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  1. Checkout these TIPS from various News articles TRENDS THAT WILL SHAPE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE IN 2016 (Globally) Real estate continues to grow its appeal Liquid markets still preferred* Global gateway cities (London, Paris, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo and Sydney) remain the primary target for global cross-border investors over the next 12 months. These markets have the advantage of offering large lot sizes and volume of stock that appeal to global mandates. (in market like the Philippines, will blue-chip areas like Makati be preferred?) Seeking value ...For some investors ‘overcrowded’ core markets are being seen for longer-term investments rather than short term trading. Risk appetite moderated Local partnering Return of debt == > source: http://gio.colliers.com/ Actually, where the so-called Gateway cities are over-priced, I wonder if nearby markets (Philadelphia rather than NYC?) might be better where they offer higher yields and better fundamentals (from the Top 10 Predictions for Philippines) #4: Residential leasing market in Metro Manila to become more challenging Following a pre-selling condo boom that began late in the previous decade, around 13,400 new condominium units are anticipated to be completed in the major Metro Manila CBDs in 2016, more than double the levels in 2015. On average, around 7,500 units shall be completed until 2019. This will lead to an increase in the CBD condo stock by 45% in such a short period of time. . . . Developers have begun looking for creative strategies in order to deal with their rising ready-for-occupancy (RFO) inventories, either through more flexible payment terms or to develop leasing models in order to create some cash flow from these unsold units. As part of the developers’ diversification strategies in the face of a softening residential sale market, we anticipate that multi-family/apartment leasing business models similar to other countries will soon emerge. . . . #10: Growth in retail to lead to higher warehousing and logistics demand Despite a stock of around 7.8 million sqm of leasable area, the warehousing and logistics market in Metro Manila is very tight, operating at an average of 98% occupancy for the various warehousing districts. Warehouses in central locations in the metropolis have been dwindling as land values rise and demand for residential and commercial space increase, driving out these low-value warehouses. On the other hand, the retail market is expected to reach a historical high in 2016 with 725,000 sqm of new retail space coming up. This will of course increase demand for warehousing and storage space, amid the already tight market in Metro Manila. − Warehouse rentals have already exceeded P300 per sqm in key areas in the metropolis. Given the increase in demand and the worsening traffic conditions in the metro, we see rates rising in the short term in key areas. == > http://f.tlcollect.com/fr2/216/27671/Top_10_Predictions_2016.pdf OTHER Tips and trends for the Philippines from 2015: ====== Condos close to train stations more expensive An average condo located within 100 meters of an MRT station is at least Php16,645 more expensive per square meter than a similar, newly built condo situated more than 500 meters away. Ayala Center, Century City, Rockwell Center lead most expensive list Ayala Center—the commercial core of the Makati CBD—commands the most expensive condo rent per sqm than any area Metro Manila. Living in the area, which is within striking distance of Greenbelt, Glorietta, and most of Makati’s luxury hotels, can set a renter back Php1,144 per sqm per month, meaning a 100-sqm condo here can command monthly rent of more than Php110,000. Following Ayala Center are Century City and Rockwell Center in Makati’s Poblacion area, where condos command monthly rents of Php986 and Php973 per sqm, respectively. Can BPO workers afford condos? With an average monthly salary of Php22,500, entry-level customer care representatives cannot afford to rent a condo in either of these “affordable” areas: Eastwood City, Pioneer-EDSA, Poblacion (Makati), and San Antonio (Makati), where average rents range from Php19,838 to Php22,563 per month. Using the 30 percent rule (spending not more than 30 percent of one’s monthly income on housing), only those working as managers, with an average compensation of Php75,000 per month, may only afford to rent a condo in these select areas. == > http://thestandard.com.ph/real-estate/196328/things-we-wanted-to-know-about-real-estate-in-2015-but-we-re-too-busy-to-ask.html
  2. Despite what the Washington Post thinks, Hillary is very vulnerable Robert David Steele attacks the nonsense "This election is Trump’s to lose..." Robert Steele: Washington Post Offers 10 Reasons Hillary Clinton Will Beat Donald Trump — I Counter Each (1 True, 5 False, 4 Half & Half) Robert David Steele SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/TrumpX10 Jennifer Rubin, a former lawyer, is a conservative columnist for The Washington Post. Below I take the first line only from her , and offer concise rebuttals in favor of Trump’s winning — with the caveat that if Trump cannot listen and adjust in the next 30 days, Ms. Rubin is in fact correct — he will blow an election that is his to lose. 10 reasons Hillary Clinton will beat Donald Trump 1: TRUE 5: FALSE 4: HALF & HALF Substance below the fold. 1. The economy is good enough. FALSE. Thom Hartmann, a Democratic author, is on record with his book, The Crash of 2016, and recent commentary, to the effect that all of the good economic news is a fraud. The Administration is lying heavily, holding on by its fingernails, wrapping the economy in bailing wire, in a desperate attempt to achieve the appearance of “good enough” until Election Day. Then we collapse. The actual unemployment rate is 23% (40% among people of color, single moms, and older folk, and somewhere between 23% and 40% for new college graduates). The participation rate in the economy of adults is between 60% and 65%. Those are FACTS. It was the Clinton Co-Presidency that gave us the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and made it clear to all CEOs there were no consequences for exporting jobs to China as well. The destruction of generally white blue collar and middle management jobs was begun under the Clinton Co-Presidency. The Internet wiped out most generally black clerical jobs. No president has taken the concept of full employment seriously — high unemployment means low wages, billionaires love and pay for that situation to persist. 2. Donald Trump is so reckless and scary on economic issues that he scares even Republicans. He bizarrely suggested he would negotiate the sovereign debt of the United States. FALSE. The brand of conservativism that Ms. Peters — a former lawyer — represents is what some of us call “crooked conservativism.” These are the conservatives that have sold their souls to the banks or to Israel — including of course many of the neo-cons. It is to Dick Cheney’s credit that he sees the value of supporting Donald Trump,* so some of this opposition may be early posturing. What is really scaring the US banks is that any questioning of debt orthodoxy is a stake in the heart of their long-standing crooked practices documented by William Greider, John Bogle, Matt Taibbi, and so many others. Banks are loan sharks with Congressional protection. They have systematically cheated the public for centuries, and it was the Clinton Co-Presidency that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act leading to the economic havoc we suffer now both at home and abroad. Debt jubilees have a deep Biblical and historical pedigree, and unjust debts such as are owed now at the national as well as state and local levels, are all easily subject to scrutiny and re-negotiation if not outright dismissal. 3. The GOP is badly divided, if not on the verge of a split. HALF-TRUE, HALF-FALSE. The GOP has been badly divided since Newt Gingrich destroyed Speaker Jim Wright and turned all Members into foot-soldiers for the party. The loss of integrity and the loss of faith with constituents is what gave rise to the Tea Party Movement. Before that and growing stronger today, you have the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party, both indictments of the GOP’s loss of integrity across the board. Donald Trump has not split the party, he’s simply made it obvious that all of us who hold the GOP’s lack of integrity in disdain must now be heard. The GOP right now is in turmoil, like the naked drunk that sobers up on a stage and suddenly realizes millions of people are watching his every move….and seeing the smallest organ on the planet — there is no there, there, in the GOP. An Electoral Reform Act of 2016, particularly if it is applied only to states and districts where a seat is being vacated for this go-around in 2016, will leave the Republican majorities intact and bring in Constitution and Libertarian Members on the right, Green and Working Families Members on the left, and Independents in the long-lost middle. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) can introduce the Act tomorrow since we have established that neither Bernie Sanders nor any other Senator have the balls necessary to do the right thing by America. The “new” GOP must be a value-centered coalition that agrees on individual rights, state rights, restoration of the Constitution as the fundamental law of the land, and slamming the federal government back into a very small box — to include an end of direct federal taxation of individuals. Adopting the Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax, to be collected by the states that then provide quarterly stipends to the administrative federal service of common concern, is in my view the fastest path toward restoring America the Beautiful. 4. Trump’s crew is so tone-deaf to the split that it is likely to make it worse. TRUE. This is partly explained by Donald Trump being so tone-deaf himself that he drove Roger Stone away, and partly by Donald Trump never expecting to get this far (he was “doing a Forbes”), settling for the B Team since the big money and big talent went with Jeb Bush and others who were favored in the early days. Now Trump is rushing to make up for a very shallow tone-deaf staff, and may hurt himself if he does not slow down and think more broadly. Below are the seven things I think Trump needs to do in the next 90 days to win big. There is absolutely no evidence that these ideas, channeled via various parties, have reached Trump, which in my view represents a continued indictment of his whole operation — they cannot ingest all the information that is flooding into them, and hence are missing key signals. Click on Image to Enlarge 01 Virtual Constitutional Convention with Governor Abbott and Mark Levin in Texas. Focus on state rights, slamming the federal government back into a very small box. 02 Unemployment Workshop in NYC shaming all the banks and corporations, announcing a commitment to full employment and zero inflation – the real unemployment rate is 23%. 03 Electoral Reform Summit in California with Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, Jesse Ventura, Cynthia McKinney, many others, perhaps repeated in Ohio — “make the deal” with incumbents (only the 20-30 seats being vacated will be covered in year one – incumbents are protected for one term to give them an opportunity to reconnect to their integrity and their constituents). Click on Image to Enlarge 05 Fantasy Cabinet Game. Sponsor a national conversation and online “name your cabinet” or fantasy cabinet game for real – Joan Blades and Living Room Conversations could be asked to help here. This should include a national conversation about a Vice Presidential choice that is not a member today of the Republican Party. I will say up front that I believe the solution is to be found in Cynthia McKinney as VP, John Kasich as Deputy VP and Director of OMB, and Mike Huckabee as Deputy VP and first Governor-General. Roles should be found for Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Jill Stein, and many others. My own notional cabinet from my 2012 candidacy is still online — we need a Cabinet appointed on the basis of merit, without regard to ideological affiliation, not a Cabinet representing the banks that continue to loot the treasury. Such a cabinet should be charged with creating a balanced budget using evidence-based decision-support (what intelligence is supposed to be but is not — in the USA today intelligence is a massive secret technical cesspool of waste). 06 Balanced Budget Game. Sponsor a national conversation and online “balance the budget” game for real – “make the deal” with Ben & Jerry, ask them to lead this national conversation. This is how we create an informed engaged public going toward Election Day. 07 Automated Payment Transaction Tax – a tiny fractional tax on all transactions including currency and stock transactions not taxed now — radically expands the tax base to include making Wall Street pay for the government it has broken, while allowing the elimination of all other taxes and the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 5. Trump lacks a money operation to match Hillary Clinton. HALF-TRUE, HALF-FALSE. It would be foolish of Trump to invest a billion dollars of his own money in this campaign when he can so easily raise $1 billion or more within 90 days simply by taking over the web site I have offered him via multiple channels, http://bigbatusa.org. When I was running for president myself I hired Joe Trippi as a spot consultant and I have the deepest admiration for, and understanding of how to replicate, what Joe and Zephyr Teachout did for Howard Dean. 100 million pissed-off engaged citizens donating $10 each is $1B — overnight. Half that number donating $20 each is also $1B. Donald Trump does not lack for money, he lacks for staff with imagination and the ability to think and act BIG, NOW. 6. Trump cannot possibly learn in six months how not to appear racist or sexist. FALSE. Trump is neither racist nor a sexist. Cynthia McKinney is on the record about this and so are many others. Trump has been attacked by George Soros and others, all of whom should be investigated for incitement of stupid people (some paid) to riot, and others (such as MoveOn.org) who should have their non-profit status revoked because of their blatant organizational engagement in political campaigning on behalf of specific candidates. Joan Blades, a woman of great integrity who founded MoveOn.org, has moved on to found Living Room Conversations, and I suspect she may well be appalled at how lacking MoveOn is now in both intelligence and integrity. I for one would love to see Trump create and fund a cadre of lawyers whose sole job is to bring charges against all of these individuals who do not know Donald Trump but who are so ready to defame him. I guarantee he has more money than they have time — this crap will dry up fast once black and Latino and women leaders emerge in support of Trump’s (still be to be defined) Empowerment Campaign. In comparison to Hillary Clinton, whom Lee Camp has famously said on RT, cannot be defined as a woman simply because she has a vagina, whom Cynthia McKinney has described on the Alex Jones Show as “woman of the hegemon,” a woman who has made $21 million in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and others, generally at $225,000 a pop and often with multiple such speeches on the same day, I am pretty sure that Trump is as close as we are going to get to a potential leader who is Of, By, and For the 99% instead of the 1% — which is precisely why the false charges of racism and sexism are being bandied about. Trump’s big problem is the threat of being assassinated by small minds with big wallets who do not see that the is the last best hope for restoring integrity to a system before we go into a violent revolution. Below is my most popular chart at Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog — when combined with all that is done in our name and at the expense of future generations, I would humbly suggest that we have vast problems that need national unity with intelligence and integrity, not the piss-ant crap that we get from a despicably controlled media world lacking in all respects. Pre-Conditions of Revolution Existing in the USA Today Learn more: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Revolution 7. When all you have to do is say, “I’m for adoption,” or, “No, the U.S. stands behind its obligations,” you are in really good shape. FALSE. This is sophmoric crap. Hillary Clinton, Co-President with Bill Clinton (she actually kicked Al Gore out of the offices traditionally occupied by the Vice President and his staff in the Old Executive Office Building), is the most offensive, murderous, political con-artist and legalized crime specialist this country has produced in a generation. Right now she is riding on fumes. Once Dick Cheney helps Trump avoid assassination and settle the GOP children of privilege, and Trump puts together an A Team including a national ballot website and a Sunshine Government with a Coalition Cabinet, it is Game Over. This election is Trump’s to lose, and right now he is doing many things that could lose it, including premature discussion of the Vice Presidency with every elderly white male loser he has ever encountered. 8. The ads write themselves. Clinton is already using the accusations and claims made by Republicans to attack and ridicule Trump. HALF-TRUE, HALF-FALSE. The shallowness and blatant demogoguery of the Republican primary is only matched by the shallowness and blatant pandering of Clinton and Sanders on the left. There has been no substance in the primary process. What Ms. Rubin and all other pundits fail to understand is that Donald Trump is the one candidate who could raise a billion dollars and roll out a Sunshine Cabinet and Balanced Budget within 30 days of deciding to do so. If he were to embrace each of the ideas outlined under #4 above, he would engage no less than 70% of the eligible voters — remember that Barack Obama was “elected” by 26% of the eligible voters in 2012, 100 million eligible voters chose not to vote. The new voters — many of them Latino — are the swing vote this year, but so also are the black voters now realizing that the Co-Clinton presidency put more of them into jail than any other combination of past presidents. There are more black people in jail today than there were slaves at the beginning of the Civil War. Thank you, Co-President Clinton. 9. Clinton knows how to reach out to Republicans. HALF-TRUE, HALF-FALSE. Half-true — Republican Members love sluts and pages….as do Democratic members. Clinton is the chosen representative of the corrupt establishment — the corrupt establishment that is one bird with two wings to the exclusion of 60% if not more of all others — and she knows how to fully satisfy Goldman Sachs. What is changing today, and Speaker Paul Ryan as well as the Tea Party Members understand this — is that the public is now awake and no longer ready to tolerate “one bird, two wings, same crap.” Now is the time for elders like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich to emerge from the shadows and join with Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Jesse Ventura and many others, to demand that the Speaker introduce the Electoral Reform Act of 2016 in partnership with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in the Senate. Put bluntly, if the Republicans want to survive the 2016 election at the state and local levels, they need to take the lead on restoring integrity to our electoral process. Clinton may be good at reaching out to Republicans with money and a vote for sale, Trump strikes me as vastly more credible with everyone else — which is to say, voters across all boundaries (if and only if he gets his A Game going). My letter to Tom Steyer is free online and offers added perspective on the positive process we might follow to restore integrity to both our electoral process and how we govern. 10. The media will finally get tough on Trump. FALSE. With the exception of a few stellar investigative journalists, most of whom do not cover political theater, there is no media worthy of the name. What passes for “coverage” across the networks and in the major city newspapers is garbage with no redeeming value. It is not possible to “get tough” on Trump in part because he is unabashedly authentic and has no major peccadillos in his past other than his cozy relationship with the Cuomo family and a few affairs. That pales in comparison to how the Co-Clinton Presidency literally sold the US public and the US treasury to the highest bidders, while Hillary Clinton continued to at minimum have massive conflicts of interest with her private foreign policy managed via private email — she may easily be indictable on multiple fronts, and a case could be made that she committed treason. There is no such case to made against Trump. On the personal front, we have Bill Clinton making eleven trips on the Lolita Express of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, obviously not being satisfied by his wife of record, while Co-President Hillary Clinton continues to have a range of overnight guests whose names going back in time and up to today my retired Secret Service colleagues are aching to release to the public. As Ray McGovern has pointed out recently, all of Clinton’s emails (including her most intimate emails with individuals not her husband) are in the hands of the National Security Security Agency, Romanian hackers, the Russian government, and the Israelis. Hillary Clinton is COMPROMISED. Game over. == > source: http://www.phibetaiota.net/2016/05/robert-steele-washington-post-offers-10-reasons-hillary-clinton-will-beat-donald-trump-i-counter-each/ (thanks to RDS, who sent me the link by email!)
  3. Here's what Hulet said at about 50 minutes into the c2c Podcast: ""Donald Trump does not have a clue about who runs the world and America. "He hasn't read a non-fiction books in years, except the ones about himself." "He will change after he gets the nomination." "Hillary has been trained. They will have to train Trump" "Bush and Hillary hate the constitution... That's what needs to be reinstated." "The elites at Bohemian Grove use to laugh at Americans, they are not laughing any more. They have been sent a message"
  4. David Knight nails it here... on what issues Presidential candidates face Can Trump be Trusted? There are some issues that Presidential candidates should leave alone Loki707 What difference does it make I know I can't trust hilliary and if she is elected this country will wind up at war with russia but there will be serious civil unrest anyway possibly leading to civil war Thomas Monahan If trump betrays the people who voted for him... Well that would just be a horrible idea on his behalf.
  5. Craig Hulet always has interesting things to say Here he speaks about Trump and Clinton... and global geo-politics Coast To Coast AM - May 3, 2016 Current Events & Midweek Open Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWbYdnQfPh4 Russia and China are preparing for war against the "Corporate Regime", but they hold no animosity against the American people - at 36 minutes
  6. The ANTI-vote really matters this year Exclusive: Top reason Americans will vote for Trump: 'To stop Clinton' - poll NEW YORK | By Chris Kahn The U.S. presidential election may turn out to be one of the world's biggest un-popularity contests. Nearly half of American voters who support either Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump for the White House said they will mainly be trying to block the other side from winning, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday. The results reflect a deepening ideological divide in the United States, where people are becoming increasingly fearful of the opposing party, a feeling worsened by the likely matchup between the New York real estate tycoon and the former first lady, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. "This phenomenon is called negative partisanship," Sabato said. "If we were trying to maximize the effect, we couldn't have found better nominees than Trump and Clinton." Trump has won passionate supporters and vitriolic detractors for his blunt talk and hardline proposals, including his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, his vow to force Mexico to pay for a border wall, and his promise to renegotiate international trade deals. == > http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-anti-vote-idUSKCN0XX06E
  7. "Trump has the stature"... and the courage "A man is defined by his enemies" "He is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare" Roger Stone: Trump Will Not Hesitate To Destroy Hillary . "This is going to be the most exciting race in my lifetime. He knows who the real enemies are... he will give them no quarter"
  8. The Daily 202: Donald Trump may be outraised in the general election. How much will that hurt the Republican Party? Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎ THE BIG IDEA by Matea Gold: James Hohmann is on vacation -- we'll have a series of guest writers from the Post political team sharing their analysis with you this week. /2/ Is Trump on Track to Win the White House? By Anthony J Gaughan On 5/4/16 at 10:33 AM The 2012 presidential election provides a good baseline for analyzing the 2016 race. To win the presidency, a candidate needs 270 electoral votes. In 2012, Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney by the comfortable margin of 332 to 206 electoral votes. In the popular vote, Obama beat Romney by 51 to 47 percent, a difference of about 5 million votes. Obama’s victory reflected the long-term trend in which Democrats have won the popular vote in five out of the last six presidential elections. Trump thinks he can reverse that trend by appealing to angry white voters, but the 2012 results show why that won’t work. Lost in the uproar over Trump’s divisive appeals is the fact that Republicans already win whites by huge margins. For example, in 2012, Romney carried white voters by 20 points, and yet he still lost. The reason was because Obama won the support of minority voters by even bigger margins. He carried 93 percent of African-American voters, 71 percent of Latino voters and 73 percent of Asian voters. The electorate’s demographics will be even more unfavorable for the GOP in 2016. Nonwhite voters constituted 28 percent of the electorate in 2012, but in 2016 about 38 percent of Americans are minorities, which means the potential ceiling for minority turnout is extremely high. . . . The Biggest Demographic - Women The Trump campaign faces an equally daunting gender gap. According to the Gallup Poll, 70 percent of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. Women made up 53 percent of the electorate in 2012, which makes them the single largest demographic group. Female voters made the difference for Obama. Although Romney carried men by 8 points, Obama won the 2012 election because he carried women by 10 points. Trump’s problems with women are vastly greater than Romney’s problems. The latest polls indicate that Hillary Clinton could beat Trump among women by 40 points, an astounding margin without precedent in American political history. A gender gap half that size would deliver the White House to Clinton in a massive landslide. It would also lead to crushing losses for Republicans in the congressional races. To have any chance at all, therefore, Trump must dramatically turn around his standing with women. But he’s not off to a good start, to put it mildly. Last week, he claimed that if Clinton were a man, she would not “get 5 percent of the vote.” The comment appeared to make Chris Christie’s wife, who was standing directly behind Trump, roll her eyes in apparent disgust. == > http://www.newsweek.com/trump-track-win-white-house-455575 Hmm. I don't think that women are as stupid, and as easy to control, as Newsweek seems to think Republican PessimismIt’s not just Democrats and political pundits who think Trump is a disaster for the GOP. Top Republicans strategists and party insiders believe Trump will lose by a devastating margin in the fall. Karl Rove, for example, has warned that Trump will cost Republicans the White House, the Senate and many House seats. Karl Rove... He's a piece of scum, beholden to the Bush crime family. We can safely ignore anything he says, and/or regrd it as highly biased spin - much like what Newsweek publishes
  9. Donald Trump Wins Republican Nomination! Cruz and Kasich Drop Out! Published on May 4, 2016 /2/ Roger Stone: Trump Will Not Hesitate To Destroy Hillary
  10. A Good branding exercise for Circuit perhaps > ssc: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1443736&page=45
  11. Coast To Coast AM - April 30, 2016 Super Soldiers & Water As Fuel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBT4C_7fukc Published on May 1, 2016 Coast To Coast AM - April 30, 2016 Super Soldiers & Water As Fuel Richard Syrett welcomes Dr. Richard Alan Miller, a pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration. He will discuss protocols that were developed for the Navy SEALs to create super soldiers and how these tools can be used today for your own personal evolution of consciousness. In part two, inventor and scientist Aaron Murakami will discuss his research, theories, and experiments into using water as a fuel. Murakami says the fuel that another pioneering researcher was making was from electrolyzed water and ionized air - the real fuel is a product of these two components. From 6-10p PT, Art Bell: Somewhere in Time travels back to February 28, 1996, for a night of Open Lines with discussions about the 1996 primary elections, earthquakes, Cuban concerns, UFOs, the battle of good vs. evil, and NASA recovering a $40 million satellite. (Dr Miller is given "a code" near the end of his segment.)
  12. SLV / Silver ... 3-years : 2-years - SLV: $ 16.64 - leading precious metals lower?
  13. "Trump: We’re going to cherish and protect Israel" Words... Actions speak louder than words, but the words may keep him alive Israel has been something like a cancer growing on the US. People need to start thinking and acting like America First is what matters most. And only Trump has dared to speak like that. He also has spoken of Israel paying for its own defense. There's a need to cut a different deal... Trump may have started the US on that path
  14. James Corbett | Rockefeller History & The Big Conspiracy Breakdown Published on Apr 17, 2016 The story of the Rockefeller family is more than a cautionary tale, it’s an example of an oligarch’s potential to dominate. On this episode of The Higherside Chats, James Corbett joins us to discuss the far reaching control of the Rockefeller dynasty. We start with the calculated steps to bring a nation to dependence on oil. Though left out of public education lessons, the results of these events reach far into today’s society. Once successful with this first conquest, what would Rockefeller seek to influence next? Listen in as we explore conspiracies in areas such as education, medicine, food, and more. James Corbett is the creator of The Corbett Report, a site on a mission to provide open source intelligence. Since 2007 James has shared information about topics such as geopolitics, central banking fraud, Big Brother police state, and more. He uses a variety of platforms to share including podcast, newsletter, documentaries, YouTube videos, and a membership community. James’ teachings are more than an expose of a historical figure; they are a warning for us all to gain a better understanding of control. Through extensive research and a true passion for knowledge he is able to convey the importance of a well informed public. The Rockefellers have much to answer for (an older show, 2013): John Scura | Rockefellers, Rothschilds, & The Big Conspiracy
  15. Many people see with clarity the importance of electing Trump, and blocking Hillary (under the Video): Beth Virginia Phillips Donald Trump must win this election. The country is hanging by a tiny thread. Clinton would end the republic as we know it, being a President for the Highest Bidder. Recall the Clintons sold our military secrets to Red China and they continue to take money from other countries, including our enemies, for political and monetary gain. If this "woman" ever ascends you'll be able to hear a sobbing sound of someone in the dead of night. And that person would be George Washington.
  16. City zoning hearing for 46th and Spruce mixed-use building proposal Wednesday (updated) 26 April 2016 4-story, 21-unit building coming? UPDATE (4/29/2016): The Zoning Board of Adjustment heard the case on Wednesday, but decided to hold the vote for two weeks at the request of Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, according to SHCA’s Zoning Chair Barry Grossbach. We’ll post an update next month. After months of discussions and re-considerations in Spruce Hill, the proposal to build a four-story mixed-use building on the site of the former Transition to Independent Living Center building at the southeast corner of 46th and Spruce St. (4534-36 Spruce St.), has received support from the Spruce Hill Community Association’s (SHCA) zoning committee ahead of its consideration by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) this Wednesday. The project developers presented an updated proposal for the 21-unit building with ground-floor retail and a rooftop deck during an SHCA zoning meeting earlier this month. SHCA’s Zoning Chair Barry Grossbach wrote in an email addressed to SHCA members today that the Spruce Hill zoning committee has voted “without dissent” to support the project – with some stipulations. “We reached agreement with the developers/owners of the project on a Memorandum of Understanding that will be made part of the record and will spell out future meetings with Spruce Hill and near neighbors on final design elements, building operations (roof deck), and construction and post construction schedules (covering such items as hours, trash pickups, retail delivery, etc). In short, we are supporting moving the project forward with the understanding that the community will be a party to future discussions on items of importance to area residents,” the email reads. . . . “The zoning committee is aware that development of this site has been engaging, with passions on all sides. This parcel of land has remained vacant for a number of years. We firmly believe that the current plans will be a positive asset to the neighborhood, and that providing for continued discussion and contact will serve the community well.” Continue Reading Plans to build a four-story apartment building to replace the burned-out, single-floor building on the corner of 46th and Spruce drew concerns about parking and the flurry of new nearby apartment building construction last night during a meeting of the Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) zoning committee. The proposed brick and metal panel building at 4534-36 Spruce St. would include 21 mostly two-bedroom apartments, ground-floor retail and a rooftop deck. The developers need a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to get to the building’s proposed height – 44 feet. A 2011 fire gutted the current structure, a transitional housing facility. The building has been vacant since the fire. Parking was the biggest concern at last night’s meeting. The proposal does not include on-site parking, and nearby residents are concerned that this building along with the new 40-unit apartment building at 46th and Walnut, and the 15-unit building built between two Victorian twins on the 200 block of S. 45th Street will make finding a spot exceedingly difficult. “I’ve watched my parking decrease, decrease, decrease,” said one resident. > http://www.westphillylocal.com/2016/03/08/proposed-21-unit-building-at-46th-and-spruce-draws-concerns-about-parking/
  17. Dr Richard Alan Miller, Time Travel, Military Occult, LSD with Timothy Leary Published on Apr 10, 2016 Doc Ram Turned Navy SEALS Into Supersoldiers… And He Has Instructions For YOU! Imagine that the dollar has already collapsed, but your life goes on almost as if nothing happened. In fact you’re the one who’s acting as a source of support and inspiration to those around you. Is that actually even possible? (In EDIT: here's one from a few months earlier that I had missed): Dr Richard Alan Miller, Leaked NASA Documents - The Bots, Borgs and Humans Welcome you to 2025 AD Published on Dec 26, 2015 Former Navy Seal, Master Occultist and friend of Timothy Leary, Dr Richard Alan Miller discusses a leaked document by NASA named: Bots, Borgs and Humans welcome to 2025 AD. What will happen 20 years from now.
  18. He is doing plenty. Already, he has changed the focus and the debate. And most importantly, he can keep Hillary out of the White House, and do that without firing a bullet. That is very useful
  19. Steele's latest suggestions for Trump - at 8 minutes into this AJ Show (3rd HOUR VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 4/29/16: Robert David Steele, Peter Schiff Seven Things Trump can do 1. Run a virtual constitutional convention in Texas 2. Run an Unemployment workshop in NYC, to shame the banks, etc 3. 4. 5. 6. Fantasy Cabinet... get the public engaged 7. Eliminate personal income taxes, tax transactions == Article: Democracy Riots "Bernie Sanders has done a deal with the devil... will turn over his email list... Is bought and paid for" "Trump should get Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich into a coalition" "... Jill Stein and Cynthia McKinney as well" (his original 7-steps, from his website): > http://www.phibetaiota.net/2015/07/2016-how-trump-can-win/ That candidate is — no surprise — Donald Trump. Here is how he can do it. Executive Summary: Sponsor the Electoral Reform Summit of 2015. Force through the Electoral Reform Act of 2015. Nominate a Coalition Cabinet and have them tour the country Publish a Balanced Budget Open BigBatUSA.org and raise $1 Billion from 100 million voters who did not vote in 2012 [i own this URL, will turn it over] Commit to eliminating the Fed and the IRS, public banking combined with the Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax whose rate is set by national ballot, not the government Commit to full employment and basic income
  20. How Gentrification Really Changes Cities Excerpt: A new paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia looks at census data from 2002 and 2014 to compare three kinds of neighborhoods in the city: those that were gentrifying, those that were poor but not changing, and those that were already relatively wealthy. They also considered residents' credit scores as a proxy for how vulnerable they may be to being forced to leave. (An easier-to-read version is available for readers who don't enjoy academic lingo.) Overall, residents do leave gentrifying areas at "slightly" higher rates than areas that aren't changing, but researchers found it's people with higher credit scores who are more likely to leave—a kind of "up and out" move to suburbs or wealthier parts of the city. Residents with poor credit scores tend to leave gentrifying neighborhoods at roughly the same rate as those who live in other low-income areas that aren't gentrifying—that's why the orange and gray lines below are generally close together. The likelihood residents with no credit scores or with credit scores below 580 leave their neighborhood in a given year Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Residents who are able to stay in the neighborhood see their credit scores increase, particularly in areas that are changing rapidly. That's a sign that gentrification can help the financial well-being of people who stay. Residents in gentrifying neighborhoods typically see their credit scores improve Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia But among those who do leave, the effects can be disproportionate. "Vulnerable residents who are not able to remain in the neighborhood … face a higher risk of moving to a neighborhood that is worse off," the researchers write. This is particularly true for renters. They're also more likely to move to neighborhoods that are predominantly non-Hispanic black, which suggests that gentrification could reinforce economic and racial disparities. Although poor people may not be forced out, the demographics of gentrifying neighborhoods still change because those who move in are more well-to-do. Those new residents are, on average, 1.3 years younger than the people who left the area, are more likely to be white, and have credits scores that are an average of 5 points higher. . Philadelphia has a few unique attributes. Poor neighborhoods in the city tend to have many vacant lots, so they can gentrify by developing new buildings on empty lots, which could reduce how many people are displaced. The patterns generally fit with some studies in other cities—research in New York has found that residents can benefit from staying in gentrifying areas. == > http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-09/how-gentrification-really-changes-cities "More business opportunities and access to credit might be one reason why residents saw their financial scores improve. But it’s also possible that residents who stayed in these neighborhoods had more of a financial safety net to begin with." > http://www.phillyvoice.com/study-gentrification-doesnt-kick-people-out/
  21. April's Quarterly Report - says Philly Market is still strong LETTER FROM CEO "The Philadelphia residential market remains strong for another quarter. Amazingly, interest rates remain below 4% for the fifth quarter in a row and home buyers are still eager to buy homes. The first quarter of 2016 has proven to be better than the first quarter of 2015. Both prices and the number of homes sold have increased year over year. The number of homes sold in the first quarter of 2016 was up 17% over the first quarter of 2015. With the overall number of homes on the market remaining steady, this tells us that we are still leaning towards a seller's market where homes are priced appropriately and in good repair. Another $475 million in home sale transactions took place in the past three months. Remember: Real Estate is local..." Includes detail for specific areas Examples: UNIVERSITY CITY ( 19104 ) Q1-2016: 67 listed / 36 sold : $266,893 Ave. Price : 56 days on market Sales in the first quarter of 2016 for 19104 were strong. The median price decreased slightly by 6.7% compared to the same time last year. The price home sellers received was approximately 92.8% of their asking price. The average days on market decreased by 27.4%, and the number of homes sold year over year for this time period significantly increased by 23.8%. We expect home prices and sales volume to remain flat or increase slightly over the next three months. NORTHERN LIBERTIES | Loft District/ Callowhill ( 19123 ) Q1-2016: 136 listed / 55 sold : $478,716 Ave. Price : 78 days on market Sales in the first quarter of 2016 for 19123 were strong. The median price increased by about 13% compared to the same time last year. The price home sellers received was approximately 96% of their asking price. The average days on market decreased by 11.1%, and the number of homes sold year over year for this time period increased by 6.3%. We anticipate prices and sales to remain flat or increase slightly over the next three months. ART MUSEUM | Fairmount/ Francistown ( 19130 ) Q1-2016: 244 listed / 87 sold : $382,556 Ave. Price : 61 days on market Sales in the first quarter of 2016 for 19130 were fair. The median price increased by 5.1% compared to the same time last year. The price home sellers received was approximately 93.1% of their asking price. The average days on market decreased by 37.5%, and the number of homes sold year over year for this time period decreased by 15.2%. We anticipate prices and sales to remain flat or increase slightly over the next three months. == > http://www.phillyliving.com/files/27/Center+City+Q1+2016.pdf BTW, a number of areas had lower median prices versus a year earlier, but described a tight market / "seller's market". Is that because the more expensive homes were selling less well??
  22. Housing Cools, and rents stall Following a slowdown in project launches and issuance of condominium licenses in 2015, real estate professionals anticipate a cooling-off period in 2016, although economic performance will remain healthy, with GDP expected to grow 6.3%, according to the Asian Development Bank. The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board issued 14.5% fewer licences in 2015 for residential development than in 2014. Builders are partly responding to anticipated changes in interest rates — now rising after a long period of record low mortgage rates — as well as a dampening of demand and global economic forces. “Developers themselves are limiting exposure, as supply has been growing faster than demand. 2014 and 2015 were historical highs for the completion of residential development. It’s not bad to practice self-control,” Javiniar told OBG. The vacancy rate of prime residential properties remained at what JLL, a commercial real estate services firm, termed a “manageable level of 6.3%” in 2015, despite new supply. At nearly 9%, Makati’s CBD experienced among the highest residential vacancy rates. Rents there increased only 1%. Growth in middle-market to high-end sales and leases in Manila has been fuelled by the influx of foreigners working for multinationals. As many expatriate staff sought residences in Makati, BGC and the surrounding areas, housing projects responded by providing modern accommodations and amenities. Three high-end developments in these areas were completed in late 2015, adding nearly 2000 units. Colliers estimates that in 2015 a total of 6209 new condo units were added to the supply in Metro Manila’s five prime districts (Makati CBD, Rockwell Centre, BGC, Ortigas and Eastwood City). The vacancy rate is therefore expected to rise, reaching as high as 9% in these districts. As a result, rents might actually drop by the end of 2016. Condos in Rockwell Centre continued to command the highest rental rates in 2015, averaging P963 ($21.38) per sq metre. Up until 2018 the bulk of new supply will be in BFC and Makati CBD. == > http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/overview/taking-stock-after-half-decade-rapid-growth-developers-are-looking-prevent-oversupply
  23. Philippines sees strong office space growth14 Apr 2016 1.8 million SqM of space / 600k sqm per year coming p.a. over next three years (That's over 100k new jobs p.a. and maybe a need for 40k new condo units per year!) Strong economic growth in the Philippines is driving demand in the real estate market, placing prime office space at a premium, with little indication that appetite will wane despite growing supply in Manila and Cebu. . . . Net take-up of premium and grade-A office space reached a record of 459,000 sq metres in 2015, prompted by the growing business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, with some estimates placing requirements for 2016 at similar levels. Growth in the burgeoning financial and insurance sectors, meanwhile, could add as much as 100,000 sq metres of additional demand for traditional office space next year. Sector activity could gain further momentum as GDP growth remains elevated next year, with the government projecting the economy will expand by up to 7.6%. . . . However, with a combined 1.8m sq metres of office space set to enter the Manila market over the next three years, demand could become somewhat sated. Rental returns have already eased in some high-density office districts in the capital, though overall office rents rose by an average of 7% last year, according to a February report released by property firm Colliers International. == > http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/news/philippines-sees-strong-office-space-growth / 2 / Housing CoolsFollowing a slowdown in project launches and issuance of condominium licenses in 2015, real estate professionals anticipate a cooling-off period in 2016, although economic performance will remain healthy, with GDP expected to grow 6.3%, according to the Asian Development Bank. The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board issued 14.5% fewer licences in 2015 for residential development than in 2014. Builders are partly responding to anticipated changes in interest rates — now rising after a long period of record low mortgage rates — as well as a dampening of demand and global economic forces. “Developers themselves are limiting exposure, as supply has been growing faster than demand. 2014 and 2015 were historical highs for the completion of residential development. It’s not bad to practice self-control,” Javiniar told OBG. The vacancy rate of prime residential properties remained at what JLL, a commercial real estate services firm, termed a “manageable level of 6.3%” in 2015, despite new supply. At nearly 9%, Makati’s CBD experienced among the highest residential vacancy rates. Rents there increased only 1%. Growth in middle-market to high-end sales and leases in Manila has been fuelled by the influx of foreigners working for multinationals. As many expatriate staff sought residences in Makati, BGC and the surrounding areas, housing projects responded by providing modern accommodations and amenities. Three high-end developments in these areas were completed in late 2015, adding nearly 2000 units. Colliers estimates that in 2015 a total of 6209 new condo units were added to the supply in Metro Manila’s five prime districts (Makati CBD, Rockwell Centre, BGC, Ortigas and Eastwood City). The vacancy rate is therefore expected to rise, reaching as high as 9% in these districts. As a result, rents might actually drop by the end of 2016. Condos in Rockwell Centre continued to command the highest rental rates in 2015, averaging P963 ($21.38) per sq metre. Up until 2018 the bulk of new supply will be in BFC and Makati CBD. == > http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/overview/taking-stock-after-half-decade-rapid-growth-developers-are-looking-prevent-oversupply
  24. Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI) vs Case-Shiller > http://www.zillow.com/research/case-shiller-revision-june-2014-7831/ To the right is a graph of the previous Case-Shiller index, the revised Case-Shiller index and ZHVI. The revised Case-Shiller index is closer to ZHVI than the previous index. Compared to the previous index the height of the bubble is not as high and the decline is less dramatic, similar to ZHVI. When comparing these two indices, both of which are used as measures of health of the housing market, it is important to remember they measure two different things. The Case-Shiller National Index uses a repeat sales methodology, which uses homes that have sold[1] at least twice to measure price change. The problem is different segments of homes may appreciate at different rates and different segments of homes may not be proportionally represented when only considering homes that have sold at least twice. While this may give a good view of changing house prices that are being sold, it could provide a biased view when applied to the entire U.S. housing stock. To learn more about the Zillow Home Value Index and its differences from a repeat sales index, see this previous post featuring a video of Stan Humphries, Zillow Chief Economist, discussing the differences and advantages of ZHVI with CoreLogic Chief Economist Mark Flemming. For more on ZHVI vs. Case-Shiller, click here. C-S versus National Index
  25. C-S Latest: Up +5.4% (yoy, Feb. 2016) Year-over-year changes in the S&P/Case-Shiller National Home Price index. - See more Detail at: http://www.housingviews.com/#sthash.tSlaBq4M.dpuf Home Prices Outpacing Official Inflation Rate, Household Income Seeking Alpha-44 minutes ago . The S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite was up 5.4% on the year (through Feb. 2016), down from 5.7% the previous month and just missing expectations of a 5.5% increase. Portland, Seattle, and Denver saw the highest year-over-year gains among the 20 cities with another month of annual price increases. "Home prices continue to rise twice as fast as inflation, but the pace is easing off in the most recent numbers," David M. Blitzer, chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said in a statement. "The year-over-year figures for the 10-city and 20-city composites both slowed, and 13 of the 20 cities saw slower year-over-year numbers compared to last month." . . . Part of this dichotomy between the west and north is due to larger demographic trends, as discussed in this article. More people are moving west and south. But the growth seen here is also due to the fact that the US is still in the boom part of the business cycle. Credit is still easy to come by for those with income. And job growth, though very anemic (see here) remains stable. Moreover, the Case-Shiller index deals primarily with single-family homes, and single-family home production has never returned to where it was prior to 2008. If we take this all together, we can start to see how the boom in home prices is different than the last one. Job growth and wage growth is weaker (where there is real growth at all), and housing production is much lower than it was during the last cycle. In other words, while we may be in a boom phase, this one is weaker than the last one. In fact, looking at home price growth according to this index, we find year-over-year growth rates in this cycle have never matched where they were in 2005 and 2006.
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