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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. WAR DRUMS? With the Rothschilds back China (against the US and Russia?) > GEI thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20062 Boys will be boys as the Year of the Cock starts and war looms on the horizon Posted by benjamin January 30, 2017 The war drums are beating as the testosterone laden Year of the Cock (Rooster) begins and the boys get ready to show who is biggest and baddest. The biggest warnings are coming from China, which has seen many of its “red lines” crossed, at least verbally, by the macho-laden administration of US President Donald Trump. The fireworks could begin after February 5th as the Chinese New Year’s holidays wind down, Chinese intelligence and secret society sources say. As the Chinese have warned, if they make a move it will be “unexpected and worse than you can imagine.” The Trump administration, meanwhile has been too preoccupied with redrawing the maps of the Middle East and dealing with ongoing power struggle in the West to fully appreciate what will happen if China makes a military move. Before getting back to what China could do, let us take a look at the new Middle East that is being created by the Trump administration acting in unison with Russia. What we see is the region being divided into three spheres of influence. One is Turkey with expanded zones of influence penetrating Syria and Iraq. The other is the Persian (Iranian) empire now extending into Iraq, central Syria and Lebanon. The third is the Arab zone, including Egypt, the Gulf States, Sunni parts of Iraq, Jordan and Israel. Militarily the Russians and Americans have divided their spheres of influence with Russia to the East of the Euphrates and the US to the West. The map below shows the new zones of influence in Syria. mapofmideast As many seasoned observers have noted, Trump has promised to destroy ISIS within a month even as he promises undivided support to Israel, the main sponsor of ISIS. What is really happening is that the Saudi monarchy is going to take on the fundamentalist Wahab clergy (who they secretly hate) while the Israelis will deal with fundamentalist Zionist fanatics, which are two sides of the same ISIS coin. The reward for doing this will be survival for the gulf monarchies and new pipeline routes for their gas exports to Europe via Israel and Turkey. For the Trump regime, fixing the Middle East will be the easy part. Trump has announced he also plans to take on the hard part, dealing with the Federal Reserve Board, by hanging of portrait of Rothschild (Fed) nemesis Andrew Jackson in the White House, Pentagon sources note. This is not something the US military government will be able to solve merely by marching into Fed headquarters and rounding up central bankers or even by bumping off members of the Rothschild family. It will rather involve dealing with China. Here is how a source close to the Rothschilds described the situation. “The Rothschilds are embedded in China, and have been for many years. All of their gold and liquid assets are in China…Everything that happens is well thought out and planned long in advance.” Chinese intelligence agency and secret society sources told representatives of the White Dragon Society last week that if China decided to move military it would... == > Fulford: http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/01/30/boys-will-be-boys-as-the-year-of-the-cock-starts-and-war-looms-on-the-horizon/
  2. SENSE spoken here - took him 5 years to get to the USA Iraqi interpreter blasts protesters of Trump's travel ban "The media just wants to make a big deal about Donald Trump" His reaction of Cheeezy Chuck's fake tears: "Emotion is a weak weapon"
  3. Manila has completed is "Museum Precinct" Taft Avenue at Rizal park is now considered Manila's Museum district A heritage building there used used by the Dept. of Tourism has been retrofitted as the Museum of Natural History. This is added to the National Museum of Fine Art (where the senate used to meet), and the National Museum of Anthropology (former Dept. of Finance). The newly retrofitted building, was a beaux-art masterpiece by architect Antonio Toledo. The original design has been restored Museum will open in mid-2017, will showcase Filipino culture, amid a world-class setting.
  4. Expert opinion for 2017: BUY OFFICE, Sell Residential property Report Summary Sector: -BUY : -Hold : -SELL / NetBuy Residential 2015 : 27.3% : 56.8% : 15.9% / 11.4%, #4 2016 : 25.0% : 60.4% : 14.6% / 10.4%, #6 2017 : 28.6% : 00.0% : 71.4% /-42.8%, #9 : Big MINUS Rating! Office 2015 : 21.5% : 59.8% : 18.7% / 02.8%, #13 2016 : 37.1% : 48.4% : 14.5% / 22.6%, #4 2017 : 85.7% : 00.0% : 14.3% / 71.4%, #1 For 2017, a vast majority of the respondents—marking the highest ratios in the last five years—gave a "buy" rating for four of the five segments: industrial/distribution, office, retail and hotel. The only exception is residential apartments, where an equally overwhelming majority is recommending a "sell" rating. > see details, post#49 : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20877&page=3&do=findComment&comment=343335
  5. Expert opinion for 2017: BUY OFFICE, Sell Residential property Report Summary Sector: -BUY : -Hold : -SELL / NetBuy Residential 2015 : 27.3% : 56.8% : 15.9% / 11.4%, #4 2016 : 25.0% : 60.4% : 14.6% / 10.4%, #6 2017 : 28.6% : 00.0% : 71.4% /-42.8%, #9 : Big MINUS Rating! Office 2015 : 21.5% : 59.8% : 18.7% / 02.8%, #13 2016 : 37.1% : 48.4% : 14.5% / 22.6%, #4 2017 : 85.7% : 00.0% : 14.3% / 71.4%, #1 > http://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/news-and-events/buy-hold-or-sell-what-insiders-really-think-of-manila-s-property-market-a1672-20170130?ref=home_feed_1 For 2017, a vast majority of the respondents—marking the highest ratios in the last five years—gave a "buy" rating for four of the five segments: industrial/distribution, office, retail and hotel. The only exception is residential apartments, where an equally overwhelming majority is recommending a "sell" rating. Indeed, Manila had the most respondents wanting to buy property in the office and retail sectors among the 22 Asia-Pacific locations surveyed, according to PwC and ULI's annual publication Emerging Trends in Real Estate: Asia Pacific 2017 released last November. The capital region got "buy" ratings from 85.7 percent and 66.7 percent of respondents, respectively. High "buy" ratings were also observed in the hotel (71.4 percent) and industrial space (57.1 percent). However, while the number of respondents that gave a "buy" rating for residential property increased to 28.6 percent from 25 percent in the previous year, the remaining 71.4 percent chose a "sell" rating for residential property in Manila. This was a change from the previous two years when a majority of the respondents recommended holding investments in the residential sector. In the report’s overall ranking of how investor-friendly the 22 markets are, Manila ranked third in terms of city investment prospects and fourth in terms of city development prospects. The report pointed to the Philippines’ “vibrant economy led by a booming BPO market and strong remittances from overseas workers” as the drivers of Manila’s high ranking. The report also said that “demand is resilient” and “vacancies remain low.” On the other hand, PwC and ULI also warned of impediments to investing in Philippine property. “While foreign investors like the Philippines, there aren’t many specific deals they can do or players to work with,” said a local developer who was quoted in the report. “Real estate assets are not being actively traded or sold here, and the exit strategy is also unclear.”
  6. The Atlantean Pharoahs (in Egypt) were Coneheads, with elongated skulls AKHENATEN DISCOVERY CHANGES HISTORY FOREVER! DARK JOURNALIST & DR. CARMEN BOULTER There are 80,000 pyramids in the world - with many important ones clustered on the 33 points "that Plato spoke about" Four Global Disasters - revealed in her documentary 11,600 years ago 17,500 years ago 58,000 years ago 85,000 years ago major ancient civilizatons: mayan , vedic, chinese, sumerian, greek - sent out from atlantis? Her Atlantis was in JAVA (subud?), at the heart of the ring of fire Found in TURKEY! Egyptian sarcophagi : 11,500 years ago? (what!??)
  7. Jeff Rense & Preston James The Clintons & Obama Are CIA, The Elites Dropped Hillary For a Reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XFaiGntqgg Published on Jan 23, 2017 MUST READ!!! COLIN POWELL LETTER, BUSHES INSTALLED OBAMA AND TRUMP http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_da..., Jeff Rense And Prof James Fetzer - The War On President Trump comments stopdemockery He has done a lot of good already. But, it worries me that Trump hasn't even mentioned arresting the Cabal for their thousands of crimes against Humanity; arresting Bill and Hellary for stealing Haiti's 13 billion in earthquake relief donations; chemtrails; geo-engineering (HAARP) or weather warfare against Humanity; poisoned food, air and drinking water; suppressed technology; Fuk-Us-hima's continuing 300 ton daily release of radioactive waste water into the Pacific; UFO disclosure; fiat (fake) money: NESARA; America's fake Constitution; the un- Constitutional IRS and privately owned Federal (not Federal) Reserve (it has no reserves), etc., ad infinitum. Mean Guitar FBI Director Comey knows the truth about the Clinton Crime Syndicate and I believe that Trump has kept FBI director Comey on to pursue the Clinton Crime Syndicate in due time
  8. Ron is deeply disappointed -- once again - but Why? Bizarrely, he seems to realize that he is addicted to Hope, but he keeps pushing up expectations in all the wrong areas. Those, who wanted REAL CHANGE in Washington (like me), are getting it now. We have no reason (yet) for disappointment 1-29-17 – ONCE AGAIN, THEY LIED! I truly wonder what sort of exotic Hopium (or other drug) RVD is feeding on?? Where does he get these odd ideas about RV's*, massive collateral accounts, and free lunched for everyone ??? It seems like Mr Trump was brought in, to deflate the notion that Mexicans and others could come into the country, and get unlimited freebies, because working people - and their children and grandchildren! - would be happy to foot the bill. Ron's had a pretty good run already on other people's money. He's not the sort of person who should be looking for bigger handouts now. This is not REALISTIC. And Mr Trump is all about a new reality of America First, more jobs, and more realism -- Not Hopium Dreams! ===== ===== *After writing that - I found an earlier Video, where RVD spoke about his hopes : 1-28-17 – CHINESE NEW YEAR & WORLDWIDE CURRENCY RV It seems like Ron is addicted to silly websites loaded with False News, and false hopes. Various people have suggested Ron check out this website (Acore) - but he claims that he doesn't read it. He seems to prefer silly hopes - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - to the Reality and Discernment that he can find here (Some history of RVD's hopes for an RV): Ron Van Dyke, the RV, and Free Money
  9. SEEKING Chinese LAISEE in the New Year - to finance Big Projects 12 projects pitched for China financing The biggest request is $3,01 Billion for the south line of the North-South railway #2: is $374 million for the New Centennial water source-Kaliwa dam N/S Rail: 653 km railway from Tutaban (in Manila) to Calamba, Laguna The plan is to maintain growth by ramping up infrastructure spending. The availability of funding from China means that PH will not be reliant on the US
  10. A good and honest message for those who say: "Donald Trump is the same as Hillary Clinton" THE HORRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP Despite the title... The message is: PEOPLE HAV WOKEN UP, and want a sovereign nation once again, not being threatened by NWO genocide This seems to be addressed to dimwits, and snowflakes and others who supported the witch, as well as those (like RVD?) who think any powerful person who can gain support must be a card-carrying cabal member. Trump may be part of an elite, but his agenda is very different from that of the Clintons - there is Sooo much evidence
  11. Philippines Growth remains strong - but the toughest years of the decade are just ahead PH growth =============== 1990 : 3.0% / 2000 : 4.4% / 2010 : 7.6% 1991 :-0.6% / 2001 : 2.9% / 2011 : 3.7% 1992 : 0.3% / 2002 : 3.6% / 2012 : 6.8% 1993 : 2.1% / 2003 : 5.0% / 2013 : 7.1% 1994 : 4.4% / 2004 : 6.7% / 2014 : 6.1% 1995 : 4.7% / 2005 : 4.8% / 2015 : 5.9% 1996 : 5.8% / 2006 : 5.2% / 2016 : 6.8% 1997 : 5.2% / 2007 : 6.6% / 1998 :-0.6% / 2008 : 4.2% / 1999 : 3.1% / 2009 : 1.1% / ===== -yrs7 : 19.7 / ------- : 32.6 / ------ : 44.0 Av7yr: 2.8%/ ------- : 4.7% / ------ : 6.3% : Growth has accelerated -last3: 0.77 / ------- : 11.9 / ------ : ???? Av3yr: 2.6% / ------ : 4.0% / ------ : ??? : But the last 3-years of the decade could be slower ===== 15-q1 : ?.?% / 16-q1: 6.8% 15-q2 : ?.?% / 16-q2: 7.0% 15-q3 : 6.5% / 16-q3: 7.0% 15-q4 : 6.6% / 16-q4: 6.6% ===== At 6.8% full-year growth, PH Tops China's 6.7%, and Vietnam's 6.2%
  12. Philippines Growth remains strong - but the toughest years of the decade are just ahead PH growth =============== 1990 : 3.0% / 2000 : 4.4% / 2010 : 7.6% 1991 :-0.6% / 2001 : 2.9% / 2011 : 3.7% 1992 : 0.3% / 2002 : 3.6% / 2012 : 6.8% 1993 : 2.1% / 2003 : 5.0% / 2013 : 7.1% 1994 : 4.4% / 2004 : 6.7% / 2014 : 6.1% 1995 : 4.7% / 2005 : 4.8% / 2015 : 5.9% 1996 : 5.8% / 2006 : 5.2% / 2016 : 6.8% 1997 : 5.2% / 2007 : 6.6% / 1998 :-0.6% / 2008 : 4.2% / 1999 : 3.1% / 2009 : 1.1% / ===== -yrs7 : 19.7 / ------- : 32.6 / ------ : 44.0 Av7yr: 2.8%/ ------- : 4.7% / ------ : 6.3% : Growth has accelerated -last3: 0.77 / ------- : 11.9 / ------ : ???? Av3yr: 2.6% / ------ : 4.0% / ------ : ??? : But the last 3-years of the decade could be slower ===== 15-q1 : ?.?% / 16-q1: 6.8% 15-q2 : ?.?% / 16-q2: 7.0% 15-q3 : 6.5% / 16-q3: 7.0% 15-q4 : 6.6% / 16-q4: 6.6% ===== At 6.8% full-year growth, PH Tops China's 6.7%, and Vietnam's 6.2%
  13. "just excess past baggage" The 2016 thread was very long - almost 100 pages! I was waiting for the right time to draw the line. The old material is still there. And people are still reading it
  14. "It would not surprise me if the Jews, NAZIS and Draco are the real rulers and may well have formed a pact" Those skull caps and the Mitre hats have me thinking Is there a connection between the Vatican and the Jewish religion... with beings with elongated skulls? It seems like there may be soome obvious dots to connect there. And if those connections still exist, are they ancient (lost in time), and/or current? Are these groups part of a control structure with a duty to shepherd the masses on behalf of "hidden" hybrid beings? I do wish we could get honest DNA tests from all people who want to run for president
  15. What a shame - I have a recording. But I will not put it up on Youtube (it will get me banned) The following is from the official F2B website, so it will not get deleted. It is somewhat less relevant, but has some interesting bits Sanchez thinks there was a global advanced civilization which was put in place by ET's. As evidence, there are pyramids all around the world, and it should be clear now, they were NOT for burials. Ep. 596 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Anthony F. Sanchez : Lost History et al: UFOs : LIVE He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling decades worth of UFO related research data. Anthony has also studied in detail, ancient religious texts which include the Nag Hammadi codices, various gospels from the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the ‘book of Giants’ and ‘book of Enoch’. He has also studied Sumerian-Babylonian translations such as the Enuma Elish and the Atra-Hasis in addition to numerous Akkadian Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions. Sanchez is the author of: UFO Highway… detailing between Greys and elite U.S. fighting forces at Dulce, New Mexico. Tonight we are going to talk about lost history, ancient religious texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi and how they relate to what we know about ET today…combined with the recent revelations about the Great Pyramid of Giza. Anthony Sanchez thinks the elongated skulls found all around the world, including in Royal graves need more investigation. The real ones cannot be produced by cranial deformation - given their greater volume - but there must be a reason (social status?), that some may have tried to deform their skulls. Sancez also speculates about whether Annunaki and Archons came from "good Gods or bad Gods"
  16. It's Back ! Better listen to this podcast while you still can Coast To Coast AM - January 13, 2017 Antarctica & Atlantis, Open Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjVgYf7Kqas Published on Jan 14, 2017 Author, lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, David Wilcock joined Jimmy Church, filling in for George, for a discussion on recent discoveries indicating Antarctica may actually have been Atlantis. Wilcock says he is in contact with "at least two insiders who directly advise Presidents of the United States" who have been steadily feeding him "Cosmic Top Secret" information for many years. He claimed that this information is not revealed to Presidents because they could slip up or be forced to tell the public what they know. He believes that there is a global power struggle going on that has reached a critical stage and made many elites start to scramble for safety. PLEASE COMMENT - I think this one is fascinating !
  17. It's Back ! Better listen to this podcast while you still can Coast To Coast AM - January 13, 2017 Antarctica & Atlantis, Open Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjVgYf7Kqas Published on Jan 14, 2017 Author, lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, David Wilcock joined Jimmy Church, filling in for George, for a discussion on recent discoveries indicating Antarctica may actually have been Atlantis. Wilcock says he is in contact with "at least two insiders who directly advise Presidents of the United States" who have been steadily feeding him "Cosmic Top Secret" information for many years. He claimed that this information is not revealed to Presidents because they could slip up or be forced to tell the public what they know. He believes that there is a global power struggle going on that has reached a critical stage and made many elites start to scramble for safety. PLEASE COMMENT - I think this one is fascinating !
  18. SPICER's WAR : Defending his boss (Trump) while getting the Message out Working towards a healthy Two-way Street The MSM is so quick to call A LIE anything they disagree with, or does not fit their programmed narrative "It is a WAR of the Big Pictures: ========== + The Lie-Stream Media thinks the main story now is about how to pull down Trump, and who is doing that, + The Honest media, like Fox and many independent outlets thinks the Big story is about how to work with the Trump administration to make America better. Spicer's job is to undermine the Lie-Stream Media, and get rid of some of them, while aiming to convert a few of the LSM over to becoming honest. We-the-People are rooting for him and Sean Hannity" > source: youtube ============== After a Tour, Hannity interviews: Sean Spicer on the predisposition in the media to undermine Trump Published on Jan 24, 2017 On 'Hannity,' the White House press secretary explains how he plans on handling the mainstream media Jan. 24th Briefing / Press Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4umsH4t1rY
  19. A Bitcoins transaction in the Philippines - using mobile Phones Cashing out Bitcoins to Fiat in Philippines, Manila 2016 BTC 0.5 sent by scanning a code on the mobile phone / service : Coins.PH BTC can be used to pay people in the PH, who do not yet have bank accounts Profile : Joey Zervoulakos > http://zervoulakos.com/bitcoin-philippines/ The Philippines is the 3rds largest remittance market in the world receiving around $29 billion USD in 2014. Following that is China with $65 billion USD being remitted and India receiving over $70 billion USD in international remittances. According to this article on CNN Philippines most of the adults sending or receiving international remittances reported that they are most likely to use a money transfer operator rather than banks. In 2014 this study shows that 69% of Filipinos do not have a bank account. In the Philippines, more people have Facebook accounts than a bank accounts. The money Transfer service options are limited so customers funnel into the few accessible locations which are most likely control by a Money Transfer Operator like Western Union.
  20. Bitcoin to get China's help to move towards maturity? Clif High thinks China is ready to adopt Bitcoin as a "discarded nephew", and mentor it towards maturity We will see an early rise, geting it above the "1088 Gate" towards $1488. The 8's (incl.$888) are gates - they are like strange attractors - key support and resistance levels . China Gov Promoting bitcoin! Coming Silver Shortage - Clif High's Web Bot Revelations -He also thinks BTC could be used to settle accounts between corporations. He sees China cleaning up the business practices of the Chinese exchanges. (speculation and shorting on exchanges may be curtailed.) He sees a spillover of BTC enthusiasm into Gold and Silver, but mainly silver
  21. THIS type of report addressed to "Normies" may eventually get the Truth of Antarctica into the mainstream Steve Quayle-There Is Advanced Alien Technology Buried in Antarctica Published on Jan 21, 2017 Author Steve Quayle contends, “Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting's of this fringe or that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich . . . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.” The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Steve Quayle, author of “Empire Beneath the Ice.” Good for Greg Hunter for being willing to cover this. He knows how to break a story to Normies = Normal unawakened people / 2 / Antarctic Mysteries Are Increasing Everyday - 1/19/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnbDwJxxmtc Published on Jan 19, 2017 No one has ever seen how earth looks like as a whole. Some so called astronots lie about this. It will remain a mystery for many people. What is going on in Antarctica, some people really know, but there are also many unanswered questions about this. This video shows some strange things that are going on in the antarctic and arctic region. And some things that are going on with the viewpoint of a hollow earth. Many things about the hollow earth also make sense on a flat earth, only flat earth makes more sense knowing that there is no curvature to be measured or observed on. https://youtu.be/AnbDwJxxmtc
  22. THIS type of report addressed to "Normies" may eventually get the Truth of Antarctica into the mainstream Steve Quayle-There Is Advanced Alien Technology Buried in Antarctica Published on Jan 21, 2017 Author Steve Quayle contends, “Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting's of this fringe or that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich . . . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.” The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Steve Quayle, author of “Empire Beneath the Ice.” Good for Greg Hunter for being willing to cover this. He knows how to break a story to Normies = Normal unawakened people / 2 / Antarctic Mysteries Are Increasing Everyday - 1/19/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnbDwJxxmtc Published on Jan 19, 2017 No one has ever seen how earth looks like as a whole. Some so called astronots lie about this. It will remain a mystery for many people. What is going on in Antarctica, some people really know, but there are also many unanswered questions about this. This video shows some strange things that are going on in the antarctic and arctic region. And some things that are going on with the viewpoint of a hollow earth. Many things about the hollow earth also make sense on a flat earth, only flat earth makes more sense knowing that there is no curvature to be measured or observed on. https://youtu.be/AnbDwJxxmtc
  23. Releasing the secret technology (from DARPA etc) It is about time! Afterall, the American people paid for this. It could (and should) be the first step in Disclosure Breaking: Trump To Release Secret Darpa Technology
  24. HOW TO WIN the Media Wars Kellyanne Conway to Chuck Todd: "we need to rethink our relationship with the media" Mike Rivero of WRH picks this up and has suggestions: MP3 : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2017-01-23_160000.mp3 "they can deny access to the White House, an stop giving automatic interviews to the MSM, while giving more access to the Independent media" "The MSM has gotten rich off access, and they now take this for granted." It should not be the exclusive right of the mostly hostile Lie-Stream Media
  25. Clif High, and now David Wilcock, seem to think that Antarctica (and what is found down there) will be the story of the year. My intuition told me 2-3 years ago that there was something to watch there, and I have been following developments even more closely since Dr RAM told me about what he saw down there* *ie: A huge kilometer high cavern, with a submarine base, and its own light supply (from biol-luminescent algae) They also found evidence of a 300-year old visit by Vikings, and that Nazis may have disappeared deep into the cavern. He did not mention ruins of an ancient civilization - but when I pressed him about what any lifeforms there might be eating, he went quiet. (this is one reason, I find the stories of cannabalism by the giants so disturbing - are they eating....?) I will probably redo the Logo, and call 2017, "the Year of Revelations"
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