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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Fulford's comment on Trump, and his MILITARY BACKING: Make no mistake, the Trump Presidency is a second American revolution and it will deeply affect the operations of the international secret rogue government. Russian intelligence operatives contacted the WDS last week to seek reassurance the Trump presidency will be allowed to go ahead. They were told by the WDS that Trump was not going to be another assassinated leader like Kennedy because, unlike Kennedy, Trump has the backing of the US military. Here is what Pentagon Sources had to say about the matter: “A CIA plot to whack Trump is unlikely since the military has read them the riot act. There are no Geneva conventions for domestic enemies of the state and military justice is swift and lethal.” However, Trump is not going to be allowed to do everything he wants, especially when it comes to Israel, the Pentagon sources say. “The UN Security Council may vote on January 17 to impose 1967 borders on Israel enforced by sanctions,” they say. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Trump “may be forced out if they oppose the will of the international community, as peace and settlement of all conflicts is needed for a global currency reset,” the sources add. == > more: http://benjaminfulfo...ncy-approaches/
  2. It is a question of seniority. On the upside: the Equity has almost the same upside as the 1% Debs. And maybe a better payoff than the 6% Debs. But if the company has repayment issues, the 6% Debs are senior to to 1% Debs and the equity. Do you understand?
  3. Albemarle (ALB) ... All-data : 10-yrs : 5yr : 2yr : 6mos : 10d FMC Corp. (FMC) ... All-data : 10-yrs : 5yr : 2yr : 6mos : 10d Sociedad Quimica y Minera (SQM) ... All-data : 10-yrs : 5yr : 2yr : 6mos : 10d A Lithium Gamble That Could Win Big for Tesla | Fortune.com fortune.com/2016/03/29/lithium-tesla-mine-nevada/ Mar 29, 2016 - Tesla wants a supply of lithium to fill enough batteries to power 500,000 .... Additionally, because the lithium mining industry is dominated by just a few .... Pure Energy Minerals's shares are currently trading around 69 cents, ...
  4. Near $4,500, prices now should be ahead of costs for many companies http://www.nanalyze.com/app/uploads/2015/08/Lithium_Supply_Cost.jpg > source: http://www.nanalyze.com/2015/08/dont-invest-in-lithium-mining-companies/ Here are a few of the lithium mining companies included in the Global X Lithium ETF: Sociedad Quimica y Minera (SQM), FMC Corp (FMC), which underwent an 30% expansion in their lithium division in 2012. Talison Lithium Ltd. (TSX: TLH), a leading producer of lithium with projects in Australia and Chile. > more: Following the tough year, lithium stocks saw a mixed year through 2012. A look at a chart of the most recognizable names in the business — China BAK, Exide, Johnson Controls, Maxwell Technologies, etc. — illustrates this perfectly: Lithium co's: CBAK, ENS, XIDE, KI, ACPW, MXWL, ULBI Updated charts: 2016 Update : LIT vs. List-1. LIT etf versus List#1: ULBI, MXWL, CBAK, KI, ENS / missing: Xide, Acpw Update : LIT vs. List-2. LIT etf versus List#2 : Lithium Miners: Albemarle (ALB), FMC, SQM - produce 90% of World's Lithium The price rise in Lithium Carbonate is giving incentive to open new mines
  5. The Lithium Thread (etf: LIT) LIT etf ($37.29) +Top 3: ALB ($87, 233%), SQM (35.21, 94%), w/MALRY (33.25, 89%) Best Lithium Stocks of August 2024 ( LIT etf: $37.29, R: 36.89 to 64.53 ) Stock (Sym.) MktCap: Last : PER : Yield: B.V.: % BV: Db/Eq: Albemarle Corp. (ALB) $14.6B: 86.99: n/a : 1.86% 76.47 114.%: 31.9%: Soc. Quimica... (SQM) $13.4B: 35.21: 25.6: 3.88% 16.28 216.%: 96.1%: Mineral Res. Ltd. (MALRY) $ 9.9 B: 33.25: 26.2: 1.54% 20.35 163.%: 123.% Ganfeng Lithium (GNENF) $8.7 B: $1.97: 13.0: n/a : 24.05 8.19%: 49.2%: Pilbara Minerals. (PILBF) $7.5 B: $1.80: 5.94: n/a : $1.07 168.%: 18.0%: Arcadium Lithium (ALTM) $4.8 B: $2.86 n/a : n/a : $5.75 49.7%: 9.17%: Sigma Lithium (SGML) $1.7 B: $9.75 n/a : n/a : $1.86 524.%: 135.%: : ===== Good move up in Lithium over the last 2 years - so it is time to start a new thread http://www.rockstone-research.com/images/111/lithiumprice.gif . . . The US price looks different, but is also up http://www.crugroup.com/14716/15427/97980/JR_Chart_11.jpg In addition, there is actually an ETF dedicated to investing in lithium related companies: Global X Lithium ETF / LIT ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo / 10-d / composition: 15 stocks (94.5%) : 8/28: $33.09 Up to 2017... Likely resistance at LIT- $28 and $32, if we get there > Old Lithium thread: xx
  6. (Here's a guy who I do not find easy to Discern. But I do like listening to him): I actually find much of what his says to be fascinating, and some of it highly believable. But he is hard to pin down, since he rarely says things that are easy to disprove. Also, he offers his information freely, and does not seem to have the money-seeking-motive that many scammers have (like DS): SIMON PARKES : CHANGING THE WORLD - PART ONE Example: "I was attacked (before the interview). I followed it back, and it is coming from Antarctica" (how do you prove or disprove this?) Simon is also unfailingly polite. And if a cold fish sometimes, he does seem to genuinely care about people and our future. NOW, we have some predictions, than can checked: ==== + He expects (some form of) Disclosure in March-July 2017, for a govt Agency. "Supercomputers have been in touch with aliens for six months" - but it may be a False Flag + Before that, a bank collapse in Italy... leading to a collapse of the EU + Between 2017-2019, we will see a total paradigm shift + He only goes public, with what he gets confirmed from (at least) to sources How does he get this info? He phrases questions, and the answers come to him telepathically, often immediately. Most of his info comes from Mantis beings, who are tied to this planet + There's a channel of communication between Mantids and Nordics + There's no longer communication between Mantids and Reptilians/Reptoids He claims he predicted Trump would win (Trump) and that all his predictions were correction (untrue), except for the prediction of a bank collapse in October 2016 (he missed on some other forecasts.) + A semi-autonomous group of Nordics is backing Putin + Project Avalon (Bill Ryan's site), remoted-viewed the Vatican "to send it Love", and fell into a trap. PA resented the fact that Simon had his own "coordinator" to handle questions - and pA wanted that role for themselves. Pt-2 SIMON PARKES : CHANGING THE FUTURE - PART TWO - even more interesting ! (I lost my original notes, and there are from memory): + Ben Fulford remains a CIA Asset; but Mike Shrimpton had no one to protect him + The Annunki are returning (says KC), they left a humanized group behind, who took control & they like control + The "D-" Group is like the Nordic-like group in The Event series, they are in Antarctica, and have ties w/ US govt + John Kerry went to visit them, and so did the Pope. Buzz Aldrin went to see if they were the same ones he saw in space + They have light skin, originally almost white, and a Nordic look; Reptilians can appear as Nordics - + The Clintons moved $1.6 Billion to Qatar, in case they have to make a run + The election was almost overturned, but a deal was made to allow a peaceful transition, and not go after the + The top part of the FBI may "have a nice retirement in the near future", and the middle part almost revolted + The US will have a military government, but in suits, because they are less corrupted than politicians; The US military has not lost its connection with the people (unlike the Pedophile-politicians) ( Simon's Items ): + A black magic spell is on money; to free humans, we need to remove the connection to money Barter and trade need to be equal to money + A false flag alien invasion is still possible, but the leaders are disorganized and keep changing their minds + Watch out for saviors, and do not take inoculations
  7. It is great to see you posting here again in 2017, agaye. Do you want to say anything about what was the biggest surprise, or "discernment lesson" for you in 2016. And also, what you are expecting in 2017? Who are your favorite Youtube channels? Is there anyone (whom you want to suggest) that we should be talking about on this thread?
  8. I hold bonds, both the 1%cv.Bonds and the 6%cv.Bonds. Together, they represent one of my largest positions
  9. Discernment Lesson 1.0 ==== CNN = "The Highest and Worst form of Lying" Support a false narrative, using deception Professional Liars Carl gives some good explanations of how CNN (and their ilk) Lie, and spin Lies of Omission 1. Cherrypicking 2. Gatekeeping 3. Wilful Ignorance
  10. Rense and guest look at the NWO (some episodes, hundreds of years ago) Jeff Rense & Herbert G. Dorsey III - The Secret History of the New World Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8ymHVxtVXE Another Good one: Trump "kicked ass", and there is now some fascinating numerlogy concerning the inauguration Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - Trump...Numerology & Divine Inspiration? Is Donald Trump "Divinely placed"? "Nothing is random at the larger level" On the day of inauguration, Trump's age will be: 70 years, 7 months and 7 days (ie 777) "He will be a manifestation President, and will manifest like has never been seen." "If I am right, things will come, and it is going to be effortless"
  11. Before dropping Dave Schmidt from the discussion here - let's revisit him briefly His update Jan 4th, Updates and Annoucement of a Special Guest on the Broadcast Program (( More later on the Mr M interview, maybe )): Dave Schmidt Live Stream, Jan. 4th, Interview with Mr. "M" Dave seems to have left behind the Ambassador, who delivered nothing - but Schmidt is still promoting RV scams, and his "thin porridge" seminars, that warm over lots of old ideas of collateral accounts, RV's and Dragon families. There is no hard evidence for any of it. His most recent scam is to collect Dinars from those hoping to cash them in "private exchanges" He has a new mystery expert, Mr M, who goes onto some of his radio shows - "No I am not the M2" I've got news for you folks, there is No Hidden Dragon wealth, and no M2. The claims of this may or may not have some grain of substance, but if they do, they have been blown up by 1000x - 1 million X Don't waste your time with this guy
  12. Ron Van Dyke (RVD) Update Ron did not vote in the 2016 election, and that seemed short-sighted to me. But is 2017, he seems to have discarded some of his old ideas, and is still on a search of sorts. So of his recent videos suggest that he, too, has moved on to using greater discernment Here, he talks about the dangers of Secrecy - and I think many old secrets will pour out in 2017: 1-15-17 – ANNA VON REITZ ... SECRECY Published on Jan 14, 2017 ANNA VON REITZ ... SECRECY This grandmother from Alaska is amazing. I know what she is telling us is the truth; and she has written over 450 articles. I was part of a group here in Florida for a good while. We were doing our best to re-establish what we believed to be the constitutional republic. I was secretary of state in that group. I saw others, including the governor, go through hell in the court system. Several lost their homes, cars, etc. It took them a bit longer to steal my home, since I never had a mortgage. Still, they finally managed to pull the rug out from under me as those who have been listening to my videos know. Anyway, Anna's info is right on. I highly recommend it. For me, the election of Donald trump has brought us back to face some of the issues that got swept away when JFK was killed *For newcomers, RVD's home was not stolen. What happened was, he took a mortgage loan on a house he did not fully own, and used to proceeds of the loan to buy a second smaller house. When he failed to repay the loan, the bank had trouble foreclosing on the first house, where there was a mortgage, so they moved on to attach the second house, purchased with their money. RVD;s sleight-of-hand did not work, so he lost "his" house, because he bought it with the bank's money. He also failed to pay the property taxes on "his" home for many years. I do not think that Ron will be ready for True Discernment, until he can accept the truth of why his home was taken.
  13. Yeah. It was for last year too: Last year, we learned Discernment 1.0 from these three guys: = But After 98 pages, on the 2016 thread, including about 72,000 views, and 1,953 replies, I think we have moved past the opening idea of the 2016 thread, and we need to learn from others now. We did apply Discernment to the political campaign(s) of 2016, and with some success it seems. In 2017, the need for continuing discernment is as great as ever
  14. old business, #3: (From the Empire beneath the Ice thread) Why did John Kerry go (urgently) to Antarctica on Election Day? Michael Salla has a unique explanation: The democrats had worked out be election day (using internal polls) that she was likely to lose. In fact, people will recall that she cancelled her fireworks. Salla says, Kerry went to Antarctica to brief the powerful race living down there what a Trump victory would mean, and discuss what to do about it. He thinks some of the blocking actions that we have seen in the last two months may have been planned in that meeting. Salla also said that The Tall Whites (as described by Charles Hall) are involved in trade with humans, and one of the trades that they have is human slave trade, and as many as one million humans may have been taken as slaves into that trade. This comes from the follow C2C broadcast Coast To Coast AM - Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgSfbb42zfQ Published on Jan 12, 2017 Coast To Coast AM - Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program Engineer and independent researcher Maurice Cotterell discovered a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. In the first half of the show, he discussed his most recent work on the nature of gravity, contradictions in physics, as well as his research into medical issues and the immune system. In the latter half, pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', Michael Salla, shared evidence that the US Navy began its initial development work on a secret space program in the 1940s, signs that the Trump administration may be more open about secret space programs, as well as assorted whistleblower revelations on the ET presence.
  15. old business, #2: RIP: The 4th Estate - per Gerald Celente The daily newspaper dies in 2017. Don’t read one anyway? Why should you care? For nearly a century, fat-staffed newsrooms, populated with reporter-class curmudgeons who questioned authority at every turn and made it their life’s mission to expose the bad guys, set the agenda for public discourse. Back then, broadcast outlets didn’t have the staffing, investigative chops or clout the print world did. Over the years, more expedient media – radio, TV, cable and now digital outlets – and a far less patient audience whacked newspapers’ laborious printing processes that accommodated tedious layers of fact-checking, editor scrutiny and other exercises in thoughtfulness. What is news? Today, information fragments – whether sound bites on broadcast news or Twitter firestorms between news sources and media – now pass as news. “The masses,” as Gerald Celente says, “are headline-strong and knowledge-empty.” But what stands out in 2017 is the perfect storm that’s been raking over the so-called mainstream media this autumn. Poll after poll show trust rates well below 10 percent. Then, the “mainstream” get the presidential race all wrong, driving barely detectable positive sentiment deeper into the mud. But there’s more that unfolded in the fall of 2016. The financial fundamentals of media – print, digital and broadcast outlets largely owned by one of six mega corporations – hit lows not seen since the economy’s fall in 2008-09. Declining revenue is triggering layoffs and massive expense reductions. They’ll continue in early 2017. Sinking revenue Second- and third-quarter 2016 revenue for all major newspaper companies is dramatically down – from 12 to 18 percent. That necessitated rounds of layoffs at The New York Times; News Corp., which includes The Wall Street Journal; Gannett, America’s biggest newspaper company; and many others. The across-the-board bad news prompted staffing cutbacks, merged operations and reductions in published space allocated for news by those companies and others. The industry is closing in on a decade of dramatic cutbacks in reporting and editing power. According to estimates from The American Society of News Editors and Poynter Institute, those reductions add up to about half of all newsroom jobs being eliminated in less than 10 years. TREND FORECAST: Expect dramatic shifts to begin early in 2017. National and metro newspapers, as well as smaller newspapers, will aggressively cut space for news to save costs. Print-publication frequency will reduce. The daily newspaper – as we know it today as something you hold in your hand and page through – will fade. Investigative and in-depth reporting will become even more scant. That will leave the door wide open for unprofessional, poorly resourced and purely biased media to produce shoddy, untrustworthy reporting disguised as legitimate and in-depth. The truth will be harder to find. And when upstart or existing alternative-news sites begin to make news, the mainstream media, taking their last breaths, will label it “fake news.” == > source: http://trendsresearch.com/stories/4-RIP-THE-4th-ESTATE,4705 Comment: == Piper Pilot I could not believe the NY Sunday Times on the weekend before he election. NINE hostile Trump make believe articles, and so brazen! I usually get the NY Post and the Times, assuming that the truth is somewhere in the middle. That was the last NY times I will ever purchase! GERALD - This is your opportunity! Create a web page similar to the Drudge Report, and provide links to the stories you tell us about on the daily Trends in the News. You do the business and financial areas, and let Drudge do the normal news. Many of the publications you tell us about, no one even knows about. Drudge makes good money with it, and so can you. I think you can hire a college kid to simply place the links on the web page. This would also allow us to read the full article as opposed to putting pressure on you for a fast summary. The "fourth estate" is done. We used to rely on them to keep the government under some kind of observation. Now they are simply working for the politicians!
  16. Picking up old business, #1: There are NEW interviews with Simon, done my Kerry Cassidy (( coming )) I will comment here after listening
  17. ACORE's Learning Discernment, Version.2017 DISCERNING the wider reality and moving forward ... To Create a better and Truer World (I may close the 2016 thread, and use this new one) Expecting the Unexpected in 2017... and beyond "Let's put it more bluntly.Likely 100% of GEI readers were un-surprised by the (2016 Election) result. Compare that to the MSM." - Rigger, with a likely typo fixed ===== Here are some other surprises that may be coming in 2017/18, and that GEI readers are being encourage to think about: + The announcement the ET/ED's are real and our governments are in contact with them + The discovery that our planets history is richer and longer than we have been told, and the human race is not the only race that has had civilization here + The fact that non-humans are impacting our governments, and that regular meetings with these beings are occurring in Antarctica and other places + The idea that the Earth has a "breakaway civilization" that is already engaged in Interplanetary travel and trade + The concept that the global economy will be hit by crashes, probably starting in 2017 - but these crashes will be cleansing in that they will be triggering needed changes, and political leadership is being put in place to cope with them in a creative way + The notion that our main outlets of news are controlled centrally, by a group that has been pushing a NWO agenda, which is not to the benefit of We-the-people ===== > New thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21241
  18. New York Real Estate Prices Plunge In 4Q As Listing Days and Discounts Soar Manhattan Market- : 3Q-2016 : 4Q-2016 : ChgPct: 4Q-2015 : ChgPct: Median Sales Price: $1.074m.: $1.050m .: - 2.2 % : $1.150m.: - 8.7% : Data from Douglas Elliman's 4Q 2016 New York real estate report brings some unwelcome news for the city's hedgies and I-bankers with median pricing and sales volume crashing while apartments sit vacant on the market for longer and longer. . . . After reviewing the Elliman Report on the New York City Real Estate market at the end of 3Q 2016, we concluded that sellers had simply refused to accept the fact that the Manhattan real estate bubble had burst and rather than dropping prices had decided to simply let their apartments sit on the market unsold while hoping for a miracle. Here was our conclusion (see "NYC Real Estate Bubble Bursts As Apartment Sales Crash 20%"): Alas, with the release of Elliman's 4Q 2016 report, it has become apparent that that miracle never materialized for New York's hedgies and i-bankers. In fact, the data from Manhattan real estate sales was almost universally bad with median pricing down 8.7% YoY, volume down 3.7%, listing days up 14.6% and discounts up to 5.5%. In conclusion, the lesson seems to be that the marginal New York City buyer has been priced out of the market (volume down 20%) while sellers have not yet accepted that the bubble has burst deciding instead to maintain listing prices while letting their apartments sit on the market longer amid growing inventory levels. Meanwhile, the luxury market is the only segment that seems to be holding up which only serves to prove that Chinese billionaires still have cash they would like to hide in the U.S.
  19. Production is Rising: With the jump in production in Dec 2017 : " Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that it produced a total of 14,797 ounces of gold in December 2016, its best monthly total to date, bringing the total gold production for the fourth quarter to 40,858 ounces, up 36% over the fourth quarter of 2015. For the full year, 2016's production of 149,687 ounces of gold, up 28% over 2015, surpassed its initial production guidance and established a new annual record for the Company. The Company expects to release its fourth quarter and full year 2016 financial results at the end of March 2017." And firmer precious metals prices, the downtrend may be breaking *Jan.10, 2017 report: Gran-Colombia-Gold-Surpasses-Guidance-and-Sets-Record-in-2016-With-149687-Ounces http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-Surpasses-Guidance-and-Sets-Record-in-2016-With-149687-Ounces-of-Gold-Produced/default.aspx
  20. Why did Kerry go (urgently) to Antarctica on Election Day? Michael Salla has a unique explanation: The democrats had worked out be election day (using internal polls) that she was likely to lose. In fact, people will recall that she cancelled her fireworks. Salla says, Kerry went to Antarctica to brief the powerful race living down there what it would mean, and discuss what to do about it. He thinks some of the blocking actions that we have seen in the last two months may have been planned in that meeting. Salla also said that The Tall Whites (as described by Charles Hall) are involved in trade with humans, and one of the trades that they have is human slave trade, and as many as one million humans may have been taken as slaves into that trade. This comes from the follow C2C broadcast Coast To Coast AM - Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgSfbb42zfQ Published on Jan 12, 2017 Coast To Coast AM - Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program Engineer and independent researcher Maurice Cotterell discovered a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. In the first half of the show, he discussed his most recent work on the nature of gravity, contradictions in physics, as well as his research into medical issues and the immune system. In the latter half, pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', Michael Salla, shared evidence that the US Navy began its initial development work on a secret space program in the 1940s, signs that the Trump administration may be more open about secret space programs, as well as assorted whistleblower revelations on the ET presence.
  21. BTC dropped another notch from over $900 to about $800, after have traded as low as $750. When it's over, it's over! The (near) touching of the Gold price, plus all uncertainty out of China, has been enough to clobber the price
  22. China's Central Bank to Conduct Ongoing Bitcoin Exchange Visits Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) | January 11, 2017 The People's Bank of China (PBoC) is moving to more closely monitor (or otherwise engage) with domestic bitcoin exchange businesses. Just days after it was revealed the PBoC's Beijing and Shanghai offices had visited the country's three largest exchanges by volume, the central bank said today that it is pledging to better engage with BTCC, Huobi and OKCoin through continued on-site inspections or meetings. Discussed at new meetings, according to releases by its Beijing and Shanghai offices, were topics including compliance (anti-money laundering and foreign exchange management). "The checks focused on whether the firm was operating out of its business scope, whether it was launching unauthorized financing, payment, forex business or other related businesses, whether it was involved in market manipulation, anti-money laundering or (carried) fund security risks," a translation provided by Reuters states. BTCC CEO Bobby Lee confirmed the meeting to CoinDesk, stating that the PBoC requested data on its operations as well as recommendations on how the government might move to regulate bitcoin exchange operations. However, Lee stressed that the on-site visitations are "very common" for businesses in China and continued to express an optimism about the engagement, which he framed as a long-delayed request from local businesses. "We're now working closely with the government about what makes a healthy market," he said, adding: Assessing the impact "We've been trying to get their attention years." Yet, the exchange also moved formally to stem the reaction to the news. BTCC sought to discourage the speculation that has sometimes followed the PBoC's engagement with bitcoin businesses. "We urge our customers to take a rational and cautious view to news articles which speculate on the visit and discussions," the exchange said. Elsewhere, it seems the meetings continue to be limited to bitcoin exchange businesses, as companies using the protocol (Circle China) and over-the-counter trading facilities (Richfund) indicated they have not engaged with the PBoC. == > http://www.coindesk.com/chinas-central-bank-conduct-ongoing-bitcoin-exchange-visits/
  23. CHINA's Domination of Bitcoins is truly awesome Some amazing statistics from today's SCMP + In recent weeks 98% of the Bitcoin volume has been in renminbi + two-thirds of the Bitcoin mining is now being done in China : 32-MOS
  24. Yeah, I agree with that. In a sideways or up market, these developments look pretty interesting And at GBP 500 per sf (or so), I am tempted, since I think Crossrail will be a long term positive Does anyone know how much a Crossrail ride across London will cost
  25. TLT (US Bonds) lead Ayalaland -- and other PH property stocks TLT -vs - ALI.ph ... update / Last, TLT: $121.83 +0.97 / PH:ALI: P34.35 +0.40 WARNING of possible downturn in ALI at 10/30/17, if TLT stays weak Presently in a rising trend, with a test of resistance likely in the next few days (I wrote in Jan 2017)
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