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  1. MEXICO - The Video of a conf. Dr RAM attended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkOBwBlYrxY February, 2014 – Puebla, Mexico – with Dr. Stanley Krippner, and friends. Published on Jul 23, 2015 Les compartimos frases de los ponentes que estuvieron con nosotros en el congreso de ConSCiencia 2014. Ken Wilber Vídeo Conferencia Bernie Siegel Vídeo Conferencia Malidoma Somé Etzel Cardeña Stanley Krippner Moderador Paul R. Scheele Eben Alexander Alejandro Parra Richard Alan Miller Irma Azomoza Manuel Almendro Debbie Joffe Ellis
  2. Gentrification at the old Philly High School, 4700 Walnut St. website describes the project at 4700 Walnut as a “gut rehabilitation,” and states construction will commence in 2017. Selling gentrification to neighbors of the old West Philadelphia High School building The West Philadelphia High School building is located at 4700 Walnut Street. (Nathaniel Hamilton/for NewsWorks) Commentary by Waleed Shahid After nearly two years of back and forth, the Philadelphia School District and City Council are all but ready to sell the former site of West Philadelphia High School, closed in 2011. The buyer is Brooklyn-based developer Andrew Bank of Strong Place Partners. Bank hopes to create a mixed-use loft apartment complex at the site on the corner of 47th and Walnut streets, serving an estimated 250 residents with an average price of $800-850 per one-bedroom apartment. On May 30, City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell convened a forum at Lea Elementary School for community members living in the area bounded by 45th and 50th streets and Market and Spruce streets to address Bank with their concerns about the building and additional changes to the neighborhood's zoning policies. The 'G' word As Bank stated that young residents at the beginning of their careers, associated with nearby Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania, would be the target demographic for the residence, the forum sparked a conversation about gentrification in the West Philadelphia neighborhood at the edge of University City's expanding borders. "Gentrification in Philadelphia is really problematic," said one long-time resident of the neighborhood, who wished to remain anonymous. "It seems like a natural process. I don't really know what can be done about it." Some community members welcomed the new apartments into the neighborhood, claiming that the influx of residents studying and working at the universities would help lower crime. "With more foot traffic in the neighborhood, I think crime will go down," said Alfonso, a 26-year resident of the neighborhood. "Plus, the building's an eyesore as it is right now. No one's cleaned up the trash or the shrubbery since they closed the school and the area is poorly lit." "I look at Baltimore Avenue now and I see so many different kinds of people," said Shawn McGeth. "Everyone's living in harmony. But I don't want to see people being pushed out of their homes because of affordability. I wish there was some kind of sliding rent scale for the new apartments." == > http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/essayworks/69367-selling-gentrification-to-neighbors-of-the-old-west-philadelphia-high-school-building
  3. Prof. Kevin MacDonald - on Trump and many other things Could It Happen Here? Published on Apr 30, 2016 Kevin MacDonald discusses the Trump phenomenon at NPI's 2016 Winter Gathering. "Europeans are being asked to participate in their own suicide" "Immigration (from certain areas) result in the racialisation of politics" (and that serves Democrats, and Zios) The tribe that wants to destroy Western culture, will not like this message. It needs hearing The Napoleon of the Current Year
  4. Colliers Reviews of Q4 2015 Office VACANCY Rates Market West : 8.2% Market East : 9.9% (and Independence Mall) Wilmington- : 11.8% (Downtown) Camden Cty : 17.1% CBD Philadelphia Office: The downtown market had a solid performance in 2015 despite a few bumps. While the vacancy rate was at its lowest level in fifteen years, absorption for the fourth quarter dipped after three strong quarters. This was mainly due to Bank of New York Mellon’s contraction from six floors at 1735 Market Street. However, the conversion of a portion of One Franklin Tower to apartments, and the deferment of the balance of the office space for retrofit, removed over a half-million square feet of vacancy. There will be additional spaces vacated in 2016 by Dow, Cigna and FMC, and 200,000-square-feet of renovated space at One Franklin that will be available in Q3.However, it is likely that a portion of these vacancies will be leased. Demand for loft-style offices is influencing the retrofit and conversion of traditional office space. > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketresearch/unitedstates/markets/philadelphia/marketreports/colliers_phl_office_research_report_2015_year_end.pdf?la=en-US Retail - Philadelphia County The vacancy in Philadelphia County increased from 7.3 percent to 8.5 percent during the last two quarters of 2015. SuperFresh and Pathmark store closings were added to Bottom Dollar vacancies from earlier in 2015. The Gallery is currently out of the active inventory as PREIT and Macerich have commenced on the two year redevelopment project into the Fashion Outlets of Philadelphia. The expansion of the retail footprint and strong retailer demand in Center City shows no signs of slowing. > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketresearch/unitedstates/markets/philadelphia/marketreports/colliers_phl_retail_research_report_2015_year_end.pdf?la=en-US
  5. Redevelopment of Former West Philadelphia High School to Multifamily Property $24 + $5.1 = $29.1 Million / 298 = $97,650 per unit Historic West Philadelphia High School to Become Apartments ... A historic high school in West Philadelphia will be converted into an apartment building, according to multiple reports. It was announced on Friday that a Brooklyn-based developer, Heights Advisors, had acquired $24 million to redevelop the four-story West Philadelphia High School into 268 apartment units. Located on 4700 Walnut Street, the late Gothic revival high school was built in 1912 and shuttered in 2011. Students moved to another, newer building a few blocks away, while the former school, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, sat abandoned for years. The construction loan was a long time coming, since this will be the developers' first project in Philadelphia. According to the Height Advisors website, the rehabilitation project on the 442,200-square-foot building won't begin until 2017. == > http://philly.curbed.com/2016/2/8/10940706/historic-west-philadelphia-high-school-to-become-apartments #2: Brooklyn-based Heights Advisors describes the project at 4700 Walnut St. on its website as a gut rehabilitation. An entity with the same address as Heights Advisors purchased the 1911 building for $5.1 million in February 2015, according to records filed with the city. The West Philadelphia High building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was part of a portfolio of closed schools to sold off by the School District of Philadelphia == > http://articles.philly.com/2016-02-07/news/70400758_1_historic-places-west-philly-high-national-register#5LI2dG5xHr6MIvJ9.99 #3: February 5, 2016 [Philadelphia, PA] – Colliers International Capital Markets (CICM), a leading provider of commercial real estate finance and capital markets expertise, arranged $24 million of debt for the acquisition and redevelopment of the former West Philadelphia High School located at 4700 Walnut Street. The 442,200-square-foot, four story building will be converted to a 298 unit multifamily property. Kristopher Wood and John Banas, both Senior Vice Presidents/Directors in CICM’s Philadelphia office, arranged the loan. “The borrower wanted to purchase and reposition the former school located in West Philadelphia near University City,” says Wood. “Getting a construction loan was challenging because this was the first development the New York developer had done in Philadelphia, and many thought the location was not ready for 298 new apartments. CICM sourced a loan from a national Real Estate lender who took the time to understand what was happening in University City and what a great opportunity such a large building afforded the developer to build.” Wood added. “Many apartment operators are capitalizing on quality assets that present opportunities for adaptive reuse of older assets into great apartment buildings,” adds Banas. The three year adjustable loan is interest only at Libor plus 3.75% and was done as a Section 47 Historic Tax Credit deal. == > http://www.colliers.com/en-us/philadelphia/about/media/recenttransactions/former_west_philadelphia_high_school
  6. Trump 'surprised' Ryan didn't endorse him, expects he will WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is winning over his Capitol Hill critics after a one-day charm offensive that demonstrates the power of his personality to drive his White House bid. Yet he's still not ruling out going "my separate way" if House Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't endorse him. Associated Press
  7. Paul Ryan Encouraged With Donald Trump But Fails to Give His Endorsement By Kitco News Thursday May 12, 2016 (Kitco News) - There are encouraging signs of unification within the Republican Party; however, a major gulf remains as Paul Ryan, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, failed to give his endorsement of the presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump. Following a much-anticipated 45-minute meeting between the two party heavyweights, Ryan emphasized that he is encouraged with the process that has begun but it will take more time to unify the party. Although he said that the “seeds” of unification have been planted, he fell short of throwing his support behind Trump. “The process of unifying the party takes time,” he said at the press conference in Washington. “It takes more than 45 minutes.” Ryan described Trump, following his meeting, as a “genuine person.” Ryan said that although there will be policy disputes within party, it is important for everyone to come together to find and support the party’s common core principles. He added that he will continue to work with Trump to define those core principles but didn’t provide any guidance as to when he would feel comfortable supporting the candidate. However, it was clear that Ryan does see potential for Trump to win the general election in November. He highlighted the fact that the candidate has brought millions of new votes to the Republican Party. “He has gotten the most votes than any other Republican candidate in a primary,” he said. The one area where the two strongly agree is that they have to beat Hillary Clinton, who is leading as the nominee for the Democratic Party. “We agree that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be a disaster for the country,” he said. == > http://www.kitco.com/news/2016-05-12/Paul-Ryan-Encouraged-With-Donald-Trump-But-Fails-to-Give-His-Endorsement.html
  8. Goldman Cuts Hong Kong Property Seeing 20% Drop in Home Prices ... www.bloomberg.com/.../goldman-cuts-hong-kong-property-seeing... May 4, 2016 Hong Kong property stocks were downgraded by Goldman Sachs ... at the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference ... "Goldman's forecast is not the most bearish"
  9. " While the hard landing that Bass and his fellow panelists are predicting for China has yet to crystallise, Hong Kong home prices have already been dropping fast this year. The city, which had seen housing prices rise by more than 150 percent over the seven years ending in 2015, saw the home market begin to decline last year. This year prices have continued to drop with top-line developer Swire Properties offering 4.25 to 5 percent discounts, and up to 7.5 percent cash rebates to buyers of its Alassio project in Hong Kong’s Mid-Levels area, bringing the price of homes in the project down to 20 percent below a neighboring development in the prime location, according to the South China Morning Post. Other top developers such as Sun Hung Kai Properties, Wheelock Properties and Kerry Properties are also said to be slashing prices in the city. Home prices citywide have now dropped 13 percent since September, according to a recent agency report. Last week, Goldman Sachs real estate analyst Justin Kwok said in a note to investors that rising interest rates and other factors would contribute to a further 20 percent drop in housing prices." == > http://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/finance-real-estate/hk-housing-in-free-fall-and-worse-than-97-says-kyle-bass/
  10. Trump in an interview after he Jumps into the lead; Donald Trump reacts to new polling Hillary was: "A SENATOR who has done nothing,,, and she was not respected." "She started making nothing but negative tweets about me, and I came back and hit her hard." . ABOUT THE VEEP . Corey Lewandowski explains key to Donald Trump's VP search
  11. Comparison - From Colliers Quarterly Report Office (q4-'15) A total of 484,092 sq m of net useable area of office space was completed in 2015. This includes seven new buildings in Fort Bonifacio that were completed during the fourth quarter. While vacancy rates in areas without any recent completions remained low, the recent completions in Fort Bonifacio led to an increase in vacancy of 6.7%. An annualized growth in rental rates of 7.0% for all areas was observed, with Makati premium offoce buildings rising the highest with a 10.4% increase for 2015. (q1-'16) coming Residential Three new condominium buildings with 1,581 new units were completed in the major business districts of Metro Manila. Amid rising inventory levels, vacancy rates for residential condominiums continued to rise in all major districts, with Makati CBD overall vacancies rising to 8.9%. Nevertheless, rental rate growth still increased albeit at a more modest pace of 1.1% during the fourth quarter; Rockwell Center s
  12. Circuit's area - and its transport challenge - take a Jeepney from Waltermart L.C. / on SSC @jpareyes The commercial/retail and resto mix is not so good. People go to Circuit for exercise instead. I play at the blue pitch and notice people biking, running, kids using the parking spaces for their dance practice. Some skater kids congregating there too. As of the moment, the place is hard to access pa if you do not have a vehicle. In fairness to ALI, however, the adjacent properties are being taken up by investors - true to the promise that this area will be gentrified with this huge real estate development. Lots in the area are from approx 300-600sqm with old structures, selling for 40M-130M. There are investors building commercial offices adjacent or near Circuit Makati, and along JP Rizal. == > SSC-Circuit: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1443736&page=45 Comment: Actually, you can easily get a Jeepney at Waltermart, and take it along Chino Roces to PRC, and walk 5 minutes to Crcuit. (I have done this many times, and find it convenient since I started living near WalterMart.)
  13. Automating Remittances via Mobile phones PIL / PERTH, AUSTRALIA > http://pepltd.com.au/ Peppermint Innovation Ltd (ASX:PIL) ... update / Last: A$0.019 An Australian mobile banking, payments and remittance technology platform focused on providing vital access to banking services for millions of people not currently linked to traditional banks, today releases its Quarterly Cash flow report for the period ended 31 March 2016. Key highlights and updates 1. Commercial launch: The commercial launch of the MyWeps mobile payments and remittances application, which is to be promoted via direct marketing by leading multi-level marketing company 1Bro Global Inc. who have a large agent and business center network across the Philippines, was announced on the 4th of April 2016. MyWeps is the first application of its kind to be launched specifically for multi-level marketing and allows established agent networks to launch their own mobile-based micro business simply from a smart phone. 2. Preparing for future growth: The appointment of experienced company Chief Financial Officer Michael van Uffelen who with experience in the Philippines is building the accounting procedures and protocols required to manage the financial monitoring and reporting in the Philippines and Australia as the business develops. Along with experienced programmer Matt Cahill - now managing and working closely with the technical team on the development of the platform – Peppermint is putting in place important building blocks to cope with the expansion of the use of its platform. 3. International expansion: Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with an emerging Bangladesh payments platform, 24Nme, opening up the possibility of international expansion > http://pepltd.com.au/investor-relations/asx-announcements/ / 2 / Peppermint takes on strategic investor Perth-based tech company Peppermint Innovation have gained a key strategic partner after making an equity placement for $1 million at $0.02 a share. The 2c placement, which was done at double the last traded price for Peppermint shares, caused the company’s stock to jump by up to 60% yesterday, touching 1.6c a share before selling back to 1.4c. The financial technology player said on Monday th The financial technology player said on Monday that the placement deal was executed with Australian-based Smidge Digital Unit Trust, which subscribes for minority positions in innovative fintech and enterprise data analytics companies. Smidge claim that their unit holders are “significant influencers” in Asian markets that are capable of assisting Peppermint to get to market in those countries. In addition to the $1 million placement, the deal also includes an option to place a further $1 million at a 25 per cent premium to the five-day volume weighted average share price within 60 days from the first placement. https://www.businessnews.com.au/article/Peppermint-takes-on-strategic-investor-at-double-market-price
  14. This real estate fund would rather invest in the Philippines than China PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 12 January, 2016 Fogle said the company has not made any investment in China as it has not been able to find assets that can yield attractive returns in the past two years. BPE is an independent alternative investment adviser that operates a pan-Asian investment programme based out of Hong Kong. It has over 120 staff across seven offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Mumbai, Singapore, Jakarta and Tokyo. Its wariness over China apart, BPE sees good prospect in other countries. “We have confidence in the Philippines. The country is changing dramatically and the middle class is growing rapidly,” said Fogle. The nation’s gross domestic product expanded six per cent in the July-September quarter from a year earlier after rising a revised 5.8 per cent in the second quarter. With strong demand of four million square feet of office space each year, the Philippines is a solid market for many big and multinational companies, said Fogle. “Office occupancy of high-quality buildings is just 10 to 20 per cent of that in Central,” said Fogle. == > MORE : http://www.scmp.com/property/hong-kong-china/article/1899912/real-estate-fund-would-rather-invest-philippines-china
  15. Manila office vacancy still low – Colliers By Richmond Mercurio (The Philippine Star) | April 17, 2016 MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila office vacancy will continue to remain low until next year due to delays on the completion of several projects, according to real estate services firm Colliers International Philippines. “Year-end supply forecast was adjusted from 880,800 to 760,100 square meters due to some projects slated for completion in fourth quarter of 2016 being delayed to early 2017,” Colliers said in its first quarter office market report for 2016. “This shows there is ample space to absorb the expected demand through 2016. This assumes however, that there will be no significant delays in construction which will push completion dates further to 2017,” it added. On a location basis, Colliers said supply forecast per area and vacancy levels remained largely the same with Fort Bonifacio getting the lion’s share of the upcoming office supply. As of the first three months of the year, overall office vacancy increased from two percent to three percent. Colliers said the slight increase is mostly due to new completions during the quarter and not due to softening demand. “Despite this, there continue to be opportunities for companies to expand within Metro Manila, considering that supply levels are still at historical highs. Alternative office locations such as Quezon City and Alabang are expecting an influx of supply in the next two years. Rental rates in these locations are within acceptable thresholds for BPO/contact center companies, making them viable options,” Colliers said. Metro Manila office demand reached 155,000 square meters during the quarter and yearend demand is projected to jump 11 percent. “Similar to previous years, demand is expected to increase significantly towards the tail end of the year. Colliers sees demand growing by 11 percent this year to 704,000 square meters on the back of positive first quarter 2016 results and a 52 percent pre-commitment level for buildings due within the year,” Colliers said.
  16. Mapped: Where are the property bargains? The areas where asking prices are being slashedNearly a third of houses have had their asking prices reduced since being put up for sale, in a sign that the feverish property market is finally starting to cool down. The
  17. I smell Trouble ! What could go wrong? /1/ First-time-buyers rush to borrow thousands - here's how it could go wrongFirst-time-buyers rush to borrow thousands - here's how it could go wrong /2/ UK house prices fall in April as new tax bites - HalifaxBritish house prices fell more sharply than expected last month after the introduction of a new tax on the purchase of rental properties and the market might be entering a cooler phase, mortgage lender Halifax said on Monday. Compared with the same period last year, house prices rose by 9.2 percent in the three months to April, the slowest rise since November and down from an increase of 10.1 percent in the three months to March. Rival mortgage lender Nationwide has also previously reported a slowdown in house price growth in April. Reuters
  18. Why Paul Ryan Works For Hillary Clinton The dead wood in the GOP needs to go. The Bushes must be trimmed. Rove must get a-rove-in Sarah Palin endorses Paul Ryan's challenger Love that Cariboo Barbie : "He is about to be Cantored"
  19. Opinion: The seeds of the next housing crisis have already been planted By Michael Brush : May 6, 2016 We’re seeing the same telltale signs that we did a decade ago > tahomabeadworks.blogspot.com Back when the 2005-07 housing bubble was brewing, photos of impossibly small houses selling for insanely high prices famously made the rounds. It was one of those signals that you look back on and say, “Hmmm ... that was a clear indictor of trouble ahead.” So in what feels like déjà vu, it’s worrying now to see a glorified “tool shed” on the market in New York for a cool $500,000. In Brooklyn, no less. Not even in Manhattan. Location Scouts: Expert perspective from real estate professionals in top housing markets Here are some other troubling anecdotal signals on the housing market: 1. A major financial website recently ran a guide to the best cities to “flip” houses in. (I don’t want to encourage the behavior.) Real estate speculation via house “flipping” was another early sign of trouble ahead. 2. A few days later, news arrived that home prices in the Bronx had shot up by an astonishing 30% in the first quarter. Crazy advances in home values were, a decade ago, also a signal of trouble ahead. 3. Ads, then as now, were running on TV for “quick mortgages.” All of these signals raise a serious question: Are we getting closer to another housing meltdown that will once again damage your investment portfolio? To find out, I recently checked in with Stephen Oliner of the American Enterprise Institute and the Ziman Center for Real Estate at UCLA, who tirelessly tracks the housing market for signs of trouble. His take was not exactly encouraging. We’re actually a lot closer to potential housing-market problems than you might think. The reason? Easy credit is back. The notion that you need to save a lot of money to buy a house is again being treated as so much “baloney,” said Oliner. I’ll show you why, in a sec. But first, thankfully, at least a full-blown repeat of the 2008 financial crisis is unlikely. That’s because banks aren’t amplifying the problem via wholesale repackaging of home loans into risky investment instruments. At least not yet. But that should be small comfort. Because housing-sector excesses are clearly developing, which would dramatically worsen a recession. This is bad news, given that growth for the first quarter came in at well under 1% — pretty close to recession. Let’s take a look at the signs of trouble brewing in housing, yet again. We’re just about back to the zero-percent down payment “No money down” was one of the big problems contributing to the housing bubble 10 years ago. Unlike the 20% down payment of yore, the availability of zero-money-down loans encourages people to buy homes beyond their means. It also means from Day 1, buyers are underwater, taking closing costs into account. All of this will compound problems if the economy turns downward and people lose jobs, since they’ll have no cushion in the form of home equity. When you’re underwater in your home, that makes it easier to walk away. Conversely, if it forces you to stick it out, you’ll be less likely to sell (for a loss) and move to where your next job might be. Also read: Nine markets where cash buyers overpay for homes ( Paying in cash typically gets you a 23% discount. ) So it’s disconcerting to see that first-time home buyers now put just 3.5% down on their homes, or $8,500, according to Oliner’s numbers. That’s the median for all first-time home buyers with a government-guaranteed mortgage. Since government agencies back about 80% to 85% of new loans, this covers most first-time buyers. And since first-time buyers make up 58% of the market for primary residences, this covers a big piece of the housing market. (First-time buyers here are defined as anyone who did not own a home for three years before buying, one of the standard definitions in the business.) For all people buying homes with government loan guarantees — including repeat buyers — the median down payment was 5%, or $12,500. Not much better. Buyers are stretching their budgets to purchase homes... == > more: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-next-housing-crisis-is-pending-2016-05-04?link=TDheadline_3
  20. MILITARY - Recent chairmen of the Joint Chiefs 16. General Peter Pace USMC October 1, 2005 September 30, 2007 17. Admiral Michael Mullen USN October 1, 2007 September 30, 2011 18. General Martin Dempsey USA October 1, 2011 September 25, 2015 19. General Joseph Dunford : Current
  21. FULL Interview: Donald Trump at NBC "MEET THE PRESS" (5-8-16) Streamed live 18 hours ago Full Interview: Donald Trump at ABC's "This Week" | May 8, 2016 - FULL Interview: Donald Trump at NBC "MEET THE PRESS" - Full Interview: Donald Trump on ABC's "This Week" - May 8, 2016
  22. It is THRILLING what is happening Roger Stone: The Battle For Trump Presidency Has Just Begun Published on May 6, 2016 Alex Jones and Trump insider Roger Stone discuss what you need to do to make sure that Donald Trump becomes our next president. The GOP is being strengthen, and the dead Bushes are being trimmed "The Goblins of Soros" may still need to be faced down in Cleveland
  23. Coast To Coast AM - May 6, 2016 Hutchison's Experiments & Open Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fHfbevUZMY Published on May 7, 2016 Coast To Coast AM - May 6, 2016 Hutchison's Experiments & Open Lines Richard Syrett welcomed John Hutchison, a self-taught Canadian inventor who has become known around the world for his remarkable experiments that show physical phenomena that are not explainable by conventional physics. He and wife Nancy, a former journalist, discussed their expeditions to sites of environmental disasters and how they claimed to have cleaned up those areas with a "ray gun." John discovered the usefulness of the device while experimenting with surplus electronic devices in the early 1980s. He described mysterious effects that included apparent transmutation of elements and anti-gravity in the area of his laboratory and said that "Effects were radiating out into the neighborhood, dishes were levitating, etc." Various organizations visited his facility, but most left because the effects could not be produced on demand, although one German group purchased his entire lab. Nancy recalled that the device actually seemed to make the weather milder near their home, and that "all winter long, we had green grass on my lawn."
  24. CHECKOUT THE TIPS from various News articles > Post#14: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20614 Includes: Condos close to train stations more expensive An average condo located within 100 meters of an MRT station is at least Php16,645 more expensive per square meter than a similar, newly built condo situated more than 500 meters away. 2/ Ayala Center—the commercial core of the Makati CBD—commands the most expensive condo rent per sqm than any area Metro Manila. Living in the area, which is within striking distance of Greenbelt, Glorietta, and most of Makati’s luxury hotels, can set a renter back Php1,144 per sqm per month, meaning a 100-sqm condo here can command monthly rent of more than Php110,000. Following Ayala Center are Century City and Rockwell Center in Makati’s Poblacion area, where condos command monthly rents of Php986 and Php973 per sqm, respectively. 3/ Can BPO workers afford condos? With an average monthly salary of Php22,500, entry-level customer care representatives cannot afford to rent a condo in either of these “affordable” areas: Eastwood City, Pioneer-EDSA, Poblacion (Makati), and San Antonio (Makati), where average rents range from Php19,838 to Php22,563 per month. Using the 30 percent rule...
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