anshar pseudo sexy blond who was hypnotising him. Karee is Nordic/Pleiadian. Simon Parkes says the Anshar have their fingers on the MSM. Comment by zanderboy on June 20, 2017 @ 3:11 pm
  4. Ben Fulford's latest Petrodollar doomed as Qatar breaks ranks and sells its oil in Yuan Posted by benjamin June 19, 2017 The crisis in Qatar marks a major turning point in the battle against the Khazarian mafia. Ostensibly Saudi Arabia and other oil exporting states decided to try to blockade Qatar “because it was supporting terrorism.” In reaction to this move, US President Donald Trump showed the world he was not in charge of the US by first supporting the blockade and then being forced by the Pentagon to change his stance 180 degrees the next day. What is really going on here is that Qatar reached a deal with Iran to export gas from its massive gas fields not West in exchange for worthless Euros or US dollars but rather East to places like India and China in exchange for their currencies. The US House of Whores, oops! I mean House of Representatives. reacted to this development by passing new sanctions against Russia that basically amounted to telling Europe to buy expensive American gas instead of cheap Russian gas. The Germans and Austrian reacted by telling the Americans to buzz off. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40299760 These developments show clearly the old regime is falling apart with splits between Washington and the EU becoming more pronounced by the day. The Khazarian mafia controlled Saudis and their Israeli partners in crime have seen their entire plan for an “Arab Nato,” blow up in their faces. True Muslim countries like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others together with super powers like Russia and China lined up to support Qatar, leaving the Saudi Israel alliance isolated. India and Pakistan have shown they are with Russia and China by joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, something Iran is expected to do next year. The US military, for its part, showed it was against the Khazarian mafia by staging joint military drills with Qatar last week even as China staged drills with Iran. Pentagon sources explain “The US military needs Qatar because of the Al Udeid airbase.” The Pentagon sources did not mention the fact Qatar also offered to buy $12 billion worth of US military jets to help keep the Pentagon financed. In any case, the airbase also functions to ensure that madman Satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow Khazarian mobsters do not get any chance start World War 3, the sources say. A more direct message would be “SURRENDER OR DIE.” The battle to remove the Khazarians from all levers of control in Washington DC is also intensifying. The fake blame everything on Russia campaign by the Khazarians is blowing up with even Khazarian owned corporate propaganda media stooges starting to expose it as completely bogus. The following twitter storm issued by Donald Trump summarizes quite well how the power struggle in DC is going: “You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very bad and conflicted people! They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are? Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, ‘bleached’ emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction? A.G. Lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes…gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection. Totally illegal!” Pentagon sources say the next stage in the battle against the Khazarian mafia hold-outs in DC will begin with the arrest of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, special counsel Robert Mueller as well as...
  5. Estimating Q2-2017 EARNINGS ==== : 2016-q1 : 2016-q2 : 2016-q3 : 2016-q4 : 2017-q1 : 2017-q2 : Revs : $34.47M : $48.01M : $51.22M- : $49.00M : $45.72M : $52.80Me Prod. : 31,489 - : 38,229 - : -39,111 - : -40,850- : -39,008- : -44,500e : Sold- : 29,686 - : 38,902 - : -39,017 - : -40,850- : -38,434- : -44,000e : perOz: $1,162 - : $1,250- : -$1,313 - : -$1,200 - : -$1,174 - : Aver. : $1,144 - : $1,216- : -$1,296 - : $1,200E : $1,200E : Cost- : $20.33M : $26.45M : $28.47M : - $29.8 M : -$29.2 M : -$32.1Me: perOz:: $ 0,685- : $ 0,680- : $ 0,728- : $ 0,730E : $ 0,748- : $ 0,730E : AftCost: $14.17M: $21.55M : $22.75M : $19.20 M : $16.50 M: $20.70 M : Adjust-: $02.58M: $03.25M : $03.04M : $03.00 M : $02.90M-: $03.00M- : Ebitda : $11.59M: $18.30M : $19.71M : $16.20 M : $13.59M : $17.70e : OtherC: $13.92M: $14.44M : $11.60M : $10.00Me : $10.51M : $10.50Me : Finance $09.13M: $08.03M : $07.82M : $ 6.00Me : $ 5.50Me : $ 5.00Me : othNet : $04.79M: 06.41 M- : $ 3.78 M : $ 4.00Me : $ 5.00Me : $ 5.50Me : AdjNet :: $0.25M : $3.86Me : $ 8.10 M : $ 6.20Me : $ 3.08 M : $ 7.20Me : ExcessCF: $ 23 : ----------- : ----------- : ------------ : $ 2,276 : $ 5.00Me: Shs-OS: 125.5m : 157.8mn : 252.9mn : 255 mn : 200 mn : 20.5 Mn : Per Sh.: $ 0.002 : $ 0.03act: $0.03act : $ 0.024 E : ( 0.040 ) : $ 0.35 + : FullyD - : ---------- : ----------- : ----------- : ----------- : 95.1 Mne: 93.6 Mne: Per Sh. : ---------- : ----------- : ----------- : ----------- : $ 0.032 :: $ 0.077 : SrDebt : ---------- : ----------- : ----------- : ----------- : $100.0M : $98.5 M: 7%/ 4Q : ---------- : ----------- : ----------- : ----------- : $ 1,750 : $ 1,724 :
  6. 6/19 Price update GCM.t-- : $1.47 x $0.7563 = $1.112 x 513 shs = US$570 : $190+415.5shs = US$652 conversion Value 1% debs : $62.00 : $46.0 M o/s : 39,000 vol 6% debs: $88.50 : $52.5 M o/s : 0 vol redeem. : --------- : ($3.0 M o/s ) 8% debs : $90.00 : $47.0 M o/s : 0 vol ======= : --------: $145.5 M x 513shs = 74.64mn shs + 20.5mn = 95.14mn - 1.54mn = 93.6mn x $1.112 = $104million MktCap Gran Colombia Gold to Redeem Approximately 5.7% of 2020 Debentures on July 31, 2017; Sets New Monthly Production Record June 13, 2017 TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - June 13, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that it will complete a partial redemption of its Senior Secured Convertible Debentures due 2020 (the "2020 Debentures") (TSX: GCM.DB.V) pursuant to the terms of the underlying amended and restated indenture. Notice will be provided to holders that, on July 31, 2017, the Company will use its Excess Cash Flow accumulated through the first half of 2017 to complete a redemption of an aggregate principal amount of US$3,000,000 of the 2020 Debentures outstanding, applied on a pro-rata basis. With the current outstanding principal amount of US$52,471,786, holders of 2020 Debentures will receive payment based on a redemption price of approximately US$0.057 for each US$1.00 principal amount of 2020 Debentures. The redemption price will be increased to account for any conversion, or purchase by the Company, of any 2020 Debentures prior to July 31, 2017. No accrued interest is included in the redemption price as all accrued and unpaid interest on the 2020 Debentures (including those called for redemption) will be paid to holders on July 31, 2017. The redemption of US$3,000,000 principal amount represents a reduction of approximately 1,538,461 common shares potentially issuable through conversions of 2020 Debentures, equivalent to approximately 1.6% of total shares on a fully diluted basis (excluding stock options and warrants). Pursuant to the indenture, the partial redemption is not applicable to Senior Secured Convertible Debentures due 2024. The 2020 Debentures trade in the book-based system of CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. and accordingly, holders need not take any action in order to receive their pro-rata redemption price. Commenting on the redemption, Serafino Iacono, Executive Co-Chairman of Gran Colombia said, "The Company remains very focused on both short- and long-term return on strategic capital investments in our operations as well our commitment to generating excess cash flow from operations to systematically reduce our issued and outstanding senior secured debt. We are pleased to be in a position to redeem a portion of 2020 Debentures well in advance of maturity, saving both future interest costs for the Company and potential dilution to our shareholders through future conversions." Production Update Gran Colombia also announced today that it produced a total of 15,444 ounces of gold in the month of May, representing a new monthly record and bringing the total for the first five months of 2017 to 68,783 ounces, up 21% over the first five months last year. The trailing 12 months' total gold production as of the end of May 2017 now stands at 161,809 ounces, up 8% over 2016's annual gold production and above the Company's production guidance for the 2017 calendar year of a total of 150,000 to 160,000 ounces. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-to-Redeem-Approximately-57-of-2020-Debentures-on-July-31-2017-Sets-New-Monthly-Production-Record/default.aspx Production- : x 3 oz : CashC : AISC July : 13,583 : 40,750 : Q3- : 39,111 : 39,111 : $728. : $884. Oct. : 13,088 : Nov. : 12,973 : Dec. : 14,797 : Q4- : 40,858 : 40,858 : $730e : $900e ============ Q4- : 40,858 : 40,858 : $730e : $900e '16: 149,687 : +28% J+F : 24,585 : 36,878 : Mar. : 14,423 : 43,996 : Q1- : 39,008 : Apr. : 14,332 : 42,996 : May : 15,444 : 46,332 : ==== JnEst 14,724 ========== Q2est 44,500: +14.1% (5,492 oz) over Q1 / x$1200= $6.6mn more revenues, if 30% npat => $2.0M increase in profits?? wow!
  7. Cover-up of Death count? http://www.neonnettl...-media-silence- Grenfell Tower Cover-up: 500 People Are Now Dead, Media Silence London Tower blaze death toll played down by media=== === so why is there a cover-up over the number of deaths? is this normal? have u been involved in fighting any fires where the authorities tell you to keep mum? Is this another hillsborough? there's a rumour that the residents weve told to stay put - could this be true? - CMJ It is very strange Have you confirmation on that number of deaths?
  8. Megyn Hit piece Not a Hit : Only 3.5 Million Viewers Disaster! Megyn Kelly's Dis-Info Piece Gets Lowest Ratings Ever Published on Jun 19, 2017 Mike Cernovich joins Alex Jones live in studio to discuss the Megyn Kelly NBC hit piece that aired the night before and expose the deceptions in-bedded within the television host's trick editing. Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones Interview Had Lower Ratings Than A Game-Show Rerun HuffPost · 1 hour ago The debate over whether NBC host Megyn Kelly should have given air time to far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones garnered a lot more attention than her interview with him, one analysis found. With just 3.5 million viewers, “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly” came in last place among the four major networks during the 7 p.m. time slot, according to Nielsen Media Research. Nielsen hasn’t released details of its insights, but several media outlets obtained early copies. Kelly’s new show, which premiered this month, was beat out by an ABC rerun of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” with 3.7 million viewers, a CBS rerun of “60 Minutes” with 5.3 million viewers, and Fox’s U.S. Golf Open Championship coverage with 6.1 million viewers. In the crucial 18-49 age demographic, Kelly’s interview tied with CBS for a 0.5 rating, but lost to ABC’s 0.7 and Fox’s 1.4. It’s a major ratings flop for the network, surprising after a buildup to the interview that seemed likely to stir interest.
  9. A URL of it's own (MakatiPrime.com) helped to launch our successful section on Philippines property. Do I also need an URL to help people find Acore more easily?? ================ About GEI's Makati. Philippines section... which is growing > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21542 Makati Prime's "Audience reach" versus SSC, etc Popularity, in Daily Views of various SSC & Makati Prime threads Threads about the Rise, etc . Site : -VIEWS- :posts : started- : days : / day SSC : 454,900 : 1,439 : 04/28/14 : 1117 : 407.3 : One of the Most popular in SSC's Makati section M.Pr : 000,441 : 0,015 : 05/29/17 : 0021 : 21.0 d : Compare - Kroma, etc SSC : 127,096 : 0,373 : 12/23/11 : 2002 : 63.5 d : M.Pr : 005,084 : 0,047 : 10/17/16 : 0245 : 20.8 d : Compare - AT-SanLo / ChinoR. SSC : 200,029 : 0,864 : 09/06/08 : 3206 : 62.4 d : M.Pr : 000,391 : 0,014 : 05/01/17 : 0049 : 7.98 d : Most Views, M.Pr: data: 068,787 : 0,307 : 02/17/14 : 1217 : 56.5/d : bubl: 033,145 : 0,089 : 07/07/15 : 0347 : 95.5/d : ==== Note: 1/01 to 6/19 = 170 days in 2017 so far Popularity... One of Mak-Prime's best threads ("Is there a Property Bubble") is up near 100 views per day. That cannot (yet) match the popularity of the RISE thread on SSC, which gets 407 views a day. I probably need more photos and more good content - as well as greater awareness, to boost MPr's Rise thread - now at 21 views a day The nature of posts and commentary here is very different from SSC, and so we are not in direct competition. But the popularity of threads on that website gives some notion of the level of interest in various projects. My own Investors Diary, typically gets 100-200 views per day, so that may be some sort of limit, unless and until Makati Prime.com takes on a greater audience, beyond what GEI generates on its own. That may or may not happen in 2017.
  10. INFOWARS: KELLY V. JONES... DEVELOPING... PAPER: GLOVES OFF... Critical Test Looms for Megyn, and Network That Bet on Her... "... Some thought we shouldn't broadcast this interview because his baseless allegations aren't just offensive, they're dangerous. But here's the thing: Alex Jones isn't going away. Over the years, his YouTube channel has racked up 1.3 billion views. He has millions of listeners and the ear of our current president. We begin our report with his reaction to the recent terrorist attack in Manchester, England." / 2./ Megyn Kelly presented a highly critical 19-minute piece on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on her NBC newsmagazine “Sunday Night” after a week of harsh criticism over the decision to present his views on network TV. Jones is notorious for saying the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., was staged to promote tougher gun control laws. Twenty-six people, including 20 children, died, making it the second-deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history at the time. NBC News brought on its elder statesman Tom Brokaw to join Kelly at the end of the program to say the parents of the Newtown victims “should not have to hear the cruel claim that it’s a lie.” OKAY SCVMBAGS, why not present a vigorous defense of Prof James Fetzer's evidence that Sandy Hook is a big Hoax? I am waiting, and I hear crickets ! / 3 / Earlier in the day, Mr. Jones’s website, InfoWars, published audio of Ms. Kelly cajoling and flattering her interview subject as she tried to secure his cooperation for the segment. “I’m not looking to portray you as some boogeyman,” Ms. Kelly can be heard saying. Assurances of fair coverage are standard practice in television journalism, where anchors seeking access routinely present their intentions in the best possible light. NBC is standing by Ms. Kelly, urging viewers to withhold judgment until the segment airs. But the firestorm has been an unwelcome surprise at the network. NBC is banking on Ms. Kelly, who is drawing a salary reported to be about $15 million, as its next flagship star. Jones called the Kelly interview a "deep state production." Kelly's interview received high marks from media pundits. NBC colleague Andrea Mitchell called it "solid journalism" and founder of the blog Mediaite Dan Abrams said it was "important journalism" 1 / Andrea Mitchell ✔ @mitchellreports #Megyn Kelly did more to expose the real Alex Jones and than anyone else on TV. Solid journalism. 2 / Brian Stelter ✔ @brianstelter Tonight definitely gives Alex Jones more ammunition for his anti-media war https://twitter.com/Sulliview/status/876583436949090305 … 3 / Dan Abrams ✔ @danabrams Watching @megynkelly interview with Alex Jones, I'm even more convinced that her piece wasn't just ok to do, but important journalism. === The sooner ALL of the above disappear, the better ! Dive, Dive! The RATINGS for You Lie-Streamers! Was that Alex Jones that they saw coming?
  11. Megyn's Edited Hit piece - is BACKFIRING ! Megyn Kelly Interviews Alex Jones - Coverage & Analysis (6-18-17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umly0ebZ3OY . Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich talk about how the fake msm is trying to kill the real media, the truth media! . Cernovich Reacts To Megyn Kelly Interview w/ Alex jones . Megyn Kelly Gets Trolled into Yesteryear by Alex Jones (and this title was changed on Infowars): NBC Looking For Megyn Kelly Exit Plan Published on Jun 18, 2017
  12. WATCH IT TOMORROW? If you are too busy to watch this today, you really should watch this tomorrow Jordan Peterson - How To Stop Procrastinating
  13. THE DANCE OF DEATH? Critical Test Looms for Megyn, and Network That Bet on Her... Until Megyn Kelly, no prime-time Fox News anchor had tried to leap from partisan basic cable to the more pedigreed world of network news. Less than a month into her tenure at NBC, Ms. Kelly and her new employer — which has placed a multimillion-dollar bet on her success — are learning just how daunting the transition can be. Even before it airs on Sunday, Ms. Kelly’s interview with Alex Jones, the conspiracy-monger and influential voice of the so-called alt-right, a far-right, white nationalist movement, has generated a fierce backlash, just as the anchor is introducing herself to a broader audience. Parents of children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, which Mr. Jones called a hoax, asked NBC to spike the interview, saying it was extremely hurtful for her to offer a platform for Mr. Jones’s views. Ms. Kelly was disinvited from a Sandy Hook charity event and accused by some viewers of chasing ratings by infecting NBC with Fox News-style conservatism. Continue reading the main story On Friday, NBC’s Connecticut affiliate said it would not broadcast Ms. Kelly’s show this Sunday, citing community concerns. In an internal memo obtained by The New York Times, the station, WVIT, said that for many of its viewers and employees, including Sandy Hook parents, “those wounds are understandably still so raw.” . . . “Megyn is a very good journalist, and I expect, especially in light of everything that’s been said this week, that he will be held to account,” Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN and former chief executive of NBC, said during a question-and-answer session with journalists this week. But Mr. Zucker added that NBC executives had “done themselves no favors” in the way the segment has been marketed to viewers. . . . He also cited a damaging photograph of Ms. Kelly wearing sunglasses and smiling alongside Mr. Jones on the day of their interview. The image was distributed by Mr. Jones, not NBC, but by posing for it, Ms. Kelly conveyed the sense of a cozy encounter rather than a cross-examination. “If you are going to do this story, the tease needs to be you holding up a picture of the dead kids at Sandy Hook and saying, ‘How dare you?’ And that’s what you need to do,” Mr. Zucker said. == > NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/16/business/media/critical-test-looms-for-megyn-kelly-and-the-network-that-bet-on-her.html?_r=0 Dancing partners: Jeff Zucker, Megyn Kelly The NBC audience is largely Old and unaware, and believes the lies they are fed. Some shock truths might wake them up... and/or speed up the inevitable decline of a dying network In any case, Megyn, and Zucker, head of "the pedigreed" network probably deserve each other in this death dance/ Certainly, the chose each other.
  14. The Is excellent! ALERT! NBC CUT THIS CLIP OF PUTIN MAKING A MOCKERY OF MEGYN KELLY! Megyn Kelly asks about Putin's relationship with Michael Flynn. Putin says: "I have a closer relationship with you, We sat all day yesterday and met again today. By contrast, I sat next to Flynn at a table for lunch and then left - that's ALL I saw of him. If Flynn should be forced to resign, you should go to jail." JAIL MEGYN NOW ! She is (apparently) a Russia spy
  15. BRILLIANT strategy here, from Corsi ! Jerome Corsi Reveals How Trump Can Defeat Russian/Obstruction Narrative
  16. Good stuff DrBubb.... nice to see comments by Friar, I miss him, he's the reason I ever found this blog site. He's still here, reading posts -- and in spirit If Ron or someone else revives the ambassador or another prosperity scam, the Friar could come back and do battle again I reckon
  17. MORE Details associated with the story above ODA deal with Japan to fund subway expected Posted on April 19, 2017 THE GOVERNMENT is looking to sign an agreement with Japan by November for the planned P227 billion Mega Manila Subway project seen completed by 2024, two years after the current government’s term ends. The Mega Manila Subway project is expected to reduce traffic congestion in the country's capital. BW FILE PHOTO Transportation Secretary Arthur P. Tugade said yesterday that the subway project, the first of its kind in the country, will be funded both through official development assistance (ODA) and from the government’s budget. “One of the very ambitious infrastructure project of the Duterte administration is what we call the Mega Manila Subway project. This is the first subway project in Manila and it will be using Japanese funding and expertise,” Mr. Tugade told a forum of economic managers on Tuesday. The 25-kilometer underground mass transportation system connecting major business districts and government centers is expected to serve around 370,000 passengers per day in its opening year. The first phase of the subway project will cover Quezon City, Mandaluyong, Pasig and Taguig. It will have at least 13 stops -- Mindanao Avenue, Tandang Sora, North Avenue, Quezon Avenue, East Avenue, Anonas, Katipunan, Ortigas North, Ortigas South, Kalayaan Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, and Cayetano Boulevard in Taguig -- and will be capable of end-to-end travel time of 31 minutes. “This project is slated to start in the fourth quarter of 2020, that’s what the project proponents said; I’m trying to push to start it by 2019, with completion date in the second quarter of 2024,” Mr. Tugade said. “Our target for signing of this contract is November this year; hopefully that agreement will be signed between Prime Minister [shinzo] Abe and President [Rodrigo R.] Duterte,” the Transportation chief added. The feasibility study for the project is being conducted with the help of a grant from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Project development is expected to be completed by August. “It doesn’t mean that both governments have agreed on all details of the project. It just means that we’ve set a target when we should finalize the project,” Mr. Tugade said in Filipino. > http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Economy&title=oda-deal-with-japan-to-fund-subway-expected&id=143935
  18. MAKATI FAULT - biggest risk is in BGC We as spoke briefly about earthquakes and a possible fault in Makati Architects give only a 15 years guarantee on their buildings and some structural damage can be done by an earthqualke, especially in areas where there are faults I found a map showng the fault zome across greater Manila / 1 / WEST VALLEY FAULT SYSTEM. The Philippine Institute Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOLCS) came up with this map last 2015, detailing which places in Luzon are right on top of the West Valley Fault System. / 2 / A CLOSER LOOK. McKinley Parkway, one of the places seen as a platform for the Mega Manila Subway, is dangerously close to a part of the West Valley Fault System. Netizens have chimed in via the post on Skyscrapercity.com Philippines, with most saying it’s a step in the right direction. Some netizens were concerned about flooding and the prospect of the subway system being hit by a massive earthquake, as one of the stations falls close to the West Valley Fault system. == > http://primer.com.ph/blog/2017/04/05/jica-releases-plans-for-mega-manila-subway/
  19. NOTES: Wow. One of the best Meet-Ups yet today. Thanks to all 10-11-12 who participated. And maybe especially Elmer for his explanations of the BUY-BUILD-SELL model; and Bom for inspiring the "High-Yield-Club" idea, "High Yield Club" This idea was coined today at the meet-up. It really came in response to a goal of Bom's. he said that he was seeking a project that would yield 15% (and where he might finance at least 70% at 5-7% interest.) + My first reaction was: this is almost impossible, and so "good luck, Bom" But they we realized that other investors, like W., were getting 10-12% returns, and maybe higher by focusing on cheap properties where there was strong rental demand -like those built by Cityland. Two other group members had bought Cityland properties and enjoyed good returns. So we talked about the idea of bringing in people, such as Cityland agents to talk to us about potential high yield situations. We could have a high-yield focused meeting every month or so. And seek to invite relevant spekers. + Another complimentary idea might be to seek cheap sources of finance for secondhand properties. We could invite in banks, and maybe especially foreign banks seeking to enter the market, who might talk to us about the programs and terms they have for financing second hand properties ======== BUY / BUILD / SELL R.K. Ahhh wouldve loved to here more about the buy build and sell, will there be notes on ur website on this?? From memory: + the demand for homes from Pinoy buyers in Metro Manila is very strong. + It used to be that people who worked in the Makati CBD thought Las Pinas was "far away", but they woud buy there, becaue it was what they coul affors + Improvements in transport (SLEX) and new CBD's has meant people will travel longer distances, and can still be within 60 to 90 minutes drive of their place of work + Thus, the range of home construction has reached down to Laguna and even Cavite + Demand is strong, up to P 10 million cost, since "every Filipino wants to own his own home, and many can now afford up to that price + The land cost might be P1.5 million on such property, and the build cost can be kept down to P5-6 million provided and experience developer can develop (at least) three adjacent lots at once Elmer used to to do this sort of home building general contracting himself, but now he prefers to mentor others, and assist in the marketing and arranging finance for the buyers One of our member (M) has been thinking about a townhouse project on a large piece of land owned by his family, and there would be room for more than three townhouses on such land. The problem is: the driving time and distance (ie more than 2-3 hours, and still beyond Clark Airport by maybe one hour.) Elmer thought such a location might be better for a "retirement village". M has a report coming about best possible use
  20. Finally! This should have been done years ago! DOtr plans to extend Mega Manila Subway The Dept of Transport is planning to extend the Mega Manila subway project to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) amid expected growth in passenger volume "... Need to have than connectivity with NAIA because of the projected increase in volume of passsengers" The P227 billion Mega Manila project is a 25 km underground mass transportation system connecting major business districts and government centers. + Original alignment was 13 stations from Mindanao Avenue in Quezon City to FTI in Taguig + When finished, total travel time should be brought down to 31 minutes + expected to serve around 370,000 passenger journeys per day, in its opening year President Duterte and Japanese prime minister Abe are expected to sign a loan agreement providing finance for the project when Abe visits Manila in November Transports secretary Arthur Tugade wants the system to be operational before the end of Duterte's term JICA Plans - Combining with existing tranport Some of the places that would have MMS stations include Cubao and Quezon Avenue in Quezon City. A link was also provided to see the rest of the information collected, which also included cross sections of a station in McKinley Parkway and schematics for placement of ground access to the McKinley Parkway station. > more: http://primer.com.ph/blog/2017/04/05/jica-releases-plans-for-mega-manila-subway/
  21. Interference in US election: Russia, or Israel? You won't see the "Israel interfered" part of the interview, because the Scvmf-k's HERE - is what was shown Oliver Stone Spent Two Years Interviewing Vladimir Putin Published on Jun 13, 2017 Fresh off of 'The Putin Interviews' in which the documentarian spent an extended period of time with the Russian President, Oliver Stone sits down to defend widespread criticism that he's been too soft on Vladimir Putin. My opinion: Colbert is equivalent to human excrement : He asked twice, "do you trust him" - is not the question that an honest truth-seeker would ask - since he is obviously looking for NO! Stone is a rarity, an honest filmmaker, who gives a more complex answer If Colbert got beheaded in a Kathy Griffin video, I would cheer. Colbert seems to have the audience he deserves: Leftwing Useful Idiots who believe the propaganda they are fed by a corrupt Media, that Colbert is part of... We need to end this leftwing propaganda which is destroying our country and pushing us towards WW3
  22. The RUSSIA narrative is giving way the the OBSTRUCTION narrative inside the Lie-stream Media It is just the latest PHONY story from incompetent and corrupt journalists People described THIS WAY -- in an excellent interview with Camille Paglia (who once lived in the same building as I did in NYC - I think i saw her twice): Concerning a "rousing" Trump speech this rousing speech (with its can-do World War Two spirit) got scant coverage in the mainstream media. Drunk with words, spin, and snark, middle-class journalists can't be bothered to notice the complex physical constructions that make modern civilization possible. The laborers who build and maintain these marvels are recognized only if they can be shoehorned into victim status. But if they dare to think for themselves and vote differently from their liberal overlords, they are branded as rubes and pariahs. > source: http://www.weeklystandard.com/camille-paglia-on-trump-democrats-transgenderism-and-islamist-terror/article/2008464 Their employers are gradually fading away into cumulative losses and nothingness. But there must be some way to speed that up, so these corrupt and dangerous non-patriots can all be "beheaded" (fired) at once
  23. NEWS reported here is not always positive Remittance inflows slow down in April Lowest in 15 months as Saudi workers repatriated + By 5.2 percent to $2.32 billion in April This comes after a record in March, so it was partly a speed-up. But a big repatriation of workers from Saudi Arabia is having an impact
  24. OBSTRUCTION? Yes: by Loretta Lynch TAMPERING Yes, by Hillary & the DNC in stealing the Nomination Rush Limbaugh: We have evidence that Loretta Lynch obstructed justice (audio from 06-13-2017) Let's START INVESTIGATING the REAL Criminals: Lynch & Clinton. Leftwing Useeful idiots have been driven to madness by the Lie-Stream Media. Let's indict this Fake News and KILL IT
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