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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. This needs saying : Did you watch the DNC podium? It was a parade of minorities, mostly women. The only males who were not black on the stage were JEWS! Frankly, i find this disgusting - as disgusting as Hillary;s machinations to steal the election If it was truly "inclusive" where were the 30% of US population that are non-Jewish white males. Oh, I'm sorry, they are too busy working to pay taxes to keep the whole US circus going. Who is being robbed here? "I trust Hillary" (with a straight face - payback on a old promise?) Full Speech Michelle Obama at DNC. July 25, 2016. Democratic National Convention 2016 "Our motto: When they go low, we go high." Translation: When they give you the lowdown, we Lie !
  2. Trump is doing a great job, considering he is facing a well financed (bought?) Democrat, and the Globalist controlled media that is heavily against him People are awakening to the spin (from the Media - proven in the last few days by the wikileaks-released emails xx looking for link xx The Washington Post disguised their ill-legal fundraising efforts for Hillary. Only ONE of the many outrageous things revealed by the leaks
  3. Merging the two threads - to add in the future Headlines (of Hillary H3ll)
  4. Prophecy, or just a prediction The Brazil Film... Brazil - Documentary: "What is Brazil? Is probably a reasonable depiction of Hillary H3ll "what is Brazil? A nightmare... a depiction of the Future" (if Hillary becomes President) Mind control everywhere ... as repressed men dream of escape
  5. "The most racially polarized election in American History" - Don Black He talks how the DNC podium had blacks, jews, and NO non-Jewish white males Donna Brazile - somehow she reminds me of this old movie theme MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/stormfront/hr1072616.mp3 The Democrats seem to think white males do not exist, and do not need to be represented Hillary's "Core": Radical lesbians, billionaire Zionists, and those who live off the state, all financed by Globalists who hate the idea of America First Nationalism
  6. "Count our Votes!" "Count our Votes!" demand Bernie-supporters at the DNC Tensions Flare On The Floor Of The 2016 Democratic National Convention Cenk keeps asking, will they do this for four straight days? "Corporate Money has paid for ALL of this," says Cenk - and he is right this time It seems that every time there is Discord, they put a BLACK WOMAN on the stage to calm things down. (I think I might call them "sacred cows" - will they be "scared cows" by the end of the convention?)
  7. I still think this is nothing but a Bounce UPWARDS, after the first big drop My Hang Lung shares went back into profit, and I sold over half at above $26 - and think they will go back and retest the Lows before many months
  8. Bernie Booed ! - as his movement outgrows him WATCH: Bernie Sanders BOOED by his OWN DELEGATES When He Tells Them to Vote Hillary Clinton "this is the real world that we live in" "Trump is a bully" And Bernie is a F--king coward ! But many of his old supporters disagree FULL SPEECH: Rosario Dawson Addresses Bernie Sanders Delegates Before DNC- "Hillary is NOT a Leader"
  9. Bernie calls for Revolution in America Bernie Sanders: DNC Chair Resignation Will Lead To Reforms | MSNBC
  10. HER MAJ. IS NOT AMUSED Despite the really bad news for Hillary on the emails - the corrupt press still tries to SPIN related stories in her favor - I must expose them ! FBI investigating suspected Russian hack of DNC emails CNN - ‎41 minutes ago‎ (CNN = "Clinton News NetworK") The FBI on Monday confirmed they are investigating a hack into the Democratic National Committee, the first acknowledgment from the agency that they are probing the incident, which US officials suspect came from a Russian cyber attack. (If the Russians did do it - they did Americans a great favor - Thank you for the truth, Vladimir) As DNC Begins, Many Sanders Supporters Not Ready To Get On Board For Clinton July 25, 2016 Danielle Kurtzleben : of course, a Jewish name on this stupid spin ! Bernie Sanders supporter and organizer Billy Taylor held a coffin painted with donkeys during a march Sunday in Philadelphia. He told NPR he applied for protest permits to "stop any Hillary supporters from obtaining permits." Meg Kelly/NPR If there was ever a time to show party unity, this would be it. This week's Democratic convention is supposed to be about showing a party standing behind its presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton — and it was headed in that direction by featuring a speech from Bernie Sanders on opening night Monday. But it puts a damper on that whole unity feeling now that party Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign after the convention — not to mention that her reason for stepping down is that leaked emails showed DNC staffers favoring Clinton during the primaries, and even discussing ways to help her defeat Sanders. The controversy is an unpleasant distraction for a party launching into a four-day sales pitch to voters (and a response to last week's Republican convention). Just two weeks ago, after Sanders endorsed Clinton, Democrats seemed to be coming together after a bitter, divisive primary season. (Dammit, Jewish controlled NPR: Many are not! That is the real story.)
  11. Sanders supporters to go Trump, stay home over Wiki-dump? (this is the sort of post you can now find on the internet): Dear Bernie supporters, I'm sorry that you were not able to overcome the Democratic establishment and the march of corporate Hillary Clinton machine. Please know that you are welcome to join the last remaining resistance force with Donald Trump. I know that you may not be a Trump fan but I also know that most of you are intelligent enough that you will not buy into all the false demonization tactics that the propagandist media have hurled at Donald Trump because you have seen how the propagandist corporate media works. I also know that you are open minded enough to realize the importance of standing up against the oligarchs and will not allow them to control your vote this time. We need you to join the Resistance. (response): Well said. How can anyone with a conscience support someone who stole the nomination? (another): It is NOT OVER! The roll call vote has not happened yet. There is still time to free all the delegates and let them vote their conscience. Bernie should pull a Cruz
  12. Hillary blames Russia for the released emails This is another astonishing statement She blames a country that she dislikes for bringing the Truth out, as if this will somehow diminish the ugly Truth. Instead, it makes Russia look like good guys, and makes her look worse. This shows how twisted is the thinking of a dangerous psychopath. Meantime, Trump sits back, and lets the soup thicken
  13. SLEAZE LOVES SLEAZE ! WHAT NEXT for Wasserman-Schultz? This is incredible! she will start her new cushy job with Hillary. http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/07/24/mission-accomplished-dnc-clinton-hires-wasserman-schultz-top-post Mission Accomplished at DNC, Clinton Hires Wasserman Schultz for Top Post Clinton responds to party chair's resignation on Sunday by thanking "longtime friend" for her service at DNC and immediately naming her as honorary chair of her own campaign Bernie Sanders and his supporters have called for DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign for months, saying the party under her leadership had put its thumb on scale in favor of Clinton. (Photo: Richard Drew/AP) Though many progressives immediately responded by saying her ouster would not be enough to undo the damage her leadership has done, Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation on Sunday afternoon, saying she would relinquish her post immediately following the party's national convention which begins Monday.
  14. We need to Clean House - and LO! It has started! One corrupt "leader" down, and one more to go! DNC chairwoman will resign in aftermath of committee email controversy Washington Post - ‎3 hours ago‎ PHILADELPHIA - The Democratic National Committee chairwoman resigned under fire Sunday, on the eve of a national convention meant to project competence and unity in contrast to the turbulence of the Republicans' gathering last week. . . . Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was forced aside by the release of thousands of embarrassing emails among party officials that appeared to show co­ordinated efforts to help Clinton at the expense of her rivals in the Democratic primaries. That contradicted claims by the party and the Clinton campaign that the process was open and fair for her leading challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The trove of messages released by hackers on the website WikiLeaks proved to be the last straw for Democrats, including top Clinton advisers. “Myself and other Democrats who were Clinton supporters, we have been saying this was serious. It truly violates what the DNC’s proper role should be,” said Edward G. Rendell, a former DNC chairman and former Pennsylvania governor. . . . The Post's Ellen Nakashima goes over the events, and discusses the two hacker groups responsible. “The DNC did something incredibly inappropriate here” and needed to acknowledge that, Rendell said. Republicans, led by Trump, jumped to portray the episode as evidence that the system was rigged for Clinton, whom Trump calls “Crooked Hillary.” “The Democrats are in a total meltdown but the biased media will say how great they are doing!” Trump said on Twitter. ­“E-mails say the rigged system is alive & well!” Wikileaks Proves DNC Rigged for Hillary! Sunday Morning Futures w/ Maria Bartiromo 7/24/16 Full https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtq_ZFRILqI
  15. They are both ill. Bill has lost a lot of weight, and looks like he is dying. Hillary keeps having occasional mild shakes that look like seizures Hillary Has (another) Seizure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wodYVFN6To
  16. Philadelphia Property has broken out, above the 2007 High As the cheap rents, low prices and high yields start to attract a flood of investments from American investors Northeast Corridor Home Prices City ---------- : Value (1)- : Rent(1): Yield (1) : Value (2)- : Rent(2): Yield (2): Vl.+chg. : Rt.+chg. ==========: Dec. 2012 : --------------------- : June 2016 : -------------------- : Boston ------- : $365,000 : $2,309 : : 7.59% : $493,000 : $2,580 : : 6.28% : + 24.9 % : + 11.7 % NewYork City : $469,000 : $1,881 : : 4.81% : $605,000 : $2,350 : : 4.66% : + 29.0 % : + 24.9 % Philadelphia: $104,000 : $1,081 : 12.47% : $130,000 : $1,212 : 11.19 % : + 25.0 % : + 12.1 % Washington - : $385,000 : $2,403 : : 7.49% : $516,300 : $2,595 : : 6.03% : + 34.1 % : + 7.99 % =========== Note: NYC can be reached in just over 1 hour by train from Philadelphia's Penn Station. A faster train link is planned Recently, Yields have been declining in Philadelphia, by they still remain far above those in other major cities in the Northeast corridor. Yields are declining because prices are rising faster than rents - though rents have risen from $1,072 to $1,212 I am told by friends in Philadelphia that New Yorkers and other Americans are discovering the merits of Philadelphia, which is an attractive and gentrifying city now - the way they saw NYC gentrify over the past several decades If Philly Rents stopped rising, which I do not expect, and rents fell to the average of Boston and Washington (6.15%), then Philadelphia Real Estate prices would rise to $236,000, or by another +82%. Americans with acceptable income qualifications, can now borrow a 30-year FHA Loan at 3.75%. I am buying houses in the $75,000-110,000 range that I think will appeal (eventually) to Americans who buy for own-use. These houses are on attractive "homeowners streets" where people look after their homes and gardens, and where people want to live and watch the ongoing gentrification of the larger areas that is happening around them. Here's one in West Philly that cost me about $75,000 after purchase and renovation costs I am earning 11% pre-tax, while I ponder whether I will keep this one or sell it, I bought it for $75,000 and Zillow now values is at over $110,000. If I can sell it for a big gain like that, I will earn far more than 11% per annum. Update : the house to the left has reportedly been committed for sale at approx. $110k ( 10/2016 )
  17. "The Best Convention I have ever been to" Donald Trump’s Road To The White House | Roger Stone and Stefan Molyneux Published on Jul 23, 2016 Hmm. Could this be the beginning of the end for the Criminal Clintons?
  18. Judge Jeanine Pirro - Opening Statement - Which America Is It That You See - Trump Vs Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1XL1lNgb5o Published on Jul 23, 2016
  19. NY CONDOS : Up to fast in 2012-15, Slowing in 2016? (Jan.): New York City real estate continues to sell for astronomical prices, but there are signs the market is heading back toward earth. Bidding wars, brokers say, are less frequent. Few open houses have lines out the door. And asking prices, while still lofty, are increasingly moving down, especially for luxury properties. “I have seen more broker incentives and price reductions in the last few months than I’ve seen in the last three years combined,” said Leonard Steinberg, the president of the real estate brokerage firm Compass. “The market got carried away with itself in the first half of 2015. Some people went in with crazy pricing expectations.” In the last four months of 2015, about 1,040 available listings in Manhattan cut their asking prices, said Bennett Rosnick, an analyst at Compass. That’s 20 percent of the roughly 5,120 properties on the market then, up from nearly 10 percent during the same period of the previous year, when about 520 properties out of some 5,380 available listings had price cuts . Among the discounted listings circulated by brokers and publicists in recent weeks: “$7 Million Price Drop!!” for a five-bedroom at 110 Central Park South, listed for $17.995 million; “1 Million PRICE REDUCTION!” for a three-bedroom penthouse at 15 West 20th Street, listed for $7 million; “HOT DEAL. *$150K Price DROP*” for a one-bedroom at 280 Park Avenue South asking nearly $1.4 million; “PRICE REDUCED” by $14 million in November, and further reduced by a total $18.5 million, for a historic townhouse at 684 Park Avenue, listed for $29.5 million. And the list goes on... == > http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/17/realestate/prices-drop-for-luxury-new-york-real-estate.html?_r=0
  20. US home prices rise 5.4% in 20 cities in April: S&P/Case-Shiller // 5.2% in May, see /3/ below Tom DiChristopher | @tdichristopher Tuesday, 28 Jun 2016 | Home prices rose in April as a growing number of cities surpassed records set before the Great Recession, according to a closely followed index. The S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Index rose 5.4 percent year over year in April. "The home price increases reflect the low unemployment rate, low mortgage interest rates, and consumers' generally positive outlook," David M. Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said in a statement. Blitzer noted that seven cities are now setting new highs for home prices. Portland, Oregon, led the gains in April with a 12.3-percent increase. Seattle followed with a 10.7-percent rise, trailed by Denver, which saw home prices rise 9.5 percent in April. The S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, which measures all nine U.S. census divisions, was up 5 percent in April from the previous year. == > http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/28/april-2016-us-home-prices-rise-in-20-cities.html / 2 / Party like its 2007 David Blitzer House sales and prices are rising. Home sales in June were 5.57 million at annual rates, the highest since February 2007 when national home prices peaked. Currently prices as measured by the S&P/Case-Shiller National Home Price Index are climbing at a 5% annual rate and are a mere 3% from their all-time peak. What next? The next S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index report will be released on Tuesday morning at 9 AM – check to see if the advance continues. The data will be posted at www.spdji.com. / 3 / Added later The pace of U.S. home price gains cooled off in May, coming in below consensus estimates, as regional patterns were seen shifting, according to a monthly report. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-City Composite index rose 5.2 percent year over year, versus expectations for a reading of 5.7 percent. That marked a sequential slowdown from April's 5.4 percent increase. Portland, Oregon, led the gainers with price appreciation of 12.5 percent in May. Seattle followed with a 10.7 percent increase, and Denver came in third with a 9.5 percent gain. > http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/26/s-and-p-case-shiller-us-home-prices-rise-in-may-2016.html
  21. Stefan gives an excellent Review of (the economic parts of) Trump's fine speech Donald Trump's RNC Speech for Democrats "The poor cannot survive forever on Welfare - the US has too much debt." "We need to find a way to get poor people off welfare before the USD craters." "The way to do that is to create jobs." "THIS is what actually called CARING ABOUT THE POOR." ("But democratic politics benefit from promising more to the poor.) "If you care about the poor, you ahve to do it intelligently. "The Democrats have created an addiction to a drug that will not last!" "If you do not like Trump's ideas, that is fine - but suggest something better! But do not suggest the same old things that are not working." "You need to make a choice. Closing your eyes and believing the lies, IS a choice."
  22. TURNS OUT - that Trump is the most "pro-gay" candidate in practical ways Trump spoke of protecting LBGTQ individuals in his Big Speech .... and then there's this video: Milo on Russia Today: What difference does my rhetoric make when Islam is slaughtering gays? "Trump is probably the most pro-gay Presidential candidate in history - at 7:45 He was defending gay people against the Clintons twenty years ago. The "I'm with her" supporters of Hillary are as dumb as sticks! - they are really stupid people. She has done nothing for blacks, and they always vote for her. She has done nothing for gays, though gays always vote for her. Only the right is honest about the real risks, and will protect gays In all likelihood, Hillary IS A LESBIAN (per Yoko Ono, and others) - But that does mean she would be "good" for gays. Her rhetoric on the subject seems to be pure puff. That might change if she came out of the closet. One YT Comment: Trump will BUILD A WALL, with a Big Closet for Hillary Milo talks Donald Trump, Hillary and Gay Conservatism with OANN
  23. How people see Trump, and his acceptance speech Ingraham: Trump's love of country came through in Cleveland "You cannot have the person who follows Obama be the person that was part of the problem"
  24. Pence: "He turned a longshot campaign into a movement" Mike Pence FANTASTIC Speech at Republican National Convention (7-20-16) Mike Pence RNC Speech ... here's what it means... Revealed:Trump Puts Glass Steagall & Peace in GOP Platform Published on Jul 21, 2016 Most coverage of the Republican convention has focused on personalities — on Pence, Cruz and Melania’s speech. While the choice of Pence for VP has caused many to be concerned that Trump may be abandoning his principles for political expediency, there were some very hopeful signs in the GOP platform battles that Trump is still on point with his policies that push against the elitist banksters and the Military Industrial Complex. Trump staffers shut down efforts by GOP Neocons to escalate tensions with Russia over the Ukraine by neutralizing provocative language on Ukraine that Cruz delegates tried to insert. (Trump people know Evil when they see it.) And Democrat-leaning publications are surprised that the GOP Platform calls for a revival of Glass-Steagal to restore the firewall between speculative banking activities and those insured by the public through FDIC. These are hopeful signs that Trump forces have not given up on the reforms that will reverse the warmongering and financial speculation that have enriched the elite at the expense of the public. It’s why Democrat grassroots and independents are rejecting the policies of Goldman Sachs surrogates Hillary & Cruz.
  25. The Making of Laura? Wow! Laura really laid it out here - and also made the amazing plea to the mainstream press: DO YOUR JOB! These soundbites may be among the most memorable of the conference, and will raise her stature. She has a strong voice, like Hillary's, but hers seems to be full of truth, rather than lies. FULL SPEECH: WOW! Laura Ingraham brings down the house at Republican National Convention
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