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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Now that Trump is president the real horse trading begins Posted by benjamin January 23, 2017 Antarctica: "The ancient lost city is already in view." Now that the Trump regime has formally been installed, the real battle over the future of the planet earth can begin in earnest. On the one side we find the Western military industrial complex and on the other we find the ancient bloodline families. Another way of putting it is the battle is now between those who have the guns and those who control the butter (money) supply. Yet a different lens for analyzing the upcoming struggle is to see it as China (Asia) vs. the US (the West), however that is too simplistic. The “West” as things now stand includes Japan plus North and South Korea and maybe even Vietnam while “Asia” includes Germany and other Rothschild controlled nation states. The ideological battle lines were set in two speeches, one by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Davos bloodline love fest on January 17, while the other was President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech. Xi’s speech essentially supported the globalist status quo so long as “the global economic governance system,” continued to be reformed to give greater voice to developing nations. Xi also promised China would help the world develop in a win-win manner in harmony with nature. Of course China has been by far the greatest beneficiary of the current system so the bloodline globalists have asked for Chinese protection now that a backlash against them has begun in the West. Trump’s speech bemoaned how the American middle class has been destroyed and US industry gutted by the globalists and promised to restore American industry and infrastructure. He also hinted the military industrial complex was about to share some of its secret technologies with the world when he said “We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.” Overall, it does not sound like we are being set up for a world war or a clash of civilizations but rather we are seeing reasonable bargaining positions being laid out by both sides in advance of final negotiations for setting up a new, improved system of running the planet. The Asians want a bigger say for the non-European world, the West wants their industry and middle class to be rebuilt in exchange for the release of hidden technology. It sounds like a win-win solution can be reached without too much table pounding and shouting. There is going to be more than table pounding going on in the West though as military backed Trump regime begins. The CIA, in anticipation of investigations and disclosure has already released 13 million pages of documents but Pentagon sources promise new CIA chief Mike Pompeo will “purge and reform the agency, and force even more and full disclosure.” “Trump went to Langley [CIA HQ] to tell the CIA that the military is with him, and he will add 1000s more new agents while purging the bad guys,” the sources say. Top general Joseph Dunford “returned from Paris and Brussels meetings with NATO to oversee Trump security at the inauguration, backed by millions of bikers, cops, feds and the National Guard,” the sources continued. Also, the Pentagon sources say that “Is it no accident that [General James] Mattis was confirmed as Secretary of Defense and fellow marine [General John] Kelly to run the Department of Homeland Security on January 20, as they were Dunford’s bosses in Iraq, and these 3 top marines are Trump’s praetorian guard.” The first real thing Trump did after assuming power to was to go to CIA headquarters with his praetorian guard. On the surface, he promised the CIA “1000 percent support,” while underneath the surface, according to the Pentagon sources Trump gave the CIA an ultimatum to “stop drugs, arms, children trafficking, droning, lies, dirty tricks, political corruption, subversion and to focus on human and open source intelligence for the whole of the government and to provide counterintel on rivals and Israel or else.” The Trump military government is also planning to force military contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin to cut fraud, waste and abuse and “they may even be nationalized like in Russia,” the sources say. The hand-over of the drug-dealing part of the CIA’s Mexican henchman Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman just in time for the Trump presidency was timed to send a clear message, they say. Guzman is telling all he knows about where all the secret Nazi faction drug money is flowing, they say. The bloodlines families are not taking this all without a fight and have been financing and organizing anti-Trump demonstrations around the world. They are also using their -most likely soon to end- control of the giant media corporations to mount a major psychological war on the Trump regime. As part of that campaign it appears the Rothschilds and their ilk have resurrected George Soros as their point-man. Soros supposedly appeared last week at the Davos gathering in Switzerland but I am still unwilling to retract the information I was given that he has been killed. The reason is because Soros reportedly spoke in public at a luncheon and when such a thing happens multiple media outlets typically report their own original versions of the event. In this case though, all the corporate media reports appear to trace to a Bloomberg video. The technology to make a person appear real in a video is well established and until I see Soros again at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan with my own eyes, I have to say the Rothschilds are just using this persona to hide behind. Here is what a CIA source had to say about his recent “appearance:” “It looks like ole George is younger… is this the latest model that has just popped out of the chamber? Take note of the difference in age. The new photo is being circulated now in the MSM.” See photographs below, the first is a confirmed one from just before he was taken out, the second is the one now being circulated. At the very least he has somehow been rejuvenated. Another senior bloodline visible power personality, German Chancellor Angela Merkel “will be taking an unexpected leave of absence very soon, ‘for health reasons’ and will most likely not be returning. In other words, she is about to run,” according to a highly connected CIA source. Soros and Merkel aside, a different, highly connected CIA source had the following message to convey: “the dark forces were just as strong in Antarctica as the forces of light. It is the last holdout for the bad boys and their type…” The source, who is a direct relative of a famous World War 2 Admiral, also had some X-files stuff to say namely that: “Two timelines are converging now and when that convergence is finished we will have full disclosure. This is why all of the major world leaders went to Antarctica, and continue to arrive every day. The ancient lost city is already in view. This is what I have been calling ‘The Base’ in earlier transmissions and discussions. Everything is there and the elites have been arriving by their special craft not only to seek protection from being arrested, but also to try and make a deal with the Galactics who are in control of the entire area now. There are those in the top ranks of the elite who are in “The City” now and attempting to make a deal to get into the healing chambers. Kissinger included.” Incredible claims require incredible proof and when this writer demanded a chance to go to Antarctica to see for himself, he was told that would be arranged. If I do go, I will bring cameras and recording equipment and share what I have found with the general public. In any case, a very hard-nosed and here-now reality based Russian FSB source did confirm that Antarctica was, under treaty, not under the control of any government and that international conglomerates and oligarchs did have bases there where they have been conducting secret experiments and research. The Antarctica sources also provided two GPS coordinates for where they say much of the action is taken place: 74 degrees South, 164 degrees East and 66 degrees South, 99 degrees East. One shows on google earth as an unfrozen landscape with lakes and the other as a heavy blotted out square. The following photographs were also provided: Since Trump claims his government represents “a historic movement the likes of which has never been seen before,” coming events should soon match the rhetoric. We shall...
  2. Here's an older video which talks about the Journey of the Elongated-Head-beings from their home world > Mars > Earth Moulton Howe & Sanchez : Secret History of the Progenitors & Anunnaki Published on Nov 21, 2014 http://tinyurl.com/BigP-Videos : The Larger Reality, beyond the big Lies. Linda Moulton Howe and Anthony Sanchez reveal the secret history of hybrids on Earth, who came from the Sirius star system by way of Mars. The Progenitors created a hybrid race, the Anunnaki which could not survive well on Earth, and had to be replaced with the Astro Albas, "tall whites" and their offspring, who now have much wealth and power, and maintain a distinctive DNA. They are still vulnerable to disease and excessive sunshine. This is an important excerpt from her presentation at 2014 Contact in the Desert.
  3. A very revealing expose of the current Global political situation by David Wilcock (for C2C) You have GOT to hear this - it is dynamite! (I had a youtube source, but it was deleted) Antarctica & Atlantis - Jan. 13, 2017 HOST: Jimmy Church GUEST: David Wilcock David Wilcock revealed that Antarctica may have been Atlantis, and an ancient ET race crash landed there, followed by Open Lines... Wilcock observed that the last few months of 2016 saw many stories about interest in and trips to Antarctica by individuals such as Buzz Aldrin and John Kerry. He says that there are military bases under the ice in caves that were constructed by the Nazis in 1939 and where they also discovered the ruins of an advanced civilization. He has been told that there are also three "motherships" from an alien civilization which crash landed 55,000 years ago that are now being excavated out of the ice. Wilcock believes these facts will be revealed to the world soon, and that he and others will be used to get the population acclimatized to the presence of aliens that have interbred with the human race and now comprise the bloodlines of the elites who subjugate the rest of the population. > http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2017/01/13 ======================================== David has done a great job of piecing this info together from various sources, including some genuine insiders (I believe) Ruins of ancient civilizations have been found in Antarctica - included three crashed motherships, which brought giant humanoid beings (with elongated skulls) from Mars. This info will be revealed - as we head into War crimes tribunals, in the very near future. The cabal has lost control, and the Alliance now has more power - this is why Trump won the presidential race. The shocking news from Antarctica is a last ditch effort of the old elites to distract people from crimes of the elites. Wilcock and Corey Goode race to get this info out, before they were scooped by the Lie-stream Media, which is still controlled by the faltering cabal. (I am listening to a recorded copy of this podcast, as I type this.) More is coming out all the time, on sites like these: Wilcock's Site : http://DivineCosmos.com J.Church Site : http://FadeToBlack.com Tabloid-like -- : http://www.express.co.uk/ Fulford's Site : http://BenjaminFulford.net ===========
  4. A very revealing expose of the current Global political situation by David Wilcock (for C2C) You have GOT to hear this - it is dynamite! (I had a youtube source, but it was deleted = you will have to do a YT search to find the video) Antarctica & Atlantis - Jan. 13, 2017 HOST: Jimmy Church GUEST: David Wilcock David Wilcock revealed that Antarctica may have been Atlantis, and an ancient ET race crash landed there, followed by Open Lines... . . . Wilcock observed that the last few months of 2016 saw many stories about interest in and trips to Antarctica by individuals such as Buzz Aldrin and John Kerry. He says that there are military bases under the ice in caves that were constructed by the Nazis in 1939 and where they also discovered the ruins of an advanced civilization. He has been told that there are also three "motherships" from an alien civilization which crash landed 55,000 years ago that are now being excavated out of the ice. Wilcock believes these facts will be revealed to the world soon, and that he and others will be used to get the population acclimatized to the presence of aliens that have interbred with the human race and now comprise the bloodlines of the elites who subjugate the rest of the population. > http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2017/01/13 ======================================== David has done a great job of piecing this together from various sources, including some genuine insiders (I believe) Ruins of ancient civilizations have been found in Antarctica - included three crashed motherships, which brought giant humanoid beings (with elongated skulls) from Mars. This info will be revealed - as we head into War crimes tribunals, in the very near future. The cabal has lost control, and the Alliance now has more power - this is why Trump won the presidential race. The shocking news from Antarctica is a last ditch effort of the old elites to distract people from crimes of the elites. Wilcock and Corey Goode race to get this info out, before they were scooped by the Lie-stream Media, which is still controlled by the faltering cabal. (I am listening to a recorded copy of this podcast, as I type this.) My own thread on Antarctica, seems to have done a pretty solid job of collecting similar information: Antarctica : An Empire beneath the Ice? http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21185 But more is coming out all the time, on sites like these: Wilcock's Site : http://DivineCosmos.com J.Church Site : http://FadeToBlack.com Tabloid-like -- : http://www.express.co.uk/ Fulford's Site : http://BenjaminFulford.net ===========
  5. I found links to these two articles (which I cannot read at the moment) / 1 / Economists Explain Why Our Economy Crashes Every 18 Years www.theepochtimes.com/.../2000510-economists-explain-why-our-economy-crashes-... Mar 25, 2016 - ... economist and director of the Land Research Trust, Fred Harrison. ... Harrison predicts the midcycle recession will hit in 2019, and the current ... / 2 / Are we heading for a crash? | Albert Edwards, Aditya Chakrabortty ... https://www.theguardian.com › Opinion › Global economy Jan 29, 2016 - Fred Harrison: A British recession will happen in 2019. Fred Harrison ... Fred Harrison is an economics commentator and author of Boom Bust ... Fred Harrison: A British recession will happen in 2019 Britain is on course for a recession in 2019, a year before the general election. The crash will not happen before then because politicians and central bankers will appear not to lose their nerves. The QE (quantitative easing) solution to the 2008 crash has rendered monetary policy useless as a fine-tuning instrument. Policymakers failed to adopt fiscal reforms that could have rescued the UK, so politicians have no tools to guide Britain out of the current turbulence. Worldwide, central bankers will talk up any good news, hoping to persuade consumers to spend, even as wages continue to be battered. In the US the Fed will not take any chances in the run-up to November’s presidential election. Oil producers will finally do a deal to drive up petrol prices, which will be sold as a step towards normality. Debts will continue to grow, until a peak in house prices in 2019. Then the game will be up. There is also this: When's the Next Property Crash? - Share The Rents www.sharetherents.org/whens-the-next-property-crash/ By Fred Harrison on 13 July 2010 in Global Downturn, UK Economy. Finally ... It is ultimately, as Mr Harrison argues, a ruinous way of running our affairs.”. relevant analysis of what caused the Depression of 2010. ... ... the new realism began when Martin Wolf analysed my book 2010: The Inquest in the Financial Times (July 8). He summarised the mechanism that drives the economy to distraction in these terms: “Buyers rent property from bankers, in return for a gamble on the upside. A host of agents gain fees from arranging, packaging and distributing the fruits of such highly speculative transactions. In the long upswing (the most recent one lasted 11 years in the UK), they all become rich together, as credit and debt explode upwards. Then, when the collapse comes, recent borrowers, the financial institutions and taxpayers suffer huge losses. This is no more than a giant pyramid selling scheme and one whose dire consequences we have seen again and again. It is ultimately, as Mr Harrison argues, a ruinous way of running our affairs.” That message has to sink into the heads of economists if they want to guide the western economy out of the depression... . . . Unless the Wolf realism infects mainstream analysts, expect the disarray to continue and for the next property cycle to terminate in 2025. Wolf has just been appointed as one of 5 experts to the new Financial Policy Committee within the Bank of England, which will operate “in parallel with its existing Monetary Policy Committee”. Will Wolf be able to influence the Bank of England? Not likely. So a lot of traps await the unwary between now and the Crash of ’25. So perhaps he means: a mid-cycle recession in 2019, followed by a bigger peak, and larger Crash in 2025. That means the UK would be 1-2 years behind the US cycle. I do note however that London never had much of a correction in 2008-9, so this 2019 drop could be something more serious for London.
  6. UK Timing - I added some timing detail to my prior post (I wrote this in an email to a friend who saw this thread): The US is well positioned in the 18 year cycle Low as 2011 + 14 = 2023 Peak. We may see a dip in 2017-18 But i do think there may be a big risk on the USD, so borrowing 10+ years at a Low fixed rate (3-4%) may make good sense Use the money to buy a gold convertible bond or something
  7. I found links to these two articles (which I cannot read at the moment) / 1 / Economists Explain Why Our Economy Crashes Every 18 Years www.theepochtimes.com/.../2000510-economists-explain-why-our-economy-crashes-... Mar 25, 2016 - ... economist and director of the Land Research Trust, Fred Harrison. ... Harrison predicts the midcycle recession will hit in 2019, and the current ... / 2 / Are we heading for a crash? | Albert Edwards, Aditya Chakrabortty ... https://www.theguardian.com › Opinion › Global economy Jan 29, 2016 - Fred Harrison: A British recession will happen in 2019. Fred Harrison ... Fred Harrison is an economics commentator and author of Boom Bust ... Fred Harrison: A British recession will happen in 2019 Britain is on course for a recession in 2019, a year before the general election. The crash will not happen before then because politicians and central bankers will appear not to lose their nerves. The QE (quantitative easing) solution to the 2008 crash has rendered monetary policy useless as a fine-tuning instrument. Policymakers failed to adopt fiscal reforms that could have rescued the UK, so politicians have no tools to guide Britain out of the current turbulence. Worldwide, central bankers will talk up any good news, hoping to persuade consumers to spend, even as wages continue to be battered. In the US the Fed will not take any chances in the run-up to November’s presidential election. Oil producers will finally do a deal to drive up petrol prices, which will be sold as a step towards normality. Debts will continue to grow, until a peak in house prices in 2019. Then the game will be up. There is also this: When's the Next Property Crash? - Share The Rentswww.sharetherents.org/whens-the-next-property-crash/ By Fred Harrison on 13 July 2010 in Global Downturn, UK Economy. Finally ... It is ultimately, as Mr Harrison argues, a ruinous way of running our affairs.”. relevant analysis of what caused the Depression of 2010. ... ... the new realism began when Martin Wolf analysed my book 2010: The Inquest in the Financial Times (July 8). He summarised the mechanism that drives the economy to distraction in these terms: “Buyers rent property from bankers, in return for a gamble on the upside. A host of agents gain fees from arranging, packaging and distributing the fruits of such highly speculative transactions. In the long upswing (the most recent one lasted 11 years in the UK), they all become rich together, as credit and debt explode upwards. Then, when the collapse comes, recent borrowers, the financial institutions and taxpayers suffer huge losses. This is no more than a giant pyramid selling scheme and one whose dire consequences we have seen again and again. It is ultimately, as Mr Harrison argues, a ruinous way of running our affairs.” That message has to sink into the heads of economists if they want to guide the western economy out of the depression... . . . Unless the Wolf realism infects mainstream analysts, expect the disarray to continue and for the next property cycle to terminate in 2025. Wolf has just been appointed as one of 5 experts to the new Financial Policy Committee within the Bank of England, which will operate “in parallel with its existing Monetary Policy Committee”. Will Wolf be able to influence the Bank of England? Not likely. So a lot of traps await the unwary between now and the Crash of ’25. So perhaps he means: a mid-cycle recession in 2019, followed by a bigger peak, and larger Crash in 2025. That means the UK would be 1-2 years behind the US cycle. I do note however that London never had much of a correction in 2008-9, so this 2019 drop could be something more serious for London. I also think the Demographics that Harry Dent talks about will hurt London as boomers retire, and shift wealth away from the capital city
  8. WHERE in the Property Cycles are we? Yeah. That's what he says - I haven't had an update from him in awhile, so it was interesting to hear this. Obviously, he thinks they are at different points in the long cycle. For me, the 18 year cycles bottomed in: + for the US : 2011, and so + 14 yrs = 2025 - Next peak? ... and 2016+ 8yrs = 2024 - so his comment makes sense + for the UK : ... I need to do more research... There's normally a dip, lasting a year or so in the middle of the 14 year upswing, and that is due now for the US. Here's PHM - my US homebuilder benchmark stock: PHM / Pulte Homes chart : All data A dip to $15, perhaps in 2017 looks possible, unless it came "early" For the UK, I look at BDEV / Barratt Developments chart : All data I also see a major Low in 2011 - so Harrison must be looking at something else, in predicting a serious recession in two year. Hence the need for more research into Harrison's present cyclical assessment
  9. WHERE in the Property Cycles are we? Yeah. That's what he says - I haven't had an update from him in awhile, so it was interesting to hear this. Obviously, he thinks they are at different points in the long cycle. For me, the 18 year cycles bottomed in: + for the US : 2011, and so + 14 yrs = 2025 - Next peak? ... and 2016+ 8yrs = 2024 - so his comment makes sense + for the UK : ... I need to do more research... There's normally a dip, lasting a year or so in the middle of the 14 year upswing, and that is due now for the US. Here's PHM - my US homebuilder benchmark stock: PHM / Pulte Homes chart : All data A dip to $15, perhaps in 2017 looks possible, unless it came "early" For the UK, I look at BDEV / Barratt Developments chart : All data I also see a major Low in 2011 - so Harrison must be looking at something else, in predicting a serious recession in two year. Hence the need for more research into Harrison's present cyclical assessment
  10. FRED HARRISON (of 18-year cycle fame) calls into the show - at 25 minutes in: NEW - The Nigel Farage Show From Washington DC - Trump Inauguration Special - LBC 19-01-2017 "Donald Trump will be a very rich man in 8 years time, thanks to the Trillion in infrastructure investments... Then, there will be a very serious financial crisis...many people will lose their homes" INFRASTRUCTURE - a thesis by Fred Harrison > The Art of Political Rip-offs Thesis Number: #6 (Page 1 of 8) The world is on the cusp of the greatest redistribution of income in history. Infrastructure, which originated as a life-force, sent its value flowing through the ages to endow people with richer lives. When that social value was diverted into private pockets, people were cheated and their civilisations imploded. That catastrophe is once again unfolding in our midst.
  11. FRED HARRISON (of 18-year cycle fame) calls into the show - at 25 minutes in: NEW - The Nigel Farage Show From Washington DC - Trump Inauguration Special - LBC 19-01-2017 "Donald Trump will be a very rich man in 8 years time, thanks to the Trillion in infrastructure investments... Then, there will be a very serious financial crisis...many people will lose their homes" INFRASTRUCTURE - a thesis by Fred Harrison > The Art of Political Rip-offs Thesis Number: #6 (Page 1 of 8) The world is on the cusp of the greatest redistribution of income in history. Infrastructure, which originated as a life-force, sent its value flowing through the ages to endow people with richer lives. When that social value was diverted into private pockets, people were cheated and their civilisations imploded. That catastrophe is once again unfolding in our midst.
  12. It's a War! (with the forces of darkness : Soros and Hillary-supporters) "Assaulted with paint bombs and bricks" "We have arguments, or we have bricks... There is no third way" What Pisses Me Off About The Anti-Trump Riots "they had to remove their Trump hats, and scurry out under police support" "I don't think they are 'going high' anymore." "They say they want DIVERSITY, but anyone who disagrees with them is Hitler" "They are using youth... indoctrinated children" (to advance their agenda) "WHO on the Left is being asked to disavow" (this engineered violence) ? POISON (and violence) is not an argument !
  13. "The Crime is so bad. Wake Up! ... Smash the Fed." Some powerful reversals here: Jeff Rense & David Oates - Stunning Speech Reversals I have no idea whether there is anything to these reversals - but some of these are pretty amazing. Trump's speeches have long been very congruennt, with back to front delivering similar messages to his forward talk. This is highly unusual for politicians. And it was noted by Rense early in the campaign Oates says that Australians have had a change of heart, and are starting to like Trump
  14. Ron Van Dyke (RVD) seems to be warming to Trump... after refusing to vote for him 1-22-17 - Divine Protection for Donald Trump Published on Jan 21, 2017 DIVINE PROTECTION FOR DONALD TRUMP Make no mistake about it: we live in a time of exposure and transformation. Those behind the evil deeds, especially the rampant pedophilia in high places, are scared shitless. Yes, I do think many of them are crapping their pants, figuratively, if not literally. The truth about their grotesque evil has finally reached public awareness. We're not talking about human rights, women's rights, gay rights or religious freedoms. We're talking about blatant crimes against the most innocent in the human family – children! Trump, despite his backing by religious-zealot conservatives, has made it clear what he stands for, most of all, for truth and justice for ALL. What he is going to do will only affect those who are, in fact, guilty of major crimes, which, as things unfold, will become increasingly evident. He will rip the covers off those who perpetuate and hide such behavior, including the complicit main-stream media. And that is only the beginning. His presidency may be the Trumpet we have long awaited; and people of good will, therefore, will be able to rise up, free at last, free at last. "Free at Last"? Where have we heard that? Look at post #21, just above this one. That was posted maybe 10-12 hours before RVD's videos, and seems to be evidence that Ron does look at the postings here.
  15. To me, these points show that he may be aware of what he is walking into I do not think the presence of the Clintons at the inauguration will protect them. I think the "Full Investigation" may start soon, and it should not me made to look like revenge. Indeed, there needs to be a fair trial "Since this country is a corporation, indeed it should have a CEO to run it. (My personal thoughts today)" - A. Well, the US is MORE than a corporation. To succeed and have its greatness restored, there needs to be a spiritual core that has been missing for a long time Is Donald Trump truly "divinely placed", as Rense and Weidner say here? Time will tell Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - Trump...Numerology & Divine Inspiration? Mike Rivero's take : "He just wants to get the job done" at the beginning of this podcast MP3 : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2017-01-19_150004.mp3 "I am enthusiastic about a new President for the first time in decades"
  16. VICTORY - and maybe we the people are "Free at Last" AMERICA AGAIN! TRUMP SWORN IN 'POWER BACK TO PEOPLE' Free from What? From This: GLUM AND GLUMMER... Crowd Boos, Chants 'Lock Her Up!' === === "I will be the People's President": Trump pledges to put America first in brutally uncompromising first speech as POTUS 45 in full frontal assault on elites at home and with a warning for nation's rivals abroad + President-elect Donald Trump has taken the oath of office to become the 45th President of the United States + In his inaugural address, Mr Trump delivered an elegy to Americans who felt neglected by their government 'I will fight for you with every breath in my body,' he pledged. 'And I will never, ever, let you down' + Trump promised 'America first' would become the central organizing principle of his new government + Among those in the stands for the ceremony was Hillary Clinton - Trump's rival in the election
  17. TRUMP Supporters are getting beat up, but some Universities are creating "safe spaces" for those who supported Hillary and simply do not want to accept that Trump is President. Isn't the usual narrative absurdly upside-down? / 1 / TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO) Ryan Saavedra Jan 19th, 2017 257 Comments VIOLENCE AT DEPLORBALL! TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN – BLOODIED AT DEPLORABALL! Hat Tip Jack Posobiec Trump Supporter Dave Allsup got hit in the head with a flag pole— Trump supporters were PUMMELED WITH EGGS OUTSIDE THE DEPLORABALL! The woman got hit in the head! == > http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/multiple-videos-violence-erupts-deplorable-peaceful-protesters/ / 2 / Amanda Tidwell - Ohio State University •January 20, 2017 Ohio State University will offer a “safe space” for students today as the nation inaugurates Republican Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States. “The purpose of this event is to foster a safe space for the Ohio State campus community to connect with one another, support aspirations, and empower growth and change,” organizers state. The “I, too, am America” event is set for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will include three concurrent offerings from noon to 3 p.m.: a screening of the inauguration festivities in one room; another room set aside to “pause, reflect and share”; and a third swath of rooms for teach-ins by grad students, faculty and staff. The event was reportedly inspired by Langston Hughes’ poem “I, Too,” and will also include poetry reading workshops and a community mural art project. The Ohio State University’s media department and the Student Life Multicultural Center did not respond to several requests from The College Fix seeking comment. According to organizers, attending the program will teach students how to “define social justice and identify at least two social justice issues,” as well as “identify at least one lesson, idea, tool, or strategy to apply to their academic and personal experiences.” Ohio State is not the only campus offering such a venue. The University of Connecticut will host “The People’s Inauguration,” slated to be held at the same time as the swearing in ceremony, oath of office and inaugural address. Like at Ohio State, the goal of the UConn event is to promote social justice and solidarity as Trump takes office, event organizers said. Other students plan to express themselves in a more aggressive manner. A student socialist group has organized a nationwide walkout on Friday to protest the presidential inauguration, claiming Trump is planning to “unleash a storm of attacks” on various segments of the American population. Students at dozens of colleges are expected to participate. == > http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/30828/ / 3 / How about a room where students who supported Trump can destroy Hillary Clinton pinyatas, and toss darts at images of Barbara Streisand, Meryl Streep, Rosie ODonnnel, Rachel Maddow, and Wolf Blitzer etc. That might be more useful for the people who have had to endure genuine stress from their peers == Thread on Critical Reflections: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21257
  18. Unfortunately, gullible Hillary-supporters are still being manipulated to help the Cabal TRAINING for Useful Idiots, how Globalists manipulate the naive At Activist Training Camp, Protesters Prep To Disrupt Inauguration Six days before Donald Trump takes his oath of office, a group of activists met to plan how they'll voice their opposition By James King Jan 19, 2017 Six days before Donald Trump’s inauguration, dozens of people — from college students to gray-haired hippies — gathered in a classroom at American University in Washington D.C. to listen a lawyer offer tips on how to handle getting arrested. A woman in her late 30s raised her hand. She was worried that, since she’s a teacher, an arrest could get her fired and maybe hurt her chances at landing another job. “We’ve had teachers get arrested,” the lawyer said. “It’s not the end of the world.” That’s likely reassuring, since for many of those in attendance, the kind of disruption that could end in arrest is the goal. The morning’s legal training session was one of several classes offered by a group of anti-Trump activists calling themselves DisruptJ20 — “J20” standing for January 20. The event was a training camp of sorts for protesters aiming to “shut down” the nation’s capitol during president-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday. == > http://www.vocativ.com/393923/disruptj20-donald-trump-inauguration-protest-activists-washington-dc/? Another example: from Project Veritas: Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration Maybe they should be told there is a real risk of job loss if it gets violent. Frankly, the schools are already in the grip of the Leftist cabal. They need to be transformed towards a more neutral mode of thinking, away from more govt, more taxes, more war is good
  19. "Bravest since JFK" Jeff Rense & Jon Rappoport - The Week That Changed America "RFK jr will join the Trump administration to lead an investigation into vaccination companies" "Trump (along with RFK jr) is the bravest President since JFK" Hitting big pharma can hurt the Lie-Stream Media, because up to 70% of their advertising income comes from Pharmaceutical co's === === Brainwashed Leftist are ignoring important things like Trump taking on Big Pharma in a way that may help We-the-people promote a false narrative that Trump is somehow a puppet of Russia - an accusation for which there is zero evidence Towards the end, they talk about smashing the CIA and the intelligence agencies - in the way the JFK planned before he was eliminated It seems like we are back at the historical moment, when JFK threatened the Deep State
  20. It is probably not as complicated as it looks initially... But the two different currencies (USD and CAD) may make it look more complex Let me give you comparison... Assuming you have US$10,000 to invest, at 0.7535 : 1.327, that's CAD 13,270 You can buy: Stock at C$0.105, 1%debs @62.5, 6%debs @ xx, Type : -Amount- / Cost = Shares or Bonds Stock :C$13,270 / 0.105 = 126,381 shs. 1%deb. $10,000 / $ 625 = 16 Bonds, $16,000 face = higher of: : At maturity ========= = ($190 + 6,230 shs, at C$0.105 = C$654 x 0.7535 = $493 : $683) x16 = $10,928 + 1% p.a. : At maturity ========= = Value of 7,692 shares, at C$0.105 = C$808 x 0.7535 = $608.5 x 16 = $9,736 6%deb. $10,000 / 85.47 = 11.7 Bonds, $11,700 face = higher of: : At maturity ========= = ($11,700 ... plus 7.02% pa to XX/2020 : At maturity ========= = Value of 7,692 shares, at C$0.105 = C$808 x 0.7535 = $608.5 x 11.7 = $7,119 You can monitor this over the weeks and months to come, and see which does best, and learn something from that comparison. Obviously, if the shares shoot up, the 6% debs will under-perform, the shares and the 1% debs. Here are some Valuations of the US$10,000 worth of Shares & Bonds at different levels - based on above Values in the table are $C GCM.t: #Shares= C$Val. : #Dbs: 1%-Db -sh-value : Shs./ 1% Debs -B-value: #Dbs: 1%-Db-sh-cnv.: 6% Db-B : Repaid= =====: ==============: ================== : C$4.034+ ===========: ================ : ====== x C$1.327 : $0.10 : 126.381:$12,638 : 16.0: 123,072: $12,307: 99,680: $9,969: $14,002: 11.7: 89,996: $9,000: $11,700: C$15,526 $0.125 126.381:$15,798 : 16.0: 123,072: $15,383: 99,680: 12,460: $16,494: 11.7: 89,996: 11,250: $11,700: C$15,526 $0.15 : 126.381:$18,957 : 16.0: 123,072: $18,461: 99,680: 14,954: $18,988: 11.7: 89,996: 13,500: $11,700: C$15,526 $0.20 : 126.381:$25,276 : 16.0: 123,072: $24,614: 99,680: 19,938: $23,972: 11.7: 89,996: 18,000: $11,700: C$15,526 $0.25 : 126.381:$31,595 : 16.0: 123,072: $30,768: 99,680: 24,923: $28,957: 11.7: 89,996: 22,500: $11,700: C$15,526 Below $0.125, the debs are clearly better, and they carry a yield while you are waiting
  21. Compare : Singapore Singapore’s three-year housing slump could see relief from an unexpected quarter in 2017: Hong Kong. So says Cushman & Wakefield Inc., which expects the slide in the city-state’s home prices to end this year as foreign investors turned off by Hong Kong’s move to increase the stamp duty for overseas buyers look to Singapore instead. Desmond Sim, head of research for Singapore and Southeast Asia at CBRE Ltd., said Singapore house prices are approaching their trough, with a forecast price move of flat to minus 2 percent. “The fallout from the stamp duty could be beneficial for Singapore,” said Sigrid Zialcita, managing director for Asia Pacific research at Cushman & Wakefield. “Singapore is always seen as a place where you can preserve capital and we are expecting interest from foreign nationals to come back.” == More https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-18/hong-kong-s-home-curbs-may-help-end-singapore-s-three-year-slump The downphase of the 18 year cycle, generally lasts 3-5 years. So maybe it is getting close to a low - possibly within 2017 or 2018
  22. I Predict that Automation Will Not Be A Major Problem; But Globalism Will Published on Jan 16, 2017 The neocons and neolibs are setting up a long term plan to blame corporations for job losses so they can justify more intervention and globalism which will be actually responsible for the job losses.
  23. Uranium & Cameco (etf: URA/ U.t, CCJ / CCO.t) Updated Mid-2021. Uranium & Oil prices rising U.t. vs CCO & OIH .. fr 2011: 5-yr: fr. 1/2020: 10-d: C$5.56 / C$24.51= r-22.7% / Urptf 4.53/OIH 229.64= 1.97% @6/25/21 : fr. 1/2020: 10-d: C$5.56 / C$24.51= r-22.7% // Urptf 4.53/OIH 229.64= 1.97% @6/25/21 == Three Fav U Stocks - suggested by Sprott's Rick Rule - July 9th, 2020 CCO.t vs The Three ... from 2017: 2018: 2019: YTD: 10d/ Last: $17.72: $0.94, $0.445, $3.61 - 12/30 YTD: 10d / Last: $14.42: $0.51, $0.29, $1.93 /YTD#2: Lam: 0.25, Mga: 0.09 / “Only 10 viable Juniors… (at least) one more round of dilution” coming === / Company —---- : Last : BkVal.: % BV : E.P.S. CCJ / Cameco in USD: 10.61: $9.18: 116.% : (0.10): The main Major CCO / Cameco Corp. : 14.42: 12.40: 116.%: 0.19 : DML / Denison Mines : $0.51: $0.34: 150.%: (0.03) “Classiest of the Juniors” FCU / Fission Uranium: $0.29: $0.66: 43.9%; (0.01) NXE / NexGen Energy : $1.93: $0.46: 420.%: (0.09)) ==== “Those three might be all you need to know” FCU to CCO Ratio: Buy near 2%? === Uranium Prices are near key resistance at $29.50-$30 ($30 /7.66 = US$3.92) -@3/15/2019 UPDATE: DBA vs- URPTF, SLV ... from 1/2010 : fr. 1/2016 : 5/4/2020: DBA: $13.68, SLV: $13.77, Urptf: $3.60 : fr. 1/2016 : Updated to 5/4/2020: DBA: $13.68, SLV: $13.77, Urptf: $3.60 Energy Prices are on the Upswing once again - chart updated to 3/15/2019 U.t vs USO/Oil, etc. update: 10d etc /U.t: $4.74 +0.01, USO: $12.20 -0.02, CCJ: $12.42 +0.20 , URA: $12.61 +0.16 Uranium-related shares compared -- as of 3/15/2019 URA -etc. update: $12.61, CCO/Cameco $16.56, PDN/Paladin $.165: LAM/Laramide $.365, FCU/Fission $.495 Sym : Price: MktCap EntVal : Ebitda : EV/eb.: Earns : PER-: Div. : Yield : BkVal : P/BV : Cco.t 16.56: $6.55b: $6.95M $617.M : r: 11.1: $0.42: 39.4 : $0.08 : 0.49%: 12.62: 131% : Nxe.t $2.27: $790M: $828M: (24.6M): r: N/a : (0.05): 00.0 : N/a— : 0.00%: $0.47: 482% : pdn.t $.165: $289M: $336.M (47.7M): r: 00.0 : $0.24: 00.0 : N/a— : N/a— : $0.12: 132% : UEC : $1.41: $253M: $250M: (14.4M) (r: 17.4): (0.09) 00.0 : N/a-- : N/a— : $0.46: 306% : Fcu.t: .495 : $241.M $219.M (5.37M) (r: 40.1): (0.04) 00.0 : N/a— : N/a— : $0.67: 74% : Lam.t .365 : $49.4M $56.8M (1.82M) (r: 31.3): (0.01) 00.0 : N/a— : N/a— : $0.54: 68% : Mga.t 0.10 : $32.6M $28.2M (2.65M) (r: 10.7): (0.03) 00.0 : N/a— : N/a— : $0.18: 55% : Other Gold : 13.01: $22.7b : $29.4B: $3.06b: r:9.60 : (1.32): N/a- : $0.16 : 1.22%: $6.50: 200%: NEM : 33.15: $17.7b : $20.2B: $2.74b: r:7.36 : $0.64: 51.8 : $0.56 : 1.68%: 19.70 : 168%: Goro : $3.96: $243M: $239M: $33.2M r: 7.18 : $0.16: 24.8 : $0.02 : 0.51% $2.16 : 183%: URA Components: https://www.globalxfunds.com/funds/ura/ OPINION: The Uranium Miner Sector (URA) Has Bottomed - David Erfle Jan 13 CCO -etc. CHART UPDATED TO 3/15/2019 Uranium vs. URA and Comeco/ CCO.t ... weekly : daily w/uso : 10d / Uranium Price : charts updated to 10/13/2017 URA / Global X Uranium ETF ... All-data : 5-years : 2-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d : vs-CCO.t : CCO.t ; Uranium participation / U.t ... all-data : : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d LONG TERM charts : w/o added Lines : From 1987 - 2013 ... with U.t added on To 2000 - 2013 PRICE UPDATE / 12-year low of US$18.00 per pound U3O8 in November 2016 / CHART : https://www.cameco.com/invest/markets/uranium-price UX Consulting CO. $20.30 US$/lb October 09, 2017 TradeTech $20.70 US$/lb October 06, 2017 Prices are published by independent market consultants Ux Consulting and ... The ETF to follow in the space is the URA, which holds over twenty Uranium miners with Cameco being the largest holding and sector leader. It is basically what the GDX and GDXJ are to the precious metal miner sector all in one ETF. The ETF began trading at the peak of the last Uranium boom and reached an all-time split-adjusted high less than four months later at over $134 per share. If you thought the precious metal miner bear was bad, during the last six years, URA lost over 90% including two roll-backs! A 1 for 3 reverse split in May of 2013, as well as a 1 for 2 roll-back in November of 2015. This magnifies the potential of buying a basket of U308 miners here with only a small portion of your miner portfolio if the sector has indeed bottomed. I believe the quality miners are still trading at perpetual warrant prices and should be held for long term gains. Uranium is a vital commodity as we head into a rush towards a clean energy revolution. The URA reached the $17 area on Jan. 12 and has had a 50% move off a double bottom reached at the end of October last year. However, I believe we could possibly see the $30 level before beginning a long-term consolidation so weakness should be bought here. A back-test of the break-out of an 18 month base around the $15 level could happen quickly, so be ready to enter the sector if this area is indeed tested. The GDX had a 179% move in six months off the major bottom reached last January, so this move in the Uranium miners has a chance to be equally explosive. The precious metal miner bear lasted just four years and lost 85%. A comparable move in the URA would take the ETF to the $30 level by May before we see a meaningful correction and consolidation! TOP Producing uranium co's 1. Cameco (TSX:CCO,NYSE:CCJ) 2016 uranium production: 27 million pounds (13,500 MT) Cameco accounts for approximately 17 percent of global uranium production, and has mines in three countries. In the US it owns the Smith Ranch-Highland operation in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin, as well as the Crow Butte operation in Nebraska. The company’s notable Canadian operations include Cigar Lake and McArthur River/Key Lake, where it holds partial ownership. Additionally, Cameco has a 60-percent stake in a mine in Kazakhstan. In 2016, Cameco produced slightly less uranium than it did the previous year. Commenting on the company’s performance, President and CEO Tim Gitzel said, “[t]he past year proved to be another difficult period for the uranium market. However, despite the uranium spot price hitting a 12-year low, the performance of our core business — uranium — was solid, and in line with our outlook.” So far in 2017, the company has hit at least one snag. In February, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings terminated its uranium supply contract with the company, citing force majeure circumstances. Cameco has rejected the termination, and has said it will enforce its rights to recover losses. Terminating the contract could cost the company $1.3 billion in revenue for uranium deliveries through 2028. 2. AREVA (EPA:AREVA) 2016 uranium production: 24.7 million pounds (11,186 MT) AREVA produces about 15 percent of the world’s uranium at mines in Canada, Kazakhstan and Niger. Unlike Cameco, the company saw a slight increase in uranium production from 2015 to 2016. Notably, AREVA has a 51-percent stake in the KATCO joint venture. Kazatomprom holds the other 49-percent stake, and the companies are operating the Kazakhstan-based Muyunkum and Tortkuduk mines; together they reportedly cover the world’s largest in-situ recovery uranium mining site in the world. In April 2017, AREVA and Kazatomprom signed an agreement to further strengthen and develop the KATCO partnership. 3. Rio Tinto (NYSE:RIO,ASX:RIO,LSE:RIO) 2016 uranium production: 6.3 million pounds (3,171 MT) Rio Tinto produced more uranium in 2016 than it did in 2015, and plans to continue increasing production. In its 2016 report, the company says it plans to produce between 6.5 and 7.5 million pounds of uranium in 2017. The company’s uranium output comes partially through the 68.4-percent stake it holds in Energy Resources of Australia (ASX:ERA), which holds the Ranger mine, Australia’s longest continually operating producer of uranium. Rio Tinto also has a stake in Rossing Uranium, which runs the Rossing mine in Namibia; Rossing is one of the world’s largest and longest-running open-pit uranium mines. 4. Paladin Energy (TSX:PDN) 2016 uranium production: 4.9 million pounds (2,460.5 MT) of U3O8 Paladin Energy’s flagship operation is the Langer Heinrich mine in Namibia, though it also holds the Kayelekera mine in Malawi. The former is currently producing, but the latter is on care and maintenance. While Paladin was a significant uranium-producing company last year, in 2017 it has struggled. Early in the year it proposed a balance sheet restructuring in order to reduce its debt obligations and and extend the maturity of its remaining debt. Since then, CNNC Overseas Uranium Holdings, which bought a 25-percent stake in Langer Heinrich last year, has attempted to exercise an option to acquire the rest of the mine. Paladin has said it plans to enter arbitration with CNNC. Uranium Price Forecasts 2017 and Top Uranium Stocks to Watch 5. BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP,ASX:BHP,LSE:BLT) 2016 uranium production: 4.4 million pounds (2,460.5 MT) of payable uranium in concentrate BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam mine in Australia is one of the largest ore bodies in the world. In addition to uranium, it also holds copper, gold and silver. According to the company, Olympic Dam has a fully integrated processing facility. Midway through 2016, the company announced plans for a low-key expansion of the mine over the course of five years. Other uranium-producing companies Wondering which other companies produced uranium last year? Companies that produced smaller amounts include Energy Fuels (TSX:EFR,NYSEMKT:UUUU), which put out 1 million pounds (460.4 MT) of U3O8, and Ur-Energy (TSX:URE,NYSEMKT:URG), whose 2016 U3O8 output came in at 538,004 pounds (244 MT). It’s also worth noting that Energy Resources of Australia produced 5.2 million pounds (2,351 MT) of uranium oxide last year. As mentioned, the company holds the Ranger mine in Australia. While mining stopped at Ranger in 2012, the company is currently still producing uranium oxide from stockpiled ore. In 2017 it is forecast to produce about the same amount it put out in 2016. Kazatomprom and Uranium One are also major uranium-producing companies, but are not included on this list because they are privately owned. LINKS > NEWS headlines : > http://www.u3o8.biz/s/Home.asp > Cameco/CCO - Presentations, 2017: Q2,
  24. KITCO Articles It could be a good week for Gold - the market seems "coiled" for a move Up Six Positive Gold Trends For 2017 - WGC Kitco News 01:04PM PRECIOUS-Trump helps gold scale highest levels since November Reuters 03:23PM CFTC Hedge Funds Buy Gold For First Time In Nine Weeks Kitco News 11:21AM RERUN Will Gold Miners Have a 2016 Repeat? Kitco Video News 08:50AM Trade tensions, dollar danger cloud economic optimism in Davos Reuters 06:56AM === === The six trends the WGC highlighted include: heightened political and geopolitical risks, currency depreciation, rising inflation expectations, inflated stock market valuations, long-term Asian growth and opening of new markets. However, the three standout factors, according to three economists quoted in the report, will be Asian growth, political uncertainty from Europe as well as rising inflation as a result of U.S. policy. According to Jim O'Sullivan, High Frequency Economics' chief U.S. economist, the Federal Reserve is likely to hike interest rates by 75 basis points this year, followed by another 100 bps in 2018. . . . * SPDR holdings rise for the first time since U.S. election * Long gold positions rise for first time in nine weeks * Weak physical market demand expected to cap gold's gains Jan 16 Gold climbed on Monday to its highest in more than seven weeks on buying fuelled by political uncertainty after comments by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on NATO and China. . . . After eight weeks of declining interest in gold, hedge funds started wading back into the gold market, according to the latest trade data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The Disaggregated Commitments of Traders report, for the week ending Jan. 10, showed money managers increased their speculative gross long positions in Comex gold futures by 7,777 contracts to 135,563. At the same time, short bets fell by 11,345 contracts to 79,884. Gold’s net length now stands at 55,679 contracts. Gold’s net length bounced off its lowest level in almost a year, increasing 52% from the previous week. However, some analysts noted that long interest in gold is still at depressed levels and most of the increase was due to short-covering. . Gold’s net length is down almost 80% from its record highs seen in early July. During the survey period, gold prices rallied 2.2% to their highest point in nearly a month. . . . NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index, finished the year up 55 percent, handily beating all other asset classes, explained Frank Holmes, chief executive officer of U.S. Global Investors to Kitco News on Tuesday. Miners were followed by commodities at 25 percent and silver at 15 percent. Gold finished up 8.6 percent, its first positive year since 2012, when it gained 7.1 percent, he said. 'Many in the financial media continue to have a bias against gold, even though it generated better returns in 2016 than 10-year Treasuries and the U.S. dollar, which performed half as well. And when it was up as much as 28 percent in the summer, they still didn’t have anything positive to say, arguing it had gone up too much, . . . * Trump stimulus, commodities seen fuelling global recovery * Trade tensions and European political surprises top risks * U.S. monetary tightening could push up dollar further DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 16 (Reuters) - A trade war between the United States and China and a strengthening dollar are among the biggest threats to a brightening global economic outlook, according to leading economists at the World Economic Forum in Davos. As political leaders, businessmen and bankers converge on the resort in the Swiss Alps this week, they can draw hope from a more benign economic picture and a rally in global stock markets on expectations of major stimulus under a new U.S. administration led by Donald Trump. The backdrop is brighter than it was a year ago,.. Among the biggest concerns for 2017 cited by the half dozen economists interviewed by Reuters was the threat of a U.S.-China trade war, and broader economic tensions, triggered by what they fear could be a more confrontational Trump administration. Trump is threatening to brand China a currency manipulator and impose heavy tariffs on imports of Chinese goods. Last month he named leading China critic Peter Navarro, author of the book "Death by China", as a top trade adviser.
  25. " I always assumed that the bonds had a lower return than the equities." Date---- : GCM.t : 7,692 : CAD$ : NotVal : 1% Deb. vol. : Db.O/S- Date : 6%Deb: Db.O/S- Date : TDebt : Shs-OS : MktVal. : Ent.Val. : Gold : ======= 03/31/16 : $0.095 : 0,731 : 0.769 : 56.94 : $58.00. -------- : $71.2- 03/31 : $68.00 : 104.0 - 03/31 : $175.2 : 125.5m : C$11.9M: $184.3M/ 1234= 149.4k 06/30/16 : $0.100 : 0,769 : 0.773 : 59.44 : $55.00. -------- : $67.7- 06/30 : $65.00 : 103.3 - 05/12 : $171.0 : 157.8m*: C$15.8M: $183.2M/ 1325= 138.3k 07/06/16 : $0.140 : 1,077 : 0.770 : 82.92 : $74.00, 164.0k : $67.7- 06/30 : $78.50 : 103.3 - 05/12 : $171.0 : 157.8m*: C$22.1M: $188.0M/ 1366= 137.6k 08/31/16 : $0.115 : 0,885 : 0.763 : 67.53 : $72.00, 539.5k : $53.7- 08/11 : $83.15 : 103.3 - 08/11 : $157.0 : 252.9m*: C$29.1M: $186.1M/ 1311= 141.9k 09/30/16 : $0.120 : 0,923 : 0.762 : 70.33 : $72.50, 154.0k : $49.8- 09/06 : $91.00 : 102.5 - 09/06 : $152.3 : 277.6m*: C$33.3M: $177.7M/ 1317= 134.9k 10/21/16 : $0.115 : 0,885 : 0.750 : 66.34 : $68.00, 0??? k : $49.8- 09/06 : $88.00 : 102.5 - 09/06 : $152.3 : 277.6m*: C$31.9M: $176.2M/ 1266= 139.2k 11/30/16 : $0.100 : 0,769 : 0.744 : 57.21 : $61.00, 90.00k : $49.7- 12/06 : $84.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$27.8M: $171.6M/ 1174= 146.2k 12/30/16 : $0.095 : 0,731 : 0.744 : 54.39 : $61.00, 20.00k : $49.7- 12/06 : $84.00 : 101.2 - 12/06 : $150.9 : 277.6m*: C$26.4M: $170.5M/ 1152= 148.1k Each 1% Bond is cv into 7,692 shares. At C$0.10 that is C$769.2 x $0.759 = USD583 - they have been trading recently at US$0.6024 (x$100 = $602.4) The 1% bonds mature in 2018, and are Junior to the 6% Bonds of 2020 in seniority GCM.t has traded as high as C$0.16, and I sold some shares at C$0.145 At C$0.16 the value of the bonds was C$1,230.7 x $0.76 = USD935. But the high price for the bonds was only $86. ($860) So for a while, the share-value of the bonds was more than the bonds. That is why I sold my GCM shares, and used the money to buy more bonds.
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