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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. From the Viber chat: Filipinos prefer Land.. at EVO City "If the 3BR index is "inflated" by the way the data is collected, and BSP data is more accurate, then I would expect that there is an ongoing fall in real prices (measured by the BSP vs inflation.): Filipinos and Filipinas prefer Land (and Lots) to Condos. I am told that lots at Ayala's new Evo City project went on sale on Friday: Sales Value: P7.48M w/VAT - Ave. Selling Price: P30K / sqm "evo city launched today" "I heard! Sold out in 7 hrs!" "Yeah, sold out in a day. That's for phase 1." "I'm not there in the launch. broker friends who are there are all amazed by the speed. lots are being gobbled up every hour." "And they announced 7% increase after one day!" (thnx to D. and J.!) == > as recorded on the Data thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18811&page=16 (there is also a detailed discussion about prices, indices, and the impact of inflation)
  2. Filipinos prefer Land " If the 3BR index is "inflated" by the way the data is collected, and BSP data is more accurate, then I would expect that there is an ongoing fall in real prices (measured by the BSP vs inflation.): Filipinos and Filipinas prefer Land (and Lots) to Condos. I am told that lots at Ayala's new Evo City project went on sale on Friday: Sales Value: P7.48 w/VAT - Ave. Selling Price: P30K / sqm "evo city launched today" "I heard! Sold out in 7 hrs!" "Yeah, sold out in a day. That's for phase 1." "I'm not there in the launch. broker friends who are there are all amazed by the speed. lots are being gobbled up every hour." "And they announced 7% increase after one day!" (thnx to D. and J.!)
  3. Inflation is on the chart - it is the red line: Q1-2017 inflation was +1.1% PER QUARTER - that's 4.4% per annum The Raw data for inflation is collected on this thread > Here : post#258: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18811&page=13 You may have missed this chart from Original Post on this thread Real condo prices "in constant 1995 prices" - ie the blue line as measured by the (Colliers?) 3BR have declined over certain intervals. If the 3BR index is "inflated" by the way the data is collected, and BSP data is more accurate, then I would expect that there is an ongoing fall in real prices (measured by the BSP vs inflation.) And, yes, there may not be scope for a 30% drop, unless we see a big jump in interest rates. (That is unlikely imho, but almost nothing is impossible.) Your ideas about looking at a correlation with stock prices - are interesting , but I may not get to them for a week or two, since I will be traveling in the coming days, and I have to prepare for my trip
  4. DO NOT OPEN any strange looking emails, even if you know the sender This sounds bad ! I started a thread on it: > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21464
  5. NEW Chart - Colliers Data to Q1-2017 : P 155,000 + 2.9% : Adjustment, starts Q4-2016 : "Market slowing down, well then just Raise the price, right?" Raw data: 1Q /2016 : 152,000 : +0.46% : + 3.16 % : 107,000- 197,000 : 115,000 - 185,000 : 121,700 - 202,100 : 2Q /2016 : 147,575 : - 2.91% : - 0.96 % : 103,770- 191,380 : 111,760 - 180.760 : 120,390 - 200,040 : 3Q /2016 : 146,485 : - 0.74% : - 2.99 % : 103,010- 189,960 : 109.790 - 177,580 : 119,090 - 197,870 : 4Q /2016 : 150,600e +2.81% : - 0.00 % : 109,000- 274,600 : 110,500 - 226,400 : 188,400 - 207,700 : *274.6k x70%= 192.2k 1Q /2017 : 155,000e +2.92% : + 1.97 % : P97,400- 274,600 : 110,500 - 235,500 : 186,500 - 218,600 : > post#301 Qtr / Yr. : Mak-Mid. QonQtr : Yr.onYr. / Low - Makati - H / Low -Bonfacio- H / Low -Rockwell- H / I used: P 155,000 + 2.92%, partly because Coliers reported an approx. 3% Gain in Capital Values in their Q1-2017 report The Mean numbers from Colliers look like this Old numbers / my numbers / Colliers' mean prices: Qtr / Yr. : Mak-Mid. QonQtr / Makati - QonQtr : Bonfacio + chg. : Rockwell + chg. : 1Q /2016 : 152,000 : +0.46% / 152,000 : +0.46% : 150,000 : +0.00% : 161,900 : +0.00% : 2Q /2016 : 147,575 : - 2.91% / 147,575 : -2.91% : 146,260 : - 2.50% : 160,215 : - 1.04% : 3Q /2016 : 146,485 : - 0.74% / 146,485 : -0.74% : 143,685 : - 1.76% : 158,480 : - 1.08% : 4Q /2016 : 150,600e +2.81% / 191,800 :+ 30.9% : 168,450 : +17.2% : 198,050 : + 25.0% : 1Q /2017 : 155,000e +2.92% / 186,000 : - 3.0% : 173,000 : +2.70% : 202,550 : + 2.27% > post#301 ======== Those HUGE jumps in price came, because Developers switched their strategies. Instead of building so many cheaper places on the fringes of the CBD (places like The Beacon), the switched to building more expensive, "world class" projects that they could sell to buyers less concerned about Rental levels and yields: The resulting jump in the Hi end of the range, raised the mid-point. In fact, these new expensive projects have sold well. This could be because of growing international interest in investing in property in the PH. And maybe also because high-income, and wealth Filipinos see these properties as a store of value. > see: Is Manila becoming World Class: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21438
  6. ACCUSED OF WRITING RUBBISH - my response (elsewhere - I was accused of writing rubbish): "" I dont have time to watch tje rubbish you are posting, but I am curious. Why is that? I guess they drink the blood of children after having sex with them? And what on earth is a "Nobel prize nominee"?? " (I responded this way): RUBBISH eh? Look, I think it should be obvious that my understanding of the actual state of the world is deeper and more accurate than what you are getting in the Mainstream media, which lies all the time, and could not even forecast the election result correctly. You can be a Useful Idiot programmed by Leftist Lies if you want to be, but that is not for me. If you want to enhance your understanding of the actual world you live in, you need to gain a greater understanding of the Deep State. This might be a good place to start: Daniel Liszt is in Cambridge Mass, (home of my alma mater, Harvard), and he has done a serious of indepth interviews with many insiders and researchers of the actual state of the world. Here, he is interviewed himself, rather than doing the interviewing Deep State Shadow Government Exposed with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt - Part 1 BTW: Robert David Steele was one of many people nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. He went to Norway, I think it was, to give a speech to a group which had nominated him. He is an ex-CIA strategist, who thinks deeply and reads widely. His analysis is unconventional, about he is often (but not always) on-target with his non-PC comments. If you do not know that real evil walks on this planet, including people who are capable of abusing children - then you are hopelessly naive. Though I would never part-take in these practices, I have read enough and seen enough to know that rituals and abuse are not primarily about sex, they are about power, and cultivating dark energies. Most people would prefer to avoid these topics, but we have come into a moment in our ongoing awakening, that we must confront the dark secrets used by those who rule our planet.
  7. Notional Rental yields continue to fall, as Rents slide, and CapVals are moved higher Thanks for the link, ECB I have extracted the data, and produced a chart (see above) . It is interesting to compare the BSP Data with the Makati mid-point data from Colliers. I have the following observations ===== + From the 2009/2010 Low, Makati prices gained more, than did the BSP's index for metro-Manila. From the low in 2009-11, the Colliers Makati data showed a nice 53% rise from P99,200 (Q4-2009) to P152,000 (Q1-2016). And for the most comparable period, from P103,245 (Q1-2011) to P152,000 (Q1-2016), was +47%. The BSP data rose only 28.5% from 99.2 (Q1-2011) to 127.5 (Q3-2015). / Note: 47%/28.5% = 165% Greater growth makes some sense since many of the highest paying jobs are in Makati. . + In my chart (above), I multiplied BSP index by 1050, to get the data shown in light green line (the BSP-x1050). I then made a further adjustment. A lined the low up with the Makati index, and then multiplied the changes from the low by 170% - ie magnifying the changes, so the total change in the 2x-adj index from 2010-2015 would fit the total change in the Makati data. This adjustment (x170%/105%) assumes that prices for Makati are about 65% more volatile than the BSP's index. (Note: part of this might be because the inclusion of new properties as they were launched, helped to STRETCH the growth in prices that Colliers reported for Makati - making it seem much greater than it would have been for a like-vs-like comparison of a stable basket of completed properties.) . + From the Q3-2015 peak, the BSP index fell 4.9% over the next four quarters, and the Makati mid-point fell just 3.6% over two quarters before bouncing, pushed by the inclusion of new super-luxury projects in the data. In the Colliers index for Makati, new projects pushed up the high-end price, and thereby raised the mid-point. My preliminary estimate for Q1-2017 shows a further rise in the mid-point of about +2.0%, even though Colliers has just reported a 1.7% drop in rents in Q1-2017. This means that average rents have dropped again. The notional rental yield using Colliers Rent assessment (P 823 psm) versus my own assessment of Capital values (P154,600) is now down to just 6.4%. This is about 10% below the "normal" level of yield of about 7% than we saw during the run-up of rents and prices. . + This is not the first time that Colliers index has looked as if it has been manipulated. It looks like it was done back in 2008-2010, when the Makati index dipped just -2.7%, and the BSP index dropped from 109.7 to 99.2 - that is a drop of 9.1%. Having said this, it is possible that Makati values were more stable than the rest of the Metro-Manila market. Readers should keep in mind that the whole of Manila is the basis for the BSP index.
  8. This is a very revealing interview (I know that parts of this are disturbing, but I think there is much truth here.) Nobel Prize Nominee Robert David Steele discusses Trump, Comey, Rebuilding Integrity You will hear things you never heard about Pedophilia before. Warning: but they are disturbing! I do think that power "elites" are as bad as he says. Why do you think that (alleged) monsters like David Rockefeller (died this year at 101 years), George H.W. Bush (93), Henry Kissinger (94), etc. have lived so long?
  9. (in reaction to a post elsewhere): "I wonder what you think about the Russian connection. To me the whole thing is very amusing. The US has become a huge melting pot of stupid." Haha. yeah. You gotta try to laugh at it... "The Russians and coming! The Russians are coming!" What Comey Offered a Russian Hacker, 1625 Bill Still says that a Russian guy was offered the chance "to take the fall" - and get "the complete package" If True, this shows that Comey not only covered up Clinton's crimes, but also tried to manufacture evidence to back the fake Russian connection. Honestly, if this all can be proven, I would say he would be lucky to get a life sentence. "The US has become a huge melting pot of stupid." Not ALL of America! It is the useful idiots on the left - who have long been maniipulated to do the bidding of the Deep State and powerful elites, More and more Americans are waking up. After all, trump won the election, and once the vote rigging (for Hillary) is removed, i reckon the margins was many millions of voters
  10. Gold Royalty and Streaming co's R/S agreements are long-lived and unique, offering diversification benefits unavailable from single project mining juniors. At any given time, a successful R/S player’s investment portfolio might have cash flow schedules extending 20 years (from existing cash flowing deals, plus ones expected to go cash pay in the future). That’s why many believe that R/S companies are the best risk-adjusted way to play precious metals bull markets…. and survive bear markets. R/S companies invest in all stages of mining, from early-stage through production and (importantly) expansion. They invest with the goal of an attractive return on capital (base case), plus valuable optionality on a strong or even spectacular outcome. R/S managers can fine-tune their investment portfolios based on market cycles (i.e. enter into more bullish or more conservative transactions). On new deals they can steer away from jurisdictions experiencing an increase in (geopolitical, environmental, permitting, geological, etc.) risks. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2017/05/05/is-metalla-royalty-next-franco-nevada#Ov9uUt6JLKSY0Lho.99 ===== Is Metalla Royalty the next Franco-Nevada? (ah, no!) On April 28th, Metalla announced the imminent closing of its first currently cash paying precious metal stream. The Company is investing US$1.86 M (net of initial streaming cash flow of US$138,136), in exchange for 15% of the silver (“Ag”) produced at the New Luika Gold Mine in Tanzania, successfully operated by Shanta Gold Ltd. since 2012. Metalla management estimates the stream will generate between 19k-22k ounces of silver per year through 2026. The Company is required to pay ten percent (10%) of the prevailing spot price for each ounce produced. Management is paying US$1.86 M (C$2.48 M) for an annual (un-discounted) cash flow stream of roughly US$325k (C$430k), assuming $18/oz. Ag and 20k ounces/yr. However, Metalla has considerable upside in the form of higher prices and increased production. For example, if both production and the Ag price were to increase just 3% per year, ending in 2026 at ~26,000 ounces produced, net to Metalla, (on an Ag price of ~$23.5/oz.), un-discounted cash flow in 2026 would be about US$550k (C$735k). As a frame of reference, if silver were to increase 12% per year, it would reach ~$48/oz., equal to the high tick of 2011, generating cash flow of ~US$1.1 M (C$1.5 M) in 2026. NOTE: {the all-time, inflation-adjusted high tick on silver was about $150/oz. in 1980!} I don’t mean to suggest that this particular deal is a company maker, I’m merely pointing out the tremendous upside (a valuable call option) on precious metal prices embedded in properly structured agreements. Two things come to mind. First, C$430k per year nearly covers the cash burn of the Company, affording management the flexibility and breathing room to cherry pick the best opportunities. Second, a 10-20x cash flow multiple on C$430k suggests C$4.3 to C$8.6 M in market value. That’s from just one modest-sized stream. The Company fully expects to execute 2 – 4 R/S deals per year, in the US$2 – $10 M zip code. Not all will be cash flowing from day 1. >more at http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2017/05/05/is-metalla-royalty-next-franco-nevada#Ov9uUt6JLKSY0Lho.99
  11. I expect that GCM will continue to "eat away" at the remaining 6% debs maturing in Jan. 2020, buying them at a discount to face. New Capital Structure Deb : F.M.: Amt O/S : Int. pa : Conversion--- : 1% : 2018 : $46.0M : $0,460k : $190+415.5shs : 19.1 M shs : +$8.74M cash to pay, 2018 6% : 2020 : $53.5M : $3,210k : 513 shares----- : 27.4 M shs 8% : 2024 : $47.0M : $3,760K : 513 shares----- : 24.1 M shs >> 51.5M shs (from debs, at $1,000/513 = $1.949 ----------- : $146.5M : $7,430K :Total Conversion: ----------- : ------------------------ :Common Shares: 18.5M shs ----------- : ------------------------ :Common+1%deb: 37.5M shs x $1.50 = $56.3M, with $8.7M (2018) + $100.5M debt (2020-24) Cash Flow $15mn in surplus CF in 2017, after $9mn in interest payments?
  12. Gran Colombia Gold Receives Consent to Extend Maturity of US$47 Million of Senior Secured Convertible Debentures to 2024 May 12, 2017 TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - May 12, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that its consent solicitation process (the "Consent Solicitation") concluded yesterday and holders of 77.4% of the total principal amount of the Company's issued and outstanding 2020 Debentures consented to the Company's proposal to amend the Amended and Restated Indenture dated as of January 20, 2016, as amended January 1, 2017, (the "Indenture") to provide holders the option to extend the maturity date of their 2020 Debentures to January 2, 2024 (the "Extended Debentures"). In addition, holders of a total of US$47.0 million of 2020 Debentures elected to extend their 2020 Debentures to 2024. Commenting on the results of the Consent Solicitation, Serafino Iacono, Executive Co-Chairman of Gran Colombia said "we are very pleased with the strong support we have received from the holders of our 2020 Debentures in this process to improve our capital structure. As we move ahead, we will continue to execute our strategy and we remain committed to systematically reducing our issued and outstanding senior secured debt with our excess cash flow." The Company expects to enter into a supplemental Indenture with its trustee shortly to implement the amendments described in the Consent Solicitation. It is also expected that the extension of the 2020 Debentures will be made effective May 31, 2017. Interest on the Extended Debentures will be paid monthly at an annual rate of 8% over the then remaining term of the Extended Debentures with the first full monthly interest payment to be paid on June 30, 2017. The Company has received conditional listing approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange for the listing of Extended Debentures and it is anticipated that the Extended Debentures will be posted for trading under the symbol "GCM.DB.X", subject to satisfaction of the listing conditions. ===== Bullboard comment: " very good news for gcm shareholders !!That means much less Dilution and more time for the Company to pay back the debt ! And the goldprice will help for sure ! A goldprice over 2000 Dollar is just a matter of time ! My personal opinion is that gcm shoud have a Maximum of 50 Million Shares 2024 If the goldprice will explode it should work without Dilution . And the sky is the Limit for gcm !! == > http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm
  13. NEXT WEEK may be too soon, but we are getting close® Gold Intermediate Cycle : Surfing for a Wave Trough. Surf City Thursday May 11, 2017 Kitco Commentaries | Opinions, Ideas and Markets Talk Based on Time and Price action I am seeing, I am expecting the next Intermediate Cycle Low (ICL) for Gold and PM’s either in mid-May (this week or next?) or it could move into mid-June. Why the one month variation? That is about the time needed for one of Gold’s shorter term Trading Cycles (22-29 days Low to Low on average). The Price and Time action on Gold’s longer Intermediate Cycle, however, is clearer than the shorter Trading Cycles right now. Based on Gold’s last confirmed short term Trading or Daily Cycle Low (TCL or DCL) in March near $1196, we are possibly on day 41 of TC3. I simply hate long counts like this and whenever I see them I often explore multiple possible counts as they are outside the norm. I will also say that long TC counts are often seen near the end of Gold’s longer Intermediate Cycle. As my normal timing band for Trading Cycle Lows (TL Low or TCL) is 22-29 days, this is either a very long Trading Cycle or perhaps we had a stealth TC Low in April on day 18. That would make this day 23 of TC4. Bottom line, however, I don’t see Gold’s longer Intermediate Cycle Low stretching out past mid-June. My last point here is that picking the exact bottom is not always necessary as long as you moved much of your PM portfolio to Cash near the Cycle top (see my 2nd chart). If you look at my Portfolio Tracker, my last long trade in GDX was stopped out at $24.20 on February 10th, and the Intermediate High in GDX was two days earlier on Feb 8th, near $25 and change. I did not sell my entire portfolio back then but I sold a good bit of it over the next few days. == > more: http://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2017-05-11/Gold-Intermediate-Cycle-Surfing-for-a-Wave-Trough.html
  14. Looong Term Gold price - back to -- 1792 ! Peak was $1920 in 9/2011 > source: http://www.businessinsider.com/long-term-gold-chart-going-back-to-1792-2013-4 GLD : All data : All : fr.Peak 5-yrs : 4-yrs : 2-yrs-wk : BTS / Bitstamp ... 8-years : Peak (for BTS) was $1,892 on 5/11/2017 Note the Gold low at around $250, followed by an upwards drive of less than 10X to $1920. After the BTS low near $200, will wee see the Bitcoin rally end at less than 10X at around $1900?
  15. Looong Term Gold price - back to -- 1792 ! Peak was $1920 in 9/2011 > source: http://www.businessinsider.com/long-term-gold-chart-going-back-to-1792-2013-4 GLD : All data : All : fr.Peak 5-yrs : 4-yrs : 2-yrs-wk : BTS / Bitstamp ... 8-years : Peak (for BTS) was $1,892 on 5/11/2017 Note the Gold low at around $250, followed by an upwards drive of less than 10X to $1920. After the BTS low near $200, will wee see the Bitcoin rally end at less than 10X at around $1900?
  16. Colliers Q1-2017 report is out now EXCERPTS "Colliers sees about 22,000 additional units being completed this year in the major business districts, with the Manila Bay Area accounting for two-thirds of the new supply. While rents in major CBDs are declining, prices continue to grow albeit at a slower pace. The demand for luxury units is stable and this encourages affordable and mid-income developers to pursue high-end projects especially in the Manila Bay Area, where the demand for luxury projects has spilled over. Colliers encourages developers with significant ready-for- occupancy (RFO) units to lease out the units either individually or as shared units as long as the leasing schemes conform with the developers' market positioning and do not lead to a deterioration of the units' perceived value. 2 Rental rates for premium three-bedroom units in Makati CBD declined by 1.7% to PHP823 (USD16.5) per sq m a month from PHP837 (USD16.7) per sq m in 4Q 2016. The drop was slightly faster than the 1.4% decline recorded in 4Q. We expect the rental decline to ease to between 1.3% and 1.5% over the next 12 months." == > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/1q2017-residential_market_report.pdf
  17. I used to prefer the Colliers index, mainly because it was centered on Makati. But now, I think it is highly distorted, by including all the expensive new property. . Residential Real Estate Price Index (Q1 2014=100) AREA : Q1'15 : Q2'15 : Q3'15: Q4'15 : Q1'16 : Overall : 105.6 : 109.7 : 110.4 : 113.1 : 115.2 : NCR--- : 106.3 : 115.0 : 116.3 : 116.9 : 116.6 : AONCR: 104.4 : 104.6 : 105.4 : 109.6 : 114.2 : Chg.YoY Overall : ----- : 12.8% : +4.3% : +5.1% : +9.2% : NCR--- : ----- : 17.9% : +8.6% : +6.3% : +9.7% : Chg.QoQ Overall : ----- : +3.9% : +0.7%: +2.4% : +1.9% : NCR--- : ----- : +8.2% : +1.1% : +0.5% : - 0.2% : ========= Did average prices for NCR peak out Q3'2015 ? We may not be able to see clearly for another quarter or two The Govt may be more reliable, but... === + It is very BROAD - it is for the whole NCR + It is very late, coming out almost 12 months after the fact
  18. Dark Journalist, Daniel Lizst, was interviewed by the Hagmanns (middle hour of the show): Dismissal in DC: Allan Riggs, Dark Journalist & Pastor David Lankford
  19. UPDATE : The JLL Report for Q4-2016 Historical-: Colliers : Mak. ====== : : JLL : : ======= : Mak-Mid: Rent : Yield / AveFour = Mak.Mid : Mak. Hi. / BGC.Mid : BGC.Hi. : Mid-R : Q4-2015 : 151,300 : 883 : 7.00% / 153,875 = 125,000 : 197,500 / 128,500 : 164,500 : P925 : Q1-2016 : 152,000 : 865 : 6.83% / 158,500 = 127,500 : 200,000 / 137,500 : 169,000 : P900 : Q2-2016 : 147,575 : 855 : 6.95% / 160,000 = 125,000 : 210,000 / 138,500 : 166,500 : P960 : Q3-2016 : 146,485 : 840 : 6.85% / 163,375 = 129,500 : 215,000 / 142,500 : 166,500 : P988 : Q4-2016 : 150,600 : 830 : 6.61% / 166,000 = 132,500 : 217,500 / 145,000 : 169,000 : P??? : ======= : ======= The Bubble, if there is one, is in the (rising) prices of Newly Launched properties. They are still being pushed higher, even as Rents drift lower, and secondhand prices are under pressure. We can see the excess in the widening gap (New-vs-Old), the high number of completions, and the growing Vacancy rates. My opinion is that the supply excess WILL be absorbed - and that may come faster, if more foreigners come to the PH. But we do not yet know how much Rents will come down, and what sort of Bargains we might see in secondhand prices, before the supply excess shrinks and is gone. There is some real risk to developers that well-informed buyers (especially those living in metro Manila), will turn away from new properties and instead seek bargains in the 2nd hand market. It is possible that the majority of buyers now are either: + those buying for own use, who may not care (much) about future yields, + those who are overseas, and/or may not be fully informed about market conditions and possible 2nd-hand "bargains", or + those who want or need the payment structure ("low" monthly installments, rather than lump sums), offered by developers
  20. "Getting his backbone back"? "Trump is again acting like Trump," says PCR Paul Craig Roberts Says Trump to Be Made An Example of for Future Politicians
  21. Let the Leaks ... and prosecutions begin ! "Trump waited until Comey was traveling, and would not have access to his office" "How powerful was Comey? He was FEARED in a way that no one was feared" FBI Director Comey Fired, 1617 WHY did the Comey firing take so long? + Sessions reclused himself from the Russia investigations + Rod Rosenstein , the Deputy AG was Comey's immediate boss, and was not confirmed until Apr, 25th + They needed Comey to confirm that Trump was not a subject of Russian investigations + They waited until Comey was out of town... / 2 / TRUMP FIRING COMEY COULD LEAD TO INTEL LEAKS FROM FBI: Julian Assange Reports Published on May 9, 2017 Assange: "The FBI will now start Leaking like Niagra." > Lynch & Clinton next Targets : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21459
  22. COREY's TALES: There is no evidence backing them - but people do not want to give up on Corey Are they designed to Block legitimate Research? (Comment from Ben F's site) If it weren’t already obvious… why Corey Goode and DW have zilch for cred. http://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dark-journalist-bill-ryan-secret-space-spooks-and-whistleblower-fail/ Comment by diabiblical on May 9, 2017 @ 7:56 am EXCERPT: Ryan had known Goode before the latter went public and he believes Goode’s story to be unreliable. Ryan sees the case of Corey Goode as a test of the future direction in which the independent research community will take on the subject of UFOs and government secrecy. And that relates to you, Dear Reader. I know that many of you are fans of Corey Goode and your opinions will drive the future of this narrative unless or until such Unacknowledged Special Access Programs are made public. One might well ask whether Goode’s output is the work of an imbalanced opportunist and one might also ask why a venue like Gaia TV (part of the massive but troubled entertainment conglomerate, Gaiam-Vivendi Entertainment/Cinedigm, whose debts currently outweigh their assets by $13.5M) has promoted the unvetted Corey Goode and given him his own show. ‘Cosmic Disclosure’ is co-hosted with David Wilcock, who himself burst into the UFO disclosure community, with claims of being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Wilcock’s predictions over the past several years, about imminent nuclear war and the “Cabal Arrests” of elite evildoers have never come to pass, to say nothing of his one about “Obama UFO disclosure.” For his part, Goode has developed a comic book series based on his allegations, featuring what he calls the “Sphere Being Alliance,” complete with an extraterrestrial race of “Blue Avians” possessing blue skin and feathers. Respected authors, like Joseph Farrell and Richard Dolan have been shocked to find their research recycled in Goode’s colorful narrative. The question for Bill Ryan becomes, what is driving Goode to promote his bizarre, unverified stories? . . . Are all of these New Age Sci-Fi fantasies being presented as the truth, with no corroborating evidence in a concerted effort to discourage legitimate research? (REACTION): Hi Diabiblical, You are welcome to your opinion, but from my perspective it is Bill Ryan and Kerry Kassidy that are mistaken. They have both over the years fallen out with both David Wilcock and Corey Goode and these attacks on them bear a significant amount of ’sour grapes’. Unfortunately the “New Age” and “whistleblower” fraternity have a hard time in getting to know that unity, harmony and respect for the overall picture is what is required. I have never seen either David or Corey attach others in the field of awakening humanity – only the reverse (people attack them). One has to question the agenda here. Is it petty jealousy or is it Trollism? Whatever the case – the search for truth will win in the end and all who contribute to our awakening should be respected and thanked for their contributions. Peace to you, with love, Alan. Comment by aneeson on May 9, 2017 @ 8:37 am
  23. Launch Coming Soon DMCI Homes Upcoming Project in Makati near MRT Magallanes Station! FORTIS GARDEN RESIDENCES Site Location: Still waiting for the announcement regarding the Launching Date! For details, please visit: http://www.dmci-realty.com/fortis-ga...-makati-condo/
  24. "it appears to be true that a lot of jobs are coming to BGC." Not unexpected... given all the new office space opening up there. There is a very low vacancy rate in Makati's Office market, so opening up of space in Makati will be a good thing for those who want to expand in Makati, or move their offices there. It is good that jobs are moving to BGC for those who own residential properties there, since there are something like 6,000+ units to be completed there in 2017. And the completions will run high for years to come. My concern is that those who live and work in BGC may find the traffic jams getting in and out to be "challenging" McKinley Avenue is a real choke point between Makati and BGC
  25. DENSITY MATTERS (Elevators too) in crowded Makati True. The lower density means less potential problems with elevators at Kroma. Also, to compare: The Rise is substantially less dense than Air Residences. Bldg. -- : Total / Floors : Units : Elevators: Units/E. Kroma : # 821 / (52) 37: # 23*: / 05 --- = 4.60 units Rise --- : 2,822 / (63) 59: # 55*: / 18 --- = 3.06 units Air ----- : 3,234 / (59) 51: # 75*: / 12 --- = 6.25 units *(not same on all floors) > Elevator Factors: http://www.astarlifts.com/en/blog-lifts/lifts-lifts/what-determines-the-number-of-elevators-you-need-a-building == I have seen people queuing up at a CityLand building at busy times waiting a long time for elevators. This rarely happens next door at an Avida Building, which has less density. The ironically thing is that people may move to a Cityland or SMDC building in Makati so they can get to work on time, and get more sleep in the morning, but then they lose 15-20 minutes (or longer!) waiting for elevators. THE POINT to keep in mind when choosing a place is... You need to look at more than advertising, amenities, and possible views when choosing a place to live. (Here's an Excerpt from an SSC posting): "BTW is there an architect or an engineer here who would have an idea on what is the most efficient ratio of the number of elevator to the number of units and floors? 75 units per floor pero 12 elevators naman. Then i realized this is a 59 storey building. Sa The Rise naman yata, 55 units per floor pero 18 ang elevators nila. Almost same number of floors. Elevator traffic is one of the first things that prospective tenants consider...." > SSC: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1456032&page=20 > More on Kroma, Rise, Air, Citygate: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21029
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