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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Heroes of Neighborhood improvement are Black too - but they may not want too call their efforts "gentrification" Kudos for a One-Man Community Development Corporation Ronald Brooks worked his way up, then turned around and helped others up behind him. He’s giving his “incubator” a makeover to keep pace with changing times in West Philly. By Sandy Smith | April 13, 2017 Chestnut Villa at 40th and Chestnut streets, the building that launched Brooks on his real estate career. | Photos: Sandy Smith . For many years, the nicest building at the intersection of 40th and Chestnut streets in University City was the one with the sign reading “Chestnut Villa” on top of it. Neat and tidy, with crimson awnings over its storefront windows, it was a signal that at least one person cared about this sometimes-bedraggled crossroads on the fringe of the University of Pennsylvania campus. The crimson awnings are still there, and it’s still neat as a pin. But redevelopment has caught up with it: across Chestnut from the Villa now rises a slick postmodern tower, the Brawer & Hauptman-designed Hub on Chestnut. So Chestnut Villa’s owner, Ronald Brooks, has decided to renovate the building he has owned for the past 40 years to reflect the changed face of its surroundings. To mark the occasion, many of the other people whose lives and businesses he has helped fix up turned out to pay homage to him on Tuesday (April 11th) in a currently vacant storefront in his building. Also showing up along with his friends and neighbors was Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell — “maiden name: Jannie L. Brooks” — who presented him with a citation from Philadelphia City Council. image: http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/04/Blackwell-reading-citation-940x540.jpeg Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell (left) reading the City Council citation honoring Ronald Brooks (right) The phrase is a cliché, but: It couldn’t have been given to a more deserving fella. For as it turns out, Brooks cares for more than this building. Starting with this property he purchased some 40 years ago, he has become a one-man community development corporation, buying and improving other properties in West Philly, helping others get their businesses off the ground, and providing crucial financial assistance when banks wouldn’t. image: http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/04/Brooks-400x400.jpeg Ronald Brooks formed his 40th Street Corporation in 1979 when he bought the Chestnut Villa building from its then-owner after renting space for his fabric shop there for 10 years. He had started that business from the trunk of his car, delivering fabrics to customers all over West Philly. At least one of his customers from those first years was on hand as well. Since acquiring Chestnut Villa, Brooks has gone on to acquire several other commercial and residential properties in West Philadelphia. (He couldn’t give an exact count of how many, but it’s a non-trivial number.) == More: http://www.phillymag.com/business/2017/04/13/kudos-for-a-one-man-community-development-corporation/#og0ICcaA8vHC4YS6.99
  2. Pushback to Gentrification? THERE’S BEEN PUSHBACK AGAINST THE CHANGES. Gentrification is the topic of many a heated discussion at the neighborhoods’ barrooms and house parties. Between 2013 and 2014, Cedar Park itself saw the highest year-over-year rent increase in the city, which occasioned much soul-searching. Just to the east, spray-paint-wielding vandals have twice struck the bougie eatery Clarkville, in Spruce Hill, writing “fuck you” and “gentri go home.” The pricey restaurant occupies a building previously occupied by a takeout beer and pizza joint that served as a base for mostly black old-timers to drink and watch sports in a well-lit space. For her part, Allison wishes the old West Philadelphia High School, which will soon be converted into market-rate condos, could have been repurposed as a space for elderly residents of the neighborhood who no longer need a full-scale house. The changing demographics are evident in the literal Cedar Park that she helped revitalize, but there are still a group of older people—mostly black, mostly men—who hang out at the eastern end of the park to drink and play cards. That’s a point of tension with some new arrivals, but Allison says she asked the men to move down there when the playground equipment was installed at the park’s western end. “New neighbors are always fusing about the guys in the park, and my thing is that it was their park before it was your park,” says Allison. “It’s a public space, so either learn how to approach them or ignore them. Because they aren’t disrespectful. They just do their thing and they want you to leave them alone.” == > more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/11/cedar-park-gentrification-west-philadelphia/#H6lLJjUqwIkLpRPw.99 =
  3. Baltimore Avenue Transformation - & the irresistable appeal of high prices (for some sellers)' Gold Standard Cafe, during the Dollar Stroll . Baltimore Avenue blossomed with coffee shops, restaurants and small businesses. Establishments that managed to cater to the older African-American population and the influx of white residents thrived, most of them Ethiopian-owned bars like Queen of Sheba, Dahlak and Gojo. Establishments with a majority-black clientele, like Abby’s Desert Lounge and the New Third World Lounge, faltered and went out of business. Baltimore Avenue: Philadelphia Utopian Society “From a citizenry point of view, it has been a joy to watch the neighborhood change,” says Allison. “It has been a joy to bring businesses into the community. At the same time, older neighbors are saying Baltimore Avenue isn’t for us anymore. It’s for the young people, although not just Caucasian people—young people.” She believes that many older African-American residents enjoy the changes, especially the increased police presence. But they have chosen to leave for financial reasons. For those who don’t have family living with them, the old Victorian homes can be imposingly huge. As they age, it becomes more difficult to pay for repairs of the neighborhood’s hulking houses, along with the increased property taxes and imposing utility bills. The lure of the hugely increased property values is a factor as well. A home purchased for much less than $100,000 in the 1990s can now be easily sold for $200,000 at the very least. The lure of a hugely profitable sale is obvious. == > more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/11/cedar-park-gentrification-west-philadelphia/#H6lLJjUqwIkLpRPw.99 The first floor of the residential building connected to the left side of Clarkville at 43rd and Baltimore would be converted into a restaurant under a proposal considered last night by the Spruce Hill Zoning Association (Photo from Google Street View).. Brought by the owners of the Clarkville building (not the business itself), the proposal for 4303 Baltimore includes an 1,100-square-foot restaurant on the first floor and renovated, high-end apartments on the second and third floors. In the past, the building housed three apartments, but is in rough shape, said Tom Lussenhop of Best House Partners, the building owners since May. Caribbean Cuisine Week Returns To Philly, April 25-28by uwishunu on April 24, 2017 Deal Alert: Caribbean Cuisine Week Returns To Philly This Week Save the date - and your appetite - for the 13th annual Philadelphia Caribbean Cuisine Week, returning April 25-28. Organized by the Young Caribbean Professional Network, this year's event features great eats and specials from restaurants all over the city, including Sabrina's Café (all five locations!), Cuba Libre, Kilamandjaro, Youma, Fine Palate (which is participating for the first time) and more. http://www.uwishunu.com
  4. West Philly - University West - one important beneficiary of more Transport Oriented Development ... MFL / Market Frankfort Line runs through West Philly But an old problem (crack) needed to be addressed before the core of blacks living in the Cobbs Creek section (& nearby areas) could improve their environment. The Crack Crime peak (1993) and the Aftermath: a clean-up These majority-white groups with political commitments to egalitarianism and collective living weren’t the only reason the neighborhood stayed integrated. “When I came here three years ago, no one would think about 49th Street,” a white real estate agent enthused in a 1977 Philadelphia Bulletin article entitled “Cedar Park: Boom Bringing in Whites,” which noted that Penn employees were moving into the neighborhood. (The real estate agent describes selling homes for as high as $35,000, or $139,000 in today’s dollars). “Now the area is growing so fast we are running out of houses.” During that decade, academic luminaries like Michael Katz and Elijah Anderson moved into the neighborhood, too. “There’s something unique and satisfying about the neighborhood in terms of race,” says Elijah Anderson, an African-American professor of sociology at Yale University who lived in Cedar Park from 1980 to 1995, a period when he authored the classic text Streetwise: Race, Class and Change in an Urban Community. “There are plenty of parts of the country that don’t have the same ethos of openness, tolerance and anti-racism. We would attend racially mixed parties in the neighborhood, everyone getting on together at places like the University City Swim Club. It was really special and really unusual.” It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Crack Cocaine Then, in the mid-1980s, crack hit. The crime wave that swept the nation’s cities destabilized Cedar Park. Violent crime eventually peaked nationwide in America in 1993, but for residents of West Philly, the decline in crime that took place afterward wasn’t immediately obvious. In 1998, the first year the police department can provide accurate data, the roughly 9,500 residents of Cedar Park’s two census tracts reported 14 rapes, 62 robberies, 36 aggravated assaults and 116 burglaries. (By contrast as of late 2016, there were two rapes, 30 robberies, four aggravated assaults, and 18 burglaries.) The University of Pennsylvania stirred to action over the murder of two graduate students: In 1994, Al-Moez Alimohamed died of gunshot wounds suffered in broad daylight during a robbery; then in 1996, Vladimir Sled died nearby of multiple stab wounds after attempting to defend his girlfriend from a mugging near Clark Park. These high-profile killings, and the general tide of crime and violence, coincided with the largest white exodus from the neighborhood since the 1960s (a 13.5 percent decline between 1990 and 2000). Many people left in those years, including some black residents like Anderson, who wrote an op-ed for the Philadelphia Daily News at the time explaining his family’s decision to leave their house at 47th and Hazel. Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/11/cedar-park-gentrification-west-philadelphia/#H6lLJjUqwIkLpRPw.99
  5. Cedar Park, Baltimore Avenue & Beyond : Gentrifying* West Philly neighborhoods The Changing Streets of Cedar Park, as gentrifcation* spreads Westward along Baltimore Avenue In a country deeply segregated by race, this uniquely integrated part of West Philadelphia stands out. But there remain challenges. By Jake Blumgart | March 11, 2017 *"Gentrification" generally means higher income persons moving into lower income neighborhoods, and spending more money on their homes, and within the neighborhood. In some Philadelphia neighborhoods, this term has taken on some racial connotations, and now comes with a lot of political and emotional baggage. The following article includes some statistics that will help to elucidate why they can be racial overtones to the word. CEDAR PARK Map, above = Area that lies between 45th and 50th streets, and Pine Street and Kingsessing Ave. ... PD. Baltimore Avenue, West Philadelphia, at 49th Street crossing looking East towards the 40th St. Trolley portal. Photo courtesy of JJ Tiziou | www.jjtiziou.net Monica Allison moved to West Philadelphia’s Cedar Park in 1997, buying a gorgeous red brick Victorian town house for $67,000. She’d been renting closer to the University of Pennsylvania, but her neighbors repeatedly called the police on her teenage son when he was home alone, just hanging out around the house. Allison, who is African-American, had to rush home from her job as an insurance underwriter time and again to find him handcuffed on the couch. Even today, as the country’s increasing diversity makes racial isolation less common, Cedar Park is a rarity because of its longstanding mixture of black and white households. When Allison moved there, it had been roughly evenly comprised of black and white households since at least 1970, although the white population continued to slowly decline. That remained true even as the neighborhoods to the west, north and south of Cedar Park became more than 95 percent black. But by the end of the 1990s, Cedar Park’s white population plummeted to 27.9 percent as crime spiked and several high-profile murders racked the neighborhood. (For simplicity’s sake, we’re calling the area that lies between 45th and 50th streets, and Pine Street and Kingsessing Avenue, Cedar Park, although the exact boundaries are variable.) Today, the neighborhood is rapidly changing once again. Cedar Park is one of the hottest areas in the city, and housing values are spiking dramatically. As of 2010, the neighborhood is majority-white for the first time since 1970, a stunning reversal from the 2000 census that showed the percentage of white residents at an all-time low. In 2014, Allison sold her house for $150,000. After an investor purchased and rehabbed the property, it sold for $445,000 last year. This kind of a racial U-turn is extremely unusual in the United States.... . . . image: http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/university-city-dining-days.jpg TODAY, CEDAR PARK IS 52 PERCENT WHITE, 38 percent black, 4 percent those who identify as two or more races, 4 percent Asian, and 2 percent Latino. The neighborhood’s commercial corridor, Baltimore Avenue, looks entirely different than it did 15 years ago. Most vacancies are filled, but many of the businesses that primarily catered to black residents are gone. Between 2000 and 2010, the neighborhood also lost more than 1,000 residents. “I don’t feel like the diversity has caused people to move out,” says Allison, who is 53 and now runs a day care near the city border in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood of West Philly. “The diversity is a reason to stay, but unfortunately finances come with that diversity, so you kind of have to make a choice.” She says that rising property taxes, in addition to her mortgage and the big house’s need for repairs, were part of her decision to move away. . . . A recent study of Chicago neighborhoods found that those most likely to gentrify had at least a robust minority of white households, a floor of 35 percent. Cedar Park only dropped below that floor briefly. At the same time, a dramatic nationwide decline in crime, which began in the mid-1990s, made itself felt. In Cedar Park and its eastern neighbors, the university’s extensive security operation—which stops at 50th Street—bolstered an already robust police presence to drive crime down even further. . . . In many ways, the neighborhood was primed for a spike in white population. This corner of West Philadelphia is stocked with beautiful gingerbread-like Victorian houses, an abundance of leafy trees, and trolley lines that whisk commuters to Center City in 25 minutes. > more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/11/cedar-park-gentrification-west-philadelphia/#H6lLJjUqwIkLpRPw.99 Spruce Hill & Cedar Park - Philadelphia Neighborhoods LINKS LOCAL Interest websites : http://www.ocfrealty.com/naked-philly http://www.westphillylocal.com https://philly.curbed.com http://phillymag.com https://philadelphianeighborhoods.com/ http://hiddencityphila.org/ http://westphillyhistory.archives.upenn.edu/ GradCafe : Philadephia : Local Associations : : Spruce Hill Community Association : Walnut Hill Community Association : Cedar Park Neighbors : Cobbs Creek Neighbors (Facebook) : Baltimore Avenue Business Association (BABA) : 52nd Street Corridor : "West Philly's Main Street" MAP of Local attractions : http://www.visitphilly.com/philadelphia-neighborhoods/cedar-park/ Focus areas in UnivCity- 2035 Plan : http://phila2035.org/home-page/district/university-southwest/university-southwest-focus-areas/ Round-up: University City etc Property : http://www.phillymag.com/sponsor-content/philadelphia-neighborhood-guide-home-buyers/#more-3253752 Neighborhood 48th/Walnut : http://www.westlofts.com/neighborhood.html : Includes a restaurant list : West Lofts is on the edge of Walnut Hill, adjacent to Garden Court and the Spruce Hill Neighborhoods - known for their extraordinary array of local establishments. Overall, there are 25 bars and restaurants within walking distance of West Lofts (not one of which is a chain). Local maps: Balt ave: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 :
  6. The Changing Streets of Cedar ParkIn a country deeply segregated by race, this uniquely integrated part of West Philadelphia stands out. But that might soon change. By Jake Blumgart | March 11, 2017 CEDAR PARK Map = Area that lies between 45th and 50th streets, and Pine Street and Kingsessing Avenue Photo courtesy of JJ Tiziou | www.jjtiziou.net Monica Allison moved to West Philadelphia’s Cedar Park in 1997, buying a gorgeous red brick Victorian town house for $67,000. She’d been renting closer to the University of Pennsylvania, but her neighbors repeatedly called the police on her teenage son when he was home alone, just hanging out around the house. Allison, who is African-American, had to rush home from her job as an insurance underwriter time and again to find him handcuffed on the couch. Even today, as the country’s increasing diversity makes racial isolation less common, Cedar Park is a rarity because of its longstanding mixture of black and white households. When Allison moved there, it had been roughly evenly comprised of black and white households since at least 1970, although the white population continued to slowly decline. That remained true even as the neighborhoods to the west, north and south of Cedar Park became more than 95 percent black. But by the end of the 1990s, Cedar Park’s white population plummeted to 27.9 percent as crime spiked and several high-profile murders racked the neighborhood. (For simplicity’s sake, we’re calling the area that lies between 45th and 50th streets, and Pine Street and Kingsessing Avenue, Cedar Park, although the exact boundaries are variable.) Today, the neighborhood is rapidly changing once again. Cedar Park is one of the hottest areas in the city, and housing values are spiking dramatically. As of 2010, the neighborhood is majority-white for the first time since 1970, a stunning reversal from the 2000 census that showed the percentage of white residents at an all-time low. In 2014, Allison sold her house for $150,000. After an investor purchased and rehabbed the property, it sold for $445,000 last year. This kind of a racial U-turn is extremely unusual in the United States.... . . . image: http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/university-city-dining-days.jpg TODAY, CEDAR PARK IS 52 PERCENT WHITE, 38 percent black, 4 percent those who identify as two or more races, 4 percent Asian, and 2 percent Latino. The neighborhood’s commercial corridor, Baltimore Avenue, looks entirely different than it did 15 years ago. Most vacancies are filled, but many of the businesses that primarily catered to black residents are gone. Between 2000 and 2010, the neighborhood also lost more than 1,000 residents.“I don’t feel like the diversity has caused people to move out,” says Allison, who is 53 and now runs a day care near the city border in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood of West Philly. “The diversity is a reason to stay, but unfortunately finances come with that diversity, so you kind of have to make a choice.” She says that rising property taxes, in addition to her mortgage and the big house’s need for repairs, were part of her decision to move away. . . . A recent study of Chicago neighborhoods found that those most likely to gentrify had at least a robust minority of white households, a floor of 35 percent. Cedar Park only dropped below that floor briefly. At the same time, a dramatic nationwide decline in crime, which began in the mid-1990s, made itself felt. In Cedar Park and its eastern neighbors, the university’s extensive security operation—which stops at 50th Street—bolstered an already robust police presence to drive crime down even further. . . . In many ways, the neighborhood was primed for a spike in white population. This corner of West Philadelphia is stocked with beautiful gingerbread-like Victorian houses, an abundance of leafy trees, and trolley lines that whisk commuters to Center City in 25 minutes. ===== > Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/11/cedar-park-gentrification-west-philadelphia/#H6lLJjUqwIkLpRPw.99 > see new thread on Cedar Park :
  7. It is nice to see that my larges Gold & mining share positions are mainly bucking the downtrend "...on 4/27/2017 - GCM had an enterprize value of 134,000 oz., that's less that one year of its gold production" GCM / Gran Columbia Gold got rolled back !/15, and the shares rose 9% yesterday > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20537&page=2 I am holding 6% and 1% debentures, which are convertible into the stock. I am making a decent return while I wait for the "undervalued" stock to be discovered
  8. Real progress can be seen in getting the buildings at Circuit up
  9. GCM Bullboard comments RE:GCM is similar to Galaxy Resources posted April 27, 2017 06:58 pm by InternalAudit68 Although gold hasn't had much of a run up from the 1100 level, GCM's rock bottom was 7 cents and at 10 odd cents equivalent where it closed today, there's still a lot of upside potential, as you have described. Maybe not 1600% but at least a few bagger if held for a few years. Like you and others have said, the merger a few years ago created what was thought of as a billion dollar company but due to bad timing and management, gold and silver notes had to be issued, since then replaced with these 2018 and 2020 debentures. While debt is being slowly wiped out and production ongoing, equity value will only increase. ...read more RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Company Looks Bigger posted April 27, 2017 05:23 pm by ts9222 I considered Primero in the past but then saw that their silver stream took away a lot of the profit and they are left with not that high grade gold. They have to produce above a threshold of silver...read more RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Company Looks Bigger posted April 27, 2017 04:58 pm by Method I hope you own more than one stock! rate and reply RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Company Looks Bigger posted April 27, 2017 04:48 pm by InternalAudit68 I was in Primero (P) before I moved to Tinka Resources (TK) and then thanks to Method, to GCM. Primero has taken a beating. I bought at 81 cents, sold at 75 cents one day after. It...read more *** GCM ALERT *** Watch Now - Research Now - posted April 27, 2017 04:31 pm by PANTHERSunite GCM seems like oneof the few Gold Stocks heading Higher with Gold price weaker. WHY IS THAT ?? When You take the Time to Research this Company you can find lots of Very Interesting...read more RE:Company Looks Bigger posted April 27, 2017 02:15 pm by InternalAudit68 Google Finance has yet to adjust the shares outstanding. We are at 400 m market cap at the moment, haha. rate and reply RE:RE:RE:Rollback is............. posted April 27, 2017 02:08 pm by Method I'm with RBC DI. Had a warning that I don't own the security. I ignored it and it took a while to approve but my order is out there. It's higher up because at certain prices, I like to...read more Company Looks Bigger posted April 27, 2017 02:05 pm by ts9222 Is it only me or does the company look bigger now with the larger share price? No longer a penny stock that looked like it was on the venture exchange, but now a full company on the TSX With 16...read more RE:RE:Rollback is............. posted April 27, 2017 01:44 pm by InternalAudit68 I can't trade (not that I want to) GCM and I'm with RBC DI Maybe that's why there is no volume because a lot of retail investors are locked out of trading GCM though selling shares now...read more RE:Rollback is............. posted April 27, 2017 01:33 pm by inse Seems like we are off to the right start...sell orders have gone down, just need more buyers now...hopefully some of the institutions that have been watching GCM from a distance will step in and start...read more Rollback is............. posted April 27, 2017 12:38 pm by ggrellette one way of getting the share count down and the share price up over a buck so Institutions can buy. 1 for 15 is steep but now maybe the time to buy. rate and reply Executive options priced @ $2.55 posted April 27, 2017 12:03 pm by prokopton A few weeks ago, GCM executives were granted millions of options with an exercise price of $2.55. They start making good money at $4 or higher. rate and reply == > http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm
  10. GCM "survives" the consolidation - as shares trade 9% higher GCM.t : Last: $1.55 + 0.125 : +8.77% / after 1:15 consolidation .10-yrs : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 12mos : 6-mos / 10-d / U-1%: V-6%: Previous: C$0.095 at 4/26/2017 x15= C1.425 Debs : Int. : CvShs : x$1.55: *0.733: adj.* : Last : Prem.: maturity : time x Coupon : Total: adjPrem. 2018 : 1% : 513 shs : C$ 795= $583 : $662 : 65.0: -1.81%: 11Aug18 : 1+3mos : $12.5 : $683 : -4.84% : 2020 : 6% : 513 shs : C$ 795= $583 : $583 : 80.5: +38.1%: 02Jan20 : 2+7mos : $155. : $738 : +9.08% : ==== *Maturity value = $190 + 415.5 shs (x$1.55x0.733) = $190 + $xxx = US$662 Gran Colombia Gold Announces Trading of Its Common Shares on a Post-Consolidated Basis Will Commence at Market Open on April 27, 2017 April 25, 2017 TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - April 25, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that the consolidation of the Corporation's issued and outstanding common shares on a one post-consolidation share for every fifteen pre-consolidation shares (1:15) basis has been made effective and the common shares will commence trading on a post-consolidated basis on the Toronto Stock Exchange at market open on Thursday, April 27, 2017. The Company's name and trading symbols will remain unchanged. As a result of the share consolidation, there are now approximately 20,450,401 common shares issued and outstanding on a post-consolidated basis, subject to rounding for fractional shares as no fractional shares will be issued. The number of post-consolidated common shares to be received will be rounded up to the nearest whole number for fractions of 0.5 or greater or rounded down to the nearest whole number for fractions of less than 0.5. The number of common shares on a post-consolidated basis underlying the issued and outstanding warrants of the Company and the exercise price thereof will be adjusted in accordance with the applicable warrant certificate and indenture. Similarly, the conversion prices of the Company's Senior Unsecured Convertible Debentures due 2018 (the "2018 Debentures") and Senior Secured Convertible Debentures due 2020 (the "2020 Debentures") will also be adjusted in accordance with the applicable indenture. The following table summarizes the Company's capital structure following the share consolidation: Security Issued and Outstanding Following the Share Consolidation Common Shares (TSX: GCM) : 20,450,401 (subject to rounding for fractional shares) 2017 Warrants (Unlisted) Warrants to purchase 66,667 common shares, with each fifteen (15) warrants entitling the holder thereof to purchase one (1) whole common share, at an exercise price of $281.25 per common share expiring October 30, 2017 2019 Warrants (TSX: GCM.WT.A) Warrants to purchase 280,795 common shares, with each fifteen (15) warrants entitling the holder thereof to purchase one (1) whole common share, at an exercise price of $48.75 per common share expiring March 18, 2019 2018 Debentures (TSX: GCM.DB.U) US$45,970,216 principal amount convertible at a conversion price of US$1.95 into approximately 23,574,470 common shares, representing a conversion rate of approximately 513 common shares for each US$1,000 principal amount of 2018 Debentures 2020 Debentures (TSX: GCM.DB.V) US$100,710,085 principal amount convertible at a conversion price of US$1.95 into approximately 51,646,197 common shares, representing a conversion rate of approximately 513 common shares for each US$1,000 principal amount of 2020 Debentures Stock Options 1,931,333 Stock Options at an exercise price of $2.55 per common share expiring in 2021 and 2022 47,000 Stock Options at an exercise price of $27.60 per common share expiring in 2019 =========== Date------ : GCM.t : 7,692 : CAD$ : NotVal : 1% Deb. vol. : Db.O/S- Date : 6%Deb: Db.O/S- Date : TotDebt : Shs-OS : MktValue : Ent.Val. : Gold : OZ's 06/30/16 : $0.100 : 0,769 : 0.773 : 59.44 : $55.00. --------- : $67.7- 06/30 : $65.00 : 103.3 - 05/12 : $171.0 : 157.8m*: C$15.8M: $183.2M/ 1325= 138.3k 09/30/16 : $0.120 : 0,923 : 0.762 : 70.33 : $72.50, 154.0k : $49.8- 09/06 : $91.00 : 102.5 - 09/06 : $152.3 : 277.6m*: C$33.3M: $177.7M/ 1317= 134.9k 12/30/16 : $0.095 : 0,731 : 0.744 : 54.39 : $61.00, 20.00k : $49.7- 12/06 : $84.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$26.4M: $170.5M/ 1152= 148.1k 02/10/17 : $0.110 : 0,846 : 0.764 : 64.63 : $61.00, 625.0k : $49.7- 12/06 : $81.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$30.5M: $174.2M/ 1236= 140.9k ====== 04/26/17 : $0.095 : 0,731 : 0.733 : 53.82 : Date------ : GCM.t : 513sh : CAD$ : NotVal : 1% Deb. vol. : Db.O/S- Date : 6%Deb: Db.O/S- Date : TotDebt : Shs-OS : MktValue : Ent.Val. : Gold : OZ's 04/27/17 : $1.550 : 0,795 : 0.733 : 58.28 : $61.00, 78.00k: $45.97-04/28 : $80.50 : 100.7 - 04/28 : $146.7 : 20.45m*: C$31.7M: $169.9M/ 1266= 134.2k
  11. GBP : 8 Year Cycle - the end of the drop? It is at the top of a downchannel, so maybe we will know soon Dominic Frisby spoke of it, right near last year's low Comedian & Author Dominic Frisby On Why Brexit Is Great For Business and For UK Independence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIIVlyM1oV
  12. Major revelations, concerning the control structure == > CMJ's thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21422
  13. AirBNB Guidebook (recommended by AirBNB Hosts) === Things to do in Philadelphia (West Philly) #1 : Shofuso Japanese House & Garden 100 Horticulture Drive·Map·Website #2 : Wissahickon Valley Park ParksParks Map·Hours·Website #3 : Fairmount Park ParksParks Map·Hours·Website #4 : Dock Street Brewing Co RestaurantsRestaurants $$· 701 South 50th Street·Map·Hours·Website Delicious gourmet pizza and in-house craft beer. Outside seating available. #5 : The Barnes Foundation 2025 Benjamin Franklin Parkway·Map·Hours·Website : *333 local Airbnb hosts recommend One of Philly's neatest modern art collections. A must-see for art lovers. #6 : Gold Standard Café $$· 4800 Baltimore Avenue·Map·Hours·Website : *63 Delicious Breakfast & Brunch, and tasty coffee. Good for sitting inside or outside- nice place to get some work done. #7 : Philadelphia's Magic Gardens Art Galleries 1020 South Street·Map·Hours·Website : *156 local Airbnb hosts recommend One of my favorite spots in Philly- an indoor/outdoor mosaic labyrinth of mosaic, poetry, and found-object art. Sometimes hosts music and cultural events. #8 : The Twisted Tail Bars $$· 509 South 2nd Street·Map·Hours·Website Cozy bourbon & blues bar with a great live blues jam and dance on Sundays. #9 : Mood Cafe 4618 Baltimore Avenue·Map·Hours·Website Pakistani Chaat place- the food is unusual, affordable, and really tasty, but the real reason to go is the owner who is a total character. Also they have over 50 Lassi flavors made with fresh ingre... read more #10 : Schuylkill River Park Parks Map·Hours : *59 #11 : Bartram's Garden 5400 Lindbergh Blvd·Map·Hours·Website Little-known oasis in the middle of West Philly with free kayaking on the river on Saturday afternoons. #12 : The Adrienne Theater Points of InterestPoints of Interest 2030 Sansom St·Map Blues Dancing here on Monday nights. 8:30-9:30 lesson, dancing till midnight!
  14. Silver is rolling over, headed towards $16 or less*, within 2-3 months (if the cycle works) *I think SLV could bottom just below $15 in about 6-8 weeks SLV / Silver etf - trades at about XX% of Silver SLV charts: All-data : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 6-mo : 10d // Futures : Weekly : Daily / Last: $16.68 - 4/25/2017 : old chart : SLV vs SLW (Silver Wheaton) ... update - Cycle bottoms when SLW gets relatively cheap SLV -to- Gold Ratio - a narrowing may signal a Low
  15. The Deep State (& its Black Budget) seem to be behind the manipulation of Trump "It seems like Keystone Cops are doing WW3... Nothing makes any sense" Jeff Rense & Catherine Austin Fitts - Is Blazing Nuclear War Imminent? "This smacks of Cheney and the yellow cake ploy bring the US to war with Iraq" JR : What are they keeping below the table... I'm not seeing it CAF : There are trillions missing (and they want more)
  16. Tucker to advocate: Do illegals have a right to be here? Published on Apr 25, 2017 California judge on blocks President Trump's executive order seeking to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities. Tucker asks one sanctuary advocate whether illegals have a constitutional right to be here #Tucker Comment: "What we stand for..." Some Leftist judge ignores the Constitution and tells us what HE thinks that should be. Time to sweep these traitors away! Legally, of course. If the Law allows, Federal troops can be sent in and put an end to this illegality. If a few judges get locked up, for breaking the law, so be it.
  17. I think the 4-6 months cycle has rolled over -------- delay: 6 months------->
  18. I think the 4-6 months cycle has rolled over -------- delay: 6 months------->
  19. (From Ben Fulford's blog): The Nephilim Giants of Genesis Are Coming – Are You Ready? I have just been listening to a couple of youtube videos with Steve Quayle. He appears very strong-minded, eloquent and outspoken about many ongoing subjects on the broader geopolitical field. Very disturbing though, is his determined take on what enormous challenges humanity stands before coming from the soon returning of the Nephilim giants, now located in antarctica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXTfEqUvAPw&t=2586s If he is right I do think we all should be very concerned about and here discuss also this subject! Comment by filip4 on April 25, 2017 @ 7:37 am == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/04/24/we-must-all-push-to-make-sure-the-criminal-us-corporate-government-is-shut-down-on-may-1st/
  20. We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st Posted by benjamin April 24, 2017 Although hard experience has taught me not to fixate on particular dates, multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st. In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a US government shut down will happen unless the debt ceiling is raised. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-21/trump-administration-begins-quiet-preparations-government-shutdown It is also the day when Puerto Rico, a wholly owned subsidiary of the US corporate government, is expected to go bankrupt. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-puertorico-debt-bankruptcy-analysis-idUSKBN17E0GN Sources in the CIA, the gnostic Illuminati, Japanese military intelligence and the Pentagon say this is the day when the world has a fighting chance to permanently shut down the US corporate government and re-establish the Republic of the United States of America known popularly as “the gold ole USA.” The White Dragon Society is lobbying the US corporate government’s main creditors, Japan and China, to not grant the corporate government any more extensions as long as they remain under Khazarian mafia control. They are being told the controlled demolition of the US corporate government would end financing for endless wars, Daesh, false flag terrorism, the spread of bio-weapons etc. etc. The Khazarian mafia has become what can only be described as institutionally insane in recent days as the bankruptcy deadline looms. Recent attempts to start World War 3 in Syria and North Korea are being followed up with repeated threats of nuclear and bio-terror and such insanity will no doubt continue until they are permanently put out of business. It is no coincidence that a new head of the Knights of Malta will be selected on April 29th, just before the US Corporation’s bankruptcy deadline. The Grand Master of the Order, Mathew Festing, was fired recently by the pope ostensibly in a dispute over condoms. http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.jp/2017/02/in-knights-of-malta-land.html However, sources in Japanese military intelligence, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and MI6 all confirm the fascist faction of the Knights of Malta, headed by Festing, was deeply involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. The self-described Satanist Leo Zagami, who sent this writer e-mails threatening to sink Japan into the sea immediately after Fukushima, also claimed to be a leader of the Knights of Malta. As a side note, a friend recently visited Fukushima with a Geiger counter and was unable to detect anything other than normal background radiation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMomGiER3OE&feature=youtu.be In any case, The Knights of Malta, ostensibly a charitable organization, are the oldest military order in the Catholic Church and the fascist faction of that order has been secretly responsible for controlling world leaders through a combination of bribery, threats and murder. In other words, they have been one of the main the enforcement arms of the secret world government. They have also exercised strong influence over the US military as many top brass are Knights of Malta. So, an election involving 60 knights will in fact have a decisive influence over the future of the planet, especially the USA. In a related development, international fugitive Henry Kissinger contacted the WDS las week to say that == > source: http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/04/24/we-must-all-push-to-make-sure-the-criminal-us-corporate-government-is-shut-down-on-may-1st/
  21. DEEP STATE : I found this interview to be very revealing Everyone should know by now (or soon) that Mark Gilbert is talking about the Reality of the control structure in the USA and Globally "The United States is an Empire, and there is Huge money" (to be gained by controlling it) Coast To Coast AM - April 23, 2017 The Deep State & More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kigPzJAcGw Profile of Presidents ===== JFK : Fought the Deep state and was killed to make way for LBJ, whom the Deep state worked with Nixon : As President, he started to become independent, and tried to reform the CIA. Watergate was a coup Ford : Secret to him becoming President was his involvement in the JFK coverup. Half-hearted attempts to replace him Carter : An honest guy, fighting corruption, but with backing of the Rockefellers; he had a lot of pushback Reagan : A puppet of GHWB and the deep state; so old, he did not have the level of focus to check them Bush : Pivotal character; a senior planner of JFK's assassination; behind watergate, drug trafficking; 9/11? Clinton : Brilliant & charismatic, but protected drug transhipment in AK, to gain money & power Obama : A tool of the Deep State, with some powerful forces helping him. Sexually compromised? Trump : An outsider who may have upset the plans of some parts of the Deep state, operates w/ Deep state's themes This helps to complete and Update the history here America After the Coup: Leader of the Decaying World Published on Oct 9, 2014 American After the Coup d'état / Part One: The Leader of the Decaying World - The soul of America has been lost in a "silent coup d'état." The key virtues of: a Free Economy, competitive markets, a Free press, and the moral basis for society are no longer respected. The country's DECAY began with the assassination of JFK - Lee Oswald did not do it. The real crime was covered up by the FBI and LBJ. The worst thing was, getting away with the horrific crime, made BOLD the perpetrators of this crime, and they have pushed America further and further from the vision of the Free Country, envisioned by the Founders.
  22. GOLD and Bitcoins - will prices touch (or overlap) again soon? BTX at 98% today... looks like the 4-6 months cycle for Gold is rolling over Gold : $1277.5 ... GLD : 2-yr : 10d Bitcoins : $1253 (98.1% of Gold) I think both will drop, before heading higher. The fundamental reason may be: Rising interest rates / Falling bond prices TMF at $19.86 "and falling" as LT rates rise The rise in TMF (3x Bull-on-Bonds) may be over ... 2yr : 10d-chart : Rising interest rates, may turnaround the falling dollar, and "put the Kabash" on the rise in Gold and Bitcoins These prices move together : TMF, GDX, UGLD, SLV : Bonds, Gold stocks, Gold, and Silver. And they have been moving in a shared 4-6 months cycle: TMF -etc. ... 2-yrs : 5-yrs :
  23. DEEP STATE : I found this interview to be very revealing Everyone should know by now (or soon) that Mark Gilbert is talking about the Reality of the control structure in the USA and Globally "The United States is an Empire, and there is Huge money" (to be gained by controlling it) Coast To Coast AM - April 23, 2017 The Deep State & More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kigPzJAcGw Profile of Presidents JFK : Fought the Deep state and was killed to make way for LBJ, whom the Deep state worked with Nixon : As President, he started to become independent, and tried to reform the CIA. Watergate was a coup Ford : Secret to him becoming President was his involvement in the JFK coverup. Half-hearted attempts to replace him Carter : An honest guy, fighting corruption, but with backing of the Rockefellers; he had a lot of pushback Reagan : A puppet of GHWB and the deep state; so old, he did not have the level of focus to check them Bush : Pivotal character; a senior planner of JFK's assassination; behind watergate, drug trafficking; 9/11? Clinton : Brilliant & charismatic, but protected drug transhipment in AK, to gain money & power Obama : A tool of the Deep State, with some powerful forces helping him. Sexually compromised? Trump : An outsider who may have upset the plans of some parts of the Deep state, operates w/ Deep state's themes This helps to complete and Update the history from the Video on the original post, America after the Coup
  24. Trump wants astronauts on Mars in first term... Donald Trump instructed Nasa astronauts to get to Mars within his first term - or failing that, his second term, in a livestream with Peggy Whitson. He was calling up the Space Station to congratulate Ms Whitson for her record-beating stay in Space: she's been up there for more than 534 days, which was the previous record. The President congratulated her via video link from the Oval Office alongside his daughter, Ivanka, and NASA astronaut Kate Rubins.
  25. This chart shows me that GDXJ (Junior Gold shares) may be headed into a Buy window Support looks strong at GDXJ-$32.50 - and it should be a good Buy there if Gold holds up. You might also Buy GDXJ calls and Buy Gold puts, or use GDXJ as a replacement for Gold holdings. It all depends on how Bullish you are - but this window looks interesting to me/
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