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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. I believe I will be at a Canadian Chamber event the same day - concerning Mining. Mines & Money is happening here next week, and it will be a rather busy week
  2. Just curious, MM. Why do you never post on other threads here ?
  3. Maybe the Flip side of that Money Velocity chart would be... The rise of Barter transactions
  4. So far, GLD/Gold have beat Bonds as a safe haven An obvious reason, oft-stated by Gold gurus like Jim Turk: "Gold (& silver too!) is the only 'money' that is not someone else's liability." Apart from a month or two in late 2008 and in 2011, it is hard to find any time period where TLT outperformed
  5. Gold can attract buying, if Fiat currencies implode and credit contracts. But it is not the only asset favored under such circumstances. Example: Gold may attract safe haven buyers in the same way that T-Bonds have done. What may be coming up is a battle between Gold and Bonds
  6. Decline in UK house price eases in February - RICS LONDON (Reuters) - British house prices fell at their slowest pace since July 2010 last month, and surveyors expect prices to stabilise in the coming months as the economic outlook brightens, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said on Tuesday. The value of British houses fell sharply at the start of the financial crisis and has been generally stagnant since then, with transaction volumes about half that before the crisis due to a lack of mortgage finance and uncertainty over jobs. ... /more: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/decline-uk-house-price-eases-february-rics-034238038.html Surveyors' expectations for house prices over the coming three months jumped to zero from -14, the highest reading since May 2010. This is partly due to first-time buyers seeking to take advantage of a tax break on home purchases before it expires on March 24, but surveyors also said much of the rise in sentiment was more durable, their professional body said
  7. That's "Money Velocity". People, banks, and companies are not spending as fast as they once did. That is partly because banks are not lending money as easily as before, I suppose.
  8. Plenty of UK Citizens in HK. So they might like that
  9. I am collecting those discussions in one place, and prefer it be somewhere for Members only, so as not to distract others. I hope you appreciate that this is a very different approach than on HPC where the Mods quickly bann anyone who complains or raises questions.
  10. Jake, What exactly are you "sad" about? That GF is not posting here ?? If so, I suggest you take that up with him. There's very little I can do about that fact. Indeed, all I did was transfer his membership from Mod to Member, along with others. And he simply over-reacted IMHO. I find it is strange that you blame me for his over-reaction (?!?) As a matter of fact, I have mixed feelings about it. And I think he and some other posters who follow him like friendly stalkers (or something) might do better with some sort of holiday from GEI. After a break, they would be very welcome. That's how I see it now.
  11. (Another from Jake, moved here): You know I am not a stirer. 'buggered' to coin a phrase. That's all. I am very sad. - by Jake
  12. I would be happy to continue this discussion on the Old thread - but not here, SVP
  13. === post moved to Old Gold thread ===
  14. A good find Van: Data collected by Simon Ward at Henderson Global Investors shows that M1 money supply growth in the big G7 economies and leading E7 emerging powers buckled over the winter. The gauge - known as six-month real narrow money - peaked at 5.1pc in November. It dropped to 3.6pc in January, and to 2.1pc in February. This is comparable to falls seen in mid-2008 in the months leading up to the Great Recession, and which caught central banks so badly off guard. “The speed of the drop-off is worrying. This acts with a six months lag time so we can expect global growth to peak in May. There may be a sharp slowdown in the second half,” said Mr Ward. It sounds Deflationary to me - Not good for Gold prices
  15. "Like a Nordstrom's Sale... People look at it as a Huge Opportunity." - Jim Puplava, Kathy Derbes Back a few days ago when the Gold price fell $100 in a single day - on big volume. This Podcast interview was recorded MP3: http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2012-0303-3.mp3 The level of complacency sounded alarm bells for me! I think it is much healthier when prices "climb a wall of worry," rather than when all the die-hard bulls are patting themselves on the back saying how smart they are to buy the dip. I know my comment will upset some here. But please put your emotion aside, and realise that I am trying to described a time in the price cycle when buyers are so complacent, that they happily shrug off any drop. The article quoted above talks about the heavy buying. Frankly, this buying on the back of such petulant complacency might actually be a WARNING SIGN, rather than something that should give Gold buys confidence. I am Net Long Gold, not short Gold. And i do think there's a real chance it will go higher. But this type of complacency does make me uncomfortable. And for those who are trying to learn about how market sentiment relates to price moves, I suggest you make a note of this sentiment, and watch how iot plays out. The funny thing is: Worry here might be healthier than the widespread complacency being communicated on FS. David Morgan, whom I respect, talks about Silver hitting $60 before the year is over. He may be right, but Silver may need to visit levels below $30, before we see a sustainable rally. I am not promising that, but if Gold gets dragged back below $1600, then Silver will likely be below $30 with it.
  16. CGNAO moves in mysterious ways. I reckon he will pop in with a timely post, next time he sees volatility about to explode. I haven't (yet) found any way to predict these forays.
  17. Thanks for asking. Sure, I can, but not easily - since I usually see so much that seems to be "horsefeathers", misinformation, just plain confusion in his interviews. If you go to the original place where it was posted, you will see I compared his confusing ideas about "magnetic" price targets, with the clarity and sense contained in Eric King's interview with Bill Fleckenstein. I think there are so many better sources of info than JS. And I do wonder why JS is held in high regard by any sensible person. I had an idea to collect his information and then point out how useless* it is, until other people eventually get the point. I don't think he should be allowed to go on fooling people. (His misinformation about the dangers of Greek Bond CDS insurance is merely the latest example.) But that strategy may upset some of his fans, so I will try a bit harder to restrain myself. === === *His Angel Magnet targets, are nothing more than numbers squared: 41 x 41= $1,681, $1,764, 1,849, 1,936 etc. I think these numbers are useless. More useless than information I get on astrocycles from Larry Pesevento, who some here find it easy to critize (for reasons I find mysterious), while Mr Gold's confusing and contradictory pronouncements are held in regard, providing a bizarre contrast, that I have never understood.
  18. A Week of Gold Bulls or Horsefeathers ? But WHAT IF Mr Sinclair is WRONG about the Dollar? (Could he be peddling horsefeathers... again?) Suppose the Dollar rises instead? Then Gold may fall, perhaps back to $1650, even $1550 and lower Here's UUP, the 2X Dollar etf versus GLD/Gold ... update In the above chart, UUP closed on Friday at $22.26 ... update ... And was threatening to break out over the 76d-MA. This coming week should be interesting.
  19. That seems very sensible IMHO. My is below that range right now, but not much. It has been far higher in some past times
  20. This is not necessarily bullish. In fact, you may consider it bearish. If Gold fails to rise as they expect, they may be driven to sell their Gold holdings. If that happens, then watch out below !
  21. ??? Readers can be of any stripe. Do you think talk of Buying and Selling Gold is of no interest to those still learning about it? I suppose the real question is: Who is the audience for this or any other thread about Gold
  22. I hear you, but I don't really see why. For those whose "Core position" is 100% of their Gold holdings, I do not see why they cannot just ignore the Trading ideas, or simply take them onboard when they want to Grow or Shrink their Gold holdings. By seeing all the Trading ideas, after a while they may get a sense of which ones really matter to them. So they could ignore 80% or 90% of them, and only react to the Major Signals. They might even ask those who are talking about Trading, "Is this a Major or Minor Buy, from your point of view?" Anyway, I would be interested in the opinions of others who are (still committed to) posting here
  23. Yes, you are right. I have two trading pots for Gold: One long term, and one shorter term, for trading. I haven't been Net Short Gold for many, many years. When I signal a "Buying Opportunity" as at the beginning of the year, the pure B&H guys might think of that as an Ideal Gold-Adding Opportunity. Do you see what I mean? The Jury is still out, on what sort of Correction we are in:
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