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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Eventually, we will see a scene that looks like THIS: By early 2018, the area may look like as shown above
  2. Corporate "Morality"? How do these words go together? Where are corporations calling out terrorism by Antifa, BLM... Moslems ?? Are these protesting corps all run by ((( NWO types ))) ? Corporations Becoming New Arbiters Of Public Morality Peter Hasson 1:11 AM 08/15/2017 Major corporations are increasingly expected to play a societal role beyond just providing goods or services: more and more often, they’re expected to weigh in on issues of public morality. In the most instance, the CEOs of Merck and UnderArmor stepped down from the White House manufacturing council following Trump’s initial response to the Charlottesville violence that was widely panned in the media as insufficiently tough on white nationalists. Both CEOs’ decisions to step down received applause from public figures, including in the media. “I’m going out to buy Under Armour,” declared MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. Domain hosting company GoDaddy.com booted neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer from its servers late Sunday night, citing violations of its terms of service after the website posted an article trashing the 32-year-old woman who died on Saturday. (RELATED: Mother Of Charlottesville Victim Thanks Trump For Condemning Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists) In one high-profile instance of corporate preening, Starbucks announced — as a direct rebuke to Trump’s travel ban — that it would be hiring 10,000 refugees in 75 countries over the next five years. == > http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/15/corporations-increasingly-serve-as-arbiters-of-public-morality/ I think we really need to know how many of these BLM / Antifa protestors are being paid by Soros and others / 1 / So what if protesters are paid? - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/.../so-what-if-protesters-are-paid/ Apr 26, 2017 - Thousands of protesters gather on the Mall for the March for Science ... Soros is (allegedly) singlehandedly funding the organizations and ... / 2 / Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: "I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest ...abcnews.com.co/donald-trump-protester-speaks-out-i-was-paid-to-protest/ Trump supporters have been claiming that protesters are being paid by the Bernie ..... George Soros is the money behind MoveOn.org, who is backing Bernie.
  3. WE NEED TO CONDEMN these Scumbags & their vile agenda(s) in the Strongest possible terms ! RUSH is On the Mark here! 1. If you are going to mention White-Nazis, you also need to mention Antifa, and BLM as villains 2. Who benefits: Actual skinhead white supremacists AND Antifa protestors who "show up everywhere" Rush Limbaugh: What really happened in Charlottesville, Virginia & other topics (08-14-2017) Compare: Obama met with, at the WH, ROBERT KRAMER, who was hiring people to disrupt Trump rallies (!!!)
  4. BRIDGES can bring real change NEW Bonifacio Global City - Ortigas Bridge - Why It Matters This bridge will help raise property values, especially on the "cheaper" side (Ortigas?)
  5. For those looking at the Company, here's the most recent Presentation (June) > http://s21.q4cdn.com/834539576/files/doc_presentations/GranColombia_05.pdf UNDERVALUED Compared to Junior Peers Measure ---- : GCM : Peers : Price-to-NAV : 0.1 X : 0.7 X : Price-to-CFPS : 0.5 X : 7.5 X : EV-to-EBITDA : 2.1 X : 6.8 X : EV /Production: $1048: $3548 : + UNDERVALUED Producer - relative to Junior Peers + Increasing production: guidance for 2017 is 150-160,000 oz. + Disciplined Cash Costs: stedaily decreased since 2013 + Upside & Optionality - highgrade at Segovia, size of Marmato, together they position the company with a bright future
  6. Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet This is in addition to 47 already known about and eruption would melt more ice in region affected by climate change Unnamed peaks on the west coast of the Antarctic peninsula tower over the harsh Antarctic coast. Photograph: Alamy Stock Saturday 12 August 2017 Scientists have uncovered the largest volcanic region on Earth – two kilometres below the surface of the vast ice sheet that covers west Antarctica. The project, by Edinburgh University researchers, has revealed almost 100 volcanoes – with the highest as tall as the Eiger, which stands at almost 4,000 metres in Switzerland. Geologists say this huge region is likely to dwarf that of east Africa’s volcanic ridge, currently rated the densest concentration of volcanoes in the world. And the activity of this range could have worrying consequences, they have warned. “If one of these volcanoes were to erupt it could further destabilise west Antarctica’s ice sheets,” said glacier expert Robert Bingham, one of the paper’s authors. “Anything that causes the melting of ice – which an eruption certainly would – is likely to speed up the flow of ice into the sea. Advertisement “The big question is: how active are these volcanoes? That is something we need to determine as quickly as possible.” . . . These newly discovered volcanoes range in height from 100 to 3,850 metres. All are covered in ice, which sometimes lies in layers that are more than 4km thick in the region. These active peaks are concentrated in a region known as the west Antarctic rift system, which stretches 3,500km from Antarctica’s Ross ice shelf to the Antarctic peninsula. “We were amazed,” Bingham said. “We had not expected to find anything like that number. We have almost trebled the number of volcanoes known to exist in west Antarctica. We also suspect there are even more on the bed of the sea that lies under the Ross ice shelf, so that I think it is very likely this region will turn out to be the densest region of volcanoes in the world, greater even than east Africa, where mounts Nyiragongo, Kilimanjaro, Longonot and all the other active volcanoes are concentrated.” The discovery is particularly important because the activity of these volcanoes could have crucial implications for the rest of the planet. If one erupts, it could further destabilise some of the region’s ice sheets, which have already been affected by global warming. Meltwater outflows into the Antarctic ocean could trigger sea level rises. “We just don’t know about how active these volcanoes have been in the past,” Bingham said. == > more; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/12/scientists-discover-91-volcanos-antarctica
  7. Is the actually NYT waking up ?? ... Admitting the reality ? (maybe all the videos on YT convinced them they had no choice) POLICE 'STAND DOWN' BLAMED FOR VIRGINIA CHAOS / drudge Hurt and Angry, Charlottesville Tries to Regroup From Violence EXCERPT ....if Charlottesville was grieving on Sunday, it was also questioning. Governor McAuliffe fiercely defended the police in an impromptu sidewalk interview, noting that many of the demonstrators were armed, and saying the officers had done “great work” in a “very delicate situation.” And he said Ms. Heyer’s death, which he called “car terrorism,” could not have been prevented. “You can’t stop some crazy guy who came here from Ohio and used his car as a weapon,” Governor McAuliffe said. “He is a terrorist.” But others, including Mr. Kessler and Ms. Caine-Conley, openly wondered if the violence could have been prevented. “There was no police presence,” Ms. Caine-Conley said. “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.” . . . Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety and homeland security, was watching the events from a command post on the sixth floor of a Wells Fargo bank on the downtown mall. There were sporadic fights. “I compare it to hockey,” he said. “Often in hockey there are sporadic fights, and then they separate.” Suddenly, people were throwing water bottles, some filled with urine. Some used pepper spray; from his perch on the sixth floor, Mr. Moran saw smoke bombs being thrown. People started clubbing one another. The clergy retreated to a “safe house” — a restaurant nearby. But according to many witnesses, the police waited to intervene. Ms. Caine-Conley called it “fascinating and appalling.” Mr. Kessler, too, complained. In a statement, he said the authorities had “exacerbated the violence” by failing to separate his followers from counterprotesters. He said his group had “networked with law enforcement officials” months ago on a plan for maintaining safety, which he said was not followed, and he called the police “underequipped for the situation.” At 11:22 a.m. Mr. Moran called the governor and asked him to declare a state of emergency. Mr. McAuliffe did so. Asked why the police did not do more to control the brawling, Mr. Moran said, “It was a volatile situation and it’s unfortunate people resorted to violence.” “But,” he said, “from our plan, to ensure the safety of our citizens and property, it went extremely well.” (Right. Haha.) == > https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/13/us/charlottesville-protests-white-nationalists.html Policed stopped the peaceful Alt-Right speakers,& let the Antifa nutcases run amok, and then the Lie-Stream rushed to blame the violent on "the far right"
  8. St James project at White City + Looks good, but + Ugh, what a price! GBP 655,000 ! and up > http://www.stjameswhitecity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/St-James-White-City-Sept-Exhibition_part-1-of-2.pdf
  9. CONCERNING the Thoroughly-Biased reporting by the Lie Stream The TRUTH About Charlottesville Published on 13 Aug 2017 Citizen-journalist, Tim Pool, makes some good points here about the widening Divide between the Right and Left CHARLOTTESVILLE IS THE ESCALATION OF IDENTITY POLITICS "People have feelings, and say things like this guy from the alt-right: ' I'm just sick an tired of being blamed for everything because I am right.' " "People are not attacking those they know, they are Attacking symbols for emotional satisfaction." "I'm sick and tired of this... People just pointing the finger, blaming others..."
  10. Capsule : Philly, A Prime target for investors + One of America's most walkable cities, with a good public transport system. + A key strategic location on the East Coast, and good universities and strong healthcare expertise. + Much property is far more affordable than NYC, Boston, Washington; Yields are much better, like 2x, on average. Now with steady job growth and a rising population and job growth, Rents and Property prices are rising again, hitting new highs. Gentrification is occurring along many of the transport links. Longer Version ============ Why Philadelphia is a Prime target for investors Philadelphia lost 1/3 of of its population from 1946-2000, but it retained a good public transport system. Also; a key strategic location on the East Coast, and good universities and strong healthcare expertise. By 2000, much property in the city was priced far below replacement value of maybe $125 per sq foot. Beginning in about 2000, the population began growing again, at maybe 1% per annum. Jobs began to ncrease, and young people who had gone to Universities in PH decided they wanted to stay in the city and enjoy its urban culture, its transportation system and PH's extreme walkability. Prices were also far below other East Coast cities such as NYC, Boston, and Washington, and so property was affordable, even for some recent graduates in their twenties. Now with rising population and job growth, Rents and Property prices are rising again, hitting new highs. New home construction is occurring in many parts of the city, where prices are high enough to pay for the land, and the price of new construction. Gentrification is happening along many of the transport links. Even MORE... Philadelphia Story - the Case for Property investing > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19729
  11. Lie-Stream Media inaccuracy exposed - this is About FREE SPEECH ! Charlottesville Aftermath. The Truth on What Happened Real patriots (not lying scumbags like Joker McAuliffe) are defending the constitution & Free Speech Listen to a participant explain in his own words
  12. JOKER McAuliffe loves irony He must be laughing himself silly at the mess - and the hate-filled narratives that he has helped to create Terry McAuliffe Press Conference on Charlottesville [POWERFUL MESSAGE] 8/12/2017 "You came here today to hurt people, and you did hurt people" "Stop the hate speech" McAuliffe & his Hillary-friendly team engineered the violence, and permitted it by moving the police around. First sending several dozen black rioted stop a peaceful speech by Richard Spencer and then having the police stand down as Antifa gathered (with their bats and mace) to confront a peaceful march by Unite-the-Right. McAuliffe was chairman of Bill Clinton's second Presidential campaign, and chairman of Hillary's failed 2008 campaign
  13. Up to Pasture: local artist has vision to turn Landmark into vertical farm Posted on August 29, 2014by David McNair Turning the abandoned and blighted Landmark Hotel into a vertical urban garden may sound like a fanciful, farfetched idea, but at least local artist Russell Richards has an idea. The same can’t be said for the City or the hotel’s various owners, who have offered only empty promises. “I suspect the Landmark is never going to be completed,” says Richards, who has informally presented his idea to City Council, and is scheduled to give a TEDx presentation on the idea. “The longer it sits exposed, the more it deteriorates and devalues. But that’s what’s happening, for whatever reason, so I personally believe the thing won’t go forward.” Earlier this year, current owner John Dewberry “swore” to one city official that he would begin the project before the end of the summer, but as anyone can see, that isn’t happening. “I have admittedly gotten a lot of mileage out of the fact that everyone, everyone hates that hotel,” he says. Richards says there’s a trend now among architects and engineers to design farms ‘up’, as kind of vertical greenhouses, and it strikes him that the Landmark could be an ideal candidate for such a thing. As Richards points out, the walls are largely open and permit a lot of light to penetrate the interior, it faces southward to the sun, which strikes it throughout the day, there are no nearby buildings casting a shadow on it. “A vertical farm would actually be a bit different from how I rendered it,” says Richards. ” It’d be closed off, like the greenhouse levels I depicted on the upper floors, permitting crops to be grown throughout the year regardless of weather conditions.” Richards says that hydroponic and aeroponic growing methods allow crops to be grown quite densely- all the way up to the ceiling of any given floor, essentially- and use a minimum of water, and no soil. So the crop output of such a space would be far greater than the footprint of any given floor == > more: https://charlottesvilledtm.com/2014/08/29/up-to-pasture-local-artist-has-vision-to-turn-landmark-into-a-vertical-farm/
  14. ARE WE BEING MANIPULATED into being DIVIDED? Debbie. L, the "sane progressive", is "real scared about where the media might take this" Establishment Main Stream Media Narratives, Remember Who They Serve / Re: Charlotte Comments: Let's face it, the scumbags in the LIE STREAM MEDIA, have made themselves our True enemy. Meantime, it is fine to "blow hot & cold" on President Trump. Know the enemy: it is ((( Those who divide us ))) Thanks for the sensible comments, Debbie / 2 / ATHENA4422 One of the scarier developments has been authoritarian elements of the right and left trying to get the "alt" versions of the other party deemed "terrorist " and forbidden from speaking -- more authoritarianism and oppression is not the answer. George Lincoln Lets Talk! If you have started to talk to the "other side", then start now
  15. Police in black riot-gear React to a Peaceful assembly (Unite The Right) Richard Spencer's arrest at Charlottesville Spencer: "I'm hear to talk! "Why don't you react the communists out there who are macing out. Why would you do this? Do you think the people out there would have YOUR backs?" the night before the car incident "YOU will not replace US!" Unite the Right Rally (USA) Published on 11 Aug 2017 Footage from the epochal first part of the Unite The Right rally at Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug, 11, in support of the statute of General Robert E. Lee, which globalist Marxists want to be removed Comments Marinara Gaming - 10 hours ago When I was a kid I thought that we were going to have flying cars, but instead we have this revival of white nationalism. Gypsy Faded - 8 hours ago Anyone else notice how strong these voices sound as opposed to the "Hey, hey, ho, ho" chanters? momthree789 - 3 hours ago Because it's mostly men. White Devil - 1 hour ago That's because the left are filled with feminists and faggots. === === MORE: Car Attack at Rally > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21641
  16. A MIRACLE? - Jaws drop, as Ana K speaks sense Ana Kasparian is awesome in this segment regarding google Published on 10 Aug 2017
  17. For those bullish on the future of PH, these Videos & the prediction may thrill you "Philippines is the key for the whole human race" City Of Pearl Manila Proves Why Philippines Will Be The Richest Country In Coming Years / DELETED VIDEO / ? cannot find it anymore Published on 15 Jul 2017 Philippines will become the richest country "Many were concerned that it would not take off because of the corruption" (but the election of Duterte may help to reduce the corruption.) "Philippines will become very, very rich because of Philippines' emotions." "No other place will be as rich as Southeast Asia." It will go from Slums, to gleaming cities "because of lusch..." (er, ah, ET's, & their hunger for emotion) Here are his previous videos - using Vedic astrology: "I believe the Philippines is the chosen land... by God" 1st / Philippines will become the Richest Nation on the last days : 21 May 2016 (deleted) Similar title??: The Mahárlika (Philippines) is the Wealthiest Nation in the World Today 2nd / Philippines will become the richest planet on Earth during Age of Aquarius [Part 2] : 11 Jun 2016 3rd / Pres. Duterte Vedic Astrology Chart. Philippines Still Going To Be The Richest Country Duterte - "nobody on Earth can touch him." "The Philippines will be the king on Earth." (I regard his prediction with skepticism & suspicion, but am not ready to dismiss it entirely.) / 2 / Here's another thrilling building (by a Belgian architect, I believe) => see BGC thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21244&page=2
  18. Greater Manila : Richest City in Asia a Century ago - and Again someday? : source Manila was once the richest city in Asia - perhaps 100 years ago. Can it happen again? / Makati City is now #1, the Richest City in PH, & I consider it part of Greater Manila on this thread / (in doing research for this thread, I came across some bizarre videos, like this one): The Philippine History Revisited The Wealthiest Nation on earth Published on 11 May 2016
  19. ECB, these Videos & the prediction may thrill you "Philippines is the key for the whole human race" City Of Pearl Manila Proves Why Philippines Will Be The Richest Country In Coming Years Published on 15 Jul 2017 Philippines will become the richest country "Many were concerned that it would not take off because of the corruption" (but the election of Duterte may help to reduce the corruption.) "Philippines will become very, very rich because of Philippines' emotions." "No other place will be as rich as Southeast Asia." It will go from Slums, to gleaming cities "because of lusch..." (er, ah, ET's, & their hunger for emotion) (I regard his prediction with skepticism & suspicion, but am not ready to dismiss it entirely.) / 2 / Here's another thrilling building (by a Belgian architect, I believe) = => see BGC thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21244&page=2
  20. Yeah, I believe he may be talking about Primary market prices. Colliers Philippines: Q2 2017 Property Market Report Highlights I have seen no evidence that residential Rents are rising anywhere, and ultimately that is what will matter when those who own properties want to sell. (The Colliers video above cites a 1-3% drop in Residential rents, while Office rents are expected to rise 6-10%.) If you have any evidence of rising rents, or secondary market prices, please share it. My concern in Manila bay is the massive increase in supply coming there. It may be hard to rent those places, because the main source growing source for tenants may be tourists, seeking short term accommodation. But many buildings are making it tougher to let out properties for less tenancies of less than six months. If prices hold up, they will just reclaim more land, and push out even more supply New Manila Bay 2017 The video talks mainly about tourism Will there really be high paying jobs there? Or just tourism and gaming jobs? The video talks about connectivity, and ways of getting there - but I have seen the reality of Manila traffic jams, so I am a skeptic. Also SMDC has been talking about having their own hotels in the area, which might make provide competition for those seeking short term tenants.
  21. THIS ad offered what looks like a bargain to me - but then I looked closer > http://www.myproperty.ph/properties-for-sale/condos/makaticity-manila/sacrifice-sale-rare-1br-unit-at-the-rise-by-shang-properties-814210 Then, I saw the date: Sacrifice SALE! Below market value! THE RISE by SHANG Properties Malugay Street, Makati – Near Makati Medical Hospital and Ayala’s City Gate Development Turnover July 2018 1-Bedroom – 28.01square meters – RARE unit facing SOUTH and swimming pool, unblocked view of the Makati skyline – No more units like this available for sale from Shang Updated price: Php3,600,000.00 / 28.01 = P 128.5k per sqm THEN, I SAW: Payment terms if sold before Sept 21, 2016 (!!!) I believe the cheap sellers, at those sorts of levels are all gone now, The Asking prices we are now seeing for 28 sqm flats, are at least P 3.8-4.0 Million now. If you do manage to grab a bargain at a low price, please let us know
  22. New DOMAIN Name : RiseMakati.com is activated, linking to pg.1 of this thread Now links to page 1 of this thread Buyers & Sellers interested in The Rise, are welcome to read here and post here If you want to JOIN the forum, please visit MakatiPrime.com & Scroll down to post #3 to learn how to join. It is Free! And once you join, you can post and visit pages in the private section of this site (Note: on the day of activation, 8/12/2017, there were 1,400+ views here.)
  23. SMALL & PROFITABLE MICROGREEN FARM IN A SHIPPING CONTAINER! urban farming Published on 10 Jan 2015 Comments jason browne This is what every family should be doing. It was once, during WWII, considered patriotic and a community service to have home Urban farms. The need for families to do this has never left. If we want our country to grow health, we need to think small. Small local business, small family farms, etc. I think this Rocks. Thank you for this educational video.
  24. Small scale & Urban Farming CAN be profitable $80,000 on Half An Acre Farming Vegetables - Profitable Mini-Farming with Curtis Stone Published on 22 Apr 2016 Learn how Curtis farms in his online workshop: http://www.permaculturevoices.com/cur...
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