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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. He devotes all his time to his researches and presentations, and needs to make a living somehow. To be sure, he gives many free interviews, videos, and other information. if you want to know more without paying anything. He is fast becoming the "rock-star" of alternative vision presenters. At one point, he was seen to be a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce - there's a define physical resemblence (see below.) But he plays that down now. Edgar Cayce versus David Wilcock
  2. Thanks for that response. Even if we do not agree. My opinion is that: Science has plenty to learn from future Research. Even in my own life, I have seen what is considered scientifically accurate evolve and change. Wilcock has done loads of research for his book, and he quotes many scientists - Though I will agree that many of them are not mainstream western scientists. The researchers that he does quote often come from places like Russia. But isn't that a good place to explore "outside the box" thinking? Why not cite one and two examples of Wilcock's ideas, and where you think he has it wrong? His overall thesis is miles away from Mainstream science, but that alone doesn't make it wrong. I haven't read the book yet, but from what I have seen in videos and his writings: Wilcock's Achievement is that he has managed to back-up the realisations from his Law-Of-One spiritual work with scientific references. His overall conclusion that the Universe-is-A-Hologram is supported by respected scientists like David Bohm*. Personally, I find it rings true to me, that each of us has a piece of "God's consciousness", and if we are spiritually developed enough, we can gain access to greater wisdom. That fits in well with the notions of people like CG Jung, who spoke of of a collective unconscious**- ie each of us has access to a bigger mind through our intuition. Most mainstream scientists become obsessed with tiny prices of the bigger picture, and due to their conservatism find it tough to see the bigger picture. ==== ==== ==== /source: http://drjoesholograph.blogspot.com/ *The holonomic brain theory, originated by psychologist Karl Pribram and initially developed in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model for human cognition that is drastically different from conventionally accepted ideas : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holonomic_brain_theory **Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species. : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_unconscious
  3. The Lifeboat Hour - 09/04/11 Mike Ruppert / September 2, 2011 MP3 : http://lifeboathour.podbean.com/mf/web/z7nuz9/LifeboatHour090411.mp3 Mike welcomes Peter Joseph of The Zeitgeist Movement to the show. They discuss humanity's current predicament, what we can do about it, and the importance of working together while implementing the best possible future for as many people as possible.
  4. Obviously not ! (or he would have responded by now) Yet another example of complacent close-minded thinking. If some sort of enlightenment is coming, the close-minded will be the last to experience it. This reminds me of a story from Mel Fabregas: He talks about a primitive tribe on an Indonesian Island. The tribe survived the Asian Tsunami, because a half day before it hit, they climbed to the top of a nearby mountain and waited. Holiday-makers on the same island died because they were complacent, and stayed put. What got them to do that? It wasn't science. It was being open to other influences, like intuition... They were "where they needed to be, when they needed to be there." They were not brain-washed by some conventionally modern idea of science.
  5. The Grandest Deception - book by Dr. Jack Pruett Our world is upside down. Doctors destroy our health, lawyers destroy justice, the government destroys our freedom, the mainstream media destroys information, and our religions destroy our spirituality. We are constantly at war with each other... Is this because of The Grandest Deception? "A little too far-out for the Main board" - so moved : here
  6. I do not rule that out* (or in!) - I want to keep an open mind, since I am fairly sure the world is a far stranger place than the average person understands. I have seen and heard convincing evidence for parts of this "greater story", but I cannot discuss it here. But that post was in a way unfortunate, since it may detract attention from the important ideas in David Wilcock's book. I will show some Mainstream Press Reviews here, if and when they turn up. ==== ==== ==== Meantime, here is an EXCERPT is from the KIRKUS REVIEW: His research led him to the conclusion that ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Hindus and others have left clues that may reveal the secret behind the year 2012, and that the date itself is not indicative of an apocalyptic event, but the start of an epoch that may usher in a higher state of consciousness. Wilcock argues that this transition will be guided by a living energy field—and that this energy field, which he dubs “the source field,” is the fundamental building block of all space, time, energy, matter and biological life, and may be a crystallization of a united, symbiotic consciousness that we all have the ability to tap into. The author provides wide-ranging evidence to support this claim, citing dozens of scientific studies and first-person testimonies, and delves into the mystical connections between DNA, energy and light. He argues that the makeup of the entire universe is geometric in arrangement and motion, and that the year 2012 coincides with many natural astrological changes that could affect human intuitive abilities (namely through the activation of the pineal gland, an idea that is referenced by many ancient cultures). Much of Wilcock's scientific data is cutting-edge: For example, an idea like the holographic principle fits perfectly with his notion that time may actually exist in three dimensions. However, readers should be prepared for some fantastical discussion of alien intelligence, crop circles and time portals. At its core, Wilcock's theories rest on the idea that mankind can usher in this transcended age by expressing love and kindness toward each other and the world—a worthwhile endeavor regardless of one’s beliefs about 2012. Debatable, sure, but the author writes a narrative as fast-paced and scintillating as a sci-fi novel. http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/non-fiction/david-wilcock/source-field-investigations/ ==== ==== ==== *If you look into it, you will see that the seismic shock was very different from a "normal" earthquake: "I do not rule that out*" / Because of coments like this one, From Kauilapele: Now as you may observe from the earthquakes seismograms, it does appear that the latest Virginia quake would more likely be due to a sudden intense shock (nuclear or other weapon could do that), rather than the typical pre-shock (P-wave) followed by the main shock (S-wave), as observed in earlier Virginia quakes. The main point I see here, though, is that all of those who may doubt that anything at all positive is happening in this world should be heartened by what is being seen outwardly the last few weeks, and what people like David and Ben Fulford are reporting from their sources. This is not demonstrating the strengthening of “the cabal”, it is demonstrating its demise. Perhaps the most significant thing that any of us can do now, is to hold all of what is occurring now in a positive Light. Namely, we ARE moving forward (not backward), we ARE headed up (not down). If anyone wishes to continue to maintain a “nose down” trim (airplane term) attitude, it will likely not help anything, and only bring “pain” of some kind to the holder. /more: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/
  7. Good Morning. Welcome to 9/11 again (11 Sept. 2011) ... 9/11/11 Many "alternative media observers" think there is a high risk of some sort of Event today. It need not be a terrorist attack, it might even be some sort of Earth Change.* Let's see if anything happens today. *RECENT CHANGES: Solar Activity Remains at High Active Levels Solar activity remains at active levels. NOAA AR 11283 produced an M1.2 flare on September 9 with peak time 12:49 UT and an M1.1 flare on September 10 with peak time 07:18 UT (causing a type III radio sweep). The second M flare was possibly triggered by a filament eruption near NOAA AR 11283 at 01:28 UT on September 10. More M flares or even X flares are possible from this region, with risks for proton events. Sep 10, 2011 - 12:43:47 PM Magnitude 6.4 Quake Hits Cascadia Suduction Zone A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck off the northwest coast of Vancouver Island, officials at the Pacific Geo-science Center have confirmed, but there are no reports of damage or tsunami warnings. Sep 9, 2011 - 4:58:35 /more: http://www.zimbio.com/Earthquakes/articles/4z7QO6NvXZW/Earthquake+Vancouver+Canada+Today
  8. Thanks for doing that CMJ, Catherine Austin Fitts : Deliberate Implosion of the U.S. Economy Lots to be interested in here. She gets to oil about 3/4 of the way through. "We are all shipping our money into Washington (and Federal control.)" "The tapeworm economy is draining us... we need to delink from the central economy." "Biggest danger: the way they control seeds and food supply." "Controlling oil, and having a strong military... are key control mechanisms." "Transparency is important: If you can do dirty (halfway around the world) and still be acceptable, then you can get away with crime(s)." (CAF lives off-the-beaten path... in a farming community: Hickory Valley, Tenn., pop: 136)
  9. I think she picked up "$2.3 Trillion of spending by the Pentagon is unaccounted for," by Donald Rumsfeld, just before 9/11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRqeJcuK-A That's a long way from $40 Trillion. Here's another big figure
  10. Thanks, WiseBear. The eternal skeptic, and we always need a touch of that. Did you bother to listen to ANY of it ?? BTW, this podcast might be more accessible for those who do not want to sit through the video, are read his book: MP3: http://divinecosmos.com/podcasts/wilcock_hrtomind_110822.mp3 DW says: "The day before the book came out, on August 22nd, I did a one-hour radio show on WBAI's 'Heart of Mind' program, and I feel it went very well."
  11. I just do not see HOW that can be true. (!) If that such an unbelievably huge money was spent, the money would have gone into someone's hands (contractors, machinery, and cement suppliers etc.), and we would have seen some evidence for that... in a jump in GDP, or in the coontractors' income or P&L statements, or in their spending as they pass the money on to their own subcontractors or business partners. The only alternative might have been if the work and materials were paid for in Gold and other commodities, and that metal handed over "went off world", or directly into storage. Is he suggesting something like that? If so, it is a strange tale, that needs more explanation.
  12. What next? Where else might new thinking show up: Primary victories for Ron Paul? (we can hope) - who openly speaks of shrinking military spending /on the KunstlerCast Forum: Let's Fight the Good Fight When someone mentions a mainstream candidate, I might react with a laugh, and say: "How could you support him. He/she is simply a puppet of the Powers-That-Be. And I am fed up handing over political power to people like that." Supporting Ron Paul is a way of changing the empty "narrative" in US politics. New thinking is needed in politics too. === === === Source Field ... a Customer Review EXTRACT Startling assertions with hard science to back them up!, August 25, 2011 By XanaDude (Denver, CO) - This review is from: The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies (Hardcover) This is without a doubt the most amazing piece of work I have ever read. I have always been interested in what would be considered "fringe science" and although other authors have made similar assertions with regard to an intelligent "source field" i.e. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, etc., none have backed up these viewpoints with such an amazing amount of hard science conducted by so many credentialed scientists and engineers. I have a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and therefore I have a very critical and logical approach when assessing supporting data to an hypothesis. The references provided by this author are nothing short of excellent but as the old saying goes - "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" - and there is no shortage of that to back up this remarkable theorem. I have always believed that the universe itself must be alive and intelligent and Mr. Wilcock's work in supporting this belief will knock your sox off! The work is presented with so many interesting studies that you will find yourself absolutely riveted and unable to put the book down. One has to wonder how mainstream science got so far off track. It is almost as if there was some sort of conspiracy to deliberately dumb down the minds of the people. If the information in this book becomes known and understood by just a small amount of the population, we could be looking at an amazing future for mankind. /more: http://www.amazon.com/Source-Field-Investigations-Civilizations-Prophecies/product-reviews/0525952047/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 68 of the 71 reviews are 5-star. (Clealy, Wilcock has a big fan club.)
  13. The Breakthrough - Human thinking is changing The Source Field - A New way of seeing / seeking the Truth ============================================== (from post #116): I reckon we need both Wayseers and Scientists on GEI. Wouldn't it be great if they could look for common ground, and engage in a respectful dialog, rather than trying to anihalate each other. I can feel it... do any others agree? Big changes are just ahead. We may be about to throw off the self-limiting ways that we have been viewing the world, and breakthrough to a greater understanding of the world around us. And, my goodness, do we need to ! Here are some signs that give me hope: 1) The release by David Wilcock of his new book: === some call it "Junk Science", what do you think ? The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies [Hardcover] (now a NY Times Bestseller: #18 ) Based on a hugely popular Internet documentary, this exploration of historic signs and symbolism determines what the future holds for humanity come 2012. "If you believe there is no special significance to the year 2012, then prepare yourself for a guided tour through the most incredible scientific mysteries in the modern world, which may be the rediscovery of an ancient system of physics and spirituality that was once widely used and understood, but has since crumbled almost completely into ruin." -The Source Field Investigations In his documentary The 2012 Enigma-viewed more than two million times- David Wilcock exposed many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan calendar, and much more. And in this book, his seminal work, he'll expose even more. Calling upon fascinating areas of alternative science, Wilcock's unique philosophy connects the human species and the rest of the cosmos, proposing that it is in our power to usher in the Golden Age prophesied in so many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions. Unlike the doom- and-gloom viewpoints depicted in big-budget disaster films, Wilcock believes that 2012 may be a watermark for when a widespread acceptance of a greater reality will begin to occur-and in his book, he lays out many of the blueprints for such a Golden Age. On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Source-Field-Investigations-Civilizations-Prophecies/dp/0525952047/ref=zg_bsms_books_1 2) Interviews, like this one with Neal Kramer : Unreal meltdowns, Machine vs. Human Culture MP3: http://radio.veritasshow.com/VS-110902-nkramer-t6c.mp3 (note/ after listening: It starts a bit slowly. Maybe jump in at half-way. I liked the description): In this interview, Neil Kramer explains what constitutes a low frequency life, and how living this way limits perception and keeps us functioning far beneath our potential. He talks about how the controllers use symbolism and timing to make sure trauma leaves fertile ground for further manipulation of the psyche and behavior. Kramer says that for the control system to work, it must perpetuate distinctive positive and negative forces, capitalism vs. socialism, the reds vs. the blues, as there must be somewhere to channel aggression and despondency. . . . From this interview, in Kramers own words The biggest disease in the normal construct is this low vibration. Pop stars and kings and queens and junk food and war and Facebook its all limiting, drab, rubbish. If you come to a place of stillness, the unmoving mind, a place of balance, that neutral space you see the world as mysterious and extravagant. The construct tells us we know most of what there is to be known, but as you walk your own sovereign path as master and warrior, you realize that science and politics and education know next to nothing about how this world works and fits together. Human potential is stunningly massive in terms of what is achievable. /more: http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/2011/09sep/VS-110902-nkramer.php WHAT SIGNS do you see, if any, as we sit on the eve of what may be a major currency crisis? Will we emerge from this crisis with a new way of thinking? LINK to here: http://tinyurl.com/GEI-breakthru
  14. Not many things are left being a store of value - that was my point. And even Gold may have its comeupance one day. They used to say "safe as houses"- will that still be said in 2014 or 2015 ?
  15. I think those BTL wizards that saved that money, really need that extra money. I wonder if the BofE feels like a Bizarro Robin Hood, doing good works backwards
  16. (From Asia Xpat): Posted by OffThePeak on : "Sell your property NOW" I must admit that I was a little surprised by the NEGATIVITY expressed in yesterday's SCMP. There were several bearish articles, centering around the "lower than expected" prices on the Land auctions. It was almost as if someone On High had asked SCMP writers and editors to Talk the Market Down ! The Estate agents would like to see that too, since they know that they will do more business now if vendors cut their asking prices. The only problem is: Prices are not falling much. In fact they are still rising in some areas, like West Kowloon. Hong Kongers are lucky, because the property market is very transparent here, and there is plenty of data. And I am one of those people who actually bother to study it carefully. That is so that I do not have to "buy it" when Estate Agents or the Press are spouting BS - as some to be doing at present. So here's what I see: + Rents are still rising in Hong Kong + Interest rates are off their lows, but still near historically low levels + As a result of these two factors, it is cheaper to own than to rent for most people + We are not (yet) seeing the sort of mass exodus of expats that we saw in 2008, before the property market collapsed As a further check on the reality of the current state of the property market, I look at the data from Centaline. It shows only a tiny nudge down from the highs, which - according to their data came in the week ended 5 June 2011 when the Centaline City Leading Index (CCLI) hit 100.72. Here's a comparison: Index-2011: 05.Jun. : 28.Aug. : change CCLI-------- : 100.72 : 099.41 : - 1.30% CMMI------- : 097.67 : 095.43 : - 2.29% W.Kowloon*: 100.64 : 102.95 : + 2.30% *An index composed of: The Arch, Sorrento, Central Park, Island Harbourview Please, any press folk reading this... A little bit more research and a little less "winging it" with pure "opinion" if you please !
  17. Hong Kong Site Sells for $400 Million By POLLY HUI HONG KONG—Blue-chip giant Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. paid less than expected for a New Territories residential site at an auction Tuesday, underscoring concern about the outlook for the real-estate sector amid market volatility and rising mortgage rates. The US$400 million price affirmed the view among some analysts that the city's long-sizzling property market has been cooling for some weeks. At the government's last land auction in August, a luxury residential property site garnered just one bid—also below market forecasts. The site sold Tuesday, Tseung Kwan O, is one of Hong Kong's fastest growing mass-market residential areas located partially on a former landfill. Property development in the northeastern neighborhood have gathered speed in recent years after a subway line linked the area with urban Hong Kong. The winning bid from Sun Hung Kai was below the forecast of 3.2 billion Hong Kong dollars to 3.96 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$410.6 million to US$508.1 million) from five analysts and surveyors polled by Dow Jones Newswires, and was 9.5% higher than the opening bid of HK$2.85 billion. Official data showed home prices in the city rose 14% in the first six months of the year, following a 56% surge in 2009 and 2010 brought about by abundant liquidity, record-low interest rates and a flood of investors from mainland China. To rein in soaring property prices, the government pledged to increase land supply in this fiscal year, ending March 31, 2012, by selling 52 residential sites. The 13,393-square-meter (about 144,000-square-foot) site in Tseung Kwan O has a maximum gross floor area of 73,662 square meters. To ensure an adequate supply of apartments for the middle class, the government will require Sun Hung Kai to build 960 to 1,010 residential units on the site. Centaline Professional Services Ltd. Chief Executive Victor Lai said the disappointing auction result shows that developers remain cautious because of a volatile market and the restrictions imposed on the site developer. "I believe the government has adjusted downward the reserve prices for the three plots sold today after learning from the previous auction when only one bid was made," the surveyor said. Mr. Lai added that big developers aren't keen on buying land with restrictions on both the minimum and maximum number of units to be built, as such restrictions significantly reduce the number of potential buyers developers can target. /more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904537404576554092111875536.html?ru=MKTW&mod=MKTW
  18. Does anyone have a good notion of the best levels of mortgage rates achievable now?
  19. That's possible - the "muddle through" scenario may work... UNLESS: + There is a big shrinkage of jobs in the City + Interest rates rise, as debt problems spread to the UK Meantime, Outside London Prices have joined the other major indices in Falling
  20. That's possible - the "muddle through" scenario may work... UNLESS: + There is a big shrinkage of jobs in the City + Interest rates rise, as debt problems spread to the UK Meantime, Outside London Prices have joined the other major indices in Falling
  21. There's nothing bullish in these figures. All three major indices were DOWN HARD, over -1.6% drops in August - that's not bullish. The extent of the fall was disguised to some degree by seasonal adjustments. I reckon we have started another period of "Crash Cruise Speed" Mo.: Rt'mov : London : Rest of UK %chg/ Nt'wide H-oldSA Halif.SA Hal.NSA: HNindex : mom : DelusIdx 2011 J. : : 223,122 : 413,259 : 127,148 - 0.25% / 161,211 = n/a = 164,145 161,470 : £161,341 :- 0.33% :138.3% : F. : : 230,030 : 430,680 : 125,624 - 1.20% / 161,183 = n/a = 162,697 161,680 : £161,432 :+ 0.06% :142.5% : M : : 231,790 : 424,307 : 127,160 +1.22% / 164,751 = n/a = 162,712 162,151 : £163,451 :+ 1.25% :141.8% : A : : 235,822 : 431,013 : 127,721 +0.44% / 165,609 = n/a = 160,393 162,303 : £163,956 :+ 0.31% :143.8% : M : : 238,874 : 430,936 : 128,189 +0.37% / 167,208 = n/a = 161,039 162,344 : £164,776 :+ 0.50% :145.0% : Hi Delus. J. : : 240,394 : 438,622 : 128,965 +0.61% / 168,205 = n/a = 163,430 163,642 : £165,924 :+ 0.70% :144.9% : Jl : : 236,597 : 432,641 : 129,766 +0.62% / 168,731 = n/a = 163,981 164,714 : £166,723 :+ 0.48% :141.9% : A : : 231,543 : 418,008 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,914 = n/a = 161,743 162,076 : £163,995 : - 1.64% :141.2% :===================================== mom: - 2.14% : - 3.38% : Est.DI : 141.2% / -1.67% = n/a = :- 1.36% :- 1.60% : - 1.64%
  22. Is "$200-300, possibly more" a Crash? That's the sort of move you could easily see out of this set-up. Following is a CLARIFICATION that I also posted elsewhere... That's basically true - though much of my Gold exposure is hedged already - not all. So if it slides, I will lose very little, and if it rises further I make a bit. If it drops sharply, my hedges will really "kick in", and I will have cash to load up. I warn others constantly here, and often correctly - not always correctly, because I I highly vigilant with a large position that I do want to see shrink in value if Gold falls. And I have found over years of trading, that you need to be alert and open to news and technical set-ups that can cause a reversal of fortune. As I said: "Complacency can be a killer of performance." This is why I react so strongly to those who preach complacency at times like this when the technical set-up suggests you should be highly vigilant. We have just seen one of the best set-ups yet for an important intermediate high in Gold - that doesn't guarantee we have one. But from this type of set-up, we could see a $200, $300, or greater pullback in Gold. No guarantees, but I am glad to have done some trades that will protect my position if this indeed follows. BTW, my overall account is rising in these turbulent markets, so something is working.
  23. The sophistication shows through in this remark... Not! I suggest you look at the Beating B&H thread to see how I am taking money off the table, with very little risk This thread is a bit funny. The real action is in the US Dollar today Which is hardly mentioned while Gold tries to put in a possible Classic Double top, which some purists want to ridicule
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