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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Big Jump in Supply and Vacancies is undermining Residential Rents - 2017 is a crunch year! === (As per the Q4-2016 Collier's report, "the Knowledge") === Overall vacancy continues to rise - see the table below As of the end of 2016, overall vacancy in Metro Manila stood at 10%. This shows a 2.2 percentage point increase from the vacancy recorded in the first half of 2016. (But it is even higher in key CBD areas.) Colliers sees overall vacancy hovering between 12% and 16% in the next twelve months with the delivery of an additional 22,800 units this year. : Makati CBD Comparative Residential Vacancy Rates GRADE / Q3-16 : Q4-2016 : Q4-17F : Luxury - : 12.96% : 13.98% : 16.04% : Others --: 11.25% : 13.23% : 16.66% : AllGrades 11.48% : 13.33% : 16.59% : FtBonifacio : 14% in 12 mos. (7,500 units) Ortigas Ctr : 7-9% in 12 mos == Comparative Luxury 3BR Rental Rates (PHP / sq m / month) AREA--- : Q3- 2016 /mid : Q4- 2016 /mid : Q4- 2017 /mid : Est.Chg / Report Ft. Bonif. : 650-1040/ 845 : 640-1026/ 833 : 600-0960/ 780 : - 6.37% / - 6.37% Makata -- : 570-1120/ 845 : 560-1100/ 830 : 530-1040/ 785 : - 5.42% / - 5.67% Rockwell : 790-1080/ 935 : 780-1070/ 925 : 740- 1010/ 875 : - 5.41% / - 5.19% ======= > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf
  2. Residential Rents to soften further - Colliers ========= + Rents fell by 1-1.5 Percent in Q4; Makati to P837psm from P847 psm (Q3) + Rents like to decline on: Rising supply, popularity of fringe areas + Expeceted drop: another 5-7% over the next 12 months + BGC fell from P848 to P833, year-on-year + Colliers is forecasting a 54.3 percent rise in supply in Metro-Manila, from 90,784 units at end 2016, to 140,061 by 2020 + Fringe areas appeal, because they are 10-15% cheaper to rent (and maybe at least that much cheaper to buy) Examples: Vertis in Quezon City, Circuit in Makati + Fringe area completions (4,800 units) outpaced those in the main CBD's (3,900 units) == They give some figures for Capital Values, which look high to me: : Makati : P180,300, + 2.3% : BGC -- : P163,200, + 2.2% : Rockwell : + 1.1% "Prices are still going up because interest rates are low" "We see Makati CBD prices increasing by about 14 percent in the next 12 months, while Ft. Bonifacio and Rockwell wll grow by about 8 to 10 percent," Colliers said. ( article in The Manila Times, pg. B5, Feb.13, 2017) They must be talking about prices in the 'primary' market - is new properties. I see lots of evidence that prices in the secondary market are weak. And fall rents are hardly an argument for rising prices, when the daily newspapers are full of stories of inflation rising, and short term rates under upwards pressure
  3. (It is selling well - the price seems right for many buyers at : "P135k - 140k psm") Demand high for Circuit Makati condos ======= + 90 percent of units sold in the first two towers (Solstice 1 and 2); At end of Jan., 88% of 461 units T#1 sold (incl. all of studios), and 90% of 394 units, T#2 Completion due in two years (2019?) + Calisto-1 about 50% sold = 430 units, to be completed Q2-2022 + Approx. selling prices are now: P135k - 140k psm + These are only 3 of 8 -10 residential projects planned for the area
  4. US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait Posted by benjamin February 13, 2017 There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say. The struggle in the United States is, to simplify things somewhat, between the deep state faction behind Trump and the remnants of the Bush/Clinton deep state apparatus. In China, three main factions are duking it out as part of an elaborate power dance that will produce a new central government line up sometime around the end of March. When these power struggles are over, then we can expect major reforms of the Federal Reserve Board, the United Nations, the IMF, the EU etc. to begin in earnest. Let us start with the US power struggle, which has intensified now that Jeff Sessions has been formally appointed Attorney General. Immediately following his appointment Trump issued an executive order that “re-focuses the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.” As a Pentagon official described it “Trump declared war on the Bushes and Mexican drug cartels.” Furthermore, in a sign the anti-drug cowboys in the military and US agencies are finally getting the message that force alone will not stop illegal drug use, Pentagon officials are saying Trump may decide legalize and regulate narcotics. This would help bring the roughly $2 trillion annual illegal drug business into the tax paying mainstream and reduce drug related death. If done properly, the massive pharmaceutical industry could be brought on board as long as they were given a role. That should be easy to do since already around 30% of drugs prescribed by doctors are opium based. The drug companies could add a whole new menu of goodies doctors could offer patients if they could start making medicines based on the other major narcotics. Doing this would also devastate the US private prison slave industry by releasing half of the 9.5 million Americans who are either in jail or on parole. It would also radically lower crime rates. Ask the Swiss, who experienced an 80% drop in crimes committed by junkies immediately after they started letting doctors administer heroin to addicts. Most of the junkies were also able to eventually kick their addictions. http://www.citizensopposingprohibition.org/resources/swiss-heroin-assisted-treatment-1994-2009-summary/ Since 90% of the world’s heroin is produced in Afghanistan, legalization and regulation of its opium crop would most likely lead to peace in that country. The Trump administration is also talking about stopping CIA drug shipments that go via US military bases. In Japan, for example, the Yokota airbase has long been a central distribution hub for North Korean amphetamines, according to senior Japanese gangsters. Shutting that trade down or else legalizing it would help clean up the Japanese political system big time. The same is true with the heroin trade going via other big US Airforce bases such as Incirlink in Turkey and Ramstein in Germany. With so much money and power at stake though, you can be sure though that the Bush faction is not going down without a fight. The entire ISIS/Mossad/Bush CIA/Nazi (Khazarian mafia Nazi faction) nexus is on the warpath and the fact that prominent ISIS linked criminals like Senator John McCain have not been arrested yet shows the power struggle is not nearly over. The Khazarian Nazis have been blackmailing the Pentagon White Hats with... == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/13/us-and-china-are-both-busy-with-internal-power-struggles-so-the-world-will-have-to-wait/
  5. Hot Offices: Manila ranked 19th 'most dynamic city' = Jones Laing Lasalle (JLL) has included Metro Manila in ts top 30 markets for commercial property for the first time. + A particularly dynamic market with the growing an globally competitive BPO sector + JLL ranks 134 world cities on 42 indicators, includes population, number of corp headquarters, FDI, etc + They also look at something they call "high value incubators", which are attributes which help them to maintain growth momentum, assessing things like: education, innovation, and the environment + Manila was included as an emerging megacity, along with Mumbai, Chennai, and Delhi - but the group has challenges in infrastructure, and quality of life + Manila had a strong short term momentum, with robust growth and rising real estate price, but ranked in 107th place on long term momentum + Cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Seoul remained in the top 30, but showed stagnation in growth + Top 5 were: Bangalore, Ho Chi Minh City, Silicon Valley (CA), Shanghai, and Hyperabad + The bottom of the Top 30, were: Hangzhou, Los Angeles, Dublin, Nanjing, and Stockholm === > JLL's Momentum Index: http://www.ap.jll.com/asia-pacific/en-gb/research/854/city-momentum-index-2017
  6. Residential Rents to soften further - Colliers + Rents fell by 1-1.5 Percent in Q4; Makati to P837psm from P847 psm (Q3) + Rents like to decline on: Rising supply, popularity of fringe areas + Expeceted drop: another 5-7% over the next 12 months + BGC fell from P848 to P833, year-on-year + Colliers is forecasting a 54.3 percent rise in supply in Metro-Manila, from 90,784 units at end 2016, to 140,061 by 2020 + Fringe areas appeal, because they are 10-15% cheaper to rent (and maybe at least that much cheaper to buy) Examples: Vertis in Quezon City, Circuit in Makati + Fringe area completions (4,800 units) outpaced those in the main CBD's (3,900 units) They give some figures for Capital Values, which look high to me: : Makati : P180,300, + 2.3% : BGC - : P163,200, + 2.2% : Rockwell : + 1.1% "Prices are still going up because interest rates are low" "We see Makati CBD prices increasing by about 14 percent in the next 12 months, while Ft. Bonifacio and Rockwell wll grow by about 8 to 10 percent," Colliers said. ( article in The Manila Times, pg. B5, Feb.13, 2017) They must be talking about prices in the 'primary' market - that is, new properties. I see lots of evidence that prices in the secondary market are weak. And fall rents are hardly an argument for rising prices, when the daily newspapers are full of stories of inflation rising, and short term rates under upwards pressure ===== ==== Hot Offices: Manila ranked 19th 'most dynamic city' = Jones Laing Lasalle (JLL) has included Metro Manila in ts top 30 markets for commercial property for the first time. + A particularly dynamic market with the growing an globally competitive BPO sector + JLL ranks 134 world cities on 42 indicators, includes population, number of corp headquarters, FDI, etc + They also look at something they call "high value incubators", which are attributes which help them to maintain growth momentum, assessing things like: education, innovation, and the environment + Manila was included as an emerging megacity, along with Mumbai, Chennai, and Delhi - but the group has challenges in infrastructure, and quality of life + Manila had a strong short term momentum, with robust growth and rising real estate price, but ranked in 107th place on long term momentum + Cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Seoul remained in the top 30, but showed stagnation in growth + Top 5 were: Bangalore, Ho Chi Minh City, Silicon Valley (CA), Shanghai, and Hyperabad + The bottom of the Top 30, were: Hangzhou, Los Angeles, Dublin, Nanjing, and Stockholm
  7. We really need to IGNORE the Crybaby Media, and let them die off for lack of viewers I agree with David Seaman's comments here: Donald Trump TROLLS Globalist Media At His Golf Resort & They Lose It! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dJ5VrG2tXo
  8. (Another comment form Ben F's site, but maybe no more believable): > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/06/the-long-awaited-arrests-of-cabailsts-are-supposed-to-start-this-week/ BREAKING:Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network Exclusive reports from Madrid and Rome: A former civil servant in the Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970′s. The man bases his claim on his personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and religious bodies as covers. A Spanish reporter who has interviewed the former civil servant states, “This guy is genuine and has many names and dates, and notes from meetings. Apparently, Bergoglio was promised the top spot in the Argentine church if he cooperated with the junta. So it’s small wonder that as the Pope, he’s made it harder for honest catholics to report child abuse, considering his own complicity.” http://countdowntozerotime.com/2014/02/03/breakingpope-francis-is-named-by-former-argentine-junta-insider-as-prime-mover-in-child-trafficking-network/ Comment by intruth on February 7, 2017 @ 8:51 pm Nice one Intruth; confirming what the article at http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=18084#more-18084 stated. Both Bergoglio & Benedict’s brother being outed at the same time! Comment by zzander on February 7, 2017 @ 9:23 pm
  9. Scvmbag or Zombie? That;s what you need to be... (this was posted on Ben Fulford's comment section - but not by Ben): I think you have to truly lack discernment to buy into nonsense like this: This is from a popular dinar site from a popular…ahem… guru…. I have no idea if any of it is true… ******* “Sayonara” – Intel SITREP – 16:00 EST – Monday – February 6, 2017 6:04:00 PM Emailed, Intel Received via email at 4:39 PM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles Well my friends the time has come to raise the roof and have some fun,” so says Mr. Lionel Ritchie. Here’s a little news flash (before it’s announced) … the 45th President of the United States resigned at Cent-Com in Florida today, where he was being held on house arrest since Saturday night. Reason being–the 120+3 day GESARA implementation period–which ended Saturday at midnight whereby the acting US President had to resign. Donald was guarded to both watch the RV come in during the Super Bowl after immediately signing his resignation letter (thus satisfying the USA’s portion of the GESARA compliance mandate for all nations). But the Donald said no. So General Dunford mobilized all his military troops and ordered all waiting national guardsmen into the field. Today, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell spoke with Donald about getting impeached tomorrow morning Tuesday with their 80% combined Congressional votes. The Donald had to make a choice. Be loyal to Israel or save the Trump brand. He choose Trump! Shocker I know. And his resignation letter was signed (announcement date still unknown). Everyone exhale with me…. ahhhhhhhh… the Donald plague is over… sayonara A**hole! This is why Ryan never ran for President, as any elected President would have been forced to resign including Democrat Hillary Clinton. This also makes Mike Pence the current acting 46th President of the United States per the Constitution and why he was showcased at the Super Bowl last night. So the RV is back on. ZIM holders go first. Anytime tonight after 6pm EST. God is with us. Comment by eugenekalmes on February 7, 2017 @ 10:49 am Anything from a site with a name like "dinar chronicles" can be disregarded straight away
  10. Jeff Rense, Harry Cooper, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire Amazing German Antarctic Discoveries In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiQnciHvpQE Published on Jan 28, 2017 Re-Uploaded to provide additional rare images of the original 1938 German expedition to Antarctica and some of the gigantic caverns that were explored on that .
  11. Emotional "brainwashing" in the superbowl - Deconstructed People need to learn how to see through this kind of propaganda instantly (Females and low-T males are very susceptible to this kind of message) Superbowl Commercial Tries to Guilt Millions of Americans Into Accepting Illegal Immigration Never buy their products - send these spinmeisters a message
  12. After Ron's Faux Intelligence... Sample a podcast which may contain some real intelligence Roger Stone And Alex Jones Discuss Current Events
  13. RVD: "I get intelligence everyday" (If only! One needs to reality-test "intelligence", to separate it from misinformation.) 2-12-17 – WHAT IS TRUMP'S MISSION? Published on Feb 11, 2017 Last night I attended another meeting where there are staunch Trump supporters. Not long before I left for the meeting, I was talking with my son and my daughter, both of whom think Trump is awful. Then, I have friends who say that he is merely filling a gap between the corporate government structure and the restored republic. At the meeting, we watched a video that talked about the need to restore the US to the foundation upon which it was founded. Of course the cabal has to be eliminated before that can happen. Meanwhile, Trump is surrounding himself with Ashkenazi Jews, which, as I've long said, are fake Jews referred to in the Bible as "the Synagogue of Satan." Frankly, I don't know how this will all play out. It's a mess! As always, I want to see the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth manifest in reality. For that to happen, a trump card must be played that, to me, requires some kind of Divine intervention. What puzzles me, is how he can call it "intelligence", when it has been repeatedly wrong. Is it because it is labeled intelligence? Perhaps more discernment is needed. Track record matters! So does logic and reason "There are always people in either party who are idealists, and have good intentions" Yeah. And those can be the really dangerous ones (Bernie?). Because the road to (Hillary) H3LL is paved with good intentions. "I am keeping my mind open... because I want to see a positive outcome." His brain fell out long ago.
  14. Gran Columbia Gold - is the Seller done finally?... (At Last !) C$0.11 : +0.015 / Percent Change: +15.79% !! Open: 0.10 / High: 0.11 / Low: 0.095 // Volume: 2,565,250 ! 52 Week Range: C$0.075 to 0.16 GCM.t ... update Date------ : GCM.t : 7,692 : CAD$ : NotVal : 1% Deb. vol. : Db.O/S- Date : 6%Deb: Db.O/S- Date : TotDebt : Shs-OS : MktValue : Ent.Val. : Gold : OZ's 06/30/16 : $0.100 : 0,769 : 0.773 : 59.44 : $55.00. --------- : $67.7- 06/30 : $65.00 : 103.3 - 05/12 : $171.0 : 157.8m*: C$15.8M: $183.2M/ 1325= 138.3k 09/30/16 : $0.120 : 0,923 : 0.762 : 70.33 : $72.50, 154.0k : $49.8- 09/06 : $91.00 : 102.5 - 09/06 : $152.3 : 277.6m*: C$33.3M: $177.7M/ 1317= 134.9k 12/30/16 : $0.095 : 0,731 : 0.744 : 54.39 : $61.00, 20.00k : $49.7- 12/06 : $84.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$26.4M: $170.5M/ 1152= 148.1k 02/10/17 : $0.110 : 0,846 : 0.764 : 64.63 : $61.00, 625.0k : $49.7- 12/06 : $81.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$30.5M: $174.2M/ 1236= 140.9k
  15. Generation Z Has Awoken To The Control System Published on Feb 10, 2017 Alex Jones talks with fellow radio show host Gavin McInnes about how the next generation is now waking up to liberty and is loving it. "They are taught by the schools to hate themselves... and they realize it is all a big lie"
  16. California in Open Rebellion, as leftwing appellate judges "make law" Trump Press Conference/Democrats Fall For Trump Trap "the downfall of the Democrats... Trump-hatred has blinded them" Time to get angry, and fight back? Stefan Molyneux at his strongest Court Ignores Law, Affirms Ban on President Trump’s Immigration Restrictions | True News
  17. Professor emeritas Jim Fetzer (who is an open-minded expert on logic and evidence) - Though at times, he may let his "open-mindedness" get the better of him. However, he always goes back to the evidence - which is the right thing to do 02-09-17 - from the Rense radio Archives MP3: http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rawdeal/020917.mp3 In response to a call at about 32 minutes He thinks that "Pizzagate needs to be cleaned up" And he believes 30-40 arrests of pedos in Washington is imminent. Prof. Fetzer has never fallen for the GCR nonsense, of Collateral Accounts foolishness
  18. One of RVD's "sources"? I am pretty sure that Gary Larrabee means well, but like Ron, he is addicted to hopium, and lacks discernment Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 10, 2017 Published on Feb 10, 2017 http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.c... RV/INTEL ALERT - FEBRUARY 7, 2017 THE RV HAS ALWAYS BEEN A MILITARY OPERATION. GENERAL DUNFORD HAS TOTAL RELEASE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR THE RV. THE 16 YEAR CURRENCY WAR IS ABOUT TO END. . . . B. Feb. 9 2017 Bruce's The Big Call: Thebigcall.net: replay: 712-770-4016 pin123456# 1. There has been a delay in the GCR/RV because of the new Secretary of Treasury Steven Manuchin needing a confirming vote from Congress. 2. Today a lot of things happened pointing for this to come through. 3. Today at 3pm EST there was a Trump-Abadi call that was very positive for us. 4. An Iraq Airlines change effective tomorrow morning (right now US time) where the airlines now uses Dinar at a revalued rate instead of the US dollar. 5. Today there is a lot of funding moving around for humanitarian programs that will be accessible Monday morning Feb. 13 2017. 6. There are 14 adjudicated settlements from Farm Claims that have been paid out. 7. The exchange centers are active and waiting. 8. Jeff Sessions was sworn in today as US Attorney General. He will swear in Manuchin as Secretary of the US Treasury likely early afternoon on Sat. Feb. 11. 9. That swearing in will solidify our gold and asset backed currency and we will return to the gold standard. Such may in turn trigger 800 number release. 10. The Zim may come out at $1 for the screen rate. If you take the screen rate you will likely not have to sign an NDA. 11. On humanitarian projects you may want to negotiate a higher rate for your Zim. 12. You will likely have a structured payout on the Zim of 20 to 50, or 100 years. 13. Take a close look at the claw back clause if there is one in your NDA. C. Feb. 9 2017 TNT RayRen98: 1. It has been reported that Iraq's Sadr is attempting a "million man march" for Sat. Feb. 11 2017. The real cause is not known at this time. 2. The Iraqi Minister of Transport reportedly says that starting on Fri. Feb. 10 the IQD will replace the US dollar at the Iraqi airlines. D. Judy Note: You might want to research this restored US Republic website: http://www.republicoftheunitedstates.org/ before reading the below update. Yesterday a friend of mine received a call from Dan Happell of the US Republic, who validated the Republic's connection to the Global Currency Reset. E. Feb. 9 2017 Restored US Republic Update: "Moon Shadow" - Geopolitical/GCR/RV Overview - Thursday - February 9, 2017: 1. The new immigration policy was put into place for 120 days, and as a temporary measure - that will become permanent. 2. Trump desperately wants the RV to begin so he can leave the White House - not stay. The Presidency has become like a jail cell to him since artificially winning after being forced to run through blackmail by foreign governments. 3. Trump did not expect to win on election night. Nobody did. Go watch the tape of his acceptance speech and witness again his shock. 4. Ryan, Pence and Priebus are calling all shots for the Republic policy, while Trump, Conway and Bannon are made to take all the media shots while implementation of required GESARA changes occur day-after-day until complete. 5. This sudden political turmoil was anticipated by the Republic and why a "burner president" was needed a la Trump or Clinton. Both election candidates were well known by the intelligence community as being highly dirty and could easily be removed due to scandal shortly after the election. 6. Look for all the current policy turmoil to cease by the end of February, with Trump's public resignation saga to conclude in March, with him avoiding impeachment due to business ethics violations. 7. The Russians and Chinese scripted this because they held the most USA sovereign debt, and agreed to this transition per international court bankruptcy negotiations with Republic leadership. 8. Nothing is happening organically or randomly at this point. Everything is pre-planned by the NPTB going out some 50 to 100 years of our nation's future. 9. Trump will leave with an excuse to preserve his career business interests, and true Republic leadership will step right in and not miss a beat. And everyone in D.C. knows it. 10. Trump's resignation process will then pick up speed following the high court's newest addition, and will conclude in mid March or by the spring equinox March 20. == > the nonsense continues: http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2017/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-as-of_10.html UTTER HORSESHIT!! It p/sses me off that anyone would spread this nonsense without commenting negatively on it. Apparently these fools are now wasting their money buying the Zimbabwe currency. What stupidity! Comment: Free World4 hours ago Whoever is writing up the Disclosure articles are purposefully misleading people into Trump resigning and handing over the power of the presidency over to Paul Ryan??? LOL... he is the laughing stock of all politicians....time to get a grip on whats real and not real... for sure Operational Disclosure is not one of them...and oh yes... the sun is still shining here in Canada.... lol It's idiotic! We just had an election, and Trump won fair and square - Thank God. Why should we have another election, when there is someone in offices who has taken some major steps to stop immigration and clean up the mess? These idiots have been brainwashed by the MSM, but they are still addicted to Hopium, so they always want something different. We heard that sort of crap about regime change for 8 years, and nothing ever happened as Obama served out his two terms. Someone needs to wake up Gary, if it is possible to do so,
  19. TRUTH Comes out... in various ways I haven't listened to Dave Schmidt in a long time - here's his latest Dave Schmidt Live Stream, Feb. 8th This comment was a classic: Monday 1224 - 1 day ago How can you tell if someone is lying by their eyes? Eye Direction. There are a number of studies that talk about the direction of eyes during lies. Typically when people look up an to the right they are lying or tapping into their imagination. When they look up to the left they are remembering or recalling something, tapping into the memory part of the brain. John Lyons If its a scam, then why are you even here?! Thats laughable. Go invest in mutual funds then LOL Do I really need to listen to him?
  20. The Video by PJW is sweeping the boards... running the table Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture About 60,000 views, and 25,000 Likes ! That is amazing - about 42%!!! (I have never seen a Like percentage like that. Ever !) He's KILLING IT! People are fed up to the backteeth with Left wing violence The Truth About the Berkeley Riot
  21. Susan Joy's response to Ron's latest : "I do not believe there will be no RV" RVD was disappointed again : 2-10-17 – MORE DELAYS & MORE EXCUSES I've been paying attention to the best of my ability, waiting for the long-promised changes that would herald in the New Age of Spirit. As much as I can, I have tried to build bridges and expose walls. I thought the change would come with the new millennium. Instead, we got 911. It did not get better; it got worse! 16 years later we are still hearing the promises... SJ Worker had a realistic response: (her comment seems to have been deleted!) I picked up the Video she suggested on my Diary: GOOD GOD! Now wonder RVD has so few followers, he deletes even those who post friendly remarks! What a strange old coot he is! He had Dustin on a few days ago, who seemed decent enough, but was a fanboy, with very little to say
  22. Making money from PH Start-ups - Is it possible? There are so few examples of Start-ups in the PH going public, and making big money for investors. It seem this is rare, because of the PH culture, which tends to look at Start-ups as jobs, rather than big profit opportunties That may be why this rare story, got a lot of press inside the country: Meet the 28-year-old tech whiz who's making $4 billion from Snapchat Feb 6, 2017 Snapchat co-founder and CTO Bobby Murphy. Worth : $4 Billion maybe (Feb.2018) > https://www.forbes.com/profile/bobby-murphy/ When it comes to Snapchat’s parent company Snap, which filed for a $3 billion IPO last week, you’re likely more familiar with the company’s CEO Evan Spiegel than its co-founder, Bobby Murphy. But as Snap’s chief technical officer, Murphy remains no less integral to Snap’s ongoing success than its better-known chief executive is. Born and raised in Berkeley, Calif., the 28-year-old Filipino American co-founder met Spiegel at Stanford University while studying for a degree in mathematics and computational science. Now, with Snap gearing up to go public in March, Murphy is poised to have a whopping $4 billion net worth, according to Forbes. Here are 4 things you might not know about soon-to-be billionaire: He makes half of what Spiegel does According to Snap’s S-1 statement filed last week, Murphy earns $250,000 a year — just half of what Spiegel makes. > More: https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/bobby-murphy-snapchat-cto-010625845.html
  23. YET ANOTHER Failure to Communicate (this time, from Netflix) Netflix Gets Totally Hammered for "Dear White People" Who is Netflix appealing to? Do they really think there are "clueless white people" who will like this stuff? Now up to 65,500 Dislikes (30%+) of 214,000 views Dear White People | Date Announcement [HD] | Netflix
  24. Megaworld (Philippines Condo builder) has the stock chart rolled over (?) That's what my assessment this chart suggests to me. A break of Support at 3.00-3.25 would help to confirm this - a rally over 4.00 would help reject it MEG.ph ... 4-yrs : 6-mos : http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/sjw55555/MEG-4yrs_zpszw6zsqht.gif Megaworld group earmarks P60 Bn for expansion in 2017 (Today's Business News, pg. B-3) + P 60 Billion this year for: "new residential condominiums, office towers, commercial centers, and hotels" + MW says "cash position remains healthy" but they "will also tap debt market through proceeds of P30bn retail bond program" + "Fast-tracking" developments : McKinley West, Uptown Bonifacio, Davao Park District, Ilioilo Business Park, Boracay Newcoast, Twin Lakes, and Alabang West + The group is set to launch 20 residential projects covering sales value of around P 31.2 billion, with several in Ft Bonifacio + Megaworld is also adding seven new office towers in Iliolo, Newport City, Eastwood City, Southwoods City... and six new lifestyles malls + We continue to focus on doubling our rental revenues by 2020 I find it odd that the stock is performing so sluggishly in the face of such aggressive expansion. Perhaps there are some concerns within the stock market that MEG is expanding so aggressively when there are real signs of a slowdown in the residental market
  25. Megaworld (Philippines Condo builder) has the stock chart rolled over (?) That's what my assessment this chart suggests to me. A break of Support at 3.00-3.25 would help to confirm this - a rally over 4.00 would help reject it MEG.ph ... 4-yrs : 6-mos : Megaworld group earmarks P60 Bn for expansion in 2017 (Today's Business News, pg. B-3) + P 60 Billion this year for: "new residential condominiums, office towers, commercial centers, and hotels" + MW says "cash position remains healthy" but they "will also tap debt market through proceeds of P30bn retail bond program" + "Fast-tracking" developments : McKinley West, Uptown Bonifacio, Davao Park District, Ilioilo Business Park, Boracay Newcoast, Twin Lakes, and Alabang West + The group is set to launch 20 residential projects covering sales value of around P 31.2 billion, with several in Ft Bonifacio + Megaworld is also adding seven new office towers in Iliolo, Newport City, Eastwood City, Southwoods City... and six new lifestyles malls + We continue to focus on doubling our rental revenues by 2020 I find it odd that the stock is performing so sluggishly in the face of such aggressive expansion. Perhaps there are some concerns within the stock market that MEG is expanding so aggressively when there are real signs of a slowdown in the residental market
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