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  1. The Kabballah The Tree of Life, also called Jacob's Ladder This is a Kabbalistic image but interestingly, the the spheres in the tree overlay the flower of life 'sacred' geometric form and therefore represents a primal pattern of nature. Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎‎, literally "receiving/tradition"[1]) is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal (Hebrew: מְקוּבָּל‎‎). Kabbalah's definition varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it,[2] from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, to its later Christian, New Age, and Occultist/western esoteric syncretic adaptations. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity)[3] and the mortal and finite universe (God's creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a religious denomination in itself. It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of the concepts and thereby attain spiritual realisation. Kabbalah originally developed within the realm of Jewish tradition, and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances == > more, Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalah Dr RAM on the Kabbalah: xx > Kabbalah thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21481
  2. Bitcoins can move a long way if it stays in this channel BTS ... update BTS - 5mos Meantime, ETH is a moonshot: $ 144.60 ! New high
  3. The Deep State fears Trump's economic program Trump's Secret Plan For America & Why The Deep State Is Trying To Stop It:Harley Schlanger Published on May 20, 2017 Today's Guest: Harley Schlanger "If you cannot prove there is no Russian connections, there is no cover-up" "It is all designed to STOP the new economic reality - a 2o year plan of cooperation, with Russia and China
  4. It is not only Comedy channels committing "anti-Trump hate crimes" (as Softlywinged has posted): CNN is "past its sell-by date"... like this parrot: The Dead Parrot sketch, from Monty Python Trump's WH should cancel the press circus, and put out its own news, like Robert David Steele has suggested Sometimes I think that there should also be a quota on the number of Jews on media. They are 2.6% of US population, so maybe 5-10% of the talking heads. In general, they are something like 90% anti-Trump, but there are some remarkable exceptions in the independent media, like Mark Levin ("the great one"), and Michael Savage, an early supporter of Trump Here's a famous Jewish lawyer who ask, "What is the Crime?" (Trump committed) Harvard Prof - Trump Not Guilty, 1638 Maybe I should not be so quick to write-off the honesty and fairness of Jewish observers, but I do have concerns about the "tribe's" voices in the MSM
  5. Another ugly grab for power (which too many Useful Idiots seem to be tolerating) The Deep State’s Political Coup: A Special Prosecutor Means The 2018 Elections Are Life Or Death For The Trump Presidency The deep state is orchestrating a political coup against President Trump, and this latest move makes it clear that they are going for the jugular. Now that former FBI director Robert Mueller has been appointed as “special counsel” to investigate the scandals swirling around the Trump administration, the mid-term elections in 2018 have become of the utmost importance. There is a reason why most people refer to a “special counsel” as a “special prosecutor”. Special prosecutors usually spend years digging around even if there is absolutely no evidence that any crimes have been committed, and in the end they are always going to find someone to prosecute to justify all of the time, money and energy that they have expended. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mueller “will now have unlimited time and resources to investigate more or less anything and anyone he wants.” So in the end someone is almost certainly going to get charged with something, and it could ultimately be Trump himself. === Hmm. Let's find a way to charge Hillary and Podesta, and We-the-people may see an end to an ugly power-grab
  6. The Best Ad ever in Youtube? Hyundai “Shackleton's Return”- Main film "No roads. No people. No nights" The story is compelling. You care about the people, and are impressed by the car
  7. Exactly. It turns out the REAL criminal organization was the shakedown, with money (seemingly) going to friends of Obama
  8. BEATING the Lie(s) Trump Needs To Change The Subject To Defeat The Deep State Coup Published on May 18, 2017 Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones break down what Donald Trump must do to defeat the deep state coup against him. Special counselor INVESTIGATES, does not prosecute... the remit is wide... His Remit: "Russian influence in the US election... and 'other' matters" Will this come to include ?: + Who murdered Seth Rich and why? + Who unmasked Americans (illegally?) + Who revealed info about Michael Flynn to the press (illegally?) + Did Obama obstruct an investigation when he suggested that Comey let Clinton off + How money paid to the Clinton Foundation may have influenced her ability to run her campaign and what she focused on + Whether the DNC manipulated its process and procedures to favor Clinton over Sanders + How much cheating was done by team Clinton to increase their vote + Why one candidate was given the debate questions ahead of time + Were polls manipulated to make it look like Clinton was a shoo-in + Whether the former head of the FBI (Comey) covered-up lawbreaking by the Clintons == > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21470
  9. Obama's Obstruction Ironically, OBAMA DID interfere (successfully) in the FBI's investigation THAT was obstruction. There is no evidence that Trump did Rush Limbaugh Podcast 5/17/17 | Obama Actually Did What Trump Is Accused of Doing Rush predicted exactly what we are seeing months ago
  10. "A wide open investigation" The Five 5/17/2017 The Five Fox News May 17 2017 His Remit: "Russian influence in the US election... and 'other' matters" Will this come to include ?: + How money paid to the Clinton Foundation may have influenced her ability to run her campaign and what she focused on + Whether the DNC manipulated its process and procedures to favor Clinton over Sanders + How much cheating was done by team Clinton to increase their vote + Why one candidate was given the debate questions ahead of time + Were polls manipulated to make it look like Clinton was a shoo-in + Whether the former head of the FBI (Comey) covered-up lawbreaking by the Clintons ======== These are important matters, and worth of investigation
  11. TRUMP is battling Five Enemies And Hannity does a good job of explaining the situation . Hannity 5/17/2017 Fox News Today May 17 2017 == Five powerful groups want Trump out: 1. Destroy trump media = "the Lie-Stream media" 2. Democrats 3. The Deep State 4. Never Trumpers 5. Establishment GOP === If Trump succeeds, THEY are out of business -- It is good to see an honest Democrat (Dennis Kucinich) standing up for the Truth. I think there is a real chance that the investigating will wind up find Real crimes - but on the other side, among the five enemies listed above. Then he may move on towards exposing the swamp creatures, so Washington can be drained.
  12. CO-WORKING / Short Term Offices in Hong Kong Need short term Office space in HK? There are many ways to find it: ===== So I am about the start my own business with my partner and was trying to look for office space (Ideally in HK Island side) Been to several property agents but the offices they shown us were either too expensive or gotta sign for 2 years. We don't want to be tie up to a fixed contract, anyone has suggestions? We heard from our friends that we work used to give out free spaces, do they still do that now? Or any similar type of such co-working space? We have also heard that there is a website called quikspaces that allows people to rent and shared office, anyone tried that before? Is that legit? ===== SUGGESTIONS: Some friends of mine have recommended this: www.anyworkspace.com They are based in HK, and their biggest selection in also Hong Kong. They are like AirBNB for business ===== From Ed, AX's moderator: https://www.thedesk.com.hk/ https://quikspaces.com/ (one of the posts): s--w--- (6 hrs ago) Hi there, So I had the same situation with you 2 months ago, I asked my friends and they recommended me to here. Luckily I found a shared office here (you can find it from the classifieds) and share the office with another expat who has recently downsized his company. In my opinion, it also depends on which area you would prefer, Wan Chai is close to all government buildings so you can handle all the documents stuff (It's a bit of a headache but you will figure it out eventually) CWB is also a nice area but personally I think it's a bit too crowded (with all the tourists) While Central and Sheung Wan are close to all major banks headquarters (although you might not be able to get a bank account....) There are plenty of co-working space right now and you can google them by area. If you dont wanna do all the searching, the website that you mention (Quikspaces) actually gathers most of the spaces here in HK and they also offer some shared office. My other friend used them to find a shared office in Kwun Tong just last week so i think they are legit.
  13. Interesting to see that - as SXX.L is well off its lows: GBP 26.841p Sirius Minerals PLC 52 Week Range: 14.22 to 52.50 (updated at 5/8/2018): UK:SXX / Sirius Minerals PLC (LSS) ... All : 5-yr : 3-yr : 2-yr : 1-yr : 6-mos / 10d : Last 32.84 P
  14. Mike Rivero: "One of the most alarming things I am hearing is the media and politicians talking about: 'Correcting the mistake that the American people made' (in electing Trump.) You do not have the right to make that determination!" Mike Rivero - WRH Show (1st HOUR Commercial Free) Wednesday 5/17/17: Today's News & Commentary A removal of Trump is very unlikely. + A simple majority in Congress is needed to vote for Impeachment. + A 2/3rd's majority in the Senate is need to remove the President
  15. Jones : We need a battleplan ! Corsi : Here's what works and doesn't work Trump Must Launch Offensive Or Die The scum-ocrats, lefties, and the LSM are using Edward Bernais's technique - creating false narratives, which are hard to defend against - since facts do not work Trump has lost control of the narrative, he needs to take it back You need the TRANSCEND the arguments Corsi's Article: Deep State / Mainstream Media Pushes Coup D’état Against Trump >
  16. Tribe-owned Bloomberg joins the fake news brigade, As their spin and fear-mongering help to spook the markets SPY/spx ... 6mos Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course May 17, 2017 ‘I’ll have to get used to’ the drama, Republican senator says McConnell shows independence on taxes, budget, infrastructure Comey's Trump Memo Raises More Questions for GOP Looking for Cracks in Republican Support for Trump Trump's FBI Crisis Deepens in Comey Memo Allegation Republicans in Congress are increasingly dispirited over the chaos surrounding Donald Trump, with several saying the nonstop revelations are imperiling their legislative agenda and the top Senate Republican signaling he’d go his own way on some of the president’s top priorities. Those concerns mounted after news broke Tuesday evening that Trump asked James Comey to close the FBI’s investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey wrote a memo about the conversation immediately after it occurred in February. Democrats said Trump’s request amounted to obstruction of justice while Republicans demanded information from the administration. Earlier Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he’s prepared to block Trump on many of his proposed budget cuts and won’t support major tax cuts that add to the deficit. Nor would he commit to building Trump’s border wall. The normally taciturn Republican leader let slip some of his frustration with the president, telling Bloomberg News in an interview that he really wants one thing from Trump: “Less drama.” . . . “The administration also needs to be held accountable,” he told reporters Tuesday evening. Representative Barbara Comstock of Virginia, whose district is home to large numbers of FBI and CIA employees, said Trump’s disclosure of classified intelligence to the Russians is “highly troubling.” == > https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-17/gop-reels-from-trump-chaos-as-congress-struggles-to-chart-course THIS is simply not accurate, the way it is reported !! (Message to Bloomie: Scr3w U and the vile "reporters" your fake news rode in on!) "nonstop revelations are imperiling their legislative agenda" revelations? Revelations? REVELATIONS??? This is mostly made-up BS that we are reading in the news every day - and especially now. Comey wrote a memo, that does not make it true - we know the guy lies. and Trump did NOT interfere in FBI's investigation into made-up Russian ties with Trump And Trump did NOT disclose secret info to the Russians The toady-cowards in the GOP are not standing up for the truth. Even Trey Gowdy, and thoroughly honest guy is not willing to be put forth as FBI head. What power does the big puppetmaster have over these people? Isn't it time for some divine intervention against the forces of darkness?
  17. THIS GIRL may be President someday - seriously. LISTEN ! Millie The Trump Girl Will Blow Your Mind! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3XPt8MSxE
  18. God bless Sean Hannity - who reveals so much Truth here Hannity 5/16/17 | Fox News Today May 16, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCnuQLsC5hM
  19. Desperate Dems & Lie-Stream push an Impeachment narrative The vile on unpatriotic Scum-ocrats have seen their fake Russia narrative fall part... (confirmed : No Russian Hack of DNC emails, it was a Leak by the murdered Seth Rich) Instead of turning to investigate Rich;s murder and the apparent crimes of the Clintons, the Democrats are now pushing an Impeach Trump narrative Unfortunately, there are enough brainwashed leftwingers out there who listen to the daily lies, that this silly narrative is getting some traction. / 1 / 48% Of Americans Want To Impeach Trump According to a new survey by the Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP), 48% of Americans want Trump impeached. And while 81% of Hillary voters can't wait for impeachment proceedings, we can't help but wonder whether any of them could point to a single "fact", as opposed to an anonymously sourced fake news story from the New York Times and/or Washington Post, that would merit such a punishment. / 2 / Trump Impeachment Odds Soar By 50% After NYT Report The market is starting to look two steps ahead, and according to PredicIt, Trump's odds of getting impeached in 2017 have soared from 19% to 29%, a 50% surge since the NYT story broke. == > new thread:
  20. Sometimes, Scum rises to the Top - but we don't have to Like it ! AMAZON now worth two WALMARTs... What a SCUMBAG !! I don't like seeing him succeed Has the time come to takedown the Wash ComPost ?? (here's the latest outrage for Bozo's printshop, the WP : as dictated by the CIA/mockingbird controllers): Trump must be impeached. Here’s why. A look at President Trump’s first year in office, so far View Photos The president’s term has featured controversial executive orders and frequent conflicts with the media. By Laurence H. Tribe May 13 Laurence H. Tribe is Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School. The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice. The remedy of impeachment was designed to create a last-resort mechanism for preserving our constitutional system. It operates by removing executive-branch officials who have so abused power through what the framers called “high crimes and misdemeanors” that they cannot be trusted to continue in office. Does Comey's firing compare to Watergate? Bob Woodward weighs in. Play Video3:46 The Washington Post's Bob Woodward weighs in on President Trump's decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, and remembers the Saturday Night Massacre and the Watergate scandal. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) No American president has ever been removed for such abuses, although Andrew Johnson was impeached and came within a single vote of being convicted by the Senate and removed, and Richard Nixon resigned to avoid that fate. Now the country is faced with a president whose conduct strongly suggests that he poses a danger to our system of government. Ample reasons existed to worry about this president, and to ponder the extraordinary remedy of impeachment, even before he fired FBI Director James B. Comey and shockingly admitted on national television that the action was provoked by the FBI’s intensifying investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia. == > https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-must-be-impeached-heres-why/2017/05/13/82ce2ea4-374d-11e7-b4ee-434b6d506b37_story.html?utm_term=.6b6c489cb949
  21. A good First Buy for Foreign Buyers? (such as from HK, SG, TW, JP) > New "marketplace" thread for Buyers & Sellers at The Rise: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21503 Where is CG ? == > see also Citygate area thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21029
  22. May 13th Notes / The Meet-up organizer, IM, produced these notes after the Meeting: ============= Manila REI Meetup Updates — Build and Sell; and the importance of Investment Goals in Real Estate Investing Hi fellow investors! This week was a pretty exciting and new experience to the group. We tried changing up the format a bit and got some interesting results. You’ll see the changes in the upcoming Meetup schedules, especially of topics and formats. I’d also like to give a mention on our plans to start a LEARNING SERIES, designed to give members something more structured to learn from and also serve as a launching pad for action and real investments to happen. We will have more concrete announcements before the end of the month so stay tuned The May 13 Event was attended primarily by newcomers, and everyone had interesting perspectives to bring to the table. While the topic started on basic financial calculations on real estate, the topics evolved into Build and Sell and Investment Goals. Let’s explore them a more below. Build and Sell — Concentrated Profits An expert in Build and Sell attended the Meetup and shared loads of learnings about his experience and a general idea of how the business is done. He also does mentorship, so maybe you could connect with him in the near future. In any case, here are some of the points he made about the Build and Sell business, combined with some of my takes on it as well based on what he mentioned. Concentrate on a selected location and know the field This will you give you the advantage of knowing the right brokers, the right land prices, and the right suppliers for the construction that you’re going to make. With practice and as you build more in a certain location, you’ll get brand recognition, word of mouth marketing, and economies of scale. You’ll also develop “shortcuts” on whether a particular piece of land is worth building on. 2. Build on subdivisions with good supporting infrastructure and amenities People are not only buying houses, they also buy into the community where that house is. With good infrastructure in place, the overall costs of building a new house in a developed community is usually lower for a build and sell developer than a first time construction. Moreover, the resulting product will have a good and lasting value in the eyes of potential buyers, lowering the build and sell developers overall risk. 3. Construction and marketing sales teams are very important When you build and sell, it is important that you have the right teams in place. With each project costing many millions of pesos, you can’t afford to increase your risk with subpar construction teams and low performing marketing and sales teams. There are even certain cases that, due to the brand you have built through the quality construction teams you have, houses can be pre-sold even before construction. This significantly lowers your risk By doing all of the above plus other principles, the expert has amassed multiple projects in Southern Manila, to tune of more than Php 100 Million in ongoing projects. It would be worth seeing if this could be replicated in other areas, and whether the Meetup members can work together to make this a viable investment effort. Investment Goals matter first before the investment vehicle Questions were also raised about Evo City by Ayala. Evo City is a new and upcoming development of Ayala Land that, in my opinion, seeks to replicate the success of Makati in southern Metro Manila. With the huge interest in the location, it’s initial residential lot inventory reportedly got sold out in 7 hours. One of the attendees posted a question as to whether investing directly in Ayala properties, or investing in nearby properties make more sense in the long run. Based on the experiences of the attendees, the following answer emerged: it depends on your investment goal. Investment Goal is Cash Flow = Ayala /Masterplanned Property— it may make more sense to invest inside Ayala properties and buy either a commercial space or a condominium. The characteristics of the property types lends itself to this type of investment. Investment Goals is Speculative Capital Increase = Outside but Near Ayala/Masterplanned Property — investing in nearby properties could take advantage of the development and the price differential between the property inside the masterplanned area and lands outside it. Of course, there are other considerations. As a general rule though, the above seems to me like a sound filter for decision making. ======== NEXT WEEK I’ll be out next week, but since some of the more active members are coming back, I’m not cancelling the Meetup. I’ll try to post notes here after they finished and see what I can do for you. About the Author — Ian Mallari is the founder and organizer of Manila Real Estate Investors Meetup. He also works as the Lead Consultant in GYC Consultants Inc., a financial consulting company. He works with medium to large sized corporations on arranging business deals, from project acquisition to project financing. To know more about him and his projects, see ianmallari.com
  23. Developers say things like: "You can expect a Rent of P1000 psm" yes. A person can expect anything. (Some people expect a flying saucer to land on the White House lawn...) But that does not mean your expectations will be met. For those who dig deeper, they may soon discover that Rents are now FALLING at 4-5% per annum. And the rental return expectations (8-10% pa growth, or whatever) are NOT going to be met. Some people are going to be very disappointed, and they may find that the cash income they expected from renting out their properties is going to fall short, and they will have to subsidize mortgage payment, rather than getting an extra income every month from their rentals. This realization may be pushing more properties out as potential SALES in the secondary market. We may see some real bargains over the next year or two.
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