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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. SUPPLY Concerns : Manila Bay & maybe Air / Rise = > Excerpt from post on the DATA thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18811&page=17 Summary - increase in Condos units: over 2017-2020 BGC/theFort: +63% Makati CBD : +28% Manila Bay : +212%!!! --- Overall : +54% However that Mak.CBD # does not include The Rise & Air Residences. If you add on the 6,400 units at Rise & Air, you get: Mak+Rise/Air: +57% THAT much may be manageable, but will bring some temporary hiccups, I reckon. The huge jump in Manila Bay may be more problematic IMHO. In one year (2018, with 8,500 units) M-Bay will add as many units as they have now! Can the rise in M-Bay tourism really absorb that? It might really hit the hotels.
  2. PEAK HATE? from THE ANGRY LEFT Here's a taste of the anger coming off AntiFa members Liberals Get Violently Triggered At Anti-Trump Rally Over Kekistan Meme Anyone they think will not approve of theit degenerate lifestyles & parasitic way of living they call "white supremacist" or "Nazi" Here's what needs to happen: We need to cutoff all state funding to these people & their groups. Let them... Work or Starve Comments: _1_- 4 hours ago is this dude on drugs or something LOL x217 Likes Marc Stinebaugh - 2 minutes agoHighlighted reply He's high on Liberalism George Lincoln - 1 second ago I think he's high on Hate. That's what drives Antifa. But deep down where it counts, they hate themselves for being so Useless. They are only effective at being Useful idiots / 2 / An original Black Panther - cuts loose with a rant against AntiFa's hatred Larry Pinkney: We Are Dealing With Neo Liberal Fascists Published on 21 Aug 2017 Alex Jones talks with founding member of the original Black Panther party Larry Pinkney, about how the left is pushing for violent race war. / 3 / This video shows the lunacy of the Leftwing idiots that attacked Alex Jones here. The rudeness, and the overt stupidity is pretty shocking Unbelievable! Hoards Of Brainwashed Leftists Freakout On Alex Jones Walking Down The Street / 4 / Nine different newspapers with the same headlines Alex Jones Destroys Liberals In Seattle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDRoofLBMhQ / 5 / Brain-washed Useful idiots! Alt-Left Chants Death To America Comments OPPRESSION Huh? Why doesn't he LEAVE America to escape oppression. Instead we see black people fighting to get into America. This black guy is pushing the big "victim hoax" that channels money to black people
  3. THE ECLIPSE ... of the Communistic-Democratic party ? when a trend peaks, it often surprises people Trump is under great pressure right now -- and some think he may soon be replaced But for thinking people, the GREAT REVEALING Now is the massive corruption within the Left, and specifically within the Democratic party supported be a hugely biased Media. Rather than overturning Trump, these recent actions are making the vile intentions of the Democrats highly visible, and it is the Scum-ocrats (and the powerful-pedos within the Trump-hating wing of the GOP) which is being exposed "Freedom and Slavery cannot live together. There's got to be a war" David Horowitz: The Democratic Party is Now a Communist Party The Revolutionary idea upon which America was founded : ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL We look at the individual, not the group they come from. The Democratic party today is driven by Identity politics. Right now, we are seeing Identity politics in full-bloom, and it is being rejected by more & more people on right & left The notion of Victims, is based on the ideas of Oppressor and Oppressed. If there was genuine oppression of black people here, they would be leaving, instead we are finding black Haitians fighting to get in / 2 / The Democratic Establishment is Over-extending the Moral Panic and the Left is Destroying Itself "When you make a dumb mistake, you set the stage for your own demise" Democrats / "They are engaging in a Moral panic based on nonsense, not reality."
  4. BLACK MOON: Does solar eclipse fulfil Bible prophecy of apocalypse and second coming? TODAY'S total solar eclipse will be the first for 99 years to cross the US from coast to coast. Mon, Aug 21, 2017 Scientist on the reason total solar eclipses are so rare Close Many fundamentalist Christians see this as a significant warning of the impending apocalypse, the second coming of Christ and the rapture. The “Great American Total Solar Eclipse” as it is called is said to be a warning sign from God, as it allegedly fulfils a Bible prophecy. Pastor Paul Begley, host of the Coming Apocalypse radio show, said the eclipse could possibly fulfil a prophecy recorded in the book of Joel. This states: “The sun shall be turned to darkness before the Day of the Lord come.” Mr Begley said “somebody sound the trumpet” because the eclipse may mean “we are living in the last days.” Writing for Unsealed.org, Gary Ray says the eclipse may mean that 2017 will mark the beginning of the Tribulation, a time the Bible describes as a period of conflict and suffering on a scale never experienced in mankind’s history. MUF ON The eclipse signals the end of days according to some fundamental Christians. Longest Total Solar Eclipse This Century Will 'Black Moon' eclipse in FIVE DAYS signal end of the world? Book of Joel He says Regulus and the other stars of Leo—along with the other three visible planets—comprise the “crown of twelve stars” that Revelation 12:1 says will be upon the travailing woman’s head. “You’ve got this epic solar eclipse over America,” he says, “and it’s happening right at Regulus, in Leo the Lion—the constellation. There are twelve constellations. It could happen anywhere, but it’s happening in the constellation of the king, meaning the return of the king!”
  5. DAY THE SUN GOES DARK... Millions pour into towns in path of total eclipse... Once-in-a-lifetime event... Apocalypse? Rapture? Second Coming? === === The eclipse begins its cross-country trajectory over the Pacific Coast of Oregon late Monday morning and will reach South Carolina's Atlantic shore some 90 minutes later On Monday, the deepest part of the shadow, or umbra, cast by the moon will fall over a 70-mile-wide, 2,500-mile-long 'path of totality' traversing 14 states Officials in Oregon and other states are warning drivers the eclipse could cause the worst traffic jams Experts advise people to wear proper protective eyewear or risk lasting blind spots during the eclipse Monday's event will be the first total solar eclipse spanning the entire continental United States since 1918 It is also the first total solar eclipse visible anywhere in the Lower 48 states in 38 years +79 The aerial photo above shows the estimated 30,000 people who have created their own temporary community on the grounds where the festival is being held in Big Summit Festival attendees in Oregon are in one of the perfect spots in the United States to see the rare eclipse on Monday in totality == Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4807100/Millions-prepare-lifetime-celestial-event.html#ixzz4qSNz3PDk Millions of Americans to gaze upon Monday's once-in-a-lifetime eclipse By Steve Gorman (Reuters) - Twilight will fall at midday on Monday, stars will glimmer and birds will roost in an eerie stillness as millions of Americans and visitors witness the first total solar eclipse to traverse the United States from coast to coast in 99 years. The sight of the moon's shadow passing directly in front of the sun, blotting out all but the halo-like solar corona, may draw the largest live audience for a celestial event in human history. When those watching via broadcast and online media are factored into the mix, the spectacle will likely smash records. "It will certainly be the most observed total eclipse in history," astronomer Rick Fienberg of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) said last week. The eclipse begins its cross-country trajectory over the Pacific Coast of Oregon in late morning. It will reach South Carolina's Atlantic shore some 90 minutes later
  6. SUPPLY Concerns : The Rise & Air > Excerpt from post on the DATA thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18811&page=17 Summary - increase in Condos units: over 2017-2020 BGC/theFort: +63% Makati CBD : +28% Manila Bay : +212%!!! --- Overall : +54% However that Mak.CBD # does not include The Rise & Air Residences. If you add on the 6,400 units at Rise & Air, you get: Mak+Rise/Air: +57% THAT much may be manageable, but will bring some temporary hiccups, I reckon.
  7. Brixton place will benefit from a new Bridge > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21643
  8. Ann Coulter: Trump Needs To Forget About The Media & Talks Steve Bannon Firing (8-19-17) "No one on the President;s side in the WH anymore" "He (Trump) has got to do the agenda... and ignore the media"
  9. PEDO Arrests... "Something big is about to happen" We've heard this sort of report from David before, and I still half-believe him - but when? #707 Ep. 707 FADE TO BLACK Live Stream with David Wilcock : LIVE Streamed live on 16 Aug 2017 Tonight is a special Live Stream broadcast..in addition to our normal radio syndication...with David Wilcock...a full 3-hour event. David has been on a 'life break' for the last few months...and tonight he returns...only on FADE to BLACK.
  10. Interesting Bullish comments: "“Property stocks will continue to move higher and even outperform as the sector continues to grow with the economy,” said Fitzgerald Aclan, who helps manage about $20 billion at BDO Unibank Inc. as the head of equity investments. “There are still some property companies that offer good value and attractive potential upside.” . The fund manager, whose BDO Sustainable Dividend Fund has gained 16 percent this year, pointed to Ayala Land Inc. Its shares have increased about a third in value in 2017 but are still trading at a price-to-earnings ratio that’s 14 percent lower than the five-year average. Aclan said he turned “bullish” on the sector this year, cutting holdings of consumer and energy companies to buy real-estate shares. Perception has changed, according to COL Financial Group, amid an increase in home bookings and new residential developments, while the office segment is benefiting as the government lures overseas outsourcing companies and those that run gambling websites." Do FALLING RENTS not matter?
  11. "Communist" Antifa must be called out, and its funding sources exposed Sargon shows Antifa's violence at the beginning of this video Weimar America The l;eft-wingers (Antifa, BLM, etc) are dangerous ... and the Lie-Stream media covers for them There are some bad people on the Right also, but the coverage of "the real villains" is NOT balanced How to stop the Alt-Left (& the bad aspects on the Alt-Right)? Trace their funding sources.
  12. He's a guy that even "bleeping" Dolan calls a genuine whistleblower "I was facing 70 YEARS IN PRISON" Gary McKinnon MUFON Symposium 2017
  13. Here's Anna's latest on the trusts: Full Court Press for the Historic Trusts "The assets of the world are largely owned by Historic Trusts--- vast holdings of actual assets including gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, gems, art, land, government bonds, corporate stock and much, much more. There are several different kinds of Historic Trusts. ==== I don't believe any of it - she provides ZERO evidence proving the existence of these Trusts - only conjecture.about how they might have come about Even Andy Basiago, and Bill Tompkins is more believable than this. I don't believe that there is enough Gold on the planet to cover even 10% of what they claim is in Trust accounts.
  14. ANOTHER HURDLE about to be cleared - by Metro Manila MRT ? "Project of the Century" - Metro Manila Subway project now up for NEDA board approval + Up from approval by the National Economic and Development Authority + The NEDA board meeting will be chaired by President Duterte + "Project of the Century... which will cost something like $5 billion" (before over-runs haha) + Feasiibility study for the P 227 billion was already completed, & was financed by Japan's JICA + The govt aims to seal the approval of financing for the project when Abe visits in Nov. + An interest rate below 1% is expected + Once completed, it is expected to transport 370,000 passengers per day
  15. ELEVATOR Comparison - The Rise is far better (like only 55% of The Air's use per elevator) Much less waiting time, less strain (& downtime?) When Air's elevators are "under repair" there will be major delays, & I predict more downtime, give the strain Excerpt: residential floors - parking and retail floors × units per floor / elevators = units per elevator Air Residences (7 floors parking/retail) (59-7) x 75 / 12 = 325 units per elevator The Rise (4 over ground floors/underground parking) (63-4) x 55 / 18 = 180 units per elevator Of course there are other things to consider as well like elevator speed, number of car park floors, number of people per unit, zones of elevators if there are (low, mid, high zone) Thnx to MK - on SSC#392
  16. Ideal PH for plant-growing is usually PH 6 -7.0 Soil pH Levels for Plants | The Old Farmer's Almanac A pH of 6.5 is just about right for most home gardens, since most plants thrive in the 6.0 to 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral) range. Some plants (blueberries, azaleas) prefer more strongly acidic soil, while a few (ferns, asparagus) do best in soil that is neutral to slightly alkaline. == > https://www.almanac.com/content/ph-preferences Soil pH - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_pH Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a soil. pH is defined as the negative logarithm .... Plants grown in acid soils can experience a variety of stresses including ... For example, a soil low in molybdenum may not be suitable for soybean plants at pH 5.5, but soils with sufficient molybdenum allow optimal growth at that ...
  17. STAYING GROUNDED - which is relevant here DOLAN on Wild & extravagent claims - The need for evidence (Some of those claims are about Antarctica) / 1 / The Panel MUFON Symposium 2017 "Proof vs Testimony" as evidence - Basiago, Salla, Tompkins, Goode & Dolan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsETojcWEWU / 2 / Dolan's rant - "we have to change the fascistic culture somehow" Part 2: Richard Dolan talks to Bill Ryan: the MUFON Symposium, the Panel, the ‘New Age’, and more "I am astonished by the credulity in the Southern California community" "The New Age mentality is a problem!"
  18. DOLAN on Wild & extravagent claims - The need for evidence / 1 / The Panel 2017 Secret Space Program Discussion Basiago, Salla, Tompkins, Goode, Dolan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSIWbXEYh0A / 2 / Dolan's rant - "we have to change the fascistic culture somehow" Part 2: Richard Dolan talks to Bill Ryan: the MUFON Symposium, the Panel, the ‘New Age’, and more "I am astonished by the credulity in the Southern California community" "The New Age mentality is a problem!"
  19. THE FORCES of Darkness = "the forces of hypocrisy" They could not make Russia Russia Russia stick. They could not make Refuge Refuge Refuge stick. Now they are trying Racist Racist Racist.... But the American people are not stupid Herman Cain: Media dividing the nation with racist rhetoric SH : How does Hillary get away with it? HC : The Mainstream media are an accomplice ..." === === The media & Useful Idiots ignore reality & the actual Terrorists, in their efforts to label Alt-right as "terrorists" EXAMPLE - Comments: beastmode1980434 - 3 hours ago I hear more outrage about the media than the Terrorist that ran over ppl and these hate groups from Sean. Response: The terrorists are IN THE MEDIA - they are pushing a Big fat lie, and trying to encourage violence on We the People and our President. Anyone who financed the Left wing violent protesters (Soros?) should be jailed ASAP beastmode1980434 - 3 hours ago Susan Joy Worker So the guy that killed someone by running her over isn't a terrorist ? Why are ppl that protested against the hate groups labeled " Ppl on the left" ? Are ppl on the right not against racism too ? See thats why so called conservatives and right wingers are often called racist,anytime white ppl stand against racism the white ppl that dont stand against it label them leftists. Response: Excuse me, are you brain dead? Have you bothered to OBSERVE what happened, or do you simply listen to the Media, whom we should all know by now is lying? I saw a guy in a car attacked by Antifa people swinging baseball bats, who broke the back window of his vehicle. Then, when he backed up, a woman who was part of the attacking mob was dragged by the car, and crushed against another car. Was this the woman who died? I am not certain. But when I saw the video, it became obvious the Lie-stream Media is not reporting things accurately. I think we all need to be very careful about accepting anything the left-leaning media may tell us. BTW, you should know many of the Leftisrs were paid to be there. I heard the women who died was paid US$500 to be there and part of the protest. This does not mean her death was not tragic. But if she was there and being paid to attack those on the right, and the car was under actual attack, I think you need to understand this event differently than the LSM narrative which is being pushed at you. The Left is more Fascist and Nazi-like than the Nationalists from what I have seen. Too many people are being duped !
  20. More than Eclipse talk SEAN DAVID MORTON ON THE RUN & LIVE ON MY SHOW RE SOLAR ECLIPSE & MORE Streamed live on Aug 15, 2017 SEAN DAVID MORTON... in hiding and on the run broadcasting from somewhere in the Universe... Sean talks about his case and the illegal proceedings in the court room. He also talks at length about Trump, the SOLAR ECLIPSE on August 21st and it's lasting effects going forward for the United States. I regard Morton's ideas about "Bonds" as utter B.S.
  21. Good shots from a revealing angle Air Residences is going up faster, and acquiring a skin faster. With that speed, will it be the same quality as The Rise when they are both finished??
  22. Selecting farmland + Not too steep, to allow water to drain away : No more than 10% slope + Loam soil is best for optimal water absorption: : Loam is "a mixture of the other three" - sand, silt & clay, where : Silt is mud or "fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as a sediment, especially in a channel or harbor." + Look to see what local plants are growing nearby - similar plants will grow best ===========
  23. Racist! Bigot! Anti-semite! ENOUGH OF THAT! - The attacks on Whites must end! White privilege is a myth. Complainers on the left have grabbed too many privileges, by claiming to be victims. They have FORCED whites to become aware of their race and group, in order to defend themselves from wrongful attacks, This is nothing to apologize for, It has become necessary to recognize Whites are in a (disadvantaged) class, that must now be defended vigorously. > new thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21646
  24. Another eyewitness report ... from a speaker (Dr Duke) Takes him a while to get started - but this has the ring of truth - more than Lie-Stream media reports Jeff & David Duke - Exclusive Talk With David Right After Charlottesville Do people think he is "white supremacist"? based on WHAT please? I think those who demand all sorts of special favors for their group, are showing more sign of actual supremacy
  25. Some good points there. I also like Susan Lindauer's explanation Lindauer "Virginia Protesters Are Not Nazi's But Feel Like 2nd Class Citizens In Their Own Country." She wants to keep the statues - "it is part of our history" While adding tributes to "the many black heroes... like Nat Turner" (I like that idea) "George Soros is totally behind this" She says: "The Anti-Fa people are mostly white... the mayor did not want to arrest the Democrats" (in Antifa)
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