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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. The REAL Haters? A truly dangerous one may be: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) SPLC is one of the scummiest organizations on the planet. The above description of Stormfront sounds like it was written by them SPLC are one of the main organizations labeling as "Haters" anyone who does not agree with ultraLeft marxist ideology Tucker Carlson has been exposing them recently - God bless Tucker "Liberal Propaganda Machine" Tucker Carlson RIPS Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRuzg0sRoRU / 2 / Report: Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions To Offshore Entities - Tucker Carlson "aspires to be the main arbiter about what is, and what is not, a Hate organization"
  2. SF = " Web's first major racial hate site" - Wiki calls it. But wtf is Wikipedia, if not controlled media? - - - ( Stormfront's Logo ) - - - Meantime, the Stormfront Forum is slowly getting back on its feet, but without its old domain name. THIS link may work : > https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/08/yes-virginia-you-can-still-access-stormfront-heres-how/ It is called a NeoNazi site by wiki, but not called that by many who use it regularly (these comments are EXTREMELY BIASED imho... you can check for yourself... when SF is accessible.) Stormfront is a white nationalist,[4]white supremacist[5] and neo-Nazi[6]Internet forum, and the Web's first major racial hate site.[7] Stormfront began as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s before being established as a website in 1996 by former Ku Klux Klan leader and white supremacist Don Black. It received national attention in the United States in 2000 after being featured as the subject of a documentary, Hate.com. Stormfront has been the subject of controversy after being removed from French, German, and Italian Google indexes, for targeting an online Fox News poll on racial segregation, and for having political candidates as members. Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism. In August 2017, Stormfront was shut down after a company closed its domain name due to complaints that it promoted hatred and had links with murders == > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormfront_%28website%29 Don Black has some comments about getting to the site, and his lawsuit here - on his podcast, which I do listen to sometimes, and find mostly fair, and more honest than the LSM > mp3-hr1-sff-9/01 : http://renseradioarchives.com/archives/stormfront/hr1090117.mp3 (After those brief comments by Black, Patrick Slattery gives his review on the Charlottesville was a false flag meme. Prof Jim Fetzer is dismissed by a caller as: "just a kook... just a kook" ) I am not a user or supporter of the SF website, but I do believe in free speech, and believe it has been violated In a fair world, maybe 90% of the cabal-controlled Lie-Stream media would be shutdown until SFF is restored. Fair is fair, right? You can read some comments on the SF website on 4Chan > http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/139022738/stormfront-dead Here's one: Stormfront is still up, it's just the domain which is seized. Add www.stormfront.org to you host file and it should work. But I wonder, why hasn't there been some announcement on Stormfront forums of this? T hey're just going about their usual business.
  3. WHY the rising Vacancies? Is it due to New competition? Avida Makati West : 0 20 : 1150 : 230 : 20/230= 8.7% estimated vacancy rate Why are the Vacancies so much higher at Avida Makati West, than Avida SanLo (2.6%)? I reckon it is because a new building was completed not many months ago, and it is sucking tenants out of other buildings, especially in its area, near Tech Zone A principal new competitor (because it is so LARGE) seems to be... : Victoria De Makati - with about 950 units, which was turned over earlier this year. : zipmatch : The units there are VERY bare, mere shells which need proper ceilings, kitchens, and everything to be installed. And this takes time - several weeks and even months for many flats 2BR / 3BR flats are on two levels, with small windows and small rooms This was one of the cheapest new condos in Makati. 5 years ago, people were buying at between P50-60k per sqm. This means that some owners may have rented in Avida MW while they waited for their units to be turned over, and others may have moved out, to get larger flats at lower rents Example : RENT 2BR at Victoria de Makati : ₱ 25,000 Per Month (Note: part of a "payment scheme" so may be misleading.) Floor Area : 42 SQM (P 595 perr sqm) List Date : 22 August 2017 Makati City, Makati Aven... Victoria de Makati rises on the urbane Washington dela Rosa for young professionals and t... > https://www.property24.com.ph/2-bedroom-condominium-for-rent-in-makati-avenue-111744023?IsShowcased=True&utm_source=trovit&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=trovit&utm_source=Trovit&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=Properties_for_rent Example : BUY 2 - 3BR at Victoria de Makati ₱ 3 Million / 42 = P 71.4k psm (still available? not sure) Description *Unfurnished (needs finishing, can commission outsider subject to terms and conditions but if internal 250k-400k) *42sqm / 18th floor tower B > https://www.olx.ph/item/3br-bi-level-condominium-unit-at-victoria-de-makati-ID85JvW.html?h=a5a55a4c23
  4. WHY the rising Vacancies? Is it due to New competition? Avida Makati West : 0 20 : 1150 : 230 : 20/230= 8.7% estimated vacancy rate Why are the Vacancies so much higher at Avida Makati West, than Avida SanLo (2.6%)? I reckon it is because a new building was completed not many months ago, and it is sucking tenants out of other buildings, especially in its area, near Tech Zone The main new one seems to be Victoria De Makati - with about 950 units, which was turned over earlier this year. : zipmatch : The units there are VERY bare, mere shells which need proper ceilings, kitchens, and everything to be installed. And this takes time - several weeks and even months for many flats : more layouts : 2BR / 3BR flats are on two levels, with small windows and small rooms This was one of the cheapest new condos in Makati. 5 years ago, people were buying at between P50-60k per sqm. This means that some owners may have rented in Avida MW while they waited for their units to be turned over, and others may have moved out, to get larger flats at lower rents Example : RENT 2BR at Victoria de Makati : ₱ 25,000 Per Month (Note: part of a "payment scheme" so may be misleading.) Floor Area : 42 SQM (P 595 perr sqm) List Date : 22 August 2017 Makati City, Makati Aven... Victoria de Makati rises on the urbane Washington dela Rosa for young professionals and t... > https://www.property24.com.ph/2-bedroom-condominium-for-rent-in-makati-avenue-111744023?IsShowcased=True&utm_source=trovit&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=trovit&utm_source=Trovit&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=Properties_for_rent Example : BUY 2 - 3BR at Victoria de Makati ₱ 3 Million / 42 = P 71.4k psm (still available? not sure) Description *Unfurnished (needs finishing, can commission outsider subject to terms and conditions but if internal 250k-400k) *42sqm / 18th floor tower B > https://www.olx.ph/item/3br-bi-level-condominium-unit-at-victoria-de-makati-ID85JvW.html?h=a5a55a4c23 Agents told me that most of the new tenants in Victoria de Makati are shifting over from nearby Cityland buildings
  5. After a big "victory" against Antifa, what is coming next? == NEXT UP? One (or all) of these needs immediate exposing & annihilation: + The cover-up which protected the crimes of the Clintons? + The Cultural marxist control of our education system? + The cabal's control of the media, and strangling of Free Speech + The pedophile control structure manipulating our political system
  6. Seasonal Cycle Yes, MORE impressive. Perhaps the prior weakness (see "I'm not impressed") was mainly seasonal. We are now in the strong season for Gold I can see GLD running to $130 or higher over the next 4-5 weeks
  7. Good news for LRT and MRT commuters? / 1 / LRT 1 cited for (improved) quality standard - Business Insight, 9/1/17, pg. A3 Light Rail Manila Corp (LRMC) operator of the country's oldest light rail system, LRT-1, said that it has received certification for ISO 9001 and 14001, less than two years since work began to upgrade Manila's oldest light rail system. ... following a two-year company-wide program to improve operational efficiencies... LRMC is the first company in PH to get such a certification "LRMC was able to improve efficiencies and introduce innovations that resulted in increased number of trains and trips,reduced passenger waiting time, improved safety and cleanliness of the stations, increased ridership, extended operating hours, increased customer satisfaction - all unprecedented milestones..." LRMC is (also) responsible for the extension of the train system all the way to Cavite. It is composed of MPIC's Metro Pacific Light Rail Corp, Ayala Corp's AC Infrastructure Holdings, and Maquarie Infrastructure holdings / 2 / MPIC-Ayala eyes MRT-3 takeover in 6 months - Philippine Star, 9/01/17, pg. B1 The group of Metro-Pacific Investments Corp (MPIC) and Ayala Corp hopes to takeover the operation of the Metro Rail Transit Line withing six months. ... the group submitted a proposal for the MRT-3 to the government last July 14. ... under the proposal, the group would invest P 12 billion to rehabilitate the train system ... there would be no increase in train fares fr two years
  8. WHY was Hillary given such special treatment? Why did Comey exonerate Clinton? He started drafting his statement of exoneration BEFORE interviewing witnesses (Was she a CIA asset, as some have claimed?) "It's incredible. The investigation was a sham" Proof that Comey's probe of Clinton a sham? / 2 / James Comey's Got Some 'Splainin' To Do! Sekulow! / 3 / FBI botched Clinton probe ‘for political reasons’ – lawyer Comment from Youtube: "Stretch her neck!" "We need a FULL and completely public investigation into ALL of the Crimes of the Clintons - the Show trial of the century, with 24/7 coverage. Any MSM channel that does not cover it, should be embarrassed, and maybe shutdown. After that, if warranted the Clintons should be jailed. If capital crimes were committed, we should have an extensive public debate about the appropriate form of execution. I favor a lynching"
  9. GOOG - shut it Down! After the news (below). I have had with Google I am considering starting a WH petition to demand it be investigated, then broken up or shut down, based on its monopoly-based activity, and its overtly political actions We-the-people need to communicate that enough is enough with these scumbags. Our constitutional right of Free Speech must be protected! GOOGLE ULTIMATUM TO CONSERVATIVE SITE... DELETE 'HATE' -- OR LOSE AD REVENUE... 'People waking up to its power'... FACEBOOK not letting users block Zuckerberg... (This is just one of many similar actions that EVIL GOOG is taking to silence those on the right. In fact, they stripped THIS Site of Adsense revenues years ago FOR NO GOOD REASON, Now I pay $45 per month from my own pocket for hosting, where previously Adsense revenues covered that, and provided a modest surplus. Google is stealing billions from those whose political views it disagrees with, turning us into unpaid charity volunteers) Google Issues Ultimatum to Conservative Website: Remove 'Hateful' Article or Lose Ad Revenue On Tuesday evening, Google sent a conservative website an ultimatum: remove one of your articles, or lose the ability to make ad revenue on your website. The website was strong-armed into removing the content, and then warned that the page was "just an example and that the same violations may exist on other pages of this website." "Yesterday morning, we received a very bizarre letter from Google issuing us an ultimatum," Shane Trejo, media relations director of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Michigan, wrote on The Liberty Conservative. "Either we were to remove a particular article or see all of our ad revenues choked off in an instant. This is the newest method that Big Brother is using to enforce thought control." The ultimatum came in the form of an email from Google's ad placement service AdSense. The email specifically listed an article on The Liberty Conservative's site, stating that the article violated AdSense's policies. = > https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/08/31/google-issues-ultimatum-to-conservative-website-remove-hateful-article-or-lose-ad-revenue/
  10. Hmm. Interesting Could be a major breakthrough Can a 100% foreign owned "Investment House" own mainly Property? Do you know what income tax rate would apply to the property-related income they earn?
  11. He's great! Lot's of truth & inspiration He says: "I have come out of the Lie!" "Why am I a Democrat? What have democrats done for us? "When did the first black person own a slave? The 1600's! I had to look it up. I thought all white people owned slaves. Only a few did." Do the right things! Show up on time! People will love you for your character." I watched the film, DETROIT, a few days ago. What a load of garbage. Director Katherine Bigelow seems to be promoting a race war. The characters are all made of cardboard, and all the blacks are virtuous, and most of the whites behaved like racists, except two white women "from Ohio." I was there - I lived in Detroit at the time. There were riots, angry blacks seemed to be everywhere, and people were on edge. Things were so bad that governor George Romney, Mitt's father, called in the National Guard to restore order to the streets. No doubt, some injustices occurred, but the people that the film made out to be villains were let off by the jury. Were they genuinely villlains? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Even the film admitted that much of the film was "a dramaticization." What's the purpose? Who's agenda is this film serving? We need to ask these kinds of questions
  12. LOOK What passes as a NEWS Report in San Francisco > http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Feinstein-surprises-SF-crowd-by-expressing-hope-12160141.php#photo-14018485 Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump = ===== I am very tempted to Email THIS RESPONSE to the writer: Have you got any idea how biased your reporting looks? Please consider how your articles look to intelligent and aware people who do not live in the same bubble as you do.. + "The crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s” and a few hisses and some nervous laughter." (Seems to be a measure of the narrowness of the crowd, not a comment on Senator Feinstein's reasonable remarks. I find that reaction pretty stunning, and wonder how easy it is collect a crowd like that in SF.) + "“The president shouldn’t have tried to placate both sides,” she said to loud applause. “You cannot placate American Nazis. You cannot placate white supremacists.” (Nazis again? Do you know that there are very few actual Nazis in America, and the vast majority of the Alt-Right marchers in Charlottesville, call themselves "White Nationalists", and want to have the same rights as other groups, they are not asking to be treated better. They want to preserve their history. How would you like it, if I posted on a public news site that Feinstein's reasonable remarks about Trump were boo-ed by a noisey crowd of Jewish Supremacists, in a crowded auditorium in ultra-Liberal California? That would be a comment on the exact same plain as your own reporting.) + "Feinstein also blasted his pardon of former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio last week, saying that the decision was a signal to police across the country that racial profiling is OK." (I see that this was DiFi's opinion, not that of the reporter, who simply added a word: "blasted". But it passed here, without correction, and seems highly misleading to me.) If you did admit your bias, you might try harder, or at least be more honest and call it propaganda, not news. Fail to do this, and many people like me may think: SF people live in a different world, they may be enemies. If there is a natural disaster or some other threat, other may not care what happens to SF residents, Triggering this response through mis-reporting may prove counterproductive for you & your causes. (I am not threatening you, simply warning that you are widening the gulf that already exists in our country.) >> Thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21660 ===
  13. Not every black woman buys into this BS WHAT does BLM want from White people WTF? Black Lives Matter Has A List of Demands for White People! "There are millions of black people who do not think this way." "The facts are ... every race has experienced slavery, and blacks are the only ones who have asked for reparations" (here's how it was reported in the UK) BLM Activist Writes List Of Demands For White People
  14. Two AVIDA Properties show big contrast (in Vacancy rates) Could this be because nearby properties are now available for Rent, and Avida Mak-W tenants are moving out, and into their own flats elsewhere: -> such as Alveo's Lerato (example: I'm not yet sure the move-in date of Avida Asten, Tower 1) # UNITS Available through Avida Leasing Property------------- : Avail. : Total : Avida* Vacancy Rate Avida San Lorenzo : 00 7 : 1300 : 260 : 07/260= 2.7 % Avida Makati West : 0 20 : 1150 : 230 : 20/230= 8.7 % compare Alveo bldgs: Columns Legaspi : 00 6 : 1150 : 230 : 06/230= 2.6 % Columns Ayala -- : 0 ?? : 1302 : 260 : ??/260= ???% ==== * I assume that Avida Leasing manages about 20% of the units in each project, This is based on my own direct knowledge of the number they manage at Avida SanLo t This 22.5 sqm studio unit on the 21st floor of Tower-1 AtSanLo is asking P19.000 monthly. There are two other studios, semi-Furnished at 16K and 18K. The other available units are larger At.Mak-W has three bare studios at 13,000, and one at 14,000 - versus Zero bare units (right now) at At.SanLo Estimated number of Units At San Lorenzo Twr.1 - : 114m. 28 st. : x 24 = 700 : 2ndQ.2013 : Twr.2 - : 107m. 25 st. : x 24 = 600 : 4thQ.2015 : > 1300 units. estimated At.Makati West Twr.1 - : 99.2m. 26 st. : x 21 = 546 : 1stQ. 2011 : 08-st., 08-1br, 05-2br x XXfl = Twr.2 - : 91.6m. 24 st. : x 25 = 600 : 3rdQ. 2011 : > 1146 units. est. x20%= 230 Av.Columns. Legaspi Twr.1 - : 150.m. 41 st. : x 14 = 574 : ???Q. 201? : 08-st., 04-1br, 02-2br x 41fl = Twr.2 - : 150.m. 41 st. : x 14 = 574 : ???Q. 201? : 08-st., 04-1br, 02-2br x 41fl = > 1148 units. est. x20%= 230 / 6 @ 30k - 85k / mo. (about 1000 psm?) Av.Columns. Ayala Twr.1 - : 114.m. 31 st. : x 14 = 434 : ???Q. 2006 : 06-st., 05-1br, 03-2br x 31fl = Twr.2 - : 114.m. 31 st. : x 14 = 434 : ???Q. 2007 : 06-st., 05-1br, 03-2br x 31fl = Twr.3 - : 114.m. 31 st. : x 14 = 434 : ???Q. 2008 : 06-st., 05-1br, 03-2br x 31fl = > 1302 units. est. x20%= 260
  15. RDS has written another Open letter to President Trump Jeff & Robert Steele - Trump Running Out Of Time, It's Now Or Never The Tour will be in early September
  16. " Remember the Florida Real Estate Swindles -- selling people property that is underwater for half the year, or giving people Quit Claim Deeds to land you don't own? It's fraud, fraud, fraud, and more fraud with these people" haha, Wasnt that when RVD borrowed money against a home he did not legally own (but possessed the key), and used the money to but a second Home, which he claimed was Debt Free
  17. Estimated vs. Actual Q2-2017 EARNINGS Est. ==== : 2016-q1 : 2016-q2 : 2016-q3 : 2016-q4 : 2017-q1 : 2017-q2 : Revs : $34.47M : $48.01M : $51.22M- : $49.00M : $45.72M : $52.80Me Prod. : 31,489 - : 38,229 - : -39,111 - : -40,850- : -39,008- : -44,500e : . . . Ebitda : $11.59M: $18.30M : $19.71M : $16.20 M : $13.59M : $17.70e : OtherC: $13.92M: $14.44M : $11.60M : $10.00Me : $10.51M : $10.50Me : Finance $09.13M: $08.03M : $07.82M : $ 6.00Me : $ 5.50Me : $ 5.00Me : othNet : $04.79M: 06.41 M- : $ 3.78 M : $ 4.00Me : $ 5.00Me : $ 5.50Me : AdjNet :: $0.25M : $3.86Me : $ 8.10 M : $ 6.20Me : $ 3.08 M : $ 7.20Me : Act. ==== : 2016-q1 : 2016-q2 : 2016-q3 : 2016-q4 : 2017-q1 : 2017-q2 : Revs : $34.47M : $48.01M : $51.22M- : $49.00M : $45.72M : $55.97M : Prod. : 31,489 - : 38,229 - : -39,111 - : -40,850- : -39,008- : -46,075 : Sold- : 29,686 - : 38,902 - : -39,017 - : -40,850- : -38,434- : -45,179 : perOz: $1,162 - : $1,250- : -$1,313 - : -$1,200 - : -$1,174 - : Aver. : $1,144 - : $1,216- : -$1,296 - : $1,190 - : $1,240 - : Cost- : $20.33M : $26.45M : $28.47M : - $29.8 M : -$29.2 M : -$35.63M : perOz:: $ 0,685- : $ 0,680- : $ 0,728- : $ 0,730E : $ 0,748- : $ 0,676E : AftCost: $14.17M: $21.55M : $22.75M : $19.20 M : $16.50 M: $25.46 M : Adjust-: $02.58M: $03.25M : $03.04M : $03.00 M : $02.90M-: $04.16M- : Ebitda : $11.59M: $18.30M : $19.71M : $16.20 M : $13.59M : $21.30M : OtherC: $13.92M: $14.44M : $11.60M : $10.00Me : $10.51M : $10.50Me : Finance $09.13M: $08.03M : $07.82M : $ 6.00Me : $ 5.50Me : $ 5.00Me : ProvTx : ----------- ------------ : ----------- : ------------ : ----------- : $ ?????? : othNet : $04.79M: 06.41 M- : $ 3.78 M : $ 4.00Me : $ 5.00Me : $ 7.02M : AdjNet :: $0.25M : $3.86Me : $ 8.10 M : $ 6.20Me : $ 3.08 M : $ 4.10M : ExcessCF: $ 23 : ----------- : ----------- : ------------ : $ 2,276 : $ 3.20M: ======== Debs OS: 12/31/16 : 06/30/17 : +change : 2018-1% : $ 49,744 : $ 45,970 : 2020-6% : $101,160 : $ 52,463 : 2024-8% : $000,000 : $ 46,955 : Total------: $150,904 : $145,388 5,516) : BkValue : 2018-1% : $023,375 : $ 27,255 : 2020-6% : $061,227 : $ 34,496 : 2024-8% : $000,000 : $ 28,858 : Total------: $084,602 : $ 90,609 : Differ.......: $066,302 : $
  18. A similar point of view - from -- Boo Chanco, Philippines Star The Central Bank is "like a referee" in setting boundaries for currency moves === Our problem, as always, is how to fish out the truth from what government says. A good way of doing this is to look at the market. For one thing, foreign exchange traders have absolutely no respect for statements from finance secretaries or economic ministers. They look at our economic numbers and test how far they can go. Our technocrats will call them currency speculators but they don’t care. They do what they do best. They keep their antennas attuned to how the central bank will react to the market’s downward trend. Forex traders will keep on testing to see where the central bank draws the red line and starts defending the peso." == > http://m.philstar.com/315469/show/7809835e760f2a8bf854309c75b47908/
  19. THE BEST Antifa-related interview yet. Loads of detail. A very thoughtful subject, who made the journey to understanding Former ‘Antifa’ Speaks Out Published on Aug 28, 2017 + Inside Antifa is the power structure of a primate group - everyone knows who the cool kids are, and throwing bottles helps you gain status + I started to wake up, when I saw the mob turn on someone who snitched on them to stay out of jail + I saw another incident when they pepper-sprayed a wave 2 feminist for writing a book against Veganism + There I was thinking I was way out on the radical let wing, and I discovered I was part of the establishment. We were idiot shock troops for the establishment + I was shocked when I realized the Media was lying about everything... editing interviews, mis-reporting
  20. AIR has a new neighbor coming Lush Residences, across the street from Air Residences Planned launch... October 2017, as by SMDC Premier
  21. Who are the real supremacists / Right of Free Speech is at stake Dictionary definition: an advocate of the supremacy of a particular group, especially one determined by race or sex. WIKI has this: Supremacism is the worldview that a particular age, race, species, ethnicity, religion, gender, social class, ideology, nation, or culture is superior to others DO YOU VALUE FREE SPEECH ?? I am triggered by the news today - of a website being stripped of its URL connection - But I do my homework, and am not a slave to the cabal's spin on the news - so please listen a little... I think it is time to blow the whistle on the mob that is running the Truth & your freedoms into the ground, and expose these powerful monsters for the Truth-haters that they are. Before I go into detail please consider: WHAT IS AN APPROPRIATE DEFINITION FOR A RACIAL SUPREMACIST? Is it someone who says: "We want NO SPECIAL RIGHTS, we want to have the same rights as the other groups do... We basically want to be left alone, and we want to leave others alone too" Well who speaks like that? There is another group, with large control over most of the Mainstream media: THEY WANT to tell you what to think, and how to interpret the news they report, They want to be free to label other groups in unfair ways, like calling groups "supremacists", and therefore dangerous - even though the groups themselves say, "we are nationalists, not supremacists" Meantime, this powerful group wants to stay free from any criticism, and organize violence, boycotts and massive media campaigns against anyone who DARES to criticize them. They also want special rights and privileges - as well as massive foreign aid - for their own Homeland Tell me, please, WHICH GROUP ARE THE TRUE SUPREMACISTS?? And which group deserves the simple label of "nationalists" === === > thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21660
  22. FULL FAITH & CREDIT (of the US Government) That leaves us, the unincorporated United States of America, in charge. We are by far the wealthiest people on the planet. However, we have a lot of housecleaning to do and a lot of mending fences. We have to clear away the bogus, odious debt. We have to try to transition everyone smoothly back to their natural land jurisdiction government. We have to distribute wealth to all people so that they are no longer suffering, going without food, shelter, medical help, schools..... all of that is our burden, because we own it all. Hmm. Not really. Our money system is a "web-of-promises". If some of those promises are broken, then those who are relying on others (ie relying on a US government promises), will not be able to keep their own promises If all those promises collapse, what will be left is so-called hard assets... which no one will be able to afford The complex interactions that keep our economy going, and our food supply may unwind too
  23. MDS comments on The Philippines Peso - excessive credit growth can force higher rates (from a Viber chat): I have worked as a foreign exchange trader at the beginning of my career and I ve kept a close eye on this ever since. What happens with the peso is really interesting and relevant for the RE market. Despite growth being revised higher, php keeps falling and, importantly, consensus for further depreciation next year keeps rising. The reason behind it, in short, is that the growth is fueled by investments which trigger strong credit growth (+17.1% y/y in 1H!) and imports. This leads to a current account deficit.. And the market is pricing in that this will stay this way for the foreseeable future. Why this is relevant is that the fall in peso will create inflation and the central bank will have to step in and hike rates. The BSP has remained on the sidelines until now but I just saw that at UBS and other brokers are expecting one hike this year and 3 ((!)) next year. This will eventually slow down credit growth and we all know that a lot of credit growth also came from the property sector. So what's the actionable? 1) I would tend to lock in low mortgage rates for a longer period of time. 2) the foreigners who, like me, liked to enter a carry trade with the php via NDF, hold off for now. 3) if you bought pre-selling now, expect rising financing costs in the future for the balance. I t's a slow burning story but i think it deserves some consideration and it's an other indicator that local demand for RE may weaken as affordability deteriorates.
  24. The Saving grace is actually Vice? Gaming seems to be helping out as BPO office demand slows = "Count office landlords as another major beneficiary. In the first half, online gaming companies accounted for an impressive 30 percent of new office space rented in Metro Manila, helping to cushion a slowdown in demand from outsourcing firms. Last year, the latter accounted for 60 percent of total office rentals. "
  25. Duterte's Game Changer Online casinos have given the Philippine market an unanticipated boost. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is finding that some vices are good for the markets. His U-turn on online gaming has helped propel the country's benchmark stock index to a surprisingly strong 17 percent return this year. Soon after taking office last summer, Duterte vowed to stop all online gaming. But speaking recently on the subject, the president -- whose bloody war on drugs has gained worldwide notoriety -- acknowledged he has changed tack. "I really can't stop it," he said. "You better tax them than fight them." As a result, the government is looking at a cash cow. Over the past year, the industry regulator approved 45 online gaming companies that cater only to non-resident gamblers. Already in the first half, the government has collected $58 million in taxes and fees, accounting for more than 10 percent of its revenue from the gaming industry. The companies operate casino websites that offer games via either a streamed live dealer or an electronic random number generator. Duterte's change of heart makes the Philippines the only Asian country that has a legal framework for online gaming companies. == > more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-25/duterte-s-vice-u-turn-proves-a-game-changer-for-stocks
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