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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. 2018 Headlines ============= + Anti-Israel talk now a "hate crime" in the US + Clinton State of Union speech - fighting depression, keeping us safe + New friendship agreement; Record aid to Israel in 2017 + Veteran suicides at a new record + US Budget Deficit now at highest level ever + Record trade deficit + T-Bonds slide with the US dollar sharply lower + China / US Trade relations, worst ever + Influx from Mexico continues, Spanish taught in all American schools + Record number of mixed race births + Marriage contracts hit a new low in 2016 + Universities pass tough new anti-rape laws + Transgender rapes become a new cause for campus protest + Men request new Male only colleges + New low: Only 29% proud to be Americans
  2. TRUMP TALKS about Hillary being "more of the same" as Obama Then later, he says: "she will be even worse" Donald Trump Rally 7/5/16: Raleigh, North Carolina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDGO0EQ6a4I He talks about her corruption, the carbon footprint of the aircraft she flew in, and asks: Why is Hillary on Obama's aircraft, with the US paying for it? (The in-your-face corruption is truly disgusting)
  3. U.S. has more untapped oil than Saudi Arabia or Russia Jul 05 12:04pm:Move over, Saudi Arabia and Russia. America now has more untapped oil than any other country on the planet. More == == Oil and Oil shares down yesterday : USO / Oil etf vs. XLE / Oil shares ... update
  4. Hillary H3LL : A taste of things to come? There are no genuine Hillary supporters... or not many ONLY HER CORE: Radical lesbians, Wall Street banksters, war-profiteers, and those wanting more "free stuff" from the government. My guess is - and I said this many months ago - she might win 20% or so of the Vote And even that core is under threat, as Trump makes speeches to appeal to Black voters. (He is going after those like Diamond and Silk, who want jobs, not handouts) As far as I am concerned, I would like to see those "Core" voters of hers go to a parallel universe, where they can enjoy Hillary H3ll, a planet where Hillary becomes President, and they can report back us in 4 years, about how it is going, while the rest of us participate in a Trump-led renaissance of America, (to win, she will mold herself into whatever she thinks you want) ... and Headlines from her Rule, if she wins Let's face it, Clinton's supporters DESERVE to live under a corrupted regime ruled by her. Too bad we cannot split into two countries, and let all her supporters discover the H3ll of living in a country with Hillary as President. A shame that they cannot go there on their own, and report back to Trump supporters about what they saw. Their future might be something like this... Here are the Headlines from Hillary Hell. Future Headlines: (2017 alone) =============== + Clinton inaugurated: A Historic period for Women begins + Clinton: War with Iran may be inevitable + Criticism of Jewish influence in Clinton's cabinet + Arrested: Alex Jones, Roger Stone, 10 other Trump supporters + Fisher to replace Yellen at the Fed + We will support our Allies, says Clinton about Israel, Saudi + US engages Iran, while telling Russia to stay out + Now it's Syria: Russian, US planes in dogfight + National austerity, Clinton says: Poor will be fed + "Dangerous" Websites shutdown, Reporters arrested + Is it WAR ? + Stock Market Crashes 13% in single day! + Hedge Fund score gains, despite Market Crash + Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton New UN appointments + Top Hedge Funds to manage growing Clinton Foundation Funds + Coal miners laid off, as more "Green" taxes are imposed + President Clinton leads new efforts to help Poor 2018 Headlines ============ Coming === === LINK : http://tinyurl.com/HillaryH3ll
  5. FBI just told us we'd be in bad hands with Hillary New York Post-1 hour ago Say you are a Hillary supporter and believe she would be a good president, and say you believe Bill was a good president. You still must ...
  6. AT LAST ! A nice jump on heavy volume GCM.t / Gran Columbian ... update : 6-mos : 1% Deb conversion values 7,692 x C$0.15 = C$1,153.8 x0.770 = US$ 888.43 7,695 x C$0.14 = C$1,077.3 x0.770 = US$ 829.52 7,695 x C$0.13 = C$1,000.3 x0.770 = US$ 770.27
  7. Makati's advantages: Megaworld reveals more facts, more figures (in the advert for San Antonio Residence in today's Manila Bulletin) Living in Makati... + can deliver savings: On Time, and Fuel "Every ten minutes you leave your car idle, you are losing between 0.1 and 0.6 liters of fuel . And if fuel costs Php 41 a liter, that's Php 24.60 per hour. If you multiple that by the extra 700 hours that commuters spend in traffic, that translates to at least 17,220 wasted on fuel alone! Those living in Makati can avoid wasting that much money + money spent on an owner-occupied condo is not wasted on rent + the owner of a Makati condo will have more time to spend on other pursuits, including family (I got some good ideas about ownership of condos under construction from a Megaworld agent, JM, whom I met recently): + JM also raised an interesting point that I have not thought concerning the coming market correction. He said there are far more jobs than condos in Makati, so it is now and will remain "short" of housing despite the high deliveries over the next few years. I agree will this, but I still anticipate a drop in rents and maybe a fall in prices as new supply is absorbed and vacancy rates may jump for 2-3 years. JM thinks that time and the pace of investment will aid absorbsion simply because people working in Makati are gaining wealth, and shifting their investments into Makati condos, partly because they have been encouraged to invest by the arguments of developers. More people employed in Makati, have a share of their growing wealth in Makati flats, and so a rising number of people will be able to afford to live in Makati rather than commuting. JM believes they will move in and/or have family to move in, rather than deserting their investments. To JM, it really matters WHO OWNS the Makati Condos, and why they bought them. They are mostly in the hands the hands of committed and responsible investors with jobs in Makati (this comes from a guy who did a lot of selling to the buyers) + To put this another way, the number of Condos in Makati is scheduled to rise from 19,340 at the end of 2015 to 27,520 by the end of 2018 - that's a rather huge +42% increase. At the same time, there will a tiny <2% rise in Makati office space. This sounds alarming, and I have written about the discrepancy. However the new condos will mostly be in the hands of people who have a use for the condos, and want to live in them, or have friends or family who plan to live in them because they work nearby. Over the 3 years, there will be a jump in the wealth of Makati workers which is held as Makati condo because they were convinced to make the investment because they wanted to avoid long commutes and traffic jams. This voluntary deployment of people's rising wealth into condos will help to lend stability to the market - more so, than if all those new condos were simply owned by people with no employment connection to Makati. (These are my words, based on a conversation I had with JM.)
  8. Makati's advantages: Megaworld reveals more facts, more figures (in the advert for San Antonio Residence in today's Manila Bulletin) Living in Makati... is great for those who work there too. + can deliver savings: On Time, and Fuel for the many people who work there "Every ten minutes you leave your car idle, you are losing between 0.1 and 0.6 liters of fuel . And if fuel costs Php 41 a liter, that's Php 24.60 per hour. If you multiple that by the extra 700 hours that commuters spend in traffic, that translates to at least P17,220 wasted on fuel alone! Those living in Makati can avoid wasting that much money."
  9. Confusing Polls do not tell us much This week's crop of polls shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by double digits in an ABC poll (51-39), by only 5 points in an NBC/WSJ poll (46-41), and a virtual deadlock in a Quinnipaic University poll (42-40). A ''Rasmussen Report'' survey shows Trump with a four point lead (43-39). What the polls do not show -- or they do in fine print and small footnotes -- is large margins of error (+/- 4 per cent in ABC poll), small samples (often less than 1000), and sketchy methods (Rasmussen is online and by telephone), among other limitations. There is also the business of the missing numbers (the sum of opinion never amounts to 100), suggesting that some 5-15 per cent simply hold back their preferences/views -- enough to change the results when they express it. == > more: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/us-elections-2016/Poll-Vault-Hillary-leads-Trump-who-leads-Hillary-who-leads-Trump/articleshow/52999170.cms
  10. It Gets Real: Manhattan Apartment Sales Plunge by Wolf Richter • June 30, 2016 And Manhattan condo prices plummet 14.5% in 3 months. Real estate is local. And so housing bubbles are local. When enough of them happen, they coagulate into a national phenomenon. This has already happened. In March 2013, we started calling this phenomenon Housing Bubble 2, and we’ve watched in awe how it bloomed, nurtured by ultra-low mortgage rates, government subsidies, the Fed that is relentlessly “healing” the housing market, yield-desperate investors, private equity firms, Wall Street, a surge of foreign buyers who want to get their money – however they’d obtained it – out of harm’s way, and a million other factors. All of it has been accompanied by a national boom in hype. Now there are signs that our awe-inspiring Housing Bubble 2, like all housing bubbles, is beginning to unravel. This too is local, here and there, while still booming in other places. It shows up in some key markets. Then it spreads. When it spreads far enough, the unraveling of Housing Bubble 2 becomes a national phenomenon. It has now started to unravel in some markets that were among the hottest and craziest until last year: Miami, San Francisco, and Manhattan. All three are bogged down in a condo glut. So here’s Manhattan. Sales of apartments in the second quarter dropped 10% year over year, to 2,281 units, the lowest since crisis-year 2009 (when 1,482 unit were sold), according to The Wall Street Journal, which had dug up the data from city records. Sales of condos rose 10%. But this includes a large supply of new units in high-rise developments that went into contract months or years ago during the early stages of the development, and that, as The Journal put it, “no longer reflect current market conditions.” More http://wolfstreet.com/2016/06/30/manhattan-apartment-sales-condo-prices-plunge/?replytocom=45899#respond === === OTP on AX: Similar to Hong Kong?... We saw a 15% drop in the first 3-4 months from the October 2015 peak in HK, and then some recovery. If anyone is interested, I think the US (in general) is at a different point in its Long Property cycle than is Hong kong. This cycle is usually 14 years up, and 4 years down. And there is a mid-cycle dip. The mid-cycle dip may be just 1-2 years, like we saw in HK in 2008-9. For me, HK is past the Long Cycle peak, and many US cities are in the mid-cycle correction. This may not be so in Manhattan, New York City, which may conceivably be set for a longer downturn, gives its high valuations.
  11. I sold 15 of my 80 calls on SLV yesterday
  12. Molyneux? I don't agree with everything he says... But I do think that Stefan speaks refreshing SENSE about many social issues Stefan wants people to wake up - and see the reality of the threat posed by Hillary Video:
  13. TALKING BRAVELY Brexit sees mixed reaction among home buyers PA Money News – 7 hours ago Estate agents are seeing a mixed reaction so far to the country's decision to leave the EU, with some buyers pausing for thought while many others press ahead with their plans. While some buyers have decided to wait and see what happens for now, some others have upped their offers for properties in recent days. With shortages of homes on the market for buyers to choose from, sellers have also been holding firm on their prices. Andrew Bridges, managing director of London estate agent Stirling Ackroyd, said that while anecdotally a "handful" of buyers had been lost since the referendum, some of these deals had already been tied up. He said: "Some people buying for investment purposes do appear to be stalling a little although people buying for themselves are continuing to push purchases through. "As a result, vendors are holding firm on prices. Ultimately, there isn't enough residential property being built in London and Brexit hasn't changed that." Property analyst Hometrack predicts house price growth across the UK's major cities will slow down rapidly during the second half of this year - but in general, it expects property prices to continue heading upwards rather than widespread price falls. According to an index from estate agents Your Move and Reeds Rains, first-time buyers paid a record high of £173,282 on average for a property in May. Adrian Gill, director of Your Move and Reeds Rains, said: "The Brexit result won't change the fact that huge numbers of aspiring first-timers want to buy a first home, and lots won't want to wait out the two years until the renegotiations over the EU have been completed. == > https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/brexit-sees-mixed-reaction-among-230101965.html
  14. Hillary's Mission to CRUSH our Remaining Freedoms Empress Palpatine ? AJ: "everybody has been bought off now" - near 34 minutes The Global Elite Are Losing Control | Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux SM (at 40 minutes): "The problem is not a failure of the State... it is the escalation of Force" (ie too much state power) Hillary wants to take away guns from the people, fight wars, and grab more power... (to make donors like Soros, and the other Globalist backing her more dominant.)
  15. 2016 is a Year of important elections - we need to pay close attention. Apparent two party systems that are really one party (supporting Globalism) are breaking down. We saw this in the UK, where both the Tories and Labour officially supported staying in the EU, but the people won when they broke the programming and voted for Brexit. In the US, the Globalists are lining up behind Hillary. Nine of her top 10 donors are zionist billionaires - they oppose Trump, because he has spoken about a policy of putting America First over the interests of globalist. Naturally, the globalist controlled corporate media, which used to be called the mainstream media is also backing Hillary. The pump out one anti-Trump story after another. David Knight on Infowars talks about how Republicans like Hank Paulson are supporting Clinton: “W” Cabinet is "With Her": Bush Globalists Stump for Hillary If you think any good can come from a Democrat supported by Globalist Rinos like Paulson, you live on a different planet than I do.
  16. A BELLWETHER, which sometimes gives an early warning - PH Developer share prices ALI / Ayalaland's share price reflects the 18-year cycle - which is normally 14-years up, and 4-years down ... All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d / fewer-lines - in edit: UPDATE ALI charts, 3yr : 4yr : 5yr : ALI is still in an uptrend, Last: PHP 41.95 at 12/6/18 Shares could give an advance warning of market turns, typically 6-12 months ahead, but sometimes concurrently. In fact, Rents in Makati have been falling since the beginning of 2016 Sym. / Developer === CHART LINKS:: ALI - / AyalaLand ..... All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d MEG / Megaworld .... All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d Popi / Prime Orient .. All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d CPG / Century Prop . All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d SMph/SM PrimeHld . All-Data : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 6-mos : 10-d ALI +etc ... 12mos-chart (below) 5-yrs : 2yrs : 6mos // 10-d : ALI : MEG : SMPH : CPG : POPI : Summary at 7/21/2016: ALI - / Ayalaland - : Yr-H: $40.80 : 7/21 : $39.90 : Off H: - 2.21% :: P/E: 32.18 : Earns: P1.240 MEG / Megaworld : Yr-H: $05.15 : 7/21 : $05.09 : Off H: - 1.36% :: P/E: 15.61 : Earns: P0.326 (in edit): Stock Summary at 10/13/16: ALI - / Ayalaland - : Yr-H: $42.15 : 10/13 : $36.40 : Off H: -13.65% :: P/E: 28.56 : Earns: P1.27 MEG / Megaworld : Yr-H: $05.51 : 10/13 : $04.11 : Off H: -25.41% :: P/E: 12.48 : Earns: P0.33 Popi / PrimeOrion : Yr-H: $02.28 : 10/13 : $01.92 : Off H: -15.79% :: P/E: - n/a - : Earns: P -nil - CPG / Cent.PrpGr : Yr-H: $0.780 : 10/13 : $0.570 : Off H: -26.93% :: P/E: 6.364 : Earns: P0.090 Stock Summary at 07/20/17: ALI - / Ayalaland - : Yr-H: P42.40 : 07/19 : P41.70 : Off H: -01.65% :: P/E: 28.18 : Earns: P1.48 Smph/ SM PrimeH : Yr-H: P35.20 : 07/19 : P34.50 : Off H: -01.99% :: P/E: 40.59 : Earns: P0.85 MEG / Megaworld : Yr-H: P05.51 : 07/19 : P04.75 : Off H: -13.80% :: P/E: 13.12 : Earns: P0.36 Popi / PrimeOrion : Yr-H: P02.45 : 07/19 : P02.21 : Off H: -09.80% :: P/E: - n/a - : Earns: P -nil - CPG / Cent.PrpGr: Yr-H: P0.780 : 07/19 : P0.650 : Off H: -16.67% :: P/E: 10.66 : Earns: P0.061 (So far, it seems we are seeing good, high stock valuations in mid-July ) / following chart, added in Edit / Chinatown related developers are looking Toppy now - early Dec.2017 ALI-etc AyalaLand etc -- update
  17. Fewer Jobs in London (and lower rents maybe too) Why Brexit could 'kill' London as a top financial hub The U.K. exit from the European Union risks costing the City of London billions of pounds, thousands of workers and its spot as the world’s top financial center. The lost status centers on one simple process that’s complex to undo: passporting. The mechanism allows British-based financial institutions such as banks, fund managers and insurers to seamlessly sell their services across the 28 EU nations without having to get regulator approval or set up subsidiaries in each member state. Read: The U.K. has voted for Brexit — what happens next? And in the immediate wake of the “leave” vote, a top European Central Bank official fueled the fears for London’s lost financial hub status. François Villeroy de Galhau told The Guardian that keeping the so-called “passport” would not be possible if the U.K. leaves the single market of trade in goods and services. And, according to the newspaper, other ECB governing council members stressed that expedient talks toward a smooth Brexit transition will be key to softening Britain’s financial-hub consequences. In the lead-up to the referendum, finance and banking industry voices across the City of London were clear about the implications for passporting from a “leave” vote. “It would kill it,” said Stuart Alexander, chief executive at Gemini Investment Management, which is using the mechanism. “You’d have to go back to the old regime of a U.K. fund management company going into Frankfurt and saying, ‘Please, Mr. Regulator, will you authorize this fund for distribution in your country?’” he said. . . . The U.K. exit from the European Union risks costing the City of London billions of pounds, thousands of workers and its spot as the world’s top financial center. The lost status centers on one simple process that’s complex to undo: passporting. The mechanism allows British-based financial institutions such as banks, fund managers and insurers to seamlessly sell their services across the 28 EU nations without having to get regulator approval or set up subsidiaries in each member state. The U.K. has voted for Brexit — what happens next? And in the immediate wake of the “leave” vote, a top European Central Bank official fueled the fears for London’s lost financial hub status. François Villeroy de Galhau told The Guardian that keeping the so-called “passport” would not be possible if the U.K. leaves the single market of trade in goods and services. And, according to the newspaper, other ECB governing council members stressed that expedient talks toward a smooth Brexit transition will be key to softening Britain’s financial-hub consequences. In the lead-up to the referendum, finance and banking industry voices across the City of London were clear about the implications for passporting from a “leave” vote. “It would kill it,” said Stuart Alexander, chief executive at Gemini Investment Management, which is using the mechanism. “You’d have to go back to the old regime of a U.K. fund management company going into Frankfurt and saying, ‘Please, Mr. Regulator, will you authorize this fund for distribution in your country?’” he said.
  18. Fewer Jobs in London (and lower rents maybe too) Why Brexit could 'kill' London as a top financial hub The U.K. exit from the European Union risks costing the City of London billions of pounds, thousands of workers and its spot as the world’s top financial center. The lost status centers on one simple process that’s complex to undo: passporting. The mechanism allows British-based financial institutions such as banks, fund managers and insurers to seamlessly sell their services across the 28 EU nations without having to get regulator approval or set up subsidiaries in each member state. Read: The U.K. has voted for Brexit — what happens next? And in the immediate wake of the “leave” vote, a top European Central Bank official fueled the fears for London’s lost financial hub status. François Villeroy de Galhau told The Guardian that keeping the so-called “passport” would not be possible if the U.K. leaves the single market of trade in goods and services. And, according to the newspaper, other ECB governing council members stressed that expedient talks toward a smooth Brexit transition will be key to softening Britain’s financial-hub consequences. In the lead-up to the referendum, finance and banking industry voices across the City of London were clear about the implications for passporting from a “leave” vote. “It would kill it,” said Stuart Alexander, chief executive at Gemini Investment Management, which is using the mechanism. “You’d have to go back to the old regime of a U.K. fund management company going into Frankfurt and saying, ‘Please, Mr. Regulator, will you authorize this fund for distribution in your country?’” he said. . . . The U.K. exit from the European Union risks costing the City of London billions of pounds, thousands of workers and its spot as the world’s top financial center. The lost status centers on one simple process that’s complex to undo: passporting. The mechanism allows British-based financial institutions such as banks, fund managers and insurers to seamlessly sell their services across the 28 EU nations without having to get regulator approval or set up subsidiaries in each member state. The U.K. has voted for Brexit — what happens next? And in the immediate wake of the “leave” vote, a top European Central Bank official fueled the fears for London’s lost financial hub status. François Villeroy de Galhau told The Guardian that keeping the so-called “passport” would not be possible if the U.K. leaves the single market of trade in goods and services. And, according to the newspaper, other ECB governing council members stressed that expedient talks toward a smooth Brexit transition will be key to softening Britain’s financial-hub consequences. In the lead-up to the referendum, finance and banking industry voices across the City of London were clear about the implications for passporting from a “leave” vote. “It would kill it,” said Stuart Alexander, chief executive at Gemini Investment Management, which is using the mechanism. “You’d have to go back to the old regime of a U.K. fund management company going into Frankfurt and saying, ‘Please, Mr. Regulator, will you authorize this fund for distribution in your country?’” he said.
  19. A summing up --- for the record here Donald Trump's Full Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech in NYC (6-22-16) Hannity 6/22/16 - Sean Hannity on Donald Trump speech on Hillary Clinton & 'Clinton Cash' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF1_ZkRDpSQ
  20. Hillary is a "Dangerous War Monger" The Alternative Media with Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof, June 11, 2016, hour 2 "She has taken far more money than any other candidate from the armaments industry, and has strong links to the Israeli lobby" Hillary in the White House may guarantee us WW3 . Trump is the only candidate talking about diplomacy (unfortunately, these truth are not being brought out by the corporate controlled media, which is doing its best to demonize Trump)
  21. Free Enterprise versus Financial Capitalism Not all forms of Capitalism have the same end story. The US used to have a healthy form of Free Enterprise, which aided the creation of wealth across the economic spectrum Then, the wealth (Top 1%, or top 1% of 1%) financed various political candidates who pushed for changes (trade agreements, Glass steegle) which made it easier to make money with money. Financial speculation, takeovers, leverage buyouts, etc became easier to finance, and the profits were allowed to be accrued at low rates of tx. I used to be a young banker at Chase Manhattan, and I can recall loans being turned down because they did not finance true economic projects, only speculation. That changed back in the old "greed is good days" around the time Clinton was president, and even earlier during Reagan's administration. The brave new world made it easier for those who were close to the sources of money creation, and cheap money to get vast amounts of capital. And these changes ushered in a era of Financial capitalism, and more and more wealth concentration. Some of the excess profits got recycled back into buying politicians - including those in both parties. Hillary is a Democrat, but also the best friend of Wall Street, and her election would bring even more concentration of wealth - and more Wars given greater scope for profit-making in the defense contracting area. This election year we have a real choice, and the chance to vote for a politician, Trump, who has the potential to deliver some real change. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee he would do it, But with Hillary, I can guarantee that she will bring more of the same - a continuation of many negative trends, while making her core base of radical lesbians, and state handout-takers feel good for a few months or years... right up until the time the government goes bust
  22. FTSE is still in a downtrend ... update And if you are being bombarded by property agents telling you to Buy UK property before it goes up... Send them this link: > http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property-finance/threads/7927f188-ab68-4af1-acc2-d10d433475fc/brexit+-+what+next3f/ Haha. As expected, I am bombarded by property agents telling me it is a great time to buy property in the UK since sterling hit a new low. There's a chance they will be right, of course But I think there are some more powerful reasons why this may not be a great time to buy: + The UK may close the door to immigrants from the EU, and people may leave the UK, causing demand to drop + Interest rates may have to rise in the UK to protect the currency + The UK economy may go into recession, cutting jobs, and pushing rents down Of course, none of those anxious emails that I got mentioned these negative factors. If you think Sterling is cheap, then buy Sterling. You can wait until things settle down and the waters are more calm, before you buy your next property in the UK. (Feel free to copy this email, and send it to the manic agents, if they pester you!) === One of the agents who contacted me suggested that I look at buying a London studio, "from GBP 575,000" Yeah, sure, THAT will work out well in a post-Brexit world. Sure.
  23. Brexit 'could see more foreign investors swamp property market' A vote to leave the EU could prompt more foreign investors to pile into the housing market to snap up "Brexit bargains", according to estate agents. London-based estate agents Stirling Ackroyd said recent volatility in the pound and a dip in London property values have already made house prices in the capital appear cheaper for foreign investors in recent months. Stirling Ackroyd said since November 2015, on average, a home in London has become 33,200 euro cheaper, equating to a saving of around £26,000 for a foreign buyer. If the country votes for Brexit this week, the value of sterling is expected to fall further - which could encourage further foreign investment in the London property market, its report said. London has already been particularly attractive to overseas property investors in recent years, as it has been seen as a "safe haven" amid wider economic turmoil. Foreign investors have also been blamed for making house prices, particularly in the capital, more unaffordable by adding to demand and helping fuel shortages of available stock. Andrew Bridges, managing director of Stirling Ackroyd, said: "If Britain votes to leave the EU, sterling is set to fall further so, ironically, London would become even more affordable - and therefore more attractive - to overseas buyers." === === I doubt this! Read carefully: "Brexit bargains", according to estate agents. Agents are good at inventing ideas to justify buying property, especially expensive properties. Brexit will not improve yields (unless prices drop), but it COULD put UK interest rates higher, and THAT would be likely to push prices lower, even in terms of a weaker Sterling When you hear half-baked argument like this, see who they are coming from !
  24. No Presidential candidate has ever endured the sort of negative coverage that Trump has Roger Stone Proven Right Again Published on Jun 20, 2016 Alex Jones and Roger Stone discuss Donald Trump's strategy as he moves closer to the RNC. "I have every confidence that Paul Manaford can guide Donald Trump" (suitably) Donald Trump fires campaign manager Corey Lewandowski The Guardian-8 hours ago The news came as a surprise to Lewandowski when Trump informed him ... Others said the news had not been shared internally and they were ... . . . The news came as a surprise to Lewandowski when Trump informed him this morning in Trump Tower, a source told the Guardian. Lewandowski’s departure comes as Trump’s campaign is increasingly struggling in its attempt to pivot towards the general election. Since becoming the Republican party’s presumptive nominee in early May, Trump has collapsed in the polls and faced increasing questions about his campaign organization. Trump has made a series of controversial remarks including stating that the Mexican heritage of Gonzalo Curiel, a federal judge hearing a lawsuit against the presumptive nominee, meant that Curiel was biased, and doubled down on his calls for a ban on Muslims entering the country, in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Orlando. Trump even suggested that the American Muslim community knew in advance about terrorist attacks and did not say anything. The result is that even many Republican lawmakers who have endorsed Trump have now distanced themselves from him. John Cornyn, the No2 Republican in the Senate, said he would not discuss Trump until after the election and House speaker Paul Ryan, the party’s most senior elected official, has refused to condemn those plotting a convention coup against the presumptive nominee. Lewandowski, who rose to power last year after beating veteran strategist Roger Stone to be Trump’s top aide, seemingly lost his own power struggle with chief strategist Paul Manafort, who was brought in by Trump several months ago. Lewandowski and Manafort struggled for control for months, but had apparently reached equilibrium in recent weeks. That has seemingly not survived Trump’s recent political woes. In a statement to the Associated Press, Lewandowski said: “Paul Manafort has been in operational control of the campaign since 7 April. That’s a fact.” One campaign source suggested that the final straw for Lewandowski was “some conflict between him and Hope Hicks that Ivanka [Trump] didn’t like”. Lewandowski and Hicks reportedly engaged in a public screaming match in midtown Manhattan last month. The two had long been considered close and constantly accompanied Trump on the campaign trail. One source familiar with the campaign said Lewandowski had clashed with Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, and was even trying to plant negative stories about Trump’s son-in-law in the press. The strain showed when Michael Caputo, a high-ranking Trump staffer who had long been critical of Lewandowski, tweeted: “Ding dong the witch is dead.”
  25. Long Term Gold price - is still in an uptrend GLD ... all-data
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