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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. (I think Robert David Steele may soon need to abandon Trump,, and move to plan : Does Trump have Jewish ancestry? There may or may not be something in the speculation here > http://www.theeventchronicle.com/intel/benjamin-fulford-donald-trump-khazarian-sleeper-agent/ Ben Fulford also worries about the flipflops - and adds high-octane speculation Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea Posted by benjamin April 17, 2017 Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation. Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase where Russian personnel were stationed. That is also why Trump tried to start a war with nuclear armed North Korea last week. The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face. The North Koreans said they had a right to test missiles etc. any time they want, especially on the 105th anniversary of the birth of their country’s founding father Kim Il Sung. Trump said, “if you do that we will attack.” So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail. These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office. He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency. These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C. https://www.yahoo.com/news/puerto-rico-seen-sliding-toward-bankruptcy-deadline-nears-070022952–sector.html Sources close to the Japanese emperor say the arrival in Tokyo this week of P2 Freemason lodge and Vatican representive US Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as long term Rothschild agent and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was for the purpose of == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/04/17/khazarian-mafia-attempts-to-start-world-war-3-stopped-in-syria-and-in-north-korea/ TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT
  2. Bonds called : "the short of a lifetime" - on TC's Blog (poster expects TLT rally to 127 or higher) http://tos.mx/H2QDgy?image phil1247 says: April 17, 2017 at 4:59 pm michael eckert of E W trends and charts posted this over a year ago top call was very close initial wave 1 ending in may 2017 is near actual low now we are in the countertrend wave 2 …possibly 50 % retrace look at the next wave.down ..probably 1.618 wave 1 at least gary…this is what i was trying to show you summary….. SHORT of a lifetime boys and girls NEWBIE says: April 17, 2017 at 5:19 pm What is the short of a lifetime? phil1247 says: April 17, 2017 at 5:49 pm right newbie…. sorry . i should not assume that people know this is a chart of 30 yr bond futures 123 abc says: April 17, 2017 at 6:34 pm Or you could go long TYX / TNX https://caldaro.wordpress.com/2016/12/17/weekend-update-583/ scottycj1 says: April 17, 2017 at 6:21 pm Phil Can you send a better chart ? phil1247 says: April 17, 2017 at 6:47 pm http://tos.mx/H2QDgy?image WAVE 2 up to maybe 127 130… 50 % retrace wave 3 will be the real bond crash … TLT to 86… then 82 And TC on bonds: https://caldaro.wordpress.com/2016/12/17/weekend-update-583/
  3. Bitcoin prices traded mostly sideways through the Holidays charts, bitcoins : 5mos BTC-1mo 5d: 5d
  4. An End to the two-party tyranny? A new "committee of the whole" - a National Chattaqua, proposed by Robert David Steele Ex CIA Robert David Steele On Deep State Versus Donald Trump - David Kamnitzer Interview Published on Apr 16, 2017 Folks I was asked by Mr Steele and given permission by the interviewer, David Kamnitzer to upload this video to my channel and get it out to a larger audience. Another hard hitting and informative RDS interview.
  5. (Here's just one of the charts from the article, and a comment): Much of the growth, therefore, is coming not from the over-saturated NCR, but from outside of it, indicating that the benefits of economic growth are spreading out to the rest of the Philippine economy, which could result in a much healthier real estate market. The excess supply will eventually be absorbed, so long as the completion rates slows for some years, and that seems to be happening, especially in Makati, starting in 2018 and beyond. I do not see Ex-NCR catching up with the NCR, except in certain pockets - unless and until transport infrastructure is much improved, or until higher paying jobs also spread out into ex-NCR
  6. NK's Kim tried to kick arse... and missed China wins in the looks department Miss, or Missile, NK has some tricks to learn
  7. "No ground war in Syria... Trump is listening to his supporters," says Roger Stone EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Dishes On Latest White House Power Struggle Published on Apr 15, 2017 Alex Jones speaks with political insider Roger Stone on the latest from the White House and how President Trump continues to take on the establishment
  8. Huffington Post Writer Suggests Stripping Men of Voting Rights Apr 14, 2017 Source: breitbart.com Tags: Cultural Marxism Feminism leftists The South African edition of left wing media site The Huffington Post has published an opinion piece accusing white men of being a retrograde force in politics and calling for the vote to be withdrawn from the racial gender group as a means to advance the “progressive cause”. Writing on the potential to run down the political and social influence of “toxic white males” by withdrawing their right to the ballot, Huffington Post contributor Shelley Garland — who describes herself as an “activist and a feminist” student who is “working on ways to smash the patriarchy” —says the change only need be enacted for 20 to 30 years or so. This period would “go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world”. Blaming white males for “Some of the biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year” including Brexit and the election of President Donald Trump, Garland’s apparently serious piece claimed just a couple of decades of white men being excluded from elections could see such progressive leaps forward as the collapse of Western law and capitalism, and a massive redistribution of wealth from “toxic white masculinity” through “expropriation of these various assets”. Among the charges laid at the feet of white males by the author are the 2008 recession, and “500 years colonialism, slavery, and various aggressive wars and genocides”. If this was about any other group it would be the end of @HuffingtonPost Is It Time To Deny #WhiteMen The #Vote ? https://t.co/de5QnvEdgt — Ben Harris-Quinney (@B_HQ) April 13, 2017 == The extremely sexist and racist nature of the piece has been noted by many on social media. Ben Harris-Quinney, chairman of Britain’s oldest Conservative think tank The Bow Group, took to Twitter to suggest that had the piece targeted any other minority group as opposed to white males, it would “be the end” of the online publication. == > https://redice.tv/news/huffington-post-writer-suggests-stripping-men-of-voting-rights We need to get our act together and CRUSH anti-white-male bigotry whenever she rears her ugly head Shelley Garland Is this a man in drag? “working on ways to smash the patriarchy” I reckon she could take a few counter-arguments on the road to "smashing the patriarchy" Perhaps closing down Huffpost, and causing her to lose her job might be a decent start
  9. Six possible pressure points to start WW3 Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - Dark Days Ahead Two versions of dark reality ahead: + The heronymous bosch Urban version, and + The slightly less-dark rural version City dwellers "love concrete", and think that anything outside the city is far too scary. They cannot accept that anything is wrong with official narratives Here's today's Dark reality Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/14/17 : Potential North Korea show of force ,Dangers From MS-13 Gang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4-GN3SFJBE The North Koreans are tough and ready to fight, the Chinese do not want them flooding across the border. (And they will not be easy to dislodge, they have too many underground bunkers.)
  10. CAF is back on Camelot CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS : GLOBAL FINANCE & WORLD AFFAIRS Streamed live 6 hours ago CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS https://solari.com/blog/ I talk with Catherine about her view of the state of the planet and how global finance is impacting our lives.
  11. IS MAKATI Too Expensive now? Hmm. Kevin gives some good advice, but it is not right for everyone. For instance, he recommends "not buying in Metro Manila". He thinks it is too expensive. "If you are buying there to be close to your girl friend, she may not mind traveling an hour or so outside Manila, where prices are cheaper" Actually, I disagree with this. It is easy to have commutes of one hour or more INSIDE Manila, and some of those commutes can be pretty horrific. Personally, I want easy access to the airport, and a more cosmopolitan life. I also want a property which is easy to rent and is salable. These factors point me to Manila, and more specifically to Makati, BGC, Rockwell, or Ortigas. The main problem is the present oversupply, which may make it harder to rent, and harder to sell. But the over-supply will not last for ever. I expect it to easy within 2-3 years. But I think it is a good idea to avoid buying over-priced properties now Cost of living : "you can sit in the middle quite comfortably" Cheap property and cost of living in the Philippines "We were living on 5,000 pesos per month... back in 2007" That's incredibly tight - unless you have nothing to pay for rent, or are sleeping on a beach in the provinces. As it is, the association fee on my small studio flat is about P 2,000 /month, and that will increase if/when I move into a larger flat next year. Personally, I spend a lot on coffee shops every week - so that I can get faster web connections
  12. REAL LIFE is not like the comic books, unfortunately ! "Rents escalate at" (a predictable annual rate) - REALLY? EXCERPT from a new posting on the PH Bubble thread Here's the narrative that was fed to potential investors back a few years ago... "- According to Colliers International, the average rental rate for 1BR unit in Makati is Php30,000 per month 2BR units are roughly around Php60,000 – Php80,000. - Rental Rates Escalate at 10% per year. - The average monthly amortization for 1BR units at XXX is at Php24,000 per month, 2BR units is at Php 43,000. - By the time the unit is delivered to the client, the average rental rate would escalate to at least Php45,000 per month for a 1BR unit. - Rough Estimate of Profit will be: Rental Rate: Php45,000, Amortization: (Php24,000), Monthly Profit: Php21,000" . . . BTW, here is what has ACTUALLY happened to Rents. Where's that 10% annual gain in rents that was promised? RENTALS : Makati, Bonifacio, Rockwell Qtr /Year : CapVal.: Yield%: MMidpt: QonQtr : YonYr / Lo - Makati - H / L-Bonfacio-H / L-Rockwell- H / 4Q /2012 : 118.0k : 7.32% : 0,720 : +1.69% : +7.0E% / 0,525 - 0,915 / 0,570 - 0,865 / 0,686 - 0,912 : 4Q /2013 : 134.9k : 7.16% : 0,805 : +0.63% : +11.8% / 0,550 - 1,060 / 0,610 - 1,010 / 0,720 - 1,020 : 4Q /2014 : 144.5k : 6.96% : 0,838 : +0.96% : +4.10% / 0,575 - 1,100 / 0,640 - 1,045 / 0,750 - 1,055 : 4Q /2015 : 151.0k : 7.02% : 0,883 : +0.91% : +5.37% / 0,600 - 1,166 / 0,688 - 1,094 / 0,814 - 1,094 : 4Q /2016 : 150.6E : 6.61%: 0,830 : - 1.20 %: - 6.00 % / 0,560 - 1,100 / 0,640 - 1,026 / 0,780 - 1,070 : ========= 4 years-- : P32.6k : -------- : 0,110 : ---------- : ---------- / P 35 - P185 / P 70 - P159 / Gain, 4yr: +27.6% : ------- +15.3% : If 10% pa: P172.8k: ------- : 1,054 : If we go back to 4Q-2012 and escalate at 10%. rents today should be a P 1,054 psm. The actual is P 830 psm - that's a - 21.3% shortfall ! The actual annual gains average < 4 % pa. And now rents are actually FALLING thanks to oversupply. Keep this real-life example in mind, the next time you hear an agent tossing out glib assumptions about future market conditions. Who really knows? And who does he serve by feeding you overly optimistic assumptions? Not the investor, who pays money and has to live with the future uncertainty. The agent keeps his/her commission even when the assumptions were wildly wrong, like in this case. > more "half-baked assumptions" : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20877&page=4&do=findComment&comment=345664
  13. Half-baked assumptions make for half-baked results I stumbled across a website created a few years ago, and I was struck by how WRONG the ASSUMPTIONS were. It left me wondering how the investors who bought using these half-baked assumptions might be feeling today. Probably not very happy! REAL LIFE is not like the comic books, unfortunately ! "Rents escalate at..." (a predictable annual rate) - Really? Here's the narrative that was fed to potential investors: "- According to Colliers International, the average rental rate for 1BR unit in Makati is Php30,000 per month 2BR units are roughly around Php60,000 – Php80,000. - Rental Rates Escalate at 10% per year. - The average monthly amortization for 1BR units at XXX is at Php24,000 per month, 2BR units is at Php 43,000. - By the time the unit is delivered to the client, the average rental rate would escalate to at least Php45,000 per month for a 1BR unit. - Rough Estimate of Profit will be: Rental Rate: Php45,000, Amortization: (Php24,000), Monthly Profit: Php21,000" More - about who was the Target market:: "Young Executives working within Makati’s Central Business District - Upgraders” or Longtime leasees near the area that are looking for a decent permanent address - Parents who have children working and studying in Makati City - Investors who are into the rental business - ExPats who often visit the Philippines" Right ! I wonder how many other condos have been sold, with the same "Target Market" in mind? Thousands of units. I reckon. In the end, what matters is Supply and Demand, not half-baked assumptions like these! I wonder how many Young Executives are left to rent - how many left, whi do not already have condos or houses of their own? And why does no one target "older people... like foreigners who want to retire and live in the Philiippines" Is it assumed that these people will not choose Makati? Or will be unable to afford these "luxury" condos? Why "expats who often visit", instead of Expats who want to become permanent residents? What different requirements or interests might the developers cater to? And what about people who want to work from their homes, and/or maintain an internet connection with their offshore businesses? Are PH web connections too slow, and too unreliable? If so, why not work to upgrade them; pressure the government or whatever. BTW, here is what has actually happened to Rents. Where's that 10% annual gain in rents that was promised? - RENTALS : Makati, Bonifacio, Rockwell Qtr /Year : CapVal.: Yield% MMidpt :QonQtr: YonYr / Lo - Makati - H / L-Bonfacio-H / L-Rockwell- H / 4Q /2012 : 118.0k : 7.32% : 0,720 : +1.69% : +7.0E% / 0,525 - 0,915 / 0,570 - 0,865 / 0,686 - 0,912 : 4Q /2013 : 134.9k : 7.16% : 0,805 : +0.63% : +11.8% / 0,550 - 1,060 / 0,610 - 1,010 / 0,720 - 1,020 : 4Q /2014 : 144.5k : 6.96% : 0,838 : +0.96% : +4.10% / 0,575 - 1,100 / 0,640 - 1,045 / 0,750 - 1,055 : 4Q /2015 : 151.0k : 7.02% : 0,883 : +0.91% : +5.37% / 0,600 - 1,166 / 0,688 - 1,094 / 0,814 - 1,094 : 1Q /2016 : 152.0k : 6.82% : 0,865 : - 2.04% : +2.00% / 0,590 - 1,140 / 2Q /2016 : 147.6k : 6.95% : 0,855 : - 1.16 %:- 0.11 % / 0,580 - 1,130 / 0,660 - 1,050 / 0,800 - 1,100 : 3Q /2016 : 146.5k : 6.88% : 0,840 : - 1.75 %: - 4.00 % / 0,570 - 1,110 / 0,655 - 1,040 / 0,790 - 1,080 : 4Q /2016 : 150.6e : 6.61% : 0,830 : - 1.20 %: - 6.00 % / 0,560 - 1,100 / 0,640 - 1,026 / 0,780 - 1,070 : ========= 4 years-- : P32.6k : -------- : 0,110 : ---------- : ---------- / P 35 - P185 / P 70 - P159 / Gain, 4yr: +27.6% : ------- +15.3% : If 10% pa: P172.8k: ------- : 1,054 : . If we go back to 4Q-2012 (P720 psm) and escalate at 10%. rents today should be a P 1,054 psm. The actual is P 830 psm - that's a - 21.3% shortfall ! The actual annual gains average < 4 % pa. And now rents are actually FALLING thanks to oversupply. Keep this real-life example in mind, the next time you hear an agent tossing out glib assumptions about future market conditions. Who really knows? And who does he serve by feeding you overly optimistic assumptions? Not the investor, who pays money and has to live with the future uncertainty. The agent keeps his/her commission even when the assumptions were wildly wrong, like in this case.
  14. US Intelligence Failure - in Syria, and Elsewhere US Intelligence failure in Syria, that's what Putin claims (And Robert David Steele and I agree with Putin - so did CIA head Pompeo, claims RDS): Tillerson and Putin Find Little More Than Disagreement in Meeting MOSCOW — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson met with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for nearly two hours Wednesday, but the two men appeared unable to agree on the facts involving the deadly chemical weapons assault on Syrian civilians or Russian interference in the American election — much less move toward an improvement in basic relations. “There is a low level of trust between our countries,” Mr. Tillerson told reporters at a joint news conference with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, after the first face-to-face meetings between Russian leaders and a top emissary of the Trump administration. “The world’s two foremost nuclear powers cannot have this kind of relationship,” Mr. Tillerson said. Both he and Mr. Lavrov said a range of issues were discussed — most notably the crises in Syria, North Korea and Ukraine — and that both sides had agreed to establish a working group to examine, as Mr. Lavrov said, “the irritants” in relations between the United States and Russia. Mr. Tillerson reiterated the American view that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Russia’s chief Middle East ally, was responsible for the chemical weapons assault in northern Syria on April 4 that left more than 80 people dead, sickened hundreds and outraged the world. Mr. Lavrov reiterated the Russian view that the facts about the chemical weapons attack had yet to be determined, and denounced what he described as the “media hysteria” surrounding the assault. Further punctuating the Syria dispute, Russia vetoed a Western-backed resolution at the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday condemning the chemical weapons attack. It was the eighth time in the six-year-old Syria conflict that Russia, one of the five permanent Security Council members, had used its veto power to shield the Syrian government. But in a possible sign of Russia’s isolation on the chemical weapons issue, China, the permanent member that usually votes with Russia on Syria resolutions, abstained. Asked about President Trump’s description of Mr. Assad as an “animal,” Mr. Tillerson said that characterization “is one that Assad has brought upon himself.” Mr. Tillerson said Russian interference in the presidential election was a settled fact. In response, Mr. Lavrov gave what amounted to a long lecture on what he described as an extensive list of American efforts to achieve “regime change” around the world, from Serbia to Iraq to Libya. He described them all as failures — an implicit warning against any efforts to achieve the same end in Syria. For hours after Mr. Tillerson’s arrival in Moscow, it was unclear whether Mr. Putin would even meet with him because of the tense state of relations, which has have worsened just in the past few weeks. The Holes in Russia’s Account of the Syria Chemical Attack The available evidence contradicts much of what the Russian government has said about a toxic attack that killed more than 100 people. Their meeting lasted almost two hours and ended just before 8 p.m. local time. In the 24 hours before Mr. Tillerson landed in Moscow, the White House accused Mr. Putin’s government of covering up evidence that Mr. Assad had been responsible for sarin gas attacks on its own people, launched from a base where Russian troops are operating. Mr. Putin shot back that the charge was fabricated and accused the administration of President Trump, who American intelligence agencies believe benefited from Russian cyberattacks intended to embarrass his Democratic rival during the election campaign, of fabricating the evidence to create a fake confrontation. “This reminds me very much of the events of 2003, when U.S. representatives in the Security Council showed alleged chemical weapons discovered in Iraq,” Mr. Putin said, referring to an intelligence failure that Mr. Trump has also cited in recent months. “The exact same thing is happening now,” he charged. == > More: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/world/europe/tillerson-putin-lavrov-russia-syria.html?ribbon-ad-idx=3&rref=world/europe&module=Ribbon&version=context&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Europe&pgtype=article > Intelligence Faiilure thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21398
  15. Partly Confirming what RDS had to say... Poll: Ivanka Trump the best-liked White House staffer © Getty Images First daughter Ivanka Trump is the most popular adviser among White House staff, according to a new poll. A Morning Consult/Politico poll published Wednesday found that 46 percent of voters have a favorable view of Trump, who last month became an official government employee, serving as an unpaid senior adviser in her father's administration. The poll found 36 percent of voters have an unfavorable view of the first daughter. Seventeen percent of voters have never heard of her. Among other White House staff, counselor Kellyanne Conway has the next highest rating, with 30 percent of voters viewing her favorably, leading slightly over White House press secretary Sean Spicer, who has a 28 percent favorable rating. Both Conway and Spicer, however, are under water in terms of favorability. The poll found 39 percent have an unfavorable view of Conway, while 31 don’t know who she is. Thirty-seven percent of voters that have an unfavorable view of Spicer, while 36 percent of respondents have never heard of the spokesman == > more: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/328417-poll-ivanka-the-best-liked-white-house-adviser
  16. THIS interview is full of gems - about how President Trump functions, and what he needs to do the "drain the swamp" - in the Deep State, which is the greatest danger to him... and the world Ep. 639 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Robert David Steele : LIVE RDS believes that John McCain. Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, and Marco Rubio are being blackmailed by the CIA. They (and McMaster) are lying to him, says Robert David Steele Syria: "That attack was Israel First, not America First." "But he may have used the attack to clear the way for a big house-cleaning" THIS WEEK Steele sees McMaster, John McCain, and John Breenan as traitors working for Israel; and Saudi Arabia
  17. Canada’s Gold Miner Taking Colombia To Court For $700 Million Anna Golubova Tuesday April 11, 2017 20:00 Canadian miner Gran Colombia Gold (TSE:GCM) has filed a $700 million lawsuit against Colombia under the Colombian-Canadian free trade agreement, the Financial Post reported. The mining company is looking to get compensation after the South American nation forced it to suspend operations at the Marmato project until further consultations have been conducted with the locals. Gran Colombia claims in its lawsuit that Colombia “failed to evict illegal miners from their sites of operations in Marmato and Segovia, and didn’t stop the Marxist armed guerrilla group, the ELN, from interfering with their efforts to extract gold in the province of Antioquia,” according to the media report, which noted that most of the suit’s details were confidential. The company also allegedly said that the South American state did not maintain public order and did not help calm strikes and riots, which led to property damage. Local residents are said to be against the miner’s plans to flatten a mountain and create an open pit mine. Gran Colombia encountered many obstacles at the Marmato site, which was acquired in 2011, including unsuccessful attempts of removing illegal miners from the area. Illegal mining is fairly widespread in the country, and is estimated to be a US$2.5 billion industry, according to various online reports. The site’s resources are estimated at around 14 million ounces of gold and almost 90 million ounces of silver, with additional 300 million tonnes of more potential mineralization discovered in 2012. The Colombian government is also fighting lawsuits from other miners, including South African miner AngloGold Ashanti, which can’t obtain stable access to its La Colosa site that contains 33 million ounces of gold. According to the law, Colombia’s Ministry of Commerce has six months to resolve the issue with the company. If it fails, the lawsuit gets sent to the Arbitration Committee of the World Bank. == > http://www.kitco.com/news/2017-04-11/Canada-s-Gold-Miner-Taking-Colombia-To-Court-For-700-Million.html
  18. Fenelon HISTORY - before and after Oct. 2016 purchase Fenelon - Mining Atlas https://mining-atlas.com/project/Fenelon-Gold-Mine-Project.php Fenelon is a Gold Project in Canada (formerly) owned by Balmoral Resources. The project area lies within the north volcanic zone, near the interpreted boundary between the Abitibi and Opatica Sub-provinces. This region is also known as the HarricanaTurgeon belt. The property is known to host high grade gold zones in the named Discovery Zone. Balmoral (BAR.t) Completes Sale of Fenelon Gold Mine Property 2016-10-19 VANCOUVER, BC--October 19, 2016 - Balmoral Resources Ltd. ("Balmoral" or the "Company") (TSX: BAR) (OTCQX: BALMF) reports that it has received the final cash payment of $2,500,000 and completed the sale of the Fenelon Gold Mine Property to Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (TSX: WM) ("Wallbridge"). Balmoral received, in total, cash payments of $3,500,000, 2,381,575 common shares of Wallbridge and retains a 1% NSR royalty on all future production from the property. Fenelon - Balmoral Resources Ltd. www.balmoralresources.com/projects/fenelon/introduction ... sell the Discovery Zone Property, a sub-division of the larger Fenelon Property hosting the Discovery Gold Zone, to Wallbridge Mining Limited. The sale of the ... [PDF]BALMORAL COMPLETES SALE OF FENELON GOLD MINE ... www.balmoralresources.com/assets/docs/nr/2016-10-19_nr.pdf Oct 19, 2016 - sale of the Fenelon Gold Mine Property to Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (TSX:WM). (“Wallbridge”). Balmoral received, in total, cash ...
  19. An excellent well-argued rant ! Dear Advertisers, Social Justice is Not Cool or Profitable Ad revenues for channels like Feminist Frequency need subsidy (from crowd funding) to survive KILL THE SJW CHANNELS OFF, and maybe the toxic philosophy will die to
  20. Trump blackmailed? Back to business as usual ... after "the meeting"? Henrik Palmgren: The Alt Right, The Alt Media, And Swedenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNuR25RIZFk
  21. NOT LONG on the Planet? > see President Kushner thread: xx Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave Posted by benjamin April 10, 2017 The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree. The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order an illegal missile attack against Syria. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/04/06/swedish-medical-associations-says-white-helmets-murdered-kids-for-fake-gas-attack-videos/ However, the real reason Trump ordered this illegal attack is because he is being blackmailed by the Satanists with a video they have of him murdering a 12 year old girl named Mary, Pentagon and CIA sources say. Pentagon sources say the “Syria strike was done with advance notice to the Russian military for minimal damage while creating backlash and mass protests nationwide to fire Trump [satanist] Khazarian handler Jared Kushner and purge the neocons.” In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans, ie the mark of the beast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8k9CMy8LXw&feature=youtu.be] Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say. In any case, another major reason the desperate Khazarian “cabal routed and launched the Syria strike was because Russia won the energy war when the EU dropped its opposition to the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany,” the Pentagon sources say. The other thing to note about the attack on Syria is that it was timed to help the Khazarian Satanic Daesh mercenary army try to retake the temple of Baal (Molech, Set, Satan) in Palmyra. This attempt failed. Now that Trump has been turned into a Satanist zombie the Satanist general David Petraeus has taken over the US National Security Council, the Pentagon sources say. His flunky, H. R. McMaster, is now the National Security Adviser for Trump and is planning to send 150,000 US ground troops to invade Syria, the sources say. “This won’t fly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff so were will be more shake ups,” the sources continue. Needless to say, sending 150,000 US troops to Syria would start World War 3 and lead to the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere, so it ain’t going to happen folks. The Israelis are also somehow deluding themselves that the US air-force will build a giant airbase in Syria now that that the Satanists heroin smuggling operations at Turkey’s Incirlink airbase have been shut down. http://www.debka.com/article/26004/US-Air-Force-to-quit-Incirlik-move-to-Syria-base What we are witnessing is a desperate, battle of the bulge type offensive by the Satanists occupying the government of Israel. “Hezbollah, Syria and Iran may be heavily rearmed by Russia to seize the Golan Heights since red lines have been crossed with tomahawks and Coptic church bombings on palm Sunday,” the Pentagon sources say. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon are joining with Russia and the US military to force the Israelis, the Saudis and their mercenary armies to stop their illegal never-ending war-mongering, multiple sources agree. Despite the fireworks in the Middle East, however, the decisive action is taking place now in Japan and North Korea, CIA, FSB, Japanese military intelligence and other sources agree. Satanic slave Donald Trump’s decision to order a carrier group to North Korea is connected to his orders for a nuclear attack on North Korea to take place on... > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/04/10/khazarian-satanists-fatally-expose-themselves-by-turning-trump-into-a-zombie-slave/
  22. Buying a home still beats renting (in the USA) / MarketWatch The burden of student debt and a shortage of suitable starter homes pose challenges for many first time buyers. However, a recent study, published by the real estate website Trulia.com, indicates if they can manage the payments, it pays for most households to take the plunge. The study estimated the monthly cost of owning the average home — factoring in property taxes, insurance, income tax deduction benefits, and the like — and compared those to comparable rental dwellings. Across the U.S. — including some quite expensive locales such as San Francisco and New York — generally, it is less costly to buy than rent. While closing costs, realtor’s fees, and the like can wipe out those savings if you have to move within a few years, you don’t have to be in a home all that long to profit nicely. Employing a handy calculator on the Trulia site, I estimated that for the Washington, D.C. metro area — with 10% down, a 30-year mortgage and a 4.40% interest rate — if the average home is occupied for five years after purchase, owning beats renting by about 11%. Extending the turnover period to seven years boosts the savings of owning versus renting to 23% . (this calculation seems to exclude possible capital gains) PHM / Pulte Homes : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : Last $23.28 - a reasonable target would be $24.50 -$25
  23. The British property boom is OVER This chart, from Morgan Stanley, is the final nail in the coffin of Britain's post-2008 crisis property boom. It shows three separate indices that measure major movements in UK house prices. Prime central prices have collapsed, and general market UK house prices are following them down. . . . The green line measures prices in "prime central London," the area mostly inside Zone 1 were only the very rich can afford to buy. Normally, you can ignore this measure as it only affects the 1%. Ordinary people cannot afford to live in Mayfair or Chelsea, and the amount of housing inventory in those areas is a tiny fraction of the British market. That line does broadly follow growth in the market as a whole, however, and right now it looks like the canary in the coal mine. Prime central prices have collapsed, and general market UK house prices are following them down. (We'll explain why later.) == > more: https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/british-property-boom-over-124900378.html At the same time... Barratt has rallied back to where it was before Brexit BDEV / Barratt Developments ... 5-years : Last: 558.50 P If the boom is truly over, then BDEV may be a great short here
  24. The British property boom is OVER This chart, from Morgan Stanley, is the final nail in the coffin of Britain's post-2008 crisis property boom. It shows three separate indices that measure major movements in UK house prices. Prime central prices have collapsed, and general market UK house prices are following them down. . . . The green line measures prices in "prime central London," the area mostly inside Zone 1 were only the very rich can afford to buy. Normally, you can ignore this measure as it only affects the 1%. Ordinary people cannot afford to live in Mayfair or Chelsea, and the amount of housing inventory in those areas is a tiny fraction of the British market. That line does broadly follow growth in the market as a whole, however, and right now it looks like the canary in the coal mine. Prime central prices have collapsed, and general market UK house prices are following them down. (We'll explain why later.) == > more: https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/british-property-boom-over-124900378.html At the same time... Barratt has rallied back to where it was before Brexit BDEV / Barratt Developments ... 5-years : Last: 558.50 P If the boom is truly over, then BDEV may be a great short here
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