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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Hong Kong Land Prices Baffle Tycoon With 50 Years Experience September 7, 2016 Lui Che Woo. Photographer: Calvin Sit/Bloomberg This Hedge Fund Made 2,100% From World's Most Extreme Market Mania Lui’s development arm outbid in 16 land tenders this year Home prices are rebounding after slumping earlier in year After more than 50 years as a Hong Kong developer, octogenarian billionaire Lui Che-Woo says he’s having trouble reading the city’s property market these days. “I can’t see clearly what’s happening in Hong Kong’s property market,” 87-year-old Lui said in an interview, after failing to win any land bid this year. “Recently land prices have surged so much. I really don’t know what’s happening right now. I need time to think quietly for a while before figuring out the situation we are in.” K Wah International Holdings, Lui’s listed property arm, has submitted 16 tender bids in land auctions so far in 2016, while failing to win any. Large Hong Kong developers have been reluctant to make high bids on land after home prices fell and sales slowed earlier this year, opening the way for smaller local companies and mainland Chinese firms. “It’s a shame that we have also tried hard to bid for land in Hong Kong, but failed,” Lui said. “It’s been a headache.” The uncertainty in the property market, despite a recent rally, has made developers cautious while bidding for land. K Wah International has been outbid at this year’s land auctions by developers from mainland China and unlisted Hong Kong firms, including a company controlled by Angela Leong, an executive director of SJM Holdings Ltd., which competes with Lui’s Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. in Macau’s casino market. Chinese developer Minmetals Land Ltd. last month outbid Hong Kong giants Sun Hung Kai and Sino Land Co. with an HK$4 billion ($515 million) offer for land in the territory’s Kowloon district. The price worked out to about HK$7,058 per square foot of saleable area, almost twice the valuations some industry experts had placed on the site. There have been signs of a property rebound in Hong Kong, where prices have fallen from their all-time high in September. After slumping as much 13 percent between September and March, home prices have risen in recent months and transaction volumes rose in August to the highest in 14 months. Prices are still 7.3 percent below last year’s peak, according to Centaline Property Agency Ltd. Hot DemandOn the weekend, China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd.’s 300 unit One Kai Tak project sold out within a day, even though they were reserved for Hong Kong residents only. Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. raised prices at its Grand Yoho project as much as 16 percent, the Hong Kong Economic Times reported Wednesday, after the first stage of 228 apartments sold out on the weekend, according to the Ming Pao newspaper. Start your day with what’s moving markets. Get our markets daily newsletter. In 1955, Lui founded K Wah Group, whose construction materials have been used in a quarter of all Hong Kong buildings, according to the company’s website. He moved into property development with his first residential project in 1962. Lui, who has a net worth of $7.7 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, transferred shares valued at $1 billion to charitable foundations last September and set up a prize for those who have made contributions to human welfare. == > http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-07/hong-kong-land-prices-baffle-developer-with-50-years-experience
  2. GCM set for a move higher? GCM.t ... 10-yrs : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 12mos : 6-mos / 10-d / U-1%: (image deleted) Could jump to the green line at -- C$0.30
  3. Trump leads by 2% in recent polls With the heavy backing of Single woman, HRC has no chance Still Report #1174 – CNN – Clinton Blows Double Digit Lead Published on 6 Sep 2016A new CNN poll is devastating for Hillary Clinton.
  4. 63 days must seem like an eternity. She may not last that long... as a viable candidate Meantime, Trump is way up, far ahead with independent voters Ingraham: Independent vote is critical for Trump in the end Trump 49% / Clinton 29% with Independents ! Some months ago, I predicted her support would go to 23%, with Trump set to win a landslide at the election. (Then, her puppetmasters may pull the plug on her in some way.)
  5. Conditions Are Ripe for a Big-City Exodus Sep 2, 2016 / Note: I think they are really talking about West Coast Big Cities vs. East Coast, and smaller cities / A Trulia article this week showed that home values in the most expensive U.S. metro areas have diverged sharply from those in the rest of the country over the past 30 years. Not only have incomes grown the fastest in West Coast cities such as San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle, but natural and political constraints have made it difficult to increase housing supply, leading to even faster home price growth. At the other end of the spectrum, in the South and the Midwest, lower income growth combined with fewer constraints on increasing the housing supply has led to more muted home price gains. What about the future? It's likely that the experience of the stock market from the late 1990s through the next decade, when valuations of large-cap stock and small-cap stocks ended up converging, will be replicated in the housing market. The first reason is simple math: It may make sense for the value of housing in desirable metro areas such as San Francisco and Los Angeles to exceed the value of housing in less-desirable areas such as San Antonio and Phoenix: There's a limit to everything. Substitution dynamics -- consumers weighing the value of various goods -- applies to housing just as much as it does to food. The second reason is job mobility. The conventional wisdom that the internet would allow people and jobs to leave primary metro areas for secondary ones has run up against the fact that over the past 20 years the opposite has occurred. There are a few problems with this argument. First, at the height of the last housing boom the impact of the internet on daily lives was still quite small. The only people with smartphones were business users who had BlackBerrys. Cloud technology was still in its infancy. For most people, the internet was still a desktop-computer- and email-based experience. Now, with a labor market approaching full employment and the housing market nearing a normal recovery, it would be fair to evaluate the question of whether people will move. And the evidence suggests they will. The latest Case-Shiller home price report shows that Portland and Seattle have the fastest home price growth in the country, benefiting from Bay Area transplants. Additionally, Sun Belt metros such as Dallas, Tampa and Miami now have faster home price growth than San Francisco or Los Angeles. In a way, the large city clustering was more about a poor national job market and risk aversion than anything. Between the decline of manufacturing employment and job outsourcing, stagnant incomes and volatile economic cycles, workers got scared and moved to where the job clusters were, in large global cities. Employers and company executives exploited this. Investors behave in a similar way, selling their speculative stocks in times of trouble and buying defensive ones instead. Now, with workers gaining bargaining power over their employers for the first time in years, the big-city exodus can begin. == > https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-09-02/conditions-are-ripe-for-a-big-city-exodus I don't buy the conclusion.completely. We might see something as simple as a migration of JOBS and PEOPLE to cheaper cities. Why? Young people will want to take jobs in cities where houses are cheaper, and they can afford to buy. Employers will want to expand in cities where they can get qualified employees and pay somewhere lower salaries. I expect this shift will benefit a city like Philly, which has cheaper housing than NYC, Boston, Washington, etc, and is still connected to those Big Cities. And maybe the East Coast will start to narrow the gap with the West Coast
  6. CPG could be the stock to watch. I think problems renting Knightsbridge, Gramercy, and other projects at Century City, could potentially trigger a slide in resale/secondhand prices, at projects on the Fringe of the CBD If I am right, the rents will slide, or at least drift lower, and that will undermine property prices
  7. The rising cost of housing in Philadelphia Philadelphia Business Journal-1 Sep 2016 Housing prices are increasing across Philadelphia at a rate not seen since before the Great Recession. Will it threaten the city’s longstanding, low-cost advantage? Rising home prices, quick sales - Philly's in a sellers' market Philly.com-9 Aug 2016 The city of Philadelphia is officially a sellers' real estate market, as a continued shortage of inventory has pushed up prices for properties listed for sale. Economist Kevin Gillen, senior research fellow at Drexel University's Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, said the second quarter of 2016, which ended June 30, saw median prices 13 percent higher than April-through-June 2015. The increase pushed the city's median price for single-family homes to a record $145,000, he said - even as homes sell in an average of just three months, a pace that meets the industry standard for a sellers' market. . . . After several years of a fits-and-starts residential real estate recovery, increased demand and tight supply have boosted prices citywide, he said. The number of homes listed for sale stands at 5,500 units - the lowest since 2003 - Gillen said, down from 7,100 units at the same time last year. Sales volume was 4,774 houses, up 14 percent from 4,198 in the 2015 second quarter, and the highest three-month number since 2007, Gillen said. "On average, my listings in this area [Northeast Philadelphia] sold within 10 days" of coming on the market, said Carol McCann, an agent with Re/Max Millennium in the Fox Chase neighborhood. There were multiple offers for the limited listings, McCann said == > http://articles.philly.com/2016-08-11/business/74942227_1_real-estate-market-sellers-home-prices
  8. THE TRUTH about Clinton's Illegal Email Server The story was leaked before the long weekend to bury it - Let's keep it ALIVE ! The Truth About The Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation Published on Sep 4, 2016 MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3401/the...
  9. Hillary Promises To Deliver Regular Press Conferences... On One Condition That she is president, or as Nancy Pelosi might put it, "you have to elect her, to ask her questions." This is not a joke: this is how ABC put it, "Clinton’s lead press secretary, Brian Fallon, vowed that if elected, “Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences.” Truly, the voting public needs to wake up, and drive a metaphoric silver spike into the heart of this beast, and say: "It is over!"
  10. ARROGANCE, Lack of Accountability, and Ignoring Public opinion are Hallmarks of Hillary Hillary-in-hiding COUNT is now over 270 Days Has Hillary Clinton not had a press conference in 269 days? PolitiFact-31 Aug 2016 Donald Trump and his allies have seized upon a statistic that they believe reflects poorly on Hillary Clinton -- and they’re hammering it home on a daily basis. On Aug. 30, 2016, the Trump campaign blasted out an email titled, "HIDING HILLARY: DAY 269," going on to explain that "it has been 269 days since (Hillary) Clinton has held a press conference." Among other things, the email pressed Clinton to take reporters’ questions on aspects of her relationship to the Clinton Foundation. "It has been 269 days since (Hillary) Clinton has held a press conference." — Donald Trump on Tuesday, August 30th, 2016 in an email "Today and every day until Hillary Clinton holds a formal press conference, the Republican National Committee (RNC) will issue a reminder of the number of days since Hillary Clinton has faced members of the media in an environment not carefully controlled by her campaign." Is the Trump campaign correct that, as of Aug. 30, "it has been 269 days since Clinton has held a press conference"? (On our publication day, the number would have risen to 270 — an email from Trump's campaign on publication day declared "HIDING HILLARY: DAY 270.") . . . For context, Post political writer Chris Cillizza has written, "The last time Clinton held a press conference was Dec. 5, 2015. That was before: 1. A single state had cast a vote in either a presidential primary or caucus. 2. Major terrorist attacks in Nice, Brussels and Orlando. 3. FBI Director James Comey issued his scathing report on Clinton's email practices while at the State Department. 4. The Bernie Sanders phenomenon. 5. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was run out of the Democratic National Committee in the wake of a massive email hack/leak. 6. This whole Ryan Lochte international gas station incident." And we should note that the Trump campaign has some bona fides for calling Clinton out in this regard: A tally by NBC News counted 17 Trump press conferences in 2016. Clinton campaign unmoved by press squawks over lack of press ... CNNMoney-1 Sep 2016 Clinton's Weaksauce Excuses for Not Holding Press Conferences International-The Atlantic-2 Sep 2016 Clinton Will Let Reporters Ride Her Campaign Plane International-Newsmax-2 Sep 2016
  11. I wonder if they are still rigging polls? (likely) In which case, Trump may be ahead by 10 points or so A pity for the Dems that Obama is not acting "more presidential" Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit Bloomberg - ‎1 hour ago‎ President Barack Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, but said Sunday the U.S.
  12. "How can they raise the prices when -- according to your models, and your and Colliers data -- prices should fall slightly?" BECAUSE... it is called perception management : + The builders have huge marketing staffs whose JOB it is to persuade people that they should go on buying, even when Rents and Secondhand values are falling + The potential buyers look around and see that the prices on new properties launched by Ayala, Megaworld, SMDC, etc go on rising in virtual lockstep + Only a small minority of people seek out information like the Colliers report, and instead they believe what they are told by sales people I had a case where I was very close to buying a property, based on what I had seen in the showroom, and been told by sales people (it was not in Makati or BGC). I liked the property and the development it was in very much, and I was told that I could expect to achieve a rental of P 900-1000 psm. I decided to do my own due dilligence. Fortunately, there were some similar properties available for Rent on websites like OLX and Rentpad, so I started tracking them. After 2-3 weeks, I noticed that they were still there, and had not been rented. In fact, the asking rents on the most expensive properties were being cut. After studying this new information, I came to the conclusion that a realistic rent would be P 650-750 psm, rather than the P 900-1000 that I had been told. I don't think they were intentionally lying to me. I think they had just not done any proper research, like I had done. In fact, it is far harder to do the research in the Philippines than it is in a more transparent market, like Hong Kong - where you can go into any agent's office and they will give you a full "Transaction Report" with data on last done sales and leases, going back many weeks, and even several months. And this information is highly accurate. In PH the info is generally, kept secret - perhaps because of the tax implications. In HK taxes are at reasonable levels, and they are easy to understand and comply with. In the Philippines, it is not so simple. So perhaps they were relying on old Asking prices for 1-2 years earlier, and they had not yet appreciated that the market had been drifting lower for some months. I repeat that old warning: BUYER BEWARE, especially in times like these we are in, where (according to Colliers): supply is huge, vacancies are rising, and rents have begun to soften. If you do get to know some agents well enough that they will be honest with you, and think that they may quietly admit that it is getting harder to sell new properties, especially in BGC, where prices have run up the most, and the coming supply is the heaviest ============================== Sidebar - Look at how they are selling properties now: Tomorrow!!!!! Get EXCLUSIVE OFFERS on PREMIUM PROPERTIES for ONE DAY ONLY. I would like to invite everyone to take advantage of our Special Discounts and Payment Terms on Close to Handover Properties in the CBD. We will have a price increase by Sept 1, this will be a great time to reserve units to make your investment earn instantly because of the price appreciation. ... See more They are trying to clear their books of unsold properties. Would they be offering "Special Discounts and Payment Terms" - if these properties were selling well? What is the real price: The Builder's LIST price, or the DISCOUNTED price? I would say neither. The crucial price you need to focus on, is what you can actually sell if for AFTER you buy it. If you plan to live in it for years, you may not care about the Resale price. But if you are buying as an investor, I would argue that this price, the Achievable Resale price, is more important that the price you pay for the property.
  13. Donald Trump Takes Lead Over Hillary Clinton In National Poll Daily Caller-7 hours ago According to Rasmussen’s latest polling, Trump is at 40 percent, Clinton is at 39 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 7 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein is at 3 percent. Three percent in the poll are supporting someone else while 7 percent say they are still undecided.Most recent national polls have Clinton, the Democratic nominee, ahead of Trump, the Republican nominee. Rasmussen’s poll released last week had Clinton leading Trump 42 percent to 38 percent. Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/01/donald-trump-takes-lead-over-hillary-clinton-in-national-poll/#ixzz4J7YJXQPa
  14. I want to share the news of the way the debates have been reformated, to protect Mrs Clinton, who now appears to be coming apart at the seams. I think she must be very seriously ill now The Non-Debates! ... and the Cowardly Clinton The ailing one seems to be unwilling to appear on the same stage with Trump Trump Hit WIth Total Psyop How will she do as a world leader, if she is so cowardly? Will she just have killed those she does not want to talk to, or negotiate with? Hillary Clinton "We Came, We Saw, He Died" (Gaddafi) Mrs Clinton is a dangerous criminal, who must leave public life ASAP, it seems to be killing her anyway
  15. "so there's ample evidence that in the mid to lower end prices are slightly rising," Clearly, NOT for residential properties in Makati (- 2.97%) and BGC (- 2.34%) In fact, We don't have as much data for Ortigas as we do for Makati and BGC. But from what I have heard, Ayala took over the management of Oritigas Corp., earlier this year. And the takeover was followed by some strong buying in the first half based on: + Lower prices in Ortigas, and + Ayala's reputation based on their demonstrated record of making money for investors, and their great success at turning around BGC, etc which is not far away from Ortigas. Since they have done it before, friendly investors assume they will do it again This may be only a short-duration pop in Ortigas prices, unless Ayala can make some real progress in bringing in new investors,and/or in enhancing the value of the central location of Ortigas - with all its traffic challenges
  16. THIS Video is from an old friend in London who has sometimes posted on GEI . The Top Ten Causes of Wealth Inequality Published on 14 Feb 2016 Dominic Frisby on the Top Ten Causes of Wealth Inequality. (the TAX System is an important subject, but little exploited in comedy shows... thus far anyway) Dominic Frisby discusses his new Edinburgh Festival comedy show about Tax with The Gentleman Cabbie Published on 3 Aug 2016 Dominic Frisby chats to The Gentleman Cabbie about his new Edinburgh Festival comedy show on Taxation, how he became a financial writer and columnist and his views on the London property market. Why is London Full of 1-million Quid, 2-Bedroom flats? (And how much is 1-million quid? Answer: USD 1.33 million, or about PHP 60 million. That's BIG money) To answer the first question, checkout the video below: (this one is good too - but less relevant for PH, where the land suplly was not so restricted) "A Functioning 21st Century economy?" Why you will never own a home ... New app explains Published on 26 Feb 2016 The real reason for unaffordable houses explained through the medium of Dominic Frisby's new economics app which ensures they remain unaffordable.
  17. Buendia Overpass Could it be the first step in extending The Walkway? MACEA's Pedestrian Overpass Along Buendia: 1. Between RCBC and Columns side; 2. Between Teleperformance People Support Center and Makati Post Office. Target Completion Date of the Project: June 30, 2017 Pls. Check http://www.rcbcplaza.com.ph/media/up...0(3-16-16).ppt (in edit / added later - this is from August 2014): City Gate, a new mixed-use development with a creative edge Moving towards where Ayala Avenue meets Buendia, there is another gateway to the CBD. Dubbed as the young and creative hub of the city, City Gate is a new mixed-use development envisioned to have a more creative edge. To cater to the younger set that frequents this area, phase one will be 81,000 sq. meters of office GFA, 312-hotel room Seda, and 14,000 sq. meters of retail GFA. But more than these is the Civic Space that will be placed in the area. It will be a 2,600 sq. meter space which will be accomplished vertically through a series of terraces. This will include a direct connection to Makati Commercial Estate Association (MACEA)’s existing elevated walkway along Dela Rosa which will extend to Makati Med. This walkway will traverse all three blocks of City Gate all the way to the other side of Buendia where a pedestrian bridge will cross to the Makati Post Office side. http://asianjournal.com/news/p65-b-i...r-development/
  18. Help this GO VIRAL Deport Hillary... Back to H3LL ! Trump announced his new immigration policies on August 31st in an impassioned speech. In the speech he announced that he would create a new Deportation task force to deport criminals, and jokingly said, "Maybe we should deport Hillary." People laughed and cheered. But did not know WHERE she could be deported to. But the answer is obvious, isn't it? ... Back to... Where she came from.
  19. Maybe ICE can deport Hillary! Trump compares Clinton's legal luck with her email scandal to illegal-immigrant criminals as he says both 'have evaded justice' Donald Trump outlined a comprehensive immigration policy Wednesday Speech featured hid promise to create a new 'deportation task force' It would deport the most violent 'criminal aliens' who have evaded justice Trump told his audience that Hillary Clinton could be on the deportation list since she has also evaded justice by skating on her email scandal By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.com In Phoenix, Arizona Published: 02:54 GMT, 1 September 2016 View comments It may be time to deport Hillary Clinton, a half-joking Donald Trump told a teeming mass of Arizonans on Wednesday night, and he's just the man for the job. Trump pledged to create 'a special deportation task force' within the existing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency if he becomes president, and said he would use it to eject the most violent felons who are in the United States illegally. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3768216/Maybe-ICE-deport-Hillary-Trump-compares-Clinton-s-legal-luck-email-scandal-illegal-immigrant-criminals-says-evaded-justice.html#ixzz4J2zdiQhW
  20. A Major speech by Trump . LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Immigration Speech in Phoenix, AZ 8/31/16 . A great and inspiring speech! Mexican President Nieto agrees to stop flow of drugs and illegal immigrants He has a plan. Hillary does not. He crafted his with the help of immigration authorities "We will build a wall. Mexico will pay for it. (Though they do not know it yet.)" "Mexico will work with us. I really believe they will... after meeting Mexico's great President." We will end catch and release - they will be removed... we will take them to the countries they came from Zero tolerance for Criminal aliens ! (There are at least 2mn criminal aliens within our borders.) "Day one, my first day in office, those people are gone." We will issue detainers, for illegals arrested for any reason. (we will end Obama's non-detention policies) We will identify deportable aliens in local jails. (this successful program was drop.) I will ask Congress to pass Kate's Law - criminal aliens will be quickly and safely deported. A new Deportation task force will be created. 5,000 more Border patrol agents to be hired. Terminate illegal amnesty programs (for 5 million illegals) - and Enforce the existing Laws. No one will be immune and exempt from enforcement ! Will suspend visas to anywhere where adequate screening cannot be done. We will turn off the Jobs and Benefits magnet ! Those who abuse our welfare system, will be targets for immediate removal Jobs to be offered to American workers first, including African-Americans & Hispanics We have been living under outdated laws - Let's "sunset" the immigration laws. There will be NO AMNESTY ! We will break the cycle of immigration and amnesty
  21. Last week: "the Mexican President extended an invitation to both major candidates", says Pence Laura Ingraham Show (8/31/16) Gov. Pence: Trump's visit with the Mexican president https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuLVYHH1tI8 Published on Aug 31, 2016 Gov. Pence: Trump's visit with the Mexican president is 'the beginning of a conversation' THE REACTION of the satanic one, to Trump's meeting with Nieto is predictably clumsy Clinton: Trump’s a threat to national security, potential embarrassment MarketWatch Hillary Clinton offered a withering attack on Republican rival Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy Wednesday, casting him as a figure who could jeopardize U.S. alliances and embarrass the country if elected president. In a speech to the American Legion’s national convention, Clinton also was dismissive toward Trump’s meeting Wednesday with the president of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto. Invoking Trump’s past criticism of Mexican immigrants who settle in the U.S., she said that it “certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home. That’s not how it works.” Clinton’s campaign believes her tenure as secretary of state is an advantage that is magnified by Trump’s comparative inexperience in the foreign policy realm. Her campaign TV ads have mocked Trump for contending that his military judgment is superior to that of U.S. generals. === === Has Hillary forgotten that she was perhaps the worst Secretary of State in History, and has many wars "to her credit" and no real achievements?
  22. If America leader of the Western world once again becomes leader of the FREE world then I think basically ...we have done away with the globalists "... THIS is why they are in such a panic God save Mr Trump
  23. Let's take a closer look at 2016's 2nd Quarter changes MEAN Prices Residential ------- : Q4-2015 : Q1-2016 / %-chg. : Q2-2016 / %-chg. : (Makati ) Rents-- : P0,900 : -P 0,865 : - 3.89% : -P 0,855 : - 1.16% : Rents per SqM Condos: 151,300 : 152,000 : +0.46% : 147,500 : - 2.97% : Prices per SqM Yields-- : -- 7.14% : - 6.83% : --------- : -- 6.96% : --------- : Land--- : 500,000 : 523,000 : +4.60% : 545,000 : +4.21% : Floors--: : 3.30 fls :: 3.44 floors needed :: 3.69 floors needed : (B.G.C.) Rents-- : P 0,892 : -P 0,870 : -2.47% : -P 0,855 : - 1.72% : Rents per SqM Condos: 150,000 : 150,000: +0.00% : 146,500 : - 2.34% : Prices per SqM Yields- : -- 7.14% : - 6.96% : ---------- : -- 7.00% : ---------- : Land-- : 417,000 : 444,500 : +6.59% : 460,500 : +3.60% : Floors-- :: 2,78 fls :: 2.96 floors needed :: 3.14 floors needed : (Ortigas) Rents-- : P0,506 : -P 0,516 : +1.97% : - 0,520 Estimate : Condos: 075,000 : 077,000: +2.67% : 078,400 : +1.82% : Estimates, per SqM Yields- : -- 8.10% : - 8.04% : ---------- : -- 7.96% : ---------- : Land-- : 179,500 : 188,500 : +5.01% : 196,000 : +3.98% Flr. Est. :: 2.40 fls :: 2.45 floors needed :: 2.50 floors needed : Estimates What's "Floors needed" mean? Well, it is simply a way of comparing Land prices with Capital Values. I divide the Land price (per sm), by the Capital Value - and work out how many floors need to be sold to recover the land cost. But this is an oversimplification, since it assumes the building has a footprint which is equal to the size of the Land plot. In reality, the build may occupy 50% or less of the Land area. On top of that, there is also the building cost to recover. (More on this later.) ====== Hey, what's holding those Land prices up? Office demand? (see below) Or maybe just a strong long term interest in owning property assets Office - Makati CBD ------- : Q4-2015 : Q1-2016 / %-chg. : Q2-2016 / %-chg. : Rents Premium P1,270 : -P 1,275 : +0.39% : -P 1,285 : +0.78% : Rents per SqM Grade-A P0,910 : -P 0,915 : +0.55% : -P 0,915 : +0.00% : Grade-B P0,717 : -P 0,715 : -0.38% : -P 0,715 : +0.00% : CapValues Premium 166,700 : 174,500 : +4.68% : 179,000 : +2.58% : Prices per SqM Grade-A 108,900 : 115,000 : +5.60% : 118,500 : +3.04% : Grade-B : 80,650 : 084,500 : +4.77% : 087,000 : +2.96% : Yields Premium - 9.14% : - 8.76% : --------- : -- 8.61% : --------- Grade-A: 10.03% : - 9.55% : --------- : -- 9.27% : --------- Grade-B: 10.67% : 10.15% : --------- : -- 9.86% : --------- Floors Premium: 3.00 fls : 3.00 floors needed: 3.04 floors needed : It is interesting to see that Office Rents (+0.78%) and Capital Values (+2.58%) have gone on rising, while Residential Rents and Capital Values have begun to fall
  24. Some comments from Dr Rick Miller USA Prepares Show (AUDIO Commercial Free) Thursday 8/25/16: Dr Richard Alan Miller A very nervous Dr RAM this week + He thinks Hillary will not be elected; "she is not in jail, because she is dying" + He feels like he "is being buzzed" (monitored? controlled?) by some technology + There maybe a slime mold spreading - by chemtrails perhaps, "from Galactic center"? + He thinks his book orders from Amazon, are being filled using old books, rather than being directed to him + A (dry) black slime is covering monuments everywhere "it is a time for a League of Concerned scientists to come forward" "this black slime mold is all over the world... we have more wood falling down, than we can burn", says Vincent Finelli LEAKED MEDICAL SECRET COULD EXPOSE THAT HILLARY IS DYING
  25. THIS VIDEO is just over 12 months old - Prophetic? What do you think? Donald Trump : The Boss Meets the Real Boss
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