callmejoe Posted June 22, 2012 Report Share Posted June 22, 2012 Melb says: June 22, 2012 at 1:13 pm Good morning Sunfire, This is for everyone, I believe Drake is a good man trying to save us, give us freedom, he is only reporting what the White Dragon from Asia, want him to do what is right and legal, he is in contact with Neal Kenaan who is doing the legalities against the mafia, to do the arrest for white house, congress and bankers, he is very knowledgeable person. he is not giving desinformation to anybody, try to understand what he is saying, and what he wants to do. It is not up to him. Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 1:32 pm Mel B, I never said he wasnt a good man, Ive always said his heart is in the right place and he means well. And if he wasnt being influenced by some exterior circumstances there are many that agree he would be a completely straight shooter, and Im not saying HE is the problem, but some of his sources are. He is hinging these mass arrest and operation StarDust on channelings from a Artificial / Machine Intelligence Source and calling that Pleiadians that is a serious problem. Even the Real ET/EDs that he is communicating with and expecting to participate in these mass arrest are known to be from the Alcyone System, and are known to be the variety that are flaky and incompetent. That is not Drakes fault, they just are. Yes, they are positives. And, this is from a consistent reputation that dates back 15,000+ years. To many people are getting emotionally invested in this whole Drake, Cobra and Co. Dog and Pony show and its not healthy for anyone. People need to seriously sit back and observe what is going on and not get emotionally invested in this situation. Because in doing that they are missing some very important details and are making decisions without having all the information to review objectively. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2012 ... I’m not saying HE is the problem, but some of his sources are. He is hinging these “mass arrest” and operation “StarDust” on channelings from a Artificial / Machine Intelligence Source and calling that Pleiadians that is a serious problem... . . . Too many people are getting emotionally invested in this whole Drake, Cobra and Co. Dog and Pony show and its not healthy for anyone. People need to seriously sit back and observe what is going on and not get emotionally invested in this situation Sure. Avoid the emotional stress that would go with being a true-Believer. Treat it as a drama you are watching. Watch ... and Wait for solid evidence before making the big emotional investment. Often, It seems to be something that is happening on a parallel Earth, rather than the one we live on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2012 A Comment - from Cobra's site: LöncsVezérJune 21, 2012 4:22 PM brando, one hint: ba careful with Kavassilas and Kettler. Without doubting any of them, they both have big egos, and especially after listening to Kavassilas interview with Lilou Mace I was very drained. Not too empowering or loving message, let's say that, only confuse you and you lose the ground. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 22, 2012 Report Share Posted June 22, 2012 Kettler does not have an ego problem. That Cobra snake should go slither back under the rock where he belongs. In the end times, many false prophets will emerge, seeking followers. This Cobra thing is but one of them. I do not waste any of my precious time listening/reading any of the crud he churns out. Human beings have split into 2 groups which are diverging more and more as the days pass. Do not waste your time on the unwashed masses who remain asleep. They will go where they belong. Do you have a link to the Lilou/Kavassilas interview? I'll download it for when I'm on holiday. I've got 4 weeks hard cruising coming up with virtually no internet (except for a few hours when I'm in port) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Kettler does not have an ego problem. That Cobra snake should go slither back under the rock where he belongs. In the end times, many false prophets will emerge, seeking followers. This Cobra thing is but one of them. I do not waste any of my precious time listening/reading any of the crud he churns out. Human beings have split into 2 groups which are diverging more and more as the days pass. Do not waste your time on the unwashed masses who remain asleep. They will go where they belong. Do you have a link to the Lilou/Kavassilas interview? I'll download it for when I'm on holiday. I've got 4 weeks hard cruising coming up with virtually no internet (except for a few hours when I'm in port) It sounds like you have a real aversion towards Cobra. Let me ask you, what makes you so confident about Kettler and Sunfire? And what do you know about Cobra besides that Sunfire doesn't like him? I find her a little suspicious with all this popcorn talk. Maybe SHE is some mind-controlled clone being sent misinformation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Often, It seems to be something that is happening on a parallel Earth, rather than the one we live on. Exactly. I really do live in two different worlds. Still waiting for them to overlap just a teeny tiny bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 It sounds like you have a real aversion towards Cobra. Let me ask you, what makes you so confident about Kettler and Sunfire? And what do you know about Cobra besides that Sunfire doesn't like him? I find her a little suspicious with all this popcorn talk. Maybe SHE is some mind-controlled clone being sent misinformation Oh, just follow whatever takes your fancy. I'm winding down for the summer. I'm losing interest in many things that I used to pay attention to. I can't concentrate on people's pontifications, especially verbal broadcasts. I like the info that's in the comments to the articles at JK's site. Why am I so confident of JK and Sunfire? As I have mentioned before, I don't agree with all she says; nor Kettler. But a lot does resonate with me. There's a great show on. You can put your emotions there like the way baseball etc (name the sport you fancy) fans follow their favourite team. Get totally immersed with the game/show. Or just sit back and watch with dispassionate interest. Or ignore it altogether. There's something for everyone -this runs the gamut from A to Z. Cobra does not appeal to me but if he grabs your fancy, go for it. I don't watch cricket, football, Wimbledon etc and I'll pass on the Olympics but there are those who put their hearts and souls in these. Doesn't mean they are wrong and I'm right or vice versa. You have to follow your path. As Kavassilas said, don't go up in spaceships but if that is something which you feel you must do, then go for it. In this war, there are spies, counter spies, double agents, triple agents etc. I only know my own role and sometimes, I think I can recognise my co-workers. Nope, nothing wrong with enjoying the show. Something explosive is coming out in July but I won't be able to follow it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Melb says: June 22, 2012 at 1:13 pm Good morning Sunfire, This is for everyone, I believe Drake is a good man trying to save us, give us freedom, he is only reporting what the White Dragon from Asia, want him to do what is right and legal, he is in contact with Neal Kenaan who is doing the legalities against the mafia, to do the arrest for white house, congress and bankers, he is very knowledgeable person. he is not giving desinformation to anybody, try to understand what he is saying, and what he wants to do. It is not up to him. Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 1:32 pm Mel B, I never said he wasn’t a good man, I’ve always said his heart is in the right place and he means well. And if he wasn’t being influenced by some exterior circumstances there are many that agree he would be a completely straight shooter, and I’m not saying HE is the problem, but some of his sources are. He is hinging these “mass arrest” and operation “StarDust” on channelings from a Artificial / Machine Intelligence Source and calling that Pleiadians that is a serious problem. Even the Real ET/EDs that he is communicating with and expecting to participate in these mass arrest are known to be from the Alcyone System, and are known to be the variety that are flaky and incompetent. That is not Drake’s fault, they just are. Yes, they are positives. And, this is from a consistent reputation that dates back 15,000+ years. To many people are getting emotionally invested in this whole Drake, Cobra and Co. Dog and Pony show and its not healthy for anyone. People need to seriously sit back and observe what is going on and not get emotionally invested in this situation. Because in doing that they are missing some very important details and are making decisions without having all the information to review objectively. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Michael G says: June 22, 2012 at 7:17 am More news from Cobra, via Kauilepele, via Drake’s ‘Lady Dragon’… Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 8:32 am Michael G. We asked our ET/EDs for their input on that Operation Stardust, etc. And the comment was “possible, but not likely.” According to our sources here, there has yet to be any mass arrest at all. They (Drake/Cobra and Co.) seem to be basing some of their ET “information” on some canned “channeled” messages that are highly suspect of AI/MI origins. Highly suggest/advise discernment with that whole situation. Debbie says: June 22, 2012 at 8:50 am Sunfire, I have to agree with you, I have been very suspicious about the kauliapele website because they always have SaLuSa and arch angels and othe phony channeling on that site, SaLuSa made me feel creeped out early on when the message was that lots of people dying was a good thing and not to be feared…really?…and then the constant defense of Obama which I find mindboggling considering his actions againt mankind in general…..I think of him as Obama the drone-bombing Barbarian…. now that I know Drake is tied into that channeling I really feel he is spreading dis information …whether he knows it or not, I don’t the answer to that…. Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 9:14 am Yeah, me either. And ultimately now that really makes sense as to why they are saying what they are saying. Between being tied into those channeling cults and ‘communicating’ with Alcyone based Pleiadians if infact they are and aren’t just basing their messages on those channelings. Drake, Cobra and Co are playing right into another continuation of the CABAL’s latest plans. It’s certainly helping to formulate what the “big picture” is of The Cabal’s “Plan B.” I really think my ET/EDs were right in just sitting back and watching this “movie” with some good snacks and beverages. The entertainment value is certainly there, but I think their main point is to remain emotionally uninvolved or unattached. CJ says: June 22, 2012 at 9:00 am Yup. After listening to the last two or three episodes of Drake & Co., I felt spun toward different actions which didn’t make sense to me, with the question always arising of, why? Especially with the sudden inclusion by them of Plaeidians, even with what little I knew about them, I became skeptical. The dots simply aren’t connecting anymore and Drake sounded like he was pulling at straws. Please pass the popcorn. Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 9:23 am Yeah, even just reading the notes and comments leaves me scratching my head, but now, knowing he’s sourcing what/who he is sourcing it makes sense, as I said in another comment he and Cobra and co are unwittingly playing right into the latest Cabal “Plan B.” *passes the organic non-gmo air popped popcorn* Any preference on beverage? I have 100% Natural Iced Tea including Blueberry Pomegranate Flavor, and 100% natural sodas, bottled mountain spring water. Several powdered drink mixes. I think people just need to use some real discernment right now concerning Drake and Co, and not get emotionally involved or hung up on what he/they are saying, step back and see how it plays out. He/They just might pull ahead of the pack and come out in the lead. I get the impression that Drake really does mean well and his heart is in the right place, but it’s his sources and connections / influencers that are causing the trouble. CJ says: June 22, 2012 at 11:59 am Yes, I agree, Sunfire… my intuition is that he’s well meaning and certainly started off that way. But, as always, when a captain, for no clearly understandable reason, suddenly changes course, then something is up and like you say, it’s best to stand back, watch what transpires, eat popcorn and… I’d love some blueberry pomegranate flavored natural iced tea! And, seriously, we all have so much to be grateful for that our planet is so important to the rest of the systems out there, that we are going to know true freedom because if we go down, they go down. Love to you all. Starlight says: June 22, 2012 at 5:35 pm It seems to me the Alcyone Pleiadians are doing us both good and bad in communicating certain data to Drake. Good because he’s gotten people to “act” quite a bit. And bad because in communicating to us part of “the plan”, they’ve caused the “GREEN LIGHT” delay for the E.T./E.D.’s & our Terrestrial forces. Sunfire says: June 22, 2012 at 6:06 pm Yeah, they are kind of like that, lol. But, I haven’t heard anything from any my sources about the arrest, and I’m sure I would be if they were happening. We’ll see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 Trev says: June 25, 2012 at 3:25 pm Sunfire, when you said that your ET contacts confirmed Drake as being legit, what are the terms of this legitimacy? Is it merely that he has good intentions or did they actually confirm that he has powerful contacts within the Pentagon/military? As I see it there are FOUR logical scenarios concerning Drake. 1) He has good intentions, no high echelon ‘light’ contacts and is slightly deluded and unwittingly is doing the cabal a service in destroying hope of the awakened. 2)He is FULLY working for the cabal and knowingly performing the actions I have stated above. 3)He has good intentions, has the high echelon contacts that he claims but is being used as a tool to destroy hope within the awakened. 4)EVERYTHING he says is legit, including his contacts but the ‘plan’ was either too ambitious or has hit some genuine temporary logistical problems. From where I am standing, it seems that Option 1) or Option 3) is the case. I also invite anyone else’s thoughts on this. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 3:42 pm Trev, I’m going with Option 5.) He originally wasn’t supposed to come out with the information, but did. Compromised his sources in the pentagon and they dropped him like a hot potato, (he could have very well though got back in their good graces by now, as I’ve said a million times I have not followed him in weeks. So I really don’t KNOW now.) though is very well meaning and a genuinely good person. All kinds of various delays and stuff have cropped up beyond his control or anyone else’s, as for the rest and reasons now that he has brought up this vote and now is promoting pure CABAL Propaganda and fear mongering. Read the comments in the Home Page (might have to search about 10-15 or so possibly), I’ve discussed this 15x already in the past two days alone and am not repeating myself again concerning it. As for what methods and requirements my ET/EDs use, sorry. That is not information I’m at liberty to share and I won’t. Suffice to say someone is either good, bad or somewhere in between. And they know which of the three without any wiggle room. But, things and situations can and do change. And, if someone starts out on the right track then becomes off track, which happens, they will tell me. Infact I hope others pay attention to this comment, because I’ve already said what I’ve got to say regarding Drake and it’s all here on the site, specially in the home comments and will not be commenting further or repeating myself anymore concerning him or anything connected to him. Us and the ET/EDs have higher priorities right now. And, specially until I hear of one thing this guy claims, come from a reliable source, I’m not believing anything out of his camp, and strongly suggest discernment and a observation position and not to get emotionally involved in anything anyone from his camp says. Nothing personal, I’m just tired of having to repeat myself, and literally have nothing more to say regarding Drake and Co. And higher more important priorities prevail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 Connie Knox says: June 25, 2012 at 6:52 am Trev, I said that a couple of months ago. What a wonderful way to get those of us who have the kahonas to stand up to the government all rounded up and with a reason to charge them, perhaps with treason? Don’t know. Once those are incarcerated, are the rest going to squawk? I hope that isn’t the case, but the elite are really going to push their Agenda 21. On the other hand, Sunfire and John’s ET/ED’s have said that Drake is legit. I know I’m getting real tired of, ‘soon, soon.’ I’m beginning to wonder about his Pentagon sources and whose side they’re really on. But, like so many, I really, really want this to be legitimate. I think I’m getting a sense of how a sea captain’s wife felt waiting for her husband’s ship to pull into harbor FOR MONTHS OR YEARS! I hate waiting! Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 7:38 am Connie, There has ultimately been some “change of opinion” regarding Drake, as some events have happened lately that leads us and the ET/EDs to feel that there are some influences on Drake that certainly aren’t on the right side of the fence, it’s been an issue since just before he dropped the baby on the whole vote thing. Drake is according to our sources under extreme ‘coercion’ by The CABAL, and has been since he ‘dropped the vote’ thing. I wont go into further details here, but if I can get the email to work, will send them along. Drake’s heart is in the right place and he means well. But, the further he’s going along the deeper he is diving unwittingly or other wise into spreading/supporting the fear mongering cabal propaganda agenda. And, you / others know that the ET/EDs and us do not support that. NoTingles says: June 25, 2012 at 8:28 am Sunfire, Do you think that perhaps Drake has gone much farther out on the limb, or too far, and that his statements in the last few weeks sound as though he is taking on a role that goes beyond being the spokesman/ messenger for the Pentagon whitehats? IOW, is he attempting to drive the issue, rather than just reporting developments? A couple weeks ago, it sounded to me like he has let a hippopotamus mouth overload a hummingbird’s tail section. That will get you trouble every time. I can’t listen to him anymore. It’s like watching a train wreck. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 8:44 am I haven’t listened to him in weeks, but we were told by multiple sources that he has been under extreme ‘coercion’ by the CABAL for quite a while, since just before the whole vote fiasco. And, what he has been putting out that I’ve seen from notes from friends here and elsewhere it’s pretty obvious because he went from being Straight Up and beating the Freedom Movement Drum, to playing/leading the way right into a CABAL Propaganda Heavy Fear Mongering Trap. There isn’t going to be a war, invasion or anything of that sort, and he should KNOW that, specially being in direct contact with the Alcyones like he ‘claims’. I mean my ET/EDs and I might refer to the Alcyones as the “Keystone Cops Of The Galaxy.” But even they know the CABAL don’t stand a chance in hell of pulling anything they want off now. And afaik he’s been cut off from his pentagon contact for weeks now, so there is obviously something going on. I think discernment at this point is extremely important for anyone paying attention to Drake and Co, and to see if by some chance he manages to pull out of the Dog House and straighten back up. If he wasn’t under such pressures I really don’t think he would be doing this. He is a good person, just stuck in the wrong circumstances. Foxfire says: June 25, 2012 at 9:06 am When Drake speaks, especially when answering questions, he blathers on off topic and usually doesn’t answer the question, just inserts his philosophy. You can sew blue jeans, take care of the kids, handle the wounded, take care of Granny, on and on and on. He makes it sound like we’re gonna be bombed back to the stone age and will lose all capability of getting our basic necessities unless we do it all ourselves, by hand. Also the bit about how we’re going to be a totally agrarian society??? What about the billions of people who live in cities and haven’t a clue how to farm. We live on a half acre lot and it isn’t enough for livestock of any size. It sounds like his personal vision, not reality. As for taking on the cabal as private citizens, is he nuts? That would get people shot or locked up where the sun don’t shine. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 9:17 am Foxfire, Exactly. That is what we’re trying to point out. There is definitely something “up”, and this is precisely why I’ve been saying grab some popcorn (or other preferred snack/beverage of choice) and just take on an observer’s position. He might pull himself out of this or maybe not. But, it’s stinking like a trash dump site of CABAL Propaganda right now, so nothing he says should be taken to seriously at this time. Things might change, but then maybe not. NoTingles says: June 25, 2012 at 9:13 am Yes, I think he’s a good person too, but it will reflect on him having gotten involved with anyone in Washington. Some will say that although the cabal owns and operates Washington DC, there are still good people who work there. Be that as it may, you cannot use that to justify trusting any of them, nor can you loose sight of the fact that there’s the strong likelihood you will be co-opted and used in some way for another cabal psi-ops. As it is, I think he has exaggerated/ over-estimated the power & influence of his contacts, if indeed he really had any. We can’t know that he did, we only have his word on it, and that of Wilcock, for whatever that’s worth. So, at the end of the day, we only have a wet noodle to hang our hat on w/r to Drake, and that won’t work I’m afraid. Our problem is, we’ve waited until late in the last-quarter to get off the bench. The work to co-opt the Revolution began right from the git-go, and the truth of that event is more staggering than I’m willing to state here. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 9:35 am Yeah, plus I think he also underestimated the “other side” from the beginning. And, truly there are still some very good people in the government and the pentagon. They are ultimately few and far between. And it’s hard to see at this point how ever they are there. I am thankful that the ET/EDs are not underestimating the “otherside” and are capable of sorting out the coffee from the rat manure but it just is going to take time more than anything. The CABAL are not in a position to do anything more than bluff and throw out a bunch of idol threats. So time is certainly on our side right now. Oh well, that explains why Drake is so flaky. Those ETs he's in contact with are the Keystone Cops of the galaxy LOLOLOL! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 26, 2012 Report Share Posted June 26, 2012 Michael G says: June 25, 2012 at 10:43 am Hello, People!… Had a very busy Sunday evening…and did not have a chance to listen to Drake’s latest message…but from the sound of all the comments posted here about it…Let’s just say…I’m not going to waste my time… What a PITY!!!….Drake is indeed a man of good intentions, with a good heart…from what i’ve ‘grocked’ of him, so far… My own personal belief about him is he is sounding more and more like a classic, undiagnosed case of BI-POLAR/MANIC DEPRESSIVE…imho. Having had a long-term romantic involvement with one a few years ago…he seems to be exhibiting classic symptoms of this condition… Wonderfully kind, sharp as a proverbial ‘tack’, and clear-minded when normal…when pressure mounts, causing sleepless night after sleepless night…the ‘manic’ phase inevitably kicks in…and the individual starts blathering and saying non-sensical things and behaving in an ‘illogical’ fashion…only getting further and further into the ‘manic-phase’… the more nights without sleep! Inevitably, the affected individual ‘crashes’ into a very deep ‘depressive state’…after having gone so many consecutive nights with little or no sleep. The individual will then spend many days in a depressive ‘stupor’…almost vegetative…and spends many hours, or even days…sleeping…until some semblance of ‘normalcy’ returns… The “normal” functioning period can last a few weeks, or months, or a few days…depending on the type and class and severity of the Bi-Polar condition, as there a many types of this condition. There are literally many millions of people with this condition in varying grades of severity planetwide, who have not been diagnosed… with NO exaggeration!… Probably caused by the slow poisoning of our food, air, and water by the Evil Ones…. He is indeed sounding more and more “manic” as time passes, unfortunately. This chemical imbalance in the neurons of the brain can be easily treated and reversed by our Space Family, I’m sure, along with Autism, Schizophrenia, and any other mental condition caused by incorrect brain chemistry…That Day can’t come soon enough!!! Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 11:18 am Yes, they can heal all that and more, everything is curable from them. People themselves can correct/cure Bi-Polarism themselves without drugs/chemicals just further making it worse. There are many herbs and amino acid therapies that work perfectly. Connie Knox says: June 25, 2012 at 8:43 am Sunfire, Thank you. That’s what I was sensing as well.He doesn’t feel evil to me. But I definitely do not agree with some of the things he’s promoting. If the military/ET’S don’t do anything, we, the civilians are to start the mass arrests? Has he completely lost his mind? Obviously, if we see the good guys in the military or the ET’s begin the mass arrests of the Cabal, we will jump in to do what we can. But I fail to see a significant difference between groups of citizens trying to arrest anyone in the Cabal and rioting. That is about all the provocation the elite would need to declare martial law. Did I mention I hate waiting? And yes, any information you have that you are able to share would be much appreciated. Thanks again. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 8:55 am Yeah, I feel like he is practically leading the proverbial herds right into the slaughter house at this point, Pied Piper style. Unintentional as it might be, it’s definitely concerning. The situation is certainly beyond what civilians are capable of handling on their own, and the ET/EDs are aware of this. With his direct contact that he ‘claims’ to have with the “Keystone Cops” of the Galaxy, the Alcyones, they know just as well as the rest of the ET/EDs out there that there isn’t going to be a war, invasion or anything of that sort that the CABAL keep promoting and pushing in their Propaganda Fear Monger, so why the heck are they letting him continue on like that and not stopping him from further spreading fear and this CABAL propaganda? Even this is further than I think the Alcyones would permit him to go with the CABAL ‘game’. CJ says: June 25, 2012 at 9:33 am The Keystone Cops of the Galaxy. LOL. Oh, I’m going to remember that one! Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 9:37 am Glad I could give you a laugh with that one. It certainly fits. Bats555 says: June 25, 2012 at 11:08 am Connie, My feelings is that Drake has been compromised, may be Cabal has figured out who he is and has threatened he or a family member. This would be typical “Modus Operendi” of the Cabal. I don’t trust anything he has been saying lately. Sunfire says: June 25, 2012 at 11:25 am Bats, Yes, that’s pretty much it in a Nut Shell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 26, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 26, 2012 Goodness! What is this? Is it genuine ??? OBAMA DECLARES NATIONAL EMERGENCY ATTENTION: AFTER THE ABYSMAL FAILURE OF RIO+20 THE HAND OF THE CABAL HAS BEEN FORCED. I AM TOLD ALL MILITIA HAS BEEN PUT ON HIGH ALERT... THERE IS NO RUSSIAN THREAT!! IN FACT ALL RUSSIAN TROOPS HAVING TRAINED ON THIS SOIL HAVE BEEN GIVEN ORDERS NOT TO ENGAGE WITH THE CIVILIAN POPULATION BUT IF CALLED UPON TO PROTECT THEM. I SUGGEST ALL CITIZENS FLOOD THE WHITE HOUSE, AND THE HOUSE AND SENATE WITH COMMUNICATIONS WHICH LET THEM KNOW WE ARE FULLY AWARE OF THIS ACTION AND DO NOT BUY IT ONE IOTA. WE WILL DEFEND OURSELVES AND OUR COUNTRY FROM ANY GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TO EFFECT MARTIAL LAW AND A TAKE OVER. For Immediate Release June 25, 2012 Letter--Russian Highly Enriched Uranium TEXT OF A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT TO THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE June 25, 2012 Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) Pursuant to section 204( of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. 1703(, I hereby report that I have exercised my authority to declare a national emergency to deal with the threat posed to the United States by the risk of nuclear proliferation created by the accumulation in the Russian Federation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material. In Executive Order 13159 of June 21, 2000, the President found that this same risk constituted an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States and declared a national emergency to deal with that threat. The United States and the Russian Federation had entered into a series of agreements that provide for the conversion of highly enriched uranium (HEU) extracted from Russian nuclear weapons into low enriched uranium (LEU) for use in commercial nuclear reactors. There were concerns that payments due to the Russian Federation under these agreements may be subject to attachment, garnishment, or other judicial process, in the United States, which could put implementation of such agreements at risk. In Executive Order 13159, the President therefore ordered blocked all property and interests in property of the Government of the Russian Federation directly related to the implementation of the HEU Agreements so that it would be protected from the threat of attachment, garnishment, or other judicial process. In the Executive Order I have issued today, I find that the risk of nuclear proliferation created by the accumulation in the Russian Federation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material continues to constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. I therefore declared a national emergency to address this threat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 26, 2012 Report Share Posted June 26, 2012 I don't see this as a big deal. I mean, nuclear proliferation is a big deal, probably our greatest real threat, so I'm glad to see someone is paying attention. But this sounds more routine, like "we know what you're doing and we're taking it seriously". But not like a war is about to start and the militia needs to get in a tizzy about it. Having said that, I still don't get why the US gets to dictate to everyone else that they're not allowed to have nuclear weapons when we do whatever the heck we want Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 27, 2012 Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 Ally says: June 26, 2012 at 6:39 pm For anyone interested tonight!!! On InLight Radio this evening 9 pm edt. The guest will be Geoffrey West of Cosmic Vision News. They will discuss the latest Breaking News Regarding a Potential National Emergency Announcement from President Obama. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 6:46 pm Ally, It’s already been “debunked” regarding the Obama National Emergency thing. That didn’t happen, and if it did we would definitely know about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 27, 2012 Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 Melb says: June 26, 2012 at 12:15 pm Good morning Sunfire, Everyone, there is a National emergency had declare Obama and the Elite are runing away, Militia has been put in a High Alert, we must stay calm, and meditate for our future, Freedom. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 12:35 pm There is absolutely no where on this planet they can hide, and no where for them to escape to. So they can “run” all they want, won’t do a darn thing. Debbie says: June 26, 2012 at 4:50 pm Sunfire, Is Melb’s information correct? Is something really happening right now? There have been so many false alarms I tend to doubt it…. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 5:13 pm Debbie, You’re right, at least about the Obama Executive Order, another piece of Cabal Propaganda and is being spread by multiple sources including Drake and Co. It’s disinformation. I had this checked out. As for the Cabal scattering like rats…they have been. So, nothing new there. That’s definitely happening. But, they can’t hide anywhere, so the ET/EDs aren’t concerned about where they run off to. And, even better if they all scamper off to where there is large groups of them in the underground or other “bunkers”. Makes rounding up the cows a lot easier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
callmejoe Posted June 27, 2012 Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 Ally says: June 26, 2012 at 8:06 pm It’s not “debunked” it is right on the whitehouse.gove website, dated 6/25/2012. See my newest post for the speculation concerning this. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 8:10 pm Ally, It’s a Cabal Propaganda Piece. Okay? It’s NOT real. Don’t buy into the BS HYPE. I had the EO looked up the Number referenced has absolutely nothing to do with Russia. It’s connected to an Order preventing Intelligence Agencies from hiring Pedophiles. The Cabal are trying to scare people. Think about it, even that site sells lies. They swear the US Government doesn’t know squat about Aliens and hasn’t had any interaction with Aliens, and they’ve had treaties with aliens since 1934 and interacted with them since before that. Get It? It’s a simple reaction to Putin calling for the arrest of the Cabal. Nothing else. Tell me you don’t believe it just because it’s on the official white house website…they are liars. Ally says: June 26, 2012 at 8:04 pm I was listening to a radio program where this is being discussed. The text of the letter does state that it is a National Emergency. The concern about the Uranium extraction with Russia has to do with the payments being transferred to Russia, it is being speculated. The speculators state that they feel maybe Obama is concerned that the Cabal will co-op the money since all of the usual sources for money are being cut off. In this context, it makes sense. If you read the text of the EO, you will see the concern for the financials mentioned in several paragraphs. I am feeling a little better about this situation now. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 8:11 pm Ally it’s all BS, I seriously hope other readers don’t buy into this like you have. And, I mean seriously OBAMA is concerned about the CABAL? He works for them. And, seriously I hope this CABAL Disinformation Disappears quick, I’m not posting any more comments concerning this from anyone. Don’t need any more fear mongering BS on this site. Specially coming from CABAL Propaganda. Melb says: June 26, 2012 at 7:10 pm Sunfire, Obama is lying about the National emergency, he is saying the Russians are doing something with Uraniun thing, because that is what he wants to send the message, the arrest is going on, but he is not saying that, instead he’ll change the message. Sunfire says: June 26, 2012 at 7:15 pm Yes, totally. That I think was basically what was already pointed out . Plus I don’t think Obama’s actually declared a “National Emergency”, we’d hear about it if he had, and none of our sources have neither top side or on the ground. So it’s just a wire release to scare people, more cabal propaganda. Good example. We looked up the referenced E.O. Number, that was an Executive Order to ban the Intelligence Agencies from Hiring Pedophiles. It has nothing to do with Russia. If anything they are either trying to Bait Russia or Turn people against Russia, and it’s because Putin is behind an International Man Hunt for the Cabal, and Issued Arrest Warrants plus he actually has the Balls and Means to carry those Warrants out and actually do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 27, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 PROOF ? === Quote, Unnamed Coward, GLP === Someone asked me: "Is the Mass-Addiction fading yet?" Seems to be, I said. LadyDragon tries to keep it alive: "Drake said: Foreign Troops have Boots on the Ground." Here's proof: === Unquote ===== Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 27, 2012 Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 I don't understand your post Dr. B. What is that showing? What is the mass addiction? Tnx. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 27, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 I don't understand your post Dr. B. What is that showing? What is the mass addiction? Tnx. "mass addiction" is intended to be a reference to "mass arrests", that never happen, I suppose THERE's a NEW Podcast from Drake that's running now. Here are some Notes from GLP... === Quote, Still-Listening ===== NOTES- from the early part: ===== + Meeting in Rio, was disguised; agenda 21 was the real story + "The Future we want"* written by Hillary Clinton, intended global constitution + Exec order was designed to give president special powers + ETs will meet humans === "They" (high level military) asked Drake to deliver a message in three parts: 1. Calvary is coming 2. We will be contacted - ie be prepared, but militia may not be needed 3. Sit back and watch July 4th : A big "fireworks show" that day? === + There should be no interruptions, but have some cash on hand + Date was given, sometime this week, more news out == == == * [link to]: === Unquote ===== Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 28, 2012 Drake has moved to "Green Light" status, it seems: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 28, 2012 Report Share Posted June 28, 2012 Yeah, I'm seeing green light all over the place. What does it mean? Who gave who the green light to do what? edit: got it. Drakes says 1) the calvary is coming (meaning the US military is going to save us) 2) if needed, you'll be contacted 3) sit back and watch the fireworks 4) happening very soon (suggests days, not weeks) 5) ETs showing up soon (not scary ones, nice ones that look like us) Well, this is a pretty major announcement. And people are totally believing it - his following that is. I listened to parts and Drake really believes it's really here. "You either comply or you're done" (meaning the cabal will be killed) Ok, I've got a couple of thoughts. One, is it possible that Drake is a completely looney? He sure sounds like he could be. Is there anyone besides him who's privy to all this inside info he collects? At least he's not suggesting people go out and make citizen arrests. I'm worried if this is true that it will appear to be a military coup and people are going to totally freak out and it could get dangerous. I mean, what percentage of militia actually listen to Drake? He sure can talk. If this is bs, sayonara Drake! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wednesday2 Posted June 28, 2012 Report Share Posted June 28, 2012 Oh dear, still listening to this thing and about 100 min in he mentions Rush Limbaugh like he's some sort of ally with credibility Big concerns about his judgement now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 28, 2012 Yeah, I'm seeing green light all over the place. ... Ok, I've got a couple of thoughts. One, is it possible that Drake is a completely looney? He sure sounds like he could be. Is there anyone besides him who's privy to all this inside info he collects? At least he's not suggesting people go out and make citizen arrests. I'm worried if this is true that it will appear to be a military coup and people are going to totally freak out and it could get dangerous. I mean, what percentage of militia actually listen to Drake? He sure can talk. If this is bs, sayonara Drake! I don't think he's a "complete looney" at all. He's a unusual character, for certain. But I do not think he is crazy, and he seems to believe his sources. He put himself at risk, both in terms of reputation, and maybe a physical risk too - why do that, unless he believed it? Indeed, he has been exposed (in a YouTube video), and ridiculed by people all across the web. Yet he stuck to his story, and took the abuse. If something such as he describes happens, then he will righly be seen as some sort of hero. If nothing happens, I think he will now be showered with even more abuse, and quickly abandoned by his "followers." So he now is in another high-profile window over the next 3-4 days. He could go from (possible) Hero to Zero by the 4th of July. Or will be celebrated around the world of the web, and then maybe the greater world too, as it changes. "I'm worried if this is true that it will appear to be a military coup and people are going to totally freak out..." Yeah. Have you seen these comments on the GLP thread: (1) If Drake is right (let's see), then the Military and the ETs will act together... EXCERPT from Greg Giles Pentagon and military insider Drake has announced, tonight 6/27/12 at approximately 8:30PM, that the long anticipated green light has been given and the military and law enforcement alliance known to the people as the 'Earth Allies' will now move in within a time frame of 72 hours to begin the world wide sweep and mass arrests of thousands of members and associates of the criminal organization known as the 'cabal'... . . . Military units and law enforcement personnel will be witnessed making these arrests throughout the United States as well as in some other parts of the world, and all are advised to understand that these men and women are working in service to their brothers and sisters, to freedom, to constitutional government and to love. These military and law enforcement units are not moving in to arrest the citizens of their respective countries as some media outlets may erroneously report in the early stages of this far ranging operation. These units are engaging in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and their many associates, that is all. (channelled? Sure. But it does seem to explain what may be happening) (2) I reckon that there's a good reason why the ETs did not act alone... it was too risky for them (and us) "Why have the ETs held back?": IF THE ETs INTERFER "TOO SOON", Here's what happens ...The Cabal shall then unleash their long-planned: "Alien false-flag invasion," complete with cabal controlled UFO flights, and maybe some high-profile destruction. This action which will be designed to pump up fear, and convince people to fall in line behind a Cabal-controlled military crackdown. They will try to manipulate people into thinking that we are involved in an all-out Battle to Save Earth. Instead, the real motive may be to create a distraction, and stimulate war psychology so that the elites can use the fear in an attempt to retain and expand their own power on this planet. If the Cabal is successful, most humans will be fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with the military, with the Cabal controlling the battle plans. Friendly or benevolent ETs will quickly identified as hostiles, and will never be given a chance to get their peaceful message across to the masses. Just look at the Media, and many Scifi films over the last decade or two: V, Falling Skies, the Invasion of LA, Independence Day... and so on, and so on. The masses are being programmed to fear ETs and to see them as the enemy. I reckon that the elites have used Remoting Viewing and other psychic tools to view their own future. And they have seen that their power is likely to disappear soon after the ETs arrive. But this elite plan is unlikely to succeed. Already, there is much evidence that the ETs are already working behind the scenes to remove them from power. The planned false flag operation may involve attacks by Cabal-controlled UFO's on Earth targets, to make the real UFOs (controlled by benevolent ETs) look as if they are hostile. The genuine ETs will then have their hands full fighting Cabal-controlled UFOs, and will find themselves not greeted with the warmth by Earth's citizens, as they might have otherwise expected. + Thread: Disclosure may trigger A Battle for Planet Earth : Also on a thread on GEI. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drbubb Posted June 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 28, 2012 Oh dear, still listening to this thing and about 100 min in he mentions Rush Limbaugh like he's some sort of ally with credibility Big concerns about his judgement now. Rush can be an ally (at times), if he helps to reveal that something big is coming down. After that, he will be judged on his actions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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