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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Not a hoax. Mars rover photographs Mayan/Aztec style head By Jim Stone on January 1, 2015 Introduction — Jan 1, 2015 Although NASA initially failed to notice it, the Mars Rover has just photographed what looks like clear evidence of the remnants of a civilisation on Mars. Head of a statue on Martian surface? NASA released the photographs taken of the Martian surface without thoroughly scrutinising them. As a result they failed to notice what looks like an ancient Aztec/Mayan style head on the Martian surface. It appears in the photo below. Enlarge the photo, then scroll down on the right hand side and you’ll come across the strange anomaly, which has been isolated and enlarged in the photo on the right. There have long been stories of an ancient human civilisation that existed on Mars. According to GI Gurdjieff, one of the 20th century’s most influential esoteric teachers, Mars had been humanity’s home planet before human civilisation there was destroyed. Thereafter humanity started to incarnate on Earth because, according to Gurdjieff, Mars had been rendered uninhabitable. And note that he didn’t say humanity had been transported here by space ships but that humanity began to INCARNATE here. There is a difference: one is a physical-mechanical process, the other is a spiritual process. = > http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=109122
  2. Circuit - Designer Concepts 1,091 views / 2 years ago 2,670 views / 1 year ago
  3. Circuit Transport links It is a long walk to the CBD (and also for those who life in Trump Tower etc. at Century City); from Jazz ("Henry Sy's cluster") they can walk more easily : PD :
  4. Sports and Entertainment already available What;s Happening, and what's coming, to Circuit Solstice at Circuit Makati on Modern Living TV A closer look at Solstice Solstice at Circuit Makati: Walkthrough
  5. I managed to pick up some GLD calls last night (12/31) I went for the GLD March $103-calls, paying $2.14 per call. If GLD hits my $113 target by then, they will be worth $10 each. That's a very nice +367% return. Gold: $1,060.5 DXY : 98.693 Ratio: R10.75 (AU/dxy) = New Low I will keep my fingers crossed!
  6. Interesting Tidbit From SSC Q: Solstice tower 1 will be turned over in 2018. Do you think Circuit will be much more developed by then? A: Hi, before the turnover of Solstice T1 there will already be the 2 BPO buildings. Also the regional mall (bigger malls compared to lifestyle mall circuit lane) should be completed before turnover. Actually expect the price increases to happen at the same time as each milestone is completed. Getting a unit earlier is a must I brokered for my brother right before the first price increase last november 2015 when circuit lane was opened. Right now looks like it will be at least a year before the next price increase unless units are selling out fast. == > SSC
  7. Here is ONE of several possible scenarios that would fit my Cycllcal concept. I have simply tacked the price action from 1997 to 2001 onto the prior peak. These are HKD per SF (Gross) prices in Taikoo Shing: The Drop is 33% from about $15,000 psf to $10,000 psf. Remember: Just One of several possible scenarios. The drop in the first 12-18 months (if that's how long it lasts) may not be so steep. And the following rally might be different I will plan to revise this scenario, or add another one to it, when I have sufficient info to do so.
  8. CORRECTION !! ============== $250 Million for that one old building was just too high - maybe by more than 10X "xx" More like maybe $150k per unit, and xx = XX Garden Court, is only the first buy in a larger budget. Post Brothers has “earmarked” $250 million to invest in projects that look to keep recent grads and a growing workforce in and around University City (47th and Pine is really Walnut Hill). “Our principal goal is to harness the energy of this exciting neighborhood to create re-imagined, high-quality apartments that are reflective of the neighborhood’s vibrant, upwardly-mobile population,” said Post’s CEO Michael Pestronk. Check out this other article. They have bought 550 units of apartments so far on behalf of their clients: http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2015/10/22/post-brothers-university-city-apartment-buy-studen.html
  9. A FAN on SSC: Why is Philadelphia so Underrated? I fail to understand why forumers and people in general don't give Philadelphia the attention it truly deserves. It's CLEARLY the 2nd most urban place in America after New York and Center City is the most vibrant place in the country after Midtown Manhattan. Not to mention Philly has the largest collection of narrow streets, the most active bike culture, and the Mecca of American History. Philly deserves as much national attention as New York of DC and certainly more than SF, Chicago, LA, or Boston. Also, don't you agree that the Mummers Parade should replace the Rose Bowl for national broadcast and they should show Philly's 4th of July celebration instead of New York's? Or Thanksgiving parade, when Philly has the nation's oldest parade they decide to televise fecking New York. - theblingman2001 - Aug.31st, 2014 (later : BANNED) (2) Philly is the real 2nd city of the U.S. It's more historically important than Chicago, San Francisco, or LA. And it's more urban than Boston or DC. Or how about having the 3rd largest museum district, theater 2nd only to Broadway, and a classical music scene that's beyond anything else in this country? Or the Made in America festival? It's only 3 years old and already draws bigger crowds than Chicago's Lollapalooza! + Philly is growing faster than any other city not in Sunbelt. In fact, only Dallas and Houston added more construction jobs last year. Philly's economy is pretty robust, and with Comcast the tech sector may surpass Silicon Valley. Center City is cleaner than most downtowns, New York included. === Other SSC threads (with photos): = New Development Update - Over 10 floors Completed Since 2013 Evo at Cira Centre South – luxury apartments/retail – 33 floors – 430 feet 2116 Chestnut – luxury apartments/retail – 34 floors – 379 feet 3601 Market – luxury apartments/retail – 28 floors – 320 feet Morgan Hall – Temple University dormitory/retail – 27 floors – 312 feet Penn Medicine South Tower– office/medical/research/academic – 19 floors – 302 ft Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care – medical/retail – 14 floors – 292 feet The Summit – Drexel University Dormitory/retail – 25 floors – 279 feet 3737 Chestnut – luxury apartments/retail – 25 floors – 278 feet Family Court Building – Government/court/municipal – 15 floors – 265 feet Penn Medicine at Washington Square – office/retail – 18 floors – 260 feet 3737 Market – office/retail – 13 floors – 221 feet Chestnut Square – luxury apartments/retail – 19 floors – 210 feet The View at Montgomery – luxury apartments/retail – 14 floors 1900 Arch – luxury apartments/commercial/retail – 14 floors Drexel University LeBow College of Business – academic – 13 floors 2040 Market – luxury apartments/commercial/retail – 13 floors AQ Rittenhouse – luxury apartments/retail – 12 floors Under Construction Comcast Innovation & Technology Center – office/hotel/retail – 59 floors – 1,121 ft FMC Tower at Cira Centre South – office/residential/retail – 49 floors – 730 feet 500 Walnut – luxury condos/retail – 26 floors – 380 feet Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia at 700 Schuylkill – office – 23 floors – 375 feet 1601 Vine – luxury apartments/retail – 32 floors – 370 feet 1919 Market – luxury apartments/office/commercial/retail – 29 floors – 337 feet East Market – luxury apartments/retail – 21 floors – 281 feet One Riverside – luxury condos – 22 floors – 260 feet 205 Race – luxury apartments/retail – 17 floors One Water Street – luxury apartments – 16 floors Museum Towers II – luxury apartments – 16 floors 1527 Walnut – luxury apartments/retail – 12 floors The Study at University City – hotel/retail – 10 floors Dalian on the Park – luxury apartments/commercial/retail – 10 floors Site Prep SLS International Hotel and Residences – hotel/luxury condos - 47 floors – 590 feet W & Element by Westin – two hotels/retail – 52 floors – 582 feet 1900 Chestnut – luxury apartments/retail – 32 floors – 406 feet Penn New Patient Pavilion – medical/research – 21 floors – 325 feet 1213 Walnut – luxury apartments/retail – 27 floors – 294 feet 2400 Market – luxury apartments/office/retail – 20 floors – 250 feet = > pg.18 / # 359 Philadelphia : Projects & Constructions
  10. Updating prices, after yesterday's price Drop Symbol---- : YrLow : -12/28 : -12/30 : change : Pct.- : GLD / Gold : 100.23 : 102.27 : 101.42 : - 0.78 : - 0.76% (T: 113.00 +10.49%) GDX / Shs . : $12.62 : $13.79 : $13.66 : - 0.29 : - 2.08% (T: $16.00 +16.03%) Nugt / 3X .. : $21.70 : $24.99 : $24.08 : - 1.52 : - 5.94% (T: $37.00 +48.06%) VIX- / vol. .. : #10.88 : #00.00 : #17.29 : +1.21 : +7.52% . === : --------- : --------- : Strike : Feb. -- : Mar.- : target : GLD : 101.42 : 113.00 : 102C: $01.89 : $02.55 : $ 11.00 : +331.3% GLD : --------- : --------- : 105C: $00.85 : $01.63 : $08.00 : +390.8% GLD : --------- : --------- : 108C: $00.37 : $00.91 : $05.00 : +449.5% GDX : $13.66 : $16.00 : $12C: $01.83 : $02.08 : $04.00 : + 92.3% GDX : --------- : --------- : $13C: $01.08 : $01.43 : $03.00 : +109.8% GDX : --------- : --------- : $14C: $00.56 : $00.92 : $02.00 : +117.4% nugt : $24.08 : $37.00 : $25C: $03.25 : $05.00 : $11.00 : +120.0% nugt : --------- : --------- : $28C: $02.23 : $04.00 : $09.00 : +125.0% nugt : --------- : --------- : $30C: $01.75 : $03.45 : $05.00 : + 44.9%
  11. Daniel Sheehan ushering in a New World View "A man of extraordinary intellect" - that is true... ===== Responding to : Likely Discovery of a technological advanced new species NEw PARADIGM Institute has been established Mission: to investigate the key questions to ask Including: the Public policy issues 2nd : To provide answers 3rd : To Formulate a new worldview, without humans at the center ==== Humans are NOT at the Apex ! A conference has been called, and money raised (over $1 million) to bring world experts together. 100 world experts are being vetted, and Father Funez will host the meeting It is impossible for us to imagine what the new world view will be ! The process he calls for proposals, regarding aboutr what the new world view will be. And how did is come to you: a Dream or a Vision? More info, given earlier DANNY SHEEHAN: COSMIC HUMANITY, NEW PARADIGM INSTITUTE Published on Oct 19, 2015 Daniel Sheehan Webinar with ET Let's Talk founder Kosta Makreas. Over 3 hours of priceless time with Danny! It’s a great overall view of past events that have brought us forward to now, with a clear guide to next steps; and for everyone, a mind-expanding journey into post-disclosure reality and our role in helping it manifest. On September 21st of 2015, Daniel Sheehan - in response to Pope Francis' call for every member of our human family to ask NOT what our spiritual community can do for us, but what WE can do FOR our human spiritual community, announced the establishment, in Berkeley, California, immediately adjacent to the Graduate Theological Union of the University of California and the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, THE NEW PARADIGM INSTITUTE. It will be the "mission" of The New Paradigm Institute to convene and host "the serious discussion of the profound philosophical and theological questions that will be posed to our human family - sooner than later - by the discovery of non-human life elsewhere in our Universe." This "Call" was issued by Jesuit Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the Director of The Pontifical Observatory of The Vatican, who will be "in residence" at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley in 2016 to "host" these NEW PARADIGM discussions with our planet's leading astrophysicists, astro-biologists; cosmologists; philosophers, theologians; church leaders; quantum physicists; poHOUR ONE - New Paradigm Insitute and Current Events in our Cosmos
  12. You can bet on a 1-2 months upturn using call options Updating prices, after yesterday's price Drop . GLD / Gold : 102.27 - 0.79 : - 0.76% (T: 113.00 +10.49%) GDX / Shs . : $13.79 - 0.48 : - 3.36% (T: $16.00 +16.03%) Nugt / 3X .. : $24.99 - 2.57 : - 9.33% (T: $37.00 +48.06%) . === : --------- : --------- : Strike : Feb. -- : Mar. -- : target : GLD : 102.27 : 113.00 : 102C: $02.43 : $03.08 : $11.00 : +257.1% GLD : --------- : --------- : 105C: $01.18 : $01.98 : $08.00 : +304.0% GLD : --------- : --------- : 108C: $00.43 : $01.15 : $05.00 : +334.8% GDX : $13.79 : $16.00 : $12C: $01.91 : $02.17 : $04.00 : + 84.3% GDX : --------- : --------- : $13C: $01.20 : $01.53 : $03.00 : + 96.1% GDX : --------- : --------- : $14C: $00.65 : $01.01 : $02.00 : + 98.0% nugt : $24.99 : $37.00 : $25C: $03.35 : $05.50 : $11.00 : +100.0% nugt : --------- : --------- : $28C: $02.57 : $04.35 : $09.00 : +131.7% nugt : --------- : --------- : $30C: $02.12 : $03.85 : $05.00 : + 29.9%
  13. There is also said to be an 8-year cycle in Gold prices >The Aden sisters: http://www.kitco.com/ind/Aden/2013-08-05-Believe-It-or-Not-Gold-s-8-Year-Cycle-Still-on-Track.html . LOWS--: mo: $-Price- : mo : High : $-Price : +%chg : L>L: %Drop : Dec. 69 : 00 : $035.17 : 63 : 02/75 : $185.25 : +427.%: 80 : -44.1% : Prev. Drop '69>76 Aug. 76 : 18 : $103.50 : 41 : 01/80 : $850.00 : +721.% 104: -66.6% : Feb. 85 : 61 : $284.25 : 34 : 12/87 : $499.75 : +75.8%: 96 : -34.6% : Feb. 93 : 62 : $327.60 : 36 : 02/96 : $408.00 : +24.5%: 96 : -21.8% : Feb. 01 : 61 : $256.25 : 84 : 03/08 : 1011.25 : +295.%: 93 : -27.9% : Nov. 08 : 08 : $729.50 : 34 : 09/11 : 1895.00 : +160.%: 85 : -44.3% : Similar ??, if $1,055 Dec. 15: 51 : 1055.45: 48? 12/19 : 4000.00 : +280.%? ======= Kitco Data : http://www.kitco.com/charts/historicalgold.html Updated (Gold cycles, are also mentioned here): Gold/Silver Nearing Cycle Low - 17 Year Cycle 17yearcycle.com/uncategorized/goldsilver-nearing-cycle-low/ Jun 27, 2015 - The 17–18 week high-high-low-low-(low) Cycle Progression – that amounts to that ~4-month cycle – pinpoints July 13–17th as the ideal time ...
  14. CYCLE Tester - Compare Current cycle, with the prior one. GLD-12mos Compare 5mos & 4mos earlier : ------current prices-----> ---- : ------------------------------ Historical 4-6mos cycle, going into year end - ready to turn up ?? ... update
  15. GOLD, PHM/Builders and the 4-6 months Cycle 10 YEARS may be Too Short... for a Long cycle Peak PHM / Pulte Group -vs. HGX, TLT... since Apr.2021: 2002: All: 10yr: 5yr: Ytd: 10d / last: $39.23, $372, $97.5 2002: All: 10yr: 5yr: Ytd: 10d / The US Cycle... we have only had about 10 yrs up from the 2011 low. Normally it is about 14 years. Could there be a last Gasp ahead === Updated - to 7/7/2016 : GLD: $ 129.74 (last low: $115 at end-May) / HK2840: $ 1,113 http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/jimolsen2/AD-no00/GLD2840-2013_zpse4dgo9nj.gif Old Charts GLD-since 2011 ... update - has been falling 51 months : with a drop of 44% (see table below in post #2) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/jimolsen2/AE-no1/GLD-2011_zpscrszugbp.gif GLD -vs -HK2840 with cycle ... from-2011 : from-2013 : from-2014 : 12-months : http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/jimolsen2/AE-no1/GLD-HK-2013B_zps8ghwdwjf.gif GLD ... from 2005 w/ pattern of January rallies; especially after DOWN years ... ... All Data : 2-yrs : 12mo-d : 10-d http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/jimolsen2/AG/GLD-all_zpsocjkch8n.gif ==== Tom McCl's website-------- :: http://www.mcoscillator.com/ Really Useful Gold thread :: http://uk.advfn.com/cmn/fbb/thread.php3?id=948390
  16. "My favorite part" - he calls this lecture SC Free U #10: UFOs and the Cosmic Perspective Published on Dec 15, 2015 December 15th, 2014: Danny gives his UFO / ET overview lecture. Explains how a cosmic perspective helps us look objectively at the actions we take here on earth. Note that all current worldviews on Danny's chart assume human beings are uniquely sentient beings in the universe. Topics include Betty and Barney Hill, Project Blue Book, SETI, Army and Navy testimony, and others. He tells the story of the Interrupted Journey (Betty and Barney Hill) into perspective
  17. Philadelphia is safer than many cities The Top 5 - Most Dangerous* Cities in America # : (M#) : 1. : (02) : Camden, NJ 2. : (04) : Chester, PA 3. : (07) : Detroit, MI 4. : (05) : Saginaw, MI 5. : (27) : Oakland, CA == DANGEROUS: "the 100 most dangerous cities in America with 25,000 or more people, based on the number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Violent crimes include murder, rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault." M# above is the rank of the city within the Top 30 Murder Rate, worst cities "in the past year Camden has seen 1,895 violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault). While these numbers are much less than Philadelphia’s next door (17,088 violent crimes), factoring in population size is what pushes Camden to the top of the list." It isn't all bad news: + "That murder rates in major U.S. cities are on the decline is popular knowledge. New York City is often held up as the example: in 1990, NYC had more than two thousand homicides, by 2014 that number was down to just over 300. It’s a common trend of many cities, including Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Dallas, among others." > http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/top-lists/highest-murder-rate-cities/ + "U.S. crime rates peaked in the 90’s, at a time when most analysts expected the rate to keep climbing at a steady rate, rendering our biggest cities nearly unlivable. However, crime rates began to fall mid-decade — the reasons for which are still hotly debated today. Was it a rise in abortions of unwanted children 20 years earlier, as suggested by some research, increasing incarceration rates, or police reform? Some even suggest that video games and the internet factor in — increasingly popular forms of entertainment that keep kids from playing outside and possibly getting into trouble" > http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods/crime-rates/top100safest/ Here are the Top 100 most dangerous places: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods/crime-rates/top100dangerous/ Philadelphia (at #54) comes behind: #9 : Wilmington, DE 18 : Baltimore, MD 29 : Washington, DC (These are in the Northeast Corridor, where the fast trains will travel) There are surprises on the Top 100 Danger list: What is equally interesting is which cities did not make the list: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York are all absent, despite being the centers for some of the largest urban areas in the nation. But look who did make the list: Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee and Buffalo. These are cities in America’s heartland and Great Lakes regions. This isn’t to say that the cities you’d expect aren’t here: besides Detroit at 3, St. Louis is 14, Cleveland 16, Baltimore 18, and Washington DC comes in at 29. Miami is all the way at 46, Philadelphia ranks 54th most dangerous, and Houston is at 68. == > source: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/top-lists/highest-murder-rate-cities/
  18. One Central comment - some room for improvement (Here's a Note from a friend who lives in Makati already): Recently I spent more time in One Central than planned due to the big typhoon we had in the province. So far I am really not impressed with the management of One Central. The building is new but I can already see some areas not well maintained in several parts of the building. I hope it will improve or the building won't age well. I asked the brand and color codes used inside the units to many employees from maintenance engineers to managers but they do not know. Maybe later... which is the polite way to say never in Philippines. Old Price List - from Aug. 2013 : source : example: 1BR: P.7.62mn / 46.5 = P 163.9K psm (before any discounts?) I asked how to set an autopay to pay the monthly dues and it's just impossible. Monthly dues should be paid monthly by cash or cheque and even paying them in advance seems to be a problem. I also asked the management what happened to the "Forest Park" which was one of the highlights of the One Central project. Today this area is unfinished and looks bad (I pity the guys who bought the units just over it) They replied that they had problems with the fountains and so they just stopped that part. Maybe they will convert it into an ordinary garden in the future... or not. There is no plan at this stage. ... when buying pre-selling it's important to keep in mind that the project plan is just a plan which can be changed anytime at the developer's convenience. Buyers are not protected by law like in other countries. The good part in our experience with One Central is the way the units are designed and the quality of appliances and finishing inside the units. I'm happy with that part.
  19. One Central comment - some room for improvement (Here's a Note from a friend who lives in Makati already): Recently I spent more time in One Central than planned due to the big typhoon we had in the province. So far I am really not impressed with the management of One Central. The building is new but I can already see some areas not well maintained in several parts of the building. I hope it will improve or the building won't age well. I asked the brand and color codes used inside the units to many employees from maintenance engineers to managers but they do not know. Maybe later... which is the polite way to say never in Philippines. Old Price List - from Aug. 2013 : source : example: 1BR: P.7.62mn / 46.5 = P 163.9K psm (before any discounts?) I asked how to set an autopay to pay the monthly dues and it's just impossible. Monthly dues should be paid monthly by cash or cheque and even paying them in advance seems to be a problem. I also asked the management what happened to the "Forest Park" which was one of the highlights of the One Central project. Today this area is unfinished and looks bad (I pity the guys who bought the units just over it) They replied that they had problems with the fountains and so they just stopped that part. Maybe they will convert it into an ordinary garden in the future... or not. There is no plan at this stage. ... when buying pre-selling it's important to keep in mind that the project plan is just a plan which can be changed anytime at the developer's convenience. Buyers are not protected by law like in other countries. The good part in our experience with One Central is the way the units are designed and the quality of appliances and finishing inside the units. I'm happy with that part.
  20. Record Oil Output From Russia Despite Low Prices Here's one for the "this was not supposed to happen, and nobody saw it coming" book. Bloomberg reports on the Siberian Surprise: Russian Oil Patch Just Keeps Pumping. In the fight for market share among the world’s oil producers this year, Russia wasn’t supposed to be a contender. Relatively high taxes on oil have actually sheltered the industry from much of the impact of the drop in prices. The government takes nearly on crude exports everything above $30-$40 a barrel, so companies don’t feel much impact until prices fall below that. For the conspiracy-minded, if it takes $30 for Russia to feel pain over oil, we will soon see it. Meanwhile, back in the US, oil production is strong despite total rig counts dropping from 1875 to 709 in the last year. That's a decline of 1166 rigs. In percentage terms it's a 62% drop. Of the 709 total rigs, 541 are oil rigs. Gas rigs count 168. For the week, oil rigs rose by 17 while gas rigs fell by 7 Read: Russia Sees No Oil Price Recovery for 7 Years
  21. Russia Gold “Buying Spree” Continues – Buy 22 Tons In November Posted on December 23, 2015 by Mark O'Byrne — 1 Comment ↓ – Russia adds another 700,000 ounces (22 tonnes) to gold reserves in November - Russian ally Kazakhstan increased gold reserves for 38th month to 7 million ounces - Russia has added 197.1 tonnes in 2015 – Compared with 172 tonnes in all 2014 - November gold buying is Russia’s ninth straight month of increase - Russia now has sixth largest gold reserves in the world - Central bank buys all Russian gold production - Other Russian gold demand imported - Russia views gold bullion as “100% guarantee from legal and political risks” Russia continues to add to its gold reserves and added another 700,000 ounces in November or another 22 metric tonnes, and analysts believe this buying will continue and may intensify in the coming months. Russian ally Kazakhstan increased its gold reserves for a 38th month to 7.03 million ounces in November from 6.96 million ounces a month earlier. The latest large increase in Russia’s gold reserves – a “buying spree” as reported on Reuters Africa has again gone largely unnoticed by most analysts. Indeed, the important monetary and geopolitical ramifications continue to be largely ignored in western media. Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/#SJO6K2wOvdlo5DLs.99
  22. New Houses in West Philly, to fill in "missing teeth" ? A three-story building proposed for vacant lot at 5023 Hazel Ave; zoning meeting Thursday Posted on 16 December 2015 : Buyer's Broker: Long&Foster... Lot Dimensions: 20x110 A zoning meeting for a potentially highly-valuable piece of property on the 5000 block of Hazel Avenue is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 17. Residents are invited to hear the proposal to build a three-story single-family home on a vacant lot at 5023 Hazel Avenue, between two other three-story homes. The meeting is organized by Garden Court Community Association’s Zoning Committee and will be held at Ahimsa House, 5007 Cedar Ave., starting at 7:30 p.m. Everyone who has questions or concerns about this proposal is welcome to attend the meeting. The 2,200 square foot lot was purchased for $60,000 in July 2015 by Elkins Park based company HSSK LLC, which is planning to build a semi-detached structure with a roof deck and a pilot house for access to the roof deck, according to the information posted on the City’s Office of Licences and Inspections website. The cleaning of the lot ahead of the construction has already begun (pictured). Across the street, there is... 5024 Hazel Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19143 6 beds 4 baths 2,544 sqft For Sale : $275,000 Price cut: -$4,000 (12/11) Zestimate®: $290,551 Huge Charming Victorian House in a Great location of university city only minutes from Penn, Drexel, university of the sciences and with a very easy access to center city and western suburbs. Houses a block away are being sold in the Mid 400k. This is an opportunity to buy a large House in a rapidly improving area of university city / cedar park and in one of the most appreciating areas of the city. This Beautiful Victorian boost new flooring throughout the house, 6 large bedrooms, 2 Tiled…
  23. BRACING for changes (and rent rises) in West Philly Philadelphia Apartment Market Expands Philadelphia has an apartment shortage—and big developers are starting ... housing in a market where apartment construction still lags behind ... Apartment market looks strongDespite an October hiccup in multifamily-housing construction starts, ... in a dependable Philadelphia market" is how real estate investment ..... Philadelphia has an apartment shortage—and big developers are starting to fill the void. Houston-based property giant Hines is teaming up with Goldenberg Group, a Philadelphia developer on a 322-apartment tower planned ar 1213 Walnut St in the hip Midtown Village section of Philadelphia's Center City neighborhood . . . In Philadelphia, construction, renovation, and acquisition of multifamily rental units continues. Eli Rosen, senior vice president of Gebroe-Hammer Associates, recently was involved in arranging more than $60 million in sales encompassing more than 350 units throughout the city's central and western neighborhoods. These included Garden Court Plaza*, a 146-unit, 13-story 1920s-era building at 47th and Pine Streets, and Roosevelt Apartments at 2216-2222 Walnut St. "Investor appetite has been insatiable, and the tenant base of young professionals continues to absorb new product metro-wide at a historic pace," Rosen said. Post Brothers paid "part of a" $250 million budget, a hefty and impossible $1.73 million per apartment for Garden Court Plaza, as neighborhood residents "are bracing for big changes". - so they must have more big buys in mind. That purchase wais "as part of Post Brothers $250 million University City acquisition strategy" - with the actual figure for GCP undisclosed A founder of Post Brothers told the Philadelphia Business Journal that there is a shortage of housing geared toward “young professionals” in the area, which he compared to Cambridge, Mass., and that the firm’s strategy is to “upgrade and reposition” properties. Post Brothers will do substantial renovations to Garden Court Plaza’s interior and exterior and add upscale amenities, according to a press release. Some current residents who have contacted West Philly Local and asked not be named say they are bracing for big changes, including a substantial rent increase. They said that the new management company has begun asking for tax and pet vaccination information from residents. > more: http://www.westphillylocal.com/2015/10/27/residents-concerned-as-garden-court-plaza-sold-to-developer-with-big-plans/ Matt Pestronk did something at last night’s annual Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) member meeting that property developers rarely do anymore in the neighborhood. He voluntarily showed up and answered questions from residents about the reasons his company, Post Brothers, plans to spend some $250 million on apartment buildings, including the newly purchased Garden Court Plaza building at 47th and Pine. Pestronk, who owns the company with his brother Michael, took questions ranging from whether they would allow pets in their buildings (an emphatic “yes” on that one) to whether Post Brothers would convert any rental units into condos and put them up for sale (probably not). The company has acquired several buildings in recent years including: 4311 Spruce Street; The Netherlands at 4300 Chestnut; Chester Plaza at Farragut and Chester; Chester Hall at 4205 Chester; Hamiltion Court at 3800 Chestnut; and Garden Court Plaza. Altogether, they have accrued about 550 units. . . . Pestronk said he is interested in what residents want in retail. While this is great news for many, some existing businesses may not fit in. At Garden Court Plaza, for example, Pestronk said that the Take the Lead dance studio occupies the most valuable retail spot (on the northwest corner of 47th and Pine) but may not be the best business for that spot. : : Take The Lead Dance Studio is at 4701 Pine St, in the Garden Court Plaza apartment bldg Post Brothers will be renovating several of the buildings in coming years, but Pestronk added that they will not necessarily target young students. “A lot of what we bought is oriented toward students and one thing we noticed is that there could be a ‘gentler’ use for our apartments,” he said > more: http://www.westphillylocal.com/2015/11/11/u-city-apartment-barons-talk-to-spruce-hill-residents-about-renovations-retail/ Post Brothers Betting Big on University City; Plans Garden Court RevampThe historic Garden Court Plaza apartment building will get a full-gut rehab, as the developer plans to invest $250 million in UCity.. . "Post Brothers will recreate the building’s “green roof” atop its 260-car parking garage, effectively creating a private park complete with dog runs and lounge areas," says the press release. Post will restore other historic features of the building, including the dual-panel front door system previously used as pick-up/drop-off points for dry cleaning. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/property/2015/10/22/post-brothers-betting-big-on-university-city-plans-garden-court-revamp/#Xrm6K5E33kiTxzTd.99
  24. Real Estate market articles Philadelphia Apartment Market Expands Wall Street Journal-Dec 15, 2015 Philadelphia has an apartment shortage—and big developers are starting ... housing in a market where apartment construction still lags behind ... Apartment market looks strong Philly.com-Dec 20, 2015 Despite an October hiccup in multifamily-housing construction starts, ... in a dependable Philadelphia market" is how real estate investment ... Prices flat, but total sales surge in Philly-area housing market PhillyVoice.com-Nov 30, 2015 Home prices in the greater Philadelphia region may have stayed flat this summer, but the total number of sales increased, showing that the ... SUMMARY: Philadelphia has an apartment shortage—and big developers are starting to fill the void. Houston-based property giant Hines is teaming up with Goldenberg Group, a Philadelphia developer on a 322-apartment tower planned ar 1213 Walnut St in the hip Midtown Village section of Philadelphia's Center City neighborhood 1213 Walnut St - Two different renderings? Completion expected in 2017, a $125 mn project ... more . . . In Philadelphia, construction, renovation, and acquisition of multifamily rental units continues. Eli Rosen, senior vice president of Gebroe-Hammer Associates, recently was involved in arranging more than $60 million in sales encompassing more than 350 units throughout the city's central and western neighborhoods. These included Garden Court Plaza*, a 146-unit, 13-story 1920s-era building at 47th and Pine Streets, and Roosevelt Apartments at 2216-2222 Walnut St. *(Post Brothers paid $250 million, a hefty $1.73 million per apartment, as neighborhood residents "are bracing for big changes", like rental increases) In 2015 thus far, Rosen and managing director Joseph Brecher brokered sales totaling $128 million and 1,250 units. "Investor appetite has been insatiable, and the tenant base of young professionals continues to absorb new product metro-wide at a historic pace," Rosen said. Investor activity "ignites in a dependable Philadelphia market" is how real estate investment services firm Marcus & Millichap put it. What makes this market so dependable? "Healthy economic indicators are driving growth in the Philadelphia economy," said Marcus & Millichap's fourth-quarter outlook. The local unemployment rate has reached its lowest level since the recession, the firm's report said, pushed down by corporate expansion. The Philadelphia workforce will grow 1.2 percent in 2015, or by 35,000 new positions, it added. Last year, this region added 45,400 jobs to the market, led by gains in the education and health-services sector, Marcus & Millichap noted, and the growth encouraged developers to accelerate the pace of construction, with builders concentrating on the high-rent Center City market. . . . Developers focused attention on Center City, where the average rent is more than $700 above the region's average, Marcus & Millichap said. One-third of all annual completions came to market there. Philadelphia builders have more than 7,100 rentals currently under construction, 1,300 of which are scheduled for delivery in the fourth quarter. The average effective rent climbed 2.9 percent year over year, to $1,189 a month, in the third quarter, Marcus & Millichap said. Center City residents pay $2,070 a month, on average, nearly 55 percent more than the next most expensive submarket. . . Analyzing the real estate market in Philadelphia and 10 surrounding counties for Quarter 3 of 2015, Gillen found that home values in the region increased by a "statistically negligible" 0.3 percent. In comparison, the quarter before home prices had increased by 5.8 percent. However, the volume of total home sales was at its highest level since 2008. There were 20,351 sales in the region over the summer, of which 4,655 were in Philadelphia. Compare that to 18,335 in sales a year earlier. In fact, Gillen thinks that the fact that average home prices aren't going up "should be taken as positive news, as the housing recovery has become more equitable and widespread." In other words, there were more sales in lower-priced neighborhoods. That trend brings down average house prices, but it means that recovery isn't limited to elite, expensive enclaves. "The fact that sales surged but prices remained flat in Q3 is attributable to a broadening of the housing market’s recovery that is now including more lower-priced segments of the market and more purchases by modest-income homebuyers," wrote Gillen. . . . House prices in the city continued to grow faster than the suburbs, bucking a trend that had persisted since the '80s. Philadelphia's housing index lagged behind the surrounding region from 1986 to 2014, but since then, the city has been beating the 'burbs when it comes to price appreciation. Overall, prices in the region have gained back a little less than half of the value they lost since the peak of the housing bubble. Prices plummeted 23 percent when the bubble burst, but the region has gotten around 10 of those percentage points back.
  25. London has a major property bubble problem, a report says CNNMoney-Oct 30, 2015 "Average real dwelling prices have soared by almost 40% since the beginning of 2013, more than offsetting all losses triggered by the financial crisis," the report said. UBS said London now faces the risk of a "substantial" price correction. The average house price in London reached £499,997 ($766,053) in September, the U.K. government said earlier this week. London's booming house prices are making home ownership difficult or even impossible for many average Londoners. Median annual salary in the British capital was just over £34,000 ($52,106) last year, official data show. And while house prices keep rising, real wages fell by 7% since 2007. "It takes a skilled service-sector worker approximately 14 years of average earnings to be able to buy a 60 square meter (645 square foot) dwelling," the UBS said. That compares to 11 years in New York and 13 years in Paris, the report said.
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