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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Donald Trump rally protests backfire as anti-American images push undecided voters his way Washington Times - ‎1 hour ago‎ http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/05/25/15/349707FE00000578-3607997-image-a-10_1464186518824.jpg Inflammatory: A protester sets a Donald Trump campaign hat on fire during a rally Friday in San Diego. Polling suggests voters blame the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for violence but blame rioters even more. . . . Protesters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, last week toted Mexican flags, burned American flags and clashed with police, racking up $50,000 in damage to the neighborhood. Perhaps even worse for the rioters, they are likely chasing undecided voters toward the side of the man they are protesting. “When people show up throwing bottles and waving the Mexican flag, you have had a lot of people who may have not been willing to support Trump who see this and say the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” said former Rep. Tom Davis, who ran House Republicans’ campaign committee for two cycles a decade ago. “There is no question these are helping Trump, and Democrats know that.” == > more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/30/donald-trump-rally-protests-backfire-as-anti-ameri/ Of course! The Soros-sponsored violence is not working. Trump is like the character in last year's X-men film where the force used against him makes him stronger
  2. Mars is the closest it's been to Earth in 11 years CBS News - ‎10 hours ago‎ Time to tune up your telescopes! Mars is at its closest to Earth in 11 years on Monday (May 30), providing a great closer to Memorial Day events.
  3. It is no time for complacency but... Trump is doing well against his main target “It seems to be a mistake to assume that because there’s a Democratic Party nominee that they will vote for that person.” Hillary Clinton Vs. Donald Trump: Polls Show Many Millennial ... The Inquisitr-7 hours ago Donald Trump is inching ahead, according to ABC News polls, and now leads Hillary Clinton 46 percent to 44 percent. The biggest shift was in .. Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/3146974/hillary-clinton-vs-donald-trump-polls-show-many-millennial-voters-turning-toward-trump-if-they-cant-have-sanders/#L9UXFlPq3yvr2D2d.99 Hillary fighting - Does she think this will work against Trump? Better get some popcorn, this battle is going to be amuzing In our culture we do not like to see a man hit a woman, even metaphorically. But in Hillary's case, she is so transparently evil, people are likely to make an exception
  4. This may cover the same period Americas Hideous Past & Sinister Future Some interesting info, but seems to leave out the Rothschild / Jewish roles Maybe listen to in, in conjunction with an interview with Joseph Farrell xx And ponder what is left out
  5. High End US Highrises are coming to Hong Kong London Property Must be slow... No London or Australia properties on offer this weekend at Mandarin & Landmark. Does that mean Hong Kongers are losing their appetite? (The recent tax rises in the UK cannot help.) INSTEAD, we have properties from Singapore and Chicago - high end stuff, on par with H luxury Hong Kong prices: + The Nassim, Singapore, with prices like HK$40 million, and up + Wanda Vista Tower at Lakeshore East, Chicago: with prices at US$1 million and up Wanda Vista in Chicago's waterfront: 3rd tallest in the City The Vista tower is partly owned and developed by Dalian Wanda Group of mainland China. And so that may explain why the property has been brought to Hong Kong. It is interesting that we are beginning to see more US properties being marketed in HK. The US is at a different position in the long cycle than HK - which still has another 3-4 years remaining in its downcycle. The US had a very severe correction in 2006-2011, and so it could perform better than HK over the next few years. On thing that may be hard to swallow for HK investors is the high property tax rate in Chicago. A 6% gross yield may be turned into a 3% net return, with perhaps 2/3rds of that expense being property taxes. The property tax I pay in Philly, is much, much less than that - and I am earning over 10% on a pretax (after property tax) basis. There are rumors that we may see some highend high rises from Philadelphia marketed in Hong Kong before the end of the year. I wonder how the HK market will react to this type of product: cheaper than NYC, with maybe a higher return... Can Philly overcome its reputation of being "a bit old & quiet" - see the original post. It isn't really like that anymore, but will people get the message??
  6. Yeah. But I have no idea of how creditworthy those companies are. The maker of THIS video bet $1,000 on Trump, I believe =
  7. Sounds like I should be buying Trump, and shorting Hillary. Do these guys really pay-out?
  8. mSparks, Do you still think Hillary has a chance to win? Or will you agree with me now that there are too many people who hate her, and she is doomed?
  9. I could see Hillary Crushing all Hope, as she takes away the guns, imposes her will, and her rules. Then with Bill at her side, she would proceed to loot the country, as she lied about her reasons and hid the reality of what she was doing. With both Bernie and Donald Trump there would be real change. But I worry that Bernie may bring false hope, An expensive and wasteful healthcare system would be extended to everyone. Poorly conceived educational programs would be free. Wages would be raised to $15 nationally, as employers cut back on staff. Bernie's dreams would be tested, and found to be over priced, and poorly planned. Ultimately the USA's decline would be accelerated. But at least with Bernie, there might be fewer wars, some bad trade deals would be avoided, and there would be somewhat less lying from Washington politicians. Trump can deliver positive change and real hope for a better future. He would tackle immigration issues, confront ISIS, and stop the endless less wars. At the same time there would be a sustained attack on Globalist policies, rolling back the evil that has been done to America and in the world.
  10. THE TV PILOT show - that Kerry C did with Bill Ryan Secret Space Program and a Television Show Pilot too Hot to Handle
  11. Decentralising Outsourcing The rise of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry in the country has dictated the design of these larger buildings. When call centres and other off-shoring companies began arriving in the Philippines at the turn of the millennium, they originally moved into cheaper office space, in which a single floor – the “floor plate” – would typically be 900 sq metres. Now office towers are built with a floor plate of 2000 sq metres without columns to accommodate the needs of BPO companies. The country’s BPO industry now requires an additional 6m square feet a year. “This has created three times the demand for commercial space than in Singapore and Tokyo,” Rick Santos, chairman of CBRE Philippines told the local media. These buildings typically house between 15 and 20 tenants, which together may employ up to 12,000 employees. When a multinational – such as Accenture, AIG or Procter & Gamble – leases a floor in these high-rise offices, 80% of the floor will typically be occupied by BPO operations and the remaining 20% by the offices of managers and other staff. Many BPO tenants in Manila now plan to expand to other urban centres, with Cebu City the top choice. Convergys’ call centres have led the way with operations in Baguio, Cebu, Clark and Davao. In an attempt to discourage migration to Manila, the government is encouraging decentralisation with an initiative called Next Wave Cities. However, three quarters of BPO operations are still located in the Manila area. “High-density developments are natural to areas like Metro Manila, given high property prices,” Manuel Paolo Villar, president and CEO of integrated property developer Vista Land, told OBG. “As a result, Metro Manila will inevitably only continue the trend of vertical construction, as more people prefer the convenience of being close to the economic centres.” Indeed, newcomers to the Philippines still generally start operations in Manila and then grow organically, sometimes spreading to several cities but locating close to transport hubs like the Manila Metro Rail Transit System. Although Philippine BPOs attract the most international attention, demand for other kinds of office space may be more pressing. “Demand has quadrupled in three years but we can only triple our business. It’s a landlord’s market,” said Lars Wittig, Philippines country manager of Regus, which operates serviced offices in 120 countries. The company rents large office spaces, often on 10-year leases, and then sublets work stations. == > Longer Article: http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/overview/taking-stock-after-half-decade-rapid-growth-developers-are-looking-prevent-oversupply
  12. Duterte vows economic growth outside of 'dead' Philippine capital Lack of opportunities around the rest of the Philippines have for decades made Manila a magnet for people seeking a better life, but millions have instead been forced to live miserable existences in mega-slums. Posted 26 May 2016 "I have to create more jobs but Manila is already saturated," Rodrigo Duterte told reporters in the southern city of Davao. (Photo: AFP/Manman Dejeto) DAVAO: Incoming Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte pledged on Thursday (May 26) to spread economic activity beyond the overpopulated capital of Manila, calling it a "dead" city overrun by shantytowns. Duterte said he would create new jobs by setting up economic zones outside of Manila to spread the wealth beyond the sprawling metropolis of about 15 million people, and that he would not allow any more factories to be built in the capital. "I have to create more jobs but Manila is already saturated," Duterte told reporters in the southern city of Davao, which he has ruled as mayor for most of the past two decades. "If there are any investors coming in, I will tell them I will not allow factories anymore in Manila, not only because it is a dead city but because I have to build a new environment for the people." == > http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/international/duterte-vows-economic/2818868.html
  13. BLAME GAME, from Max Igan Now Max Igan is having a go at Trump, for playing the housing cycle. Trump rooted for the housing crash. I lost everything May 25 4:46pm:Donald Trump rooted for the housing market to collapse because he believed there was money to be made. Crider was a Trump supporter. That is, until he heard how "excited" Trump was for the real estate bubble to pop. Now, Crider says he's likely to stay home in November. "We lost our house. I lost everything because of the economy," Crider of Henderson, NV, told CNNMoney. "Everything crashed at the same time." Crider said he is "offended" by the recently-surfaced comments from Trump showing the billionaire cheered on the housing crash. . . . Trump responded on Tuesday by saying he was merely trying to do what everyone strives for: buy low and sell high. "I'm a businessman, that's what I'm supposed to do," Trump said. "If it goes down, it goes down. I feel badly for everybody. What am I going to do? It's business!" Trump too wasn't left unscathed by the housing crash. The billionaire launched a mortgage broker in the spring 2006 near the top of the market. Trump Mortgage closed down less than two years later as the real estate market imploded. More Hey, Max, we all make mistakes. Realize this: Markets are cyclical. When you learn that, and become flexible enough to cope with the cycles, you will do better. Don't blame Trump. He is just recognizing reality, not creating the Cycles. The Zios and their Central Banks do that. I do my best to TEACH people the reality of cycles, so people I who listen will not be losers. It is all about living inside a Reality you understand, rather than trying to create your own fantasy, Ron (Van Dyke) also rails against "housing speculators". He wants to blame them for cycles, when the impact of the speculators has the reverse impact. When they BUY LOW, they are supporting a market, and helping it to stabilize, when the SELL HIGH, they are adding supply, and helping it stabilize rather than push higher. Embracing reality more fully than sheeple who buy and sell blindly, is what they are doing. Without the speculators and turnaround experts like Trump, the cycles would be more pronounced.
  14. HER CRIMES to be discussed (Alleged crimes, to be more fair) Hillary Clinton’s email problems just got much worse By Chris Cillizza May 25 8 takeaways from the Inspector General's report on Hillary Clinton’s emails The Inspector General's office said on May 25 that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account was "not an appropriate method" for preserving those emails. (Peter Stevenson,Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post) One of the two big dominoes in the Hillary Clinton email controversy toppled today: The State Department’s inspector general released its report on the email practices of Clinton and a number of other past secretaries of state. (The other major domino is, of course, the FBI investigation into Clinton’s decision to exclusively use a private email server while serving as the nation’s top diplomat.) The report, which you can read in its entirety here, badly complicates Clinton’s past explanations about the server and whether she complied fully with the laws in place governing electronic communication. And it virtually ensures that Clinton’s email practices will be front and center in Donald Trump’s fusillade of attacks against her credibility and honesty between now and Nov. 8. . . . Clinton is the first and, to date, only secretary of state to exclusively use a private email address and server to conduct her business as the nation’s top diplomat. All of the other names above maintained both a private and a government-issued email address. That alone doesn’t make her guilty. But it does make her unique. (Right! Uniquely reckless, and unsuitable to be President.) . . . This is a bad day for Clinton’s presidential campaign. Period. For a candidate already struggling to overcome a perception that she is neither honest nor trustworthy, the IG report makes that task significantly harder. No one will come out of this news cycle — with the exception of the hardest of the hard-core Clinton people — believing she is a better bet for the presidency on May 25 than she was on May 23. == > https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/25/hillary-clintons-email-problems-just-got-much-worse/?tid=pm_politics_pop_b So Real that even the Bezos-owned WP is writing about it now. But you cam still find many digs against Trump, in that heavily spun article
  15. It was pretty quiet. I wished them well, except when they made some unfair attacks on this site
  16. Clintons Are In High Panic Mode: Roger Stone Published on May 24, 2016 Alex Jones talks with Trump insider Roger Stone about how Donald Trump's latest ad has the Clinton's panicking. Here's a word I like when it comes to Hillary and her donors: OBLITERATE > http://tinyurl.com/2016-Obliterate
  17. A great speech - that will have an impact Hillary : "the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment" "A do or die choice" Chris Cox NRA Destroys Hillary Clinton "Hillary want to live in a place where everything is free. She just might get the chance, it is called..." ==== DONALD TRUMP FULL SPEECH AT NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION (NRA) CONFERENCE (5/20/2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGnf0x6FJY8 Tom Turner3 days ago CLINTON CACKLES LIKE A WITCH ,& BARKS LIKE A BITCH ONLY TRUMP WILL SHUT HER TRAP.
  18. Populist paradox: Why Donald Trump could grab some Bernie voters Fox News - ‎4 hours ago‎ One of the strangest questions in politics is whether disaffected Bernie backers might wind up on the Trump train. It scrambles all the usual Beltway assumptions on left-right politics. . Opinion: As Donald Trump cruises to victory, there are some rough seas ahead for Hillary Clinton | MulshineNJ.com
  19. Ding-Dong, Hillary ! New poll shows Trump beating Clinton in general election - RT.com https://www.rt.com/usa/344040-poll-trump-ahead-clinton/ 翻譯這個網頁 New poll shows Trump beating Clinton in general election. Democratic U.S presidential candidate Hillary ...
  20. CNU comes to Comeback City, Detroit The Transforming City is the theme of this year’s Congress—and it’s the most inspiring CNU storyline that I can remember. Everything bad that has happened to US cities since 1950 is compounded in the Motor City. Detroit has lost more than 60 percent of its population. Its industrial economy is decimated. Houses have burned down almost nightly for years. Crime, poor schools, bankruptcy—you name it—Detroit has suffered more than most cities. And yet you don’t get the sense that the city is defeated. Far from it—Detroit seems to be on the rise. The spirit of resilience is palpable. That’s why Detroit is an exciting location for CNU 24 in Detroit June 8-11. One big story that attendees will delve into is the downtown renaissance. Detroit’s downtown is booming. That story goes well beyond billionaire Dan Gilbert, who deserves a lot of credit. Downtown has gained more than 16,000 employees since 2010, boosted by Gilbert’s moving of Quicken Loans and his umbrella company Rock Ventures, which includes real estate development. Gilbert went on a buying spree, acquiring 90 buildings and parking facilities, according to Curbed Detroit, to refurbish properties for office and residential. Gilbert built on a foundation of incremental development that started in the late 1990s, according to Mark Nickita of Archive DS, and architect and business owner. “There’s a definite connection between dozens of incremental developers and then huge major players who are investing billions of dollars,” he says. “Plus the foundations like Kresge who helped fund the QLine (the streetcar), and then you add in demand and interest in urban life and a major metropolitan area of five million people that can draw on incredible resources—that’s driving what is happening in Detroit now.” Other notable players are the pizza tycoon Mike Ilitch, a big developer, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, which brought 3,600 employees downtown from 2010 to 2012. Downtown, which often felt like a ghost town 15 years ago, now has a housing shortage, with 98 percent residential vacancy. More people are creating demand for retail, and Gilbert is moving ahead with a 225,000 square foot retail project with 250 residential units on the site where Hudson’s Department Store once stood. == > http://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2016/5/10/comeback-city-cnu-in-detroit
  21. Gold Money (ca:XAU) may be useful in timing the short 4-6 months cycle XAU.t versus GLD and GDX ... update
  22. Major Cycle Low Upcoming in Gold May 19, 2016 There is a major cycle low looming for gold prices. Ideally it should arrive as a price low in late 2016. But based on history, it could arrive anytime between August 2016 and March 2017, and still fit within the normal tolerance. Defining a normal tolerance for gold’s 8-year cycle is a pretty iffy proposition. We have only 5 prior examples to go by, and while they cover a period of over 40 years, anyone who ever studied statistics knows that n<30 is problematic. If you want to wait until n=30 before believing in this cycle, then you only have to wait until the year 2215. If you are willing to accept the message from fewer iterations, then this week’s chart has some interesting insights to offer. A few years ago I constructed this idealized 8-year cycle pattern, and featured it in our newsletter. The one leg up, 3-waves down pattern has “worked” ever since gold finally started trading freely in 1975, with one major exception. From 2001 to 2009, the normal “left translation” flipped to a more bullish right translation mode. Aside from that one strong uptrending period, gold’s price pattern has matched this artificial pattern pretty well. The relevance of that insight for the current period is that the next major 8-year cycle bottom is due this autumn. Ideally it should be due in February 2017, but another tool suggests that late 2016 is more likely to see the arrival of that bottom. There is a dominant 13-1/2 month cycle in gold prices. The next major cycle low is ideally due in October 2016, but gold regularly makes bottoms plus or minus a month from the ideal cycle bottoms. So this is not a tool that will allow anyone to reasonably pencil in a hard date for when the cycle low is due. Still, an autumn 2016 bottom for the 13-1/2 month cycle fits well with the idea of a major 8-year cycle low due in late 2016 to early 2017. One additional insight from the 13-1/2 month cycle is that we have already seen “right translation” of the price pattern versus this cycle, and that one piece of information conveys bullish portents for the likelihood of a higher price high for gold in 2017, once we get past the upcoming big cycle low. Bottom Line: We have two major long-term cycles, both calling for an important bottom in gold prices in late 2016. That’s a big deal. The two are independent of each other, and their confluence in calling for a bottom later this year has strong implications. Gold prices ought to be expected to drop downward into that cycle low, but more importantly we should expect a big uptrend to commence out of that major cycle bottom. It will be hard for gold bugs to be patient and wait for that major cycle low to arrive, but the long term cycles say that the ensuing rally should be worth the wait. Tom McClellan Editor, The McClellan Market Report : http://www.mcoscillator.com/learning_center/weekly_chart/major_cycle_low_upcoming_in_gold/
  23. "The markets are going to collapse (days away)... It will not be pretty" - Bo Polny MUST LISTEN: World Economic Collapse will be SUDDEN and by summer, Gold over $2000! | Bo Polny Jaws of Death Chart: A target for the Dow: "12,000... but it could go to 6,000" He's has some right calls, but he;s been wrong before too. "Silver follows gold," he says. "Then it takes over"
  24. Unique Gran Colombia Gold Yankee Bond Offers Over 32% Yields ... seekingalpha.com › Dividends & Income › Basic Materials Feb 26, 2016 - Gran Colombia posted over 30% year-over-year revenue gains in ... The convertibility feature may end up as rocket fuel to current bond prices. . . . Prior to the finalization of restructuring, the company's interest coverage in Q3 of 2015 was about 2.7x. Although we expect coverage to be less in the forthcoming Q4 2015 (year-end) report due to weaker fourth quarter gold prices, a short production interruption, and restructuring expenses, with the new terms and lower cost taking effect in Q1 2016, interest expenses should be nearly one-half of what they have been in 2015. Consequently, we estimated the change would effectually double the earnings/interest coverage ratio, to over 5 1/2 x, before adding in any increase in revenues projected to result from higher gold prices.
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