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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. LOL "even" Bubb "gave up"? You mean: prices got low enough that DrBubb added aggressively to his gold position. As far as I know, the way someone makes money is by Buying Low and Selling High - which is what I have been doing. Have you found another (more creative?) way to make profits ? Thanks for the Laugh, and the updated charts
  2. Prime homes face 50% drop if euro fails By Norma Cohen The report, which was conducted on behalf of commercial property developer Development Securities, concludes that the factors that have driven up prices for prime central London properties relative to the rest of Britain swing into reverse in the event of a messy break-up of the euro. The report concludes that since 1995, the single most important reason for the outperformance of prime central London properties has been flows of capital seeking a safe haven, both in the run-up to the launch of the euro, when uncertainty was great, and in the past few years as its future has come under question. Two further factors responsible for driving up property prices have been relative sterling exchange rates, which have made British property cheap generally for non-UK investors, and the performance of the equities market, which is the key asset underpinning the wealth of high net worth individuals. “A break-up of the euro would almost inevitably produce a significant appreciation of sterling and a collapse in global equity prices,” Fathom concluded, a development that would undermine the wealth of many of the high net worth individuals who have purchased central London homes. /more: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/66da3a54-aa6b-11e1-899d-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1wT6CPD11
  3. They are RINGING THE BELL today ! Good call, Steve Netwriter !
  4. Please scream away, Scotty. Beam us up ! It's LONELY at the bottom, don't you think ?
  5. STARVED OF SUPPLY? That's looking like the fate of the HK Property market, contrary to the predictions from late last year "New Supply is Tight", says top property agent. According to today's SCMP, the new supply in previous years was: Completions: 2010 : 8,526 2011 : 9,460 Predicted, Centaline 2012 : 10,577 2013 : 15,844 So far, 2012 looks like it might bring the launch of less than 10,000 flats. That's far less than the 12,000 - 14,000 or more which were projected at the end of last year. Why did this happen? So developers saw a falling market, and so delayed the completion and launch of properties. As one extreme example, Hang Lung has 5 Towers left at The Long Beach, and that included over 1,200 flats. They were expected to have sold all of them by now. Instead, they have "gone slowly", selling only about half of the flats in one Tower. Perhaps they will go on waiting for higher prices, seeing how slowly the new supply comes into the market. If CYL wants to bring new supply to Hong Kong, he may turn to the Mainland China property developers, who are seeing a big slowdown in their home market, and are itching to exploit new opportunities in HK. They may be aggressive bidders in Land auctions in HK, provided they have enough cash.
  6. That is NOt a pretty chart. To me, it shows why you need to deflate house prices by Income, rather than RPI. And FT has done that to amongst his charts.
  7. Spanish banks stocks are down an average of 5% today. Bank stock prices are hitting fresh lows, and thsi meltdown cannot continue indefinitely. Europe must develop a plan, and act soon IMHO. And almost anything that I can think of them doing is likely to help Gold prices, I reckon.
  8. I forgot the Hometrack figures: Values increased 0.2 percent from April as the supply of properties grew at the slowest pace since January, the London- based property research company said today. Prices in the U.K. capital jumped 0.6 percent. . . . “Increased mortgage rates and mounting concerns over the impact of the euro zone on the U.K.’s economic growth and employment are likely to keep demand and prices in check as we move into summer,” Richard Donnell, director of research at Hometrack, said in the report. From a year earlier, prices fell 0.6 percent in May, Hometrack said. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-05-28/u-dot-k-dot-hometrack-house-prices-jump-as-london-values-surge-economy This part, strikes me as wishful thinking: “After the tightest squeeze on consumer incomes in a generation, the worst is now behind us,” said Andrew Goodwin, senior economic adviser to the ITEM Club. “Most people should start to feel a bit better off by the end of the year.”
  9. That's a Problem - Don't you recall that thread: Do Greeks need to be kept OUT of the UK? UK's "generous health and welfare schemes" attract them : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16460
  10. WHO is right... about London property? The Office of National Statistics (ONS) reports that London, far from defying price falls, is actually leading the way. The ONS, whose data is regarded as more robust than many of the figures put out by the commercial organisations, says prices in London fell by 0.2% in the 12 months to March 2012. "The annual decrease in England was driven by decreases in London, the south-east and the north-east," the ONS says. Meanwhile, Wales and the south-west are seeing price rises over the past year, while Northern Ireland continues to plummet. Contrast that with the Halifax, which says house prices in the capital were 3.4% higher at the end of the first quarter of 2012 compared with a year earlier, and Nationwide, which says prices were ahead 2.5%. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), whose members value houses on behalf of mortgage companies, said earlier this month that "London continues to be the only region recording price rises." So who is right? /more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2012/may/23/london-house-prices-catch-cold?newsfeed=true Nationwide's figure is due today, so we may get more evidence in this debate
  11. Global house price downturn accelerates: Q1 2012 by GLOBAL PROPERTY GUIDE / May 25, 2012 The world's housing markets moved clearly down during the year to the first quarter of 2012, according to the Global Property Guide's latest house price indices survey. House prices fell in 24 countries, of the 36 countries for which quarterly house price statistics are available, and rose in only 12 countries. Country-by-country /more: http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/investment-analysis/Global-house-price-downturn-accelerates-Q1-2012
  12. THE SPANISH PROBLEM can come to the UK, if the young cannot get jobs and "stay at home", raising (again) average household size
  13. He always had a fascination with Boomtowns and Rats, I reckon. Perhaps Estate Agents and Property Millionaires are "right up his street" "It's a Rat-trap, and you've been conned."
  14. GELDOFF - What Progress!? Organizing charity rock events to promoting property scams. (Or is he hiding a bearish message in his keynote speech.) The "host" is clearly in need of a shave and a better class of shirt. Perhaps he lost his previous one "When Greece defaults it will become clear Britain is in trouble." "The poor, as always, will suffer." "Inside London, it doesn't feel bad. Outside it is sad beyond belief." "Who is going to rent those houses you own?" (a very good question!) "In Germany, you can get a mega-place for less than a million Euros." "That's why they're growing at 3.5%, and we are flat-lining." "Can they compete with us in manufacturing, because housing costs less." "Rents (in Germany) are capped by the government. People save their money to spend on other things." "The people who destroyed the economy, pay themselves proposterous bonuses." "Essentially, these people are unproductive." (Isnt that like the non-productive "Property Millionaires" who benefit from ultra-low rates?) I think Geldoff is intelligent enough to see the disharmonies in his message. Some of the in the audience may think he is bullish.Truly, they deserve the fire-storm headed in their direction.
  15. GELDOFF - What Progress!? Organizing charity rock events to promoting property scams. (Or is he hiding a bearish message in his keynote speech.) The "host" is clearly in need of a shave and a better class of shirt. Perhaps he lost his previous one "When Greece defaults it will become clear Britain is in trouble." "The poor, as always, will suffer." "Inside London, it doesn't feel bad. Outside it is sad beyond belief." "Who is going to rent those houses you own?" (a very good question!) "In Germany, you can get a mega-place for less than a million Euros." "That's why they're growing at 3.5%, and we are flat-lining." "Can they compete with us in manufacturing, because housing costs less." "Rents (in Germany) are capped by the government. People save their money to spend on other things." "The people who destroyed the economy, pay themselves proposterous bonuses." "Essentially, these people are unproductive." (Isnt that like the non-productive "Property Millionaires" who benefit from ultra-low rates?) I think Geldoff is intelligent enough to see the disharmonies in his message. Some of the in the audience may think he is bullish.Truly, they deserve the fire-storm headed in their direction.
  16. They chased themselves away, and many of them were far too rude towards those of us who warned them that gold was not on a one-way trip The site is much more harmonious, intelligent and useful without the ridiculous spats, don't you think? I expect they are either fighting with themselves elsewhere, or are maybe a bit wiser by now
  17. Our Gold bulls (myself included) will like this:
  18. Whatever you want to consider "real money", I have different definitions of it pigeon-holded and stored for uncertain times, and will not miss out if gold or silver prices soar
  19. Jeff Christian thinks Gold may be headed down into summer ($1480-1500) http://www.kitco.com/Exclusive-News/ Meantime, Gold-in-Euros is working its way higher
  20. Wait until all those Greeks and Spaniards arrive: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16460 If they are allowed too
  21. Here's another good indicator: Al Korelin: MP3 : mms://media.kitco.com/weeklyreport/Korelin20120524.mp3 Big Al and Trader Rog say that it's "Sideline Time" - by Al Korelin, May 24, 2012 www.kereport.com Al is ALWAYS bullish on Gold, so for him to say, "It sideline time," it may be a fairly rare BUY signal. The unwillingness of the old Gold Cult to post anything here. (are they embarrassed about having been too bullish, perhaps?) Is another BUY sigal, I reckon. The recent "near death experience" (that I spoke about in my Diary) have have frightened some of the now shell-shocked old Gold bulls, and they may miss out on the early part of the rally, if we are about to see one. Al said: "There's uncertainty out there..." There's always been uncertainty, and the time to be talking of it was near $1900! (as some of us were here.) Roger's comments make more sense than Al's
  22. CME Group Lowering Margins For Gold Futures 24 May 2012, 8:15 p.m. By Kitco News Editor's note: Catch the Latest Happenings with Kitco Video News! (Kitco News) - CME Group is cutting margins for gold futures, the exchange announced late Thursday. The new rates will be effective after the close of business on Tuesday, CME Group said. The exchange operator also announced margin changes for a number of other markets, mostly lower, including reduced margins for crude oil, gasoline, lean hogs and lumber. CME Group said the new margins were part of the “normal review of market volatility to ensure adequate collateral coverage.” For the main 100-ounce gold contract on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, the initial margin for new speculative positions will fall to $9,113 from $10,125. The maintenance margin for existing speculative positions, plus all hedge positions, will fall to $6,750 from $7,500. Margins were also trimmed for the smaller-sized gold contracts.
  23. Those charts again Weekly ... update Daily ... update Gold-in-A$
  24. Tumbleweed here? That's good - that's bullisg, I reckon
  25. MORE about that possible War Compare two forecasts March 2011 - "Dow to 5,000" "We may not go down immediately, it could take two months." Trigger : "Major war end of 2012, or 2013." === === From March 2012 ??? old video ??? (Here's July 2011): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgDki_-Ux0M "US going into deflation... We will have a major crisis.
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