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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Trump must SMOTE the Judges and SJW Zombies this time... Does the US Constitution extend to the Whole World?? How can the President protect actual US Citizens? / 1 / Extreme Vetting Battle - Travel Ban 2.0 – Opening Monologue – Sean Hannity – Fox News – 3/16/17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kSZLdNVB2E / 2 / "They are NOT US Citizens, and they are not in the country" Judicial Overreach Based On 1st Amendment - Travel Ban 2.0 - Tucker Carlson Tonight Fox News 3/16/17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjhUtcNEOO4 Seems like Obummer ignored the US Constitution... But now these SJW judges want to give Non-citizens the protection of the constitution. This is beyond crazy ! What Trump said or did not say on the campaign trail has No impact on this law
  2. Ep. 625 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Linda Moulton Howe : Antarctica Revelations : LIVE Published on Mar 16, 2017 Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Master’s Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and
  3. PH:DD / Double Dragon ... All : Why DoubleDragon's stock surged 2500% (25X) since market debut BusinessWorld Online Edition-2 Feb 2017 DoubleDragon Properties Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Edgar J. Sia II talks about the company's plans at his office in Makati City ... / 2 / DoubleDragon allocates P6.6B to build more JinJiang hotels BusinessWorld Online Edition-21 Oct 2016 JinJiang Inn currently operates two hotels in the country, one each in the Ortigas Center and Makati. It considers expanding into Quezon City, ...
  4. EARTHQUAKE? Clif High already posted; Cif High: Deep State Power Struggle, MSM Collapse, More Chaos.. Part 2 ————Listening to this now. Clif’s data indicates an earthquake to hit this year that will affect most of the country. This may cause the fracking network to collapse into a bowl creating inland seas. (OK, TX all over). Rivers even change course. Wonder if this is the beginning of the ‘Navy map’ of the US which shows the Great Lakes draining into the Mississippi River. Comment by intruth on March 15, 2017 @ 4:35 am
  5. David Wilcock | Corey Goode: The Antarctic Atlantis Published on Mar 11, 2017 Are we about to hear that ancient ruins have been found in Antarctica? Is there an Alliance working to defeat the greatest threat humanity has ever faced on earth? Could the Antarctic Atlantis be part of a full or partial disclosure? Join David Wilcock on a thrill ride of discovery, beginning with Part One where he presents data on the Secret Space Program and shares the stage with legendary insider Corey Goode. This is the best public summary David and Corey have done of this amazing story that has captivated the UFO community. Part Two begins at the 53-minute mark, with David connecting the dots between intel from multiple insiders to arrive at a stunning conclusion — that we are on the verge of major new releases of information that will transform everything we thought we knew about life on earth. A civilization of “Pre-Adamite” giants with elongated skulls appears to have crash-landed on a continent we now call Antarctica some 55,000 years ago. Various groups we collectively call the Alliance are working to defeat the Cabal / Illuminati / New World Order, thus making the headlines crazier by the day. If the Alliance succeeds, their plan is now to begin the disclosure process by telling us there was a civilization in Antarctica. We are already seeing multiple, compelling hints of this in corporate media. Find out what the insiders are telling us and help spread the word! This is a two-and-a-half-hour excerpt from David’s Friday and Saturday presentations at the Conscious Life Expo 2017... Thank you for your support! Comment by sstardora on March 14, 2017 @ 12:46 am
  6. Anything to these comments re: Satan? Comments from under Fulford;s post Simon Parkes says satan is a 4th dimensional demonic reptilian entity & this can still line up with a black sun imo. Gender at this level surely becomes irrelevant. We will be checking if Gaia accepts this Goddess entity/energy & I am having a another session with Simon soon. Looks like we owe the Nordic/Pleiadian Galactic Confederation a debt of gratitude, but I would still like to know who the interested parties are in the genetic slave trade. Comment by zzander on March 13, 2017 @ 10:47 pm (I am not buying this - about a transformation. How?): / 2 / “For this reason the entity known as Satan has ceased to be life destroying absolute evil but has instead transformed into a benevolent goddess working in harmony with the male aspect of the universe. Because this entity fled the universe, the lesser evil entities that worked below it were no longer able to resist the forces of light. They have been systematically purged and soon the last of them will be finished off.” == Satan’s spirit roams the earth…Satan has NOT FLED THE UNIVERSE! Right now satan and his nephilem are held in chains behind Christ setting on the mercy seat in the 4th dimension….satan’s spirit roams the earth,(in the 3rd dimension) that will continue until a huge war in the 4th dimension (heaven) between satan and his angels and Christ and his angels, wherein satan loses. Christ orders Archangel Michael to kick satan and his angels to the ground (3rd dimension) then it’s woe to the flesh in this 3rd dimension. (If you can read it with understanding…read Ezekiel Chapter 28…this scripture tells what happens to satan when he is kicked out of the 4th dimension…Satan was the King of Tyre (first earth age) so where the scripture talks about the King of Tyre—that is the first earth age and he was kicked out of heaven…(in the days of Noah–the nephelim were here taking the daughters of adam to destroy mankind, by causing Gebor (giants) to be born. King David as a child killed the last one with a stone….In Ezekiel 28…the scripture refers to satan as the “prince” of Tyre…that is this second earth age…those chapters tell us that the prince of tyre was cast out of heaven to the ground (3rd dimension) by Michael, and satan has 5 months to take as many souls as he can…(any soul that follows and worships the prince of tyre goes into the lake of fire behind satan.) Ezekiel 28 describes how satan is destroyed, Christ causes his final death by turning it to ASHES from inside his body before all those that worship him.... . . . Donald Trump has done a very good thing by ending the TPP trade agreement…Satan will restore it, this is how he gets control of every nation on he planet through TPP that satan controls, and steals from every nation through trade…this is how he gets control of every nation on the planet…if you use his money….you belong to him. Christians are already saving up food…bartering with each other to avoid using satan’s money…if you plan for this time….you will have a group of friends you can trust to trade with…anyone can survive for 2-1/2 months if you plan for it! THANK YOU FATHER leowanta Comment by leowanta on March 13, 2017 @ 11:57 pm / 3 / Satan is the alien force, the reptiles who trade knowledge for dinner, humanity is being fooled over and over, religion is used to control your actions and your mind..The only demons are the ones who actually feed off humanity, all this Satan worship is such baloney, if these idiots actually saw a bunch of alien reptiles eating humans they would crap in their pants ! They are here, have been here, until the government’s come clean about humanity and quit trying to control the world, we will always be debating about this religion or that religion, when in fact it’s their religion that holds the sword over humanity ! Comment by welovetheusa on March 14, 2017 @ 2:22 am
  7. (Fulford also focused on March 15th - Today! - and March 19th) World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns Posted by benjamin March 13, 2017 The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on March 25, the sources say. The meetings are taking place because a long term Freemason goal, the creation of a benevolent world government, is near completion, the sources continue. There is also a lot of talk from multiple sources of some sort of event planned for March 15th, the Ides of March. This was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. This is also the day the US government will hit its debt ceiling. Asian Secret Societies, for their part place great importance on March 19th, the day the last Ming Emperor died (also, by coincidence, this writer’s birthday). Exactly what will happen is not clear but certainly the last half of March will see many world changes, multiple sources agree. There is also extremely high tension worldwide as the various power centers jockey for position in the upcoming world federation, various sources agree. The tensions are especially high now in Japan and the Korean Peninsula over who will occupy the throne of Emperor of a United Korea, the Japanese military intelligence sources say. The Rothschilds and the Chinese want to install Kim Han Sol, the eldest son of Kim Jong Nam, who is in turn the oldest son of former top leader Kim Jon Il, Chinese intelligence agency sources say. That is why Rothschild puppet politicians in Japan have called for a pre-emptive attack against North Korea. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-japan-idUSKBN16F0YE That is also why various media reports suggested US President Donald Trump would be sending B-52 nuclear bombers to South Korea. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4298020/Donald-Trump-send-B-52-nuclear-bombers-Korea.html However, the North Koreans say the Kim Han Sol being presented as candidate for Emperor is a fake... . . . Speaking about Japan, the power struggle here is also intensifying. The Khazarian Mafia has handed over control of the Japanese election stealing machinery to... == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/03/13/world-freemasons-gather-in-tokyo-to-select-new-leader-and-golden-age-dawns/
  8. Violent Spring marches planned in Washington Could start as early as tomorrow, March 15th. If there is violence, it will be blamed on BLM, with more marches to follow. They are aiming to have as many as million Useful Idiots in the streets, protesting Trump MARCH 15TH: ROTHSCHILD, DEBT CEILING & DEMISE OF THE DOLLAR Interview thinks: "Trump needs to arrest George Soros (an agent of the Rothschilds) ASAP"
  9. Soros is using Women as "Useful Idiots" to disrupt Trump's power Report: George Soros gave $246M to women's protest groups Published on Mar 9, 2017 Billionaire reportedly donated to groups behind 'Day Without a Woman' demonstrations Comment: WHY do they not care about PEDOPHILES in Washington? If these women were truly compassionate, they would be protesting child abuse, and demanding the arrest of all Pedophiles. Instead, they are being USED as Useful Idiots by Soros. Shame shame shame. They should know better
  10. "Best Speech Ever" - yet in it, Trump may have reflected on the LIMITS to his power Jeff Rense & David John Oates - Big Mystery Of Trump's Strange Reversals Solved! Published on Mar 10, 2017 As many of you heard, President Trump's Reversals from his speech to Congress were surprisingly full of incongruence. From a man who has always been sparklingly congruent,this came as quite a shock to David Oates and most of the listening audience. Almost immediately after the program, David went to work further evaluating the reversals. Following a couple of breakthroughs that didn't seem to make sense, Oates discovered that virtually the entire set of reversals from the speech to Congress, WERE, in fact, completely logical and formed a shocking narrative from his subconscious mind. Don't miss this stunning peak inside the mind of Donald Trump. More detail on the challenge(s) he is facing Republicans still battle each other even after gaining power By LISA LERER and THOMAS BEAUMONT Mar. 12, 2017 FILE - In this Nov. 8, 2016 file photo, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis. crosses his fingers while... Read more WASHINGTON (AP) — Less than twenty-four hours after Donald Trump had won the White House, House Speaker Paul Ryan triumphantly proclaimed the start of a new era of Republican leadership that would "hit the ground running." Six weeks into Trump's administration, Republicans are running — just in different directions. As congressional leaders move forward with efforts to undo former President Barack Obama's health care law, conservative activists and GOP lawmakers are slamming the proposal as "Obamacare lite," ''Obamacare 2.0" and "RINOcare" — RINO standing for Republicans In Name Only, a term of derision. Swing state senators worry that their sickest and poorest constituents could lose access to health care. Republican governors fear that millions of people now covered by Medicaid could be dropped, a step the governors warn could hurt GOP candidates in their states. "We've said all along, 'Work with the governors,'" said Gov. Brian Sandoval, R-Nev. "Well, they came out with their own bill, which doesn't include anything that the governors have talked about." Republican leaders hoped unified control of Washington would unite the party around years of campaign promises to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, cut taxes and slash regulations. Instead, the celebratory weeks that followed Trump's victory seem to have been little more than a temporary cease-fire in a yearslong GOP civil war. "There are people who haven't adjusted to the fact that we have a Republican president," said Michael Steel, a former top adviser to onetime Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who frequently tangled with tea party-aligned lawmakers. "These guys could wind up leading the cavalry charge straight into machine-gun fire." The health care battle is probably the first of many intraparty clashes to come. Already, plans to overhaul tax laws have Republicans tied in knots, budget hawks are skeptical about Trump's $1 trillion infrastructure plan and senior GOP lawmakers have rejected major pieces of his upcoming budget proposal. The White House realizes that it must win over many of the objectors. With Democratic voters demanding nothing short of complete resistance to Trump, congressional passage of the Republican agenda will depend largely on party-line votes. That leaves limited room for GOP defections. In a Wednesday meeting with the leaders of conservative groups, Trump positioned himself as the good cop in the conflict, taking what one participant described as a series of veiled shots at Ryan. The president argued that his team was at least meeting with conservative activists, according to the participant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions. Trump also reminded the activists of his strong support among the conservative base and said he planned to campaign in states he won, in an effort to pressure their unsupportive lawmakers. "I want to be as helpful to the Trump administration as I can. I'm very supportive of the president. I support him, I want to help him. But respect has to go up and down the street, it's got to go both ways," said Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Ala., a member of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus. == > more: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/d626078245be44408c1b3f5ba557de5c/republicans-still-battle-each-other-even-after-gaining
  11. WEINER READY To squeal ? "Weiner's computer has been renamed 'the Rosetta stone'" PizzaGate Explodes: Anthony Weiner To Sink The Clintons! Published on Mar 12, 2017 Why haven't any major arrests occurred yet in the ongoing PizzaGate investigation? Because Anthony Weiner has damning information that could be used to finally bring those responsible for these heinous crimes against children to justice. He is negotiating with authorities to testify against the Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein and other high level figures involved in exchange for the FBI dropping child pornography charges against him. New evidence will see the Clintons locked up for life! David Zublick brings you the horrible truth in this special report.
  12. Spotting Pedos Weidner says he has learned to spot Pedophiles ("there is a cloud around them"). He says Netanyahu tried to talk him out of backing down on Pedogate, but Trump would not budge. He also said he sees the cloud around: Netanyahu, Schumer, Pelosi, and others
  13. Makati office market still locators top choice 01 February, 2017 published in The Manila Times Despite the rapid emergence of new business districts in the Metro Manila property market for the past several years, Makati City still remains to be the preferred choice of companies seeking to set up office due to several factors such as convenience, security and local government stability. Jones Lang Lasalle Philippines regional director and head of project leasing Sheila Lobien said that Makati is still the go-to destination for most top-tiered companies. "Most head offices of top corporations still prefer Makati as their head office address primarily for several reasons: (1) Makati is very secure, (2) most business head offices are also located in Makati (3) public transport is well suited for all types of employees, (4) stable city government and thus predictability in dealing with local/city officials and (5) commercial and retail establishments such as hotels, restaurants and malls are also in place,"Lobien said. == As the robust Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) sector remains to be a driver of the demand in the country's office sector, a number of BPO firms contribute to the takeup of spaces in Makati City. However, Lobien noted that these are mostly BPO firms that offer higher value services. "In our most recent experience in handling under exclusive leasing a property along Ayala Avenue, companies high up in the value chain of a BPO company also prefer a Makati office—legal, engineering and architectural BPO firms, with highly qualified professionals, situated their BPO office in Makati. These lawyers, engineers and architects cannot be placed in a mid-end type of office," Lobien expressed. Also, there are numerous BPO financial and insurance institutions that prefer a Makati address, according to Lobien. "Top multinational companies also want to have their BPO offices in Makati as it is a well-known business district which they also equate with local government stability, security and convenience for their employees," the regional director said. Lobien said that the Makati office market remains to be a landlord's market, as seen in the district's historically low vacancy rate of 4 percent, due to the high takeup of office spaces the city. "At the moment, only about 4 percent of office space is available for occupancy in Makati and these are located usually outside of the center or core of the Makati CBD which is along Ayala Avenue/Paseo de Roxas/Makati Avenues," Lobien said. Apart from the Makati CBD, there are still areas in Makati that are waiting to be developed. "Outside of the core, there are areas that are waiting for development such as those in the Buendia/Rockwell/Pasong Tamo areas and in further south of Ayala Avenue, the former Sta Ana race track," Lobien said. One of these areas to be developed in the next few years is the 21-hectare Circuit Makati by Ayala Land Inc. "Considered to be a premier entertainment hub in the heart of Makati, we have seen the master plan and situating offices in such a development will be very advantageous for locators—BPOs and non-BPOs alike," Lobien said. == > http://www.jll.com.ph/philippines/en-gb/news/319/makati-office-market-still-locators-top-choice
  14. Fixing the Problems With Bitcoin, 1543 Published on Mar 11, 2017 Some reactions / 1 / Dynosaur Rokks - 2 hours ago Bill, this guy is not telling you the full balanced picture. He is distorting Bitcoin and promoting Cloakcoin for his own ends. You need to interview someone less biased Dynosaur Rokks - 12 minutes ago Bill, you are spreading so much misinformation with this video, and your responders are adding so much to the FUD, that you are unwittingly playing into the hands of bankers, by making people afraid of the one thing that could completely overturn the fiat system and return control of money to the people. For heaven's sake research bitcoin more thoroughly. This video re bitcoin is the equivalent of the MSM's take on Trump - wildly distorted fear-mongering. Andreas Antonopolis's videos make good overviews of bitcoin / 2 / neurotraveller - 2 hours ago Bill, I'm a good sized investor in Bitcoin since 2013. I use Bitcoin every day. Bitcoin transactions are INSTANT. You just cant turn around and spend it until the network confirms the transaction which takes about an hour. Sometimes the congestion is making it take longer. Its not a big problem. There is a layer 2 platform for Bitcoin being built called the Lighting Network. It will enable a million to a billion transactions per second with instant confirmations and its still Bitcoin. Its due to be released later this year. Its deployment is not dependent on Segwit or a fork of the network. I would stay away from this guy.
  15. EGG ON HIS FACE (again) Listen to David Seaman, or listen to me... but NOT Bix Weir Bitcoin ETF..."Buy Bitcoin NOW!" (Bix Weir) . . . I find Seaman's comments can be more insightful, and not coming purely from "what is good for business" But he was disappointed (and pissed off) along with many others Bitcoin ETF Rejected: Winklevoss Twins Soulcrushed? He bought into BTC again near $1000, after the drop
  16. Finally, Session makes his move ! (I have been waiting for this.) This is essential to begin to clear the swamp. (The Clintons did the same thing, and populated Justice with the same thing) / 1 / MIDDAY MASSACRE: What Jeff Sessions Just Did Has Every Politician Shivering In Fear! / 2 / Harrdball With Chris Matthews 3/10/17 Trump's AG Sessions asks remaining 46 US attorneys to resign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7GzIoYMPr0 Pe-loser: "It's Red Meat for his base" (and for We the People)
  17. LONGER TERM chart (32 months) BTS - Frozen / Bitcoins, on Bitstamps ; 10-Days: http://tinyurl.com/bts-10d : 6-mos : 12-mos : 24-mos : 32-MOS
  18. REJECTED ! The Etf was not approved. You can see this in the BTC price Bitcoin ETF Rejected: Winklevoss Twins Soulcrushed?
  19. Bitcoin exploded to an all-time high on Friday morning. The cryptocurrency surged more than $120 to a record high of $1,327 a coin shortly before 8:30 a.m. ET. While bitcoin has pulled back from its record peak, it remains firmly bid, up 8.3%, or $99, at $1,291. Friday's gains come ahead of the highly anticipated US Securities and Exchange Commission ruling on whether or not it will approve at least one of the three proposed bitcoin-focused exchange-traded funds by a March 11 deadline. Because that deadline falls on a Saturday, a decision may not be announced until Monday, March 13. Bitcoin has had a volatile start to 2017. It gained more than 20% in the opening week of the year before crashing 35% on rumblings China would begin to crack down on trading. But the cryptocurrency has been able to shrug off news that China's biggest exchanges started to charge a flat fee of 0.2% per transaction in addition to them blocking customer withdrawals. Bitcoin gained 120% in 2016 and has been the top performing currency in each of the past two years. Investing.com Get the latest Bitcoin price here.
  20. Bitcoin had a brilliant shot upwards in early NY trading - hitting as high as $1320+ before a $70 pullback BTC - 2 months Bitcoin Price Spikes Above $1300 as ETF Decision Nears CoinDesk-25 minutes ago Markets peaked at an average of $1,325.81, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (BPI), before falling sharply back below that level to ... / Vinny Lingham Makes New Bitcoin Price Prediction in Wake of ... CoinTelegraph-1 hour ago Vinny Lingham Makes New Bitcoin Price Prediction in Wake of Bitcoin ETF Decision 5546 Total views 0 Total shares On March 11, the much awaited Winklevoss twins Bitcoin ETF decision will finally be announced by the SEC. South African serial Internet entrepreneur Vinny Lingham posted on Twitter that within 48-hours of the ETF announcement, on the downside, the Bitcoin price will be $850. However, he holds Bitcoin price will be $1,750 maximum (probably $1,500) on the upside. With just a day for the SEC to make an announcement on the Bitcoin ETF, the community is divided between whether it will pass or not. Experts and analysts including Lingham perceive the chances of either decision as 50/50. On Wednesday Cointelegraph reported that so far 72 percent of the public are in favor of the ETF. Lingham's accurate predictionsWhen it comes to forecasting Bitcoin price, Lingham has a distinguished reputation and is famously known for accurately predicting Bitcoin price adjustments. He is very shrewd with factors that hold it up, sideways and down, and outside events changing the supply/demand curve for Bitcoin. In 2013, before Bitcoin reached its first ever all-time high price, the African entrepreneur prognosticated it would reach over $1,000. Truly, the community saw Bitcoin rising to $1,255. Also, in the first quarter of 2016, Lingham predicted the $400 mark for at least the next quarter when the price was hovering around $100. This once again came to pass. Fast forward to Dec. 11, 2016, he foretold that if the price exceeded the $800 mark, it will go straight to $900, and interestingly by Dec. 23 Bitcoin was being sold at $911. In addition, Lingham tweeted in November 2016 that the demonetization in India would push the price up to $1,000 by the end of the year. Just as he articulated, the price reached $1,000 on New Year's Eve.
  21. ETF NEWS within today ? It may not happen, or people may Sell-on-News - so people are now exiting the BTC Trade $1350 in a few days? Or back under $1000? BTC Last : $1186, and back below Gold (slightly) Winklevoss twins' bitcoin fund expected to be approved soon - Or Not ! New York Business Journal-5 hours ago It's been almost two years since Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, the twin brothers notorious for receiving a large legal settlement for their ... From First Filing to Final Decision: The Journey of the Winklevoss ... CoinDesk-9 hours ago This refers, of course, to the bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) proposed by investors Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. That ETF – first ... Bitcoin Price Plummets From Record Highs PYMNTS.com-8 Mar 2017 Despite what the graphs might imply, the SEC has yet to make a formal announcement on their decision regarding the Winklevoss twins' ... === === According to the New York Post, the Winklevoss brothers — also known for competing in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing as rowers — will launch what is called a "chartered trust." The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will permit the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust (WBT) to form an exchange-traded fund of bitcoins, making it easier for mom-and-pop investors to buy the controversial cryptocurrency. If the fund doesn’t get approved, the value of the currency could fall as much as 20 percent — a bummer since just last week it surged to a record high of $1,206. Should it go through, it could go as high as $3,000 by the end of the year. “If you want to short it today, you won’t be able to do it before the ETF gets launched [if it’s approved],” Marc van der Chijs, managing partner at CrossPacific Capital, told the Post. “It’s not as easy to do as it is with normal stock on the stock exchange.” The vetting process for a bitcoin company to become a trust is extensive, as we learned in May 2015, when another New York City-Based company, itBit, became the first company to receive the status as a chartered trust company. ItBit applied for the charter in February 2015 and went through a review process to make sure the company's anti-money laundering, consumer protection and cybersecurity standards were in order. The charter, granted in May, allowed itBit to operate in all 50 states as a regulated entity. . . . Like many other things in the bitcoin space, the collapse of Japan-based bitcoin exchange Mt Gox triggered a small but meaningful change in how the ETF would be constructed. Mt Gox was once the world’s most voluminous bitcoin exchange before it fell apart amid accusations of fraud, leading to the eventual arrest of its CEO last year. In the aftermath of the Gox failure, an amendment was filed to the ETF’s S-1 which changed the price index which the ETF would use to determine the price of a bitcoin. The proprietary Winkdex was adopted, replacing the old model based on weighted average prices of several bitcoin exchanges. The duo confirmed, in a follow-up filing in 2014, their initial intention to list the ETF on the NASDAQ OMX exchange. The ticker symbol “COIN” – a tip of the hat to the digital currency – was first disclosed at this time. That filing also added new risk factors related to the ETF, including the potential for a so-called 51% mining attack on the bitcoin network. Watch and waitThat submission would prove to be yet another leg in a long waiting game for the Winklevoss-backed ETF. During that time, the Winklevosses were approved for a bank charter, setting the stage for the launch of Gemini, their digital currency exchange. . . . Since then, however, the scope of the proposed ETF offering has expanded further, growing from $65m to $100m, while also lowering the maximum offering per share price from from $65 to $10. A February filing detailing the changes also included language about the risks of a network hard fork and contingency plans should two blockchains sharing bitcoin’s transaction history emerge. The final countdownThose developments take us to the present day, during which market observers, stakeholders, bitcoin enthusiasts and potential investors are watching the skies for the SEC’s word. That determination is set to be revealed by tomorrow, according to a source with knowledge of the agency’s work, yet at press time, the SEC has kept mum about its decision. In the meantime, bitcoin traders are gearing up for a possible increase in volume – and volatility – when markets react one way or another, and at least one hedge fund that invests in bitcoin has moved to reduce its exposure to the market. . . . The price of bitcoin dropped by some $70 on Tuesday (March 7) for no readily apparent reason, leaving investors naturally a bit confused at best, or panicked at worst. Bitcoin had spent the past week climbing toward new record highs on optimism that the SEC could soon approve a bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund. Yet trading on Tuesday morning saw a sharp drop in the value of everyone’s favorite digital currency, from around $1,280 on Monday evening down to just over $1,207 by mid-morning Tuesday. As of Tuesday afternoon, bitcoin appears to have begun the process of recovering from the slip. At the time of writing, bitcoin was worth $1,248.63. But in the few hours that the price of bitcoin was down, some speculated that it could mean the SEC had denied approval for a bitcoin ETF. More likely than not, the sudden drop was just a symptom of the digital currency’s characteristic volatility. Since the SEC decision deadline is fast approaching, however, some investors, who are surely eyeing every fluctuation in bitcoin’s value, inherently (though a bit hastily) had assumed the worst.
  22. CONSOLIDATION (1:10) plans may be pressuring the stock price "proposal to extend the maturity, on a voluntary basis, of its 2020 Debentures " Gran Colombia Gold Announces 2017 Outlook and Proposals to Improve Capital Structure March 06, 2017 Download this Press Release () TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - March 06, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp.(TSX: GCM) announced today its outlook for 2017 along with two proposals aimed at improving its capital structure following the comprehensive debt restructuring completed last year. / 2017 Outlook As previously announced, Gran Colombia produced a total of 149,687 ounces of gold in 2016 driven by growth at its Segovia Operations. The Company started off 2017 with a total of 24,585 ounces of gold production in the first two months and expects to produce a total of 150,000 to 160,000 ounces of gold for the full year. / The Company's total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost ("AISC") averaged $699 and $832 per ounce sold, respectively, during the first nine months of 2016. Gran Colombia will be reporting its financial results for its 2016 fiscal year at the end of March and expects that its full year 2016 total cash cost and AISC will remain within guidance below $720 and about $850 per ounce sold, respectively. In 2017, the Company expects that its total cash cost will remain below $720 per ounce sold. The Company also expects that with an increased level of exploration spending at Segovia and the continuation of capital investment at its Segovia Operations, its AISC for the full year will remain below $900 per ounce. In early February 2017, Gran Colombia completed the 10,000 meters drilling campaign it commenced at Segovia in May of last year. In the second half of 2016, the Company also completed a small underground drilling program to explore the extension of the current mineralization in the upper level of the existing Marmato mine. The Company expects to announce results of these drilling campaigns shortly. In 2017, Gran Colombia plans to execute a 20,000 meters drilling campaign to further its efforts to upgrade and extend its mineral resources at its Segovia Operations. Capital investment in 2017 at the Segovia Operations will continue to focus on ongoing mine development at its Providencia and El Silencio mines along with additional investments in mine infrastructure upgrades, ventilation, health, safety and environmental initiatives, mine equipment and expansion of tailings storage facilities. / In 2016, the Company repurchased and cancelled a total of $3.0 million aggregate principal amount of its 2018 and 2020 Debentures at a discount under the normal course issuer bids launched in July 2016. These transactions were funded by excess cash flow generated in the first nine months of 2016 and deposited into the sinking funds. The Company also used the increased cash flow generated by its operations in 2016 to honor its supplier payment programs, successfully restoring the aging of its accounts payable to normal terms by the end of 2016, and fully settled its overdue equity and wealth taxes which carried very high interest rates on the amounts in arrears. In 2017, provided gold prices remain at least at the current levels, the Company intends to generate excess cash flow equivalent to approximately 10% of the aggregate principal amount of its 2018 and 2020 Debentures currently issued and outstanding for deposit into the sinking funds in accordance with their respective indentures. Sinking fund balances may be used to fund open market repurchases of debentures for cancellation, redemptions at par or repayment at maturity. / Capital Structure Improvements In September 2016, Gran Colombia announced it had engaged GMP Securities L.P. ("GMP") as its exclusive financial advisor to conduct a broad strategic review process to explore opportunities to enhance stakeholder value. During the course of this process, it became evident that even though Gran Colombia has strengthened operationally since the debt restructuring was completed in early 2016, the common shares have not performed at the same pace as its peers due to the extent of leverage within the Company's capital structure and the impact of the potential debt conversions on the total number of common shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis. In addition, at prevailing gold prices, the Company's future growth may be stalled while trying to balance ongoing capital investment needs with the requirement to set aside excess cash flow toward the repayment of the 2020 Debentures at maturity. As such, after consultation by Gran Colombia and GMP with several of its large stakeholders, the Company is announcing a proposal to extend the maturity, on a voluntary basis, of its 2020 Debentures and that it will seek shareholder approval in connection with such maturity extension and to consolidate its common shares in an effort to improve its future liquidity and capital structure to enhance shareholder value. / Extension of 2020 Debentures Gran Colombia currently has an aggregate principal amount of US$101,160,085 of 2020 Debentures issued and outstanding pursuant to an Amended and Restated Indenture dated as of January 20, 2016 (the "Indenture"). Maturing on January 2, 2020, these debentures receive interest, paid on a monthly basis, at an annual rate of 6%. Gran Colombia believes that by extending the maturity of some or all of its 2020 Debentures, the Company can strike a better balance in the next couple of years between capital investment and cash generation for senior debt retirement to enhance stakeholder value while at the same time using its excess cash flow to systematically reduce the issued and outstanding senior secured debt. The Company is seeking approval from holders of the 2020 Debentures to amend the Indenture through a consent solicitation process (the "Consent Solicitation") to provide an option for holders to extend the maturity date of the debentures to January 2, 2024 (the "Proposed Indenture Amendments"). The extended 2020 Debentures will carry largely the same terms and conditions as the other 2020 Debentures except that the maturity date will be extended and interest will be paid monthly over the remaining term of the extended 2020 Debentures at an annual rate of 8%. / The Company expects materials regarding the Consent Solicitation will be distributed to all holders of the 2020 Debentures on or about March 24, 2017. Holders will be asked to provide their consent to amend the Indenture through the Consent Solicitation process. The Company will also be seeking shareholder approval of the Proposed Indenture Amendments pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 -- Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). In order for the Company to proceed with the Proposed Indenture Amendments, the following are required: (i) consent from a simple majority of the aggregate principal amount of the issued and outstanding 2020 Debentures and (ii) approval by a simple majority of the votes validly cast by "minority" shareholders, present in person or by proxy at the shareholder meeting, being the shareholders of the Company other than any "related parties" in respect of the Proposed Indenture Amendments (as determined in accordance with MI 61-101) who hold 2020 Debentures and such other shareholders as are required to be excluded in determining such "minority" approval pursuant to MI 61-101. The Consent Solicitation is expected to remain open until April 24, 2017, following which the Company will announce the results. Holders of 2020 Debentures will also have the opportunity during the Consent Solicitation process to elect to extend some or all of their 2020 Debentures, conditional upon the requisite consent from holders of 2020 Debentures, Shareholder approval being obtained and the Proposed Indenture Amendments being effected. The Consent Solicitation and the Proposed Indenture Amendments are subject to certain conditions and approvals including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory and stock exchange approvals. Terms outlined herein may be amended as required to receive such approvals. Share Consolidation Gran Colombia has an authorized capital consisting of an unlimited number of common shares without par value and an unlimited number of Preferred Shares without par value, of which 306,755,502 common shares are currently issued and outstanding. In addition, a further approximately 1.1 billion common shares are issuable through the potential future exercise of the issued and outstanding convertible debentures due 2018, 2020 Debentures, stock options and warrants. This potentially large number of issued and outstanding common shares acts as a damper on the Company's stock price and could restrict the ability of the Company to raise equity in the future to fund its business activities. Accordingly, the Company is proposing to consolidate its issued and outstanding common shares on a ten-for-one basis (10:1) (the "Consolidation"), subject to the approval of the TSX and approval of Shareholders by way of special resolution. The Company believes that the benefits of the Consolidation include, among other things, that the anticipated higher share price resulting from the Consolidation may meet investing guidelines for certain institutional investors and investment funds that are prevented under such guidelines from investing in the common shares at current price levels. Also, a smaller number of common shares trading at a higher price makes the Company more attractive to potential investors, and could further enhance the value of the common shares held by current shareholders. == > more: http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-Announces-2017-Outlook-and-Proposals-to-Improve-Capital-Structure/default.aspx
  23. Women have an easier time? "Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man" Gender-swap experiment shows Hillary even less likable as a man Amber Athey Investigative Reporter @amber_athey Today at 8:26 AM EDT An experiment designed to reveal gender bias by reenacting the presidential debates with the candidates’ genders reversed found that Hillary Clinton would have been even less likeable as a man. The two NYU professors who designed the experiment were "unsettled" to discover that audience members actually found Trump's style more endearing when it came from a woman. One female audience member even remarked that she found the male version of Clinton "very punchable" because he smiled so much. An experiment designed to reveal gender bias by reenacting the presidential debates with the candidates’ genders reversed found that Hillary Clinton would have been even less likeable as a man. Maria Guadalupe and Joe Salvatore, two professors at New York University, planned to demonstrate the alleged gender bias Clinton faced in the 2016 election by acting out the presidential debates with Trump as a woman and Hillary as a man, reports NYU News. “When [the female version of Trump] was attacking, I had so much respect for her and her level of confidence.” Tweet This The goal of the “Her Opponent” project was to prove that people would not have accepted Trump’s aggressive behavior had it come from a woman, and that Hillary’s debate style would be much more likable if she were a man. [RELATED: Calling Hillary 'Mrs. Clinton' is sexist, say Georgetown Dems] The professors and audiences of the mock debates, however, were “unsettled” to discover that the opposite was true—Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man. To isolate the gender variable to the greatest extent possible, the actors portraying the candidates sought to emulate their debate performances exactly, down to gestures and intonation, though it was necessary in some instances to tweak the language to reflect the gender reversal. “We both thought that the inversion would confirm our liberal assumption—that no one would have accepted Trump’s behavior from a woman, and that the male Clinton would seem like the much stronger candidate,” Salvatore explained. “But we kept checking in with each other and realized that this disruption—a major change in perception—was happening. I had an unsettled feeling the whole way through.” == > http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8889
  24. A YEAR OF REVELATIONS SESSIONS SUGGESTS OUTSIDE COUNSEL COULD PROBE OBAMA-ERA DOJ... WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration. Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups. Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges and "just generally to look at how the Department of Justice operated." Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice." . . . During the campaign, President Donald Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton, though he expressed ambivalence about that idea after he won the election. It's not clear how serious Sessions was about the idea of a special counsel to investigate past Justice Department decisions, or how such an undertaking might work.
  25. BONDS : Could be a BUY here, near $117 TLT ... All : 10-yrs : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo : 10d / last : 117.78 Change: -0.64
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