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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Goldfinger would have a nice chart to disassemble that idea
  2. If we are really headed into a severe Recession, then London's gentrification process will go into reverse. Risk you money (maybe), but don't riks your life ?
  3. A Convoluted argument Now second-time buyers face huge mortgage leap as cost of trading up rises three foldBy Daily Mail Reporter 8 June 2012 Hefty: Those wishing to upgrade from their first-buy flat to a second buy bigger property are being priced out of moves The cost of trading up from a first-time buyer property to a second home has almost tripled in the past decade, says a survey. And one in six of those trying to move up the property ladder has to turn to their parents for help, asking for nearly £13,000 on average. The price difference between a typical first-time buyer flat and the semi-detached home desired by many ‘second steppers’ has risen from £14,000 ten years ago to almost £41,000 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156570/Now-second-time-buyers-face-huge-mortgage-leap-cost-trading-rises-fold.html#ixzz1xLXACDeH How do they know what a first buy and second buy home might be? Are Brits frigging robots? For instance, they might move from London to a cheaper city, and buy bigger for less
  4. Which Specific comments bother you?
  5. Comex Gold Ends Sharply Lower as Bernanke Disappoints; Bulls Lose Technical Momentum Thursday June 07, 2011 2:26 PM Comex gold futures prices ended the U.S. day session sharply lower Thursday and dropped below what was psychological support at the $1,600.00 level. The yellow metal careened lower following Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's speech to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress. The gold bulls quickly lost their newfound technical momentum. August gold last traded down $43.20 at $1,590.80 an ounce. Spot gold was last quoted down $30.20 an ounce at $1,590.00. July Comex silver last traded down $0.893 at $28.60 an ounce. Bernanke said the U.S. is facing economic headwinds, especially due to the European Union debt crisis, but offered up no specifics on any fresh monetary stimulus package to promote more economic growth. The restrained tone of Bernanke's speech disappointed gold market bulls who wanted immediate gratification on economic stimulus. However, Bernanke at this time holding his cards close to his vest on the matter did not surprise most market watchers--many of whom still reckon the Fed will at some point down the road provide fresh monetary policy easing. The “Bernanke bust” overshadowed several significant market place developments that occurred earlier Thursday, led by news China has cuts its interest rate by 0.25% in an effort to stimulate its economy. The surprise move by China is a bullish factor for most raw commodity markets, as China is a major raw commodity consumer. In other news Thursday, the French unemployment rate was reported at a 13-year high, while Greek unemployment was reported at record high of 22%. European stocks are firmer Thursday and Spanish bond yields have fallen after a well-received Spanish bond auction Thursday. Meantime, the Bank of England left its key interest rates unchanged. The U.S. dollar index traded lower again Wednesday on more profit-taking from recent gains. The dollar index bulls still have the overall near-term technical advantage. Meantime, Nymex crude oil futures were higher Thursday on more short covering in a bear market. Crude oil remains in a bearish overall fundamental and technical posture. The London P.M. gold fix is $1,606.00 versus the previous London P.M. fixing of $1,635.00 /more: http://www.kitco.com/reports/KitcoNews20120607JW_pm.html
  6. Right now the UK, and London in particular, is benefitting from its relative "Safe Haven" status, buyers are flooding in from Greece, Spain, etc. If that should be lost for some reason, London property prices may show a surprisingly rapid slide "Leaflet from estate agent through letter box in the last hour - 4 bed detached houses desperately wanted in the area - why not get them round? These leaflets are usually a sign of an agent that thinks he can sell your house - not take it on for a laugh for a year. What, the feck, is going on?" Safe Haven demand is less price-sensitive that normal buyers. You often get a price blip up just before a major decline. Do you see in price clues here: Mo.: Rt'mov : London : Rest of UK %chg/ Nt'wide H-oldSA Halif.SA Hal.NSA: HNindex : mom : DelusIdx 2012 J. : : 224,060 : 438,324 : 146,967 - 0.28% / 162,228 = n/a = 160,907 158,879 : £160,554 : - 0.16% :139.6% : F. : : 233,252 : 449,252 : 149,658 +1.83% / 162,712 = n/a = 160,118 158,897 : £160,805 :+ 0.16% :145.1% : M : : 236,939 : 455,159 : 151,853 +1.47% / 163,327 = n/a = 163,803 163,419 : £163,373 :+ 1.60% :145.0% : A : : 243,737 : 464,944 : = n/a = : = n/a = / 164,134 = n/a = 159,883 161,180 : £162,657 : - 0.44% :149.8% : M : : 243,759 : 469,314 : = n/a = : = n/a = / 166,022 = n/a = 160,941 161,785 : £163,904 : +0.77% :148.7% : ====================================== mom:+0.00% : +0.94 % : -Est.DI : 148.7% / +1.15% = n/a = : +0.66% : +0.38% : +0.77% Barratt / BDEV ... update Let's see if BDEV can hold that support into, and after the Olympics
  7. Halifax to publish UK May house price data on June 7 ‎ London South East - 9 hours ago Economists polled by Reuters expect the index to show a 0.5 percent monthly rise in house prices after a 2.4 percent drop the month before.
  8. Renting, and using a portion of your savings to trade Gold might work out better
  9. Any thoughts or help to over to JD? Link: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16483 (Please post responses, if any, on that thread... and maybe here too, if Gold related)
  10. Winkworth / Market Insight Spring 2012 London still star performer / has made some significant changes to the cost of buying a home at the very top end of the UK housing market.The full impact on London's housing market remains to be seen but we have provided an overview of the key points below. more... http://winkworth-oxford.briefyourmarket.com/Goto/116679-287-IUMLML Hitting the Top End Only time will tell what the real impact of these changes is likely to have on London's property market. In our local market, based on 2011 sales, an additional £11.2m stamp duty would have been paid. We anticipate that the 7% SDLT will be felt most by households immediately at the £2 million threshold. The additional cost that moving will now incur may put many off. This could further constrain supply and reduce transaction levels in a market that already suffers the consequences of an imbalance between supply and demand. However, over time we envisage that this extra cost will be absorbed in a similar way to the increase seen in last year's budget. - should reduce the average price, if the Top properties fall
  11. MUCH MORE than an inflation hedge Gold has been a way to increase real wealth, (after years of depleting it)
  12. The Independent: Osborne's latest plan: ask Britain's savers for money The Chancellor has told Treasury officials to find ways to persuade savers to transfer billions of pounds held in bank accounts, building societies and investment funds to new government "growth bonds". If successful, the withdrawal of funds from banks and building society's could make it interesting for anyone wanting a mortgage. (REWARDING The Useless... yet again ) Daily Mail: Islington council houses family on benefits in £1.8 MILLION property Anger as cash-strapped council house family on benefits moved into £1.8 MILLION property... with access to private basketball court. If rented privately the council-owned property could earn around £2,000 a week but when the family move in they will be paying less than £1,000 a month. The Indian couple, believed to be in their 30s, with four children and another on the way, are said to be amazed by their luck. One neighbour, Kelly Gladwell, 40, said: 'It's disgusting. The council should sell it off privately and build several homes for people who really need them.' Another resident, Dolores Murphy, 63, added: 'We were all surprised the council was giving a family the whole house. I have four daughters, all born in Islington, who had to move out of London to afford rent. It's so unfair In India, they'd be begging in the streets, or would find some sort of job - rather than gaining such generousity
  13. Did the Mayans get it right? We invite you to listen to a new audio interview with Glenn Neely in which he addresses a fascinating topic: “Did the Mayans get it right? Predictions for the 2012 stock market.” In this interview, Mr. Neely examines several social manias and how they impact the stock market, including the current “end-of-world” predictions relating to the “end” of the Mayan calendar. As you may know, Wave theory describes how groups of people behave (also known as mass psychology) in a market environment. In this new interview, Mr. Neely looks at several past social manias and how these examples of mass social behavior impacted the stock market. Next, he discusses the current social mania – the “end-of-world” predictions linked to the “end” of the Mayan calendar – and how this mass psychology might impact the market as we approach “the end” in December 2012. In addition, he offers extensive thoughts on his market predictions for the years and decades beyond 2012. Click to hear the recorded interview or read the transcript for this interview: “Did the Mayans Get it Right? Predictions for the 2012 Stock Market.” http://www.neowave.com/company-interviews.asp
  14. GONE FOREVER is what they mean. That is money you will not see back. By contrast, principal paid on a Mortgage often comes back
  15. The Guess on Halifax "Late in Great Britain, Halifax House Price Index (HPI), value the price change of homes that are financed by Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS); rise from -2.4% on May up to 0.3% now is estimated." /see: http://www.fxstreet.com/fundamental/market-view/forex-daily-outlook/2012/06/06/
  16. Interesting. Out of curiousity, what is the latest figure? Like you, I like looking at Precious Metals prices in relation to other metrics. For instance, Silver-in-CRB charts well, and here's an update chart This chart is now at a key level. A flag pattern may be complete, and about to shoot higher. But if it fails here-and-now, then it may retest the downside.
  17. I think you will find that all the MFG customers will get their money back in the end. But this long legal process has been unnecessary and confidence-destroying. I am not a superficial guy, like those who plaster all the scare stories all around the web. I try to look at things more deeply. Dealing with a capital-short firm that speculates with its own capital (and also its customers' capital, it turns out), carries a higher degree of risk than trading carefully with more conservative firms, as I am doing. Poor Bob Chapman said he would "never sell his gold and silver", and it now looks like that may have been sadly true. And his gold and silver longs outlived him. I don't want to be that way.
  18. Did Bob Chapman die? I was listening to Robby Noel on RBN and he said something that I didn't hear John Stadtmiller say. He said Bob Chapman finally died from his illness. No wonder that he mention the Elysium Fields months ago. He knew that his time was short. Fair well, good friend to all, on your journey to the Elysium Fields. /link: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1889408/pg1 It says he might have had pancreatic cancer. If indeed he did pass it is sad news, and a tough way to go. RIP, Bob
  19. This makes some good points "Paying interest to the bank is exactly the same as paying rent to a landlord... The money goes out the window." I agree. I get very annoyed by the idiots who say: Why waste money paying rent to a landlord, and they then say in the next breath that buying is better - but ignore the fact that most of a mortgage payment is interest If I hear this from an agent, I often refuse to let it pass, and will "dis-assemble" him
  20. I sold at various stages on the way up, usually mentioning it as I sold along the way. And then sometimes re-entered, usualy at better levels But I have made Strong and Clear calls of some important bottoms, and important Tops Here are three recent examples: + Gold Bottom (I will find my old comments later) + Gold Top Posted 31 December 2011 - 12:45 PM / GLD closed that day at $xx RATIO to CRB ... May be pointing to Buying Window in Precious Metals 5X level looks important for Gold http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=15685&st=80 (and just a few days earlier on Dec.16th, I posted THE TRUCK I was backing up) (...together with this comment): I sold about half of those Gold positions in the rally after that October low, and have boughtback during the last two days. I am using: + GLD and HK's version of it + Calls on GLD and UGL (2x Gold), Calls on SLV and AGQ (2x Silver) and some calls on KGC. I hit near the lows (so far) with some of the trades, and was a little early on others. Still, I have only invested about half of what I plan to, and so if it breaks support at GLD-$150< i will still have some powder available. I do think there is maybe a 30-40% chance that $150-support will be broken, which is why I have not posted the truck image (yet) (I posted it later, as I bought more gold positions) /see: + Silver Top near $50 -signalled with a Thread: $50-ish Peak in Silver Coming? Hunting the Top Also watch the 1.00 Gold Gram level http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=14696 Was my recent call of the Gold low near $1550 clear enough for you ? Also, when I was running the Beating Buy & Hold thread, I was showing every trade with the prices, so it should have been clear how my frequent trading style works, scaling in and out, using options - but aiming to get hedged, or "get big" at major turns
  21. Who do you think I am trading options with? My counter-party is the exchange clearing house, and my broker is Canadian. There's a decent chance they will be amongst the last standing. Also, as the market move develops, I will be shifting my risk exposures to protect profits. I have already shifted my deposits (partly away) from one of the Top Global banks, to the a strong "local" HK Bank. I think this move was early, but it costs me nothing
  22. Good to see you in a good mood, GF ! Seems like everyone (here on GEI) is now onboard this little rocketship I have never had a Gold (& Silver) position this large before (fingers crossed, & knock on wood.)
  23. A sudden move to gold as you forecast, will not "come from nowhere" And I have never sold down to zero, I have always had SOME gold. The in and out trading has actually served me rather well. I think I have made monay on every physical Gold, and GLD long trade- and the majority of my GLD options trades. I call the Silver high near $50, and the Gold high near $1900, and bought the end of 2011 dip, and the current dip. Without wanting to sound big-headed, are you aware of anyone who has called it better? If so, I want to know who, so I can start paying more attention to them (I am always happy to learn from other's techniques) I would hope that you would now be willing to join me in ridiculing the Robert Ian attitude. At Silver-$48, he was saying: "Never ever ever Sell your Silver."
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