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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. So you would have an open mind, apart from the shirt ?
  2. According to Wilcock, 85% of the Gold is held "off market" in Asia. And those who control it want to maintain the price (for the time being) Some of his ideas are rather strange, like this... AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW OF HISTORY - from David Wilcock's article INVESTING IN THE "NEW WORLD" TO BALANCE THE POWER EQUATION JL told me that the Asians were secretly financing the buildup and development of the United States -- well before the American Revolution of 1776. The people behind the American Revolution obviously had their own agenda, as we now know -- but in order to create a massive development project on such a vast scale, they needed an investor... with deep pockets. The Founding Fathers signed separate, secret contracts for each shipment of gold they received. The Elders fully expected to be paid back for the gold they were shipping out... in time. They knew it would take many years to build the United States up to the point where it would be fully self-sustaining and profitable on its own -- but it was necessary to balance the power equation in the world. Shiploads of gold, averaging 2000 metric tons per trip, were routinely being sent to the United States. This gold was secretly used as collateral by the United States Treasury to issue currency -- financing an unprecedented industrial expansion. The United States made sure not to give away any of the gold. It was secretly stashed in Mexico and elsewhere as time went on -- including places in Asia that were mutually agreed upon for safe keeping. This secret buildup reached its peak in the 1800s. For almost an entire century, I was told that the United States received as much as two thousand metric tons of gold per month. Every shipload generated a completely separate contract and debt to be repaid. THE TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD -- A KEY ASIAN INVESTMENT If you're not paying attention in American history class, you could easily miss that one day where your teacher talks about how Chinese "slaves" were largely responsible for building the first transcontinental railroad between 1863 and 1869. The slang name for these laborers was the "Coolies". Apparently they were the best at shimmying down ropes, planting dynamite in holes cut in the rock, lighting the dynamite and climbing back up the ropes fast enough to avoid getting blown up. The reality is very different. The "Coolies" were not slaves at all. They were highly-skilled professional builders sent over from Asia. The Chinese didn't trust Americans to do the job. They sent over their own people to make sure everything went smoothly. /see: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1022-lawsuit-end-tyranny-ii
  3. So. Those who talk about 2 million tonnes of Gold are not crazy. Can you open your mind enough to read the story that David Wilcock tells? He starts this way... This is the biggest secret. This is the real history of the global financial system. This is the story that almost got me killed. This is a small taste of how the blueprint for global control was meticulously followed... over the course of hundreds of years. ASIA: WHERE THE WHOLE STORY BEGINS The greatest secret in the world, as I have now discovered, is that "Gold is as Plentiful as Sand." This is obviously an exaggeration, but apparently not by much. It has been truly stunning for me to uncover this information. All this gold had to be confiscated, by a vast method of worldwide deception, in order to pave the way for a "New World Order" -- where money could be created out of thin air. To truly understand this highly secretive battle that has led to "The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny," you have to go back in time. Everything ultimately becomes East Versus West in this grand "Illuminati" game -- as I finally now understand. My investigation of this story led to direct threats against my life, relayed by one of my top insiders. Therefore I take this very seriously... and I don't want to leave anything out. /continues: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1022-lawsuit-end-tyranny-ii WARNING : his story gets pretty wild, and as he says: "Some people may be laughing at this now, but I don't think they have a whole lot of time left to remain ignorant of these things." SO READ IT for amusement maybe
  4. I found a report which gives some revised estimates... How Much Gold Stock is There Really? Posted by Philip Barton on Oct 21, 2011 The current estimate for the amount of gold stock in the world is in the region of 170,000 tonnes. As the very first step, it needs to be acknowledged that an estimate is all that is available. Running a worldwide survey on how much gold people own is rather pointless. Even in good times, people are noticeably reluctant to discuss their true wealth. In troubled times, such as now, that becomes an unwillingness to even be interviewed. Nevertheless, it also needs to be emphatically stated that 170,000 tonnes is far too low an estimate and that it is time for a revision. Every single media outlet repeats this same figure, or similar, as though it is gospel. Included in this 170,000 tonnes is the 10,000 tonnes estimated as being the total amount of gold mined in the history of the world prior to the Californian gold rush of 1848. This was simply a guess. ‘David Guyatt, in his article “The Spoils of War”, commented that prior to the Californian Gold Rush of 1848 the amount of gold believed to be in existence was about 10,000 tonnes, i.e. it was “the sum total of gold mined throughout the world during the preceding 5,850 years, for which mining records exist.” In correspondence with the World Gold Council in 1998, Guyatt says that the WGC admitted that this figure was just an “industry estimate”, although as he says: “Nevertheless, this estimate has been incorporated into current day official mining figures and punched out as actual fact.”’ The Thunder Road Report The “industry estimate” of the amount of gold mined in that 5,850 years works out to be 1.7 tonnes a year. The assumption that underpins the idea that not much gold was mined prior to the Californian gold rush is essentially, that if it takes modern methods a whole year to extract 2,400 tonnes then it would take far, far longer for more primitive cultures to extract the same amount of gold. The huge, gaping flaw in the modern versus primitive technology theory is that it assumes that all else was equal. It unequivocally was not. The further back into history we travel, the more accessible and plentiful gold was, just as it will be far less plentiful in the future than it is now. Our ancestors mined all the easy to access gold in the world. The Mesoamericans pulled chunks of it out of rivers with their hands it was so plentiful. Today we are mining the residual leftovers – the sparse remnants of what was once plentiful. . . . Somewhere between 1,200,000 tonnes and 2,500,000 tonnes would seem to be a reasonable and conservative estimate. Obviously it could go way beyond 2,500,000 tonnes. What is beyond doubt is that 170,000 tonnes barely represents the tip of the iceberg of the world’s gold stock. Let us be rid of this figure once and for all. It is a folly to keep repeating an obvious error as though it were fact. /source: http://www.goldstandardinstitute.net/2011/10/how-much-gold-stock-is-there-really/ “Gold is so plentiful that no one who did not see it could believe it”. Marco Polo reporting on gold in Lokak (Siam or Malaya) “in great abundance because it is found there in measureless quantities”… “so much indeed that the ruler of the island has a very large palace entirely roofed with fine gold, just as we roof our churches with lead” Marco Polo reporting on gold in Japan “Gold dust is found in the rivers, and gold in bigger nuggets in the lakes and mountains”. Marco Polo reporting on gold at Karajang (Chinese province of Yunnan which is still a gold mining area today)
  5. EXCERPT Paulson, the billionaire fund manager mired in the worst slump of his career, sold 36 percent of his stake in the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) in the third quarter, an SEC filing showed. New York- based Paulson & Co. remains the biggest investor in the largest gold-backed ETP, with a stake valued at $3.17 billion. The 56-year-old manager’s Gold Fund was this year’s best performer among his $28 billion fund family through about mid- December, people familiar with the figures said last week. Redemption requests for the end of the year were about $2 billion, two people briefed on the matter said last month. haha. I don't think it is "the worst slump of his career", just the worst slump since he became famous in 2008. Prior to his big win then, and before the media proclaimed him an investing genius, he was seen as an "average" HF manager. People are way too susceptible to the media, and need to learn to think for themselves.
  6. Good comment. I should frame it, and pull it out again and quote it in the next parabolic move. I still cannot believe people were spouting nonsense like: "Never, ever ever SELL your Gold!" What's it for? If you have a huge profit (as at Gold-$1,900 or Silver-$48) why not cash some or all of it? You can buy Calls with some of the proceeds, if you want to stay long.
  7. It broke support (252d.MA) yesterday on reasonably high volume - so we should see a fall to the next major support level
  8. Thanks, Doc Solar. People can record their forecasting bets on the 2012 UK Property Predictions thread if they like. Since they may be easier to find there. Alternatively, we could even start a "Forecasting Wagers" thread.
  9. remind us: what was the bet? Can you also post the response on the 2012 Houseprice predictions thread?
  10. It could easily take 1-2 years (from the April 2011 Top) to touch $50 again. No guarantee we will go through it, if/when it does. No doubt, it will depend upon the Dollar's outlook.
  11. Good questions! I do hope the bulls who fell for his blatter will remember this, and be more receptive to the many "voices of sanity", which were dismissed in the parabolic spiral. Having said that that, I have bought fairly aggressively at these lower prices. I note the lack of buying interest on the thread now, and regard that as a positive factor.
  12. Week : CCLI : CMMI : RobinPl : Tregun : Dynast : Clovell / IslHarb : ParkA : Waterf : Sorrent : TArch : CaribC 01/29 : 94.47 : 91.91 : 13,981 : 17,377 : 21,471 : 16,613 // 8,770 : $9,663 : 11,145 : 13,031 : 20,031 : 4,730 fr.12/4 -3.44% -2.26%: -1.38%: -1.38%: -1.38%: -1.38% / -2.82%: -3.98% -10.32%: -1.64%: -0.44%: +0.77%: 01/22 : 94.75 : 92.17 : 13,994 : 17,392 : 21,490 : 16,627 // 8,762 : $9,654 : 11,152 : 13,039 : 20,043 : 4,871 01/15 : 94.31 : 91.66 : 13,986 : 17,383 : 21,478 : 16,618 // 8,762 : $9,655 : 11,146 : 13,032 : 20,032 : 4,667 01/08 : 94.16 : 91.25 : 14,014 : 17,417 : 21,520 : 16,651 // 8,780 : $9,674 : 12,250 : 13,060 : 20,075 : 4,630 01/01 : 95.47 : 92.41 : 14,080 : 17,499 : 21,622 : 16,729 // 9,135 : 10,399 : 12,435 : 13,257 : 20,378 : 4,631 12/25 : 96.68 : 93.89 : 14,091 : 17,513 : 21,639 : 16,743 // 9,100 : 10,147 : 12,431 : 13,252 : 20,371 : 4,610 12/18 : 96.81 : 94.03 : 14,104 : 17,529 : 21,659 : 16,758 // 9,109 : 10,157 : 12,436 : 13,258 : 20,379 : 4,620 12/11 : 97.10 : 94.37 : 14,128 : 17,560 : 21,697 : 16,787 // 8,950 : $9,980 : 12,379 : 13,196 : 20,285 : 4,619 12/04 : 98.13 : 94.30 : 14,189 : 17,635 : 21,790 : 16,859 // 9,016 : 10,054 : 12,435 : 13,257 : 20,131 : 4,834
  13. This fits here too - Don't expect Mortgages terms to get easier...
  14. Beautiful music and images can help you retain a vital sense of WONDER Sometimes if helps (to inspire wonder) when you can see the world through someone else's eyes
  15. IMPORTANCE Of Intuition. Here's Steve Jobs, (from Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson) ...interviewed in his garden in Palo Alto, reflecting on the lasting influence of his trip to India: Coming back to America was, for me, much more of a cultural shock than going to India, The people of India don't use their intellect as we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion, That's had a big impact on my work. Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; it is learned and is the great acheivement of Western civilization. In the villages of India, they never learned it. They learned something else, which is in some ways just as valuable but in other ways it is not. That's the power of intuition and experiential wisdom. Coming back after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the craziness of the Western world as well as its capacity for rational thought. If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does - there's room to hear more subtle things - that's when your your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremedous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you can see before. It's a discipline; you have to practice. Zen has been a deep influence in my life ever since. At one point I was thinking of going to Japan and trying to get into the Eihei-ji monastery, but my spiritual advisor urged me to stay here, and he was correct. I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door. (pg.49) I connected with Job's statement. About the same time he was traveling in India, I was studying mediation with Dan Goleman (author of Emotional Intelligent) who had just returned from his own one year sojourn in India, blissed out as Jobs seemed to have been then too. In the evening after meditation class, I was speaking to people in the Lowell House dining room about the importance of having a "Zen mind." One of those other students would have been Walter Isaacson, who would have been a least a little mystified about why I would be interested in such airy, fairy stuff.
  16. Some market researchers have produced charts like this: /source: http://news.goldseek.com/Dani/1273767071.php (2) Cumulative Gold Production in metric tonnes (1835-2006) /source: http://www.goldsheetlinks.com/production2.htm /USGS--: http://minerals.usgs.gov/ds/2005/140/ (3) /source: http://whiskeyandgunpowder.com/looking-at-gold-price-trends/ Note that: production was DECLINING from above 5mn oz. pa, when the chart started. But they seem to ignore some facts: + In earlier times, Gold was monay, and there would have been a scramble to find it + Very rich grades of gold would have existed, and been exploited for thousands of years
  17. Chinese Retreat ... from Buying Luxe Properties in London Rumors of their appetite are greatly exaggerated. (From an article in today's SCMP): "Buyers from Asia accounted for most new home purchases in central London for the first time in the six months to the end of April (2011), according to broker Knight Frank LLP. Most were from Hong Kong and Singapore." On the back of that, all the brokers expanded their sales efforts in the Far East, but guess what? "Chinese investors share of prime London home purchases in the most expensive neighborhoods FELL BY MORE THAN HALF in the third quarter... Hamptons International said." Chinese buyers accounted for only 4.9% of sales in Chelsea, Kensington, Knightsbridge and Belgravia, down from 12.6 per cent in the previous quarter That's a Big Drop !
  18. ''Gold has plunged through many of the support levels I’ve previously provided you" LOL Why listen to people, who are continually "surprised" by these predictable and tradable moves? Note yesterday's Outperformance by SLW: "It's a Dead Cat Bounce," says Tom Obrien, and "The S&P wants to tag SPX-1290." "It is easy to move it during a week like this." If it goes up on light volume, he thinks it will soon drop to retest the October lows. He is also unimpressed by Gold's rally, and thinks it will drop $200 or more. (Tuesday closes): SPX: 1241.30 +35.95 / +2.98% O: 1205.72 / H: 1242.82 / L: 1205.72 GLD: 156.98 + 2.11 / +1.36% O: 156.82 / H: 157.43 / L: 156.58 vol.: 9.14 mn (ave: 14 mn) SLV: 28.77 + 0.81 / +2.90% O: 28.64 / H: 28.82 / L: 28.50 vol.: 11.52 mn (ave: 20 mn) SLW: 29.80 +1.54 / +5.45% : Note Outperformance ! O: 28.87 / H: 29.83 / L: 28.75 vol: 4.37 mn (ave: 6 mn)
  19. DISCIPLINED BETTING ON THE UPSIDE This is from the Beating B&H thread...
  20. Hence I have maintained a LONG BIAS in my BBH portfolio. I merely "Dail up" and ""Dail down" risk (using options) when I think we are at extremes or within "interesting" trading windows. We are within such a trading Window at the moment, and I am buying SLV, AGQ, and SLW calls aggressively
  21. From DrBubb's Diary... When other precious metal sites were ramping Gold at $1900 and Silver at $45 plus, what you were hearing some several folks here (not just me) was: "Be careful! Parabolic moves normally get retraced." [ I reckon some GEI readers benefitted from those warnings and upon reading them were more likely to take profits or shift to another metal than buy into the parabolic spike. I have to admit, that I am gritting my teeth while buying right now. And I am much more likely to buy in the money calls than outright longs. I always thought that I would be buying more outright longs at these levels when we reached them. But I find I don't have the stomach for it since I can see that support could easily be broken. Some usually accurate observers, like my HF friend "B" have been talking about $22 Silver. Maybe we will see that (or even lower), and so I want to "keep some powder dry" in case we do. But anyway, if you look at the Beating B&H thread, you will see I have been aggressive in buying in recent days, as I always planned to be when Silver hit these levels below $30 and near $27. I do think you can put the market calls on GEI up there will they most accurate you can find. But now that I have typed that, there's an excellent chance you will see a big blunder soon, and maybe this agressive buying of Call will be it. Of course, we want to trade knowing "anything can happen." SEE: http://tinyurl.com/BeatingBH
  22. That's "Crash Cruise speed" for 6 months, and for the last two months in London also. Keep it going for 12 months, and then you have a trend than none can miss.
  23. It looks WEAK ACROSS THE BOARD to me... Mo.: Rt'mov : London : Rest of UK %chg/ Nt'wide H-oldSA Halif.SA Hal.NSA: HNindex : mom : DelusIdx 2011 J. : : 223,122 : 413,259 : 127,148 - 0.25% / 161,211 = n/a = 164,145 161,470 : £161,341 :- 0.33% :138.3% : F. : : 230,030 : 430,680 : 125,624 - 1.20% / 161,183 = n/a = 162,697 161,680 : £161,432 :+ 0.06% :142.5% : M : : 231,790 : 424,307 : 127,160 +1.22% / 164,751 = n/a = 162,712 162,151 : £163,451 :+ 1.25% :141.8% : A : : 235,822 : 431,013 : 127,721 +0.44% / 165,609 = n/a = 160,393 162,303 : £163,956 :+ 0.31% :143.8% : M : : 238,874 : 430,936 : 128,189 +0.37% / 167,208 = n/a = 161,039 162,344 : £164,776 :+ 0.50% :145.0% :H J. : : 240,394 : 438,622 : 128,965 +0.61% / 168,205 = n/a = 163,430 163,642 : £165,924 :+ 0.70% :144.9% : Jl : : 236,597 : 432,641 : 129,766 +0.62% / 168,731 = n/a = 163,981 164,714 : £166,723 :+ 0.48% :141.9% : A : : 231,543 : 418,008 : 128,105 -1.28% / 165,914 = n/a = 161,743 162,076 : £163,995 : - 1.64% :141.2% : S : : 233.139 : 427,889 : 128,821 +0.55% / 166,256 = n/a = 161,132 162,375 : £164,316 : + 0.20% :141.9% : O : : 239,672 : 450,210 : 127,252 -1.22% / 165,650 = n/a = 163,311 164,311 : £164,981 : + 0.40% :145.3% : N : : 232,144 : 444,724 : 124,083 -2.49% / 165,798 = n/a = 161,731 160,801 : £163,300 : - 1.02% :142.2% : D : : 225,766 : 434,871 : 12X,XXX -X.XX% / ======================================== mom: - 2.75% : - 2.22 % : -Est.DI : 138.3% / + 0.XX% = n/a = : -0.97% : -2.14% : - 1.02% London's up GBP 21,000+ from Jan., but down more than GBP 15,300 in the last two months.
  24. You have made some good calls too. But staying in Gold for the long term may or may not be the best move. Here's a guy with a good track record who would doubt that, Mike Stathis: The BEST use for gold is to capture price volatility via short-term trading. Its poorest use is as a long-term hold. Now that the gold bubble has (likely) been established, you need to be very careful about buying gold here, unless you plan to trade it. Otherwise, you face the risk of being stuck with it when the bubble pops. The previous down cycle in gold lasted some 23 years. And some investors are still waiting to break even (after adjusting for inflation). /see: http://www.avaresearch.com/avanew/articles/299/Fools-Gold-Part-3.html
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