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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Strong Trump ads (homemade?) DONALD TRUMP HILLARY CLINTON 60 SECOND COMMERCIAL AD - NEW !!!! (the Ad the Trump campaign is using on TV): Donald Trump finally hits Hillary Clinton with new attack campaign ads More of the same (from the Dems)... But worse !
  2. Running into resistance - two Hang Lung stocks, and a mainland China REIT 870001/ Hui Xian + HLP (10) and HLG (101)... update
  3. (I call Bullfeathers on this garbage! How can having a criminal ridden with scandals be good for the market?) The stock market has already picked the next U.S. president Published: Aug 29, 2016 Market strategist says history favors Clinton; ‘investors like landslide victories’ The stock market is predicting Hillary Clinton to win in a landslide. By SueChang Markets reporter The GOP is traditionally known as the party of Wall Street, but this year investors, for the most part, are betting against the Republican standard-bearer. “The market appears to have decided not only that [Hillary] Clinton will win, but that it won’t be close,” David Woo, a strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a report distributed Monday. “Investors like landslide victories.” ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads Woo noted that the S&P 500 has risen more than 4% since July 5, which marks the beginning of the 90-trading-day countdown to the election on Nov. 8. During years when presidential candidates won by a margin of more than 80% of Electoral College votes, the S&P 500 posted average returns of 8.4% in the 90 days leading up to the election, as this chart illustrates: The last time stocks outperformed the current rally at the halfway point was when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide against Walter Mondale in 1984. “To us, this implies that the market is expecting Hillary Clinton to either maintain or increase her already sizeable lead over Donald Trump in the opinion polls,” Woo said, citing the Iowa Electronic Markets, an indicator giving Clinton an 80% chance of beating Trump. The IEM is a futures market operated for research purposes by the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. Earlier this year, Sam Stovall, U.S. equity strategist at S&P Global Market Intelligence, noted that the S&P 500 SPX, +0.52% has a fairly good track record of predicting election results. Since 1944, the incumbent person or party was reelected 82% of the time when the S&P 500 rose between July 31 and Oct. 31, according to Stovall. The only exceptions were in 1968 and 1980, when there were popular third-party candidates in the picture. “Whenever the S&P 500 fell in price during these three months, however, it signaled the replacement of the incumbent 86% of the time,” he said. The latest polling numbers show Clinton leading Trump in most voter surveys, according to news and data aggregator RealClearPolitics. The S&P 500 hit a record high of 2,193.81 on Aug. 15 and is poised to extend its rally to six straight months. Meanwhile, the market is also expecting a split Congress and very little change in policy, according to Woo. The volatility of the euro-dollar pairing EURUSD, -0.0357% , which the strategist views as a good proxy to measure the risk of change in the U.S. versus the rest of the world, is at a 2016 low, implying subdued expectations for policy change. “The combination of a Democratic president and a split Congress likely means gridlock,” Woo said. “If this scenario materializes, the experience of the past six years suggests there is little chance of a major change in the fundamental economic policies of the most important country in the world in the foreseeable future.” As a result, investors could expect lower interest rates and a weaker dollar. But in the event the same party wins the White House and control of Congress, the greenback will strengthen and rates will rise, Woo said. == > http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-market-has-already-picked-the-next-us-president-2016-08-29?siteid=bigcharts&dist=bigcharts
  4. Wouldn't if be something if Trump won 20% or more of the black voters - up from 8% that Romney got This might actually prove to be the factor that would get him the White House And Hillary can lose them, thanks to her neglect, and taking them for granted
  5. Alex Jones : A Marked Man ? After having been shouted out by Hillary, Alex Jones sounds worried, and maybe slightly drunk here Hillary Clinton, Please Stop Killing People Who can blame him? He says: "It's surreal to realize that little old me, Alex Jones, a little talk show host, is one of the principle people opposing these monsters" Comment: MakisPyrgiotis9 hours ago FOLKS, THIS VIDEO HAS GOT TO GO VIRAL. YOU ALL KNOW GOING FORWARD, HE IS A MARKED MAN. I DON'T USUALLY CONCUR WITH EVERYTHING HE SAYS ON ALL OF HIS SHOWS AND VIDEOS. BUT ON THIS ELECTION, HE IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. HILLARY AND HER CRONIES, MUST BE PREVENTED FROM TAKING THIS MAN OUT. TO THE CLINTONS, THEY SEE ONLY A 200LB CARCASS OF FLESH AND BONES, STANDING IN THEIR WAY, AS THEY HEAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE. HE NEEDS OUR SUPPORT MORE THAN EVER. PLEASE SHARE ON ALL SITES YOU CAN. (This is NO JOKE!): Alex Jones said here: "Whatever I do, I am NOT WITH Hillary. And I will not commit suicide. If I die, then supporters of Hillary Clinton are the main suspects." There's a vast difference between being an enemy of Trump (if he has any) and an enemy of the Clintons
  6. Smack! Smack! Trump hits back at Hillary's race-baiting His new ads are effective, bringing some history into the the battle - per this Hannity video Trump counter-punches against Clinton's racism accusations + Hillary called blacks "super predators" + She was a big backer of Robert Byrd, a KKK leader (Trump never backed Duke, who was a KK leader 40 years ago) The black guy (pastor Scott) interviewed says: "I deplore that period of real racism"
  7. The always Bullish Bo is... ah, still bullish AHEAD: $100 Silver, $10,000 Gold | Bo Polny Silver then was $19.23 (late July.) On Friday, it closed at $18.75 Back then, he expected Silver to break $22 (it did not), and then "go vertcal".
  8. The always Bullish Bo is... ah, still bullish AHEAD: $100 Silver, $10,000 Gold | Bo Polny Silver then was $19.23 (late July.) On Friday, it closed at $18.75 Back then, he expected Silver to break $22 (it did not), and then "go vertcal".
  9. A sick woman in trouble? No Press conferences, and now no campaigning either The Kelly File 8/26/2016 : Clinton Takes A Break From Campaigning As Troubling Headlines Pile Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgNBpdarfRs Maybe she should go straight into exile, or the hospital
  10. "And yet the pollsters failed to see it coming." Maybe they are paid or instructed not to "produce" certain results Here's an exception: And yet the pollsters failed to see it coming. Donald Trump maintains slim lead over Hillary Clinton in tracking poll ... www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2016/08/26/...poll...Trump.../4311472221679/ WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The UPI/CVoter daily presidential tracking poll released Friday shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by less than 1 percentage point. The online poll shows Trump with 48.52 percent to Clinton's 47.73 percent after both candidates edged up slightly overnight. Correspondingly, the percentage of "other" voters, defined as anyone who did not select Trump or Clinton, fell to its lowest level to date, 3.74 percent. Friday is the second-consecutive day the poll shows Trump leading Clinton by a slim margin. Clinton had led in the poll since the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. The UPI/CVoter online tracking poll surveys about 200 people each day, leading to a sample size of roughly 1,400 people during any seven-day span. Over the course of a full seven-day sampling, Trump has gained 4 points, while Clinton has dropped 3.3 points. Because the poll is conducted online and individuals self-select to participate, a margin of error cannot be calculated. The poll has a credibility interval of 3 percentage points. This seven-day span includes data collected from Aug 18-24, when 1,720 individuals were surveyed. Of them, 1,187 identified themselves as likely voters.
  11. Even in the Rigged corporate polls, Hillary's lead is shrinking Clinton's lead over Trump shrinks by 7 points in 3 days AOL News‎ - 14 hours ago NEW YORK, Aug 26 (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads her Republican rival Donald Trump by 5 percentage points among likely voters, down from a peak this month of 12 points, according to the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Friday. The Aug. 22-25 opinion poll found that 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election, while 36 percent supported Trump. Some 23 percent would not pick either candidate and answered "refused," "other" or "wouldn't vote." ​​​​​​ Clinton, a former secretary of state, has led real estate developer Trump in the poll since Democrats and Republicans ended their national conventions and formally nominated their presidential candidates in July. Her level of support has varied between 41 and 45 percent during that period, and her lead over Trump in the tracking poll peaked this month at 12 percentage points on Tuesday. During the past week, Clinton has been dogged by accusations by Trump, which she has denied, that donations to her family's charitable foundation influenced her actions while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Questions have also surfaced again about her use of a private email server and address rather than a government one during her period at the State Department. Meanwhile, Trump and Clinton also sparred over who would be a better advocate for African Americans and other minorities, and Trump hinted he could soften his hard-line stance on immigration. In a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll that includes candidates from small, alternative parties, Clinton leads the field by a smaller margin. Some 39 percent of likely voters supported Clinton in the four-way poll, compared with 36 percent for Trump, 7 percent for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and 3 percent for Green Party nominee Jill Stein.
  12. Exactly. If illegals leave, ,many jobs would open up, and their would be less strain on schools etc
  13. BEARISH - a too Bearish article? Prices are back to the levels of 10 years ago. But that does not mean it is a bubble. (Incomes are higher, and interest rates are lower) We now live with a market dependent on a single marginal buyer: the central banking cartel. This raises some very concerning questions. What happens when it can no longer print at the same rate? (Prices will collapse). Or even worse: What happens if it keeps printing at this rate? (At some point: hyperinflation, as the purchasing power of the world's major currencies gets destroyed) The Housing Market: Poised For Another Crash? Housing is similarly at risk. Prices in many markets have been bid up past their previous 2007 bubble highs: (Source) This recklessly swift return to bubble heights is being indirectly driven by the same central bank money printing we see in stocks. The liquidity of new capital flooding across the world is seeking a return as well as safety. At this point, the US is one of the few markets offering both positive stock returns and (barely) positive interest rates. So tons of overseas money is flowing in. In popular housing markets like San Francisco, Seattle, Manhattan and Vancouver, the marginal buyer over the past half-decade has largely been foreign, looking to get his cash away from the market and confiscation risk of his native country (I've written often about the impact that the wave of over-asking-price, all-cash offers has had on Silicon Valley, where I lived until recently). == > http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article56275.html
  14. TRUMP DOUBLES DOWN on his charge that Hillary Clinton is a Bigot VIDEO: Trump Proves Hillary Is a Bigot She only wants blacks to vote for her - and will deliver nothing Those big donors, who gave her millions, expect to get some real deliverables in return She has gone from Zero to a Hundred Million plus, thanks to those donors "buying" her favors
  15. There are no genuine Hillary supporters... or not many ONLY HER CORE: Radical lesbians, Wall Street banksters, war-profiteers, and those wanting more "free stuff" from the government. My guess is - and I said this many months ago - she might win 20% or so of the Vote And even that core is under threat, as Trump makes speeches to appeal to Black voters. (He is going after those like Diamond and Silk, who want jobs, not handouts) As far as I am concerned, I would like to see those "Core" voters of hers go to a parallel universe, where they can enjoy Hillary H3ll, a planet where Hillary becomes President, and they can report back us in 4 years, about how it is going, while the rest of us participate in a Trump-led renaissance of America,
  16. A Key Reversal ! TLT Bonds / 10d Here's Why Markets Loved Janet Yellen's Speech at Jackson Hole (But only briefly) Fortune-6 hours ago That's the takeaway from the Fed Chair speech Friday morning at the Kansas City Fed's annual gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyo. ... Stocks Fall After Yellen's Remarks Wall Street Journal-2 hours ago SPY Stocks / 10d Investors hang on Janet Yellen's Jackson Hole speech Opinion-The Australian Financial Review-Aug 20, 2016 Yellen's Prepared Remarks at Jackson Hole (Full Text) In-Depth-Bloomberg-9 hours ago Jackson Hole: Yellen Says Case for Rate Hike 'Has Strengthened' Blog-Barron's (blog)-9 hours ago ===== Notably, markets apparently aren’t concerned about Yellen’s threat to raise rates, as the Dow rallied more than 100 points in the minutes after the speech concluded. Investors appear be confident that Yellen won’t tighten, a likely result of the Fed’s overconfidence since the financial crisis in it’s ability to normalize policy. (Ah, but that rally did not last long. INDU closed DOWN 53 points, -0.29%) Markets liked what Yellen had to say Janet Yellen and Wall Street investors can agree on one thing: The U.S. economy is a relatively good investment. That’s the takeaway from the Fed Chair speech Friday morning at the Kansas City Fed’s annual gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Yellen had mostly kind words for Uncle Sam, saying that “in light of the continued solid performance of the labor market and our outlook for economic activity and inflation,” the case for raising interest rates again has gotten pretty strong of late. Notably, markets apparently aren’t concerned about Yellen’s threat to raise rates, as the Dow rallied more than 100 points in the minutes after the speech concluded. Investors appear be confident that Yellen won’t tighten, a likely result of the Fed’s overconfidence since the financial crisis in it’s ability to normalize policy. Yellen was most bullish on the American labor market, and it’s easy to see why. Wage growth is finally beginning to accelerate, as the U.S. economy has added on average 190,000 new jobs monthly this summer. That’s more than enough to tighten labor markets, and should be good news for consumer spending as well. Investors were also likely comforted by the meat of Yellen’s speech, in which she discussed the changing Fed policy toolkit and reassured market watchers that the central bank has plenty of firepower to fight the next recession, whenever it may arrive. . . . U.S. stocks notched their biggest weekly declines since Brexit, after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said the case for an increase in U.S. short-term interest rates has strengthened in recent months. The remarks, which were anxiously awaited all week, sparked an initial reaction to sell stocks that quickly reversed itself. Later in the session, stocks again fell, as investors’ expectations for a rate rise later this year climbed. Treasury yields and the dollar also fluctuated before finishing the day higher. “The statement was no big shock. We would fully expect the Fed chair to say the timing seems more appropriate sooner than later” given current market conditions, said Ryan Larson, head of U.S. equity trading for RBC Global Asset Management, referring to how stock prices remain near record highs, volatility is low and labor markets have been strong. . . . Investors are hoping that Janet Yellen, chair of the US Federal Reserve, gives some guidance on the direction of US rates in her speech on Friday. With the US sharemarket hovering only slightly below record highs, investors are in a state of feverish anxiety as they await Friday's speech by Janet Yellen, the head of the US Federal Reserve. But some analysts warn that this Fed obsession is blinding markets to the major risks that lie ahead. ... Investors are hopeful that Yellen will use her talk to provide some clarity on the future direction of US interest rates, and might even drop some clues as to whether the US central bank might raise rates next month. . . . The Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy Toolkit: Past, Present, and Future TEXT: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-08-26/janet-yellen-s-jackson-hole-speech-annotated The FOMC considered removing accommodation by first reducing our asset holdings (including through asset sales) and raising the federal funds rate only after our balance sheet had contracted substantially. But we decided against this approach because our ability to predict the effects of changes in the balance sheet on the economy is less than that associated with changes in the federal funds rate. Excessive inflationary pressures could arise if assets were sold too slowly. Conversely, financial markets and the economy could potentially be destabilized if assets were sold too aggressively. Indeed, the so-called taper tantrum of 2013 illustrates the difficulty of predicting financial market reactions to announcements about the balance sheet. Given the uncertainty and potential costs associated with large-scale asset sales, the FOMC instead decided to begin removing monetary policy accommodation primarily by adjusting short-term interest rates rather than by actively managing its asset holdings. . . . On the monetary policy side, future policymakers might choose to consider some additional tools that have been employed by other central banks, though adding them to our toolkit would require a very careful weighing of costs and benefits and, in some cases, could require legislation. For example, future policymakers may wish to explore the possibility of purchasing a broader range of assets. Beyond that, some observers have suggested raising the FOMC’s 2 percent inflation objective or implementing policy through alternative monetary policy frameworks, such as price-level or nominal GDP targeting. I should stress, however, that the FOMC is not actively considering these additional tools and policy frameworks, although they are important subjects for research. . . . Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the case for a hike in the fed funds rate this year has strengthened in recent months. But she stopped short of suggesting a hike could come as soon as September. “She was a smidgen more hawkish than I anticipated she would be,” says Jennifer Vail, head of fixed income research at U.S. Bank‘s private client group. “That said, I don’t believe she was telegraphing a September hike. I still think it will happen in December.”
  17. A CHART to watch now: TLT / Bonds ! TLT / Long-Bond etf ... update : All-data / 10-d : LAST: 138.36-0.81 / O: 139.73, H: 140.69, L: 138.22 / Vol: 11.9mn 1-year All-data :: Source A Key Reversal ! Here's Why Markets Loved Janet Yellen's Speech at Jackson Hole Fortune-6 hours ago That's the takeaway from the Fed Chair speech Friday morning at the Kansas City Fed's annual gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Yellen had ... Stocks Fall After Yellen's Remarks Wall Street Journal-2 hours ago
  18. Simply stunning that some polls have him within 3 points.Hillary should be very worried. http://www.realclear...olls/president/ I really doubt the accuracy of most of these media-run polls They are RIGGED by the selection of an unrepresentative sampling- heavily weighted towards Democrats, or towards women, who are more likely to vote for Trump's opponent Bill Mitchell explains: Polling Bias Against Donald Trump | Bill Mitchell and Stefan Molyneux
  19. "She's been helped by Trump to some degree who's been struggling to find his feet.My view is that he'll find them..." He has already - the last two weeks - he is like 99-100% ON MESSAGE Listen to this: Trump in the Town hall I found the Donald's comments reasonable, for the most part - and he clearly LISTENS to people. Go and listen to the enthusiasm of this crowd after Jeff Session's comments Hannity 8/24/16 - Sean Hannity Donald Trump Town Hall Part 2 Trump Jr. Rudy Giuliani & others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9jP6Vobzco I'd like to see his opponent in a similar situation, and see how she would handle it. I would how she would react to the guy who disagreed? Trump wanted to understand the guy's point. Hillary would just talk over him, or ignore him, I reckon
  20. There are some patriotic billionaires out there... Carl Icahn on Trump, the SuperPAC, the economy, and Hillary (40min) CARL ICAHN FULL INTERVIEW (ABOUT DONALD TRUMP) WITH ERIK SCHATZKER – BLOOMBERG (8/16/2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GHf98zlecI Icahn is considering setting up a super PAC to back Trump But Icahn wants Donald to stay on a "positive message" about the economy. "If he does that, he will win." At the same time, he states: "I've never seen anything as absurd as what the EPA is doing"
  21. PANIC SELLING followed Brexit Chart & Excerpt: Foreign buyers who purchased within the last 12 months are now likely to already be in negative equity. In terms of euros, Greater London home prices have shown a dismal performance over the last year, with values in the region dropping 11% since May and 17% since November last year. There is a potential upside that European buyers may be attracted back to the market but house prices and sterling will need to stabilise for that to occur. Housing supply figures from Home.co.uk strongly suggest further price falls are inevitable in the capital, as Greater London vendors overload the property market in the aftermath of June's Brexit vote. Between July 2015 and July 2016, new listings in London leapt by 27%, compared to a year-on-year rise of 6% the month before. Source: Home.co.uk The Typical Time on Market has also risen sharply in the capital, from 68 days in July to 73 days in August. This is forcing vendors to slash prices further, in a property market that was already in a precarious position through Buy-to-Let taxation changes and warnings about overvaluation. === Barratt Broke down sharply after Brexit... update (to right after Brexit) ... But has since rallied back to the gap ... update IS the real Test of the UK market's resilience dead ahead?
  22. The Most Important Market in the World. Are We at a Tipping Point? Friday August 19, 2016 16:05 Above is a 25-year chart of the U.S. T-Bond market. Of course the bull market extends at least 10 years further back than what is shown above. When Volcker exercised just a small amount of discipline by taking his foot off the gas pedal during the stagflationary 1970s, T-Bond rates rose to over 14%! My first mortgage was 17.5%. There may have been at least a little authenticity in the debt markets in the late 1970s. True, the double-digit inflation of the 1970s was caused by Nixon’s bastardizing the global monetary system by removing gold from the dollar. Up until 2008-09 Volcker’s tough monetary medicine caused the deepest recession since the Great Depression during the 1981-82 timeframe and that bit of discipline strengthened our financial system to the point where an orgy to end all orgies could be entered into by the Greenspan Fed, and it continued on through the realms of Bernanke and the current promiscuous Fed Chairwoman. The point I am leading up to is that the bull market pictured in the chart above is as phony as Pinocchio, and if Michael Oliver is right, it will be as difficult to retain its safe haven status as it would be to believe Pinocchio were telling the truth and didn’t need a nose job! Blow-off Status! That’s how Michael characterizes the U.S. T-Bond Market. As stated in his August 10, 2016, missive, Michael noted that we are on the verge of an end to the greatest bull market in U.S. Treasury market history, which will be accompanied as well by the long-dated treasuries of Germany and Japan, the two other countries with sizeable debt markets that back two other reserve currencies—namely, the euro and the yen. As Michael stated, “The T-Bond’s long-term momentum trend is in a blow off condition (the terminal upside vertical phase of an aged bull). Defining when that verticality ends and the opposite begins we’re determining via long-term (annual) and intermediate momentum metrics. A violation of the intermediate momentum uptrend will likely be the first warning of the downturn.” Why is this such a big deal? It’s a big deal because when you have a blow off in any market, it is followed by a violent reaction in the opposite direction. In other words, when the long-dated T-Bond finally hits its peak—and Michael’s work suggests we are very, very close to that point in time—the Fed will be no more able to hide its continuous interest rate lies than Pinocchio was able to keep his game of deceit going. His nose gave him away. An interest rate that cannot be suppressed will give the Fed’s lies away. . . . So here is what I’m thinking the most likely scenario is. If Oliver is as correct with the T-Bond market as he has been with every other market I have seen him opine on, we will likely see interest rates rise dramatically before year end. If the policymakers can keep a lid on them to get Hillary elected they will do so. But at some point, rates will rise and very early in that process I believe we will see a major economic implosion that could make the 2008-09 version look like a Sunday walk in the park. With an inability of the Fed to curtail the raise in rates, much as happened in the 1970s but on a scale that far surpasses that of the 1970s, money will be printed and transferred to the public. In fact, policymakers are already planning for this eventuality when they talk about “helicopter money.” Even as inflation rises, more and more money will be printed because the policymakers will not have any other politically palatable way to go. That is when I think we may enter into a hyperinflationary world—the likes of which could very well lead to major geopolitical changes and potentially a hellish situation for Americans. I pray that God will spare us from this eventuality. But in looking at the political situation and an inability to face truth by our policymakers so that the right policies are entered into, I cannot see any rational way out of a complete breakdown of the global economy and unfortunately the possibility of a World War. In fact even now, it seems the American Empire is planning one with Russia and China/// == > MORE: http://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2016-08-19/The-Most-Important-Market-in-the-World-Are-We-at-a-Tipping-Point.html
  23. Hong Kong Property is still 9% off its peak (From the Property thread on AX): DC : I asked yesterday an agent about prices in my and neighbouring buildings, and they are back to stupid level. Thank God I didn't sell my flat. I would now have the choice between buying it back to about the same level I would have sold it for, or rent and hope the prices will drop some time in the future. Yes, the centaline shows a decline, but the prices are up there, where they were 6 months ago. The decline was short lived, even though one had good purchasing opportunities for a couple of weeks. OTP, nobody gets it right all the time, but I think this time you didn't get it as right as you were claiming a few weeks ago. OTP: Have I missed something? My records show: CCLI Peak : 146.92 CCLI now - : 133.41 Change -- : - 9.2% I have said that the market would not go straight down, and would have some rallies. In fact, I bet on a really myself, buying Hang Lung stock - a bit early, as it turned out. I bought over HK$1 million worth of HK10 shares, and watched the price fall further. But I have now managed to exit now with profits, including a nice dividend. So as of this week, I am back out of HK stocks again (apart from holdings of Value Gold, a etf investing in Gold). Currently, I am OUT OF HK PROPERTY INVESTMENTS, waiting with cash.., and some nice profitable investments in Philadelphia property (yielding 11% pretax BEFORE capital gains), and in Philippines condos. As for your own HK property, I would suggest you speak more to that agent, and ask him what you can actually get if you sell your property. The CCLI Index suggests the market is still 9% below the Peak. My experience is that agents will talk the market up or down, to try and make their job easier. If he thinks you might be a buyer, he will try to tell you how strong the market is. So perhaps he gave you his market chatter, Once he finds out you might be a Seller, watch him change his tune. It is enlightening and fun to watch them flip-flop. Go back and tell him you might be a seller, and see if he still thinks the market is back at the Top. Let's us know what happens
  24. GLD / Gold etf ... 3yrs Headed for Support at GLD-$125, x about 10.55 = $1320 ? By Friday, or next week?
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