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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Sure, there's a huge RANGE in the price of a suit, which is why the comparison can be made to work going all the way back to Roman times, when a Gold ounce would have bought a really nice Toga. But the real point is the purchasing power of an ounce of gold is now about the best in history, so how can one argue that Gold tracks inflation? How many here will be satisfied with their Gold investments if a Gold ounce falls back to its 2001 purchasing power?
  2. I have been observing the favorable Gold set-up too. And it looks like we could soon have another run-up in the Gold price. A supporting indicator: + the continuing Laser beam rally in Gold A contrary indicator: + the recent weakness in Copper Let's see if these three can move up (or move down) together next week == == Meantime... on FS: Frank Barbera: Gold Stocks Ready for a Strong Advance
  3. The NWO elites are capable of playing more than one game at a time. They may even have their minions seemingly pitted against each other, but with an overall plan to enrich themselves. The way the game is set up now, Gold is rising faster than inflation, as it takes on the status of a currency. If the masses can be convinced to ask for a currency linked to gold, then Gold-owning elites will be able to cash their profits at the top, without the price slide we saw after 1980. If those with a few Gold coins are crying for it, the elites will happily achieve their purpose without needing to fire a shot, and without manipulating an election - All thanks to the efforts of their "friends" like Jim Sinclair. The thing is, many on GEI might agree that gold linkage is a good thing, so the efforts of the gold gurus are succeeding already. And it will seem like there is no alternative. Have you looked into the background of JS? Can anyone who writes "dear extended family" be taken seriously? The way he put the $1650 price target out there convinced me that he understands the techniques of mind control*. I also think that Gold will rise over time, given the way the dollar is being managed. But like Ron Paul, I think gold should be an allowed form of currency, not the whole basis of a future currency. Those who have piled up huge holdings of gold, should not be allowed to escape from the future downside in the price, when a more prudent money arrangement is introduced someday. === === *Others have also noticed the way he operates: JS addressing sheep GF if you trust your intuition, then I have a suggestion: Relax and quiet your mind. Then ask yourself: what drives JS? Think of some of his odd posts and behavior. After a while, you may find yourself agreeing that there is something not quite right with him. BTW, I do not have the same concerns about Jim Turk. I have met him many times, and find him honest and sincere. He is always bullish to gold, but I think it comes from a real conviction, much as I become a skeptic towards anything as it begins to get popular. There is room in this world, and on this website for different points of view, but I do not like seeing people trying to practice mind control, and expecting others to behave like sheep. For myself, my own views tend to be controversial (buying gold in 2001 near $250), and so I will not attract much of a following at those times. By the time others start to follow, I will have begun to move on elsewhere.
  4. Is there food in it? Water? If not, you may not last long there
  5. Let's treat this with a bit a skepticism, shall we not ! === === (here's where I am coming from. I am not a Gold Bear, just a would-be-realist): Don't be ridiculous Quiff. There are plenty of other arguments to be skeptical of the bullish arguments put up by Gold bulls. Here's one of the most obvious, that never gets mentioned by the Bulls: + A few years ago, when gold was truly cheap, you used to hear that through centuries : a gold ounce... "would buy you one good man's suit", and they said: Gold should hold its purchasing power over time. They did not talk about Gold outperforming everything for years and years to come.) Now when Gold would buy one man's suit, or less than one man's suit, you would hear that. Now that a gold ounce can buy 3 or 4 good man's suit, we never hear that. What the Gold cult wants, but never admit is: + They want and expect Gold to outperform inflation. (it has been doing that since about 2008-9.) How can that happen? 1/ Those who hold gold can be persuaded not to sell it, whatever the price 2/ Gold can become a currency, even the preferred currency, and so its value will be set by seigneurage (sp?) that is by gold's usefulness as a medium of exchange 3/ Desperate governments might be persuaded to link their currencies to gold, so then those lucky holders can unload it at/near the top, and take their profits without worrying about triggering a price slide. Back in 1980, after gold hit its peak, the price fell from $850 all the way back to $250 (that's -xx%). The gold bulls always inflate the $850 price, but rarely speak of the subsequent decline You have to ask yourself, who would benefit from a huge price rally in gold, and protection from a subsequent decline? The big beneficiaries are not going to be gold-bug individuals of the type who post on this thread, it would be institutions that control 1,000's or 10,000's of MT. And if there are institutions out there that control 100,000's of MT of Gold, then they would be the huge beneficiaries. Personally, I don't find it hard to believe that such institutions have already compromised some (even most) of the gold gurus leading the gold cult. I believe that GEI would be "on the side of the angels" if it fights that pernicious influence.
  6. You should try listening to the man, instead of prejudging him ! He is speaking about an Urban environment in a crisis, and he's completely correct. If you "flash your gold" to buy Food, someone may follow you home and shoot you to get the rest. On the other hand, if you stay at home and out of site, you can survive a long time on stored food. If you need to go out, better to have a small amount of silver and a gun
  7. Pete Peterson: about 1:20 in ==== "Store and Save food. It will save you money, and it may save your life. Owning Gold will just get you killed." "If you own gold, for goodness sakes, buy some Silver." It is something you will be able to spend safely, and it can save your life (too.)
  8. ... posted on the What's Wrong with Mid-Levels thread ... (This part was posted on the "Bankers slashing" thread): by OffThePeak LOL - did you see the SCMP's Business section today? I am reading their paper, and they must be reading my posts here. Haha Headline: "Luxury Rents decline as Bankers feel the Pinch" - Whodanthunkit? "Rents on homes leasing for HK$100,000 to HK$180,000 a month slid 18 percent from Jan to last Oct, as six figure housing allowances in the financial sector came to an end." They ain't worth it, folks, and we all know that ! "Overall in the luxury rental market (over HK$40,000)... fell 7% in the period." This was a "far cry" from the 20% rise that some had been predicting. Some bankers had seen their housing allowances "slashed in half." (Pause for a few tears) "Bankers with leaner budgets were moving to more offbeat locations such as Discovery Bay and Sai Kung, where homes were spacious but more affordable." "Offbeat"? That's offbeat? LOL the journalist doesnt know what is genuinely off beat. (this part is added here): "Younger middle-mgmt employess, who used to find properties in Sheung Wan and Wan Chai affordable, are now eyeing properties near the Olympic and Kowloon stations." Banks are hiring people from overseas on closer to local terms. (The once always-bullish-on-luxury ) Anne-Marie Sage chips in, saying she "expects tyeh drop in luxury rents to continue."
  9. Optimistic Sellers Raise Supply and Prices. Summary Asking prices for homes on the market in England and Wales have risen 0.5% since January, despite poor market fundamentals. Average time on market has dropped back significantly to 230 days: market activity is increasing but this is due mainly to new vendors. Hey, that's not going to work !
  10. Not quite. A US suburb has less attractions (for me) than a small town - See the NEW THREAD about What makes a good suburb?: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=15972
  11. You all are "my children", some in need of... / haha, just kidding I think my partner my have some of her own thoughts about that idea. Actually, do people here really think the suburbs are a good place to raise children? If so, did you grow up there? (as I did) If not, I suggest you think again. What a horrible and mind-deadening place to live. The suburbs DESTROYED a good portion of America's WEALTH through: + Requiring the use of oil-guzzling autos for transport + Providing a low density, and hence low rate of return for required infrastructure + Destroying bank balance sheets when home values plummetted + Creating a large base of voters who favored the wealth-destroying living arrangement + Fostering a selfish "my-home-is-my-castle" mentality + Making it difficult to turn the country around
  12. Why? They are bankrupting the country. What a massive waste of (now-scarce) capital. What an empty way of living ! This isn't just my point of view, check out: http://www.KunstlerCast.com "The greatest malinvestment of capital in history" "A tragi-comedy"
  13. Are you not familiar with the Peak Oil argument? There's also: Peak Copper, Peak Food, Peak Resources, Peak Everything I think the best evidence in favor of Peak Oil, is the progressive impoverishment of the USA, with its suburban living arrangement, and resultant expensive addiction to imported oil
  14. Yeah, But population growth (along with debt growth and economic growth) may be just another Ponzi scheme that is headed to a crack-up. Why do I say that? Because the world is running out of resources.
  15. Some ideas - not developers 312 1968 299 - $690 / $600 : FCF:
  16. JS's latest big of scaremongering has failed to push gold higher GLD ... update The latest ramping effort from JS was Jan 30th, just before Gold's most recent peak: It turns out that the size of the net risk for banks is about $3 Billion, according to the IFR, which is not a scary amount at all. Gold still has the possibility to breakout over $1765. But it also could soon fall back below where it jumped on the Fed's announcement that it will keep rates low until late 2014. It is now in a neutral zone, awaiting its next big news. If it can hold here a few more days, I would expect it to retest the recent highs.
  17. I agree with the comment about not-overstretching, and I am pretty certain than Dom would not do that. So I can only wish him the best of luck if he goes ahead and buys. But this part gave me pause: "I hate the way house prices have alienated a generation. I hate the way people put off starting families simply because house prices are too dear. It’s all a consequence of our stupid credit-based fiat system of money." Hmm. Is that really such a bad thing? Delaying starting families? One reason gold and commodities prices are rising, is that we are pressing up towards Peak Oil, Peak Gold, and Peak Everything. Why is that? Resources are limited on our planet, and... WHOOPS! I'd better make a different comment, so I am not misunderstood. (I hope Dom realises I am not criticising him personally. I am sure his family is wonderful, and I believe that it is great having them on the planet. But if financial considerations cause people to delay having families and maybe have fewer than they would otherwise, is that really such a bad thing.)
  18. Perhaps I should mention that the most aggressive "disrupters" here, are the core posters on another website. It is very easy to imagine what their motive is. Perhaps I should just ban them here. I haven't seriously thought of that, but I welcome comments now. Thanks for remembering charities. Those of us who have benefited from Gold's price moves and those who have high paying jobs shouldn't forget that everyone is not so well off.
  19. No one is perfect, ML. When you are trading (or even investing) you are going to get it wrong sometimes, and the trick is to limit your losses when you are wrong. I generally do that through options. The next trick is capturing a good profit when you are right, and I sometimes use the "when it doubles, sell half" concept to capturing profits on volatile stocks like mining juniors. Yes, it does help to have time. But if you have a big enough investment and big money at stake, it would be wise to find the time. Else you may "pull a Bob Chapman" and ride Silver from $20 to $50, then back to under $30. That's quite a ride without putting any profits away.
  20. ??? It is pretty difficult to be a Troll on my own site, I would have thought. Keeping GEI free from intense Cult-like behaviour is a worthwhile goal.
  21. For those that do trade Gold, I hope you took some profits in recent days, as I did
  22. It wasnt it who (first) applied this term to Gold Bugs, it came from the Screwtape thread - see above. I merely agreed that the behavior of some our posters fit the definitions. Are they dangerous? If they are a cult, they are a mostly friendly cult. The biggest danger they present may be to their own wealth, and so long as gold stays in a bull market, they will be okay.
  23. Next time you see a 2.74% move up coming let me know. If you can time those you could make a fortune trading options
  24. "People take offense at the "evil trader" who uses the corrupted system." I am not taking offense, since you may not mean that. But a sentence like that is straight from the Gold B&H cult paybook, don't you think? "DrBubb also sometimes gets a bit "enthusiastic" and provokes" By trying to Beat B&H? That would only bother a cultist, I reckon. Why shouldnt a normal reasonable person want to watch my trading and see how I get on? They might even learn something useful about market timing if they see me getting it right, as I did.
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