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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. "TOWARDS A MORE NUANCED VIEW", rather than same old bullcrap === Agreed. Do you think we are going to get it from one of these guys? A. John Ing: $3,000 Gold in 2012 Not As Far-Fetched As You Would Think Gold miners missing the opportunity to create shareholder value MP3 : http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2012-0306-1.mp3 Maison Placements Canada Inc. CEO John Ing joins Jim this week to discuss gold. John believes that gold could reach $3,000 oz. this year, particularly if events in Europe or the Middle East erupt into crisis. John also discusses the potential of precious metals producers paying dividends in gold and silver. B. Technician David Nicoski: Markets Headed Higher, Along With Gold Stocks and Commodities Also, Cathlyn Harris on “Who Gets It When You’re Gone,” Ryan Puplava with a Market Wrap-up, and Rob Bernard with the MP3 : http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2012-0303-1.mp3 Jim welcomes David Nicoski CMT, Director of Research at Vermilion Technical Research, LLC. David sees the markets as overextended, but notes that markets can stay overextended for long periods of time. He sees the general indices heading higher, along with commodities and gold stocks. Also this week, Cathlyn Harris from the PFS Group discusses an important estate planning topic, "Who Gets It When You’re Gone." In addition, Ryan Puplava gives his weekly Market Wrapup and Rob Bernard checks in with the Fixed Income Report. I am going to listen - But I really expect MORE OF THE SAME OLD, same old. Here are the BIG QUESTIONS that interest me... 1) If gold is meant to be an effective hedge against inflation, why is it outperforming almost all other measures of Inflation ? 2) What does this outperformance mean for future Gold performance ? 3) Who owns the bulk of the Gold on this planet ? Does it matter who owns the Gold? 4) Is a gold price soaring ahead of the rate of inflation something that ordinary investors should be supporting or not? = Or is it possible that an elite is creating a constituency to buy Gold at high prices, so they can unload their holdings? 5) Do you want to be holding, or having your country's Central Bank buying Gold while the elite unloads?
  2. There may be fewerjobs everywhere, when the financial sector implodes. It might be smart to look for areas outside London which have very little financial sector employment, and grow plenty of food
  3. SALES of American Eagle Bullion Gold Coins fell sharply in February, while Silver Bullion coin sales also dropped, the Mint's own data show. A total of 21,000 ounces of American Eagle bullion Gold Coins were sold last month. This represents the lowest monthly sales since June 2008, and an 83% drop from January. === Interesting. I was hearing the exact OPPOSITE recently on one of those 100% Gold Bull sites. I think we can begin to see some advantages for seeking a balance, as some of us do on GEI
  4. When I was passing through Heathrow a few hours ago, I thought I read a headline saying a Rate Rise was imminent. So maybe we will get the London peak BEFORE the Olympics
  5. ENGELBERT Humperdinck last night vowed he has it in him to become the oldest person ever to triumph in the Eurovision Song Contest, declaring: "I am going to win it for Britain." In an exclusive interview with TV Biz, 75-year-old Engelbert — a surprise choice by the BBC to represent the UK at this year's event in Azerbaijan — said he can't wait to take the contest by storm. The veteran singer — who will be 76 by the time the contest takes place in capital Baku at the end of May — will be the oldest singer to ever take part. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/4166177/Eurovision-news-Engelbert-Humperdinck-76-will-be-the-UK-act-for-this-years-song-contest.html SURE, he is old. But he is aging moore gracefully than this poor woman
  6. It will be interesting to see if GLD/Gold ... update ...will be still above $140 at the end of April. I expect that at least 90% of our regular posters would expect to see that. My own guess now would be that there is a more than 20-30% chance that GLD will at least touch $140 within Q2 2012. What do others think the odds of that happening would be?
  7. Thanks. Wise words. You are right. B&H, should ideally be: Buy and Hold and Hold... then, Sell at the Top. When is THE Top? I cannot tell you that. But maybe you do not even need to know that. In 2001, I sold my London property. I sold it "too early", as many have told me over the years. My reaction did set some property bulls off, because I said: "I do not care if I sold too soon. The main thing to know is: How much profit I made (4X my cost), and what I did with the proceeds: I bought Gold shares! I subsequently made something like 6X my investment in Gold shares, and then I sold those "too soon" too, in order to buy many properties in Hong Kong. I still hold the most valuable one of those, after having sold the other 9 properties "too soon." Do you see a pattern here? My overall point is this: Selling too soon is not really a problem, provided you use the money to buy something else that is good value. You may then find - as I often have - that the new "cheaper" investment rises in vaue faster than if you had held onto the old one. What is wrong with that? I tend to think in terms of relative value, and use Ratios to assess that. And I wind up exiting too early to please the purists/ If you want to exit Gold at the right time, you should keep a watchful eye on the alternatives.
  8. I see the difference. I reacted to the more common meaning, just in case it was intended that way. But your meaning is probably accurate. So with that thought, you think I am "stuck with a lonely cause" here. Or perhaps instead, I am just early in presently a fresh view on the motivations of Gold Bullis, and so catch flack for being different by being early. It will not be the first time that has happened. "Sinclair was right, is right, and will be right (on the price of gold)," - GF. No one jumps in the attack this comment. (!!) Were more complacent words ever spoken in this debate ?
  9. Should I drop my argument, simply because there are other points of view here? And there is in fact a dominant point of view different from mine? Of course not. "Gold holds its value over time". Hmm. Well it fell from $850 to $250. How does that price move fit in with your view on its value as a Safe Haven?
  10. ?? That point makes no sense at all ! I do not know exactly where he was born - so I can hardly be called a liar. There is increasing evidence that his Birth Certificate is forged, or doctored. All he needs to do is get Hawaii to send a copy of a genuine certificate to the Electorial boards of 50 states. Instead he spends millions fighting various court cases. Why?
  11. The potentially tight supply only matters, if there is a sudden surge in Gold demand. (Almost all the gold produced in the course of history is still around, and capable of being sold somewhere, somehow.) We may see a demand surge, if people are persuaded somehow that Precious Metals are the only true Safe Haven money. That's the story the many, many Gold Bulls are trying to sell to you. They all have a vested interest of course. I am long gold, not short it. But I value truth more than bullshit and so will not join in this hoary game of constantly "talking one's book." Does no one posting on this Purist thread, have any personal integrity to admit there is at least some element of truth in the process and motivations that I have described? (I am really tempted to move this thread to the Fringe Section for a day or two, to make the point that many people posting here seem to have become infected with some sort of bullish virus that makes it so hard for them to comprehend other points of view.)
  12. Nonsense. I am not "proud" - I am merely battling bullshite. Can you not see the difference? I presume you do not like it, because my truth-telling threatens to puncture the dreams of much higher gold prices, if owners of the metal can hold on in a time of rising demand. This is the essence of ramping. You hold and and get your friends to hold on, while talking the price up, at every opportunity.
  13. I would put it very differently. JS doesn't defend himself against charges of ramping gold, and he SHOULD be made to do so. I read and respond to the many comments here from people, most of which are unfair IMHO. (I would appreciate it greatly, if there are any others reading this, who are also suspicious about the motives of Mr Sinclair, if those others we see that dangers of his ranmping would now give me some support. I am tired of fighting the apparent forces of darkness on my own.) I think I have fought hard to bring light and debate to points and dangers that the liars and exaggerators (like GATA) have done their best to hide. GATA and others paint themselves as "the good guys" in the great gold debate, but I think that is far from true. they will not answer debate points (and strong ones) that I am fight hard to bring to the surface. Here it is in a nutshell: "Who owns the bulk of the Gold on this planet, and is a gold price soaring ahead of the rate of inflation something that ordinary investors should be supporting or not?"
  14. People may be asked to make decisions on this. Especially if the Gold Bugs can get enough public support for a Gold backed currency. Personally, I am against a Gold backed currency, for a number of reasons. But the well-financed Gold Bulls will keep pushing for it.
  15. Have you consider that every BUYing window I have signalled here has represented a very favorable time to buy. The one at the beginning of 2012 was only the latest. Sinclair has never signalled a selling window as far as I know, so his whole thesis is based on Buy and Hold and Hold and the notion that there are Angels out there holding magnets that attract the price ever higher. I could have taken $1 million off him by betting against the timing of his $1650 target... Yet you call high "right"? How can he be so one-note wrong, and inspire such loyalty? It is a mystery to me
  16. Can we please have some THOUGHTFUL DEBATE on this topic within the new thread Can there be a Right price for linking the Dollar to Gold? How would it be determined?
  17. OTP's comment from AXpat: P., your comments I have just seen - I am in London now: Seems a heck of a lot, but I can't afford to buy something I could live in, so was hoping to at least get on the train, and own something smaller and rent it out. Prices are lower than nearby zenith and queens cube, but broker says those are more premium buildings. Questions 1)How would you evaluate this deal (price ok?) 2) Is this good timing or wiser to wait a few months? 3) I read somewhere that new developments actually drop in price after the first year or two. Should I be focussing on secondary market then ? Since this for investment and not to live in. ======== You might be "getting on the train" just as it is about to "go off the bridge" and then you could find yourself underwater. Buying a new property, and paying the usual 10-20% premium strikes me as a little bit of madness. It may be justified if you want to live there and have "fallen in love with the flat", but otherwise it is a poor investment. Remember, it may be new when you buy, but it will be secondhand when you sell. Why people seem to forget this basic truth is a mystery to me.
  18. A few days later, we look back and see: 52 Week Range: 64.912 to 150.00 Best closing high? 149.20- 2.28 Now at: 146.20 Change: -1.00 Open: 147.40 High: 148.60 Low: 145.00 Volume: 6,990,423 Percent Change: -0.68% No Runaway so far
  19. A few days later, we look back and see: 52 Week Range: 64.912 to 150.00 Best closing high? 149.20- 2.28 Now at: 146.20 Change: -1.00 Open: 147.40 High: 148.60 Low: 145.00 Volume: 6,990,423 Percent Change: -0.68% No Runaway so far
  20. I did notice that after you asked. This JD will be best know to those who came from HPC, as he has been outspoken on his bearish-on-housing view for a long time. He's been mostly right on the UK as a whole, but nit so right on London where prices are hanging up at record highs. We considered why that is the case in the discussion
  21. Is there more than one? Perhaps there is. I always thought this one was THE Jonathan Davis:
  22. I think "investors" will need to be disciplined too. Most Gold purists are not. They are complacent and believe they can sit on their gold holdings "no matter what." They do not use stops, and are determined to sit out any "correction" in the price. You may be interested to hear Jonathan Davis' view on the Gold price. Maybe you can sit out the drop he is forecasting, but it may prove too painful for some long term gold holders. I trade some, but not everyday and not every move. You can see my successful modus operandi on the old Beating B&H thread.
  23. Listen to today's interview of FBB, if you want to understand better my views on gold. They may be refreshingly different from the crowd at GATA, or those who follow JS.
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