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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. *QUESTIONS which arose Later (after the interview) ==== Would a redesigned currency stop the rot, where our political process cannot ? Or do we simply need to hit the wall in a gigantic crisis, before voters re-learn the virtues of spending discipline? Can you be on the right wing, and believe in Sound Money, - and still be socially conscious? I would say that those things now come together, because the current system of piling up more and more debt, is bound to lead to a crisis, which may cause an abrupt and sudden end to the nice benefits that some are enjoying. But this reality (dangers of debt) is very hard to discuss in the present political environment (where so many people are feeling impoverished.) As DF said: Wealth concentrates around those who have best access to the Money.
  2. PROBLEMS WITH OUR PRESENT MONEY SYSTEM : Damage being done, Current Risks Responding to comments by Peter Barnes, on Advfn's Gold thread / this is of some relevance here too / PB: "PS: Frizzer's book ,"Life AFTER the State", is due soon. It's surprising how many who posted on this thread gravitated towards Austrian economics." EI: I have ordered a copy too. Here's a little interview about it - Now a bit dated perhaps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcixJcObCFc Dominic Frisby states that the extraordinarily uneven distribution of wealth in country's like Britain and America is a consequence of our system of money. Those who receive the newly created money first benefit over those who don't -- a process which compounds over time and leads to an ever greater concentration of wealth among the top 1%. They also point out that government redistribution of wealth -- whether via inflation or through welfare payments -- is placing incredible pressure on the middle classes, who are finding themselves squeezed like never before. Currency competition would take away the state monopoly on money and thus its ability to redistribute wealth via inflation. Dominic's favoured model is to go back to metal money that is stored in vaults, and where ownership can be transferred without much effort. Bitcoin is another example of an independent currency. They also talk about the idea of a currency that is backed by equities. The free market is best at creating the most efficient solution to a problem -- which in this case is the need for a reliable international currency. /Part-2/ PB: "One of the biggest flaws being, that if there were a recovery, and banks started to loan the mass of money.Then fractional reserve would multiply this by 10." Yeah - A jump in the velocity of money would surely trigger inflation. However, they will not be not be so eager to lend it, because of the Shortage of acceptable collateral. The big US property price crash, has undermined their willingness to use property so aggressively. From many years to come, LTV / Loan-To-Value on property are likely to be kept at more prudent levels. And the drop in incomes, and the smaller number working, means that unsecured loans to individuals are likely to be less aggressively lent. So how will the banks get the money out, and into people's hands - if they cannot find acceptable collateral? One way, has been to lend money against stocks - and Margin Loans on stocks are now at a record level. THAT in itself is a danger sign, and that sort of lending could be approaching a climax and reversal. If stock prices drop, margin calls by banks could trigger a more rapid fall in prices somewhere along the way.
  3. IS a PERFECT STORM for Gold Brewing? Here's one who thinks so: As of early afternoon in New York, Comex August gold was down $36.10, or $2.6%, to $1,333.20 an ounce. Volume has been high for a Friday, Triland Metals says. “It is important to step back from these short term knee-jerk reactions to the bigger picture,” Triland says. “The inflexion point of QE (quantitative-easing) program activity was in late 2012 and the gold market reacted accordingly; ultimately following April's large flush-out, gold has priced in a reduction in the pace of the program already. Whilst the tapering of stimulus is highly likely at some point in the next few Fed meetings, it is the sensitivity of the wider markets to these announcements that is the most alarming. The wider press is also now realizing the house-of-cards scenario that QE has created -- inflating the assets of the very rich to artificially high levels and keeping borrowing costs un-naturally low for prolonged periods of time. It seems that the Fed will have a tough time reducing these purchases, let alone reducing the monetary base; something that they need to do if they want to control inflation that is round the corner. The perfect storm for the next leg up in gold's secular bull run (see back to 1971 Nixon shock) is brewing.” === /more: http://www.kitco.com/news/2013-09-20/KitcoNewsMarketNuggets20130920-kitco-market-nuggets.html The Fed's "natural constituency" can no longer tolerate "market" interest rates.
  4. AGREED. Better keep those fingers crossed. The fingernails may or may not hold
  5. (Article thanks to L. on another thread): L.: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/09/21/325275/bernankes-head-fake-sends-stocks-soaring/ EXCERPT: Bonds and gold also rallied big on the news with the yield on the benchmark 10-year US Treasury dipping sharply to 2.69 percent (from 2.85 percent the day before) while gold rose more than 4.1 percent to $1,364. The US dollar was hammered savagely on the news, dropping to a seven-month low against a basket of major currencies. According to Reuters, the buck “saw its biggest one-day slide in more than two months” and “has fallen to levels not seen since well before Fed Chief Ben Bernanke first floated the idea of reducing the stimulus in May.” Bernanke attempted to justify his reversal (some are calling it a “head fake”) on continuing weakness in the economy, particularly high unemployment and tightening in the financial markets. He also implied he was worried about the possibility of a government shutdown and the impact that would have on the anemic recovery. While Bernanke presented a rational defense for his pet program, he was not convincing. The truth is, the Princeton professor is out on a limb and doesn’t know how to get down. That’s why he didn’t trim his bond buying by even a measly $5 billion per month, because he’s afraid the announcement would trigger a selloff that would unravel his $2.8 trillion reflation effort. So he decided to stand pat and do nothing. . . . QE doesn’t even increase inflation which is why the Fed is still unable to hit its target rate of 2 percent. The fact that inflation has stayed so low (The Consumer Price Index was up just 0.1% in August) while stock prices have more than doubled at the same time, proves that Bernanke’s nearly $3 trillion in liquidity has not “trickled down” to the real economy at all. The injections have merely boosted profits on inflated asset prices for financial parasites and speculators. Even hedge fund managers like Duquesne Capital’s Stanley Druckenmiller are now willing to admit that QE is a farce. Here’s what Druckenmiller said in an interview with CNBC following Bernanke’s announcement on Wednesday: “This is fantastic for every rich person. This is the biggest redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich ever.” Indeed, while the dwindling middle class faces deeper budget cuts and tattered safety net programs, the rich have never had it so good. HOL: (Yep. Got money? The Fed has trotted out to yer rescue.) L. : (rofl) I particularly like what it is being called...a 'head fake"!! HOL: If we get a stock crash, which seems likely at some point - The Fed may apply the "medicine" even more liberally. Those who are not able to protect themselves, are the ones who will wind up suffering - and that is many ordinary people. L.: yes it is of course...I guess they have got what they wanted and that is more of the world's wealth!! HOL: It may be a plan, or they just lack the courage to try the things that could help ordinary people to get jobs, and get ahead, since that may endanger their (tightening) power structure
  6. It may be to early to start talking about year-end selling. I think it is best to wait until mid-October, at the earliest
  7. New Long Term Chart, using updated data : source Ladies and gents, The UP-Cycle is not done yet ! (If you expect it to be as long as the Average prior Upcycle): To 1999: 187.16 Ave : Upmove : H : 322% : 21.7+ yrs : 6 Times Therefore, history Predicts: 2021 : 789.8 : H +322% : 22+ : : And after that, will the US Dollar still exist ??
  8. (As was posted elsewhere): P., your: "History does not repeat although it sometimes ryhmes. Today may ryhme with Weimar or the seventies, but they are not the same" I agree - the rhyme is much more likely than the repeat. I suppose the main point of this is to see that a Deflationary scare, may be needed to push the world towards higher inflation. In our time, it may take a stock market crash, which has been predicted by various Hindenburg Omens, to push the world towards a stronger QE response. Let's see if we get the stock crash, and the stronger QE response in the months to come.
  9. Check out the other "Weimar Rooms": ================================= Charts / Links : http://tinyurl.com/WeimarRm Thread - GLP : http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2357885/pg1#40293767 . . . . . - Advfn : http://uk.advfn.com/cmn/fbb/thread.php3?id=6965263 And Watch THIS ONE too !
  10. Here's the VID - with Max http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GHnEpp1B3A "A NATION of Real Estate Agents !" "They think that George Osborne's Help-to-Buy scheme is frigging genius." "25% of new jobs... are in the Real Estate sector. "A triangle of fraud, a Bubble... which will pop within 23 months." "It's WEALTH SHIFTING."
  11. GEI's MIssion (1) Green Energy Investors is a Forum for investors concerned about rising energy prices, inflation, and the impact on their investments. Discuss issues, companies, and ideas with other successful investors, globally (2) Part of it is: "Seek the Truth, with an open mind, and be willing to 'turn over some strange-looking rocks' in pursuit of it." (3) ???? ==== Previously used - Descriptions of GEI GEI is a chatboard with a focus on Alternative Energy, sustainability, peak oil, and preserving wealth through alternatives to Fiat currencies. GEI also has Fringe Section where we discuss more controversial topics. Description: GEI forum for investors concerned about rising energy prices, inflation, and the impact on their investments. Discuss issues, companies, and ideas with other successful investors, globally. Keywords: green, energy, global, edge, investors, renewables, alternative energy, alt-energy, alt-e, peak oil, chat, message board, renewable energy stocks, energy stocks, alternative energy stocks, gold stocks, mining stocks, solar stocks, oil stocks, renewable energy, frisby, cycle, charts, stocks, wind, solar, biomass, electricity storage, electricity, mining, uranium, drbubb, dr bubb, commoditywatchradio, Green Power, stock market research, property crash, four year cycle, independent research, investing, individual investor, private investor, GreenEnergyInvestors, global-edge, GlobalEnergyInvestors
  12. Recovery has reached escape velocity? BBC: UK retail sales in surprise August fall How about we adjust there figures for population growth and inflation? Retail sales volumes fell 0.9% in August according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) - a surprise for analysts who had expected a rise of around 0.4%. The retail sector accounts for around 6% of the UK economy. (The government another 50%) The economy grew by 0.7% in the second quarter of the year, according to the latest estimates. Earlier this month, the OECD, an international organisation, said it now expected the UK to grow by 1.5% this year, up from the 0.8% growth it previously forecast. Food sales fell by 2.7% in August compared with July. Last week supermarket Morrisons said higher levels of spending in London were not reflected in other areas. == == ESCAPE from Logic, maybe ?
  13. Grid Shutdown - Paul LaViolette Article Published on Saturday, 14 September 2013 01:45 Written by Kerry Cassidy "...Electric Grid Blackout Planned for November 13th and 14th, 2013 Compounding my concerns expressed in the previous posting about the FEMA emergency preparedness for Region 3, the recent announcement of a two-day electric grid shut down in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico on November 13th and 14th, 2013 has me even more concerned."-- Paul LaViolette http://etheric.com/electric-grid-blackout-planned-november-13th-14th-2013/ He cites 2 Camelot witness testimonies in his article... Jake Simpson http://projectcamelot.org/jake_simpson.html Electrical Engineer testimony http://projectcamelot.org/electrical_engineer.html
  14. Descriptions of Alien Races - from whistleblower ad Gordon Duff ... RONALD KEITH ANDREWS Click here to Listen / Download http://www.earnath.com/ . . : MYlife-profile :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner Voice - C.E.O. - Ronald Keith Andrews Click here to Listen / Download When making intial contact with anyone, I look for the integrity in their hearts with which they operate. I don't care what race, or religion, age, or gender they are; as long as they treat others with respect. It is a well known fact that all people are not going to always get along, but I am a firm believer that as thinking individuals, we all have the ability to at least treat others the way we would like to be treated. Born with my abilities, I quickly found myself surrounded by people seeking guidance in their day-to-day lives. By giving direct answers I assisted many people with issues ranging from relatinoships through career choices and including many unexplained experiences bring peace and/or closure to people of all ages. Over the years, I have rediscovered many tools with which to work, and have developed and taught many courses in Tarot reading and Meditation. As a result, I am now a highly sought after intercontinental psychic reading by phone, mail, radio, and in person. When I am not doing readings, I am writing about and/or researching my own skills and personal abilities. I am currently based in the Okanagan Valley of BC, Canada where I continue to hone my skills working with the police as well as many charities and other orgainzations. I do my best to keep my pivate life my own while writing on various topics, and fulfilling public speaking engaggements, and lectures, as time allows. Also, Take a look at Gordon Duff's "Little Green Guy, Alien Book": http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/12/the-little-green-guy-book/
  15. Obama's Mother and the Global Conspiracy Published on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 01:25 Written by Kerry Cassidy According to at least one source, Obama's real mother is Eunice Kennedy Shriver and his father? Not clear. There is however, indications in terms of bone structure that he was genetically manipulated to be part of the King Tut line, which, does not descend from Akhenaten contrary to what many believe. From what I can make out, there are at least two off-planet races involved here; Anunnaki and the Anunnaki-Zeta-Reticulai (also known as the Archons). Both these bloodlines are intent on ruling the Earth. And the distinction must be made between the two .. the humanoid Anunnaki depicted on the temples in Egypt and the Zetas who look something like greys but are another race entirely. The Archons can be distinguished from the original Anunnaki bloodline by their finer bone structure and wider faces. For more info on the Archons you can start with Jay Weidner: http://www.jayweidner.com/Archons.html and then look further into the Nag Hammadi scrolls, also recommended is a often overlooked book called, "The Cryptoterrestrials" by Mac Tonnies. Note: the actual Annunaki are also hybrids as well from what I hear, the Sirian-Anunnaki are humanoid-reptilians. Of course the Dracos and their various off-shoots are heavily depicted around the world as dragons, snakes and winged serpants on temples, artifacts and jewelry. I tend to agree with Carmen Boulter who states that so-called King Tut (Tutankhamun) was adopted and not of the same blood-line. This seems obvious in the facial bone structure even if as is likely some distortion took place when immortalizing his likeness in gold carvings as has been done. See the Camelot interview with Carmen Bouter here: http://projectcamelotportal.com/videos-interviews/item/carmen-boulter What the end game here is at least with respect to the bloodlines, which no doubt are also made up of Anunnaki-Reptilian hybrids and mixtures of Reptilian-Reticulain hybrids is not clear other than it seems to involve some form of armageddon and global cleansing of the current races of humanity while terraforming this place for incoming races not the least of which appear to be from Aldebaran. See Gordon Duff's conversations with Mike Harris over the past year for more on this scenario. Suffice to say it involves trading the continent of Africa for advanced technologies and access to other inhabitable planets (presumably that race's territories)... The race from Aldebaran seeming to be very like the classic "Nazi-type"... large, muscular and blond although in some recent twist according to at least one whistleblower they can shape shift easily and are presently crossing borders after "landing" with black skin and being camoflaged to blend with the greater African races. What the so-called comet ISON, clearly a craft, perhaps even a collection of crafts, incoming at this time is doing, what might appear to be a fly-by in November but what could easily become a drop off and pick up stop-over... is also unclear. The good news is that the whistleblowers are continuing to break the bonds that hold them in silence and what with the huge numbers of those working in above black and various clandestine agencies should be much more of a deluge of truth rather than the occasional trickle we have learned to expect. None-the-less there is hope that the real keys to reversing this trend into darkness are being revealed and it also appears that in spite of the huge effort to dumb down the masses... rebellion and standing for something does seem to be catching on. All we need is a few more good men (and women) and we will be on our way to taking down this vast conspiracy we call the Matrix. ===== Addedum: I still contend that the most accurate history of humanity and Earth and the multiverse that we inhabit comes from the Ashayana Deane (now known as E'Asha), Voyager books. See the Camelot interview with her here: http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/ashayana_deane/ashayana_deane.html
  16. And in the Alexa Reports : ----- (I will be changing the TEXT in a new Header - Comments welcome): GEI MIssion (1) Green Energy Investors is a Forum for investors concerned about rising energy prices, inflation, and the impact on their investments. Discuss issues, companies, and ideas with other successful investors, globally (2) Part of it is: "Seek the Truth, with an open mind, and be willing to 'turn over some strange-looking rocks' in pursuit of it." (3) ????
  17. Germany had its Deflationary scare, before the leap into Hyperinflation
  18. I combined a second thread into the Old one This one was Merged in... 20 May 2012 - 09:34 PM The Weimar Pattern - Is it repeating ?
  19. House price inflation should be capped at 5pc, RICS says House prices should be prevented from rising by more than 5pc a year to stop another bubble destabilising the economy, a top property institute has urged. The proposal, from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), followed a warning from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney yesterday that policymakers needed to be “vigilant” to the risks of a bubble caused by the Government’s mortgage subsidy scheme. RICS said the Bank should police its proposed 5pc cap in house price inflation through its Financial Policy Committee (FPC). If prices pushed above the limit, the FPC could enforce lower loan-to-value or loan-to-income ratios, shorten mortgage terms, or restrict lending to prevent them spiralling higher. === http://www.telegraph...-RICS-says.html They have "an idea" of how to Cap prices - but it is not so easy: + Do you cap prices in London, or Overall UK? + HK and Singapore have tried this, and found it just puts the market into a coma, and does not allow easy fine-tuning of prices.
  20. (Why are Foreigners interfering in the UK's Housing Market - who is putting them up to it?) Bedroom Tax victims going hungry and pushed to brink of suicide, warns United Nations ... Mirror.co.uk The hated Bedroom Tax is forcing people to go hungry and is pushing victims to the brink of suicide, a United Nations boss said today. == == The "tough love" position on this would be to say: Some (dependent) people need to learn how to manage their affairs better
  21. CS, You could be right, and I have been saying the same with respect to Properties OUTSIDE LONDON Any Ideas? (I think it is time to revive the Outside London thread - while still keeping an eye on BDEV, etc for Early Warnings of surprises.)
  22. Housing market recovery is 'spreading' FinancialAdvice.co.uk - ‎58 minutes ago‎ Housing developer Barratt's has claimed the recovery of the housing market is “spreading beyond London and the South East,” supporting claims from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), who have also maintained a similar increase in the .
  23. Vince Cable vs George Osborne on a housing bubble: a Coalition row that benefits nobody Want help buying a home? The Government is here to help. Its big plan is the Help to Buy mortgage guarantee. According to the friendly folk at HMT, the second part of the scheme, available from next year, will increase the supply of high loan-to-value mortgages by offering a government guarantee to lenders who provide mortgages to people with a deposit of between 5 per cent and 20 cent. Now, compare and contrast: Some have questioned whether new risks are emerging in the housing market. This debate would benefit from a little less assertion and a little more examination of the evidence. House prices are down a quarter from their peak in real terms, and relative to earnings they are back at 2003 levels. Mortgage approvals are running at only a little more than half, and transactions a little more than two-thirds, of pre-crisis levels. == == Okay. But what do the figures look like for Greater London on its own?
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