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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. MARS / Antarctica - part-1 ===== It is not surprising that the CIA employed a remote viewer to learn about the origins of the pyramids and other artificial Mars structures in the Cydonia region. The protocol used for the session is described on page 2 of the CIA document (Mars Exploration), which is dated May 22, 1984: The rest of the CIA document (pp. 3-9) is a transcript of the remote viewer responding to questions about different locations and time periods given to him (in 1984, all known remote reviewers were men). The remote viewer is referred to as "SUB.," while the questioner is "MON*." This is what the remote viewer reports after being given his first question: The coordinates are for the Cydonia region, and immediately the remote viewer describes some kind of pyramid sitting in a valley. This is remarkable corroboration for the multiple researchers who have identified pyramids in the Viking images of this exact region of Mars. Next, the remote viewer responds to a serious of questions concerning the population living in the region shortly before planet-wide geological disturbances that occurred approximately one million years ago. He describes the population as very tall and thin, and looking to escape the disturbances which included very violent storm activity: The Martian civilization is dying and the population knows about it: The Martians are waiting to travel elsewhere to survive. Some are able to escape to distant regions, presumably off-planet, as the following quote suggests: Next, the remote viewer describes what clearly appears to be a spacecraft taking survivors to another planet over a million years ago: The above description is very suggestive of what Earth may have looked like at the time. == > see: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/marte_structuresanomalies17.htm : NOTE: *MON would appear to be Robert Monroe, the MONitor, and the SUBject must be Joe McMoneagle, who has mentioned that he remoted-viewed pyramids on Mars in an interview about his book, MInd Trek: "A man from NASA arrived, carrying a sheet of paper with seven sets of coordinates. They read the target coordinates to me, and I started describing this pyramid, which I assumed to be in Egypt. But it didn't make sense to me, because I was describing corridors and rooms that I knew didn't exist in the Egyptian pyramids. I described all seven targets in detail: the first six correctly. The man from NASA was absolutely blown away. Only he knew what was at each of these locations. About five months later we got a call from him and he told us that the next Mars mission would be targeted against one of those coordinate sites. That's the last I ever heard about it, other than that on the next Mars mission the spacecraft was sent the wrong code or something and shut down. " > interview: http://www.mceagle.com/remote-viewing/pub/media/magicalblend9701.html "The last I heard about it."? Really? Maybe not. Perhaps he is not allowed to say more at that time. In another article, he revealed details beyond what was in the earlier article: At the first set of coordinates, 40.89 degrees north and 9.55 degrees west, he described enormous dust storms, pyramid forms, aqueducts and underground shelters. At one point, he reported "severe clouds, more like [a] dust storm" that were the "after effect of a major geological problem". He described "mountains of dirt" that appeared and disappeared, "large flat surfaces" and "megalithic" structures. Monroe, his monitor, then asked McMoneagle to move back to the time before the geological upheaval and to report any activity that he saw. Joe's perceptions were of people who were very tall and thin: "...t's only a shadow. It's as if they were It's as if they were there and they're not, not there anymore." Monroe instructed McMoneagle to go back to a period of time when these people were present. Initially, McMoneagle encountered interference, like "static on a line", where the connection became fragmented and broke up. His monitor advised him to report the raw data and not try to piece things together. "I just keep seeing very large people," said McMoneagle. "They appear thin and tall, but they're very large. Ah...wearing some kind strange clothes." I began seeing a race of people who were very much like us, but much larger, like huge larger—over 10 feet in height. These people were fighting to stay alive, were building hibernation chambers inside pyramids and were trying to put aside information for those who might come later, informing them of what had gone wrong. In any event, when we finished the remote viewing effort, Skip Atwater asked Bob to open the envelope and tell us what was inside. The card within the envelope said "Mars, one million years BC". It really surprised When I was doing the viewing, I kept getting a really sad feeling. These people were losing their home, and a handful had volunteered to stay behind to try to set up messages for those who might come after them. I got the distinct feeling that the pyramids were being set up to be used a hibernation chambers, and at some point at some time in the near future they had some expectation that someone would eventually find them and understand what they did to save their people. It was very moving.I don't think I expected such a powerful response to the remote viewing. > source: https://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/doc_view/296-remote-viewing-ancient-aliens-on-mars
  2. As Bitcoin Surges To Record High, China Prepares Its Own Digital Currency Bitcoin is a primary means of capital flight out of China. How long will that last? Here’s one key thought on bitcoin from the article: “OKCoin is among cryptocurrency exchanges that has recently taken steps to halt bitcoin withdrawals amid efforts to clamp down on capital outflows.” When China launches its own cryptocurrency, will it ban Bitcoin transactions? If so, what happens to the price of Bitcoin?
  3. WHAT YOU CAN SEE on Google Earth A saucer, helipads, equipment, infrastructure... "billions and billions worth... some trillions?" WEBBOT Clif High February 24 ! Why Economic Crisis Will Start 2017? Published on Feb 16, 2017
  4. Clif High gets into some serious WooWoo material in the last 1/3 of this - I recommend listening, if you are into that sort of thing. (Who are the positive and negative ET's, and why do they have such different hopes and fears about humanity?) CLIF HIGH: WE STAND AT THE CUSP, THE REST IS UP TO US The guy behind the SGT Report has also though seriously about these matters
  5. Clif High sees Bitcoing going to $13,000 by Feb. 2017... and Silver to $600 eventually / start listening at about 45 minutes in / CLIF HIGH: WE STAND AT THE CUSP, THE REST IS UP TO US
  6. Dr Salla has some fascinating revelations Antarctica Disclosure to Save the World - Dr. Michael Salla Freeman Fly : 41,517 views Published on Feb 18, 2017 What is under the ice of Antarctica? Top Nazi war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering visited Antarctica. Admiral Byrd flew to the Inner Earth in Antarctica. The Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was there a year ago. Skull and Bones member and Secretary of State, John Kerry, made a surprise trip to Antarctica during Trump's election. And, Buzz Aldrin, the Freemason that established Tranquility Lodge 2000 on the moon, fell ill after his recent trip to Antarctica. Leslie Stevens created the 1970's epic, Battlestar Galactica stating, "All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again." Will the release of classified DARPA technologies enslave or free humanity? Will Donald Trump cure cancer!? Could we have saved Richard Hatch? If you remember, pretending to be his character, Apollo, in my youth, revealed to me my father's secret connections to Freemasonry, submarines, and even, chasing flying saucers! You will be missed Richard. Whistleblowers are exploding our concepts of history. Is there an ancient advanced civilization under the glaciers of the South Pole? Has extraterrestrial technology created a divide in the military branches? Who controls space? http://freemantv.com/antarctica-discl...
  7. DELUSIONAL activists walk among us - scary Trump a 'monster' for undoing transgender bathroom policy? Published on Feb 23, 2017 DNC senior adviser blasts Trump's decision to revoke Obama federal guidelines that allowed public school students to use restrooms and other facilities corresponding to their gender identity, saying that transgender kids have been left vulnerable #Tucker This fool is with the Democratic party. We need to understand how "far out" they are in their delusional thinking Tucker asks: "How do I know if someone is male or female." The answer was basically: It is up to the individual to choose their gender identity
  8. Closed on Key resistance, at C$0.115 (thursday) (in edit - one day later - Friday close): Looks like it will got thru resistance - as I bet it would : 10d-chart : C$0.12 Change: +0.005 : Percent Change:+4.35% Open:0.115 / High:0.12 / Low:0.11 Volume: 2,268,169 2.27 million volume is not bad, since the average is about 1 million
  9. PUBLIC : Bitcoin-relation investments you can trade in public markets GBTC / Bitcoin Investment Trust (OTC) ... All-data : 12-mos : 6-mos : xx Bitcoin is approaching news highs as investors wait to hear about the pending approval of the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust ETF (Pending:COIN). The significance of reaching a new high in Bitcoin should not be taken lightly because on average the new high is 3- 10 times higher than the previous one. The way the approval process works is that if the SEC has no further comment by the end of the comment period the ETF can move forward and is essentially approved. This deal has been in the works for over 4 years so there is a lot of anticipation. So every day that we inch closer and closer to March 11th the higher the likelihood of the even happening. The chart below depicts the Bitcoin price in orange versus the Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC). Notice the correlation as well as the current divergence in GBTC. Also take note of the uptick since the formal confirmation of Mike Mulvaney. A new high could really propel this stock and others in the sector. GBTC is a private, open-ended trust that is invested exclusively in bitcoin and derives its value solely from the price of bitcoin. It enables investors to gain exposure to the price movement of bitcoin without the challenge of buying, storing, and safekeeping bitcoins. The BIT's sponsor is Grayscale Investments, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Digital Currency Group. This is the first publicly quoted security to base its value off the price of bitcoin. This anticipation of the ETF is creating a renaissance in Bitcoin stocks. If the COIN ETF receives approval speculation is that the price of Bitcoin will move significantly higher and that the ETF will need to create a basket of investments and therefore purchase shares in Bitcoin stocks. There are a couple of predictions on the passage of the ETF. Needham has made a call that there is a "25% chance of being approved" while Emerita Capital is coming in at 35%. There are very few pure plays for Bitcoin stocks. Here are some of the key players as well as market capitalization: Stock : Company---------- : Shs O/S- : Price : Market Cap. GBTC : Bitcoin Inv. Trust-- : 1.837 mil : 113.50 : $208.5 million GAHC : Global Arena Hldg : 685.6 mil : $.0140 : $ 9,598,400 BTSC : Bitcoin Services--- : 511.9 mil : $.0120 : $ 6,141,600 CNXS : Connexus Corp.--- : 43.0 mil : $.0038 : $ 163,400 Source: OTC Markets Global Arena Holding Inc. is a holding and technology company involved in blockchain technology. The blockchain is basically a digital ledger that anyone can add to but that nothing can be removed from creating a verifiable trail of transaction. All these transaction are broadcast to a network of nodes and each node updates its own copy of the ledger with the new transactions. Bitcoin Services, Inc. is essentially a Bitcoin mining operation. They maintain their own facilities and servers. Their capacity has been increasing as they try to find more efficient ways to mine bit coins and lower their cost of production. Connexus Corp. has branded bitcoin ATM's back by Mike Tyson's celebrity. They operate around regions of Las Vegas and in parts of California. Increases in Bitcoin price will lead to increased demand and enhanced adoption and distribution of the Bitcoin ATM's. == > More: http://seekingalpha.com/article/4048953-bitcoin-bitcoin-stocks-move-director-omb-confirmation
  10. If You Traded Bitcoin, You Should Report Capital Gains To The IRS Robert A. Green, CPA, Contributor The IRS considers cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, to be “intangible property.” Investors and traders holding cryptocurrency as a capital asset should use capital gain or loss tax treatment on sales and exchanges, with the realization method. For example, if you buy Bitcoins with U.S. dollars and later sell them for U.S. dollars, a capital gain or loss needs to be reported on that transaction. Americans also trade Bitcoins or leveraged Bitcoin contracts on Bitcoin exchanges, and they should report realized capital gains and losses on each trade, even if the trader doesn’t convert underlying Bitcoin back into U.S. dollars. It’s similar to having a foreign-based brokerage account, denominated in a foreign currency (i.e., Euros), where a trader buys and sells European equities held in Euros, and does not convert Euros back to U.S. dollars during the year. Two choices for tax reporting: Convert Bitcoin to U.S. dollars on each purchase and sale transaction using the Bitcoin market price that day denominated in U.S. dollars, or use Bitcoin as a functional currency, using an average Bitcoin vs. U.S. dollar conversion rate for the tax year. The CFTC does not permit American retail customers to trade leveraged Bitcoin contracts on Bitcoin exchanges. (Read my related blog post: If You Want To Trade Bitcoins, First Learn CFTC Rules.) == > http://seekingalpha.com/article/4048953-bitcoin-bitcoin-stocks-move-director-omb-confirmation
  11. NEW All Time High ! How far will BTC go? = I believe it will takeout $1200 soon, and may touch the Gold price (now near $1240) But I will do some selling into this surge. I will explain why later === / 1 / Crytpocurrency bitcoin reaches all-time high Highly Cited-USA TODAY-3 hours ago / 2 / Bitcoin And Bitcoin Stocks Move On Director Of OMB Confirmation Seeking Alpha-6 hours ago The confirmation of Mike Mulvaney on February 16, 2017 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a big shot in the arm for Bitcoin. Summary + Mike Mulvaney confirmation sparks move in Bitcoin price. + Approval of ETF catalyst coming on March 11, 2017. + Scarcity of supply driving Bitcoin stocks prices and potential ETF investment. == The confirmation of Mike Mulvaney on February 16, 2017 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a big shot in the arm for Bitcoin. Since his confirmation there has been more than an uptick in price of Bitcoin and Bitcoin related stocks. Mike Mulvaney a conservative republican congressman from South Carolina is a dedicated Bitcoin supporter and his confirmation as the direct of the budget office can only be viewed as a positive. Mulvaney first went on record in April 2014 to say "Just wrapped up a Small Business Committee hearing on Bitcoin. I know it isn't a mainstream issue yet - and may not become one - but it is extraordinarily interesting and something that could eventually influence the dollar and our monetary policy. In fact, one of the witnesses drew favorable comparisons between Bitcoin and Milton Friedman. / 3 / Bitcoin is surging – but that might not mean what you think CNBC-7 hours ago Bitcoin – the volatile digital currency that is used for a bevy of transaction, investment and value-storing purposes – is hovering around all-time ...
  12. Possible new source of of demand: COIN ETF Mechanics February 21, 2017Casper Cheng My 5 year trading career was spent as the head Asia Ex Japan Australia ETF market maker for Deutsche Bank and then Citibank. If the Winklevoss COIN ETF is approved, the price of Bitcoin will decisively punch through the last all time high. However the ways in which the ETF and the trading surrounding it will affect the Bitcoin exchange and trading ecosystem is just as important as the price spike. . . . If COIN is as popular as we all expect, then DMMs will need to day trade a significant amount of Bitcoin. Liquidity on Gemini, Coinbase, and itBit will be challenging. Due to regulations, US exchanges offer the least amount of Bitcoin trading products. Margin and futures trading is not offered. Even worse, the majority of supply is mined abroad. The over the top KYC requirements to open accounts in America scare many miners away from selling their coins on these exchanges. The stringent requirements also mean that exchanges can only service Americans. Except for the Gemini auction, DMMs will not be able to cheaply trade Bitcoin on US-regulated exchanges. They will rely upon OTC brokers. The largest US-domiciled broker is Cumberland Mining, a subsidiary of DRW Trading. Cumberland can access the largest pools of liquidity through their long standing relationships with large traders and exchanges globally. Market Structure Implications Gemini sans Bitcoin ETF is irrelevant. If the ETF is approved, volumes on the exchange will ratchet higher. Coinbase and itBit will bite the dust. Traders arbitraging the ETF vs. Bitcoin will primarily trade on Gemini. It will be the most direct and easy hedge. The daily Gemini auction will become the most important pricing signal. As the assets under management (AUM) of the ETF grows, the daily flows of creations and redemptions will underpin strong auction volumes. == > https://blog.bitmex.com/
  13. PUBLIC : Bitcoin-related investments you can trade in public markets GBTC / Bitcoin Investment Trust (OTC) ... All-data : 12-mos : 6-mos : Bitcoin is approaching news highs as investors wait to hear about the pending approval of the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust ETF (Pending:COIN). The significance of reaching a new high in Bitcoin should not be taken lightly because on average the new high is 3- 10 times higher than the previous one. The way the approval process works is that if the SEC has no further comment by the end of the comment period the ETF can move forward and is essentially approved. This deal has been in the works for over 4 years so there is a lot of anticipation. So every day that we inch closer and closer to March 11th the higher the likelihood of the even happening. The chart below depicts the Bitcoin price in orange versus the Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC). Notice the correlation as well as the current divergence in GBTC. Also take note of the uptick since the formal confirmation of Mike Mulvaney. A new high could really propel this stock and others in the sector. GBTC is a private, open-ended trust that is invested exclusively in bitcoin and derives its value solely from the price of bitcoin. It enables investors to gain exposure to the price movement of bitcoin without the challenge of buying, storing, and safekeeping bitcoins. The BIT's sponsor is Grayscale Investments, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Digital Currency Group. This is the first publicly quoted security to base its value off the price of bitcoin. This anticipation of the ETF is creating a renaissance in Bitcoin stocks. If the COIN ETF receives approval speculation is that the price of Bitcoin will move significantly higher and that the ETF will need to create a basket of investments and therefore purchase shares in Bitcoin stocks. There are a couple of predictions on the passage of the ETF. Needham has made a call that there is a "25% chance of being approved" while Emerita Capital is coming in at 35%. There are very few pure plays for Bitcoin stocks. Here are some of the key players as well as market capitalization: Stock : Company---------- : Shs O/S- : Price : Market Cap. GBTC : Bitcoin Inv. Trust-- : 1.837 mil : 113.50 : $208.5 million GAHC : Global Arena Hldg : 685.6 mil : $.0140 : $ 9,598,400 BTSC : Bitcoin Services--- : 511.9 mil : $.0120 : $ 6,141,600 CNXS : Connexus Corp.--- : 43.0 mil : $.0038 : $ 163,400 (Source: OTC Markets) Global Arena Holding Inc. is a holding and technology company involved in blockchain technology. The blockchain is basically a digital ledger that anyone can add to but that nothing can be removed from creating a verifiable trail of transaction. All these transaction are broadcast to a network of nodes and each node updates its own copy of the ledger with the new transactions. Bitcoin Services, Inc. is essentially a Bitcoin mining operation. They maintain their own facilities and servers. Their capacity has been increasing as they try to find more efficient ways to mine bit coins and lower their cost of production. Connexus Corp. has branded bitcoin ATM's back by Mike Tyson's celebrity. They operate around regions of Las Vegas and in parts of California. Increases in Bitcoin price will lead to increased demand and enhanced adoption and distribution of the Bitcoin ATM's. == > More: http://seekingalpha.com/article/4048953-bitcoin-bitcoin-stocks-move-director-omb-confirmation
  14. MANILA “Strong demand amid large volume of new supply maintains upward rent trend.” Claro dG. Cordero, Jr., Head of Research, Philippines OFFICE Source: JLL For 2012 to 2016, take-up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end annual. Future supply is for 2017. Arrows indicate 12-month outlook Index base: 4Q12 =100 Source: JLL Growth Slowing STAGE IN CYCLE Physical Indicators ... Financial Indices ... Note: Manila Office refers to the Makati CBD and BGC Grade A office market. Net absorption rises on the back of strong demand • Net absorption in Makati CBD and Bonifacio Global City (BGC) posted a significant increase in 4Q16, reaching 119,900 sqm from the 43,000 sqm recorded in 3Q16, as take-up in new developments was high. The offshoring & outsourcing (O&O) sector remained the primary driver of demand for office space. • Notable leasing transactions in 4Q16 involved an O&O company and advertising firms leasing more than 8,000 sqm in BGC. Furthermore, a tech firm and a consulting firm leased space totalling more than 5,000 sqm in Makati CBD. Supply rebounds with new completions • Completions during the quarter included Vista Hub, W City Center and Uptown Bonifacio Tower 3, all in BGC, adding 117,300 sqm to total stock. Key developments set to complete in 1Q17 are Metrobank Center, The Curve, Inoza Tower, Ore Central, World Plaza, One Bonifacio High Street Office and High Street South Corporate Plaza Tower 1, all in BGC. • Vacancy further declined to reach 2.0% in 4Q16 despite the large volume of stock completed during the quarter, as occupancy in existing developments improved while newly completed buildings achieved high occupancy levels. Capital value growth marginally outpaces rental growth • Rents increased 1.4% q-o-q to PHP 979 per sqm per month in 4Q16 amid a tight vacancy environment. Growth in capital values slightly exceeded that of rents, posting an increase of 1.5% q-o-q to PHP 128,000 per sqm in 4Q16. • The strong local economy continues to attract occupiers and investment into the country. The upward adjustment of the country’s economic growth forecasts by the Asian Development Bank further highlights the potential attractiveness of the country to investors. Outlook: Large incoming supply may temper rent growth • The next two quarters are expected to see the completion of 286,000 sqm of office space from nine developments, which may result in the slowing of rent growth. • Nonetheless, the office rental market is expected to remain landlord-favourable due to sustained demand primarily sourced from the expansion of the O&O sector. Pre-commitment rates for many future developments in Makati CBD and BGC are at a high level == > http://www.ap.jll.com/asia-pacific/en-gb/Research/asia-pacific-property-digest-4q-2016.pdf?475a376b-ae94-4e32-8e44-8a9c8f641fe9
  15. Alveo Financial Tower - Building the Box The original design for Jaka Tower had a curved frontage, shaped with columns. But Ayala seems to have decided that was too old fashioned, so they opted for a box-like design : xx : As someone on SSC put it: "It just boggles the mind all the trouble they are going through just to make this building a box! It looks like they continue on with the reinforced concrete structure as if it was the old design with the curve but with the exterior steel attached to it!'" == > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1568161&page=16 But at least the new design seems to work. And buyers liked it enough to pay P 225k - P 250k psm. Rising Office rents, with little supply in Makati helps - especially on Ayala Avenue.
  16. DESTRUCTION !! I love it Of the Lie-Stream Media The Enemy of the People : 406,422 views, 32,919 Likes : 8.1% (dislikes: 718) (The WSJ hired three journalists to review PDP's videos and look for anti-semitic jokes. They found a few and took them out of context. Why? Is it because PDP's platform dwarfs that of the WSJ ??) PewDiePie "The media just take anything i say out of context and twist it to make it look like I'm a gay perverted paedophile." The Wall Street Journal "PewDiePie - I'm a gay perverted paedophile" Of celebrities screaming about Refugees Dear Virtue Signalling Celebrities : 562,884 views, 54,524 Likes : 9.7% (dislikes: 681) Meantime, the Lie-Stream tried to destroy Milo Y.: LIVE: Milo Press Conference - Free Speech Under Attack 93,250 views, 4,111 Likes : 4.4% (dislikes: 250) Fook 'em Forever ! Let's applaud as the journos lose their jobs, and are left begging in the streets. They deserve it, for arrogance, selfishness, and efforts to manipulate the public.
  17. When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis by Rand Flem-Ath, Rose Flem-Ath, Colin Wilson (Introduction) 3.75 · Rating Details · 165 Ratings · 12 Reviews The mystery of Atlantis the legendary advanced civilization described in ancient texts, has been solved at last. Scientific evidence, exciting new research, and the breakthrough discovery of an amazing Egyptian map prove without a doubt that this lost continent did exist...and reveal where its ruins can be found. But the fascinating truth about Atlantis also leads to a chilling conclusion about the environmental catastrophe that destroyed it. Now you can find out how the forces that shattered the first great civilization on Earth can happen again, bringing the end of the world to us all! == > http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/479258.When_the_Sky_Fell RAND-FLEM-ATH Jeff Rense & Flem Ath - Antarctica the Lost Continent of Atlantis / Hr1 A ​spellbinding blend of history and science, scholarship and speculation, this landmark work presents startling new evidence that traces archaeology's most enduring mysteries back to the lost civilization of Atlantis…. The Great Pyramid. Stonehenge. Machu Picchu. For centuries, these and other sacred sites have inspired wonder among those who ponder their origins. Conventional science tells us they were constructed by local peoples working with the primitive tools of a fledgling civilization. But these megaliths nonetheless continue to attract pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers drawn by the possibility that their true spiritual and technological secrets remain hidden. Who could have built these elaborate monuments? How did they do it? And what were their incomprehensible efforts and sacrifices designed to accomplish? Now comes a revolutionary theory that connects these mysteries to reveal a hidden global pattern – the ancient work of an advanced…
  18. Crypto Exchange, based in Hong kong BitMEX | Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange: Futures, Up To 100x Leverage http://www.bitmex.com/ Trade Bitcoin and crypto products with up to 100x leverage. BitMEX uses industry-leading technology developed by founders with extensive algorithmic trading ... About Us - BitMEX The founding team at BitMEX consists of best-of-class professionals in finance, ... from the Wharton School of Business, Arthur lived in Hong Kong as an equity ...
  19. BITCOIN is still the Biggest MktCap, by far Crypto Market Caps : https://coinmarketcap.com Only Seven Coins are over $100 Million Market Cap Name-------- ----Market Cap--- : ---Price-- Available Supply Volume (24h) % Change (24h) Price Graph (7d) 1 Bitcoin $17,650,054,736 : $1091.18 16,175,200 BTC $132,398,000 3.27% 2 Ethereum $1,125,457,919 : $12.63 89,082,383 ETH $15,364,900 -1.01% 3 Ripple $214,511,698 : $0.005791 37,044,621,729 XRP * $811,436 -0.59% 4 Litecoin $188,919,819 : $3.79 49,881,532 LTC $3,254,820 0.65% 5 Monero $170,962,239 : $12.26 13,948,472 XMR $5,549,320 1.90% 6 Dash $148,695,370 : $20.90 7,114,100 DASH $4,344,430 -5.20% 7 Ethereum Classic $109,438,923 $1.23 89,042,059 ETC $743,523 0.64%
  20. #UNRIP Trump: 30 Days to Settle the country MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT WARNING: You have 30 days to settle the country. A violent “American Spring” looms. You are under attack on three fronts: The Extreme Left & the controlled “fake news” MSM US Neo-Conservatives led by Dick Cheney, funded by foreigners The Deep State of entrenched senior officials combined with Senators and Representatives being blackmailed and bribed to betray the Republic. You are not under attack from Iran or Russia – all your existential fights are right here. There are four things you need to do immediately in order to survive: Our President, Under Siege! Switch out Preibus and Flynn — smart choices for the transition, they are undermining you now, Tillerson and Mattis probably agree they both need to go. You need a loyal Chief of Staff who can manage complexity, and a National Strategy Advisor with balance. Introduce the Electoral Reform Act of 2017 and demand that it go through – this is the only way you will survive the looming demise of the Republican Party; the only way you legitimize your accidental 27% presidency with a majority of the public; and the only way you free Members from foreign and financial community bribery and blackmail. Create the non-profit educational Trump Channel backed up by an Open Source Agency. Clear the existing press area in the White House, turn that into Trump Studios, and offer a daily fireside chat as well as short daily briefs by your principals in turn on each threat, each policy, each budget – bypass the fake news media, educate the public, and use PollMole to see what 200 million think on a Presidential Dashboard. Unleash the FBI, with NSA support, against the Deep State. You may have already started this, the Republican and Democratic Party pedophiles are the Achilles heel. We can isolate 500 other embedded traitors (financial, religious, ideological) in 90 days. == > MORE: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-memorandum-for-the-president-warning-on-american-spring-riots-eight-actions-to-make-america-great-again/
  21. Bitcoins Price may take another run at the Gold price - Gold is Now $1230 BTC - 32-months
  22. Hi guys - have you heard of this?: 15:00 - 16:00 • KEYNOTE BTCCS CEO BOBBY LEE TELLS THE REAL STORY OF BITCOIN IN CHINA Bobby Lee Free FX conference, starts tomorrow (Wed): http://www.ifxexpo.com/index­ HK Exhibition CC - Wanchai
  23. (As alleged on Ben Fulford's site): I get the Illuminati have Draconian souls. They were created by putting a lot of Human DNA in the Draconian eggs over 5,000 years. I get the Illuminati are 62% Human and 38% Draconian. I’m told they can shape shift into a Reptilian and must do it at least once a day.I didn’t believe the shape shifting part, just cause David Icke said it, but after years of doubting it, I’ve researched it and found enough eye witnesses. William Tompkins is a claimed eye witness, I heard him say it at least twice, once in the Project Camelot interview. A big problem is the Illuminati owns & controls the main stream media. I’m also told there are a little less than 10,000 of them, with about 40% claiming to be Jewish, there are 2 castes (warrior & worker) or a high bloodline and a low bloodline. There is an Asian Illuminati group (low bloodline, about 10% of them, and they rule China and some nearby countries. The high bloodline has the secret knowledge of suppressed technology (low bloodline doesn’t), free energy, space flight (we have a big space fleet or the Illuminati does), food replicaters and a lot more. The high bloodline has the positions of power, political, central banks, control the military & more. The Mother and Father must both be Illuminati (have a Draconian soul), for the children to be Illuminati, that’s what staying in the bloodline is all about. The Illuminati are pure evil and they must be taken out of power and executed or imprisoned, there are also about 1.5 million bad guys & bad women that are aligned with them and must be also be taken out of power and executed or imprisoned. After these 2 things happen, Humanity can have disclosure, and fix the planet. After adjusting our new government and society, Humanity will move into the Golden Age. The brown dwarf star (planet X) & planets is coming close to the sun & Earth in early 2018 I’m told, causing great destruction for about 90 days or so. During this time the Illuminati will hide underground and outer space. When they come back Humanity must not let them take power, Humanity will rule itself and fix so many things that big business does to us for short term profit. http://www.icheckyoursoul.com/ Comment by guac77 on February 21, 2017 @ 2:10 am === > source: http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/20/a-few-dozen-arrests-might-be-all-it-takes-to-free-humanity-now/
  24. Know thy enemy As Fulford wrote: the overall target. That is a sub-set of the so-called Jewish population that is described in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament or Torah. These are people who worship Satan (Baal, Molech etc.) and practice both human sacrifice and cannibalism. They have thousands of years’ experience in infiltrating societies and taking secret control of the top levels of power through murder, blackmail, bribery and propaganda. The nightmare of their rule is finally ending. From the article A group of women who say Sir Edward Heath abused them as children have also accused their parents of being involved in up to 16 murders. The farce came as police probe incredible claims that the former prime minister was linked to a paedophile ring that killed as many as 16 children – which would make them the worst child murderers in British history . . . They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in churches and forests around southern England and also participated in similar ceremonies in Africa. . . . : Last night Sir Edward’s godson, Lincoln Seligman, said: ‘I understand that these claims from the 1980s were at the time dismissed as complete fantasy by police. It is disappointing that these wild allegations have been reheated and randomly attached to Edward Heath’s name.’ A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: ‘We are not prepared to discuss this as this is an on-going investigation.’ GODSON HITS OUT AT CHIEF'S CLAIMThe godson of Sir Edward Heath reacted angrily yesterday after it was claimed that a police chief is ‘120 per cent’ sure that sex abuse allegations against the former prime minister are genuine. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4240690/Sir-Edward-Heath-accusers-claim-parents-ran-sex-cult.html#ixzz4ZKFwM3zM No one is guilty until proven... but there does seem to be a group of very powerful and rich people involved in child abuse The Seligman Family Tree www.seligmanfamily.info/FamilyTree.htm The Seligman Family Tree: The First Six Generations. Use the scroll bars at right to navigate the Seligman Family Tree, which is shown in waterfall format at right .. lincolnseligman - about Lincoln Seligman www.lincolnseligman.co.uk/about-lincoln/ Lincoln Seligman is best known for his large scale works of art for modern buildings around the world. They are usually found in the main entrance or atrium ... fetish-artist-lincoln-seligman Fetish Artist Print by Lincoln Seligman Dominatrix Print featuring the painting Fetish Artist by Lincoln Seligman
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