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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Dr. Rick is concerned about the increase in the number of Psychopaths on our planet
  2. Dr Rick Miller interviewed by Stu Noodle* https://soundcloud.com/thenoodlereport/dr-richard-alan-miller *Stu wrote the Dead Astronomer reports In his days out of grad school, RAM worked for "old man Dupont" (A Jesuit, who reported to Rockefeller)
  3. how can the tables be turned on these greedy speculators ?
  4. Dr Rick Miller worked with Gerald Pollack, and credits him with being an inspiration. He also has recommended Pollack's excellent work: A Wonderful interview was done by Kim Greenhouse, who brought Dr Gerald Pollack and Dan Nelson together. Is Water the key to Alchemy. Kim's great interview with these two important Water researchers makes me think it is.
  5. MORE INTERESTING, More useful ? That is my intent, in doing an extensive editing and re-write of this existing thread: Dr Bubb interviews DF (about his book: LIFE After The State) > Link: http://tinyurl.com/LIFE-ATS It is the one with my interview of Dominic Frisby about his book, LIFE AFTER the State. And I have tried to draw some meaningful connections between The Book, 1,000 years of Sterling, Newton, and Bitcoins Hey, why not JOIN the discussion ?
  6. I have used Calls on GLD, and Spreads on GLD - rather than GLD itself. They have worked well for their purpose
  7. Interesting to see such a big Comex drawdown while GLD's holdings have also fallen so far: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18018
  8. Say a "constructive" prayer - if you know one =
  9. It works better than the less genteel process the US and the UK is likely to go through In HK, people have already learned how to "live small", except for the very rich.
  10. (Christmas idea ?): Power Tools, and maybe this book too: The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture for Urban & Semi-rural Communities Paperback – January 1, 2013 The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers.They teach the basics for how to "small farm" field crops correctly, and be successful. Book 1 contains the first 24 newsletters. The author, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, is a world renowned agricultural consultant and researcher on the forefront and 'cutting edge' of the sciences related to botanicals and their practical cultivation, use and marketing Dr RAM's website : http://richardalanmiller.com/ Dr RAM's books - : http://oak-publishing.com/
  11. Oh dear: As if, buying property with such enormous gearing is Normal or Desirable ! What a Con !
  12. Wow- what a great interview with Dr Richard Alan Miller ! In less than one hour, He hits on so many excellent points here... Including how to turn tables on the bastids. "Cut off their cash flow... Don't buy from them." The LAW of Threes: "Three minutes for air, Three Days for water, Three Weeks for Food." "A zombie is East L.A. when they are out of food." "It will be primarily water." (which we will run out of.) "Start with water: Make sure there's enough water in your home for three days." "We will go through the debris field (of ISON) starting Jan. 15th... There are 'city killers'." "The duration of risk is 12 to 16 days... It all comes down to luck, whether it hits the city or oceans." VIDEO :
  13. TABLES TURNED: Inela Benz interviews Bill Ryan http://projectavalon.net/Bill_Ryan_Avalon_interview_part_1.mp4
  14. RAM's not doing work to make the planet unlivable, but trying to reverse it. Actually, Dr.RAM is a very interesting guy - you may like this interview he did with Mike Harris* (mostly about Water and magic, a subject that interests me.) 12-04-13 Mike Harris Show : with Dr Rick Miller ===== Tonight's guest was Dr, Richard Alan Miller the topic was magic as an advanced form of physics. MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1120413.mp3 ...or maybe the one he did with Kerry Cassidy would interest you more: (Earth is becoming a difficult place to live, thanks to Fukishima radiation and chemtrails.) = = I don't think Rick has a ticket to Mars. He certainly believes there is plenty of (structured) water on Mars, and bases too. But he told me he has a ticket to an underground base near him, "but not the ultimate ticket" (Mars) If I get the chance, I may ask him if Kerry or MH misunderstood him. === === *BTW, a little tidbit here: When I first spoke to Rick Miller, he did not know who Mike Harris was. I told him that I thought they were neighbors, or nearly neighbors, and that Mike had a radio show, and would probably want to interview Rick, if he knew about him. I suggested that they get in touch through Kerry Cassidy, and that is what happened. It would have happened anyway probably, but my suggestion may have speeded it up. They have more recently become good friends, and MH has taken his son to meet Rick Miller over Thanksgiving. A brand new interview by MH with Rick Miller was done this week, I haven't listened yet. 12-11-13 : Mike Harris Show : Dr Rick Miller Tonight's guest was Dr. Richard Alan Miller, the topics varied from the power of the boycott to hurt unethical business, to Fukishima disaster, to being prepared for a grid down situation, and finally on comet ISON and the coming meteor showers. MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1121113.mp3 RAM : "We are all part of a food chain." (Humans are not necessarily at the top.)
  15. I am not wedded to any of these lines, but I think the "easy part" of the rally in Dow-to-Gold may be ending ==== : High.pr : Dec.12 INDU : 16,174 : 15,739 : Gold-: $1,210 : $1,225 : Ratio : r 13.37 : r 12.85 : NOTE: The latest high (13.21) is higher than the late June high (12,56). So the Ratio may have hit the top of the light green channel I drew in the top chart
  16. CAR = Central African Republic Central African Republic crisis - in 60 seconds11 December 2013 Last updated at 10:16 GMT The Central African Republic has been in chaos since rebel leader Michel Djotodia ousted President Francois Bozize in March. Fuelled by ethnic rivalries, the conflict has also now become sectarian in nature as he installed himself as the first Muslim leader in the Christian-majority country. This sparked months of bloody clashes between rival Muslim and Christian fighters, with communities pitted against each other. A small regional peacekeeping force deployed to the country about a year ago but was unable to stop the rebel takeover and subsequent chaos. French troops have now arrived to disarm militias and the African Union is in the process of deploying a larger force. BBC News takes a look at the crisis gripping the country. > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25326008
  17. IMPACT of Price Momentum and Western Gold Traders My explanation may not be satisfactory to you : But is simple enough... Since at least Feb. 2013 being LONG GOLD was the wrong side of the momentum trade. A big highlight was when GLD broke below the 480 day MA on Feb. 11th, 2013 . And that break was confirmed in Mar.12th when the 76d-MA broke the 480d-MA... update I chroniciled the importance of that 480 day / 100 week MA in an interview with Dominic Frisby on Feb. 7th, 2013: MP3 : http://media48.podbean.com/pb/e5c822a5a0115f9212e54175bb91a21e/52a95913/data1/blogs1/2516/uploads/2013-02-06-GMY-DF-E-96.mp3 "Hampton makes the case that the gold price is currently marking a low in its long-term bull run. While there is a chance that the trend channel could be broken to the downside, the odds favour a continuation of the upward trend..." (I was wrong about the upside being more likely. The downside break proved very important.) (Jump to: xx mins) I Don't think I was the only one tracking this MA. 100 weeks is a pretty obvious period to watch. A break of it, gave Goldman the ammunition it needed to spook the market into pushing Gold through the possible Double Bottom a month later on April 12th, 2013. Momentum traders in Hedge Funds are influenced more by these trends-in-place than they are by fundamental arguments. Over the last 11 1/2 months, GLD has shed a great deal of Gold : ==DATE==: Gold price : GLD-pr.: Ratio : Tonnes: Ounces Held : 08/22/2011 : $1,877.50 : $184.59 : 10.17 : 12/30/2011 : $1,574.50 : $151.99 : 10.36 : 12/31/2012 : $1,664.00 : $162.02 : 10.27 : 1,351.0 : 43.44 Million 12/11/2013 : $1,254.10 : $120.86 : 10.38 : 833.61 :: 26.80 Million ========= 2013 Chg.-- : $0,409.90 : $041.16 : 09.96 : 517.39 :: 16.64 Million /9.33 ----- Pct.Chg.: -- 24.63% : -25.40% : ==== : - 55.45 :: 1.78 Million oz. ----- per mo. : -- $43.93 : --- $4.41 : 09.96 : Keep in mind that annual production of Gold is about 86 Million ounces, or 7.1 million oz./month. So GLD's shedding of an average of 1.78 per month is about 25% of global production. Through 2013, China has kept buying, enjoying the lower prices. In effect, they have hovered up all the Gold sold by GLD. (The buying happened mainly through Hong Kong, and so it was tracked.) China also bought virtually the whole of its own production of 403 mt (= 13 million oz.) The combined total of these two buying streams is about 34 Million oz. or 40% of World production. That shows a strong hunger by China to own gold.
  18. Very interesting.... Flip that Upside Down for Gold: 2011.45 to 2013.60 was the Bearish period !
  19. =================== Date: 12-10-13, Mike Harris Show Tonight's guest was Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, the topics were, what is going on in Africa and the EU. And how this ties into the et/off world agenda. === MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1121013.mp3 =================== Gordon Duff has spoken of the plan to DEPOPULATE AFRICA, and bringing in an Alien Race: + MH says the plan may still be underway, and the violence in the CAR may be part of the plan + KC said that race is Nordic-looking, and they are from Aldebaran They also spoke about the "black oil" entity which has arrived on Earth, and is a threat to humans: + The Middle East is dangerous because of this entity + Fighting it was the True reason behind the blow-out in the US Gulf, and the use of Cor-Rex it
  20. " it's just the love affair with gold ended..." In the US it has - but not in China. GLD has been shedding oz.s rapidly (see below) - and the Chinese have been buying them. When GLD stops selling, and turns buyer, the Gold price is likely to shoot up fast: :Date- : GLD pr : Spot-Mid: Ratio: Tonnes: x32,150, FallinOz: US$value: Shs.OS/ Chg.GLD: Chg.OZ: Chg.Value 2012: 12/31: $162.02 : 1664.0 * : 10.270 : 1,351.0 : 43.44, - 0.00 Mn : $75.08 Bn : 463.4mn / ( changes below, vs. Year-End) 2013: 03/28: $154.47 : 1598.25 : 10.347 : Lon.PM 06/28: $119.11 : 1192.0K*: 10.008 : Lon.PM 07/05: $118.09 : 1223.10 : 10.357 : 0,962.0 : 30.93, - 1.79 mn**$37.49 Bn : 317.5mn / - 27.11% : - 28.80% : - 50.07% 08/02: $126.36 : 1313.40 : 10.394 : 0,918.6 : 29.54, - 1.39 mn : $38.65 Bn : 305.9mn / - 22.01% : - 32.00% : - 48.52% 08/30: $134.90 : 1394.8K* 10.340 : 0,921.0 : 29.61, +0.07 mn : $39.94 Bn : 3== mn / - 16.74% : - 31.84% : 09/27: $127.96 : 1341.0K* 10.479 : 0,906.0 : 29.13, - 0.48 mn : $37.27 Bn : 3== mn / - 21.02% : - 32.94% : 10/31: $127.74 : 1324.0K* 10.365 : 0,872.0 : 27.85, - 1.28 mn : $35.58 Bn : 3== mn / - 21.16% : - 35.89% : 11/29: $120.70 : 1251.80 : 10.371 : 0,843.2 : 27.11, - 0.74 mn : $33.96 Bn : 281.4mn / - 25.50%: - 37.59% : - 54.77% 12/31: ================= *K : Source is Kitco, London p.m. price ** : Average monthly fall in Gold oz. held by GLD: 43.44 -30.93= 12.51 / 7 = 1.79 mn ounces (thru July'13) ========= Note that in November, GLD shed 0.74 Million Oz., down to 27.11 Million oz, from 43.44 mn. at 12/31/12
  21. GOLD, A familiar pattern? I think so - just look at it ! Of particular similarity is: + Waves c-d-e-f : "the box", where d and f are about the same level + Wave-f : is the "mid-correction peak" ! + Wave-g : holds above the c and e lows + Wave-h : the "last gasp" rally + Wave-i : the slide into: The Low at "i" + Wave-j : a small rally + Wave-k : Retest Low (higher than i) ======== If this pattern is repeating, Gold is now on/near the Retest Low
  22. 1974-1976 brought a Two year correction in the Gold price
  23. Latest interview on Mike Harris Show : He talks about Magic : Water and the Tarot MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1120413.mp3 Date: 12-04-13 / Tonight;s guest was Dr, Richard Alan Miller the topic was magic as an advanced form of physics. http://tinyurl.com/GEI-Harris
  24. They are "helping" people by making the trap bigger and catching more in it
  25. House prices surge with 7.7% rise Halifax Evening Courier - ‎59 minutes ago‎ House prices surged by 7.7% annually in November, marking the fastest rate seen in six years, Halifax has reported. Halifax said the increase was the biggest seen since October 2007, as strengthened demand in the market combined with a lack of homes for ..
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