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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Latest show for Vincent Finelli / USA-Prepares - Dr R. A. Miller, Oct. 31st Hr-1 : http://archives2013.gcnlive.com/Archives2013/oct13/USAPrepares/1031131.mp3 Hr-2 : http://archives2013.gcnlive.com/Archives2013/oct13/USAPrepares/1031132.mp3
  2. Another interview ( 1 1/2 hours ) : Vincent Finelli and Dr Rick Miller Guest: Dr. Richard Alan Miller Date: 10/17/2013 Starting out with a discussion of Chemtrails: They recommend SHADE - as a good expose on the subject: TRAILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1dZrXusxAM FILM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4VFYRaltcc Rick asks : "These aircraft are costing several thousand dollars and hour... Who is paying for it? The government is supposed to be out of money." For scientists who want to protect the world, Fukishima is problem number one. And chemtrails is number two... "A small elite group has taken possession of mankind. This could be the Jesuits of Roma, battling China." "You cannot even drink your rainwater any more." NOTES: === Host: Vincent Finelli http://www.usaprepares.com/ "Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show. "USA Prepares" aims to: dispel incorrect information about eating habits, dangers of food additives, fluoride, chlorine, and fast food joints, medical prevention and cures, survival economics, preparedness and exposing the lies that keep us form being able to prepare, and much, much more. Common guests include: Frank Underhill Dr. Norman Shealy, Jim Marrs, James Wesley Rawles, Larry Pratt, Dr, Shayne, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Mike Parsons and Maggie Craddock. If you want to know how to buy a farm, raise farm animals, store food, learn the importance of precious metals, or even survive a gunfight, tune into "USA Prepares." PODCAST archives :: http://www.gcnlive.com/CMS/index.php/archivespage?showCode=22
  3. Consciousness Map (or maybe: a "branding" map of mental states) > source: http://hent.org/world/rgn/multilevel.htm Goleman's map was very different for this - if I can find it, I will post it. (That's Ron and Jack Miller in the spiritual dimension.)
  4. Here's another guy who wrote about MAPS OF CONSCIOUSNESS The Meditative Mind... Daniel Goleman : Earlier paper, D.Goleman, 1972 The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditative Experience by Daniel Goleman. G. P. Putnam’s Sons 1988. 214 pages. First published in 1977 under the title The Varieties of Meditative Experience, Goleman’s book is a clear and straightforward presentation of various meditative disciplines organized around the map of consciousness explicated in Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga. Part I details this map, describing the paths of serenity (samadhi) and insight (vipassana). The various jhanas (meditative absorptions) are described, as are the insight knowledges. The tone throughout is professional, understanding and clear, though lacking the feel of a first-hand account. Two notable mistakes are made in this section, one being the consistent misspelling ofpañña as puñña (I get a little worried when an author misspells key terms), the second being the placement of nirodha-samapatti (“cessation of feeling and perception”) as above, or superior to, nibbana. There is no justification for this given the evidence of the Pali Suttas, where n-s is described rather as a kind of “super jhana” attainable only by anagamis and arhats. It is not, in itself, liberative. Part II is a survey of meditation paths—Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and many things in between. Even Gurdjieff and Krishnamurti show up here. While at times illuminating—it’s certainly a good, quick cross-section of the many traditions available—the underlying assumption of the discussion is in line with the old saying that “all paths lead to the mountain top,” something this reader, at least, is not convinced of. (This position is explicitly affirmed in part III, entitled “Meditation Paths: Their Essential Unity.”) Why I am not convinced of this can perhaps be illustrated by a passage from the section on Jewish mysticism. “The end of the Kabbalist’s path,” Goleman writes, “isdevekut, in which the seeker’s soul cleaves to God” (p. 52). And in the paragraph below that, in a passage quoted from Gershom Scholem, devekut is defined as a state of mind wherein “You constantly remember God and his love, nor do you remove your thought from Him…to the point when such a person speaks with someone else, his heart is not with them at all but is still before God.” Now this is fine as far as it goes, but it in no way approximates the view of things that result from the attainment of nibbana as described by the Buddha and his disciples in the Pali Suttas, and which the Visuddhimagga seeks to elaborate. Consider this from Samyutta Nikaya 22.58(6): “A bhikkhu liberated by wisdom, liberated by nonclinging through revulsion towards form [feeling, perception, volitional formations, consciousness], through its fading away and cessation, is called one liberated by wisdom” (from The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi, pp. 900-1). In other words, enlightenment consists not of being attached to something (to a god or gods real or imagined), but rather through the cessation of all attachments. In other words, there is no reason to believe the Jewish holy man—the zaddik—or the Christian saint or the Muslim sufi attains what the Buddha attained. In fact, the experiences of the Kabbalistic meditators are examples not of nibbana (nirvana) but of the higher jhanas—equivalent, according to Golem, to the Sufi fana—and Goleman seems to admit this much when on page 62 he says that Sufi practice “culminates in baqa, abiding in some degree of fana [jhana] consciousness while in the middle of ordinary activity.” This is precisely what the Hindus call sahaj samadhi, “open eyed samadhi,” and though a high attainment, it is not the equivalent of the Buddhist nibbana. In fact, as the suttas make clear time and again, contemplatives before the Buddha were prone to believing in their own enlightenment specifically as a result of their attainment of those sorts of states. Goleman’s book, however, does nothing to illuminate this problem; it merely perpetuates the popular and fatuous notion that all religions are, at their heart, one and the same. If I seem overly critical in the above passages, I don’t want to give the impression that the book is in any way a failure. Its positives far outweigh its negatives, and even considering my critique of Part III, Goleman is right in asserting correspondences between meditative traditions... > more: http://buddhistbooksblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/27/the-meditative-mind-the-varieties-of-meditative-experience-by-daniel-goleman/
  5. Date: 11-06-13 : Mike Harris Show The guest was Richard Alan Miller the topic was his new book, "Power Tools For The 21st Century" and various other subjects. MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1110613.mp3 (I am looking forward to hearing this ! For reason I will explain) "We need to TURN THE SWITCH OFF NOW for nuclear power." This thing (Fukishima) has now effected our food supply. You are going to have to take individual steps (to end this.) They live only 10 miles apart ! (Actually, I think I set this up! ... indirectly, though it may be. I spoke to Rick about 10 days ago, to arrange another interview, and I asked Rick if he knew Mike Harris, and he did not at that point. I urged him to get in touch with Mike thru Kerry- so there you go ! BTW, it was bound to happen eventually as they both know Kerry Cassidy.)
  6. Office space in prime areas losing its shine - HK Standard + Grade-A office market in Central and Admiralty has turned lackluster + Co's are more cautious, and new (cheaper) areas have opened up + Landlords in Central are offering renewals at flat or 5% down + At 3,120 sf unit at No.9 Queens Road was rented at just HK$35 psf, and that's an amazing 36 percent below recent deals in the immediate vicinity + This was the lowest level since 2010 "the plunge in rents is even faster than expected" - In Aug/Sep Lippo centre was at $40 psf Meantime: East Kowloon and Tsuen Wan are offering huge space of 20-30,000 sf at rents which are 80 percent lower than traditional CBD's In May, China Mobile bought for floors in SHKP's Kowloon Commercial Centre (KCC) for about $1 Billion for space totalling 104,000 sf - that makes: $9,615 psf (for the best building in Kwai Hing - it looks something like IFC) > http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/150502/meet-hong-kongs-new-centrals/
  7. "Rents are not increasing .. i renewed mine this year at the same rate.. looking to switch to a bigger place and rents are lower than 2012." -GD-- OTP: I disagree... Rents are higher than one year ago, for many flats - but not all. Average rents are shown in the SCMP on Wednesdays, and I believe this is still showing a rising trend. (There is also a seasonal pattern to consider) You can see two that I track here, which show a mixed picture : See post#2: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=17597&page=1 Estate: $/psf == : Aug12 : Aug13 : chg. / / Sep12 : Sep13 : change Victoria Towers : $ 30.4 : $ 30.9 : +1.64% / $ 28.4 : $ 30.7 : +8.10% The Hermitage. : $ 35.1 : $ 34.3 : - 2.28% / $ 35.9 : $ 35.7 : - 0.55% Average-------- : $ 32.8 : $ 32.6 : - 0.61% / $ 32.2 : $ 33.2 : +3.11% The two buildings (in nearby TKT) where I own property are still showing a clear upwards trend (vs one year ago). It may be different in Mid-levels, given the pressure on the high housing allowances. But don't confuse Mid-Level rents with those for all of HK.
  8. Height of delusion ? Reuters: Carney says UK growth driven by housing market "LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's economic recovery is at an early stage and is still reliant on rising house prices and consumer demand, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said in an interview on Tuesday. "At this stage most of the growth in momentum is coming from the household sector and there's a pick-up in the housing market from quite low levels," he said in an interview with Cardiff's Western Mail newspaper while on a visit to the Welsh capital." Well that's simply not an "economy", is it? And why is "increased activity in the housing market" seen as a good thing in the context of lending bubbles, but when you mention LVT they complain that a lot of people will have to SELL their houses? For every seller is a buyer, so LVT would really "stimulate" the housing market, wouldn't it?
  9. HK's BEARS ARE NOT WINNING... so far (1) H.K. Home Prices Seen Plunging 30% in Biggest Downturn in 15 Years Barclays Plc joined UBS AG and Bank of America Corp. in forecasting a Hong Kong property slump, predicting home prices will fall at least 30 percent by the end of 2015 as income growth stalls and supply increases. A “downward spiral of home prices is likely” as developers and homeowners adjust expectations, analysts Paul Louie and Zita Qin wrote in a report today. They assigned a “negative” rating to the Hong Kong property sector and said office prices will drop 20 percent. Barclays’ forecast exceeds the predictions of a series of brokerages that have downgraded Hong Kong property this month and implies the biggest plunge in prices since 1998. Hong Kong home prices more than doubled since the start of 2009 on record-low interest rates and lack of supply, prompting the government to impose extra taxes and tighten lending restrictions. “The magnitude of the fall is underestimated,” the Barclays analysts wrote. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-28/hong-kong-home-prices-to-drop-30-by-2015-end-barclays-says.html (2) A 30% dip? - We've seen it already - and people BOUGHT IT with enthusiasm. We saw it in the primary market, where prices were 20-30% lower than secondhand, if you consider the value of discounts and tax rebates. But these cheap prices were only offered on the first 40-100 flats. ANd they were BOUGHT with enthusiasm, as buyers responded to bargains, and then bought aggressively at a "hot" new launch. With all the excitement in the new property market, secondhand sales fell, with: + 8 units selling last week, + 9 units the previous week, and + 19 the week before that. SELLERS in the secondhand market are showing virtually ZERO interest in competing with the big initial discounts in the primary market. Instead, they are watching, waiting, and SEEING prices come right back up, as the cheap "early bird stock" gets cleared, and buyers respond with enthusiasm. So far, apparent "bargains" are proving to be genuine bargains, and are not establishing new lower price levels. === /per-AX: http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/152088/the-state-of-the-hong-kong-property-market-(10)/
  10. Pay rent not interest with our Sharia compliant mortgage alternatives Sharia compliant Islamic mortgage alternatives Unlike a conventional mortgage where the purchaser borrows money from a lender which is then repaid with interest, Islamic Bank of Britain's Home Purchase Plans (HPP) are based upon the Islamic finance principles of a Co-Ownership Agreement (Diminishing Musharaka) with Leasing (Ijara). Your monthly HPP payment is made up of two elements, an acquisition payment and a rental payment. When all acquisition payments have been made and the finance has been settled, ownership of the property transfers to you. Our HPP mortgage alternatives are not exclusively for Muslims, IBB provides competitive rental rates which are attractive to everybody. Finance for your property is generated from ethical activities considered lawful under Sharia. Our administration fees are low and there are no early settlement charges, giving you flexibility with your finances. === > http://www.islamic-bank.com/personal-banking/finance-products/home-purchase-plan/
  11. Silver has already SIGNALLED higher prices, it seems SLV ... update
  12. Dominic has the same number, more-or-less: Gold is currently enjoying a mini-surge. The implication of the above chart is that said surge will fizzle out when gold reaches that 144-DMA, currently at $1,367 and falling > continues: http://moneyweek.com/whats-next-for-gold/
  13. Interesting Topics here - I haven't had time to listen yet: Dr. Richard Alan Miller on the Renee Pittman radio program 11-11-12https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0LXwQTvz7c Published on Nov 18, 2012 He speaks on many things including astral projection! His site: richardalanmiller.com Additional information on topics discussed on the show and otherwise Synthetic / Artificial Telepathy 101 link: http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=1681 Link to Dr. Miller's information on Synthetic Telepathy http://www.earthpulse.com/epulseuploa...
  14. BDEV yesterday : 347.00 Change: +0.50 And here's BKG / Berkeley Group ... update - - - It may soon make a top at just over 2,400p
  15. / FROM an AX thread : http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/151878/hk-developers-game:-cut-prices?/ Developers LURE Buyers into paying more with tricks SCMP article - by Sandy Li "SHKP's offer to subsidize stamp duty for buyers of The Cullinan was a slick manoevre" She goes on to chronicle the steps used by SHKP to materialise strong demand in a once-quiet market. Stamp Duty subsidy "instantly made headlines... was widely reported that the incentives plus the discount effectively translated a 20 per cent to 40 per cent discount... Result: more than 2,000 buyers signed up for the first 60 units." She goes on to report that actual listed prices rose to a premium, then the incentives and rebates were cut. Does it sound at all familiar? Of course it does. Sandy Li wrote a good story, reporting a neat bit of clever marketing by SHKP. I sent her an email recently, and suggested she take a look at this thread. If that helped her to track the complex figures involved in SHKP's strategy - then: Great. WE need plenty of eyes on this market, and good reporting - to understand how a once simple market now operates in a time of government-imposed manipulations. Good on you, Sandy Li!
  16. I am watching GOLD-$1365 - that may be a key resistance level That's a little less than GLD-$132
  17. I listened to Dr Rick Miller's talk for Nexus : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_LMtWK0yuk My main note on that talk was Rick's quote: "You are whom you feed." And that idea explodes out to an understanding that "WE" all include a large colony of bacteria, and the types of bacteria and what they are feeding upon with influence heavily our emotions, and our thinking. We are no longer the sovereign individuals that we once were, and if we want to take back our mental and emotional sovereignty, we need to be very careful about what we eat - what we put "in our gut brain", as Rick might say. If I was going to ASK QUESTIONS IN AN INTERVIEW... Then that Quote (about: We are Whom We Feed) is something that I would like to cover in our interview. And along with that the importance of controlling the quality of what we eat. The very best way to do that is by growing a significant part of what is in our diet. Other possible topics for an interview with Dr RAM might include: =================== + How can we become 21st century supermen (and women)? + Catherine Austin Fitts has spoken about trillions of dollars disappearing into black budgets. What has that money been spent on? + Do we really have Earth humans already on Mars? Living in caverns at the South Pole? + Why did Tim Leary want his DNA shot into space after he died? (Those are only a few that I might ask.)
  18. WORLDS OF DEFENSE ======== Physical.... : Food.... : Cordyceps and Transfer Factor Emotional. : Water... : Biofeedback, brainwave training Intellect..... : Air........ : Breath Control, Visual Aids Social-Sex : Earth.... : Belief Systems, change of values Microtubule : Moon... : ESP, Self-Hypnosis Holographic : Fire...... : Archetypal, Mythical Living Resonance... : Integration : Frequencies, Brain entrainment Enlightenment : Sun.. : Mystical States, Free Will (From the Power Tools books) "Change yourself, and so the world changes" ============= (from Amazon): Power Tools for the 21st Century (Paperback) - Customer Review : Excellent Source of information not found anywhere else that I know about. The section on the Navy Seals use of the Cordyceps Sinensis Mushroom was worth the price of the book. Much more on perceptual change and enhancing mental abilities than I've seen anywhere else and I've read nearly 90 books on this type of subject matter. I've tried 3 of the techniques and they are all effective and continue to get more powerful as time goes on. This book is a treasure. Can't wait to get the next book that Dr. Miller will be publishing. Watch his videos on YouTube as well. Review by Michael Bernier > http://www.amazon.com/Power-Tools-Century-Richard-Miller/product-reviews/0988337924/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?showViewpoints=1
  19. OTHER INTERVIEWS... some recent interviews that may also be of interest: Grasshopper DMT A group from Canada visited me 10-02-13, and took some interview material (DMT) (Preview): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xmi1ZDwKcU "DMT... is not the same as Ayowaska." "And the two shamans that are promoting it, are at war with each other... How spiritual is that?" Grasshopper – You are whom you feed http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=grassh...89D906D586291F4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itgPZUEB24
  20. Truth Warrior - Monday- 10-14-2013 / More Episodes Kerry Cassidy – The big picture truthwarrior | Oct 14, 2013 In this episode we discuss Kerry’s work, some new information she’s looking at, who and what is really controlling things on this planet, ET’s, the Annunaki, and who we are and what our true potential actually is. website: projectcamelotportal.com/ === http://truthfrequencyradio.com/truth-warrior-w-david-whitehead-26150/
  21. The slow slide action and few postings here are like the OPPOSITE of a Rocket, I suppose
  22. NOTES - Rivalry fuels fears over price cuts / SCMP article by Sandy-Li ====== Developers are being forced by competition to offer steeper price cuts + Fears of a sharp price correction are spooking stock punters + Cheung Kong (HK-1) has been singled out as one of the most resilient - up 7% this year + Cullinan's discounts of "almost 20 percent"* have "marked the beginning of the discounted sale of unsold units", : says Susanna Leung at CLSA: "Home prices will come under growing pressure of downward adjustment." + Failure of SHKP to achieve impressive sales "could have an immediate downwards impact on property prices" + "Developers are testing the market and finding the floor prices"... She could not rule out a price war + Leung forecast home prices would fall 15 percent by year end + Joyce Kwock (Credit Suisse) : HK developers NAVs will fall 6-10 percent, if HK property prices fall by 20 percent; : that sort of fall might cause stock prices to trade at a discount to NAV of 28 to 48 percent + Andrew Lawrence (CIMB Securities) expects property prices to fall "up to 15 percent in 2014", : and a further 15-20 percent in 2015 - He prefers co's with a faster churn model, shorter land bank duration, : and a smaller exposure to the HK Property market. He likes CK, HK-1
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