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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Yes. That seems very logical to me. The 2-year "winner's curse" period began about one year ago, I suppose. It need not last the full two years, and could stretch a bit longer too
  2. ADB says Phl growth to stay above 6% Philippine Star2015-03-25 MANILA, Philippines - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has maintained a cautious growth outlook for the Philippines at 6.4 percent this year and 6.3 percent in 2016. ADB country director for the Philippines Richard Bolt said the 2016 outlook is slightly lower than this year due to external uncertainties such as the economies of Japan and the US. “The 2016 outlook reflects investors’ cautiousness amid uncertainties due to the elections,” Bolt said in a press briefing yesterday. Business and investments generally take a wait-and-see attitude towards national elections. Philippine gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 6.1 percent in 2014, marking several consecutive years of over six percent growth. The ADB official said that inflation is forecast at a lower 2.8 percent this year, before rising to 3.3 percent in 2016. Bolt said most of the positive drivers of growth last year would remain major factors this year. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 “Factors that powered private consumption in 2014, such as growth in employment, modest inflation, and higher inflow of remittance, are expected to support solid growth this year,” he added. Growth is projected to accelerate this year on buoyant private consumption, a solid outlook for investment and exports, and recovery in government pending. However, the ADB said the Philippines need to stimulate investment an generate more and better jobs. . . . The Philippines is one of the weakest in drawing foreign direct investment (FDI) among Asean nations. As a percentage of GDP, the Philippines reflected FDIs reaching just a little over two percent last year from over one percent average between 2009 and 2013. FDI inflows to Thailand and Malaysia accounts for a little over three percent of GDP each, while Indonesia boosts of FDI inflows of 2.5 percent of GDP.
  3. Ayala Land and some of the other developers have bonds outstanding: http://www.pds.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Listed-Securities_06-April-2015.pdf Ayala Land,Inc. lists PhP 8 billion ALI Fixed Rate Bonds due 2025 on PDEx Posted on: April 28, 2014 Makati, Philippines, 25 April 2014, Friday – Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI) listed PhP 8 billion ALI Fixed Rate Bonds due 2025 in the Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corp., its fifth time since the public market opened in 2008. This brings ALI’s total bonds listed on PDEx to PhP 44 Billion, making it the Issuer with the largest outstanding listed amount on PDEx. The PDEx organized market also welcomed ALI’s new President and CEO Bernard Vincent Dy who remarked, “We thank everyone who made this issue a success. Moving forward, we will raise the balance of our debt capital market program for the year and look forward to everyone’s continuing support. Mr. Dy also said that “Ayala Land subsidiary Cebu Holdings is looking to raise PhP 5.0 billion from the bond market next month.” An Ayala Land listing is one of the market events that the Market Participants and Investors eagerly anticipate because aside from being the Philippines’ leading real estate developer and a strong partner in nation-building, ALI always provides a ground-breaking investment option. One is the very first 20-Year Corporate Bond issued in 2013 which is still the longest-tenor corporate bond listed in the organized market. Investor interest in ALI is supported not only by its exceptional contribution to the development of the Philippine capital market but also by its financial performance; Ayala Land’s profit increased 29% to PhP 14.305 billion last year from PhP 11.076 billion in 2012, while net income attributable to controlling shareholders rose 30% to a record PhP 11.74 billion from PhP 9.04 billion. Revenues also increased 36% year on year to PhP 81.52 billion. == > http://www.pds.com.ph/index.html%3Fp=7473.html News: > http://www.pds.com.ph/index.html%3Fpage_id=1118.html Examples: Ayala Corporation Fixed Rate Putable Bonds Due 2017 AC 17 P15 / Corporate : 10.00 bn / Coupon 7.20% Listed : Apr 30, 2010 / Due - : Apr 30, 2017 Mkt Makers : RCBC, SCML, BPIC == Fixed Rate Bonds Due 2019 AC 19 R16 / Corporate : 10.00 bn / Coupon 5.45% Listed : Nov 23, 2012 / Due - : Nov 23, 2019 Mkt Makers : BDOM, FMIC == Fixed Rate Bonds Due 2019 ALI 19 R17 / Corporate : 9.35 bn / Coupon 5.625% Listed : Apr 27, 2012 / Due - : Apr 27, 2019 Mkt Makers : BDOM, BPIC, FMIC, HBPH, RCBC == Phil. bond market: http://asianbondsonline.adb.org/philippines.php
  4. I thought this might be a good time to change my Avatar. To this "Golden Indian head" image: I had the old one for many months, and wanted to "freshen" it. Also, I learned something interesting on my recent trip to the USA. One of my cousins, who I had not seen for years has researched our family's genealogy. His research revealed a "family secret". It seems that my great grandfather, whom I had met when young since he lived into his 90's, had a secret. His mother was a native America, If true, this might give me 1/16th ancestry as a native American. It was once a controversial thing to admit, but in this day and age, it might be something to be proud of. Why not? Still, I cannot say if it is definitely true - but it is an interesting possibility.
  5. FF is now trading ! First Mining Finance (FF.v) ... 10-days : C$0.46
  6. http://www.activistpost.com/2015/04/a-global-financial-reset-is-coming-deal.html#more A Global Financial Reset Is Coming: ‘A Deal Is Being Made Between All The Central Banks’ Global Reset Coming! - Keith Neumeyer Interview ( a very misleading title ! ) Published on 4 Apr 2015 Funnily enough, I think I may have been waiting to talk to Keith when he did this interview. He was at the M&M conference and I waited a long time, and we never got a chance to meet. So this interview is of greater interest to me.
  7. Hang Seng: Breakout ! : 27,575.67 : +5.10% Change: +1,338.81 Open: 26,913.28 High: 27,922.67 Low: 26,844.53 / ... update: 2-years : 10-days Percent Change: Why the big gain? It's the "Thru-Train" ! Or as The Standard put it: "Money train arrives with a bang", pg.2 Yesterday: the HSI closed up nearly 1,000 pts., or 3.8% Turnover beat the 2007 record of HK$209.8bn, hitting HK$252.4bn "The Shanghaiese are showing signs of hopping aboard the through train scheme." The disparity in price between mainland stocks and those in HK is still wide." Compare: HK-HSI vs. CN:ShComp : 3-yrs : 1-yr : 10d
  8. Rally done maybe? / WTI : $50.98 - $2.27 Oil Slides on ballooning US stockpiles - FT, pg.20 Record production levels in Saudi Arabia lead to downwards price pressure 10.9mn : increase in US crude stocks, way above 3.4mn bbl. expectation 10.3mn : Bbls per day production from Saudi Arabia in March, a record The biggest gain in 14 years ! A rise in US imports of 869,000 bbls per day. Stocks in the key Cushing OK delivery hub were up by 1.232mn bbls Why? Better refining margins prompted crude buying by Europeans SA raised output to prepare for summer, when energy demand (A/C) is high Saudis may be taking advantage of low costs to do more drilling Current projections are that they may stay near 10mn bpd
  9. A more subdued Dr Miller, talking with Vincent Finelli about global flu, etc They also discuss the coming "Get Prepared Expo" Dr.RAM Videos from the Guido Fox channel TOP 8: Apr.5, 2015 /vs. End of 2014 : Chg.Mins. (Sept.2014) : RANKED BY MINUTES listened ===== #1 : 4,551 = 87,388 / 3,813 = 73,776, +13,612 (#3: 2,467): Water and Magik, Mike Harris, 15-Dec-13 / #2 : 4,745 = 82,960 / 4,111 = 72,069, +10,891 (#2: 3,014): R#2: Web is Conscious, Mexico, 12-Mar-14 / #3 : 4,497 = 81,010 / 3,793 = 68,435, +12,575 (#1: 3,048): Law of Threes, Mike Harris, 14-Dec-13 / #4 : 3,107 = 75,379 / 1,971 = 49,575, +25,804 (new: N/A ): R#5: Power Tools, 15-Nov-14 / #5 : 2,822 = 64,684 / 2,260 = 54,233, +10,451 (#6: 1,026): R#4: Changing the Movie, from Endless War, 6-Jun-14 / #6 : 3,333 = 39,204 / 2,739 = 32,967, +06,765 (#4: 2,168): R#1: Food for Mars / Holographic Univ., 2-Feb-14 / #7 : 1,576 = 27,700 / 1,352 = 24,343, +03,357 (#5: 1,076): R#3: Living in the Flow, Connecting Dots, 3-Mar-14 / #8 : 2,293 = 06,789 / 2,160 = 06,459, +00,330 (new: N/A ): Popping Acid with Timothy Leary, 15-Nov-14 / == T= 26,924: 465,114 /22,199: 381,857, +83,785 mins (Q4: + 9,400 views) : ave.Time: 17.27 mins (17.20)
  10. 1/ Outpriced, Hong Kong Home Buyers Look Abroad HONG KONG— In Hong Kong, one of the world’s most expensive property markets, housing prices have doubled since 2009. Chris Parker, who has lived here for seven years says housing costs are a cause for worry. “This is where I want to be now. I certainly don’t want to go back to the UK," he said. "So I don’t see me ever leaving Hong Kong per se, but I do feel that there will come a point where I am struggling to find a place to live either here or in some other place. I might have to make a change in location.” Last year, home prices surged a record 13 percent. A 100 square-meter apartment in the center of town has an average cost of $2.3 million. Earlier this year, the government took measures to cool the market for fear that an influx of mainland Chinese buyers may be inflating prices - creating a bubble. More http://www.voanews.com/content/outpriced-hong-kong-home-buyers-look-abroad/2704144.html 2/ Hong Kong Real Estate: Is The Lack Of Land A Myth? Ronnie Chan, the chairman of Hung Lung Group, compared himself to Brad Pitt during a real estate conference in Hong Kong in December. “I am a man. Brad Pitt is a man. We aren’t exactly fungible assets. In the case of commercial real estate, I am Brad Pitt,” he declared. Chan was making a point that China is building far too many shopping malls, some of which are so big that a shopper will require more than a day to walk an entire complex. A veteran property developer and a billionaire, Chan welcomes a consolidation in the real estate sector in China. “In this business for one winner, there are 10 to 15 losers.” “Bankruptcy is a healthy thing. It is part of a process of concentrating the industry in a few hands and why not?” he asked. More http://www.forbes.com/sites/beelinang/2015/04/03/hong-kong-real-estate-is-the-lack-of-land-a-myth/ Ronnie Chan is not Brad Pitt. He's richer... though with a different presence As the article makes clear, some policy changes are inevitable: While rising property prices have enriched developers, many lower income families are struggling to own their own homes. According to government data, only about half of Hong Kong people own their own homes, compared with nearly 90% in Singapore, 67% in Australia and 85% in Taiwan. . . . However, John Wright, a barrister and chairman of Friends of Sai Kung, says that the shortage of land is a myth. “The land bank that private developers are sitting on and the land bank that the government is sitting on in urban areas showed that there is no shortage of land for public housing,” says Wright. “There are over 200 hectares of land available for building in the urban areas. The shortage of housing is real but that is because of deliberate manipulation of the market by the government.” Up to 40% of Hong Kong is made up of country parks and only 24% of the territory is built up. Agriculture land accounts for 6% of Hong Kong and the remaining is undeveloped up land, which includes smaller islands, village housing, steep slopes, open storage facilities and vacant government sites. Leung has attempted to seek land in the New Territories but has to confront the powerful Heung Yee Kuk organisation, which represents the indigenous communities. “Developing new towns on brown field sites in the territory always leads to compensation issues; dealing with people with vested interest in the land,” says Paul Zimmerman, a district councillor for Pokfulam. “There will always be social and political problems and no matter how fast you want to push it, you will still have to resolve these issues and they will slow you down.” . . . “The small house policy has been abused by indigenous villagers for many years,” says Liber. “The government began a review of the policy in 1995, but we have not heard of any progress. This is probably the longest review of a single policy the Hong Kong government has ever done.” “No matter how reluctant the villagers are on any changes, changes are inevitable,” Liber added. “First is the inherent unsustainability of the policy: the population of indigenous people is infinite by theory, but the land is finite.” . . . “Increasing land supply while prices are high, and vice versa won’t work because property developers will hold onto their existing stocks to maximize profits, and this drives up prices,” added Liber. Leung had touted the possibility of imposing a vacancy tax on unsold new homes to stop hoarding by developers. However, the measure was never introduced. “The government should be studying the implications and feasibility of implementing vacant property tax,” stressed Liber.
  11. My friends from Alveo, Ayalaland's subsidiary will be in Hong Kong at the end of the week, in case anyone wants to meet them. Send me a PM, if interested ALVEO : latest construction reports LERATO : Tower-1 : 99% : light fixtures, Lvl. 18 Tower-2 : 79% : windows, Lvl. 23, Tiles, Lvl. 14 Tower-3 : 14% : structual work, Lvl.7 KROMA : Building : 49% : structual work, Lvl.7, electrical, L.6 SOLSTICE : Tower-1 : 23% : upper Ground: beams, frames
  12. Top of Page Charts: Gold / USD / china gold // Russell / Copper / china silver : : : : : : ============================================== GLD / Gold etf, 3 months ... update No signs of a takeoff towards Polny's $2,000 yet. May is supposed to be a big month for Gold, and bad time for the US$ The fact that Greece has some big payments due in April-June may have some bearing on timing.
  13. Good ET's material (from the Fringe section of GEI : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19823&page=4 ) ...is now overlapping with that of Dr.RAM: : : "Lightbulb" : "the SSP / Secret Earth Govts are barely holding together" In all of the shuffle I wan't to make sure that the main message is not lost on anyone. Focus on the message and changing the world "One Person At A Time... Even If That One Person Is Yourself!" Daily Focus on becoming a more "Service To Others" Person (In any small way you can), Focus on becoming more "Loving" and "Forgiving"... Focus on opening your mind (Keeping your discernment firmly in place) and "Raising Your Vibration and Consciousness" through what ever means and belief systems you practice (Prayer or Meditation). Treat your bodies like temples and try to move to a higher vibrational diet. These changes will not ultimately occur through War and Violence from what is being communicated to me and now strongly IMHO... = unquote, from Good-ET = > source: Post#755: http://jandeane81.com/threads/5178-Secret-Space-Program-ET-Federation-Delegation-amp-MILAB-quot-Experiencer-quot-GoodETxSG-quot-Q-amp-A-quot/page51 Truly, I wish that more people had taken the time to listen to this interview with Dr Richard Alan Miller: Dr RAM#4: Changing The Movie : Away from Endless War I think it hits some of the same important points as Good-ET touched on above. But maybe "changing the movie", as Dr RAM calls the needed change - might express what is happening more clearly for some readers
  14. A creative solution to the wealth drain into the Top 1% A fiscal fix to the peculiarly flawed property market - John Muellbauer, pg.7 "no other advanced country has such an unfair property tax." What he is talking about is the Council band system, where taxes are based on outdated valuiations, rather than current values which can be easily obtained from websites like Rightmove. The result of using this old system is that : + A home in Band H pays only 30% of the tax of a home in Band A (the lowest valuation), and + A home in a GBP 2.4 mn home pays only pays only 7.5% as much as a home in Band A (worth GBP 60k) An important reason this is done is that there are many (mostly older?) people who are asset rich, and cash poor - and so would have trouble finding the cash to pay the tax. Mr Muellbauer suggests that the tax could be paid as a share of equity: "Suppose the the tax rate was 1%. For those choosing tax deferral, the govt would register a 1% per cent gross equity stake, to be paid out at the next transfer of ownership." This new system would encourage downsizing, and: "There would be many economic benefits, not the least productivity gains from the better use of housing stock."
  15. JAZZ Rental levels: ===== We had a relaxing stay at a friend's one-bedroom unit in Tower A for one week, and didn't experience any issues, thankfully. The only negative was that the windows faced the cemetery, so we couldn't look out of them much. == 1 BR for rent / Apr.4th Hi all, i am renting out my 1 bedroom fully furnished unit at Tower C with huge balcony facing the Makati City skyline and the amenities. Agents/Brokers and Tenants are welcome. Kindly PM me or call/text me at: (phone no.) for inquiry. Thanks == It is quite a mix in terms of rent-ability. We have rented out a total of 17 units already in Jazz. Three (3) of these are unfurnished with price range between 13,000 (Studio 16.25sqm) to 17,000 (1 Bedroom 23.47sqm). Fully furnished units which have prices between 17,000 to 20,000/month are faster to rent out. Anything more than 20,000 is quite a challenge because of other buildings in the area. For those interested with listing with our company, send us a private message or follow us on Facebook: Golden Compass Realty == > http://www.skyscrape...343265&page=186 SUMMARY : Ave. Unfurnished : 800, 724 : 762 per Sqm Ave. Furnished-- : 1046, 852 : 949 per Sqm
  16. Why did Detroit emerge as a center for Autos? Well, Henry Ford had his bicycle shop there, and that's where he created the Model-T The city also has a decent Port, with an outlet into the Great Lakes. Around the Great Lakes are iron ore deposits, so moving the raw materials from the Mines to the Steel factor was easy by ship. Later, rail connections were put in place, and those still mostly exists. Cars both made and destroyed Detroit. The city made a decision to discontinue its troll lines, and pull up some of the commuter rail lines. For some years, people raced down specially built highways to get to the city center from the suburbs. But those same highways, cut the city into shreds, and destroyed some neighborhoods and cut others off. When white flight came in the 1960's, the poorer blacks were left in the City, with whites fleeing to "the Lily White" suburbs. That was still functionally alright until, the jobs began to be shed, and so the City became an unsustainable mess of poor people, led by some politicians only interested in exploiting their positions for financial gain - An honest black mayor, Dave Bing, came too late to save the city. Now it has shrunk down to a level where there is much cheap infrastructure and old buildings that can be acquired below replacement value. If companies and jobs can be brought back in, the city has a chance. But it will not be easy, since much of the housing stock is abandoned and deteriorating. Compare Detroit, with and approx. 20% Housing Vacancy Rate: With Philadelphia, where the vacancy rate is under 5% Perhaps a smaller Detroit, with fewer poor people to feed, may rediscover its roots as a creative and inventive place. (Today, I was speaking to my nephew who was educated at University of Detroit as an architect. He now works for the largest architectural firm in the world, which is based in California. He has become optimistic about Detroit's future. Its cheapness is an advantage. And he sees it as a sort of "blank canvas" where people will experiment.)
  17. IS DETROIT RECOVERING ? It may be possible. There have been some changes: + Detroit has gone through bankruptcy + There's a new mayor, Mike Duggan + Deals are being done, bring jobs to the city... here's one: (from today's Detroit Free Press): ONE TALL ADDITION TO GILBERT EMPIRE Deal for One Detroit Center is major coup for Gilbert, Duggan /watch?v=2awUWDYN-pQ The purchase price for One Detroit Center was well above $100 million Ally Financial to move 1,300 into Tower Businessman Dan Gilbert said Tuesday he bought the One Detroit Center skyscraper downtown and snagged Ally Financial as a key tenant, a blockbuster deal that expands his downtown Detroit empire. (*Gilbert now has 45 downtown properties.) Ally plans to move in next spring and will chip in $50 million to help upgrade the 13 floors than it plans to occupy.
  18. Opposite ends of the Currency spectrum: the USD and the Russian Ruble (That's what BP spoke of, and he wondered out loud: Will theses currencies switch places?): Polny expects a Big drop in the USD in May The USD in Rubles ... update Gold-in-EUR - Low was made Nov. 2014, and actually before that at the end of 2013 Gold-in-USD - Low was made mid-March DXY / US Dollar etf ... update (Notice that an important TURN seems to be in place from mid-March)
  19. I met Bo Polny at the this week's M&M Conference this week in Hong Kong And I make these observations: + He did make his TURN call in early March in Singapore, one day before Gold rally began (I spoke to someone I have known for years who attended his presentation) + He backs up is arguments with Cycles, and technical arguments using charts* + He is aware of fundamentals, and can fit them to his cycles, but fundamental analysis is NOT his starting point + He has been bullish before - as in this interview last year with Don Herrold: ===== ===== As I posted on the Silver thread on 19 September 2014 - 02:55 PM Not many fresh ideas there - this one is more interesting Bo Polny: Gold Will Be The "Greatest Trade in History" = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsXtGBR8Zm4 = "$2,000 for Gold is the most likely case, BEFORE the end of the Year" (he said that in Sept. 2014) ===== ===== I asked him about this call, and his response was (I paraphrase): "The cycles are never wrong - my work was wrong - I had ignored the importance of the 7-year cycle" (which now seems to be ruling these markets) + He agreed with my comment that the 7-year cycle fits well with Rabbi Cahn's 7-year Shemitah cycle. He thinks the Sept. 13, 2015 date (a Sunday!) will kick off the worst part of the crash, and the ultimate low will come sometime in 2016 + He speaks about his cycles in 1:1 conversations with great passion, and there are some biblical and religious overtones of his views and how he names his cycles. (I believe I heard him say he expects a Phoenix rebirth in about 2018, and a new currency to be introduced in 2020 (or so) Once my travels are complete, I shall try to arrange an interview, so we can go into more detail
  20. Want Proof (of a low) ? To those technicians or analysis forecasting a new low in Gold, say under $1000 USD or even $750 USD; these price targets will be very difficult to near impossible to achieve now that the triangle/ wedge has broken out to the UPSIDE across virtually all world currencies. Stated a different way, all world currencies as referenced in the charts below would have to rise significantly in value to take down Gold… For currencies, it is a race to the bottom; not the top! What happens with a breakout to the UPSIDE out a Triangle/Wedge? Have a look at Gold, priced in Russian rubles chart below: > http://www.silverdoctors.com/bo-polny-a-new-gold-bull-market-hidden-in-plain-sight/
  21. It's the SHORT COMMUTE - which will help Makati to absorb 2015's Big Jump in Supply (This comment about "No More Commuting!" is a good example): View from Building C, 11th floor, overlooking the amenity area. A Poster on SSC's Jazz thread: "Hello, neighbors! I had my acceptance yesterday for my unit Tower D (at Jazz). As I've said, I already had my initial viewing and inspection last December and my unit had no problems so yesterday's re-inspection was a breeze. I was escorted to the Admin Office at the second floor to sign some various forms. I waited for my name to be called by the cashier. The fees to be paid are: working capital (3 months worth of association dues; not advanced payment), and pro-rated March assoc dues (13 days for me). ... My wife and I will be moving our stuff this weekend. And starting Monday, no more commuting to work and vice-versa! 10-minute walk FTW! (2) If I can just make a suggestion: Buy your furniture like bed frame, cabinets, 2 or 4-seater dining set, side table, etc. at the whole stretch of stores in Pedro Gil in Paco (the side that's beside Makati, not Taft side). Very cheap prices! Quality and design is very good. They deliver on the same day, just half an hour after your purchase. You can even hitch a ride with the delivery truck. More tips: Don't forget to measure the walls especially if your unit is affected by the building columns. It helps a lot in choosing your furniture and appliances. If you don't plan to do a lot of drilling, Daiso and Japan Home Center have a lot of good items too, like soap racks, shampoo holders, and towel racks that stick firmly on the bathroom and kitchen wall tiles via suction pads. They also have good rugs and door mats. I am situated in one of the higher floors and it seems my unit is the only one that's turned over so far in the whole floor. == > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1343265&page=185
  22. His charts highlight some consistent cycles - 7 years between Peaks
  23. $2,000 Gold? : It's possible this summer, says bullish Bo Polny That may be the climax of what has started as a great Timing Call. Bo Polny has one of the Most Bullish Gold forecasts. I love his charts - and he called the recent market turns beautifully calling it in March. > http://www.silverdoctors.com/tag/bo-polny/ Bo Polny: BREATHTAKING Crash in USD Before Summer? Posted on March 26, 2015 : 12 Comments / 2,843 views The US Dollar topped on March 16th, 2015, expect continued weakness into the end of April with a BREATHTAKING crash before summer! Does cycle analysis foreshadow a WORLD Economic Collapse & $2,000 gold in 2015? CHART : GLD ... update (older): BO POLNY: Beware March 2015! Posted on March 16, 2015 : 47 Comments / 7,939 views Cycle analysis indicates before the month of March 2015 is over, the world will get a renewed taste of falling stock markets and an impressive step up in both Gold and Silver! ===== Polny's website :: http://www.gold2020forecast.com/
  24. $2,000 Gold THIS Summer? That's the climax of what has started as a great Timing Call Bo Polny has one of the Most Bullish Gold forecasts. I love his charts - and he called the recent market turns beautifully > http://www.silverdoctors.com/tag/bo-polny/ Bo Polny: BREATHTAKING Crash in USD Before Summer? Posted on March 26, 2015 : 12 Comments / 2,843 views The US Dollar topped on March 16th, 2015, expect continued weakness into the end of April with a BREATHTAKING crash before summer! Does cycle analysis foreshadow a WORLD Economic Collapse & $2,000 gold in 2015? CHART : GLD ... update (older): BO POLNY: Beware March 2015! Posted on March 16, 2015 : 47 Comments / 7,939 views Cycle analysis indicates before the month of March 2015 is over, the world will get a renewed taste of falling stock markets and an impressive step up in both Gold and Silver!
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