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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. ACQUA & other Property Marketing "Masterpieces" Some property advertisements are so far over the top, they threaten to go into orbit This one is fun, but truly OTT ACQUA Private Residences AVP of Century Properties Uploaded on Feb 24, 2011 http://facebook.com/spacelandrealty - AVP with Piolo Pascual.....of ACQUA Private Residences...located across Rockwell via a new bridge right at the boundary on Mandaluyong-Makati. A masterplanned development of Century Properties as the country's first residential eden. The open bit of prose on water is so flowery, it is almost poetry. The reading by an English "voice of authority" is intended to make it seem epic, like "a residential eden". In reality, the three-waterfall fountain next to a river that still needs to be cleaned up. is a nice gimmick. But it will be expensive to keep it running, so will they bother? How many hours per week? Actually, it does look like a nice property by CPG, and I will plan to visit it sometime. Its success may rest on how easy the access is to Rockwell Center, which is right across the Pasig River
  2. Bitter Hillary Clinton Blames "Russian Wikileaks", ... Comey for Defeat, Won't Take Responsibility Published on May 2, 2017 Shut up, shillary: https://archive.fo/k9BP1 "Clinton's dwindling fans, need to let go of the mythology" "Trump won... It's because of the rustbelt. They never saw a recovery." "There are only two sane targets for her ire: Herself, and Barack Obama." "She offered no solutions... for those states that were economically hindered." "Trump is more likeable than Clinton." (though he is not the most likeable guy.) "Hillary took money from Goldman Sachs, while calling Trump the Globalist candidate." Comment: President Elect Donald J Trump - >Be an ex first lady. >Be an ex Secretary of State. >Spend your whole life getting to this position. >Get the endorcement of 98% of the legacy media. >Get billions from Soros and other globalists. >Elevate your opposition because he is an "easy" opponent. >Get questions to a debate from CNN. >Cheat Bernie out of the primary. >Have 98% of Hollywood behind you. >Have all the polls on your side until the night of the election. >Still fucking lose to the host of the Apprentice. >Get shitfaced drunk and make Podesta give the "concession". >Blame Russia for your loss. >Disappear into the woods for a week, presumably hunting and eating children. >Return in a 1980's bad guy outfit and blame Russia again.
  3. Euro Chocozone Buyer:This is why the "so called PH" bubble is sustainable = incomes rise and more people join the work force, you get a lot more purchasing power. It is far healthier than a price rise caused by lowered interest rates. It is a good trend, the fast growth and rising incomes - But the excess supply, which will get worse for the next year or two, needs to be absorb before we can say the bubble-burst risk has faded + Residential Vacancy rates are expect to be at 15-16% by year-end, and should go on rising into 2018 + Residential rents are down 5-10% and are still under-pressure + The Secondary market is (quietly) under pressure These are fix-able problems, which will fade if demand goes on rising, and the time for "a shock" which will burst the bubble of rising new property prices is now upon us. Personally, I think it is better than a 50/50 bet that some news will come out which will deflate the appetite of (new) property buyers. But it may NOT happen, and at this stage, I cannot tell you what it will be. (Previously, I saw Century Properties as an "at risk" company, but they seem to have made some restructuring moves which will get them through a risky period.)
  4. Are we really headed towards a great De-population? . This podcaster (Dave Hodges) thinks so 90 percent of US Population Reduction Will Happen in the Next 7 Years Causes? "The war explanation takes front and center" (My reaction: we do not need WW3. The public is against it. We need to demand peace.) Comments: markmaccabees - 4 days ago 90% of the people don't even know what agenda 21 or agenda 2030 is. They have never even heard the term. Ignorance is destroying this land an well as treason by our govt, both seen and hidden. I can only laugh when these elites are NOT going to be in that 10% left standing. hahaha, God will see to it and so will we MsHarasan - 4 days ago Dave, when will YOU wake up? You don't give God respect, the tribulation will take care of the 90% reduction! You are warm but not there yet! Please look up Revelation 12 sign on September 23 2017 it coincides with CERN opening up the "extra dimensional" portal. Look up Anthony Patch to start. You are only looking at this with human eyes. You're spiritually asleep. I pray for you. Time is short. Concerned Citizen - 4 days ago (edited) Let's say the ideal global population reduction number is 2-3 billion over next 20-30 years. But why & how would they reduce? Automation taking jobs is the worry? What about the horrendous suffering caused by essentially slave-like labor, endemic poverty, water & food shortages, diseases, drug addiction, and just old age in general? Whose really enjoying this life? The elites? More than 1/2 the world is suffering on a daily basis? And for what? To keep the globalist experiment going? Cheap labor until cheap human labor is no longer needed? Sex trafficking of both adults & children? To keep fresh supply of drug users so BiG Pharma can profit and drug networks keep making money? It all seems absurd. This is not just an American issue it is a human issue... Joanna Dovesong888 Dave... why do you throw out this topic and only give it 9 min? We both know you are well versed. So please make more detailed info, so ppl may learn from your knowledge and experience?
  5. I noticed this: GoldFish Report No. 88, Week 11-POTUS Update w/ Kent Dunn and Gary Larrabee I will listen to a bit of it... Why? Gary Larrabee has run his podcast for a long time. Much longer than the Gold fish Report. I want to see if he has any sort of Truth-checking mechanism that he is using - or whether like the GFR and our friend RVD, he operates entirely on Hopium. Whatever their "good intentions": Neither Ron, nor Louisa, nor Gary will graduate from tiny hobby-enterprises, unless they can learn to discern some actual Truth. After a while, people tire of the "sugar high" of Hopium when it delivers no nutrition. (In edit): Gary sounds unusually sleepy and dopey here, so I gave up after a few minutes. They got to talking about "a boat filled with Opium" - and I thought that was a good point to stop. There's better intelligence out there...
  6. If you believe in Elliott waves, the cycles are not uniform After a long up-phase, you will get a stunted cycle (or two)
  7. Good catch. That's obviously wrong. Should be 3.5 hectares = 3500 sqm. Have been looking at 5000 and 11000 sqm sites on the new Chino Roces / Magallanes thread
  8. TRUMP... "Did some great things and some good thing... But is not paying enough attention to those who did NOT vote for him" EXCLUSIVE Robert David Steele Weekly State of the Union Address Pilot - Feedback Requested "Trump is too close to people connected to Zionist Israel... rather than 6 million Loyal American Jews"
  9. New Briefings on Antarctic UFO Crashes April 29 2017 http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1214-nle-2017 Comment by sstardora on May 2, 2017 @ 2:25 am / 2 / Cover Story – Corey Goode May 1, 2017 http://www.spiritualbizmagazine.com/cover-story-corey-goode/ Comment by sstardora on May 2, 2017 @ 2:39 am
  10. The NUTTY Goldfish group, a spinoff from the Scam-bassador is still going (but not so strongly) The GoldFish Report No 92, POTUS First 100 DAYS Legacy with Kent Dunn Published on Apr 30, 2017 On The GoldFish Report No. 92, Louisa and Kent discuss how the Act of 1871 is directly related to the first 100 Days of Donald Trump's Presidency and the historic implications it will have on humanity. From the UCC-1 straw-man accounts to the Global Currency Reset, NESARA, GESARA and Geopolitical implication of this Trump Administration and more. What a bowl of Crapola! Louisa imagines she is enlightened - but she has just slid into a Delusion about how the world works You would have thought she would have learned something from the multiple failures of the "Ambassador's" predictions. But it seems not. She talks about how the Goldfish Report nearly had to shut down. Would that be a bad thing? Then she might be able to do something more useful with her time
  11. Khazarian mafia offensive loses steam but high level intrigue continues Posted by benjamin May 1, 2017 Humanity’s war to free itself from Satanic Khazarian mafia rule is heading towards final victory but some tough final battles lie ahead of us. The month of April saw a major offensive by the Satanists on many fronts but, despite causing much nuisance, their efforts to either start World War 3 or else regain control of the world’s financial system failed. Nonetheless, high level intrigue continues in Europe, East Asia, the US the Middle East and elsewhere. In the midst of all this, the US Corporate government was able to avoid bankruptcy and kick the can down the road for a few more months or, until the high level power struggle ends. One of the most intense secret battlefields last week was Japan. NSA and CIA sources in Asia both confirm that leading Satanist Leo Zagami and his goons were in Japan seeking, among other things, to stage a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system to blame on North Korea. That probably is the real reason Japan temporarily shut its subway system last week “in response to a North Korean missile test.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4458122/Tokyo-subway-shut-fears-North-Korean-attack.html Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov” also went into hiding last week to avoid what NSA sources warned him would be an attempt on his life by Zagami and his goons. Zagami did not respond to these allegations by the time this newsletter went public. The other thing going on in Japan is that cars carrying members of the Japanese royal family have come under attack in several incidents in recent days, according to right wing sources close to the imperial family. These attacks were meant to intimidate the Emperor into using his seal to allow large denomination bonds to be monetized, the sources say. These bonds included “super Petchilis that were used by the former Republic of China to build that countries’ infrastructure,” according to US Defense Intelligence Agency sources. The last person to show me a super Petchili was Leo Zagami. The other group stirring up trouble in the Far East these days is the French branch of the Rothschild family, multiple sources agree. The French Rothschilds are the main instigators of the recent efforts to provoke a battle between the US and North Korea... == > more: http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/05/01/khazarian-mafia-offensive-loses-steam-but-high-level-intrigue-continues/
  12. Thanks. It is good to hear Bill O'Reilly speaking even more honestly: WH Correspondents dinner: "It used to be fun" Bill O'Reilly: Fake News, The Anti-Trump Media and North Korea. | No Spin News (5.1.2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EogQWEgpALk Trump and his large crowd rates "the Media's first 100 Days" "89% of the coverage has been negative, and purposely negative" O'Reilly is GOOD here... And he wants Trump to be MORE DEFINITIVE in giving examples of Fake news
  13. Baltimore Mayor Begs For FBI Help As 2017 Murders Soar To 20-Year High "I’m calling on all the assistance we can possibly get because I can’t imagine going into our summer months with our crime rate where it is today, what that’s going to look like by the end of the summer. Murder is out of control." xx / 2 / The Ferguson Effect: Baltimore Millennials' Worst Nightmare Last week, I wrote an article titled Baltimore Millennials’ “City Life” Narrative Starts To Crack. It appears the crack in the narrative is much larger than we thought. What’s developing in Baltimore is called the ‘Ferguson Effect’. This is a theory where the increased scrutiny of police post 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Trayvon Martin in Florida will lead to higher crime rates. Baltimore is turning this theory into a reality, as the city descends into chaos before the summer start. The rapid deterioration of Baltimore in 2017 has caught the linear mindset of the millennials’ off guard, who thought gentrification was right around the corner. The Baltimore Sun Newspaper projects 409 homicides this year, which is a 20-yr high. Simultaneously, the Police Union sounds the alarm on the Baltimore City Police Department. The Union says the department is in ‘crisis’ due to an officer shortage
  14. Bitcoin, Ethereum Hit New All Time Highs Amid Buying Frenzy, Liquidity Squeeze Bitcoin has soared to daily all-time highs over the past few days, rising above $1,300 on Friday, then pushing $1,400 on Monday, and even above $1,500 on the second-largest BTC exchange, and was last trading just above $1,460 on Coinbase amid a buying frenzy attributed to speculative investment across the cryptocurrency sector, coupled with liquidity problem at some exchanges.
  15. "World class" Foster-designed building Another high-end prestige project announced - ....would be “the most beautiful building ever in the Philippines.” Sy had announced in a press briefing after the stockholders’ meeting that SM Prime—now one of the largest property developers in Southeast Asia—would enter the upscale residential property development business this year. The “best architect in the world,” referring to famous British architect Norman Foster, has been hired to do the project, Sy said. “He normally makes one or two buildings per city but no more than that,” he added. Foster was responsible for the redevelopment of Berlin’s Reichstag alongside other iconic structures around the world like New York City’s Hearst Tower, London’s City Hall and Millennium Bridge and Hong Kong International Airport. In the Philippines, the luxury building will rise on a 3,500-hectare idle land that has been jointly owned by the Ty and Sy families since the 1980s. It will be a 50-50 venture with the Ty group, Sy said. Read more: https://business.inquirer.net/228653/beautiful-skyscraper-ph-set#ixzz4fxsbw8dM
  16. Length of downturns - this was first posted on the Singapore thread = = Once the lows were in place, prices improved dramatically, even in Detroit But they are still below the price levels of 10 years earlier
  17. Length of downturns - this was first posted on the Singapore thread = Once the lows were in place, prices improved dramatically, even in Detroit But they are still below the price levels of 10 years earlier
  18. Length of downturns - this was first posted on the Singapore thread = = Once the lows were in place, prices improved dramatically, even in Detroit But they are still below the price levels of 10 years earlier
  19. Fake News... Now Fake Nazis Most of the "Nazis" on Social Media are Actually Media or Political Shills Published on May 1, 2017 Ask who benefits from this mythological WN uprising. That's the key question always: Who benefits? ADL, and Correct the record, are creating their own "extreme" opposition
  20. Take a train check By Conrado Banal / March 20, 2017 This one just in: Two gigantic Japanese conglomerates, the so-called zaibatsu, agreed to lend their technical expertise to a critical railway project in Metro Manila. That would be the Tutuban-Calamba freight train project of the state-owned Philippine National Railways (PNR), owner of the oldest rails this side of Benham Rise. Neglected railways Between La Union province and the Bicol region, passing through Metro Manila, started operations way back in the 1900s. The tracks between Metro Manila and Calamba (Laguna) happened to be part of the incredible P170-billion infrastructure dream project called the North-South Railway. The government originally set the bidding for the project in 2015. The bidding never took place. The dream project remained just that—a dream. And so one group called MRail Inc. submitted an unsolicited proposal to the government, willing to spend a fortune for the rehab of the Tutuban-Calamba tracks. The PNR, in return, will let it use the tracks. In other words, there will be no cash out from the government. Specifically, MRail proposed to use the line for freight cargos coming from the Manila port, and the PNR could then use the same line for commuter service. The Department of Transportation (DOTr) actually saw the Tutuban-Calamba railroad rehab project as one of the low hanging fruits in a huge forest of infra projects that the administration of the motorbike riding Duterte Harley dreamt of, particularly in its P8-trillion “golden age of infra” program. Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade himself approved the proposal. It was seen to provide another mode of transport for the millions of tons of containerized cargoes passing through the Manila port. The daily trips of these huge trucks loaded with containers could be part of the terrible traffic affecting the metropolis day in and day out. Put the containers on trains, according to the wisdom of Tugade, and you could alleviate the horrendous traffic mess. Moreover, the rehab proposal would jump-start the bigger project, the North-South Railway, which covers some 653 kilometers of tracks between Metro Manila and the Bicol region. Technical studies already showed that the tracks would need extensive rehab, and the entire project needing dozens upon dozens of new roads and bridges. The bidding that was originally scheduled for 2015, the one that did not materialize, tickled the financial bones of some 14 local conglomerates such as Aboitiz, San Miguel and Metro Pacific. It also attracted giant groups abroad like Japanese firms Marubeni and Mitsui, US firm General Electric, and South Korea’s Daewoo. Unfortunately, the project is already delayed by almost three years. Included in it, as I mentioned, is the 56-kilometer commuter line between Tutuban and Calamba. When Tugade approved the rehab project of MRail, the business sector took it as a sign of “political will” on the part of the Duterte administration. But not so fast! The project remains on the drawing board, because the PNR and the DOTr took a rain check. The PNR board has yet to complete the signatures of its members for the “approved” project. The DOTr technical staff is also taking forever to come up with the conditions. Yet, Tugade already announced that the project would have a “soft opening” within one freaking year. Meanwhile, Metro Manila remains to coddle the worst traffic in the world, according to traffic planning app Waze. While big ticket projects like the Tutuban-Calamba railway rehab would always get the media hype, reports rarely note that such large projects would take time to carry out—a long, long time. The donors from abroad, for instance, would have to evaluate the projects, normally between 12 and 24 months. The detailed design and engineering would then need another 12 to 24 months, while the final financial closing would take 24 to 36 months. More than eight months now in power, the Duterte administration could still not show some spadework in its P8-trillion “golden age of infra” program. Before any of the projects could be finished, Duterte Harley would already be on his way out. > http://philippinerailwayhistoricalsociety.blogspot.hk/
  21. The high floor corner unit at Trevi sounds interesting. As you point out, there's a big gap between the recent price asked by the developer (P 5.3mn / 31 = P171k psm). and the "rush sale price" : (P 3.7mn / 31 = P120k psm. (I am assuming your 31 sqm estimate is correct - maybe that is the floor number rather than the size?) Layout* From my perspective, the owner of the Trevi unit has made some decorating errors (yellow ceiling, dark furniture). which may depress buying interest in the unit somewhat - and also the price that he/she may achieve. Yellow Ceiling Obviously, these can be fixed with a modest amount of investment to make the unit more livable, and easier to rent out. I do like some of the units at SanLo Place (SLP), especially the corner units there. But some people have complained about the 2BR units with a living room hemmed in by the bedrooms. with no windows of its own. Getting AC into the LR has also been a challenge for people living there (according to comments on SSC.) Still, I like the connection of SLP to the Magallanes station, and I see more positive transport developments can come around Magallanes and EDSA PNR station, which is a very short walk from SanLo Place. I am also watching for the launch of DMCI's Fortis Gardens project, across the street from SLP. One of the Fortis Gdns towers is said to be an office, which helps to bring more jobs to the area, making it a more "balanced" location, and helping to underpin future market values ===== * I found the floor plan for Tower 1 ... PB : Internal measurements on Tower-2 and Tower-3 may be larger. Tower-2 is the tallest of the three buildings Seems corner units in Tower 1 are just 24 sqm. + 7.2sqm balcony = 31.2 sqm. I you use 24 sqm, as the actual size, you get some rather "fancy" prices : Selling Price ------ : 24.0-sqm : 31.2-sqm : -P350k /24 : Developer : P 5.3mn : P220.8k : P169.9k : 206.3k psm : Rush Sale : P 3.7mn : P154.2k : P118.6k : 139.6k psm : I won't necessarily be rushing to buy at these prices - How useful is that balcony? I reckon a 7sqm balcony is worth maybe P350k /7 = P50psm or less to me 22 sqm studios at AT-SanLo can be had for P2.5mn (P113.6 psm) or less. So, if you pay P350k for the balcony and P110k psm for 24sqm, you get to about P 3.0 million. Above that, AT SanLo might look cheaper - this is just one guy's opinion. Here's an old marketing video I never saw the girls with the violins in the neighborhood. This one has better detail on the amenities, etc.
  22. San Lorenzo Place from Empire East : "SanLo Place" SanLo Place, where the train comes to the door - and you can usually get a seat, when headed North, towards Quezon City. SLP offers its own shopping area & amenities ... Expected turnover dates : Phase 4: Floorplan
  23. PNR Pasay Road station - A long term positive? Train at the station with Pasong Tamo and Trevi in the background / source Residents in nearby Condos may not like the noise, especially early in the morning. But being in the immediate proximity of a PNR station could be a long term positive, especially if/when the anticipate upgrade of the PNR railway occurs > see: RAIL thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20586 And from the opposite side, looking North Pasay Road station - is a station on the South Main Line ("Southrail") of the Philippine National Railways. Like all PNR stations, this station is at grade. The station is located on Estacion Street (also known as Calle Estacion) in Barangay Pio del Pilar in Makati, making it only one of two stations (the other is Santa Mesa) to have its own access road. It is named after Pasay Road, the old name of the Makati section of Arnaiz Avenue. The station is the tenth station from Tutuban and is one of three stations serving Makati, the other two being Buendia and EDSA. It is the only station in Makati, and the only station between España and Alabang, which serves intercity trains, being a stopping point for the Bicol Express and Mayon Limited. > Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasay_Road_(PNR_station) Room for growth at Pasay Road - future expanded station? ... PB. Right next to AT SanLo (and behind Waltermart) is a big patch of land across Calle Estancia which is said to be owned by San Miguel Corporation. Might the existing station be expanded to cross the street and provide a better platform for connecting to Makati? There have been reports that the PNR railway will be dramatically improved, as biillions of US$ are spent to extend it. Can be the train carriages left looking like the "monkey cages" they are now?
  24. TREVI, Laureano Di - three towers from Vista Land TREVI was launched back in 2012 or so. It had a different look and lower prices in those days. There's a 2012 advert showing 20 Sqm at P 1.64 mn - that's a historical price P 82k psm, five years ago Pre Selling Makati Condo Near Don Bosco Makati Makati, Metro Manila - For Sale - Condominium - 20 m² - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom Original Pricing was very low: ₱ 1,643,400 - in July 2012 (5-years ago) Pre-selling Makati condo near Don Bosco Makati. An inner city mixed-used condominium development located in Pasong Tamo, Makati City. It is a 3-tower project with commercial areas at the ground floor and four levels of parking. Situated near major thoroughfares, it is easily accessible... 24 Jul 2012 in iProperty.com Now the three towers are (nearly) sold out, and the buildings are completed with tenants moved in, and a few keys still being handed out A friend of this site's founder has some units for Rent there: BTW. Tower 1 has a somewhat different (darker) style than T2/T3, and may have been built by a different contractor
  25. Pasong Tamo Tower (Cityland's 20+ year old Tower) - For Tight Budgets Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower Height : 145m Floors : 38 Built- : Sept. 1998 (completed) > https://www.emporis.com/buildings/106229/cityland-pasong-tamo-tower-makati-philippines#pdf-dialog Room shares at Cityland can be very cheap - half of P 10,000, and even less This would be one of the cheapest shares Cityland Calle Estacion (Cityland Pasong Tamo-Estacion) is located along Calle Estacion, just across the PNR Pasay Road Station. Calle Estacion is the street behind WalterMart (Pasay Road corner Pasong Tamo) It’s Upper and Lower Ground Floors house several commercial establishments. It’s just 12 minutes away from the Central Business District of Makati (by car) or: 1 jeepney ride to EDSA MRT Magallanes Station / Pasong Tamo Extension / South Gate Mall WHY? * Living near your place of work saves you both time and money. * Tired of eating fast-food? Cook your own food! * Tired sitting in traffic? Enjoy more free time (since you no longer commute) to watch your favorite Cable/TV show, DVD, etc. * Working late? No problem! Your bed is just a few minutes away! * You won’t feel guilty sleeping a few minutes more in the morning since you know that your office is nearby. Share arrangements go from P 3,500 to 5,000 per month and higher : link Not units are all like that inside Cityland - here's a higher end unit 3 BR, 2 ba , High floor and 117 sqm, was offered at P 7.8 million / 117 = P 66.7 psm (April 2016) A newer ad from 2017 showed a 40 sqm unit for sale at P2.8 million = P 70 psm
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