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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. The (coming) war on Maddcow disease - by Fox NEWS BATTLE ROYALE! HANNITY TO TAKE ON MADDOW... DONE DEAL: LAURA INGRAHAM SIGNS WITH FOXNEWS... 10 PM SHOW TO START OCT. 30... A few weeks ago, while mocking Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel called Maddow “one of the leaders of the alt-left, propaganda, destroy-Trump-at-all-costs media.” “Not a day goes by,” Hannity said, “without Maddow floating some sort of Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.” In addition, Hannity now imitates Maddow’s hand gestures after he shows them on screen. This amuses Laura Ingraham, a frequent Hannity guest who is about to become much more. “It’s a very interesting pattern of gesticulation on the part of Rachel Maddow,” Ingraham told Hannity. “I think we need, like, a body-language expert in to just completely reveal what’s going on in her mind. I think she’s kind of fun. If I were a liberal, Rachel Maddow would be all the rage.” . . . Sean Hannity is moving to 9 PM ET to take on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow directly starting next week in anticipation of Fox News Channel debuting Laura Ingraham’s new show on the day before Halloween. Or, to put it another way, the cable news wars just went into full battle mode. RelatedEmmy Awards Match All-Time Low Of 2016 With 11.4M Viewers; Hits Demo Low “We are delighted to unveil this new primetime schedule for both our current and future generation of loyal FNC fans,” Suzanne Scott, president of programming for the cable newser told Deadline today. “Over the last decade, Laura’s extraordinary insight, expertise and strong voice have connected with our viewers across the network’s programming. We look forward to her providing the audience with her exceptional commentary, engaging insight and spirited debate.” While Tucker Carlson’s 8 PM show will stay where it is, Hannity will make its move to an hour ahead on September 25. On the same day, The Five will move back to its namesake 5 PM ET slot. Before the radio host and long time Fox News contributor and sometimes stand-in host kicks off The Ingraham Angle on October 30, the 10 PM slot will be filled by various FNC hosts and contributors.. “After a decade working at Fox News with a team of television pros, I am thrilled to be joining the primetime lineup as a host of the 10 o’clock hour,” Ingraham said
  2. The Deep State is real, folks. Former CIA agents like Kevin Ship are revealing more and more CIA Whistleblower Exposes Deep State and Shadow Government: Infowars Proven Right Who do you think is behind Google (and FB... and many other "successful" websites) The shadow of their influence has shown up in society too NO RULES "The rules were Gone! ... in the space of like a decade." "A lot has to do with the welfare state.' "Without the negative consequences, no one follows the rules." Think about the Clintons, who are said to be CIA assets. Why do they never pay the price of their criminality?
  3. "The Left... they think their Right to Free Speech includes the right to keep others from Speaking" The Far Left Hates Free Speech so Much they Call Shapiro a Nazi "What are the issues they have now to speak about... micro-aggressions*" "The corporate Press is not the Free Press... they are government propaganda" === === What is a Micro-aggression? A small act that triggers a negative emotional response from someone who holds politically correct views and lacks self-control. In effect, those claiming micro-aggressions want to make someone else responsible for their emotional responses. Those who speak with truth would cal it weaponized childishness
  4. Antarctica " Will Trump spill the beans? (GLP): HISTORIC: Trump Being Briefed Right Now About An Insane Situation Going On In Antarctica - They Are Saying He's Going To Spill The BeansI work in Ft. Meade and I am involved in editing high level intel reports for daily briefings for the president. I actually did this back in the Reagan administration, worked in the private sector since 1990 and just now got called back to work for Uncle Sam again the the same capacity. The job is pretty much identical to what is was back then, but the info tech is much much better obviously. Anyway, long story short. Antarctica... WOW!!!! where to begin. - the Germans did in face established bases there. These bases were set up by the German military in order for German scientists to conduct the most secret of secret experiments there. Mainly dealing with antigravitic propulsion and time dialation experiments. These were elite scientific groups employed by Hitler, but did not necessarily follow the Nazi idealogy. When it became obvious Germany was about to lose the war, these groups fled to Antarctica. Their descendants still live there today and possess antigravitic craft and advanced weaponry. - Remains of Atlantis have been discovered. They also had advanced technology. Mainly a crystal based technology capable of storing massive amounts of data, energy production and propulsion. - Remains of 2 different alien civilizations have been found. One estimated to have been established 300,000 years ago and the other 50,000 years ago. What is boils down to is Antarctica is a mixed bag of all things X-files related. Trump has received briefings and they say he is absolutely engrossed in the material. He started toying with the idea of announcing this to the American public two weeks ago. But his advisors have adamantly opposed the idea. But they are saying he won't let it drop, that he is intent on making a speech about this. The power structure for whatever reason is scared shitless he's gonna tell everyone about Antarctica. He even got a few phone calls from the pope who is doing everything he can to convince him not to. But as of today Trump allegedly said this, "Fuck it, I'm gonna tell them everything." We'll see. Exciting none the less. I hope he does. It's the right of every human being on Earth to know this information > http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3474220/pg1 GLP is hardly a reliable source for a rumor like this, but I will be watching anyway
  5. Antarctica " Will Trump spill the beans? (GLP): HISTORIC: Trump Being Briefed Right Now About An Insane Situation Going On In Antarctica - They Are Saying He's Going To Spill The BeansI work in Ft. Meade and I am involved in editing high level intel reports for daily briefings for the president. I actually did this back in the Reagan administration, worked in the private sector since 1990 and just now got called back to work for Uncle Sam again the the same capacity. The job is pretty much identical to what is was back then, but the info tech is much much better obviously. Anyway, long story short. Antarctica... WOW!!!! where to begin. - the Germans did in face established bases there. These bases were set up by the German military in order for German scientists to conduct the most secret of secret experiments there. Mainly dealing with antigravitic propulsion and time dialation experiments. These were elite scientific groups employed by Hitler, but did not necessarily follow the Nazi idealogy. When it became obvious Germany was about to lose the war, these groups fled to Antarctica. Their descendants still live there today and possess antigravitic craft and advanced weaponry. - Remains of Atlantis have been discovered. They also had advanced technology. Mainly a crystal based technology capable of storing massive amounts of data, energy production and propulsion. - Remains of 2 different alien civilizations have been found. One estimated to have been established 300,000 years ago and the other 50,000 years ago. What is boils down to is Antarctica is a mixed bag of all things X-files related. Trump has received briefings and they say he is absolutely engrossed in the material. He started toying with the idea of announcing this to the American public two weeks ago. But his advisors have adamantly opposed the idea. But they are saying he won't let it drop, that he is intent on making a speech about this. The power structure for whatever reason is scared shitless he's gonna tell everyone about Antarctica. He even got a few phone calls from the pope who is doing everything he can to convince him not to. But as of today Trump allegedly said this, "Fuck it, I'm gonna tell them everything." We'll see. Exciting none the less. I hope he does. It's the right of every human being on Earth to know this information == > http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3474220/pg1 GLP is hardly a reliable source for a rumor like this, but I will be watching anyway
  6. The Joker is wild... Bot NOT electable, it seems > Why call McAuliffe "the Joker"? : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21641&page=2 As the link above shows, it's more than "Who does he think he is kidding in considering a run?" McAuliffe dead last in 2020 poll... The dark horse appears to be Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a media and Clinton favorite, is dead last with just 1 percent supporting his candidacy in the Zogby Analytics survey of likely Democratic primary voters provided exclusively to Secrets. Amy Klobochar seems a better candidate than Zuckerburg or McAuliffe percisely because no one has ever heard of her. An anonymous SJW would be better also... Or maybe Kathy Griffin.. Any and All of the above have more appeal than Hellary Onec upon a time, his ties with the Clintons would have helped The Joker, but no more.
  7. Chinese Cultural and Community Center is Under Agreement Aug, 18, 2017 | 0 Comment | Chinatown 125 N. 10th St. stands as a unique example of a building that has been designated historic both locally and nationally, even though its defining features only date back to the 1970s. According to the nomination to the local register, the building dates back to the 1830s, but none of the original facade is currently visible. T.T. Chang founded the Chinatown YMCA on the second floor of this building in 1955, providing services to Chinese immigrants [...]
  8. Hiding in Plain Sight, The Ambassador Theater Aug, 31, 2017 | 2 Comments | West Philly From the first time we set foot in the Boyd-turned Sameric shortly before it closed, we've had a bit of an obsession with old movie theaters. Numerous beautiful cinemas once dotted the Philadelphia cityscape, but as the years have rolled along, many of those buildings have met the wrecking ball. A handful of survivors have been reborn through adaptive reuse, with examples including the Five Below on the 1500 block of Chestnut and the Bushfire Theatre Company at [...]
  9. Could this be a Breakthrough in Westward gentrification of Baltimore Avenue? 52nd St, the "Main Street" of West Philly, remains the biggest barrier - but the stagnant core between 48th-52nd may need to see change first (per OCF): Improvements Dot 50th Street South of Baltimore Avenue Aug, 11, 2017 | 0 Comment | South West Philadelphia Intuitively, you might expect that the block of 50th Street south of Baltimore Avenue would be a solid block, with a mix of housing and retail runoff from the commercial corridor. And you'd be correct! What's somewhat surprising though, is that this situation is a relatively recent development. If we look back just a few years, we see a couple of blighted buildings just south of Dock Street Brewing and further south, some former industrial buildings that [...] / 2 / Zoning Notice Next to Vacancy on Baltimore Avenue Sep, 12, 2017 | 1 Comment | West Philly We’ve had our eye on the 5000 block of Baltimore Avenue for awhile now, watching as it has slowly improved. We’ve seen new businesses open on the block, like bar-restaurant Booker’s, event space Petit Fete, and artsy gift shop Vix Emporium. We’ve seen plans come and go without coming to fruition, like an idea to expand the Mercy Wellness Center along the southern side of the block via eminent domain. And most recently, we watched as developers built a small mixed-use building on a long vacant lot in the middle of the block... . . . We were so excited when we saw a zoning notice on the fence next to the easternmost vacant building, thrilled by the possibility that the zoning notice might also pertain to the building. Alas, it doesn’t. The zoning notice only applies to 5047 Baltimore Ave., where developers are looking to build a mixed-use building with three apartments and ground floor retail, similar to the new building down the block. Since that project didn’t seem to hurt anyone, we’re optimistic this one will get approved by the ZBA. A bit of silver lining though, we see that new developers have purchased the vacant building at 5049 Baltimore Ave. and the empty lot next door. This being the case, we’d think it’s likely that they’ll soon renovate the blighted building and build something new next door. We just hope they resist the temptation to demolish the existing building to construct a new building across the the two properties. It would be a shame... == > http://www.ocfrealty.com/naked-philly/west-philly/zoning-notice-next-vacancy-baltimore-avenue Seems the progress is happening, but only step-by-step
  10. Antarctica New Discovery - Atlantis Found Flash Frozen Under 2 Miles Of Ice BREAKING STORY Conflict Radio 2 Official Published on Aug 30, 2017 Stan Deyo, Larry and Stewart will be discussing the latest in the Antarctica "mystery" and our ancient past, something that appears to be far different than what we are told from grade school to University level - a real look at the bots "Antarctica New Discovery" - high technology, anti-gravity, Polar Shifts and is it possible that an entire civilization could have been flash frozen and trapped under 2 miles of ice? Is this part of the STRONG DELUSION of the Bible? Were there really "entities" on Earth long before modern humanity? Is this a willful DECEPTION of the elite, or is this a deception on the part of a Holy God and is this, along with the arrival, the final piece of the greatest deception ever foisted upon a rebellious humanity? How does this tie into the rapture of the Christians? Are we close now to the end of man's probation on Earth? Deyo unraveled and "solved" the mystery of Atlantis > MORE IMAGES: http://www.standeyo.com/Podcast/Show_Images/C2CAM_Atlantis.html
  11. Leading the Trump defense from Outside the WH CBS = See B.S. / So sleasy ! 60 SHADES: CBS Used Color Tricks to Make Steve Bannon Look Evil?
  12. CBS = See B.S. / So sleasy ! 60 SHADES: CBS Used Color Tricks to Make Steve Bannon Look Evil? EXCLUSIVE: ‘60 Minutes’ Responds To Allegations That It Intentionally Altered Steve Bannon’s Appearance: “It’s Nonsense” Last night, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon appeared on CBS‘ 60 Minutes, and the interview was nothing short of riveting. Bannon aimed insults at Hillary Clinton all night, insisting that “she’s not very bright” and criticizing her for being out of touch with real issues; he also said that the firing of former FBI chief James Comey was tantamount to the worst mistake in “modern political history.” However, what Bannon told Charlie Rose isn’t the only thing at issue today. Photographer Peter Duke has some major issues with CBS’ treatment of Bannon, and in a video posted on his YouTube channel, Duke explains how the network could have altered the video’s color to make Bannon appear “like a bleary-eyed drunk.” == > https://decider.com/2017/09/11/60-minutes-vs-steve-bannon/
  13. Restored ! I have restored the LOST images, on the CASE thread, one of the most popular threads here: (over 8,000 views) Philadelphia Story - the Case for Property investing The Philadelphia Story / argument for investing summarized, this way: + Philly's population has been growing at about 1% per annum, since 2000 + Vacancies are near 5%, and decent places rent out quickly + Jobs are growing, and there are (at least) four new office skyscrapers under construction + The management guarantee is "net" of all costs, and the company has meaningful equity (For a particular investment, this is what we are told, and have had confirmed by experience) Have a look - here's a post with links to Videos which help to make the case ==
  14. Avida Asten Turnovers Turnover notices are going out for Tower 1 The guard told me that Studio units were being rented at P20,000 per month
  15. FLOODING in the area - comments about it I have heard that flooding in the area can get very bad, especially near the creek near Linear However, some efforts have been made by the city to improve drainage, and this seems to have helped Here's a comment that I translated from tagalog There was one time I was looking for a unit for sale in Avida Makati West. I was trying to gather also for some unbiased information so I casually asked the guard outside if there was a flooding situation in the area. He said that when it comes to flooding, there is a flood water that will build up (not necessarily reaching the guard house) but the thing is, it's very fast to come down. I guess this would be true, because the area would not be thriving and alive the area if there was often stagnant water around. - M.S. I prefer Asten because it's closer to Cash and Carry. I don't care about the flood because it's not everyday that it floods. - S. > ssc: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1653942&page=7
  16. Trump: The Populist Dealmaker, is ready to dump RINOs (RINO = Republicans In Name Only) Hey, F--k 'em !! It will be good for the country! Trump wants to get things done, and is ready to do deals with democrats, and not worry what the stick-in-the-mud Old republicans want' This could be a big breakthrough ! Trump need not worry about GOP congress, which "has a 12% approval rating" / 1 / Pat Buchanan on The Laura Ingraham Show (9/8/2017) / 2 / Gingrich: Trump struck a 'very smart' deal with Democrats
  17. On Verrit, they are crystalizing & putting on display... Hillary's bizarre backwards-logic One of the most vile & despicable people on the planet (Hillary) and her supporters live in a Bubble of Delusions -- the twisted logic on the site shows Maligning Hillary Clinton From the Left Is a Conscious Embrace of the Far Right Er, ah, I would think Hillary's bad behavior & personality is what has generated her-harvest-of hatred from so many. == Eisenhower: A Party Without Morals Is a Conspiracy to Seize Power The DNC became the mechanism through which the ambitious Hillary conspired to seize power illegally. == Michelle Obama on the Importance of Valuing Women If "valuing" women means giving them more privileges than me, this is destroying our society. Women's desire to virtue-signal using the money of others is another huge danger brought by SJW women. == More Americans Expect Time Travel Than CEO Parity for Women Women CHOOSING to have children, and CHOOSING to raise them will naturally diminishes their ability to invest the time and commitment it takes to reach the top of corporations. If all women chose to have no children, and were will to turn their young children over to strangers we might get to near 50/50 - That would be disatrous == Study: Mainstream Media Acted as Trump’s Mouthpiece, Clinton’s Foe Sure because Hillary & Bill are at the center of so many scandals & crimes == > Reactions from: http://tinyurl.com/Verrit
  18. On Verrit, they are crystalizing & putting on display... Hillary's bizarre backwards-logic One of the most vile & despicable people on the planet (Hillary) and her supporters live in a Bubble of Delusions -- the twisted logic on the site shows Maligning Hillary Clinton From the Left Is a Conscious Embrace of the Far Right Er, ah, I would think Hillary's bad behavior & personality is what has generated her-harvest-of hatred from so many. == Eisenhower: A Party Without Morals Is a Conspiracy to Seize Power The DNC became the mechanism through which the ambitious Hillary conspired to seize power illegally. == Michelle Obama on the Importance of Valuing Women If "valuing" women means giving them more privileges than me, this is destroying our society. Women's desire to virtue-signal using the money of others is another huge danger brought by SJW women. == More Americans Expect Time Travel Than CEO Parity for Women Women CHOOSING to have children, and CHOOSING to raise them will naturally diminishes their ability to invest the time and commitment it takes to reach the top of corporations. If all women chose to have no children, and were will to turn their young children over to strangers we might get to near 50/50 - That would be disatrous == Study: Mainstream Media Acted as Trump’s Mouthpiece, Clinton’s Foe Sure because Hillary & Bill are at the center of so many scandals & crimes == > Reactions from: http://tinyurl.com/Verrit
  19. Deeper Pullback? Looks like the Overall Crypto MarketCap ... ... can experience a Deeper pullback, such as about $120 billion, or if that is broken to maybe $75B or lower During that drop (if it comes) BTS might pullback to $3600-3800 or lower ... update ==
  20. As buildings top out, some surprising news Ah-oh! FLATS-of-Circuit Dormitories (new ssc thread) This may not go down well with Investor-buyers in Circuit units. There goes the demand from Tenants-who-Share ! The early building are topping out Yesterday's post: t--n--o NEWS: Ayala Land will put 2 dorm-like building in Circuit. Based on the Inquirer article, each tower will have 300 rooms, both of which are targeted for completion by 2020 to accommodate 2,400 people*. These dorms are seen to open up living space to office workers at P5,500 to P6,000 per person per month. Circuit will be more affordable to renters, but these new towers are bad news to rental investors. I wonder where these 2 buildings will be located within Circuit. Anyone have more info? == > SSC: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1602029&page=9 * ALI putting up dorm buildings | Inquirer Business business.inquirer.net/234717/ali-putting-dorm-buildings Aug 9, 2017 - Property giant Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) is building a chain of affordable ... Each tower will have 300 rooms, both of which are targeted for completion by 2020. ... two Circuit Makati dorm buildings can accommodate 2,400 people. (4x people per room) I suppose this is designed to answer the question of potential BPO tenants: "Where will our employees live?" It should make it easier for Ayala to attract BPO tenants paying their employees P25,000-30,000 (or less) / 2 / (added in edit) OUTSIDE No dorms in Circuit makati - that's the opinion of this poster: "dont worry guys those dormitory or flats will not be constructed inside circuit makati. its going to be built somewhere in between circuit and makati cbd. circuit makati will not waste its valuable space just for this. it needs to maintain the prestige of those who invested in the condos and its premier land value so i dont think circuit makati will do that" > ssc: #168: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1602029&page=9 Makes sense - There was/is a plan to put ALP (premier) buildings in Circuit. I don't think that Ayala would put an ALP building next to a dormitory
  21. PH opens to foreign contractors - Ph. Daily Inquirer, B1, 9/8/2017 To fast-track the rollout of infrastructure projects and enjoin greater private sector participation, the government will remove the restriction on foreign contractors from its negative list , the country's chief economist said yesterday. Presently, foreigners can own only up to 40% of a bidding contractor firm. This will allow majority-foreign owned firms to compete (Speculation: Did Japanese financiers make this a requirement of their "cheap" loans"?)
  22. Bike Tour of West Philadelphia Gardens Sunday, September 24, 2017 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Join the Sierra Club SPG and Neighborhood Gardens Trust for a biking tour of community gardens in West Philadelphia. We will visit 6 diverse gardens and hear from their caretakers about preservation and how gardens and urban agriculture build equity, sustainability and community == > Meet-up Group: https://www.meetup.com/Philadelphia-Sierra-Club-Outings/events/243177342/ OTHER Meet-ups / 2 / A Real Estate related meet-up: WHIP MeetingL Learn from the Pros and Let's Make Some Deals! Thu Oct 5 : 6:00 PM RSVP Courtyard by Marriott Philadelphia City Avenue 4100 Presidential Blvd., Philadelphia, PA (map) Wholesaling Houses in Philadelphia (W.H.I.P.) is a community for new and experienced real estate wholesalers and investors to network, partner, exchange deals and share ideas. Our group also welcomes realtors, contractors, real estate attorneys, tax accountant, appraisers, home inspectors and other real estate professionals who LOVE real estate! Bring your deals, your questions, your appetite for deals and your positive energy! Every month we will have a successful real estate investor come to speak about how they started with No Money and No Credit. Anyone can invest in real estate and achieve financial freedom, but not everyone will, WILL YOU? > Learn more / 3 / StartupBlink September Networking event Thu Sep 28 : 7:00 PM RSVP : 5 going Hello, Philadelphia entrepreneurs! It is time again for our monthly networking event happening in dozens of cities around the world in the same day! This is your chance... Learn more Hosted by: StartupBlink Global Map (Co-Organizer) This Meetup repeats on the 4th Thursday of every mont
  23. "Nuclear" storm Irma? Maximum sustained winds remain near 175 mph (280 km/h) withhigher gusts. Irma is a category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-SimpsonHurricane Wind Scale. Some fluctuations in intensity are likelyduring the next day or two, but Irma is forecast to remain apowerful category 4 or 5 hurricane during the next couple of days.Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km) fromthe center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185miles (295 km). Miami Beach Mayor Says Residents Must Leave: 'This Is A Nuclear Hurricane'... OFFICIAL WARNINGS ISSUED; UP TO 10-FT STORM SURGE PALM BEACH, FT LAUDERDALE... MORE 'No Buildings We Can Guarantee To Keep People Safe'... Storm tightens aim on Florida... Could impact EVERY major city... FEMA Chief: Will be 'devastating'... Thousands of troops deployed... Supplies cleaned out... Gas Stations Run Dry... Say some prayers for the people in its pathway
  24. New Hillary Website Backfires Big Time - - Now Complete Laughing Stock Even to Liberals! Mark Dice Published on Sep 7, 2017 Hillary's new FAILING propaganda machine
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