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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. RVD goes "back to the well" - peddling Hopium and impossible dreams With his audience fading, it looks like Ron could not resist the same-old / same-old discussion of Prosperity Funds 7-26-17 – OPPT – HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF "The wealth is IN THE PEOPLE" What does this mean? Does this phrase have any meaning at all? "If Heather is right, it is happening now" WHAT is happening Ron? "There is a lot going on... I don't have complete clarity in this..." "Dates came and went and nothing happened..." "Is this another one of those? I do not know" He ends with: "Heather, than you for the job you are doing." IF YOU ARE CONFUSED, maybe THIS will help: It turns out Heather has been arrested for participating in a financial scam - "conspiracy to commit money laundering" Why Heather from OPPT was arrested A potential 20-YEAR PRISON SENTENCE "For trying to purchase a luxury mobile home with money laundered funds"
  2. ETH bounce underway - could develop into something more powerful ETH : 6mos : 3mos : Meantime, there's a danger of a bigger correction in Bitcoin prices BTS ... 10d : ==
  3. GREENSPAN WARNS... Cities ring housing bubble alarm... Four major US cities ring housing bubble alarm Home prices in Denver, Houston, Miami and the Washington, D.C., metro area are now considered overvalued. Some previously hot markets, such as San Francisco and the New York City metropolitan area, are cooling down. Low mortgage rates are keeping the market affordable from a monthly perspective, but affordability will likely become a much bigger challenge in the coming years To determine if a market is overvalued, CoreLogic compares current prices to their long-run, sustainable levels, which are supported by local economic fundamentals like disposable income. An overvalued market is one in which home prices are at least 10 percent higher than that level. The rest of the top 10 markets are considered "at value," but none are undervalued, as prices are higher in all of them compared with a year ago. "With no end to the escalation in sight, affordability is rapidly deteriorating nationally," said Frank Martell, president and CEO of CoreLogic. "While low mortgage rates are keeping the market affordable from a monthly payment perspective, affordability will likely become a much bigger challenge in the years ahead until the industry resolves the housing supply challenge." Home prices rose 6.7 percent nationally in June compared with June 2016. That is a slightly higher annual gain than May. Prices are now up nearly 50 percent from the trough of the housing crash in March 2011. . . . “By any measure, real long-term interest rates are much too low and therefore unsustainable,” the former Federal Reserve chairman, 91, said in an interview. “When they move higher they are likely to move reasonably fast. We are experiencing a bubble, not in stock prices but in bond prices. This is not discounted in the marketplace.” The most important market news of the day. Get our markets daily newsletter. While the consensus of Wall Street forecasters is still for low rates to persist, Greenspan isn’t alone in warning they will break higher quickly as the era of global central-bank monetary accommodation ends. Deutsche Bank AG’s Binky Chadha says real Treasury yields sit far below where actual growth levels suggest they should be. Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets, says it’s only a matter of time before inflationary pressures hit the bond market.
  4. The 18-year Cycle in the USA The latest Low was 2012 (with Builders shares bottoming in 2011) ... old image-Faber The real-estate cycle in the U.S. can be summarized with the following table: Peaks in Interval Peaks in Interval Depressions land value (yrs) Construction (yrs) interval 1818 -- ----- -- 1819 -- 1836 18 1836 __ 1837 18 1854 18 1856 20 1857 20 1872 18 1871 15 1873 16 1890 18 1892 21 1893 20 1907 17 1909 17 1918 25 1925 18 1925 16 1929 11 1973 48 1972 47 1973 44 1979 6 1978 6 1980 7 1989 10 1986 8 1990 10 2006 17 2006 20 2008! 18 (2012 property Low) 2024? 18 2022-24? 16-18 2026-28 ?? ==== Real-estate values and construction have peaked one to two years before a depression, and have stayed at peak levels until the onset of the downturn. The historical evidence is consistent with the theory that speculative booms in real-estate prices and construction act as an impetus for the downturn itself. == > more charts: http://www.nowandfutures.com/real_estate.html US: in America, PHM / Pulte Homes is the main bellwether ... Update : all data : 5-years : to 7/31/2017 : $24.42 / High for Year: $25.20 -------------------------------------------------- > Updated : chart : to 7/31/2017 : $283.46 / HGX : High for Year: $287.325 -------------------------------------------------- > Update : CS- 20 Cities NSA
  5. "Full authority" Sarah Sanders Press Briefing on Anthony Scaramucci resigning/FIRED by Trump & John Kelly Anthony Scaramucci removed as White House communications director Last Updated Jul 31, 2017 3:53 PM EDT President Trump has removed Anthony Scaramucci from his new job as communications director, on his 11th day on the job -- he was named to the position on July 21. "Anthony Scaramucci will be leaving his role as White House Communications Director. Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team. We wish him all the best," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. Scaramucci was escorted out of the White House, a source told CBS News. , , , At a Cabinet meeting earlier in the day, Mr. Trump said, "I predict that General Kelly will go down, in terms of the position of chief of staff, one of the great ever. And we're going to have a good time, but much more importantly, we're going to work hard and we're going to make America great again." Mr. Trump named Kelly, who had been serving as Homeland Security secretary, to the new role on Friday, replacing Reince Priebus. Priebus said that he had resigned from the position, which he had served in since the inauguration in January. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/anthony-scaramucci-removed-from-role-as-white-house-co
  6. The state of Philly’s housing market, in five charts Pew’s latest report reveals some eye-popping stats about housing in Philly by Melissa Romero Apr 7, 2017 "Pew reported that median home prices were 38 percent higher in 2016 than in 2010, rising from $103,000 in 2010 to $142,000" Pew’s latest check-up on the City of Brotherly Love reveals a lot of things that Philadelphians already knew: Both the housing and rental markets are hot, hot, hot. But what about other housing aspects of Philly? Are Philadelphians making enough money to keep up with the rental boom? Has the city’s stark poverty rate changed even a little? In Pew’s new report “Philadelphia 2017: The State of the City,” researchers take a deep dive into multiple aspects of the city from population and demographics to transportation to job growth. Here are the five big takeaways from the report’s state on housing. 1. Median housing prices have risen and home sales hit a major milestone in 2016 Using research conducted by Drexel Lindy Institute’s Kevin Gillen, Pew reported that median home prices were 38 percent higher in 2016 than in 2010, rising from $103,000 in 2010 to $142,000. As the chart above reveals, some of the biggest hikes in home prices occurred in Greater Center City, the River Wards, and South Philly. Interestingly, the biggest change in home prices over this six-year period occurred in the Kensington zip code of 19122. There, the median housing price jumped a whopping 94 percent, from $80,000 to $155,000. 2. There were more home sales in 2016 than any year post-Great Recession. When it comes to home sales, Philly still hasn’t met its pre-recession levels in 2006. But as the above chart reveals, sales have been on the steady upswing since 2012. That trend is likely to continue: A recent Billy Penn article lifted the veil on Philly’s crazy housing market and bidding wars that have emerged throughout the city this past season. 3. There’s still a big need for affordable housing This chart shows that there’s still a great need for affordable housing in Philly, although the researchers note that the waiting list has decreased “sharply.” Still, that’s mostly because the Philadelphia Housing Authority removed people from the list that they couldn’t get in touch with, they note. It’s also worth noting that Philly has lost 20 percent of its affordable housing stock between 2000 and 2014. Couple that with the fact that the city’s remaining affordable restrictions are set to expire in the next five years, and that could mean that this chart may look a little different. 4. The rent is too damn high, even for Philly Yes, it’s still possible to find a good deal on an apartment in Philly, compared to other major U.S. cities like New York and San Francisco. However, a majority of Philly renters still pay at least 30 percent of their annual income on rent. In other cities, that’s a case of just purely high rents. But for Philly, that 56.4 percent of cost-burdened renters is because the city’s median income is still quite low, though growing, at $41,233. 5. Homes in Philly are “substantially” more affordable than in other cities You don’t have to earn the big bucks to be able to afford a median-priced home in Philly—that’s the good news. The bad news is that although you need $53,422 to be able to afford to buy here, the city’s median income is $41,233. However, that number has been growing steadily in recent years. The researchers write, “Over the last two years, Philadelphia’s median income has grown faster in percentage terms than those of all of the comparison cities, with the exception of Washington.” > CHARTS: https://philly.curbed.com/2017/4/7/15209526/philadelphia-housing-rental-statistics-pew-report
  7. San Francisco's Real Estate Cycle BELOW is a look at the past 30+ years of San Francisco Bay Area real estate boom and bust cycles. Financial-market cycles have been around for hundreds of years, all the way back to the Dutch tulip mania of the 1600’s. While future cycles will vary in their details, the causes, effects and trend lines are often quite similar. Looking at cycles gives us more context to how the market works over time and where it may be going -- much more than dwelling in the immediacy of the present with excitable pronouncements of "The market's crashing and won't recover in our lifetimes!" or "The market's crazy hot and the only place it can go is up!" > more: https://www.paragon-re.com/trend/3-recessions-2-bubbles-and-a-baby Compare - the downturns in SF seem to line up reasonably well with the General 18 Year property cycle:
  8. JOSEPH FARRELL: ANTARCTICA ATLANTIS! EDGAR CAYCE POSEIDIAN FIRE CRYSTAL - DARK JOURNALIST Published on Jul 28, 2017 Visit: http://www.DarkJournalist.com **ANTARCTICA ATLANTIS CONNECTION REVEALED!** Interesting "high-octane speculation" from Dr Farrell. Splitting the sexes may be like destroying a unified civilization / the Tower of Babel - far out thinking
  9. JOSEPH FARRELL: ANTARCTICA ATLANTIS! EDGAR CAYCE POSEIDIAN FIRE CRYSTAL - DARK JOURNALIST Published on Jul 28, 2017 Visit: http://www.DarkJournalist.com **ANTARCTICA ATLANTIS CONNECTION REVEALED!** Interesting "high-octane speculation" from Dr Farrell. Splitting the sexes may be like destroying a unified civilization / the Tower of Babel - far out thinking
  10. RISE Amenities take shape From Inside, looking down What is coming there
  11. DEBATES : Left and Right are talking again... This is good! > link: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21616 ==== =
  12. Stock & News - UPDATE : 12-mos : 2-yrs : 3-yrs : Gran Colombia Gold Announces TSX Approval of Normal Course Issuer Bid for Its 2020 Debentures July 19, 2017 TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - July 19, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that the Company will be continuing the normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") for its Senior Secured Convertible Debentures due 2020 (the "2020 Debentures"). The 2020 Debentures currently trade on the TSX under the trading symbol GCM.DB.V. . The Company has received approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") to continue its NCIB for another 12-month term, commencing July 21, 2017 and have it remain open until the earlier of July 20, 2018 or the date on which the Company has purchased the maximum amount permitted. Under the terms of the NCIB the Company will have the right to purchase for cancellation up to a maximum of US$5,246,278 aggregate principal amount of 2020 Debentures through the facilities of the TSX or alternative Canadian trading systems. This amount represents approximately 10% of the public float of the 2020 Debentures issued and outstanding as of July 12, 2017, determined in accordance with the applicable rules of the TSX. As of the date hereof, the aggregate principal amount issued and outstanding 2020 Debentures is US$52,462,786. . Management of the Company will determine the actual number of 2020 Debentures that may be purchased and the timing of any such purchases, subject to compliance with applicable TSX rules. Daily purchases will be limited to US$12,570 principal amount of 2020 Debentures, other than block purchase exceptions. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-Announces-TSX-Approval-of-Normal-Course-Issuer-Bid-for-Its-2020-Debentures/default.aspx 6/19 Price update === GCM.t-- : $1.47 x $0.7563 = $1.112 x 513 shs = US$570 : $190+415.5shs = US$652 conversion Value 1% debs : $62.00 : $46.0 M o/s : 39,000 vol 6% debs: $88.50 : $52.5 M o/s : 0 vol redeem. : --------- : ($3.0 M o/s ) 8% debs : $90.00 : $47.0 M o/s : 0 vol ======= : --------: $145.5 M x 513shs = 74.64mn shs + 20.5mn = 95.14mn - 1.54mn = 93.6mn x $1.112 = $104million MktCap Gran Colombia Steadily Improving Gold Production With a 22% Increase in the First Half of 2017 to a Total of 85,083 OuncesJuly 12, 2017 TORONTO, ON --(Marketwired - July 12, 2017) - Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM) announced today that it produced a total of 16,258 ounces of gold in the month of June, surpassing the monthly production record set last month and bringing the total for the second quarter of 2017 to 46,075 ounces, up 21% over the second quarter last year. For the first half of 2017, gold production increased by 22% over the first half last year to a total of 85,083 ounces. The trailing 12 months' total gold production as of the end of June 2017 now stands at 165,073 ounces, up 10% over 2016's annual gold production and above the Company's production guidance for the 2017 calendar year of a total of 150,000 to 160,000 ounces. . Commenting on the mid-year 2017 production update, Serafino Iacono, Executive Co-Chairman of Gran Colombia, said, "We are very pleased with the steady improvement in our gold production this year which is paving the way for us to execute our capital programs, keep our working capital in good shape and continue to aggressively reduce our senior debt." At the Segovia Operations, tonnes processed averaged 842 tpd in the second quarter of 2017, a 9% increase over the second quarter last year. In addition, head grades in the Company-operated mining areas improved to an average of 11.3 g/t in the second quarter of 2017, up from an average of 4.4 g/t in the second quarter last year, as a result of mining higher grade stopes in the Providencia mine this year. This brought the overall head grade for the Segovia Operations to an average of 15.9 g/t in the second quarter of 2017 compared with 13.8 g/t in the second quarter last year. Segovia's gold production of 14,243 ounces in the month of June, also a new monthly record, brought the total for the first half of 2017 to 72,996 ounces, up 26% over the same period last year. The trailing 12 months' total gold production as of the end of June 2017 at Segovia was 141,374 ounces, up 12% over 2016's annual gold production and above the Company's production guidance range for the 2017 calendar year at Segovia of 126,000 to 134,000 ounces. At the Marmato Operations, gold production continued to be steady with 2,015 ounces produced in the month of June, bringing the total for the first half of 2017 to 12,087 ounces, up 2% over the same period last year. This brings Marmato's trailing 12 months' gold production at the end of June 2017 to 23,699 ounces, up 1% over its 2016 annual production. The Company expects Marmato's annual gold production for 2017 will range between 24,000 and 26,000 ounces. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Steadily-Improving-Gold-Production-With-a-22-Increase-in-the-First-Half-of-2017-to-a-Total-of-85083-Ounces/default.aspx
  13. THE APPOINTMENT OF KELLY ... may be the trigger event that allows the media to re-appraise their reporting of Trump They will not credit Trump (for many accomplishments) ... "they will say the General is in charge" Scott Adams tells you how General Kelly is the pivot to 'Effective, but we don't like it' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_B50NPIG74 Published on Jul 30, 2017
  14. THE BATTLE (against gender fluidity & political correctness) must be won - it is important Denial of Gender Reality: The Path to Communism Published on Jul 30, 2017 Comment: "This is war - and the battle over "Gender fluidity" is a very important episode in the decades-long war. We need to powerfully and permanently destroy the Left on this battlefield. Take no prisoners, show no compassion on this issue until AFTER this battle is won" Dr WHO (f) will help to Red pill to (remaining) TV watchers #RegressiveNews: 18th of July 2017 It is "Cultural Vandalism" - that may kill their brand
  15. Millennials say: PAY for my stuff (Don't ask me to work for it) She doesn't get that people have worked to generate wealth "Pay For My Stuff!!" Entitled Millennial Gets Destroyed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGBkzvdU8vY Thinking is not her strong suit. Having emotions about things is what-she-does "You will have to pay more taxes" (I am pretty sure, she does do generate significant income, does not pay significant tax.) "My family is scraping by to Get me through college.'
  16. Barratt may be very near an ideal sell-point BDEV... all
  17. MORE CHANGES to come / Many who predicted Preibus being fired, see more change ... Stone predicted... / 1 / VIDEO: Infowars Host Roger Stone Predicted That Gen Kelly Would Replace Reince Priebus Published on Jul 28, 2017 On Tuesday July 25th Roger Stone broke information from his insider sources on who would replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff. VOX Predicted, expects "changes under Trump to be the greatest under any President" / 2 / VoxDay Darkstream 07.27.2017 Cucks Are Trump's Biggest Problem "No need to fire Sessions - he has not been disloyal, and he has been effective in some areas. But he needs to fire Preibus." "Trump needs to bring in the killers*." "Difficult for a negotiator like Trump to go into a shoot-first mode, but he needs to do that." "You have to blow them out." John Bowery - 2 hours ago John McCain is not a cuckservative. He has consciously conspired to promote the globalist agenda at every point in his political career. A true cuckservative is foolish or ignorant. John McCain is neither. He is a traitor. A cuckservative will occasionally promote the welfare of his nation even if only accidentally. John McCain never has and never will. *A GREAT REASON to 'kill' Preibus: Roger Stone: Reince Priebus Was Instrumental in Getting Robert Mueller Appointed Special Counsel
  18. I still have some interest in the Swissindo drama, but not so much time to look into it, with so much political news flow "I pray every day that Clinton and her cronies will be arrested. I think about Wasserman Schultz telling the D.C. police chief there will be *consequences* if she doesn't get her laptop back and have to remind myself that anything associated with D.C. answers to a different law than the rest of America" - Softly I do hope that with the changes President Trump has made, and will continue to make, He can bring the Washingtomn swamp into line with the Reality that We-the-People live within. There were rumors that Preibus & Spicer had a gay relationship. Now they are both out. === Trump Ousts Chief of Staff Priebus, Installs Ret. Gen. Kellyby Andrew Rafferty President Donald Trump on Friday removed his chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and tapped Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for the job. The stunning shakeup is the latest chapter in the West Wing drama that has unfolded publicly in recent days.White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci attacked Priebus in profane terms in an interview on Thursday, predicted he would soon be out of a job, and pledged to crack down on leaks that Scaramucci suspected had come from Priebus. But what may have ultimately doomed Priebus is the failure of congressional Republicans to repeal Obamacare. Priebus, former chairman of the Republican National Committee during last year's presidential campaign, led the White House effort on Capitol Hill to get rid of Obamacare, and his fate was largely tied to that, a source close to the White House told NBC News. "He failed," the source said. Pres. Trump Ousts Chief of Staff Priebus, Names Replacement 1:52 The Republicans' inability to undo the Affordable Care Act — one of Trump's central campaign promises — was the "final straw for Priebus," another person close to the administration told NBC. He resigned privately on Thursday, a source close to Priebus said. "The president wanted to go in a different direction. I support him in that, and, like I said a couple weeks ago, I said the president has a right to change directions," Priebus said in an interview on CNN. He added that there is no "ill will" between him and the president and that he even discussed possible replacements with Trump. "I will continue to serve as a strong supporter of the president's agenda and policies," Priebus said in a statement shortly after the news broke Friday evening. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Friday that the change had been under discussion for about two weeks. After announcing Kelly, Trump tweeted thanks to his outgoing adviser "for his service and dedication to his country." Presidents typically cycle through multiple chiefs of staff during their time in office. But Priebus' tenure of 190 days is one of the shortest in history. His resignation comes one week after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced he will leave his post in August. Spicer, like Priebus, worked at the R.N.C. during the 2016 presidential race. Scaramucci's appointment ultimately pushed Spicer to resign, a source said. Sanders told reporters that Scaramucci's role and interview did not factor into Priebus' departure. Kelly, who starts his new job on Monday, is a retired four-star Marine general whom Trump frequently credits for dramatically reducing the number of undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. from Mexico. He called Kelly "a true star" in a tweet announcing his appointment as chief of staff. == > http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-ousts-chief-staff-priebus-installs-ret-gen-kelly-n787656
  19. The Clinton Crime cabal (The scottish accents are back with Susan) WOW! The Shocking Truth About Hilary Clinton, Missing Trillions & Assassinations Published on Jul 26, 2017 Susan Lindauer joins us to discuss her investigation into missing trillions of dollars and everything leads back to the Hilary Clinton & her crime cartel. "The US govt confiscated billions, and Hillary stole $28 Million for her campaign," "I am willing to testify..." This could put Ms Clinton away for a long time, if Susan L is believed === (It hard to get empassioned about Cindy, when a true criminal like Hillary is walking around free.)
  20. THE REAL CRIMES, the real obstructions, are on the Democratic side Ben Shapiro: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hiding something; Trump’s transgender policy & other tiopcs Given the severity of the criminality (10X - 100X) what anyone has done on the GOP side, if fair-is-fair, the payback and punishment should be 10X-100X what Trump & the Republicans have suffered I reckon that would reduce Wasserman-Schultz and Hillary to a heap of toxic ashes
  21. WHY the Peso is Weak in a year when the USD is weak too Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / Hot Money net outflow hits $457M yr-to-date Reverses yr-earlier new inflow of $773,77M FOREIGN portfolio investments in the Philippines so far this year registered a net outflow of $457.83 million as of mid-July BPI's Lead economist, Emilio Neri Jr., blames the PHP weakness on: + "External factors... particularly policy normalization", but + Admitted there were also domestic issues, such as the Marawi City conflict and martial law in Mindanao The EURO was stronger than the USD - up 15.5% (to over Php59) from the April low ... EurPhp : vs.UsdPhp : Buffer gone? Time to borrow in FX? Vanishing current account buffer raises Peso risk - Business World, 7/28, front page, THE OUTLOOK for the Philippines peso - Asia's worst-performing currency - just keeps getting grimmer. + May's current account deficit was the worst since the data began in 1980 + PH is headed for its first annual CA deficit in 15 years + With the buffer disappearing, PH wll have to borrow FX to replenish it + The deficit is expected to be $600Mn in 2017, and $!.6 bllion in 2018 + Macquarie Bank economist, Idris, sees the Peso falling to 52 by year end
  22. WHY the Peso is Weak in a year when the USD is weak too Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / Hot Money net outflow hits $457M yr-to-date Reverses yr-earlier new inflow of $773,77M FOREIGN portfolio investments in the Philippines so far this year registered a net outflow of $457.83 million as of mid-July BPI's Lead economist, Emilio Neri Jr., blames the PHP weakness on: + "External factors... particularly policy normalization", but + Admitted there were also domestic issues, such as the Marawi City conflict and martial law in Mindanao The EURO was stronger than the USD - up 15.5% (to over Php59) from the April low ... EurPhp : vs.UsdPhp : Buffer gone? Time to borrow in FX? Vanishing current account buffer raises Peso risk - Business World, 7/28, front page, THE OUTLOOK for the Philippines peso - Asia's worst-performing currency - just keeps getting grimmer. + May's current account deficit was the worst since the data began in 1980 + PH is headed for its first annual CA deficit in 15 years + With the buffer disappearing, PH wll have to borrow FX to replenish it + The deficit is expected to be $600Mn in 2017, and $!.6 bllion in 2018 + Macquarie Bank economist, Idris, sees the Peso falling to 52 by year end
  23. "Heather Ann Tucci Jaraf has been arrested" AT LAST ! that should have happened long ago, when her fame was highest ======= Anna von Reitz The Powers That Be wanted to roll everything over into a giant trust, just like the Public Charitable Trust they have used to bilk Americans. They wanted exactly the sort of vehicle that the OPPT presented--- a global public trust that they could control and pillage to their heart's delight, just as they used the PCT to control and to pillage the public trusts in this country. She must be talking about the "imaginary" wealth residing in the imaginary Collateral Accounts If the vast wealth they have claimed si in them exists, then it must be Off Planet, because it isn't here ! What goo are Earthly Laws in chasing off-planet wealth???
  24. Interesting report from Bill Still - 'Twas INSIDERS who did the hacking NSA Cyber Spooks Stop the Coup, 1721 "Seth Rich was shot in the back" About 100+ people have died around the Clintons. Please, what is the most painful LEGAL way to execute a Criminal? When the investigations catch up with her - in full public view - we should reserve that method for her. IF she is proven guilty of capital crimes. She should be dispatched this way, earn a place in history, as the first woman to... Queen Hillary's "throne" awaits her - from there, she can be dispatched to meet her God: Satan or Mollock For those with strong psychic powers... Try "narrow-casting" images of Nooses & Electric Chairs into Hillary's brain, so she can start preparing for her historic future
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